Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 14, 1912, Image 4

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Coquille Herald
is now fully equipped with modern
faces of type and accessories
for the execution of
Startling Presentation ot Goni­
ina Events.
Churches ot All Denominations and the
Civil Powers of Earth Are About to
Unite In Common Cause— Powerful
Influence Preparing For the Battle
of Armageddon—A Reign of Anarchy
Will Be the Result of the Warfare
Until The Me . »».ah Takes Control.
in a style unexcelled and at prices
equally as inviting as can be
obtained from others
Caiu i n r i s
W ork entrusted to us will receive the personal supervision
of a practical printer who takes pride in the
proper execution of every detail
Give Us a Trial Order
Is the Cut Rate Price
For the Semi-Weekly Journal
And the Coquille Herald until
February 1, 1914
This offer is good on all subscriptions received until N ov e m b er
15, 1912. Subscribe at once, while the fail cam paign fo r
scriptions is on, and g e t the benefit o f the cut rates. The
regu lar price o f the Coquille H erald and of the S e m i-W e e k ly
Journal is $1.50 a year, each, but by this extraordinary offer
you can save one-third o f your money, and still g e t both
papers from receipt o f subscription until F eb ru ary 1, 1914
This is the greatest bargain ever offered to the
newspaper readers of Coos county
Readers o f the S e m i-W e ek ly Journal g e t accurate m arket
reports twice a week, as w e ll as all the gen eral new s.
agricultural departm ent is o f g re a t valuo;to general farm ers,
orchardists, poultrymen, livestock men and others o f rural
pursuits, and there are other special features o f interest to
every m em ber o f the family. You all know the H e ra ld — that
it is the oldest new spaper and the best in the Coquille valley
1 bis offer is made to old as well as new subscribers.
Tell your friends and neighbors about it
and get them to subscribe, loo
Brooklyn, N. Y.
3. — T h e
Brooklyn Academy
of M u 8 1 c \v a s
crowded to the lim
It today to hear
P a s t o r Bussell’s
discourse on the
“ Battle of Arum
gwltlon.” Ills text
was: “ He gathered
them together uuto
> —■ mi » ■■»"»■ — »»/ u placed called in
1 PASTOR. RUSSELL)) the Hebrew tongue
A T m a g e d d o n
(Revelation xvi, 10.) The speaker said.
Armageddon In the Hebrew signifies
the “ Hill of Megiddo,” or Mouut of De
struction. It was famous as a battle
Held in Old Teat ament times.
The Lord bus seen tit to associate the
name Armageddon, with the great con
troversy net ween Truth and Error
right anti wrong. God and Mammon,
with which this Age will close, perish
and tile New Age of Messiah’s glory
be ushered in Ele has purposely used
highly symbolical figures of speech in
the Iasi book of the Bible, evidently
with a view to hiding certain lrnpor
taut truths until the due time for theii
revealment. But even in the due time,
the Bible assures us, “ None of the
wicked shall understand” (Daniel xii.
1). 10» none who are out of heart bar
mony with God- hut only the wise ot
ills people the “ wise virgin” class ot
the Master’s parable.
1 have long avoided presentation ot
my understanding of our text and Its
context. 1 take it up now by request
and because I believe it is due time to
he understood I disclaim any special
In some particulars my
views agree with those of other Bible
students, and In other respects they
Knch bearer must use his
own judgment, do his own Bible study
and reach his own conclusions.
Kindly remember that 1 am not re j
sponsible for the figures of speech used
by the Lord My interpretations do in
deed constitute a terrible arraignment
of Institutions which we have all rever
enced and which embrace good people,
of good words and good works. God’s
saintly people in these various institu­
tions. being comparatively few, are
Ignored when systems as a whole are
dealt with in prophecy.
The Dragon, Beast, False Prophet.
Our context tells us that three im
pure spirits «teachings) will go forth
from the mouths of the Dragon, the
Beast and the False Prophet, and these
three will be in accord, and symbolical
ly the doctrines are represented by
“ frogs ” These three doctrines are to
have a mighty influence throughout the
civilized earth
They are to gather
the kings and their armies to the great
Battle of Armageddon.
