Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, October 24, 1912, Image 2

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    The Coquille Herald
To the Voters of Coos Co.
Unique Religious Service
Y o u w ill soon have a chance to j
Sunday afternoon, O ctober 1 3 , as
I tor the first time.
dining saloon
it was certainly a
My opponent has many friends quaint service— no hym n books nor
Devoted to the material anti social
upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and o f Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
workiug for him who have received 1 bibles, and the singing was a mtx-
favors in the past, and who b e lie v e , tllre Gf v o jce., trained and tiutiaiu-
they w ill receive them iu the future
m lU y c f w iiich were discordent
if he is elected. I am m aking my because o f too much loyalty to N ep .
own fight, aud am appealing to the tune, but in all a v e ry satisfactory
plain people who ask no favors.
song service. Rev. H a ll spoke but
Phone, M ain 354.
T h e present incumbent says he briefly and his thoughts were enun­
believes in economy on the patt o f ciated in clear-cut logical statements
officials, aud yet his office is the which were well received by all.
¡source o f more complaint with re- In concluding iiis sermon he spoke
1 gard to experses than any other in b rieflyjon his work and the colp ort­
Independent Candidate for Joint the county.
Senator Coos and C urry counties.
I believe in economy
w ill enforce it, if elected.
I for launching
regard to the peoples' money as I
1 am o f my own expenses In my pri-
To You, Mr. Voter: i v the ate office
ess 1 sha" not make
a fam ily feed trough.
I rh *» f
I am a candidate for surveyor o f
I f I am elected it w ill not he nec­
to his inherent m odesty, Coos county and I ask your sup- essary for any other official to step
or some sim ilar characteristic, it port for the follow in g reasons: I in and enforce the laws that I am
seems not generallv known that our understand the requirements ot the sworu to enforce. I w ill do m y own
present justice o f the peace is a can­ office o f county surveyor; have had house.clean jn g.
O w in g
But exten sive experience in la y .n g out ] Jf j am elected to the office o f
such is the case nevertheless lor his and b u ild in g roads, bridges and sh eriff my whole tim e w ill be de­
friends circulated and filed a peti­ trestles, h a vin g been em ployed dur­ voted to the duties o f the office and
tion m any weeks ago asking the in g a period o f tw elve years upon
I w ill not promote ventures that
county clerk to place the name of railroad construction in W asbing- may prove detrim ental to the peo­
J J. Stanley on the ticket as an in­
ple as well as in 'erlerin g with the
dependent candidate to succeed -¡slant engineer of the C ity o f Ta labors d e vo lv in g upon me as sheriff
himself, and we are informed that couia, havin g charge ot street grad -1
T h e present sheriff is scattering
he has accepted such nomination in g and bridge work, and one year
published statements to the effect
and that his name w ill so appear ' as inspector o f street p aving (or the
that he does not believe in unjust
on the regular ballot. M r. Stanley -am e city, which should satisfy you
prosecution, but w ill, if elected, do
is a popular attorney o f ottr city, as to m y competence to handle the
unto others as he would like to have
whose integrity is unquestioned and w ork o f the county surveyor’s office.
them do unto him.
I f this means
I have been a resident o f Coos
he would fill the office o f justice o f
an yth ing, it can on ly mean that he
the peace with honor and d ign ity. county for ten years and am forty-
sets him self above the law, and w ill
M any are inclined to the belief that s ix years o f age. A m a life long
be lenient to law-breakers, because
an honest la w y e r— such as Mr. republican and am obliged to run
¡1 he were a law-breaker, be would
Stanley is known to be— would independent for this office in obedi­
lik e to have whoever was sh eriff be
ence to the urgiugs of friends, and
make an ideal officer.
lenient to him
I do not set my
because I failed to make the run for
own idea ol what vs right or wrong
State Printer W il is S. D nniw ay
nom ination at the primaries.
above the law, but w ill enforce the
has given a fresh illustration o f his
It elected I promise to faithfully
a> I am sworn to do.
watchful safeguarding o f the inter-
carry out the orders ol the county
I believe one o f the principal
ert o f the public. H e fouud that by
court first, and w ill do subdivision
duties o f the sheriff is to prevent
leaving o ff the covers #950 could be
w ork for p tiv a le parlies il I have
law -breaking not sim ply to arrest
saved in postage on the 150,000 can­
time to spare, but never w h ile there
didates pamphlets to be distributed.
is county w ork waiting to be done.
