The Coquille Herald Congressman Hawley Pays Coquille a Visit W l FOOTE TO ! BE PORDONED (Paid Advertisement) PUBLISHED EVERT THUB8DAY Entered as second class mutter May Willis C Hawley, representative 8, 1906. at the poet office at Coquille, Oregon, under act of oi March in congress, arrived in Marshtield :t, is79. - Saturday last on his annual visit to Coos county. He remained in the W A I T E R 0 . ACKERMAN, Publisher Hay City until Tuesday morning Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ when bo took the train for Myrtle ticularly and of Cooa County generally. Poiut, leaving that place for Coquille Subscription, $1.60 per year in advance in the afternoon. In the eveuing Only Held in Custody Pend­ an iuformal reception was tendered Phone, Main 354. ing Action on Petition fcr Mr. Hawley at the Ko Keel Klub Full Pardon — Good News i rooms where matters relative to the ; general welfare of the people were for Foote’s Many Friends mentioned by him. Democratic Nominee When asked for information re­ Foote bas never been officially FOR ASSESSOR garding the jurisdiction of the Myr­ C o o s C o u n ty , O r e g o n tle Point port commission, Mr. incarcerated but lias l>een in custo­ Solicits your support Hawley stated he was of the opin dy pending the action by the gov- ion that it did not extend ootside ernor 0,1 b 's application for pardon. “ Do you really want to know the limits of the port. At least it Investigate my past record and appeared to him it should not. what I am going to do with Foote?” you will know my Platform asked Governor West, in reply to Judge Sperry being appealed to — Equal Taxation— 1 said be hail investigated the sub­ an inquiry by a newspaper man. P A T R IO T IS M OUR Without waiting for reply he fol- ject and had reached the conclusion thitt under the statute authorizing ,l° wed h UP w' dl the question: " h a t would you do boys ! \ D V E R T 1S IN G is the royal the creatiou of ports, where such n 1 port was created on the upper por 1 “ I would Paldou hlm-" was the highway to opulence and tion of a river and not extending to latonic reP*V ° f newspaper re- wealth. It is the vital principle the sea, it was incumbent upon such Por*er. that makes for succsss in any port to care for the Btream between O ne of the best buys in wou*d I> declared another, Coquille for the money business institution. Selling is a its boundary and the sea. That the ”° n'y 1 wou,d B° fur‘ b « and give is to be had in the moSt important science and de­ establishment of such port would | *1‘m a Pensi°n- prevent anv othir port being estab-! " e l l, said the Governor, as he serves every consideration by TWO LOTJ5 AND BARN lished between it and the sea, for J stnilingly burned back in his chair, discerning men. on the corner opposite the reason that the statute gives I am not prepared to say just T he Coquille Herald will be the Christian church. the upper port full control of the wbat I will do, but if I predict found „ an excellent salesman. i-tream from its boundary to its that it will not be long before he Need money— will offer them for a short time for Prosperous men are those who mouth aud provides no method for will be free you will not miss it.” advertise. No one will dispute doing away with that control, unless As Vile As Murder this. T he H erald is at your the upper port will, at an election, vote to annex the territory below it One-half down, the reit The Portland Journal says that in disposal. T h e circulation is and the voters of the territory pro­ order to protect his wife and sixteen on easy payments : : : extensive and the rates are very posed to be annexed also vote for it. children from the shame of a sec­ Phone 3 X C. A. Pendleton reasonable. Our subscription Old soldiers present were inform­ ond trial, W. R. Foote, an aged books are open for inspection ed that district pension bureaus rancher of Coquille. indicted for to all our customers. Fair, isn’t bad been discontinued and hereaf­ first degree murder, has pleaded ter payment of pensions would be guilty of manslaughter and will go it ? T ry an “ ad " with us. made direcf from Washington. to the penitentiary. FOR SALE Timber laud, homestead laws and Foote shot and killed Chas. Wil­ John T. Long, democratic can­ 16 ACHES cox on the streets of Coquille. In didate lor prosecuting attorney for other topics were spoken of. Mr. Hawley said people on the explanation he charged that his the third district comprising the counties of Coos, Curry and Doug­ outside viewed Coos county’s re­ seventeen-year old daughter had las, called at the Herald yesterday. sources as consisting principally of been ruined, and that the ruin of Mr. Long handed us a card with timber and coal, whereas he believ­ his thirtken-j ear-old daughter had his profile printed in brown, but ed the greatest revenue in future been attempted by Wilcox. At the Miles from Coquille whether this has any significance years would be derived from dairy­ first trial the jury disagreed. ing, with fruit a close second. He When the old man shot Wilcox he regarding his opponent we are not 5 Lots — 2 Good Houses advised. In order to form the ac­ would attend the fair at Myrtle took the law into his own hands. Point to personally investigate the He pursued a course that no man quaintanceship of as many people I have moved to Forest Grove, as possible, Mr. Long will visit the products of this section that he bus a right to pursue. He commit­ Oregon, ’a n d will dispose of all my property at a bargain. fair c* Myrtle Point at the conclu­ might speak with knowledge in ted the error that