Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 15, 1912, Image 2

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    The Coquille Herald rnnjj
E ntered an second class m atter May
6, 1905. at the poet office at Coquille,
Oregon, uuiler act of Con ¿rena oi March
8 , 1879 .
a i ik k
O. ACKERMAN, Publiahwr
Devoted to the m aterial and social
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par
ticularly and of t'ooe County generally.
Subscription, $1.60 per year in advance
Phone, Main "184.
Repotlcd to Dr. Walter Culin, County Health
Twenty-one Births and
T h e re w ill be p re a e b iu g S u n d ay
a t 11 a. tu. U nion aervice a t 8 p. in. j
T. B. M cDonald, M inister !
Preaching Sunday mornÌDg at 11.
No evening service.
Sunday School at 10 a. tu.
Frank H. Adams, Pastor.
Twelve Deaths
M. E. Church South
follow ing a re th e b irth s a n d
o c c u rrin g iu C oos c o u n ty
the m o n th o f J u ly a s a p p e a rs
re co rd s of D r. W a lte r C u lin ,
h e a lth officer :
July 1, to the wife ot R. A. Cothell, Bay
Park, a daughter.
2, to the wife of Eugene Terry,
Marshfield, a daughter.
2, to the wife of Jas. G. Let», Riv­
erton, a daughter.
8, to tin* wife of Win. H* Croas,
Pamela Creek, a son.
8, to the wife of Paul Stephan. Co­
quille, a daughter.
11, to the wife of Michael McKenna,
Bandon, a «laughter.
12, to the wife of W arren Eckles,
Coos River, a son.
12, to the wife of Carl Hollenbeak,
Catching Inlet, a son.
13, to the wife of Win. Barkdoll,
Norway, a daughter.
17, to the wife of August Olson,
Marshfield, a son.
23, to the wife of Nile Miller, Fish-
trap, a son.
23, to the wife of George Glenn, Co­
quille, a daughter.
24, to th e wife of Henry Ham pton,
M arshfield, a daughter.
24, to the wife of Byron Keeney,
Coquille. a daughter.
27, to the w ife of G. W. Davenport,
M arshfield, a son.
27, to th e w ife of Reis Nyerdrum
March field, a son.
27, to the wife of Hollie Alford, Co­
quille. u daughter.
27, to the wife of Tlios. Hall, Myrtle
Point, a son.
27, to the wife of Godfrey Vetter,
Coquille, a son.
28, to the wife of Clarence Johnson, a son.
30, to the wife of J. M. Wagner,
Myrtle Point, a son.
Service Sunday morning, August
18, preaching by tbe pastor, subject
“Jacob’s Dream.”
Sunday school at io. a m.
You are invited to be present.
No evening service.
C. H. C l e a v e s , Pastor.
July 1. N athan M. Lipp, Myrtle
Point, 87 years.
Ju ly 2. In fan t daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. C. W atson, Coquille. 4 inos.
July ti. In fan t daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. West, Lampa, 5 days.
J u lj 8. In fan t son of Win. Cross,
Marshfield, 5 days.
Ju ly 10. Florence G ilkey, Coquille,
17 years.
Ju ly 13. Geo. F. Blood. Marshfield,
73 years.
July B». M artha C. H aynie, Myrtle
Point, 52 years.
Ju ly 20. J B. Griffith, Coqui^e, 40
Ju ly 22. Frank S. Johnson, Coquille,
57 years.
July 24. Emeline S hepherd, McKin­
ley, 57 years.
July 20. Peter Clausen, Marshfield,
55 years.
July 20. Charles H adley, Bandon,
“ W ere all medicines as meritorious 40 years.
as C ham berlain's Colic, Cholera and
D j^ rh o e a Remedy the world would be
much b e tte r otf and the percentage of
suffering g re atly decreased,” w rites
time, any place,
Lindsay Scott, of Temple, Ind. For
sale by all druggists.
phones. T . A . W alker.