M any misstatements are being
W ith a state-owned priuting plant
I w ill id iih fu lly account for every
made about me throughout the
no attention would be paid to d e­
item o f supplies furnished the sur­
I d e l) any u a a to pub-
tails oi that character. — N ew berg
v e y o r’s office and w ill not use any
| lish and sign any statement re­
supplies purchased
w ith county
flecting on m y standing as an hon­
Politicians bave encroached upon m oney for m y private business. I
est, law abiding Am erican citizen.
the Herald space considerably this w ill make no charges against the
week to the exclusion o f local news county w hich are not authorized
Republican Candidate for Sh eriff
Another week and the agony w ill by the county court iu advance, and Coos County.
he over, aud we have hope that our I w ill not charge private parties a
(Paid Advertisement)
electors w ill settle the matter fot the bonus or m argin on help em ployed
Coos Bay H arbor.
on surveys where the expense of the
John W . Cam pbell, progressive
party is being paid by the client, candidate for congress, was in Co-
Seven hundred miles o f roads in
I have no axes to grin d, am not a q uj]]e Saturday rounding up voters
C cxjs county— and m any of them
party to, nor have I any interest in. on the “ still hunt” plan. Mr. Camp-
should be much better. Vote 360 .
auy personal quarrels.
H a v e noth- bell inform s us he has received
Yes, on the official ballot and yonr
in g to cover up in m y record, and much encouragem ent from both
children will call you blessed
w ill guarantee a faithful perfor- democrats and republicans th n u g h -
Voters, 360 yes, on the official tnance o f m y official duties. I ask
ballot means not on ly good
but greater prosperity.
roads the support o f e v ery voter
wants a square deal.
Birdman Coining to
Coos Bay Oct. 26-27
Silas Christofferson, the great a v i­
Vote for Him
race track
take place at the
in M arslifi-ld
nest Sat­
urday and Sunday, October 26 27,
wi an ken
McCall’s M a g a z in e w ill
h e lp you dress s ty l­
ish ly at a m oderato
expense b y jk e o p iu g
you p o s t e d on tlio
latest f a s h i o n s In
clo th es and hats. 60
N e w F ash ion D esigns
iu each issue. A lso
va lu a b lo in form ation
ou a ll hom o an d p e r­
sonal m atters.
O nly
50c a year, in clu d in g
a freo pattern. Sub­
scrib e today o r send
fo r freo sarnplo copy.
McCall Patten w ill tumble you to m ake in your
own hom e.
1th > im row n hands, c lo th in g for
you rself and c h i l . i i n w h ich w ill bo perfect
In style and fit. Pri» <— n on e h ig h er than 15
cents. Send fo r free P a ttern Catalogue.
We Will Give You Fine Present« fo r g e ttin g sub­
scriptions a m on g your frien ds. Send for freo
P rem iu m C atalogue and Cash P r iz e Offer.
THE McCALL COMPANY. 239 to 249 West 37th St.. NEW YORK
A Bargain in Lots
O n e o f the best buys in
Coquille for the money
is to be had in the
on the corner opposite
the Christian
N eed money— will offer
them for a short time for
One-half down, the rest
on easy payments : : :
Phone 3 X
C. A. Pendleton
Str. Brookl yn
(Paid Advertisement)
The first airship Ihgbt iu South­
w ill
Magazine and Using McCall Patterns
argum ent
| City Bakery
T. J. T H R I F T
D e m o c r a t ic N o m in e e
Paul Stephan, Prop.