The ecclesiastical kings and princes,
and their retinues of clergy and faith
ful adherents, will be gathered in solid
phalanx Protestant and ( ’atliolle. The
kings and captain* of industry, and ns
many as can be influenced by them,
will lie gathered to the same side. The
political kings and princes, with nil
their henchmen and retainers, will fol
low in line on tin* same side
financial kings and merchant princes,
and all whom they can Influence by the
most gigantic power ever yet exercis
t»d in the world, will join the same
side according to this prophecy.
These "doctrines of demons,” repre
senfed by the “ frogs." will lead many
noble people In this great army to as
mime an attitude quite contrary to
their preference.
For a time the
j Here is a Genuine Bargain!!
I -----------Magazine,
Me Call’s Magazine, one
one year
The Coquille Herald,
Any 15-Cent McCall Pattern
McCall’s Magazine
the matter of dress, M cC all's is indispensable
to every woman.
I here are over 50 of the newest
designs of celebrated M cC all Patterns in i h issue.
Each month 1.100.000 copies of McCall's,
brimful of latest fashions, fancy work, interesting short
stones, and scores of labor-savin;; and money ideas
for women, are welcome visit. • • to 1,-
100,000 wide-awake American homes.
All for Only
vy j - !
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Don’t Miss This Extraordinary Offer
W e take pleasure in offering our friends this ex­
ceptional opportunity.
By special advertising arrangement with the pub­
lishers of M c C a ll’s we are able to offer you this
well-known popular Monte and f ashion Journal
together with our own paper for only a few cents
more than the regular price of our
paper alone.
M c C a ll’s is a lari;e, artistic, hand­
somely illustrated 100-page monthly
periodical that is adding to women's
happiness and efficiency everywhere.
T h e publishers of M c C a ll’s are
platlniti; to spend thousan I of dol­
lars extra in 1915 in order t< ke
M cC all's head and shonli
all similar pulilit ations. E
will be full of delightful
I f you wish
in style, and l>e
h hi
M c C a ll’s withn
il. Pi
50c a year, ttu ln,
iny 1 Si ilcCa
$1 Di
Pattern free. Po
ly wot
^ «
ITie above extraordinary offer may
be accepted by all persons who sub­
scribe. renew or extend their time
ahead on either publication for the
time mentioned. T h e only requisite
is that you pay in ad\ ance.
Remember, if you accept our big
M cC all bargain— the best we have
ever made— you may select free of
harge any one of t! celebrated I f
M cC all Patterns from your first copy
of M cCall's by sending a post .aril
request to ITie M cC all Company.
Call at this office or send your
order by mail. Subscribe to d a y .*
1 H E R A L D , Coquille, Oregon
wl»tH»la*«»f lilKMty and progri»** will In»
j turned back ward and medieval ro-
Htrainta will t>e considered necessary
| for self preservation for the mainte­
nance of the present order of things,
In giving this Interpretation, it Is
n »»pessary for os to indicate what Is
symbolised by the Dragon, the Beast,
and the False Prophet. Bible students
of nearly all denominations agree with
us that the “ Dragon” of Revelation
represent* the purely Civil Power
Protestuut Interpreters generally agree
that tlie “ Beast like a leopard” «Here
lati«>ii i111. *>: represents the Papacy
But fewer still, we fear, will be ready
to support our view that Protestantism
is the “ Image of the Beast” (Revelation
xill, 18) in our context given another
name, “ the False Prophet.” We urge
tio one to accept our Interpretation
nor shall we think hard of any who
refuse It. We will neither slander nor
otherwise Injure them now. nor threat
en them with eternal torture. Tho\
have the same right to their views that
1 have, and the same right to make
them known to others. And 1. for
one. will be very glad to consider any
thing which opponents may sot fortli
as their Interpretations of our text.
“ Unclean Spirits Like Frogs.”
The symbolisms of Scripture, right
ly understood, are always forceful
When the Holy Spirit used a “ frog'
doctrines or teachings, we may be
sure the true application will tit well
A frog has u sage look, a wise look
It swells itself up in an apparent en
deavor to Impress the beholder, its
great mouth well represents its chief
power, used to croak.
