Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 05, 1912, Image 2

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In the Circuit Court ol the State of
Oregon lor Cooa County
Enter«*! an second class mutter May
8, 1905. at tlie poet office at Coquille,
Oregon, umler act ol Congress of March
Governor West has moved to
3, 187».
Portland temporarily and will use
W ALTER CL ACKERMAN, Pabiisher the power of his office to clean up
the town.
May he succeed in his
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ vice crusade.
ticularly and of Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
Owners of real estate in Coquille Interesting Happenings and Doings of Nearby
Neighbors Clipped from Exchanges
should not make the mistake of in­
and Otherwise Secured
diting the price of property offered |
forsule because of the great increase
in industrial activity soon to be
Superintendent Guerin, who has
firmly established. Encourage the
home seeker by giving him a square been suffering severely for several
weeks past from au old affliction of
the tongue, is recovering his for­
On January i, 19 13 , the recently mer health.
authorized parcels post will l>e ready
Miners, fishermen, hunters and
] to go into general operation, ac­ compers are quite numerous on the
cording to announcement made by Sixes. They are all wearing a
Postmaster General Hitchcock, of pleasant smile which would seem
| Washington, D. C. The postal ex­ to indicate happiness and prosperi­
press business will extend over uioro
! than 1,000,000 miles of rural de­
The grand jury has found a num­
livery service. A series ot com­
ber of indictments against uorthern
mittees will work out the details
Curry parties for gambling, selling
of the system.
whiskey, etc., and among the in­
dicted are both the saloon keepers
For Sale on Easy Terms
W ith the next issue the Herald
at Langlois.
One of the best improved and
will complete its thirtieth year of equipped dairy farms in the Coquille
F. M. Langlois of Gold Beach is
existence, and the libeial patronage Valley. For information inquire of the owner of a jersey cow from
L C a r l , owner, Myrtle Point, which he realized $23 60 for the
accorded "the old reliable’’ pioneer
month of June last and this, aside
................♦ ♦•»-«------ ------
journal of Coquille, at this time,
from furnishing his family of three
evidences the multiplication of its lierlain’a Liniment for lame hack, sore­
with milk and butter. Curry coun­
ness ol' the muscles, sprains and
career many times.
rheumatic pains, you would never wish ty is well adapted to dairying.
But four changes in proprietor­ to he without it. For sale by all drug­
Liquor men of Curry county, at
ship have occurred during its publi­
the recent term of court, were made
Notice to Contractors
cation— very much less than others
to pay fines aggregating over
Notice is hereby given that sealed
similarly situated— which demon­ bids will be received from the date of $t,ooo for violating the liquor laws.
notice up to September 15, 1912, Will Prince, a grand juror from
strates satisfactory business condi­ this
for making general repairs to the school
Gold Beach, conducts a licensed sa­
building in District No. <>7.
tions an^contentment.
Plans and specitications may be seen loon and helped indict himself on
In looking over our books we at the office of the school district clerk.
The board reserves the right to reject occount of selling liquor on Sun­
notice many have taken the Herald any and all bids.
days. He pleaded guilty and was
Dated this 5th day of September, 1912.
since its birth and it inspires us to
fined $ 15 and costs, the law limit­
( ¡ eo . II. N o kth rup . Chairman
N i l e M i l l i . k , Clerk
ing fines for this offense to from $10
put forth rene >ved energies to merit
to $ 2 5
Others were more heavily
a continuance of their names upon
Notice to Contractors
Notice is hereby given that the Fat fined for selling to minors and per­
our list.
Elk Drainage District will receive sealed mitting gambling.
T h e greatest difficulty experi­ bids for repairing the tide gate near the
mouth of Fat Elk Creek.
Forester Milbury informs the Port
enced by country publishers the
Plans and specifications can be seen
Tribune that he has about
at the office of A. W. Johnson, Coquille.
world over — and Coquille is no
Each bid must be accompanied by a $800 government money to spend
check for two and one-half per
exception— is to keep the proper certified
cent of the amount of the bid, as a guar­ at once in extending the Elk river
trail from Elwoods mine up Pan­
figures on the credit side of the antee of good faith.
The board of trustees reserves the
ther creek avoiding Bald Mountain
subscription book. E ach individual right to reject any or all bids.
All bids must be received not later entirely and shortening the distance
subscriber regards the sum owing than 10'JH) o’clock a. in., September 2,
to Big Bend by a much better route.
as small and of but little conse­ 1912
Dated this 22nd day of August, 1912. Supervisor M ^sh has been making
( K. G ahi . iek
quence, forgetting that the aggre­
some substantial improvements on
J . W M ast
gate amounts to considerable.
