REXALL COQUILLE IS snil Mercantile company’s and others of lesser note. plant MERELY MENTIONED Dr. H. E. HerniHUu, eye specialiar, will bo at tbe Baxt>r Hotel, Co- quille, Monday and Tuesday, An “ Blest Be the Tie That Binds" gust 10 and 20 . Remember tbe County Clerk Watson issued the fol­ dates. lowing marriage licenses during the Most excellent scenes can always week: Frank O. Demarestand Violet Stauff, be witnessed at the Scenic Theater, both of Cooston. and large audiences are iu attend­ Roy A. Ballard and Bessie C. Wil­ ance nightly Wilson & Foote are liams, both of Bandon. the right men in the right place— so Maurice W. Ray and Ollie Farber, much unlike others— the tight men both of Myrtle Point. Claud H. Giles and Lois A. Perkins, in tbe tight place. both of Myrtle Point. Mrs. Clara Beckwick Colby will -».■»» — speak on Amendment No. 1 at the Born— To the wife of Marion Little Church, this etty, Mondav Clinton, Fisbtiap, A -gust 2, a son. evening, August 19 . Mrs. Colby is Born— To the wife o f R ha-in a speaker ol international fame and Ellingsen, Coquille, August 12. a represents the College Equal Suff­ daughter. rage League. All ate welcome. Watermelons, nice ones, Nosier Th-t regular meeting of the Com­ A Nortou. mercial club scheduled for Monday Sign boards at the comers of the streets giving tlnir names, would be an acceptable accommodation to the new-comer and add to the piide of the old-timers. Business blocks snd residences should be numbered sud ere long we should receive free Purified petrolium, emul­ mail delivery at our doors. sified with hypophos- Our mayor and counciliucn are Magnificent Homes Being Built and in Contem­ doing excellent work iu advancing phites o f lime and soda. plation in all Parts of the City— civic improvements, and we call at­ Gratifying Conditions tention to the ubove paragraph be-, Tonic, stimulant, nutri lieviug it will receive favorable Coquille is not only growing, but recognition at their hands. tive, intestinal, a n t i ­ is beiog beautified in a substautisl way by paviDg the business streets, s e p t i c , anti-tubercular. and the construction of spacious concrete sidewalks. The removal of the old wooden awnings in front of stores on First street is gratifying Deer have been seen near the Attorney J. J. Stanley made a fly­ and with the railroad relegated to ing trip to Marshfield between trains poor farm. the rear, that thoroughfare presents The Presbyterians of Bandon are Monday and speaks glowingly of a decidedly different scene than it the improvements going on in our soon to have a new church edifice. did laBt full. sister town on the bay. He men­ The couDty convention of the Among tbe improvements for the tions particularly the pulp mill W. C. T. U. will be held in this city near future will be a new city hall, being elected by the Smith people— Friday, August 23. school bouse, library and gymna­ The Rexall Store of its proportions and cost. He had Miss Anna Lund of Eastside has sium and briek business buildings a conversation with Al. Powers of been the guest of Mrs. Win. Hum­ are contemplated. the Smith-Powers Logging compa­ ber for a fsw days. Residences in various parts of the ny, and Mr. Powers stated that in city have received the magic touch The Royal theater has been at­ tne construction of tb s mill they of tbe painters’ brush, residence tached to satisfy a claim ol $¡68 would drive nine thousand piles, streets have been improved— nota­ due for film service. moBt of them to be one hundred feet bly on Spurgeon hill— neat garages A Socialist picnic and mass meet­ deep, being driven to bed rock, the have been built by many and evi­ The good housewife finds the family ing will be held at Noith Bend big stack to be 227 feet high. There washing particularly disagreeable— dence of thrift is manifested in all Sunday next (August 18). will be four buildings 65 by 365 feet the hot, steaming suds—the muss portions of the city. Walling & Wickham have estab­ and dirt—house upside down—Hub­ and Ihe cost will approximate a mil­ Among tbe more recent improve­ by gets home to a cold lunch and is lion dollars. Tbe building, roof lished an auto stage line between ments we note the following: cross—baby cries, etc. and all, is to be concrete. Six new Coquille and Myrtle Point. Z. (J. Strang has bought the Er­ The work of taking care of the boilers are being placed in tbe pres­ K. Halverson returned on last nest Perrott place on Spurgeon hill family wash is a pleasure to us— ent mill, from which the pulp mill Breakwater from Portland where he it is our business—we