REXALL GDbituarg EMULSION ------ « a t -------- Purified petrolium, emul­ sified with hypophos- phites of lime and soda. IN M EM O R IA M E. Q. D. Holden, born February | 18, 1834, died iu Coquille, Tuesday morning, August 20, 1912, aged 78 years, 6 months, 1 day. Judge Holden had been ailing but a few days, and would not have Tonic, stimulant, nutri a physicician, still his brother Odd tive, intestinal, a n t i ­ Fellows kept a vigilant watchful­ ness ot his movements. Rev. Evans s e p t i c , anti-tubercular. suggested to Dr. Richmond that he pay Brother Holden a fraternal call and when the doctor arrived at the Judge’s home Monday evening he found him on the floor where he had been drawing water to irrigate flowers. He was stricken with pa­ ralysis, and apparently suffered no pain He was conscious near the end. Rev. Evans, pastor of the Metho­ The Rexall Store dist Episcopal church, carried into execution the triple tenets of the order symbolically portrayed by the Professional Cards three links during the illness and death of his venerable church mem­ ber and brother. The following P H Y SIC IA N S letter given to Mr Evans for deliv­ DR. JAS. RICHMOND ery was the last writing of Judge Physician Holden which shows that he was Surgeon not forgetful of his duties and obli­ Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg. Office Phone Main 211 gations to mau even to the last hour of his life. The letter was written R. B. HOAG, M. D. at three o’clock Monday afternoon Physician and an hour later Judge Holden Surgeon was helpless. It tollows: Rich monel-Barker Building Both Phones No. 1000 Second St., City. H on . F,. D. S perry , City— Can’t you attorneys sign stipulation Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT 01 otherwise take care of Lemanski vs. (Blank) before some other justice for D e n t is t adjudication? I do not seem to improve Office over First National Bank as I ought and cannot help being wor­ ried by what may look a neglect of Phone Main 431 business. Upon information of any satisfactory agreement between you attorneys 1 will DR. H. B. MOORE get down to office and make necessary CHIROPRACTOR transfer, etc. Very truly, Room 2. Laird Bldg Phone 404 Yours always, Chronic Diseases a Specialty E. G. D. H o l d e n , Office Hours, 9:30 to 12, 2 to 5. J. P. 3rd Dist. He had been an ardent member of the Odd Fellows for over forty years, and a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and an exemplary citizen throughout his long life. He was Grand Master of the Odd Fellows of the State of Michigan for the years 1880-1 and served the Grand Lodge as Grand Representative for the years 1882-3 Mr. Holden was a member of Heeeta Lodge No. i n , I. O O. F .,of Flor­ ence, Oregon; Coquille Encamp­ If you have missed the world’s ment No. 25 I . O O F . and Mamie Greatest Frontier Show Rebecca Lodge No. 20, I. O. O F. at Pendleton, Ore. of Coquille. you can see it In his address before the Grand here in Lodge of Odd Fellows of Michigan Bro. Holden said ‘ ’the noble grand among men were those who most loves his fellow man,” and in this connection he produced the allegor- icai poem of Leigh Hunt, which follows : “ Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!) ■ AT = = = = = Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace, And saw within the moonlight of his room, Making it rich, and like a lilly’s bloom, An angel writing in a book of gold. Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold. And to the presence in the room he said: ‘What writest thou?’ The vision raised its head, And with a look, made all of sweet accord, Answered: ‘The names of those who Watch for Bills Giving love the Lord.’ ‘And is mine one?’ said Abou; ‘Nay, Date and Further not so.' Particulars Replied the Angel. Abou spoke more low, But cheerily still, and said: ‘I pray thee, then, Write me as one who loves his fellow men.’ The angel wrote and vanished! The next night It came again with a great wakening light, And showed the names whom love of God had blessed. And lo! Ben Adhem’s name led all the rest. ” Mr. Holden was Secretary of State of Michigan thirty-tour years ago, at which time and prior there­ to he was-active in political affairs George & Gibier, Props. He came'to Coquille about twelve years ago from Florence, Oregon, and served several terms as city General photographic recorder and about eight years as work, portraiture and justice of the peace, a position he viewing, developing held with dignity and honor to a and printing for ama­ degree that none attempted to dis­ teurs. Call and see ua possess him. and get our prices. C. H Holden, a brother, a justice of the peace at Glenada, Oregon; Henry S. Holden, a son, a business man at Grand Rapids, Michigan; another son whose name and place of residence could not be learned and Mrs Judge Perkins, a daughter, The "Profreiii».’' Party [a the individual, man or woman, who the wife of the circuit judge at uses Foley Kidney Pill* for backache, Grand Rapids. Michigan, survive ■ heumatiam, weak hack, and other kid-! icy and bladder irregularities. Foley I him. Kidney Pill* arc healing, strengthening ] The editor of the Herald had .onic, and quick to produce beneficial results Contain no harmful drugs. learned to admire the manly, ster­ Sever sold in hulk. Put up in two sizes ling character of Mr. Holden with n sealed bottles. The genuine in a yel-1 ow package. Fuhrman'a Pharmacy. 1 whom we had often conversed 011 $1. the Bottle P U H R liA N S PHARMACY THE ROUND UP □ 3000 Feet of Life-like Mo­ tion Pictures Masonic Hall SOON Q COQUILLE STUDIO varied topics and always with bene­ fit. As Judge Holden expressed himself iu an address before the Grand Lodge ot Odd Felloes, we were drawn together by “a myster­ ious something that cannot be ex ­ pressed in words. A sympathetic telephone connects all our hearts so that ere the wish is whispered, it is back. It brings the fraternal feel­ ing that is born in every soul in­ stantly to the surface. It Is made ready to act in that it energises with all its power the latent sympa­ thies of man.” Judge Holden lelt on our desk on July 24 last, the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of Michigan for the year 1880, at which time he was chosen its Grand Master and had at that time writ­ ten the date of his birth from which we infer he knew the end of bis earthly career was close at hand. J. S. Lawrence, secretary of the local lodge of Odd Fellows, tele­ graphed Henry S Holden, son ol the deceased, at Grand Rapids, Michigan, regarding disposition of the body and received instructions that the funeral be held in Coquille. Funeral services at the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday, August •25, at 2 p. m. Interment Odd Fel­ lows cemetery. BETTER SALARIES BETTER TEACHERS The Coos County Teachers’ In­ stitute, held at BandoD, closed last Friday at noon. The District School Board convention was held Tlnirs day in conjunction with the insti­ tute. From niue o’clock to eleven the board members iu attendance visited classes of regular instruct­ ors. At eleven o’clock they were addressed by E. T. Cariatoli, Assiit- ant State Superintendent. Among others discussed, Mr.G'urleton touch­ ed upon the county supervisor’s proposition. He couteuds that the law proriding for a supervisor is a good one and believes the people of this county will be better satisfied with it if they permit it to be thor­ oughly tried out. He satB the|ays- tem is proviug quite efficient in other couuties, especially in the Wil­ lamette valley. Friday afternoon the School con­ vention met with Supt. Bunch in the chair, and took up the discus­ sion of a number of topics which had previously been sent out from tne county Superintendent's office. In the matter of ‘‘How to Hire and Keep a Teacher.” it seemed to be the concensus of opinion that good teachers could be secured and kept only by paying better salaries. Purposes for which the school house might properly be used were also discussed. Some argued that the school rooms should not be used for public meetings during the school term claiming that the room was certain to he left in disorder after such a meeting and that the work of the school was on this account ser­ iously disturbed. Most of the mem­ bers, however, seemed to think