men who have Easy terms. Address sion of which other towns of the answer to questions regarding our wrongs, real or fancied, often com­ county will be paid a call. He is ngi ¡cultural possibilities. mit. His present pathetic situation W . A. G O O D M A N a pleasant gentleman and it is our Congressman Hawley was of the is the result of that blunder, and is, Forest Grove, Oregon opinion the democrats made no opinion that railroads to the inter­ of course of his own making. mistake in naming him for the im­ Yet, society owes a duty to such portant {»osition. Mr. Long is mak­ ior would be in operation in two ing a thorough canvass ot Coos years, and an influx of settlers, men as old man Foote. Society is greater in maguttude than had county for his election to the office not doing its duty by such men as of prosecuting attorney, uotwith ever settled in a like area in Ore­ old man Foote. Society is not prop­ gon would utilize the land long standing that some may be of the Plying Between opinion that he would not file his dormant to tbo profit of themselves erly dealing out justice to scouu- and the well being of mankind. drels who wrong the daughters of acceptance of nomination. He in­ Wednesday morning Mr. Hawley forms us that his acceptance is now- such men as old man Foote. on file in the office of the secretary took the boat for Bundon. There is no blacker crime on the of state and the county clerks of Running up and down stairs, sweep­ calendar than that charged by the Douglas, Coos and Curry counties, ing and bending over making beds will First-class fare only $7.50 and being the nominee legularly not make a woman healthy or beautiful. Coquille rancher against the man he xuo.o is no o,, fouler infamy , ' Up freight, per ton.............. 3.00 named by the democratic party will She must get out of doors, walk a mile I Bbot. There two every day and take Chamber- most certaiuly use his utmost en­ or o Iain’s Tablets to improve her digestion than the act of a man who takes ad- | deavors to be elected prosecuting and regulate her bowels, l'or sale by . vantage of the weakness of a girl Sudden & Christiansen attorney for this district. all druggists. I of seventeen There is no more j A g e n ts , San F r a n c is c o , C a lifo r n ia J atrocious outrage than the act r.f a i F o r R e s e r v a t io n s man who attempts the ruin of a! child of thirteen, a crime Foote NOSLER & NORTON ! charged against Wilcox, and a crime | A g e n ts , C o q u ille , O r e g o n with which a man is now charged in i the city of Portland. If society is going to punish old man Foote, and it should, it should j also give to men of the class who| provoked his act, a punishment to fit their crimes It should cease to treat lightly the debauching of Per A cre 1ËÉ! youth. It should revise its code of tnotals and convince fathers that the law will protect their daughters. THE BEST BUY It should class and punish seduc- In Coos County 1 lion and rape as murder, for they are crimes as cruel ns murder and ; ns vile as murder. GOV. WEST WILL DO SO SOON T. J. T H R IFT A Bargain in Lots $350 GOOD FRUIT and GARDEN LAND Str. B ro o k ly n San Francisco and Bandon $20 ih s in m £ n 2 Let the Children Kodak They enjoy taking pictures the simple, all by daylight way—you will cherish these vivid glimpses of their care free days. We have Kodaks from $ 5 .0 0 up KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE -----------» «Res---------- 1 6 0 A C R ES BENCH LAND Tile mayor of Summerlaiid, U C. says of the new system of taxation spoken of generally as single tax: “ It is the only system of taxation that can be successfully maintained in this country. We would never dreatn of enforcing any other kind here.” In th e C ir c u it C o u r t o f th e S ta te O r e g o n fo r C o o a C o u n ty of Frank Burkholder, Plaintiff, vs. E. G., Edward Ca­ S uit rey, Robert Harper, E. in J. Murphy, H. M. Rogers, W. K. Taylor, EquiTY M. G. Halverson, H. TO L. Halverson, Bridget Q uiet Finn, Edward B. Per- T iti . e riñe, and Aztec Land and Cattle Company, a corporation. Defendants. To E. G. Lee, Edward Carey, Robert Harper, E. J. Murphy, H. M. Rogers, W. K. Taylor, M. G. Halverson, H. L. Halverson, Bridget Finn. Edward B. l’errine, and Aztec Land and Cattle J Company, a corporation, the above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are! hereby required to appear and answer ! the complaint tiled against you in the ¡ above entitled suit within six weeks! from the date of the first publication of this summons, towit: within six weeks from the 15th day of August. 1912, the \ same being the date of the first publi- j cation of this summons; and if you fail i so to appear or answer on or before the 26th day of September, 1912, the same being the date of the last publi­ cation of this summons, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you and will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his said com- { plaint, a succinct statement of which is 1 as follows: That you be required to set ¡ up and allege whatever rignt, title or interest is claimed by you or either or any of you in and to " the real estate I described in said complaint, or any part or parcel thereof, towit: Lot 2 of sec­ tion 31 and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 8, all in ¡ township 24 south of range ten west of the Willamette meridian; lot 46 of block j 6 in steamboat addition to the town of Yarrow, according to the plat thereof! on lile and of record in the office of the ; County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon; lots 19, 20. 