are equipped and will move the house now on the will get its power, which will be has been for several weeks. for it. Send it to us—be rid of all premisos back to give room for a practically all electricity. The water the worry and hard work. You Three loaves for ten cents hereaf­ $3,000 residence, to be built of con­ will be glad—the baby will be will be taken from the bay, a ter at the City Bakery. Cheaper crete blocks and fitted up in an up- good — Hubby will smile over a secret process being used for pur­ and better than home baking. to-date manner with all modern warm dinner—you will live longer ifying it, and it will be under V. R. Wilson, optician, will be in and be happier. conveniences. tbe management of a man who Coquille Friday and Saturday, Au­ Charles Vincent has just complet­ has been manager of the larg­ ed a residence in the Academy ad­ est pulp mill in the world, wlrch gust 16 and 17 , at Hotel Baxter. For Sale—Young mare, weight dition. is in Finland, the manager beiog Frank Morse will soon construct now on the bay to assist with his 1,400; gentle, sound and true. Ad­ dress I. Nordstrom, Parkersburg. a building for his electric light suggestions in the construction, Mrs. E. C. Ostrander was in the plant. the mill being on the plan and city during the past few days calling practically as large as the Finland The fine new bungalow of Charles on friends. She reports everything mill. Mr. Powers said they were Kime will soon be ready for oc­ Monday Night, Aug. 19 not in the habit of advertising lovely at Bridge. cupancy. Mrs. A. H Kellogg I ihm returned what they were doing, and intimat­ Lumber on the property of Sher­ to Coquille after an absence of six ed that he might make other state­ iff Gage indicates improvements to ments which would be of interest to weeks visiting friends at Sacramen­ his residence. the-public generally, but would re­ to aud Pacific Grove. Easel Brothers nre clearing lots frain out of deference to Mr. Smith, Mrs. Frank Denning of Marsh­ in the Academy addition upon which who is the proper member of the field, who has been visiting Mrs they will build a house. concern to talk for publication Chas. Baxter, returned to her home Work is progressing Dicely upon * -m- - tbe first of tbe week. Leo. J. Carey's bungalow near the Attended Agate Carnival The ladies of the Presbyterian home of George E. Peoples. A. J Sherwood and party return­ church nre plauning a “Tom Thumb” Complete in Three Big Reels Bert Nichols has started work ed Monday evening from Port Or- entertainment next Tuesday even upon his residence on East First ford wh-re they a'teDded the Agate ing at the Masonic hall. A Guaranteed Attraction, street near the Kidder borne. Carnival, Port Orford’s annual fes­ showing Sawmill in Opera­ The City Bakery will sell three Postmaster Linegar will goon tival. He says that everything con­ tion—The County Fair— loaves of bread for ten cents hereat move his present house back to nected with the carnival was n great Exciting H orse Races— ter. Excellence maintained Noth­ Real Penitentiary L ife - make room for a modern bungalow. success. All the events in the day’s ing reduced but the price. Sensational Sewer Escape Will Forbes is building a neat entertainment came off ns scheduled —A Leap for Life—The Wanted Agent.—To write health little home in the Academy addition without delay, the rivalry was good and accident insurance. Oregon Man Hunt — Trailed by Datured and the competition in all on lots purchased from B. Folsom. Blood Hounds—The Arrest Surety & Casualty Co., 322 Board —A Great Wrong Righted R. H Smith, the abstracter, ap­ athletic events very keen. The ex­ of Trade, Portland, Oregon preciates tbe enlarged rooms given hibit of agates and curios was far German family wants to rent a Positively the only moving pic­ him by the addition to Drane's beyond his expectation and tbe dis dairy ranch for October. References play of fancy work by the Curry can be given. Write to Mrs. E ture ever taken within the walls store. couuty women would have graced Kiumminga, Lakeside, Ore. o f a State Penitentiary. Lloyd Irvintr purchased lots of B. the walls of the arts pavillion at any Call and examine our showcases Folsom in the Academy addition, fair in the state. The crowd was and has lumber on the ground for and shelves of candies and beat very large and the ladies who fur­ them if you can. Coquille Bakery a residence. nished and served the public dinner and Confectionery, Mrs. M. Nosier, The large barn east of the M. E deserve more than special mention, Proprietress. churcb has been