there were many propel uses for the school house, even during the school term, and seemed to be attracted by the modern idea of mukiug the school house the social center of the community. On the whole this institute was very satisfactory. One hundred and fourteen leacheis took advantage of the excellent instruction oYercd. An Enterprising Citizen Paul Stephan has received a bill of ladiug for machinery and tools shipped from Cincinnati, Ohio, for use in the City Bakery. Among the more important is a dough mixer of two-barrel capacity and an electric motor to furnish power to run the same. The mixer weighs 2,500 pounds. A cake machine with five dies, one pan rack, two proof box trucks and other articles to the val­ ue of over $1,000 are also on the way. Mr. Stephan intends to make the City Bakery a modern establish ment second to none, and one de­ serving patronage far and near. Married His Fast Couple The Komid-up, 3,1100 feet of life­ like motion pictures, as seen at the world’s greatest frontier show at Pendleton, will soon be at the Ma­ sonic hall. Watch for hills giving ■ late J. H. Aker bestowed a substan­ tial and cordial greeting upon the Heiald M >uday morning Duchess of Oldenberg apples, struwberries, blagi berries and rhubarb from his home adjoining the city were placed upon our desk, which later tickled our palates, and produced kindly thoughts of the generous giver. MEKELY MENTIONED DE 0 * D0E0E DE ONE DAY ONLY New city hall soon. Good. Farmers’ Union meets Saturday. W C T.U. county convention meets Friday. Contractors wanted— See notice elsewhere. Mrs. Fred Belloni returned from San Francisco Tuesday. Miss Gitchel— Thursday evening, August 22, at MaBonic hall. Seventeen new residences are in course of construction in Marshfield Frank Burkholder aod Albert Superintendent Howard and wife were over-Sunday visitors at Ban­ Croach returned yesterday from a deer bunt in Eitou valley. Mr. don. Circuit court for Coos county Burkholder shot his first deer with­ 3 1 will convene in this city Tuesday, out experiencing “ buck fever.” He says they ate the deer believing they September 3 . could get more and consequently O. C. Sanford is painting his res are unable to present visible evi­ idence a seal brown with trinuniugs dence of their buut. of ivory color. Owen Knowlton left Wednesday Mrs. Geraldine Morris leaves by the Steamer Fifield for San Fran- ! Saturday for Dairyvillc, Curry coun­ cisco where he will attend the Cal- J ty, for a brief visit. ■ form 1 College of Pharmacy in that IV. C. ConDor, formerly of the city. Owen will be ubsent about Herald, has established a job print­ two years and w« are confident he ing office at Cottage Grove. will be master of the chosen p:o- Judge John S. Coke leaves Fri­ fession upon his return. We wish day for Gold Beach to hold a term him good speed and God speed in | of circuit court for Curry county. all bis laudable aims. Wanted— To rent dairy ranch. tieury Averill, of the Coos Bay 1 State terms. References given. Ad Life Saving station, accompanied by dress Lock Box 141, Brockway, Ore. his wife, is visiting relatives and . J. C. Walling will take M. P. friends at Fishtrap. While out Long and wife to the state fair at hunting in the neighborhood of Salem leaving here on the 31st inst Fishtrap last week, in company with ; Man vs. Beast shown in motion Itbrntr Robison, a six-point deer OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, COQUILLE, OREGON pictures— The Round-up — at Ma- was killed by them. As is well j sonic hall. Watch for bills giving known, it is uuusual to securo dter date. with six-point antlers, and the par­ Social dance at Heazlet hall Sat­ ty is elated at their good fortune. M A S O N I C II A I. I- urday, August 24. The Scenic su­ Chas A. Pursley, a brother of F. perb orchestra. Gentlemen 75c., C. Pursley of the Geo. A. Robinson ladies free. store, is in the city for a month's German family wants to rent a dairy ranch for October. References visit. Mr. Pursley took a course of! can be given. Write to Mrs. E study iu the Oregon Conservatorv ! of Music at Portland and is exper Krorarainga, Lakeside, Ore. The good