21 and 22 in block 2; lots 23 I and 24 in block 6; lots 9, 10, 11, 12 in block 8; lots 33, 31, 35 and 36 in block IS; lots 6, 7, 10 and 11 in block 23 ail in Portland addition to the town of Ban­ don, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk of said Coos County; all of the said real estate being situate in the County of Coos and State of Ore­ gon: and that the title of the plaintiff in and to the said real estate and every part and parcel thereof be quieted against you, the said defendants and against any and all persons claiming by, through or under you; and that you and each and all of you and any and all per sons claiming by, through or under you or either of you, be forever enjoined and restrained from setting up any claim of right, title or interest in or to the said real estate and every part and parcel thereof; that plaintiff have judg­ ment against you for his costs and dis­ bursements in this suit; and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. Service of this summons upon you is made by publication thereof in the Co­ quille Herald for a period of six weeks by an order of the Honorable John F. Hall, County Judge of Coos County, Oregon, dated the 12th day of August, 1912. J . J. S tanley , Attorney for Plantiff. Residing at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given, that under and in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos, duly made in the matter of the estate of It. M. Greene, deceased, on the 9th day of May, 1912, at the regular term of said Court, and entered in book 7, of Pro­ bate Journal of said Court, at page 569 thereof, A. L. Volkmar, administrator of said Estate, will, on Monday, the 30th day of September, 1912, at 10:30 a. m., proceed to sell for cash, at the South door of the Court House at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, the following described real property, to-wit: Lot Nine of Block Two in Smith’s Addition to the Town of Myrtle Point, Oregon, the same bring land of said estate. First Publication August 29th, 1912. A. L. V olkmar , Administrator of the Estate of B. M. Greene, deceased. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed adminis- j trator of the estate or Jonathan Quick, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby | required to present the same, duly ver-1 ified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned at his of­ fice in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, within six months from tire date o f , this notice. Dated this 10th day of September, 1912. J. E, Q uick , Administrator of the Estate of Jona­ than Quick, deceased. Notice of Final Account Notice is hereby given that the un- , Small Boy— You’re a Bull Moose. dersigned has filed her final account in [ the County Court of the State of Oregon i Other Small Boy— You’re a liar. for Coos County as administratrix of ‘‘There, didn’t I say so ?” Three million feet of timber—Sufficient the estate of Samuel Shuck, deceased, ; and said court has appointed Tuesday, | to pay for the land the 15th day of October, 1912, as the New City For Canal Trade time for hearing objections to the said One-fourth mile to sawmill final account and the settlement therof. , Church, school and postoffice within a Dated this 7th day of September, half mile A New York syndicate, backed A. D 1912. M ary J. S huck , I by millions of dollars, has recently Good neighbors, splendid county road Administratrix of the Estate of Samuel purchased 15,000 acres at the through place. Fine stream of Shuck, deceased. water on premises, and river mouth of the Brazos River in Tex­ within one-fourth mile. Notice lo Creditors as, to build tbeir a new city and 12 miles to Myrtle Notice is hereby given that the urf-! Point port, which they hope will rival dersigned, Mary McLeod, was, by order Galveston and New Orleans. The A small house and some improvements of the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Coos, new city is organized to capture duly made and entered on the 17th day for stock and the best of September, 1912, appointed adminis­ Panama Canal trade and at the An ideal place kind of land for frui tratrix of the estate of John K. McLeod, same time to develop large sulphur deceased. All persons having claims against One-half cash; balance to suit purchaser fields nearby. It is located 100 said estate are required to present the miles west of Galveston same, with proper vouchers, fo the un­ A money-maker for a man of energy dersigned at the law office of R. H. Smith in the City of Coquille, Coos The implicit confidence that many County. Oregon, within six months people have in Chamberlain’s Colie, from the date of this notice. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is found­ Call on or address Dated this 2tth day of September, ed on their experience in the use of that 1912. remedy and their knowledge of the M ary M c L eod many remarkable cures of colic, diarr­ Administratrix of the Estate of John hoea and dysentery that it has effected. K McLeod, deceased. Coquille, Oregon For sale by all druggists. Proof Positive THE HERALD THE MORE BREAD the youngster* eat tin* better . ■ -■ — it will I r * for them. Give (t. *Sjm t*i* yours a slice of our bread and they wifi surely come back for ( more. For it baa that “ More- r lab” flavor which makes the y eating of one slice just a com­ mencement. Buy our bread and you’ll have to buy less medicine. City Bakery P a u l S te p h a n , P ro p . Three Loaves for Ten Cents Why Not Have Bread Like Mother Used to Make Ask vour Dealer for ‘» C A R N A T I O N % DAILY BREAD l