T h e C o q u ille H e r a ld PU B LISH ED EVEKY THURSDAY j E nter«! ae second clans m atter May | 8 , 190ft. a t tiie post oitnw at ('«quill». Oregon, under act ol Congress of .March S, 1879. _____ ; W ALTER G. ACKERMAN, Publisher Devoted to the m aterial and social upbuilding of the (¡oquille Valley par- ticularly and of C ods County generally. Subscription. $1.50 per year in advance P h o n e , M ain 354. PA TR IO TISM -O U R MOTIVE A DVERTIS1NG is the royal highway to opulence and wealth. It is the vital principle that makes for succsss in any business institution. Selling is a moil important science and de­ serves every consideration by discerning men. The oquill e Herald will be found an excellent salesman. Prosperous men are those who advertise. No one will dispute this. The Herald is at your disposal. The circulation is extensive and the rates are very reasonable. tjj Our subscription books are open for inspection to all our customers. Fair, isn’t it? Try an “ ad ” with us. N o v e m b er r 8 , A pple D ay. N a v em b e r D ay. 2 i, Made-in-Oregon N o v e m b er 18-23 P acific I n t e r ­ n a tio n a l D a iry show , P o rtla n d . F o r th e first tim e since th e re p u b ­ lican p a rty w as b o rn , M a ss a c h u se tts voted for a d e m o c ra tic p re s id e n t. A re y o u r lig h ts too d im ? D a v id w ro te h is p sa lm s by th e lig h t of a sm o k y to rch . — A m e ric a n M a g a zin e. D efeated c a n d id a te s h a v e e x ­ pre sse d an o p in io n th a t th e su p p ly o f e le ctio n lia rs th is y e a r w a s m u ch above n o rm a l. W o rk of d rillin g th e c o n c re te sid e w a lk s p re p a ra to ry to p u ttin g u p th e iro n e le ctric lig h t p o sts is now g oing o n . C o q u ille w ill soon h a v e w ell lig h te d m o d ern stre e ts in k e e p ­ in g w ith o th e r s u b s ta n tia l im p ro v e ­ m en ts in p ro g re ss. L ocal d e m o c ra ts a re lo o k in g for th e p o sitio n h e ld by A. F L itie g a r a lte r h is te rm o f office sh a ll h a v e e x p ire d , w h ic h is som e th re e y e ars h e n ce . S e v e r a l w illin g h a n d s are eag er to g ra s p t h t postoffice jo b , b u t th e fellow w ith th e “ big m it t ” w ill receive it. C an you n a m e th e m an ? tfcU U M U U D istric t A tto rn e y B row n is e la te d o v e r th e o u tco m e ol th e tria l of th e R o se b u rg b re w e ry . T h e y c h a n g e d th e ir fo rm er plea o f “ n o t g u ilty ’’ to “ g u i lt y ” a n d J u d g e H a m ilto n im ­ posed a fine o f 5 5 ° ° a g a in s t th e R o se b u rg B re w in g a n d Ice c o m p a ­ n y , as a c o rp o ra tio n , $250 a g a in s t O scar K lin k e , a n d $250 a g a in s t eac h of th e live d ire c to rs o f th e c o r ­ p o ra tio n . T h e m a n u fa c tu re of " n e a r b e e r” is e x p e n s iv e . OFFICIAL COUNT COOS COUNTY STRENUOUS SIEGE SILENCED Dism ay P erches on Faces of the V anquished -O rd eal of Count a P atien ce T ester for County Clerk W atson The election of 11)12 has passed I into bistory nud the political pages of the past will not divulge a s m any surprises as tbe onu just held— par­ ticularly in national affiirs unless it be the memorable trials of 18C0. In tbe state, district and county tbe returns reveal the retention in office many officers who have been tested and the voters b are placed tbe stamp of approval on their efficiency. The handshake of the vanquished | does not possess th e vice-like grip nor tbe face radiate with as pleasur­ able a smile as before election—but tbis is quite n a t u r a l . O ru n ty Clerk Watson and bis efficient deputies have had an irk­ some task in totaling the figures b u t it was done speedily and accu­ ra te ly . The result of the retu rn s follow: F or President—T aft, Rep. 698; W il­ son, Dem. 1081; Chafin, Pro. 87; Debs, Soc. 837; Roosevelt, Prog. 946. F o r C ongress—Campbell. Prog. 537; Hawley, Rep. 1046; Richardson, Soc. 829; Sm ith, Dem. 656. U .S .S e n ato r—Bourne, Ind. 504; Clark Prog. 286; Lane, Dem. 982; Ramp, Soc. 727; P a g e t, Pro. 96; Selling. Rep. 957. D istrict A tto rn ey —Brown, Rep. 1747; Cannon, Soc. 809; Cardwell, Ind. 650; Long, Dem. 399. S ta te Senator—K aiser, Soc. 983; Sm ith Rep. 1319; Stem m ier. Ind. 1131. S ecretary of S ta te —Kennedy, Prog. 398; Olcott, Rep. 1175: Reddaway, Soc. 813; Ryan, Dem. 622; W hite, Pro. 110. Suprem e C ourt Judge—B right. Pro. 176; E akin, Reb. 1215; Slater, Dem, 713; W eaver, Soc 973. D airy Commissioner—Barzee, So, 119; D unbar, Pro. 219; Lea, Dem. 866 ; Mick­ le, Rep. 1325. Railroad Com.