housewife finds the family Thursday, August 22 Frank Morse has promised a day ienced in the musical liue as was washing particularly disagreeable— evideuced to the satisfaction of the At 8:30 sharp electric service within a yrar for the hot, steaming suds—the mu-s and dirt- house upside down—Hub­ the accommodation of those desir­ audience at the entertainment given by gets home to a cold lunch and is ing to use power for running ma­ by the ladies of the Presbyterian cross—baby cries, etc. church at Masonic hall Tuesday chinery in manufacturing enter­ a graduate of the famous Emerson The work of taking care of the eveniug. prises. School of Elocution and Oratory, family wash is a pleasure to us— Walter E. Morris, a graduate of Boston, will give readings under H. O. Anderson and wife left it is our business—we are equipped Wednesday for a tim e weeits’ visit the O. A C. at Corvallis, arrived in the auspices of the Coquille Educa­ for it. Send it to us—be rid of all tional League, interspersed with the worry and hard work. You at the old home in Cottage Grove. the city yesterdaj to gather infor­ musical numbers directed by will be glad—the baby will be Mr Guy Kelley will have charge of mation concerning land values, yield good—Hubby will smile over a Mr. Anderson’s store during his of crop«, dairy products, etc. The MISS SPERRY warm dinner—you will live longer Oregon State Immigration commis­ absence. An interesting part of the program and be happier. will be a pantomime by local talent Miss Gitchel possesses a very sion and the Oregon Agricultural trained by Miss Gitchel pleasing manner aod thoroughly College are working unitedly in se­ understands the art of her profes- curing statistics that will prove val­ Admission 25c; Children 1-2 price sion--A. M. Blodgett, Principal uable. Mr. Morris has the names of II A I . 1.I North Side High School, Corning, several farmers in this locality upon whom he will call for the purpose New York. Masonic hall touigbt. named. Attorney Walter Sinclair and wife left Monday for Curry county for Attention Odd Fellows an abseuce <4 ten days. Business Brother E. G. D. Holden, Past P lying Betw een One of the best buys in interests on the Sixes river necessi­ Grand Master, Independent Older Coquille for the money tates the trip and doubtless a little of Odd Fellows of the State of is to be had in the respite from labor by wav of recre­ Michigan, will be buried in Odd ation will be enjoyed. T W O L O T S AN D BA R N Fellows’ cemetery Sunday, August Henry L. Southwick, President of 25. Funeral services at Methodist on the corner opposite F irst-c la ss fare only $7.50 Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, Episcopal church at 2 p. m. All the Christian church. U p freight, p er to n ................ 3.00 Mass., says, ‘ ‘ Miss Gitchel has a members are urgently requested to Need money— will offer O- line personality and a refined taste attend. J. S. L awrence , Secretary. them for a short time for Sudden & Christiansen and manner. She has marked tal­ A g e n ts, S an F ra n c is c o , C a lifo rn ia ‘ Blest Be the Tie Thai Binds” ent iu expression and reads well.” County Clerk Watson issued the fol­ Masonic hall tonight. F o r R e s e rv a tio n s lowing marriage licenses during the One-half down, the reit Harry Rhodes, who was adjudg­ week: on easy payments : : : N O SL ER & NORTON ed insane and committed to the John A. Gilman and Ofa Iona Sanders, A g e n ts, C o q u ille , O re g o n asylum about three months ago, was both of Coquille. Phone 3 X C. A. Pendleton Alex. Johnson and Ellen S. Brantt, recently discharged but again grew both of Marshfield. violent. He was again examined Wm. Hartsrnan, of San Francisco, FIRE-PROOF before Judge J o I id F. Hall and it and Clara A. Rchfield, of Marshfield. was ordered that he be teturned Herbert Saffeld and Norma Phetina Larne, both of Bandon. to the asylum. John Moore and Rose Fenton, both Mrs. Clara Bewi k Colby spoke 1 ol Bandon. ROOW H G on Amendment No. 1, (which deals F ocution a ad Music with woman suffrage) at the Little C. A. HARRINGTON Church Tuesday evening. The audi­ Miss Gitchel, a graduate of the 