------ .»> -------——•
Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a fa rm e r living
n ear Fleming, Pa., says he used Cham­
be rla in 's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy in his fam ily for fourteen
y e ars, and th a t he has found it to be
an excellent remedy, and tak es pleasure
in recom mending it. F or sale by all
d e a th s
d u rin g
o n the
c o u n ty
E ditor Herald:
A factor com es u p in th e com in g
N o v e m b er electio n w h ic h , p e rh a p s,
w ill be of in te re s t to th e o ld -tim e
re sid en t to rev iew as w ell as being
a m a tte r of in fo rm a tio n to th e n e w ­
com er.
T h e re co rd s sh o w th e re p u b lica n
c a n d id a te for co m ity a ssesso r, K H .
H a n s e n , h a s a sp ired as fo llo w s :
In th e y e a r 1888 he rail as a d e m o ­
c ra t for th e office of c o u n ty school
s u p e r in te n d e n t; in 1890 he agaiu
ra n for th e office of c o u n ty school
s u p e rin te n d e n t as a d e m o c ra t; in
1894 h e vas affected w ith a c h an g e
o f h e a rt a n d ra n as a p o p u list tor
c o u n ty assessor; in 1S96 h e again
ra n a s a p o p u list for c o u n ty assessor;
in 1900 he w as n o m in a te d on the
p o p u list tic k e t for th e office o f c o u n ­
ty school s u p e rin te n d e n t; in 1902
h e h a d a n o th e r c h a n g e o f h e a rt and
a g a iu so u g h t th e n o m in a tio n for
c o u n ty assessor in th e d e m o c ra tic
p a rty ; ki 1908 he h a s a n o th e r a t­
ta c k —c h a n g e of h e a r t—a n d is found
s e e k in g th e n o m in a tio n for th e
office of c o u n ty assessor in th e re ­
p u b lic a n p a rty .
D o e sn ’t th is look lik e p in n in g his
fa ith to a n y p o ssib ility to se c u re the
re q u ire d n u m b e r o f votes for elec­
O n e w ould n o t be s u rp ris e d to
find Mr. H a n se n e n d o rs in g th e B ull
M oose p a rty a n d th e S o c ialist or
a n y o th e r o rg a n iz a tio n it th e re w ere
an office in th e m .
W o u ld n ’t a m an of fix ed political
p rin c ip le s, re ly in g u p o n h is past
official record a p p e a l m ore s tro n g ly
to the in te llig e n t v o te rs o f C oos
c o u n ty ?
The Christian Church, M. K
Church South and the Presbyterian
Church have united for holding
Sunday services during July and
Sunday night, A u g u st 18, union
service will be held in the Christian
Church, sermon bv Rev.E II Adams.
Union Young Peoples’ meeting
will be held at the Cbristiau
Church Sunday August 18, at 7 p. in.
conducted by one of the Presbyter­
ian Church members.
The *‘Progre..ive' P a rty
Is the individual, man or woman, who
uses Foley Kidney Pills for backache,
rheum atism , w ,a k back, and o ther kid­
ney and bladder irregularities. Foley
Kidney Pills are healing, strengthening,
tonic, and quick to p rudjee beneficial
result s Contain no harm ful drugs.
N ever sold in hulk. P ut up in tw o sizes
in sealed bottles. The genuine in a yel­
low package. F uhrm an's Pharm acy.
In th e C ircuit C o u rt of th e S ta te ol
Oregon for C oos C ounty
A ttorney fo r Plaintiff,
Residing a t Coquille, Coos county,
h e a rtb u rn ,
so u r
s to m a c h ,
n erv o u sn ess,
n a u s e a , im p u re b lo o d , a n d
m o r e t r o u b le t h a n m a n y
d iffe re n t k in d s o f d is e a s e s .