T h r e e L o a v e s f o r T e n C e n ts
Coos County, Oregon
Why Not Have Bread
Like Mother Used to Make
Solicits your support
Investigate my past record and
you will know my Platform
— Equal Taxation—
Keep in
-------■«.- Style by Reading McCall’«
Republican ) Candidate
for County Surveyor
ator, will Uy in Marshfield Saturday
ami Sunday, O ctober '2l’>-‘27.
ern O regon
Ladies! Save Money and
benefit o f all.
is simply impossible. To equal
it is very nearly so. This is a
pretty broad claim and we
don't ask you to take our mere
word for it. Try our bread for
a week or so and prove to
yourself whether our claim is
justified. We believe you will
extend the trial indefinitely.
age boat which is now most ready
' shall be as carelul o f expenses with
H. C. Diers Makes Statement
T o E x c e ll O u r B r e a d
M y opponent has held office for M arshfield was induced to preach to
ten years. I am asking your votes the passengers who gathered in the
W A L T E R <5. At KERM AN, Publisher
vote for your choice o f two c a n d id - th e Breakwater was on her w ay to
ates for sheriff ol Coos county.
Portland. Rev. G L e R o y H a ll of
Entered as second class matter May
8, 1905. at the poet office at O m i III s ,
Oregon, underact of Congress of March
8. 187».
Plying Between
San Francisco
and Bandon
Appearances may he deceitful, but
disappearances are not.
W ho ean’t he
ins jred .
Ask your Dealer for
------------------- OR ------------------
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Coos County
Frank Burkholder,
E. G. Lee, Edward Ca­
S u it
rey, Robert Harper, E.
Rogers. W. K. Taylor,
E q u it y
M. G. Halverson. H.
L. Halverson, Bridget
Q u ie t
Finn, Edward B. Per-
T i t i . e
rine, and Aztec Land
and Cattle Company, a
To Edward B. Perrine, one o f the
above named defendants:
OK OREGON: You are hereby re­
quired to appear and answer the com­
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit within six weeks from
the date o f the first publication of
this summons, towit: within six weeks
from the 17th day of October, 1912, the
same being the date o f the first publi­
cation o f this summons; and i f you fail
so to appear or answer on or before
the 28th day o f November, 1912, the
same being the date of the last publi­
cation o f this summons, for
thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment
against you and will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in his said com­
plaint, a succinct statement o f which is
as follows: That you be required to set
up and allege whatever right, titie or
interest is claimed by you in and to
the real estate described in said
complaint, or any part or parcel there­
of, towit: Lot 2 of section 31 and
the northwest quarter o f the north­
west quarter of section 8 , all in
township 24 south o f range ten west of
the Willamette meridian; lot 4u o f block
li ill Steamboat addition to the town of
Yarrow, according to the plat thereof
on file and of record in the office of the
County Clerk o f Coos County, Oregon;
lots 19, 20, 21 and 22 in block 2; lots 23
and 24 in block 0; lots 9, 10, 11, 12 in
block 8 ; lots 33, 34, 35 and 38 in block
IS; lots 0, 7, 10 and 11 in block 23 all in
Portland addition to the town o f Ban­
don, according to the plat thereof on
file and of record in the office of the
County Clerk of said Coos County; all
of the said real estate being situate in
the County o f Coos and State of Ore­
gon : and that the title o f the plaintiff
in and to the said real estate and
every part and parcel thereof be quieted
against you, the said defendant, and
against any and all persons claiming by,
through or under you; and that you and
and any and all persons claiming by,
through or under you be forever enjoin
ed and restrained from setting up any
claim of right, title or interest in or to
the said real estate and every part and
parcel thereof; that plaintiff have judg­
ment against you for his costs and dis­
bursements in this suit; and for such
other and further relief as to the Court
may seem meet and equitable.
