REXALL EMULSION Purified petrolium, emul­ sified with liypophos- phites o f lime and soda. Tonic, stimulaut, uutri tive, intestinal, a n t i ­ s e p t i c , auti-tubercular. $1. the Bottle FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY The Rexall Store Professional Cards P H Y S IC IA N S DR. JAS. RICHMOND Physician Surgeon Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg. Office Phone Main 211 R. B. HOAG. M. D. Physician Surgeon Richmond-Barker Building Both Phones Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT D kntist Office over First National Bank Phone Main 431 OR. H. B. MOORE CHIROPRACTOR Room 2. Laird Bldg Phone 404 Chronic Diseases a Specialty Office Hours, 9:30 to 12, 2 to 5. LAWYERS A. J. SHERWOOD A ttorney at L aw First National Bank Building Rooms 2-3-4 L J. ULJEQVtST A ttobnky at L aw First National Bank Building Coquille, Oregon WALTER SINCLAIR A ttorney at L aw Notary Public Coquille E. D. SPERRY ATTOKNKr AND C ounsellor at L aw Office in Robinson Building W. C. CHASE A ttorn Y at L aw Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg C. R. BARROW A ttorney ani > C ounsellor at L aw Office Phone 335 Residence Phone 34ft J. J. STANLEY LAWYER Richmond-Barker Building Coquille, Oregon UITÏ TO RAISE 58,ODD •' JUDGE E. G. D. HOLDEN TO BUILD CITY HALL I BURIED BY ODD FELLOWS At an adjourned meeting of theI The body of Judge E- G. I) Hol- deu was laid to rest Sunday last in city council held Thursday, August the Odd Fellows cemetery this city. 22, Old nance No. 03 was passed, ! His brethren ol the three links providing for the erectiou of a city turned out in large numbers aud hail aud fire department building , many friends and admirers ol the aud for the letting of contract fori veucrable true Christian and citizen the same. The action was by unan­ were present at tlt^ Methodist Epis­ imous vote, all couucilmen being copal church to pay respect to his present. At Mou la / night’s meeting a full memory. Familiar hymns, such as the judge loved to hear in life, were j council was also present. Ordinance No. CG was passed sung. An eloquent address eman­ ating Iron) a sincere heart was de­ unanimously. This authorizes the livered by his pastor-brother Evan * council to borrow $8,000 tor rnu- R Evans, and as the reverened gen uiciptl purpose«. It is provided tleman spoke of the estimable qual­ that this money may he Etorrowed ities, the upright life aud unfailing on warrants numbered from 1 to 16 kindness the deceased always mani- aud of a denomination of $500 each, lested to both old and young, tear­ beating six per cent interest and payable two each iu their order less eyes were few. The floral tributes were many and every year uutil all are paid, the beautiful. Placed upon the casket money to be used for the purpose was a Past Grand Master’s jewel of building the city hall. O L. Iloglie was awarded con­ presented Judge Holden by the Grand Lodge o f OJd Fellows of tracts for the following street im­ Michigan and other articles bearing provements at the figures named: emblems of the noble order to which Nosier street in North addition. deceased was devotedly attached $10; Williams avenue, $">0; Smith About one hundred of his brother avenue $215. Odd Fellows accompanied the te- Home Made Automobile mains to the cemetery where the Considerable attention was at­ last rites were performed. tracted to a bcine-made conveyance The pall bearers were L- H Haz­ ard, Geo. T . Moultou, M. H Her- constructed on the automobile plan sey, E E Johnson, J. S Barton which arrived in Coquille from and James Watson, all members ol Roseburg on Tuesday last. The Heceia Lodge No. n r , I. O O F., machine was composed largely of the ordinary farm wagon with p >w tb is city. May the character of J udge Hol­ er, steering apparatus aud springs den iheugh firm, yet gracious, with­ attached similar to the auto with out guile or ostentation, strong and the exception that the engine, a true, serve as a beacon light to guide twenty-horsepower Rambler, was us to the end ol life’s journey that placed in a box at the back. A we shall, like him, pass the river ol chain drive attachment was fixed to death full of hope and belief in a bath rear wheels, all other features representing the automobile in a glorious immortality. crude way. G. L. Prior^ of Rose­ burg, assisted by Eugeoe Mauldrv, were the builders and operators. The party, consisting of six peoplp, were on their way to Bandcn for an Following a request from a num­ outing. Mr. Prior came in by way ber ol prominent men that he come of the old Coos Bay route and pro­ to this city to explain aud elucidate nounced the road poor. On a good Single T ax, Charles H. Shields, road twelve to fifteen miles an hour Secretary of the Oregon Equal T ax­ can easily be attained with his ve­ ation League, will be in this city hicle. The machine bears the state registration No. 9G90. next Monday