—Campbell, Rep. 2242; V oget, Pro. 442. C ircuit Judge — H arris, Rep. 2290; Quick, 1. Jo in t R epresentative—Hall, Soc. 877; Meredith, Dem. 1038; Pierce, Rep, 1020; Schliem ann, Prog. 339. R epresentative—Barton, Rep. 1385; Hall, Pro. 360; Robison, Dem. 1098. S heriff—Gage, Dem. 1743; Lund, Rep: 1116; C arter, Pro. 106;O rr, Soc. 591. A ssessor—Hansen, Rep, 1118; T h rift, Dem. 1633; W eiling, Soc. 824. Surueyor — Diers, Ind. 951; Gould, Rep. 1226; Hadsall, Ind. 1002. Com missioner—D em ent, Rep. 1483; Gilroy, Soc. 912; W eekly, Dem. 1096. County Clerk — Stephan, Soc. 937; W atson, Rep. 2324. T rea su re r—Coffelt, Soc. 1043; Dim- mick, Rep. 2377. Co. School S u p t.—B aker, Rep. ¡2364; Park, 1; Brown, 1; Bunch, 3; A nder­ son, 1 . C aroner—T a g g a rt, Dem. 1034; W il­ son, Rep. 1928. AM EN DM ENTS W om an’s S u ffrag e—Yes 1864, no 1255. To C reate L ieutenant Governor—Yes 1084, no 1619. For U niform System of T axation— Yes 1134, no 1557, To Levy Tax on D ifferent-C lasses of P roperty—Yes 1133, no 1542. To Prohibit E m ergency in any A ct R egulating Taxation —Yes 1447, no 1338. A m endm ents to be C arried by a Ma­ jority of E lectors instead of by a Ma­ jority of Those Voting on it—Yes 831, no 1745. M aking Bank Stockholders Liable for Deposits—Yes 1920, no 632. Giving More Pow er to Railroad Com­ m issio n -Y e s 1638, no 993. C lackam as County Division—Yes 486, no 1607. Millage Bill for U niversity and A gri­ cultural College—Yes 1088, no 1607. R egarding M ajority for Adopting and R ejecting M easures—Yes 863, no 1669. Road Bond A ct L im iting Bond Issue —Y es 1259, no 1322. To C reate S ta te Highway D epartm ent —Y es 588, no 1952. To P u t Into E ffect the S ta te Printing Board Dec. 1—Yes 953, no 1466. To C reate Hotel Inspector—Yes 645, M any C o q u ille lad ies a re w e a r­ in g a sm ile of su p re m e sa tisfa c tio n a s th e re su lt of th e e le ctio n on th e „ ....................... ....... E ight-hour I.a w -Y e s 1792, no 1012. su ffra g e q u e stu .n M ay th e ir fo n d - To Egtal>ljsh Corporation D epartm ent est jo y s he realized a m i we h ope, a s —Y es 1273, no 1217. w e believe, th a t th e ballot in th e ir Prohibiting of S ta te Convict Labor by h a n d s w ill be m a rk e d a g a in s t o p Individuals Yes 1875, no 1221. Prohibiting Em ploym ent of Town or pre.sion a n d wrong d o in g in p u b ­ C ounty Convicts by Individuals and al- lic affairs. As our mothers and : lowing them to work on roads—Yes d au gh ters cherish p u rity in th e 1823, no 808. C reating S tate Road Board—Yes 791, home, so m ay we re aso n a b ly expcc* them to cast a p u re b allo t. Many no 1779. To Prohibit S ta te from Having Road good women— as good as any in o u r Indebtedness in excess of 2 per cent — l a n d — d o not look upon the ballot Yes 1209. no 1211. with favor: b u t now th at they have the privilege o f e x e rc is in g their franchise it w ill !