T h e fo o d y o u e a t fe rm e n ts
i n y o u r s to m a c h , a n d t h e
p o i s o n s it f o r m s a r e a b ­
s o r b e d in to y o u r w h o l e
s y s te m , c a u s in g m a n y d is ­
t r e s s i n g s y m p to m s . A t th e
f i r s t s i g n o f in d i g e s t i o n , tr y
Bedford’« ’
th e o ld , re lia b le , v e g e ta b le
liv e r p o w d e r, to • q u ic k ly
c l e a n s e y o u r s y s t e m fro m
th e s e u n d e s ira b le p o is o n s .
ley Laramore,
Mrs. Rile
Goodwaler, Mo. says:
suffered for years froni dyspep­
sia and heartburn. Thedford’s
Black-Draught, in small doses,
cured my heartburn in a few
days, ana now I can eat without
Try it.
Insist on Thedford’s
3 Loaves 10 c H ereafter
City Bakery
ONLY 3 5 c
Remember we are still giving a good double
disc graphophoue reoord when your cash
purchase amounts to $5 00 , by the payment
of 35 cents extra. A good assortment to
select from. A full and complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flou»\ Feed,
Lard, Etc. See us before buying Economy
Fruit Jars.
Drane's Store
J. J. S tanley ,
In th e C irc u it C o u r t of th e S ta te
O re g o n , in a n d fo r C oo* C o u n ty
Come and See
S am e Old P la ce
C irc u it C o u rt o f th e S ta te
O re g o n fo r C oo* C o u n ty
One lot and seveu room ho’<se at
cost. Three blocks from the post- F rank Burkholder,
office. See J. 1?. Quick.
P a u l S te p h a n , Prop.
' j *
In th e
from our ovens and your own.
Is yours alw ays light, golden
crusted and toothsome as ours
is? We hardly think so. T hat
is one secret of the popularity
of this bakery. Its products
are a t all tim es perfect and
delicious. There are no disap­
pointm ents w ith our baking.
hrank Burkholder, P la in tiff,) SU IT t
Frank Sherer,
D efendant.) EQUITY
| To F rank S h erer, the above named
In the name of th e S ta te of Oregon:
you a ie hereby required to appear anil
answ er th e com plaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit within six
w eeks from the date of the first publi­
cation of this summons, to w it: within!
six w eeks from the Sth day of A ugust,
1912, the same being the d ate of the
first publication of this summons; and
if you fail so to appear or answ er on or
before the 19th day of Septem ber, 1912,
the sam e being the date of the last
publication of this summons, for w ant
thereof the plaintiff will tak e judgm ent
ag ain st you and will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in his said
com plaint, a succinct statem en t of
which is as follows: T hat you be re ­
quired to set up and allege w hatever
right, title or in te rest is claimed by
you in and to the real e state described
In said complaint, to w it: the northeast
q u a rte r of the southw est q u a rte r of
section thirty-six, in township tw enty-
nine south of range ten w est of the
W illam ette m eridian; and the southeast
q u a rte r of the northeast q u a rte r of sec­
tion thirty-six in township tw enty-nine
south of range fourteen w est of the
W illam ette m eridian in Coos county,
Oregon; and th a t the title of the plain­
tiff in and to the said real e state and
every p a rt and parcel thereof be quiet­
ed ag ain st you and th a t you and any
and all persons claiming by, through
or under you, be forever enjoined and
restrained from settin g up any claim of
rig h t, title or in te re st in or to the said
real e state and every p a rt and parcel
thereof; th a t plaintiff have judgm ent
against you for his costs and disburse­
m ents in this suit, and for such other
and fu rth e r relief as to th e court may
seem m eet and equitable.
Service of this summons upon you is
made by publication th ereo f in the Co­
quille Herald for a period of six weeks
by an order of the Honorable John F.
Hall, County Judge of Coos county,
Oregon, dated the Sth day of August,
Socialists to Hold Picnic at North Bend
On SuDday next the Socialists of
the couuty will hold a picnic and
mass meeting at Simpson park, in
North Bend. An all day program
has been arranged, including liter­
ary exercises, a basket dinner, out­
door sports and dancing. A noted
]ady speaker from Butte. Mont., is
also eugaged lor the occasion.