A. W. J ohnson
the roads ill this district. The road
Trustees of said Disfrict.
has been straightened and a fill
T h e law makes it imperative for
Notice to Contractors
made at E lk river bridge; the Wid-
publishers to discontinue sending
Sealed bids will be received by J . A. owville bridge has been replanked
papers to subscribers one year over­ Davenport, Secretary of the Heaver
Slough Drainage District, Coquille, Ore., and the old planking hauled to
due, for Uncle Sam does not pro­ up to 9:00 A. M. September 7th, 1912,
Hubbard’s creek where it has been
City Recorder’s office, Coquille, for
pose to give the newspaper rate of at
the construction of concrete dam anti used on the sand there.
Phone, Main 354 .
Thirty Years Old
postage to those who do not pay pile bulkhead to be erected upon drain­
age system.
Plans ami specifications may be seen
at the residence of the Secretary.
This is a friendly reminder to
Hide must he accompanied with certi-
lied check for five percent of the amount
our friends who have unwittingly |
| of bid, which amount is to be forfeited
procrastinated, to remit the sum • to the drainage district in event bidder
| fails to enter into contract for the works
they know to be owing, and thus upon award to him.
v Right is reserved to reject any and all
obviate the performance of an un­ bids.
By order of the trustees Heaver Slough
pleasant duty on our part.
Drainage District.
J . A. D avenport ,
Please pay the printer promptly.
the printer.
J ' l
I City Bakery
Let the
ONLY 35c
Drane's Store
They enjoy taking pictures the simple, all by
daylight way—you will cherish these vivid
glimpses of their care free days.
W e have Kodaks
from $ 5 . 0 0 up
And if you roll over and
try “ just-one-m ore-nap,”
he’ll repeat his call 30 sec­
onds later and keep on call­
ing until
you’re wide
Big Ben stands 7 inches tall—
He’s heavy, massive, handsome.
H e’s got a great, big dial you can
easily read in the dim morning
light, a sunny deep toned voice
you’ll hear distinctly on your sleep­
iest mornings.
I’ve placed him in the window.
Look at him whenever you go by.
The Jeweler
The only ready roofing manu­
factured that i* absolutely fire­
Made of a combination of As­
bestos fstone) fibre and genuine
Trinidad Lake Asphalt. This
roofing is proof against every
destructive element.
It is simple to lay and never
requires painting, graveling or
repairs. Used on all kinds of
buildings —everywhere.
Write or call for Samples
and Booklet.
J. H. Oerding
'•q u ill., O regon
E. G. Lee, Edward Ca­
S uit
rey, Robert Harper,
rper E.
J . ’ Murphy, H. M.
Rogers, W. K. Taylor,
E quity
M. G. Halverson, H.
L. Halverson, Bridget
Q uiet
Finn, Edward B. Per-
T itle
rine, and Aztec Land
and Cattle Company, a
To E. G. Lee, Edward Carey, Robert
Harper, E. J . Murphy, H. M. Rogers,
W. K. Taylor, M. G. Halverson, H. L.
Halverson, Bridget Finn, Edward B.
Perrine, and Aztec Land and Cattle
Company, a corporation, the above
named defendants:
OF OREGON: You and each of you are
hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit within six weeks
from the date of the first publication of
this summons, towit: within six weeks
from the 15th day of August, 1912, the
same being the date of the first publi­
cation of this summons; and if you fail
so to appear or answer on or before
the 26th day of September, 1912, the
same being the date of the last publi­
cation of this summons, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment
against you and will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in his said com­
plaint, a succinct statement of which is
as follows: That you be required to set
up and allege whatever rignt, title or
Running up and down stairs, sweep­ interest is claimed by you or either or
ing and bending over making beds will any of you in and to the real estate
not make a woman healthy or beautiful. described in said complaint, or any part
She must get out of doors, walk a mile or parcel thereof, towit: Lot 2 of sec­
or two every day and take Chamber­ tion 31 and the northwest quarter of the
lain’s Tablets to improve her digestion northwest quarter of section 8, all in
and regulate her bowels. For sale by township 24 south of range ten west of
the Willamette meridian; lot 46 of block
all druggists.