evening. The “ Battle of Life” C O Q U ILLE STUDIO George & Gibier, Props. General photographic work, portraiture and viewing, developing and printing for ama­ teurs. Call and see us and get our prices. Storage Room for Rent SKOOKUM RESTAURANT C. A. HARRINGTON PROPRIETOR Come and See Sam e Old P lace The Coos couuty convention of the W. C. T. U. W 43 held on Friday, August 23, in this city. Delegates from North Bend, Marshfield, Ban don and My rtle Point were present The meeting was conducted in Laird’s hall and dinner was served • the visiting members at the Tuttle hotel of which all present were loud in their praise. Mr. and Mrs, Ev land received just praise for the kindly and hospitable manner in which the ladies were served. Reports from various unions were beard and speeches, recitations,* readings, aud so forth. Rev. Mrs. Lewis gave s fine talk on good gov­ ernment, is a ready speaker and sound in doctrioe. The convention adjourned to meet at Myrtle Point next year. School Notice 30 I 3E Chas. H. Shields i a COQUILLE A T 8:30 P. M. Monday, Sept. 2 i i Morgau Adkins, an employe of Camp 5, 0/ the Smith-Powers log­ ging company, was found dead in the woods Monday afternoon un I | derneath a limb from a tree. His bead was badly crushed. Mr. Ad­ kins was fifty years of age and un­ married. 3 LA D IE S IN VITED Hear Him : FREE Socialists Nominate Ticket Coos couuty Socialists have placed the following ticket iu the field to be voted for at the geueral election in November : Sheriff, Dan S. Orr. Bunker Hill. County Clerk, A. J. Stephen, Marsh­ field. County Treasurer, A. F. Coffelt, North Bend. County Commissioner, C. T. Gilroy, Bridge. County Assessor, N. H. Welling, North Bend. County School Superintendent, Mrs. Lillian Forshay, Bandon. Justice of the Peace, John Farley Marshfield. Surveyor, S. L. Curry, Coquille. State Senator Fifth district, Charles Kaiser, North Bend. Representatives Coos and Curry coun­ ties, J. E. Quick, Coquille. Constable, Wm. J. Anderson, Marsh­ field. -------------------- .......................................... - Indian Hopes V?;n John Walotsky, a ‘ redskin” from the Umatilla reservation at Pendle­ ton, was seen to frequent the pic- tute theatre in which were being shown the famous Round up pic­ tures. The manager causally re­ marked, “ You like the pictures? I have seen you here four times.” “ Umph!” said the Indian, ‘‘ Me and my tribemen bet all o f our money and treads that Jim Sundown ride Lightloot but he has never been able to stick him a single time I have been here.” Many people go several times to see these pictures, which will be at the Scenic Satur­ day, August 3 1, but none except John have cherished the vain hope of seeing Sundown ride Lightfoot, king of all buckers. The Coquille public schools will On next Wednesday and Thurs­ open on September 9 The build­ day Coquille will have the pleasure ings will be open at 8:30 o. m. Par­ of seeing the favorite actor Mr. Lee ents should make every possible Willard and a clever company of effort to have children enroll on the eleven people in delightful comedy- first day of school. The pupil who dramas. Weduesday night ‘ ‘The enters a week late is seriously handi­ Battle of Life" will be the bill— a capped in his work. First grade plav new to Coquille and one of the pupils entering school for tho first kind that everybody likes. Bub­ time cannot be admitted after the bling over with joyous humor and second week. Only children who clever situations Some good danc­ were six years old at the last birth­ ing and sing'tig will be introduced. day can legally be enrolled. Only those holding an Oregon Mr. Willard was last seen in Co­ quille in "T h e Country Squire,” eighth grade diploma, or its equiva­ and pleased immensely. He may lent from another state, will be en­ herefore expect crowded houses rolled in high school. Before Sep­ both nights. Coquille likes a good tember 1 , the superintendent would show but will not patronize a poor like to meet all new students who Teat Meetings At Fishtrap one The company play in Marsh­ expect to enter high school above field September 2 3. Seats are no.v the freshman class. Arrangements The meetings at Fishtrap have on sale at Fuhrman’s. Prices 50c , for consultation may be made by continued through the week with increasing interest. Services last children 25c telephone. C. A. H oward , Supt. - Sunday are reported as being well Coquille Studio Sold While working at the Smith Coos attended and extraordinary interest B. W. George has sold the Co- j river camp of the Smith-Powers manifested. Each evening this quille Studio to C. W. Quartermast, logging company Saturday after­ week special subjects will be dis­ a well known photographer of noon, O. H. Elleneburg was struck, cussed and a special program is pre­ Marshfield. Mr. George leaves for by the breaking of a line, in such a pared over Sunday. his old home on the Umpqua river, manner as to almost entirely decap­ Dr. Parker is a f ireeful speaker about forty miles from Roseburg, itate him. He was twenty>fiv6 years and should ha bear ! by all. It is on Monday next He wishes to ex­ tend thanks tor the liberal patron­ old, a member of the O.ld Fellows' expected also that Rev. Mrs. R N. age given him by the people of Co-1 lodge at Drain and leaves a wife and Lewia of North Bend will be pres­ quiiie and hopes like favors will be child. ent this week and will speak some accorded his successor. eveniog. Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer living "Were all medicines as meritorious near Fleming, Pa., says he used Cham- j Sunday will be another big day as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea i with three services -at 11 a. m., Diarrhoea Remedy the world would be Remedy in his family for fourteen much better off and the percentage of years, and that he has found it to be 2 p. m., and 8 p ni A big basket suffering greatly decreased,” writes an excellent remedy, and takes pleasure lunch will be eojoyed by all who Lindsay Scott, of Temple, Ind. For in recommending it. For gale by all come. druggists. sale by >11 druggists. Good Imedment for Moneyed Mea Real estate securities to the Court Convenes Monday, Sep­ amount of $2,900 iu sums of $209 and $399 for sale. Wdl discount tember 9. sufficient to net pmchaaer 12 per Contract.>ra are wanttd. See ce ut Tlie securities are as good ns notices eLe-.vbere. government bonds. Want the mon­ Postmaster J .hngon of Port Oi- ey. See me soon. B. Folsom. ford was a Coquille caller Mouday. “Blest Be tie Tie Tkal Binds” For Rent cheap—a small barn, County Clerk Watson issued the fol­ especially if tukeu by the year lowing marriage licenses during the Phone 3X week: A. L. Neely has moved to Par Herbert R Saffcll and Norma Phetina kershurg with his family where he Larne, both of Bandon. John Moore and Rose Fenton, both of will con Iu t a dairy rauch. Bandon. Lee Willard aud Company at the Vernie A. Buell and Bessie A. Morb- Scenic theatre Wednesday and ley, both of Marshfield. Thursday nights, September 4-5 . Thomas F. Smith and Florence A. W 1$. Clark has moved to Proa Mason, both of Marshfield. T. O. Hadsall and Agnes Tupper, both per where he will, beginning Sep of Bandon. temher 1, take charge of the mill at that place. Logging Road To Be Constricted V. R. WILSON Mr. Shields is Secretary of the Ore­ gon Equal Taxation League and a well known Author E I In order to u p a large tract of Miss Edua Johnson had her leg broken on Friduy last by the over timber the C. A. Smith company turning of a buggy iu which she will construct a logging railroad, to exteud about sixteen miles, from was rilling German family wants to rent a Myrtle Point down the south fork dairy rauch for October. References of the Coquille river. can he given. Write to Mrs. E The opening of such a big tim­ Kromminga, Lakeside, Ore. ber tract, by the building of this Albert Croach has purchased the road, will assure to that vicinity Drury Morgan place for the sum of many years ol activity in logging $>,550, iijioo which he will erects operations as it is estimated seven­ house and make extensive improve­ ty-five to one hundred years will ne ments. required to log off all of the land I B. Riddle and family passed iu the south fork country- through Coquille Thursday last for Gobi Beach. Mr.Riddle is owner of a large sawmid at tile towu named in bis honor which is located near Roseburg. W ILL SPEAK IN I W. C T. U. Convention SINGLE TAX EXPOSED 3E SINGLE TA X EXPOSED BY CHAS. H. SHIELDS Mr. Shields will speak in Coquille at 8 p. m., September 2, on "Single Tax Exposed." Mr. Shields is author of the pam­ phlet “Single Tax Exposed,’’ which has been read by a large number of residents of this country and is at present conducting the campaign against Single Tax in Oregon which has received comment in some cases and commendation in others from all over the state. It will be well worth while for both opponents to Single Tax, and those who agree with Mr. Shields, to be present at this meeting. Following his address Mr. Shields announces that he will be perfectly willing to answer any question propounded to him. It is expected that a number of local men will be on the platform with Mr. Shields and he will be in­ troduced by one of our citizens. MEDLEY MENTIONED I A. P. Miller and family contem- ^ plate leaving for the utHte fair at Salem Sunday. We wish them a happy time. They are fortunate in securing a Goodman and wife to ¡dispense go >d things at their pop­ ular confectionery store during tbeir J absence. O P T O M E T R IS T -------sn------- Baxter Hotel Friday & Saturday August 30-31 Errors of Refraction Scien­ tifically Corrected Mr. Machado, a traveling man named Shelly an 1 Miss Machad >, were on Sunday Ia6t at Myrtle Point, thrown from a buggy by the ruua O n e ol the best