1 The only ready roofing m anu­ FROPltlETOB ence was small owing to many other Emerson School of Elocution and factured that is absolutely fire­ proof. attractions, but those who attended Oratory, Boston, will give readings Made of a com bination of As­ spoke of the address as able and tonight at Masonic hall, under the bestos (stone) fibre and genuine Trinidad Lake Aspholt. This auspices of the Coquille Education-; eloquent. ■* ® roofing is proof against every W. H. Nosier and wife left the al League. There will also be mu- , destructive elem ent. Sam e Old Place It is simple to lay and never forepart of the week, by private sical numbers directed by Miss requires painting, graveling or team via Roaeburg, for Eugene Sperry. Admission 25 cents High ; repairs. Used on all kinds of buildings—everywhere. where they will reside hereafter. School pupils and children 15 cents! Write or call for Samples While regretting the loss to our or two for 25 cents. T II P , IlU A .M ) A and Booklet. -* •* -— I ,* 4 I A « k jr o tir l l r n g g i . t i /A community of these good citizens, i y - « y C h l« e S s a fa r fr B lo w » » J T ir w m l/ / V \ P i l l s In R< d m l U ..I.I , • W / Bam and Horses Bnrned »eale.l with Pine H r l n. we wish them much prosperity and W f T s k e no o th e r lin y o f y o u r * Rev. T. B McDonald, minister of - 7 » m n i s i . a . « f r « ii i < t i i • r : i r * happiness in their Eugene home. D I A M O N D It If \ N II 1*11,1 r C o q u ille , O re g o n - year» known as Bcsti 8 I.AlwS) the Church of Christ this city, con­ 1296 K. S Knowlton left yesterday for SOLO BY DRUGGIST S EVE ’(V i)Hl U* ducted services at Bridge last Sun ‘ Ssn Francisco by ‘-teamer Fifield day. While there he learned of the where he will remain a few daye to total destruction of a barn by fire! take in the sights, learn the news on that day belonging to Oeorge „ and study the fashions of the Pa- Bronson of Big Creek several miles ^ lific Coast metropolis. He left above Bridge. A team of horses: i expressing a hope tuala good at- j belonging to Fred Nosier was in tendance would greet the elocution­ the barn st the time of the fire and >; All Standard Sizes Constantly On Hand Special Sizes to Order was lost. The tesm was a valuable y. ist at the Masonic hall tonight. one and said to be worth $400. L. A. Liljrqviat, -distant prose­ Mr. Bronson's loss is quite henry >; 5 Orders Ta'; ■n for Italian Queens cuting attorney, ha> received sev­ in tools, farming implements har- 7 .. 7 - . ... ness feed and hav. The barn was & ■ “ ‘r ‘ eral letters threatening him with . fired by children who were at play bodily harm if he d d not desist in in the bay. bis activity in the Joiner disappear' — „ ance matter. The let'er* were mail- “ I w as cured of diarrhoea by one dor.e ) ___________ _ C O Q CULLE, O R E G O N « P h o n e M a in 243 SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 Special Price on LADIES SHOES Your Choice for $ 2.40 D E E D These Shoes sold regular for $3, $3.50 and $4. Patent Leather, Vici Kid and Gun Metal. Sizes Three to Six E D One Day Only, Satu rd ay August 24 sm Ladies’ Bazaar ^ i f -------- » = r lwinnir = = i i= - —■■ = n^ A n E ven in g W ith Literature and Music In the Good Old Summer Time MISS GI TC H EL MASONIC COQUILLE LAU N D R Y ......... AND ICE CO. A Bargain in Lots St r. B r o o k l y n San Francisco and Bandon $350 SK O O K U li ASYVUST O S RESTAURANT Q Come and See C H IC H ES TER S PU LS \ Rev. Seth R. Steele, pastor of the M. E. Church South of Bandon, vis­ ited the city yesterday and was un­ ceremoniously called upon to join John Moore and Rosa Clinton, both of Bandon, in wedlock. It was the first marriago solemnized by I\er. Steele A n d he said, "I believe I was more nervous than the contracting parties.” The ceremony was per­ formed at 2:15 at the Baxter hotel, and John is now prepared to ‘ ‘add a little bit Moore” to his pos- Marshfield. Attorney Liljeqvist is hardt Oriole, ¡’a. There is nothing not taking the uattei seriously. [better. For sale byall druggists. ■ If »' v, ir"?;. r* *■ J. H. Oerding FRUIT B O X E S I BKI 'i / d B l ’L I F S J. h. OERDING