Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 21, 1912, Image 2

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    Rev. Frank H. A dam s
to Speak a t C onference
The Coquille Herald
Entered as second class matter May
8, 1905. at tlie post office at Coqullle,
Oregon, umler act of Congress of March
8, 1879.
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and of Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
Statem ent of Expenses
of Political A spirants
Below will be found a statement
of expenses of candidates at the re­
cent election as appears on file in
the office of County Clerk Watson
Several seekers fot political p refer­
ment have not at this writing (T h u rs­
day, Nov. 21,) filed their accounts
although the date as provided by
law for doing so is placed at not
l a t t r than November 20. The c o u n ­
ty clerk will take action iu the m at­
0 . O. L u n d , republican candidate
foi sheriff, has sworn to having ex­
pended $133.05 in an endeavor to
wear the star of authority on his
huge form —and that he did donate
th at am ount none will deny.
W. W. G age contributed to a
good purpose $110.70.
T. J . T h rift will be assessor at
an expense of $08.45.
K. H. H an sen ’s expenses, in an
end eav o r to attain the aesessorship,
were 00 cents less than his o p po ­
n e n t’s, b ein g the sum of $07.85.
A. N. G ould expended $27.00 in
an endeavor to retain his hold as
A. E . Hadsall departed with
$39 20 of Uncle Sam’s coin with a
view of usiDg the surveyor’s inBtru
ments at the expense of the county.
H. C. D iets failed to file his ac­
count for the office of surveyor.
1. T. Weekly, democratic candid­
ate for county commissioner, made
a good run under the circumstances
at a cost to him of $23 35.
L. A. Roberts, tr easu rer of the
Republican Central Committee for
Coos county, reported receipts of
$72 and disbursem ents of $33.85.
Many candidates contributed to the
central committee fund and not
Candidates for minor offices con­
tributed n o tb io g as did also a few
for more im portant positions, while
others, as above slated , failed to r e ­
port, and their procrastination will
be peacefully, though perhaps pain­
fully, punctured.
T o the victor belongs the spoils
and local democratic patriots are
looking for the postoffice job. Sen-
a t o r s ' Chamberlain and Lain have
robbed Mr- H aw ley of this patron­
age and theirs will be the recom-
m< mlalion that counts
It will be
over three years before the present
postmaster’s term expires and none
can be found—even the aspirants for
the place— who care to disposess
our worthy uud efficient officer ot
Uncle Sam until his term shall
have expired.
T h a n k s g iv in g occnrrlng on p u b ­
lication day, the Herald n e x t week
will be p rinted on Wednesday. T h e
T h a n k s g iv in g bird has not yet
reached the editor’s sanctum , but
o ur b u m p of hope is big and we
still entertain a merry thought of
eating from a wish-bone
T h e l ’hiladelphia News Service,
326 329 Heal E state T r u s t Build-
iod, Philadelphia, Pa , Clement H
Cougdou, M anaging E ditor, fur*
nlhes the foilwing for the Herald:
T han ksgiviug Day in your city
will have a degree of International
importance this year because of the
fact th at the Rev. F r a n k H. Adams
has been invited to preach a special
sermon bearing upon the great
Second W o rld ’s Christian Citizen­
ship Conterence to be held at Port­
land, Oregon, J u n e 29-July 6, I9 t 3 .
T h au k sg iv in g Day is the one
holiday of all the year that has g o v ­
ernm ental or political significance
in that it is a legal holiday by
proclamation and, iu a sense, su p ­
ports the contention of the N atio n ­
al Reform Association th a t this is
a Christian country.
T h e feature of the d a y ’s services
has not been emphasized in the
news despite the fact th at it is re­
garded as a matter of tremendous
importance in certain religious cir­
T h e sermon we refer to might
be worth yo ur careful considera­
tion at this time because of the
world-wide interest in the P ort­
land conference which will mark
an epoch in the social an d relig­
ious history ol the world.
Pasadena, Cal. C. I.. Parsons of the
Chas. H. Watd Drug Co., writes: “We Ouly one store in each city handles
have sold and recommended Kolej’s
Honey and Tar Coiii|ound for years and
believe it to be one of the most efficient
medicines in ttie market. Contain^ no
opiates or narcotics, it can lie given
freely to children." Kulnman’s Phar­
The Jeweler
is the Exclusive Dealer in Coquille
The boy’s appetite is often a source of
amazement, It vou would have such an
appetite take Chamberlain’s Tablets
They not only create a healthy appetite An elegant line of beautiful designs
but strengthen the stomach and enable
and useful articles ju st
it to do its work naturally. For sale by
all druggists.