6 in Steamboat addition to the town of
----------- --
Yarrow, according to the plat thereof
on file and of record in the office of the
Three acres close in. Suitable for County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon;
19, 20, 21 and 22 in block 2; lots 23
chicken ranch. New six room cot­ lots
and 24 in block 6; lots 9, 10, 11, 12 in
tage, all modern improvements. block 8; lots 33, 34, 35 and 36 in block
For sale cheap by owner. Address 18; lots 6, 7, 10 and 11 in block 23 all in
Portland addition to the town of Ban-
Box 147. Coquille, Oregon.
don, according to the plat thereof on
file and of record in the office of the
County Clerk of said Coos County; all
of the said real estate being situate in
the County of Coos and State of Ore­
gon : and that the title of the plaintiff
in and to the said real estate and
every part and parcel thereof be quieted
against you, the said defendants and
against any and all persons claiming by,
through or under you; and that you and
each and ali of you and any and all per
sons claiming by. through or under you
or either of you, be forever enjoined
and restrained from setting up any
claim of right, title or interest in or to
the said real estate and every part and
parcel thereof; that plaintiff have judg­
ment against you for his costs and dis­
bursements in this suit; and for such
other and further relio fas to the Court
may seem meet and equitable.
Service of this summons upon you is
made by publication thereof in the Co­
quille Herald for a period of six weeks
by an order of the Honorable John F.
Hall, County Judge of Coos County,
Oregon, dated the 12th day of August.
J . J . S tanley ,
Attorney for Plantiff.
Residing at Coquille, Coos County,
i Oregon.
Big Ben, he’ll call you
on the clot at any time
you say.
T. J. T H R I F T
your call with
that isalw ais light, white und
toothsome, that every one will
eat afid enjoy is the dream of
all good housekeepers. You
can realize that vision by try-
ing our bread. Once you use
it on your table you will never
want to be without it. Why
bother with baking when we
^ can do better?
Frank Burkholder, Plathtiff,) SUIT j
Frank Sherer, Defendant.) EQUITY j
To Frank Sherer, the above named j
In the name of the State of Oregon: I
you are hereby required to appear and |
answer the complaint filed against you j
in the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the date of the first publi­
cation of this summons, to wit: within
six weeks from the 8th day of August,
P a u l Step h an , P ro p .
1912, the same being the date o f the
first publication of this summons; and
T h r e e L o a v e s fo r T e n C e n ts
if you fail so to appear or answer on or
before the 19th day of September, 1912,
the same being the date of the last
Democratic Nominee
publication of this summons, for want
thereof the plaintiff will take judgment
against you and will apply to the court
C o o . C ounty, O regon
I for the relief demanded in his said
complaint, a succinct statement of
Solicits your support
which is as follows: That you be re­
quired to set up and allege whatever
right, title or interest is claimed by
Investigate my past record and
you in and to the real estate described
in said complaint, to w it: the northeast
you will know my Platform
quarter of the southwest quarter of
— Equal Taxation—
section thirty-six, in township twenty-
nine south of range ten west of the
Remember we are still giving a good double
Willamette meridian; and the southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter of sec­
Notice lo Contractors
disc grapboplioue record when your cash
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received for grading the south of range fourteen west of the
purchase amounts to $5 0 0 , by the payment
County road, beginning at the wagon Willamette meridian in Coos county,
of 35 cents extra. A good, assortment to
shed at the County Poor Farm and end­ Oregon; and that the title of the plain­
ing at the Cunningham Creek bridge, tiff in and to the said real estate and
select from. A full and complete line of
east of said Poor Farm, according to
you and aiv
the survey made by A. N. Gould, coun­
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed,
and all persons claiming by, throug!
ty surveyor.
The County Court reserves the right or under you, bo forever enjoined and
Lard, Etc. See us before buying Economy
to reject any or all bids and to award restrained from setting up any claim of
Fruit Jars.
the contract to a bidder not the lowest
should they deem it for the best inter­ real estate and every part and parcel
thereof; that plaintiff nave judgment
est of the county.
Bids to be filed with the County Clerk against you for his costs and disburse
on or before the 5th day of September, manta in this suit, and for such other
and further relief as to the court may
1912, at 10:00 a. m.
Five per cent of the amount of the seem meet and equitable.
Service of this summons upon you is
hid to be deposited with the County
made by publication thereof in the Co­
Clerk with bid.
Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 20th quille Herald for a period of six weekB
by an order of the Honorable John F .
day of August, 1912.
Flail, County Judge of Coos county,
J ames W atson ,
dated the 5th day of Aigust,
County Clerk.