*■ done with a s p irit of d u ty th at w ill re d o u n d to th e well bein g ol all. G ood for the w om en. G od bless them. Allowing T w enty Y ear Road Bonds, lim iting the issue - Yes 1296, no 1247. Prohibiting Counties Voting More Than 2 per cent for Road Bonds—Yes 1122. no 1214. Allow ing Consolidations of Cities and Towns—Yes 9;I6, no 1261. i I T axation of Income Yes 1098,no 149. In the Circuit C ourt of the State of Nctict of Full] Settle meat Oregon for Coo. County E xem pting Household Goods from Notice if* hereby given th a t the an- | T axation —Yes 1443, J no 1275. •L rsignetl has hied his final account in i Frank Burkholder, E xem pting M ortgagss—Yes 1069, no the m atter of the aiiminotratioii of the Plaintiff, estate of John Swiudal, deceased, and 1501. va t h a t «be County Court has set Saturday, E. G. Lee, Edw ard Ca­ Revising Inheritance Tax L aw s—Yes th e 7th day of December, 1912.ua the S uit day and the County Court room a t the • rey, Robert H arper, E. 803, no 1517. in J. Murphy, H. M. court house in Coqudiv, Cooe county, Fixing F reight R atea—Yes 1418, no 983. E quity Oregon, ns the p.ace for hearing ob- | Rogers, W. K. Taylor, Home Rule Good Roads M easures — jeelions to said tinal account and the M. G. Halverson, H. to L. Halverson, B ridget Y es 1642, no 980. settlem ent of said estate Q uiet Finn, Edward B. I’er- l>ated this 7th day of November, 1912. Revising Various Form s of S ta te Gov­ T itl e rine, and Aztec Land pKKSHIK SW INDAL, ern m en t—Yes 1000 , no 1423. A dm inistrator of the estate of John and C attle Company, a corporation, Special G raduated Single T ax—Yes Sm tidal, deceased D efendants. 1173, no 1694. To Edward B. Perrine, one o f the To Abolish Capital P unishm ent—Yes Notice of Final Account above named defendants: 1388 no 1354. In the County Court of the State of IN TH E NAME OF T H E STATE Prohibiting Boycotting—Yes 1054, no Oregon for Coos County. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ In the m atter of the E state of H. E. quired to ap|K'ar and answ er the com­ 1702. W llcox, deceased. plaint tiled against you in the above Prohibiting Speaking in S tre e ts W ith­ Notice is hereby given th at the under­ entitled suit w ithin six w eeks from signed, the duly appointed, qualified, the date of the first publication of out P e rm it—Yes 991, no 1765. A ppropriating $175,000 for Adminis­ and acting adm inistratrix of the E state this summons, tow it: within six weeks | of H. E. Wilcox, deceased, has tiled her tratio n Building. U niversity of Oregon final account in the said estate in the from the 17th day of October, 1912, the same being the date of the first publi­ —Yes 662. no 1870. | County C ourt for Coos County. Oregon, cation of this summons; and if you fail A ppropriating $175,000 for L ibrary fully showing her adm inistration of said so to appear or answ er on or before a t S ta te U niversity—Yes 639, no 1857. j estate, and that Monday, the 2nd day of the 28th day of November, 1912, the December, 1912, has been set as the Coss County Single T ax—Yes 1113, tim e, and the County Court Room, in same being the date of the last publi­ cation of this summons, for w ant no 1909. j the City of Coquille, Coos County, Ore- thereof, the plaintiff will tak e judgm ent Ju stice of th e Peace, D istrict No. 2 — i gun, as the p.ace. for the hearing and against you and will apply to the Court settlem ent of said final account. All H. O. Anderson 190, J . J . Stanley 284. I persons having a n y objection to said for the relief demanded in his said com­ plaint. a succinct statem ent of which is Constable, D istrict No. 3—Ned C .K el­ account, or the sett em ent thereof, may as follows: T hat you be required to set ley 330, K enneth Law rence 2, J . H ! present them at th a t tim e and place. up and allege w hatever right, title or A n n a W i l c o x , A dm inistratrix. in te rest is claimed by you in and to Jam es, 4. the real e sta te described in said complaint, o r any p art or parcel th ere ­ Don’t waste your money buying of, tow it: Lot 2 of section 31 and strengthening plasters. C ham berlain’s the northw est q u a rte r of the north­ Linim ent is cheaper and better. Dam­ w est q u a rte r of section 8 , all in pen a piece of Haunel with it and bind tow nship 24 south of range ten w est of it over the affected parts and it will re­ the W illam ette m eridian; lot 46 of block lieve the pain and