F o r Reut cheap—a small barn
iu Coquille especially if taken by the
year. Phone 3X
Call and Exam ine
G O O S B E R R IE S -O reg o n Cham­
Notice of Finai Settlement
pion Gooseberry bushes for sale.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
Bert Seal, Coqullle.
dersigned has filed his final account in
the matter of the adminstration of the
estate of John Swindal, deceased, and
that »he County Court has set Saturday,
the 7th day of December, 1912, as the
day and the County Court room at the
court house in Coquille, Coos county,
Oregon, as the place for hearing ob­
to said final account and the
L O S T —T w en ty dollars iu cu r­ jections
Spokane social ceuter advocates
settlement of said estate
Dated this 7th day of November, 1912.
have won their campaign and the rency. Will the honest finder re­
NOTIC E —The F a ir Store will
o rder any goods for the holidays
not carried in stock. Call early and
make selections.
Board of E ducation has adopted
a recom mendation providing for
the use of an y room suitable fot a
public meeting, in any of the thirty-
six Spokane ward school buildings
Meetings of an educational, social,
religious or political character are
specified as permissible, but must
be held un der the auspices ol a
regular organized body. T h e first
request for the use ot a school
building under the new ruling
came from the Socialists.
turn aud receive rew ard?
► »
PKE88IK S w in d a l ,
Administrator of the estate of John
Swindal, deceased.
W A N T E D — W ould like to lease
Notice of Final Account
In the County Court of the State of
a good dairy ranch, stocked with
Oregon for Coos County.
dairy cows. Prefer ranch with 12
In the matter of the Estate of II. E.
or 13 cows, but would consider a Wilcox, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under­
larger place. Box 2 1 1 , Coquille.
signed, the duly appointed, qualified,
and acting administratrix of the hktate
¡of H. E. Wilcox, deceased, has filed her
final account in the said estate in the
County Court for Coos County. Oregon,
fully showing her administration of said
estate, and that Momlav, the 2nd day of
December, 1912, has been set as the
time, and the County Court Room, in
City of Coquille, Coos County, Ore­
gon, as the place, for the hearing and
of said final account. All
V. R. W i l s o n , e x p e it watch- settlement
persons having any objection to said
settlement thereof, may
By Damon Harvey, Clearfield, Penn.,
of watches skillfully repaired. S a t­ present them at that time and place.
author of the sketches ‘ From the
A nna W ilcox , Administratrix.
Bard of Brewery Hill.”
isfaction to all. Bandon, Oregon.
F O R S A L E — Horse, bu gg y and
harness. Horse formerly owned by
Cabtain Butler aud kn o w n to be a
good auim al for either riding or
driv ing
Address Mrs. C. A. Pet­
erson, Riverton, Oregon.
Send “ Teddy” back to foreign climes,
To jungles far away,
To gnash his shark teeth, with delight,
On monster beasts of prey;
He’s shared his laurels of our land,
All homage due to man,
And yet like some spoiled, petted child
Contentment never planned.
Wm, L. Cook, who was postmaster
at Neihart, Montana, writes: “ I recom­
mend Foley’s Honey and Tar Com­
pound to all my people and they are nev­
er disappointed with it. Foley’ r Hon­
ey and Tar Compound for couvlis and
colds gives best possible results.” Fuhr-
man’s Pharmacy.
He swayed his party from its post,
The horde that gave him fame,
His catch-vote phrase ‘Progressiveness’
Proved unavailing game;
He plunged the poinard of reproach
Deep in the party’s side
The party that he strove to be—
Their Lord, their God and guide.
A Bargain in Lots
He garnered for himself, chagrin,
Defeated President Tail,
He grinned to catch the people’s vote,
But now the people laugh;
They smelled the scent of that Moose,
Dreaded the fatal hour—
When he alone could rule
With self-exalting'power.
One of the best buys in
Coquille for the money
is to be bad in the
on the corner opposite
the Christian church.
Need money— will offer
them for a short time for
$350 =
One-half down, the reR
Traced to the field of Wilson’s fame
They caught him by the horns
on easy payments : : :
They used persuasives—switched him up
Phone 3 X
C. A. Pendleton
With Bryan’s “Crown of Thorns;”
In rampant rage he broke their hold
And starting in dismay,
No peep-sight gun could check the speed
He made towards Oyster Bay.
Then send him back to foreign climes,
To some benighted zone.
Where flattering schemes may help him
A country of his own.
We need no blarney, blustering bluffs,
We need no warriors bold,
Our Hock of people peace will find
In Woodrow Wilsm’s fold.
With Congress and the Senate too
And Bryan by his side,
The grafting horde will cease to rob
F o r the Ladies
The people’s purse and pride;
No cries for freedom will be heard.