Service o f this summons upon you is
made by publication thereof in the Co­
quille Herald for a period of six weeks
by an order of the Honorable John S.
Coke, Judge of the above entitled Court,
dated the 14th day of October, 1912.
J . .I. S t a n l e y ,
Attorney for Plantiff.
Residing at Coquille, Coos County,
and you will have it
l Nosier & l Norton
Coquille, Oregon
Phone Home 111
u. Fishing Tackle
Farmers 483
Guns and Ammunition i
C. M O O N
Hotel Baxter ^
Automobile Supplies
O . ' O O O O Ö O Ö i ' ö ö i J O Ö O Q ' Ö Ö Q Ö Ö © . © S'
And you will get the best Paint on the
market today
Painter and Decorator
: - :
Notice o f Sheriff’s Sale
First-class fare only
Up freight, per ton............ 3.00
By virtue of an executon and order
when Silas Chiistoffereon will give Voters’ Pam phlet over the signature
of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the
a flyin g exhibition with his Curtiss ol H J. Parkinson and others at­
Circuit Court of the Countv of Coos,
| State of Oregon, dated the 18th day of
aeroplane. Mr CbristolTerson is one tacking the M illage B ill for the sup­
] September, 1912, in a certain action in
S u d d e n & C h ris t ia n s e n
; the Circuit Court for said County and
o f the most daring and original avi­ port o f the A g ricu ltu ra l C ollege and
Agent*, San Francisco, California
I wtate wherein George T. Moulton as
ators in Ihe world. D o tin g the Rose the U n iversity ol O regon, contains
Plaintiff recovered judgment against J.
F. Chlemens, Defendant, for the sum of
festival in P ort laud he Hew from a misstatement o f lacts so vivid as'
For Reservation*
1 Six and 56-100 Dollars and costs and
the roof of the Multnomah H o fe i , 1 to demand im mediate correction.
j disbursements taxed at Forty anti 10-100
Dollars, on the 3rd day of September,
soaring to a height of 3,000 feet ! A lth ou gh the M illage B ill clearly
! 1912,
Agents, Coquille, Oregon
This was the first time in the histo­ and specifically repeals the appro
Notice is hereby given that l will, on
J ohn W. C am pb ell
Saturday, the9th day of November ,1912,
ry o f Hying that the ft at was attempt­ priations
a g grega tin g
$ 503,000
at the front floor of the County Court
ed hut he perform ed it successfully. made by the last Legislature, for out the state
H e is a resident o f
i House in the City of Coquille, in said
Notice te Creditors
In addition to m aking two flights' buildings, equipm ent, etc , at the Rosebtirg where he is engaged in
Notice is hereby given that the un­ I County at ten o’clock in the forenoon of
said day, sell at public auction to the
daily there will he a talk explaining U n iversity, it is asserted in the ar­ the real estate business. His profile dersigned, Mary Mcl.eod, was, by order highest bidder for cash, the following
of the County Court o f the State of
hill that herewith would appear to appeal Oregon in and for the County of Coos, described property, to-wit: Lot Seven in
the aeroplane ami a practical dr gum ent
Block Three in the town of Bandon,
monatration of its method o f flying. " ‘ friends’ o f the University are try ­ favorably to the physiognom ist and duly made and entered on the 17th day Coos County, Oregon, according to the
of September, 1912, appointed adminis­
»t on file and of record in the office of
A ll who attend w ill be permitted to in g to k ill the referendum o r the the voter.
tratrix o f the estate o f John K. McLeod,
the County Clerk of Coos County,
examine the machine in detail
< 503,000 approp-i tied by the 19 11
All persons having claims against Oregon, or so much thereof as may l>e
A special excursion (tain will be Legislatu re for the L'n iversity o fi
J. O Stem m ier, w ho recently re­ said estate ire required to present the necessary to satisfy the jaid judgment
in favor of (ieojge T. Moulton against
I f they sue eed, the ta x ­ turned from a trip to Curry county, same, with proper vouchers, to the un-
run front the C oquille valley on O regon.