Applying these symbols, we learn
that an evil spirit. Influence, teaching
will come from the Protestant churches
federated, from the Church of Rome
and from the Civil authorities, all In
full agreement. The spirit of all wib
be boastful; an air of superior wisdom
and knowledge will be proudly assum
ed—all will croak in harmony All vvil
fell of dire results that would follow
involving the interests of both the
present und the future life. If the!»
counsel be not followed However con
Dieting the creeds, the differences wib
tie ignored in the general proposition
that nothing ancient must he disturb
ed. or looked Into, or repudiated
The Divine authority of the Church
and the Divine right of kings, aside
from the Church, will not be allowed
to conflict. Any persons or teachings
in conflict with these boastful and un
scriptural claims will be branded as
everything rile, at the mouths of these
“ frogs" speaking from pulpits and
platforms and through the religious
and secular press The nobler sent)
incuts of some will be strangled by the
philosophy of the same evil spirit
which spoke through Calapluis. the
high priest, respecting Jesus. As Cal«
plias declared it expedient to commit
a crime in violation of justice, human
and Divine, to be rid of Jesus and His
teachings, so tills “frog" spirit will ap
prove of every violation of principle
necessary to their self-protection
The croaking of these “ frog’’ spirits or
doctrines will gather the kings and
princes, financial, political, religious
and industrial into one great arm>
The spirit of fear, inspired by the
croaklngs of these “ frogs,” will scourge
the passions of otherwise good and
reasonable men to fury, desperation
In their blind following of these evil
spirits, evil doctrines, they will be
ready to sacrifice life and everything
on the altar of what they mistakenly
suppose is Justice, truth and righteous
ness, under a Divine arrangement.
For a brief time, as we understand
the Scriptures, these combined forces
of Armageddon will triumph.
speech, free mails, and other liberties
which have come to be the very breath
of the masses in our day, will be ruth
lessly shut off under the plea of neces
sity. the glory of God, the commands
of the Church, etc. All will seem to be
serene, until the great social explosion
in our context described as the “ great
An “ earthquake.” in
symbolic language, signifies social
revolution, and the declaration of the
context Is that none like unto It evei
before occurred. (Revelation xvi. 18
10.) Jesus described it as a time ol
trouble such as never was since there
was a nation. -Matthew xxlv, 21.
The Lord Will Gather Them.
The false, frog-like teachings wll.
gather together into one host the great
the rich, the wise, the learned and the
kings of the earth, to battle. At this
juncture Divine Bower will step for­
ward. and our text tells us that II t-
shall gather the marshaled hosts to
Armageddon—to the Mountain of De
struction The very thing which they
sought to avert by their union, federn
tiou, etc., will be the very thing they
will hasten Other Scriptures tell us
that God will be represented by the
Great Messiah, and that lie will be on
the side of the masses. Thus we read
in Daniel xii. 1; “ At that time shall
Michael ithe Godlike One—Messiah]
stand up” —assume authority He will
take possession of His Kingdom in a
manner little looked for by many of
those who erroneously have been
claiming that they were His Kingdom,
and authorized by Him to reign in His
name and In His stead.
Jesus declared. “ Ills servants ye are
unto whom ye render service.” Some
may be rendering service to Satan and
to error, who claim to be rendering
service to God and to rtghteousne*#
and some of these may be serving ig
norantly, ns did Saul of Tarsus, who
“ verily thought that be did God u son-
ice” in persecuting the Church
same principle holds true reversely
.Ls an earthly king does not hold him
self responsible for the moral character
of each soldier who fights in his bat
ties, so the Lord does not vouch for the
moral character or all who will enlist
: ! fight on His -¡de o f any question j
” IIis servants they are to whom they
render set*'ice,’’ whatever the motiv»-
or object prompting them
The same principles will apply In the
'•omlng Battle ot Armageddon God’s
side of that battle will Is- the people’*
side, and the very nondescript host
the people, will l** pitted at the begin-
nli-u of the battle. Anarchists, Social
and hot-headed radicals of every
s. h<ml of reason and unreason, will l»e
forefront of that battle. The
ty of the poor and the middle
refer |H»ace at almost any price.
consecrafed people, wllf at ITearT be
<l ,"i « iTi I t < >
iii inifost, ,1
Stenography anct typewriting for
longing for Messiah’s Kingdom These Thenceforth I-ni el In Die In nit of prom ,
■* „ . * /
- ... , ...... “ .
will bide the Ixml's time and wait pa
Ise will gridii.tll.v rise frinii the ashes !. .