G G G G G G G G G G G G G G © G O O G © © © © © © ’'-)’
J . J . S tanley ,
In th e C ircu it C ourt of the S ta te of
Guns and Ammunition Cl
Attorney for Plaintiff,
^ Fishing Tackle
O rego n fo r C o o . C ounty
Residing at Coquille, Coos county,
Oregon. —’
Frank Burkholder,
6© L
iaag, ji a ^ ^
12 %
In the C ircu it C ourt o f the S ta te of
O regon, in and fo r C oos C ou n ty
Mary Pearl McDonald
S uit
Laura V. McDonald
D ivorce
To Laura V. McDonald, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified that you are re ­
quired to appear and answer the com­
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit in which Mary Pearl Mc­
Donald is plaintiff, and you, Laura V.
McDonald, are defendant, within six
weeks from the date of the first publi­
cation of this summons, to-wit: Within
six weeks from the 25th day of July,
1912, the same being the date of the
first publication of this summons; and
if you fail to appear and answer on or
before the 5th day of September, 1912,
the same being the last day of the time
prescribed in the order for publication
a judgment will be taken against you
for the want thereof, and the plaintiff
will apply to the C ourt for the relief
demanded in her complaint, a succinct
statement of which is as follows: That
the marriage contract now existing be­
tween you and the plaintiff be dissolved.
Service of this summons is made by
publication in pursuance of an order
made by John F. Hall, County Judge of
Coos County, Oregon, dated the 24th
day of July, 1912, and directing publi­
cation of tne same in the Coifhille Her­
ald, a newspaper published at Coquille
in said Coos County, Oregon, once each
week for a period of six weeks.
f t
© Automobile
-- --------- ---------- Supplies
“ FF—
® O O O ® O O ® O *30®
O *30® 0 0 0 * 5 0 * 0 O ®
troubles to
W. C. C hase ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
lie will cure them
to stav «/ cured
Notice of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has filed her final account in
the county court of the State of Ore­
gon for Coos county as administratrix
of the estate of Chas. L. Wilcox, de­
ceased, and the said court has appoint­
ed Friday, the 6th day of September,
1912, as the time for hearing objections
to the said final account and the settle­
ment thereof.
Dated this 8th day of August, 1912.
: - :
E rvy W ilcox ,
Administratrix of the estate of Chas.
L. Wilcox, deceased.
Notice of Appointment of Administrator
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has been duly appointed
Administrator of the Estate of Charles
A. Bigelow, deceased, by the County
Court for Coos County, Oregon, and
that all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre­
sent same duly verified and with proper
vouchers to the undersigned at the of­
fice of L. A. Roberts, Myrtle Point.
Coos County, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 22nd dayjof ’ August, 1912.
C rescen t Ranges
M ade by the Pacific Stove and R ange C o ., St. Johns, Oregon
Largest S t o c k
of Ranges in
W ells E. B igelow ,
Administrator of the Estate of Charles
A, Bigelow, deceased.
Fourteen Ranges on
Administrator’s Notice
the floor
Notice is hereby given, that under
and in pursuance of an order of the
County C'oflrt of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Coos, duly made in
the matter of the estate of B. M.
Greene, deceased, on the 9th day ol
May, 1912, at the regular term of said
Court, and entered in book 7, of Pro­
bate Journal of said Court, at page 569
thereof, A. L. Volkmar, administrator
ol said Estate,will, on Monday, the 30th
day ol September, 1912, at 10:30 a. m .,
proceed to sell for cash, at the South
door of the Court House at Coquille,
Coos County, Oregon, the following
described real property, to-wit: Lot
Nine of Block Two in Smith’s Addition
to the Tpwn of Myrtle Point, Oregon,
the same being land of said estate.
First Publication August 29th, 1912.
A. L. VoLKitAR,
Administrator of the EstatewK B. M.
Greene, deceased.
W e are prepared to
offer six of these R a n ­
ges at the Reduced
Price of
T h e bodies of these
Ranges are made of
one-piece W ellsville
Polished Steel.
Call and see them
Notice lo Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has peen appointed adminis­
tratrix of theestateof Burton McDuffce
and that all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby required
to present the same duly verified, to-
ether with the proper vouchers there-
or, to the undersigned at the office of
A. J . Sherwood and L. A. Liljeqvist at
Coquille, Coos county, Oregon, within
! six months from the date of this no­
Dated this 8th day of August. A. D.
A nnie L. M c D u ffee .
New and Second-Hand Goods
Good Work, Fair Prices, at The Herald