C om pare th e Bread
E. G. Lee, Edward Ca­
S uit
rey, R obert H arper, E.
M urphy, H. M.
E quity
Rogers, W. K. Taylor,
M. G. Halverson, H.
L. H alverson, B ridget
Q uiet
Finn, E dw ard B. Per-
T itle
rine, and Aztec Land
and C attle Company, a
D efendants.
Three acres close in. Suitable for
To E. G. Lee. Edward Carey, R obert
J . Murphy, H. M. Rogers,
chicken ranch. New six room cot­
tage, all modern improvements. W. K. Taylor, M. G. H alverson, H. L.
Halverson, Bridget Finn. Edw ard B.
For sale cheap by owner. Address I’errine, and Aztec Land and C attle
Box 147 , Coquille, Oregon.
Company, a corporation, the above
nam ed defendants:
One of the m ost common ailm ents
th a t hard w orking people are afflicted OF OREGON: You and each of you are
with is lame back. Apply Chamber­ hereby required to appear and answ er
la in s Linim ent tw ice a day and massage the complaint riled again st you in the
the p a rts thoroughly a t each applica- above entitled suit w ithin six weeks
tion, and you wiii g e t quick relief. I For from the date of the first publication of
sale by a! 11 druggists.
this summons, tow it: w ithin six weeks
from the 15th day of A ugust, 1912, the
same being the date of th e first publi­
cation of this summons; and if you fail
so to appear or answ er on or before
the 26th day of Septem ber, 1912, the
Administrator's Notice
M an u factu rers of
same being the date of the last publi­
hereby given, th a t under
cation of this summons, for
in pursuance of an order of the
The CelebratedBergmann Shoe thereof, the plaintiff will tak e judgm ent and
o( the S tate of Oregon,
| against you and will apply to the Court
The Strongest and Nearest Water for the relief demanded in his said com- for the County of Coos, duly made in
. 'oof shoe made for loggers, miners plaint, a succinct sta te m en t of tvhich is the m a tte r of th e e sta te of B. M.
as follows: That you be required to set Greene, deceased, on the 9th day of
prospectors and mill men.
up and allege w hatever rig h t, title or May, 1912, a t the reg u lar term of said
21 Thurman Street
in terest is claimed by you or either or Court, and entered in book 7, of P ro­
P o r t l a n d , O reoon .
any of you in and to the real e state bate Journal of said Court, a t page 569
: described in said complaint, or any p a rt thereof, A. L. Volkmar, adm inistrator
said E state , will, from and a fte r the
or parcel thereof, tow it: Lot 2 of sec­ of
tion 31 and the northw est q u a rte r of the 16th day of A ugust, 1912, proceed to
northw est quarter of section 3, all in sell for cash, a t the South door of the
tow nship 24 south of range ten w est of Court House a t Coquille, Coos County,
the W illam ette m eridian; lot 46 of block Oregon, the following described real
6 in M eam boat addition to the town of 'o p erty , to-w it: Lot Nine of Block
wo in S m ith ’s Addition to the Town
Yarrow, according to the plat thereof
on file and of record in the office of the of .Myrtle Point, Oregon, the sam e be­
County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon; ing land of said estate.
F irst Publication Ju ly ISth, 1911.
lots 19, 20, 21 and 22 in block 2; lots 23
A. L. V olkmar ,
and 24 in block 6; lots 9, 10, 11, 12 in
block 81; lots 13, 34, 35 and 36 in block A dm inistrator of the E state of B. M.
Greene, deceased.