soreness. For sale 6 in ste am b o at addition to the town of by all druggist«. a pi Yarrow, according to the plat thereof flocks of Turkeys and Chickens: on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon; Now is th e Tim e to (Jet Your lots 19, 20, 21 and 22 in block 2; lots 23 /la le s and F em ales and 24 in block 6 ; lots 9, 10, 11, 12 in M. B. GOBBLERS—Same as those block 8 ; lots 33, 34, 35 and 36 in block th a t took first prize at ttie Coos and 18; lots 6 , 7, 10 and 11 in block 23 all in Curry County Fair, from $3.50 to Portland addition to the town of Ban ¡•5.00 each; Hens from $3.00 to $3 75 don, according to the plat th ereo f on R egular as th e Clock each. file and of record in the office of the YOUNG ROOSTER '2 —From $1.50 County Clerk of said Coos County; all to $3.85 each, of the following breeds: of the said real e sta te being situ ate in S. C. W. Leghorn®, blue ribbon the County of Coos and S ta te of O re­ strain; S. C. B. Leghorns; S. C. M. gon; and th a t the title of th e plaintiff A nconasjS . C. B. Rock»; S. C. C. in and to the said real e sta te and Rocks; tS. C. W. O rpingtons; S. C. every p a rt and parcel thereof be quieted First-class fare only $7.50 B. Javas. S. C. 1». Andalusion**; and again st you, the said defendant, and U p freight, per ton .. 3.00 Hou lans. I have nothing but fine again st any and all persons claiming by, blood, aud most of these won tb sts through or under you; and th a t you and at the fair. and any and all persons claiming by. TRIOS—Rocks. $5.50 to $0.00; An­ EL & E . T . K r u s e through or under you be forever enjoin con as, $5.50 to $6.00; W. Leghorns, ed and restrained from settin g up any 24 California Street, San Franci.co $5.50; B. Leghorns, $5.25; B A nda­ claim of right, title or in te rest in or to lusians, $<) 00; W. O rpingtons, $0.00. the said real e sta te and every p a rt and E . h . N eer’s parcel th ereo f; th a t plaintiff have ju d g ­ For R eservation. BALDHILL POULTRY Y *R D S m ent again st you for his costs and dis Phone Fanners 32x8 bursem ents in this suit; and for such NOSLER & NO RTO N M YRTLE POINT, OREGON o ther and fu rth e r relief as to the Court may seem m eet and equitable Agent«, Coquille, Oregon Service of this summons upon you is m ade by publication thereof in the Co­ quille H erald for a period of six weeks by an order of the Honorable John S. Incorporated. Coke. Judge of the above entitled Court M an u factu rers of dated the 14th day ol October, 1912. i I I L IG H T E R | City Bakery Paul Stephan, Prop. I T h r e e L o a v e s fo r T e n C e n ts ' heaters 1 -M A D E BY- Pacific Stove &. Range Manufacturing Co. St. Johns, Oregon No. No. No. No. No. Str. Elizabeth San Francisco a n d Bandon Str. B r o o k l y n Plying Between San Francisco and Bandon The Celebrated berg man n 6 'hoe S u d d en & C h ristian se n Agents, San Francisco, California 18 GARNET .. 20 GARNET 22 GARNET_____ 18 SHASTA 20 SHASTA $11.00 12.50 14.00 12.75 14.00 Other Styles and Sizes down to $ 1.75 Make selections while stock is complete 9 H . O . A n d e rs o n N ew and Second-H and G oods 9 - J . J. S t a n l e y , A ttorney for Plantiff. The S tro n g e st and N earest W ate r Residing a t Coquille, Coos County, l'roof shoe made for lo ggers, miners Oregon. prospectors aud mill men. 21 T h u r m a n S treet P o r t l a n d , O reoos . CHICHESTER S P I L I S ^ First-class fare only .....$7.50 Up freight, per to n ............... 3.00 O A IR and as toothsome to the ta ste as it is tem pting to the eye, our bread becomes a favorite w herever it is tried. You a re certainly w asting tim e, lador and money as long as you con­ tinue home bakinh when our bread is so excellent and econ­ omical. Poultry Theo. Bergman Shoe Mfg.Co. TH A N *. T H E K D I A M O V I » K R A M » . I . a d l e a f A a k y n i i r H r u g - 'l s t f ' r / . \ < til < h e a - l e r ’H D i a m o n d K r H n d / / Y > I I l l a in R e d an d l ì o l d m e t a l l i c V ^ ^ {v-»tes, se a le d w ith B lue R ii.b o n . T u L e no other. B u r of y o u r » A sk f » r < 'l i i . 