razed to tbe ground as it could not have been better and the appearance of that section Steamer I’ atsey arrived Saturday The weather was delightful and is greatly improved thereby. night last from Portland and, after everybody present seemed to enjoy The frame work for the ware­ himself very much. It was plain to discharging a good cargo for our house on the city wharf is up snd see on every hand that it was not merchants, left at noon Sunday for the much needed building will soon the aim of the Port Orford people the Oregon metropolis. be ready for public patronage. Margaret lies and her popular to speculate off the guests, but they George & Gibier, Props. Mr. Davis recently bought one used their best endeavors to enter­ company favored the people of Co­ acre of B. Folsom in the Notley ad­ tain and make them welcome. He quille with two pleasing plays at dition and is clearing the ground further says the town has improved the Scenic Theater last week. The General photographic ami improving tbe residence there­ wonderfully since bis last visit. Tbe company will return in October. work, portraiture and Wanted To n nt dairy ranch. on. parly consisted of Mr. and Mrs. viewing, developing Nick Johnson’s new residence on Leneve, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Ramp State terms. References given. Ad­ and printing for ama-^ dress Lock Box 141. Brockwav, Ore. East First street will be ready for and Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood. teurs. Call and see us occupancy soon. It is a cozy home To all who anticipate a camping and get our prices. Farmers’ Union Festival and presents a splendid appearance trip, leave orders for home made The Farmers’ Union had a fine bread, pies and c sea, cookies and amid the fine fir trees. feast at W. O. W. hall Saturday last doughnuts with Mr- M. Nosier, who Tbe fine passenger steamer Co­ Storage R oom 'for Rent quille, on tbe run between Bandon at which time the annual Harvest will supply you with everything and Coquille, is one of the new Festival of the organization was in­ fresh from the oven. boats added during the year to ac­ augurated. Well filled tables at­ Mrs. C. H. Cleare» and her chil­ tested to the bountiful production dren left for Grant« Pass Tuesday commodate river traffic. The salooo operated by Mr. of our Boil and the generosity and by automobile to Ro«eburg. She Beckett, as well as the barber shop brotherly love of our farmers. The will lie absent three weeks visiting Plying Between adjoining, has been added to in wives contributed greater to the relatives and friouda at the "old front so that the entrances are now success of the banquet as they Dot home.’ ’ only prepared the delectable dishes, directly from the sidewalk. W. H. Bunch, county school su­ but served them with willing hands perintendent, was presented with a Lack of cement held up street and cheerful hearts to the throng at magnificent Persian rocker by mem­ work for two weeks. A sufficient the tables. Tbe merry laughter of bers of the teachers’ Institute, held First-class fare only $7.50 , supply is now on band and labor the children present added pleasure at BandoD recently, in appreciation I is again reaumod with prospects of Up freight, per ton 3.00 to the occasion. Many members of lung and faithful service. an early completion of the contract C* were admitted and several petitions The county court has let a con­ Sudden & Christiansen Business enterprises for the past were received snd referred to com­ A f «nt». San Frmncitco, California ! year include tbe new Coquille saw­ mittees to report at next meeting tract for driving five hundred piles mill, farmers’ co-operative cream­ Saturday, August 24. The Farmers’ along tbe hanks of the Coquille riv­ For R oterrations ery, a large addition to J.H Oerdiog's Union is growing in influence as er from the city to Beaver Slough, a distance of about four miles. The manufacturing establishment, en­ well as numbers. NOSLER & NORTON work is done to protect tbe banks largement of the yard and other im­ Agent*, Coquille, O regon I from being washed away. Dirt abhors a vacuum cleaner. provements about tbe Coquille Mill EMULSION IMPROVEMENTS ARE MANY $ 1 . the Bottle SMITH PULP MILL TO BE EXTENSIVE PLANT PHARMACY evening did not take place on ac count of no quorum. Those who showed up were President Peoples, Secretary Savage, A. II Clinton, L. J. Carey, C. A. Howard and H. O. Anderson. In the Good Old Summer Time Machinery is bn the ground for a brick yard at Arago which will soon be in operation. Four and six inch tile will