McCall’s Magazine -the leading
No wrongs need ere be felt.
fastiion jo u r n a l in America, is 50 c When people worship God, alone,
Not “Teddy” Roosevelt.
a year, the Coquille Herald $1 50 a
year. For those paying in advance
we will give the magazine and a
15 cent pattern o( your own choice
trout your first copy of McCall's>
together with the Herald for one-
year for $1 75 T h is offer is good
only for a limited time. See adver-i
iisement elsewhere in this issue.
Copies of the above poem, nicely
printed, may be had by sending five
two cent stamps to the Invalid Anthor,
Damon Harvey, Clearfield, Pa.
A. J. Bailey, a 1; R, Engineer, Bates-
vllle, Ark., says: ‘ 1 suffered with kid-'
ney nml bladder trouble so liad I was
unable to work. X bad such severe pains
iu my back I could hardly get up. I
tried several physu iani with 110 result,
..... »*•*•
but Foley Kidney Fills have done won­
"It is a pleasure to tell vou that ders for me. I re< omnaend them to all.
Clianilierlain’s Cougli Itemed" is the Kulmnan's Phan. - iy,
— -----
» « •* -«
-- ■ ■ —
l>est emigli meilii'in.' I have ever used,"
writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, ot Lavnnia,
The advice that your friends
tia. “1 have used it with all my chil­
dren ami the result! have l>een highly hands you seldom leads to their
satisfactory ” For sale by all druggists. pockets.
Wood would you btiug us wood
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice of Fiaal Account
on th at subscription account to the
Notice is hereby given that the un­
Notice is hereby given that Herman
dersigned has filed his final account in L. Carl and John'D. Carl, executors ol
H erald ?
“ These wonderful crops,” he said,
“ are almost enough to make you be­
Don’t wash) your money buying
strengthening plasters, Chamberlain's
lieve the cross-cut saw story.
Liniment is cheaper and better. Dam­
“ A farmer, you know, sent his
pen a piece of flannel with it and bind
it over the affected parta anil it will re­
hired m an to a neighbor’s with a
lieve tlie (win and soreness. For title
note saying:
by all druggists.
‘F riend Smith —Will you please
In th e C irc u it C o u rt o f th e S ta te of
lend me y o u r cross cut saw, as I
O re g o n f o r C o o . C o u n ty
wish to cut a watermelon up so as
Frank Burkholder,
to get it into my dray?'
“ The neighbor wrote back:
E. G. Lee, Edward Ca­
S uit
“ ’F riend Jones -I would be glad
rey, Robert Harper, E.
Murphy, H. M.
to lend you my saw, hut same has The World’s Best in Finish and Accur­ Rogers,
W. K. Taylor,
E quity
ate Workmanship
ju s t got stuck in a canteloupe.’’
M. G. Halverson, H.
S pokane Schorls to
be Social Centers
- ■ -
Go drive that Bull Moose from our shore
Those horns we truly fear.
To foreign forests drive him off
We do not need him here;
His bellowing disturbs the peace,
His action troubles breed,
Chase him away to pastures new
On other lands to feed.
Better Than Coos
Str. Elizabeth
Regular as the Clock
San Francisco
a n d Bandon
First-class fare only
Up freight, per ton
E. & E. T. Kruse
2 4 C a lifo rn ia S tr e e t, S a n F ra n c is c o
R e s e rv a tio n s
A g e n ts, C o q u ille , O re g o n
S tr. B ro o k ly n
Plying Between
San Francisco
and Bandon
First-class fare only
Up freight. |>er ton......... ..... 3.00
Sudden & Christiansen
_ Ou» i o n .to u.t4a, aUm wind »stab buuilfuily
4..:<D«d eiM.faoio», «Mt«l.»uar.atM d for by «tra
I u 4 ibis laus« styls doubl» h«trt .irne! rtor >ra
i.»a to boys aa4 (lrl< for tel ho» g
will aasd you a t ono.i
L. Halverson, Bridget
Q uiet
Finn, Edward B. Per-
T itle
rine, and Aztec Land
and Cattle Company, a
To Edward B. Perrine, one of the
above named defendants:
OF OREGON: You are hereby re­
quired to appear and answer the com­
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of
this summons, towit: within six weeks
from the 17th day of October, 1912, the
same being the date of the first publi­
cation of this summons; and if you fail
so to appear or answer on or before
the 28th day of November, 1912, the
same being the date of the last publi­
cation of this summons, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment
against you and will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in his said com­
plaint, a succinct statement of which is
as follows: That you be required to set
up and allege whatever right, title or
interest is claimed by you in and to
the real estate described in said
complaint, or any part or parcel there­
of, towit: Lot 2 of section 31 and
the northwest quarter of the north­
west quarter of section 8, all in
township 24 south of range ten west of
the Willamette meridian; lot 4t> of block
li in Steamboat addition to the town of
Yarrow, according to the plat thereof
on file and of record in the office of the
County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon;
lots 19, 20, 21 and 22 in block 2; lots 28
and 24 in block (i; lots 9, 10, 11, 12 in
block 8; lots 33, 34, 35 and 36 in block
18; lots 6, 7, 10 and 11 in block 23 all in
Portland addition to the town of Ban­
don, according to the plat thereof on
file and of record in the office of the
County Clerk of said Coos County; all
of the said real estate being situate in
the County of Coos and State of Ore­
gon; and that the title of the plaintiff
in and to the said real estate and
every part and parcel thereof be quieted
against you, the said defendant, and
against any and all persons claiming by,
through or under you; and that you and
and any and all persons claiming by,
through or under you be forever enjoin
ed and restrained from setting up any
claim of right, title or interest in or to
the said real estate and every part and
parcel thereof; that plaintiff have judg­
ment against you for his costs and dis­
bursements in this suit; and for such
other and further relief as to the Court
may seem meet and equitable.