buys in way of the horse attached thereto. Coquille for the money All the occupants were thrown on is to be had in the the hard road and bad a narrow M. L Church South Sunday, September 1, will be the escape from serious iujury. T W O LOTS AND BARN last Sunday of this coufeience year, R F. Shannon, for twenty-three on the corner opposite the pastor leaving shortly there­ years a resid intof Bandon, called the Christian church. after for the session of the annual on the Herald the other day amt N eed money— will olfer conference which will be held in said less wind was experitnetd at them for a short time for Portland. that place this year than any pre­ At thb morning service the theme ceding. While a little inconven­ will be, "The Place of Trials in the ient at times the zephyrs are not of Development of Christian Cbarac that force to interfere with business One-half down, the reit ter.” There will be a violin solo bv activity at the tbriviog city by the on easy payments : : : Mr. CharleB Purslev and the pastor sea. Phone 3 X C. A . Pendleton will report briefly the work of the J. .1 Stanley haa been appointed year just closing. justice of the peace to succeed E O. At night there will be a cheery D. Holden, deceased. Mr Stanley evangelistic service the theme being is an able lawyer, an honorable "P eter’s Denial.” If you have ups gentleman, and those who may have Plying Between and downs in your life hear this grievances or business differences sermon. Mr. Frank Lealie will sing to settle b.-fore him can rest assur­ a solo and the choir will give an ed that all measurements in the anthem. scales of justice in his bauds will be Sunday school at 10. a m. honorably weighed and determined. First-class fare only........... $7.50 You are invited to be present. O V. White, professor of sciences Up freight, per ton.............. 3.00 C. H. C l e a v e s , Pastor. in the Presbyterian college at Al­ bany is touring the coast on a bi­ CHURCH OF CHRIST. Sudden & Christiansen There will be preaching Sunday cycle soliciting students for that Agent«, San Francisco, California institution. Prof. White was a col­ at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. For Reservations The evangelistic meetings are league of Dr. J. R Parker at Philo­ being well attended. The set mous math college, who speaks in highest NOSLER & NORTON this week are along the line of— praise of his worthiness. The Her­ Agents, Coquille, Oregon ‘‘ Will,” ‘‘ Heartfelt Religion,’’ "T h e ald acknowledges a pleasant call Holy Spirit,” etc. Come and bring | from both gentlemen, your questions and Bibles and have Attorney C. R. Barrow is piloting a trank discussion of these impor­ Frank Hull of Carey, Kansas, about tant subjects. the city in order that he may form T. B. McDonald, Minister acquaintances and gain information concerning the superiority of oar Per Acre I'RKSIIYT BRIAN CHURCH. section to tho end that be will Services Sunday at 11. a. m. and seek fortune in our community Mr. THE BEST BUY 8 p. tn. H'dl arrived Saturday last and in­ In C oos County Suuday School at 10 ft. m. i' nds to stay a month, which we Frank II. Adams, Pastor. beiti ve is a sufficient time to con- vert him to our clime Mr. Hull is A Nevada Visitor a relative of Mrs. Barrow. I’ . II Hughes of Fallon, Nevada, SUNDAY SERVICES IN COQUILLE CHURCHES A Bargain in Lots $350 Str. B r o o k ly n San Francisco and Bandon $20 160 ACRES BENCH LAND J. P. Vest is a recent arrival in arrived in Coquille od Saturday last to look over this section with a Coquille, anil is on the lookout for Three million feet of timber—Sufficient to pay for the land view of investing in farm lands and land for geueral farming purposes. One-fourth mile to sawmill making a permanent home with us. He is bete with bis family and haa Church, school and postoffice within a half mile Mr. Hughes comes here through two sons, p ««eased of manly vigor Good neighbors, splendid county road the instrumentality of Joseph Win sml push, who are anxious to use through place. Fine stream of water on premises, and river die, an old time resident of Coquille their energies in clearing and put- within one-fourth mile. now in Nevada, and by reading the ting our productive soil in condi- 12 miles to Myrtle Point Herald which be has been taking ' tion for the plow We trust they for some time. We trust Mr . | may find a satisfactory place as meo A small house and some improvements for stock and the best Hughes will have no cause to re -' of energy will certainly be well re j An ideal place kind of land for frui gret his coming and will find prop-j warded for their labors in our most One-half cash; balance to suit purchaser A money-maker for a man of energy erty agreeable to his wishes. The favored clime. many friends of Mr. Windle will b< One of the moat common ailments Call on or address pleased to learn that his family are * £ now in better health an