1 dersigned at the law office o f R. H. .«aid J. F. Chlemens with interest there­
Hutiday, returning »fle r ihe exhibi­ payers w ill have over ♦ 1 , 288,000 to reports considerable activity at the i Smith in the City o f Coquille, Coos on, together w ith all costs and disburse­
ments that have or may accrue.
d ig up for the schools in 1 9 1 3 . ”
mouth o f the R ogu e river. T h e peo­ County, Oregon, within six months
Dated this 2nd day of October, 1912.
! from the date o l this notice.
\\\ \V. G a g e , Sheriff
Notw ithstanding this ia the great - 1 N o effort is being made to secure ple who bought the H um e property
Dated this 2lth dav o f September,
est and highest priced attraction the passage o f these referred bills, are b u ilding a new mill and have 1 1912.
Notice o f Final Account
M a r y M c L eod
ever offered in Coos county, price o f i and even should they receive a fa v ­ put in a fine m achine shop. T h e y Administratrix o f the Estate o f John
In the County Court of the State of,
K. McLeod, deceased.
Oregon for Coos County.
admission will be only 50 cents, orable vote, they would he autom at­ have expended about ¡* 70,000 aud
In the matter of the Estate of H. E.
children 25 cents.
ically repealed bv the passage of expect to put in $ 100.000 more in
Notice 1« Creditors
Wilcox, deceased.
A fligh t by airship is absolutely the M illage Bill so there can lie no im p rovin g the property.
Notice is hereby given that the under­
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned liaa lieen duly appointed signed. the duly appointed, qualified, !
double appropriation.
guaranteed or money refunded.
are being painted aud the place is
acting administratrix of the Estate
—* • « . •
Investigation hows that instead L v .ly .
Holden, den ised, by tile County Cotut of H. E. Wilcox, deceased, has tiled her
A .S . Jones. Prop. Is?e Pharmacy.!
of the State of Oregon lor Coos County, tinal account in the said estate in the
Chico, Calif., says: "1 have been selling | o f increasing the rate the M illage
I f you have young children you have and all persons claims against Com ty Court for Coos County. Oregon,
Koley & Company 's medicines for years. Bill actually effects a saving on the
perhaps noticed that disorders of the the said estate are hereby required to fully shewing her administration of said
Koley’a Honey and Tar Compound, I
present them with the proper vouchers estate, and that Monday, the 2nd day of
consider has no equal and is the one average appropriati ns for the last stomach are their most common ail­ within six months from the date of this December, 1912, has been set as the
ment. To correct this you will find
cough medicine I can recommend to my ! ten years
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ notice to the undersigned administrator time, and the County Court Boom, in
friends as containing no narcotics or
They are easy and at the law office of J. J- Stanley in the the City of Coquille, Coos County, Ore­
T h is bill, being a measure regu ­ let* excellent.
other harmful in
pleasant to take, and mild and gentle City of Coquille, County of Coo* and gon, as the p ace, for the hearing and
by Fuhrman's Pharmacy.
lating taxation rti :st ol necesiity be in effect. For sale by all druggists.
uttlement of said final account. All
Suite of Or» j »n.
per oin having any objection to said
Paled this !rd day o l Ortob r, 1912.
------ :
There's many a slip after the cup submitted under the initiative.
ac. 'iint, or the settlement thereof, may
J. S. L iw Ri ver.
A pool And its money are soon
Administrator of the Estate of K. O. D. present them at that time and place.
baa been to the lip.
W h en do you pay the printer ?
A n n a W i l c o x , Administratrix.
Holden, I vceased.
Pacific Stove à Range
Manufacturing Co.
St . Joli IIS, Oregon
No. 22 GARNET ______
Other Styles and Sizes down to
$ 1.75
Make selections while stock is complete
H. 0. Anderson
New and Second-Hand Goods