Service of this summons upon you is
made by publication thereof in the Co­
quille Herald for a period of six weeks
by an order of the Honorable John S.
Coke, Judgeof the above entitled Court,
dated the 14th day of October, 1912.
J. J. S tanley ,
Attorney for Plantiff.
Residing at Coquille, Coos County,
the matter of the estate of Milton Asa
Epperson, deceased ; anil that the Coun­
ty Court has set Fridey, the 20th day of
December, 1912, as the day and the
County Court room in the court house
in Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon,
as the place for hearing objections to
said final account and the settlement of
said estate.
A. J. S herwood ,
Executor of the Last Will and Testa­
ment and ot the Estate of Milton A a
Epperson, decease« 1.
H ave you paid the p rin te r?
llie estate of August Carl, deceased,
have filed their filial account as such
executors with the clerk of the County
Court for Coos County, Slate of Oregon,
and that Monday, tile 28rd day of De­
cember, 1912, at the court bou-e in said
Coos Countv. has been appointed by
tlie Hull. John E. Hall, judge of said
Court, as tlie day and place for the
hearing of object'ons tosaid dual account
and the settlement then of.
II khman I.. Cam.,
J ohn D. C aul ,
Executors of the estate of August
Carl, deceased.
out above the or«linarv as the
sun shines out above the moon
and stars. It’s no use trying
to imagine how light, tooth­
some and wholesome our bread
is. You h.ive simply got to
try it to know’ and the sooner
you make the trial, the 8« o 1 « r
you will appreciate how good
bread can be.
City Bakery
P a u l S te p h a n , P r o p .
Three Loaves for Ten Cents
Christmas Suggestion
Four $5.00 Bills
will get th e
Eclipse Graphophone
Continuous tone chamber, improved Colombia re­
producer, tone-control shutters, noiseless motor
See an d h ear the m achine at
A N D E R S O N ’S
New and Second-H and Goods
mmmmmm mammmm mmmmmm wmM
--------------------------------- ------------—
- —
Write Ideas For Moving Picture Plays!
E A R N $ 2 5 .0 0 OR M O RE W E E K L Y
We Will Show You How
If you have ideas— if you can TH IN K — we will show
you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no
experience or literary excellence necessary. No “flowery lan­
guage” is wanted.
The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The
big film manufacturers are “moving heaven and earth” in their
attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing
demand. They are offering $100 and more, for single scen­
arios, or written ideas.
Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays,
are located in or near New Y ork City. Being right on the
spot, and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted
by the producers, our Sales D ep artm en t has a tremendous
advantage over agencies situated in distant cities.
W e have received many letters from the big film manufac­
turers, such as V itagraph, Edison, Essanay, Lubin, Imp,
Solax, Rex, Reliance, Cham pion, Com et, M elies, Etc.,
urging us to send photoplays to them. W e want more writers
aud we’ll gladly teach you the secrets of success.
We are selling photoplays written by
people who “never before wrote a line
for puplication.”
Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of*
only one good idea every week and will write it out as directed
by us, and it sells for only $25., a low fiigure,
You Will Earn $100 P^lonthly for Spare Time
r p C T Send your name and address fo r free copy
I n L L our illustrated book, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING."
Don t hesitate. Don t Argue. Write now and learn
just what this new profession may mean for you and your future.
A g e n ts, S an F ra n c is c o , C a lifo rn ia
F o r R e s e rv a tio n s
A g e n ts. C o q u ille , O re g o n
1543 Broadway