4’i r E r t .T E R * S i W Ow M Aoi.ricui l l mad*, Io (tom F wlwd R » tu b E bMudfulty E j ’~ S 4 m 1( w «J m m . (Miery iM ud. t v u u w d 1er 6 j m i * lui ib i. Iw u tt(M l. d o u b l. t.» rt « ira « ! rie » ut rt»M to bey. ib 4 girle fe» .o lile, g bi peek, te c f bl (b rr.d e a n poai I M 10c 0 pocket. Order 30 pM k.tr I _ 10-4.T t» b.o Mid Med ne VI 00 eod F a > i will p oildnly Med you e t ooo. ____ WATCH, SIT O AMD CHAIN. « A C S W A T C M C O M F A H V , C H IC A G O . IL L IN O IS D IA M O N D It r a m » 1*11.1.», for « 5 y e a rs k n o w n as B est, S afest, A lw ays R e lia b le SOLD BV DRUGGISTS E V E m H L F For Reservations NO SLER & NORTON Agents, Coquille, Oregon $20 Per Acre TH E BEST BUY In Coos County 16 0 ACRES BENCH LAND Three-million fe e t of tim ber—Sufficient to pay for the land O ne-fourth mile to sawmill Church, school and postoffice within a h alf mile Good neighbors, splendid county road through place. Fine stream of w a ter on prem ises, and river w ithin one-fourth mile. 12 miles to Myrtle Point A small house and some im provem ents An ideal place for stock and the best k in d of land for fruit One-half cash; balance to suit purchaser A m oney-m aker for a man o f energy Call on or address THE HERALD Coquille, Oregon I Save Money and Keep in ---------- -* Style by Reading McCall’» Magazine and Using McCall Pattern» McCall'* M it a t i n t w ill hulp yo u dress s ty l­ ish ly nt a m oderato ex p en se by k e e p i n g yo u p o s t e d on the latest f a s h i o n s in clo th es an d hats. 60 New Fashion D esigns in each issue. A lso v alu ab le inform ation on a ll hom e an d per­ sonal m ailers. O nly 60 c a year. In clu d in g a free pattern. Sub­ scribe today o r send for free sam ple copy. McCall Paitcru w i l l . m ake in your own hom e, w ith y o u r ow n hands, clo th in g for y ou rself an d c h ild re n w h ich w ill be perfect in style an d fit. P rice— none h ig h er th a n J 5 cents. Send for free P attern Catalogue. “ W* Will G it « Fi»« Prrarati for g ettin g sub­ scrip tion s am on g you r friends. Send for free Prem ium C atalo g u e and i ash P rise Offer. THE « c U L l COMPANY. 239 H 249 W * 3 7 * S l . NEW T 0 * f W rite Ideas For Moving Picture Plags! Y rt \J I 1 CAN W RITE PHOTO P L A Y S AND U EARN $25.00 OR MORE W EEKLY We Will Show You How If you have ideas— if you can TH INK — we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No “flowery lan­ guage” is wanted. The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are “moving heaven and earth” in their attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand. They are offering $100 and more, for single scen­ arios, or written ideas. Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays, are located in or near N ew York City. Being right on the spot, and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted by the producers, our Sales D epartm ent has a tremendous advantage over agencies situated in distant cities. W e have received many letters from the big film manufac­ turers, such as Vitagraph, Edison, Essanay, Lubin, Imp, Solax, R ex, R eliance, Champion, Comet, M elies, Etc., urging us to send photoplays to them. W e want more writers aud we’ll gladly teach you the secrets of success. We are selling photoplays written by people who “never before wrote a line for puplication.” Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea every week and will write it out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25., a low fiigure, You Will Earn $ 100 Monthly for Spare Time r p r C ^end your name and address fo r free copy I n L L our illustrated booh, “ MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING." Don't hesitate. Don’t Argue. W rite now and learn just what this new profession may mean for you and your future. NATIONAL AUTHORS’ INSTITUTE 1543 Broadway NEW VORK CITY J