also be manufactured. The machine is capable of turning out 25,000 brick per day and it is the intention to manufacture a half million before the fall rains set in FUHRMAN’S COQUILLE LAUNDRY AND ICE CO. Special Feature OPERA HOUSE 2 0 Y ears in Sing Sing CO Q U ILLE STUDIO Str. B ro oklyn San Francisco and Bandon r Mrs. M. Nosier wishes to an­ nounce to her many customers that she has added to her already well selected stock of bakery and confec­ tionery goods, a nice line of luneb goods, consisting ot crackers of all kinds, o\ sters, shrips, sardines, lunch tongue, Vienna sausage, pork and beans— all the best grade of goods. The Coos county commissioners have appropriate I $200 forS beiiff Gage as a reward for the recov» ry­ ot Bill Joiner, the South Slough rancher who disappeared several days ago. The reward is to be paid for Joiner's finding dead or alive. Sheriff Gage had asked for a re­ ward of $500. About twenty-five of the women of Coquille interested in the ques­ tion of equal Suffrage assembled in the Little Church Wednesday after­ noon for the purpose of advicing togethir for the advancement of the cause. Opinions of tbe different ladies were freely expressed and fu­ ture work along this line mapped out. Win Candlin, the manufacturers’ agent, accompanied by tiis wife, re­ turned Sunday from Portland by overland from Drain. Mr Candlin had been absent three weeks and he will now be obliged to increase ac­ tivity in calling upon tbe patrons of bis wares to make up for lost time. Upon returning home he was surprised to note the growth made by vegetables in his splendid gar­ den. Herbert D. Gale, for twelve years Judge Court First Instance, Manila, P. I. has secured a leave of absence from Uncle Sim for five months’ duration and is, with his family, so- journing on greater and broader ground. Mrs. Gale is an old friend of Mr. and Mrs. E I) Sperry of this city with whom the family have been visiting the past few days. The distinguished party leaves to lay on the Breakwater for Portltnd where Mrs. Gale will reside in order that her children may have suitable en­ vironments and receive a proper educatitn. Judge Gale will return to tbe Philippines to serve out bis allotted time in the employ of the government. Tbe Herald received a pleasant call from Mr. Gale. ---------- .a ------------ D. C. Byt>ee, teaming contractor liv­ ing at 86» Keeling Court, Canton, III., is now well rid of a severe and annoying case of kidney trouble. His back pained him and he was tiothered with headaches and dizzy spells. ” 1 took Foley Kidney Pills jui.. as directed and in a few days I felt much better. My life and strength seemed to come back, and I slept well. I am now all over my trouble and glad to recommend Fo’ey’s Kidney Pills.” Try them. Fuhrman's Pharmacy. -- ----- ■ # « — — Have you paid the printer? % 1 DR. H . E. HERMANN ^ 9 EYESIGHT a SPECIALIST ^ HOTEL BAXTER COQUILLE Assessor Thrift has started in to “ do things up brown.” His resi dence has received touches from the painters’ brush producing that color aud it is pleasing. There is also a little matter in November that he intends to “ brush up” with equally as good results, being loyally aided by many friendly volunteers. O. O. Lund, Marshfield, republi­ can candidate for sheriff, called at Coquille yesterday between trains Mr. Lund has wagered that none of the three candidates for presi­ dent of the United States will be elected that not one of them will receive a majority of the electoral vote. He is coufident he will win. >•* Monday = Tuesday August 19, 2 0 - REMEMBER THE DATES L ia n w a B ^ | i-mm mmmmmmmJ M ali! 1LENDS MAH FRIEND FISHERS * B LEN D In A Class B y Its e lf I M P A R T IA L tests made by The Columbus Labo­ ratories of Chicago give F isher ’ s B lend F lour a higher rating than that of the Dakota all-Hard Wheat Patent Flour. Considering that this scientific combination of East­ ern Hard Wheat and Western Soft Wheat costs you from 20 to 25% less than what has always been con­ sidered the highest grade of breadstuff, you can readily see that it will pay you to insist 011 having F is h e r ’ s B l e n d F lour For Sale bv All Dealers Manured FISHER |- 1_ o U RING MILLS CO. s e u a st t a l e Crescent Ranges RENOWNED-RELIABLE M ade by the Pacific Stove and Range C o., St. Johns, Oregon Largest S t o c k of Ranges in Town Fourteen Ranges on the floor W e are prepared to offer six of these Ran­ ges at the Reduced Price of $35 T h e bodies of these Ranges are made of one-piece Wellsville Polished Steel. Call and see them ANDERSON New and Second-Hand Goods