* 11 ptot.-a
« c.
tiently for It; they will t>e of good of the past c. the irr.tiid.-n> .if proph
transacted at Hie Herald
courage, know ing the outcome outlined ee.v
Thronet. Its Dlrlnelv appointed < nice. All work entrusted to os
In the “ more sure word of prophecy." prim e« Messiah’s Ktnirdoni. allqiower treated confidenti.illv .
to which they have done well to take fill but Invisible, will lyirln to rol
heed, “ ns unto a light shilling in a a.vay rhe curse and to lift up mankind
»When do you pay the printer ?
dark place until the Day d aw n” —II
Peter I. lb
The masses will be restless of their A J. SHERWOOD Prat.
R. t . S H I N t , V.-Pivs.
restraints, but will be conscious of
I. H. HAZARD, Coaler
0 . C SANFORD. Asat. Cashier
their owu weakness as compared to the
kings and princes, financial, religious
and political, which will then hold
sway. Besides, the masses have no
sympathy with anarchy. They realize
o p CO gUILiliB, O R E G O N .
truly that the worst form of govern
incut is better than none. The masses
will seek relief through the ballot and
peaceful re adjustment of earth s at
fairs for the elimination «if evil, for
Board of Direc to rs.
the placing of mono|M)lles and utilities
o Commerce, New York Ci
and the supplies of nature In the hands
L. Hturiocker,
L. H. Hazard,
•!rocker Wool worth N’lBank, Ran Fun
of the people for the public good 1’he
Lsaiah Haulier,
R.K. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland. 1 v.rtliu
crisis will be reached when the hither
to upholders of law shall become vlo
la tors of the law and resistors of the
will of the majority as expressed n.\
R. s. Ktÿowi/roN, President
G eo . A. R obinson , Viee-Pres.
the ballot. Fear for the tuture win
R. 11. M a s t , Cashier.
lead the well meaning masses to desper
at ion; and anarchy will result when
Socialism falls.
The Cloud’s Silver Lining.
Horrible would he this outlook for
the future did we not have the in fa Hi
ble Word of God assuring us of n [j
glorious outcome! Divine Wisdom has
withheld uutll our day the great know !
edge and skill which is at the same
Op, ned lor Busines March. 1 9 0 9
time breeding millionaires aud discon­
tents. Had God lifted the veil n thou
corkkspond ents :
sand years sooner, the world would !
have lined up for Its Armageddon n y
Ladd & Tilton Hank, lVirtland
F irst National Bank. San Francisco
thousand years sooner.
But that J,
N ation al P ark, N e w Y ork
F irst T rust & Savings, Coos B a y
would have been too soon for the IM
vine pur|H)se. because Messiah’s King
dom Is to lie the great Thousand
Year-Sabbntli of the world’s history
«S--33-iT-e- ~ s~ ^r^í ■Sr-rï-ir- e r i ,
¿s ¡r:~=3
e re
God in kindness veiled our eyes until
the time when the gathering to Ar
mageddon would immediately precede
Messiah's taking to Himself His greal
[»ower. und beginning His reign.—Revo
lotion xi. 17. 1<S.
“ Send Them Strong Delusions.”
St Paul wrote prophetically of oni
time, that it would l>e one of .serious
From Portland 9 A. M.
trial and testing to many professing to
N ovem ber 2, 9, 10. 29, 20
be Christians. The reason for this he
states—they received not tlie Truth in
From Coos Bay
the love of it (II Thessaloniat^ ii. 10
N o v e m b er 5, 12, 19, 2d
11.) They preferred their own errotie
oils theories, tlie Apostle explains, aud
Phone M ain 181 f
therefore God will give them over to a
“strong delusion,” and let them believe
tlie lie which they preferred, and lei
them suffer for missing the Truth
which they did not love Thus they
will be in the condemned host, “ light
Fred Von Pegert
C. I. Kime
Ing against God.” because of their luck
of love for the Truth.
It is sad to say that we all ns Chris
fin ns have been laboring under a thor
ough delusion respecting God’s Plan
We have claimed that Christ set up
Mis Church in Kingdom power, and
that the Church has been reigning on
the earth as His representative. On
the strength of this delusion. Jews and
heretics have been persecuted to death
G e neral
as opponents to Christ’s Kingdom All
W agon M aking,
the while we thoughtlessly repented
W ork , Pattern M ak ing and
C asting, Autom obile W ork .
the Lord's prayer: "Thy Kingdom
come; Thy will be done on earth, as in
Heaven.” We knew that the Redeemer
said that He would come again to
make us Ells Bride and joint heirs; but
we ignored the Scriptures
We were
drunk, as the Scriptures symbolically
say. “all nations were drunk" with the
false doctrine. It is tills false doctrim
that will constitute the “ frog” spirit
which soon will begin to croak and to
prepare for Armageddon
The Bible presentation is that the
world Is a section of the universe in
rebellion against Divine authority, un
der the captaincy of Satan and his as
sociated fallen angels By Divine grace
Jesus lias already “ tasted death foi g
Tf>< p e r H U N D R E D
every man.” und the merit of that sac
rfflee must, eventually, grant Adam and
his posterity a full, fair opportunity
for the attainment of everlasting life
All who thus see the Divine program
and are walking in the light may know
Phoue Main 243
something at least respecting the “ times
and seasons" These brethren "are
not in darkness, that that day land
that battle of Armageddon] should
overtake" them "as n thief” - un
a wares
Armageddon Not Yet but Soon.
For forty years the Armageddon
forces have been mustering for both
sides of the conflict Strikes, lockouts
and riots, great and small, have been
merely incidental skirmishes ns the
belligerent parties crossed each other’s
Court and Army scandals in
Europe. Insurance. Trust and Court
scandals in America, have shaken pub
When you buy a stallion you
11“ confidence
Dynamite plots, cliarg
ed by turns on employees and on em
want quality, because you know that
ployers. have further shaken conji
what has happened in the past will
deuce and tended to make each dls
occur in the future. I f you buy a Stickney Engine you w ill
trustful of the other Bitter and angry
obtain the satisfaction o f 1 5 ,0 0 0 present users.
feelings on both sides are more and
more manifest. The lines of battle are
daily becoming more distinctly marked
Nevertheless Armageddon cannot yet
be fought. Other matters Intervene,
according to prophecy.
Gentile times have still two years to
I'he “ linage of the Beast” of our
context must yet receive /iff—power
The Image must be transformed from
a mere mechanism to a living force
Protestant Federation realizes that its
organization will still he futile unless
if receive vitnlization unless Its clergy
directly or indirectly shall be recog
> > ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- —
uized as possessed of apostolic ordina
tion and authority to teach This the j
prophecy Indicates will come from the I
two horned beast, which, we believe. i
symbolically represents the Church of i
High handed activities of
R em em ber
are still g iv in g
good douliln
Protestantism and Catholicism, opera t- j
disc grapbophone record when your catdi
mg in conjunction for the suppression
of human liberties, await this vivifying j
purchase amounts to $5 00, by the paym ent
of the Image This may come soon
of 35 cents extra. A good assortment to
hut Armageddon cannot precede It. but
must follow perhaps a year after It. j
.elect from. A full and com plete line of
according to our view o f the Prophecy
Staple and Fancy G roceries, F loor, F e d ,
Still another thing Intervenes: Al­
though the Jews are gradually flowing
L 'ird, Fdc. See us before buying Econom y
into Palestine, gradually obtaining con 1
trol of f!ie land of Canaan, and a'
F ru it Jars.
though report* say that already nine
teen ml I Ilona ires are there, never) he
les-« prophecy requires an evidently!
dreer number of wealthy Hebrews to
la* there tie fore the Armageddon crisis
bi* reached
Indeed we understand
that “.lmob'> trouble' in the Holy
Land will come at the very close »1
.\.ruiag 5 *<jdoip Then Messiah’* l\i"w
'I r a n s a c t b a G e n e r a l H a n k i n g IJutoinetes*
I Farmers and Merchants Bank I
Magoon —
Strawberry Plants |
Nosier & Norton
Coquille, Ore.
O N L Y 35 c
Drasie's Store I