18; lots 6, 7. 1 1 and 11 in block 23 all in
Portland addition to the town of Ban­
don, according to the plat thereof on
Notice of Final Account
tile and of rer >rd in the office of the
is hereby given th a t th e un­
[ County Clerk of said Coos County; all
of the said real e sta te being situate in dersigned has filed her final account in
court of the S ta te of O re­
the County of Coos and S ta te of O re­
g o n ; and that the title of the plaintiff gon for Coos county as adm inistratrix
in and to the said real e sta te and of the e sta te of Chas. L. Wilcox, de­
every p art anil parcel th ereo f be quieted ceased. and the said court has appoint­
against you, the said defendants and ed Friday, the 6th day o f Septem ber, |
again st any uid all persons claiming by, , 1912. as the tim e for hearing objections I
through or
ler you; and th a t you and to the said final account and the se ttle ­
each and ai'. of you and any and all per 1 m ent thereof.
son? claimi' g by, through or under you ! Dated th is 8th day of A ugust, 1912.
E rvy W ilcox ,
or either of \>u, be forever enjoined
A dm inistratrix of the e sta te of Chas.
ar.d re str
d from settin g up any
Big Ben, he’ ll call you claim of right title or in te rest in or to L. Wilcox, deceased.
the said re.-u e sta te and every p art and
on the dot at any time parcel thi f. th at plaintiff have judg-
m ent agai
vou for his costs and dis-
you say.
thia suit; and for such
other and f > t her relief as to the C o u rt1
And if you roll over and 1 may seem : ••t and equitable,
his summons upon you is |
try “just-one-more-nap,” ! Service
made by ■ pu1 * h cation th ereo f in the Co- i
he’ll repeat his call 30 sec­ quille
Hera i 1 for a period of six w eeks
onds later and keep on call­ bv an ordei f the Honorable John F
Hall, County Judge of Coo., C o u n ty ,'
ing until you’re wide Oregon, dated the 12th day of August. O ur sales plan enables your truck to
! 1912.
pay fo r itself.
J . J. S tanley .
Rem em ber you buy direct from the
A ttorney for Plantiff.
Big Ben stands 7 inches tall—
Residing at Coquille. Coos County, m anufacturer. No commissions or bo­
He’s heavy, massive, handsome.
nuses to pay.
He’s got a great, big dial you can j Oregon.
There are no jokers in this proposition, 1
easily read "in the dim morning
Notice 1« Creditors
ju st practical, good business perception
light, a sunny deep toned voice
Notice i- hereby given th a t the u n ­
you’ll hear distinctly on your sleep­ dersigned has peen appointed adminis­ on our p art? which accom m odates a
iest mornings.
tra trix of th. . sta te of Burton McDuffee long-felt need among many present and
and th at a'.l persons having claims
I’ve placed him in the window. against sai, -tate a re hereby required would-be truck users.
Look at him whenever you go by. to present he sam e duly verified, to­ A simple note of inquiry, which will be
g e th e r with he proper vouchers th ere ­ treated as strictly confidential, will re ­
for, to the . i,-ra in e d a t th e office of ceive our prom pt response.
A. J . Sherwood and L. A. L iljeqvist a t
I Coquille. Ce. s county. Oregon, within
six months mm the d a te of this no­ Address E. E. GERLINGER
Dated this sth day of A ugust. A. D.
688 Washington St.
The Jeweler
Hotel Baxter
Automobile Supplies
trou bles to
He will cure them
to stav cured
your ca ll w ith
Let the
They enjoy taking pictures the simple, all by
daylight way you will cherish these vivid
glimpses of their care free days.
W e have Kodaks
f rom $ 5 . 0 0 up
Motor Trucks
Easy Payments
A nnie L. M c D u f fie .
A dm inistratrix.
Portland, Oregon
Salem, Sept. 2-7, 1912
I $ 18,000
Mary Pearl McDonald
S uit
L aura V. McDonald
I D ivorce
D efendant J
To L aura V. McDonald, the above
named defendant:
In the nam e of the S ta te of Oregon,
you are hereby notified th a t you are r e ­
quired to appear and answ er the com­
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit in which Mary Pearl Mc­
Donald is plaintiff, and you, L aura V.
McDonald, are defendant, within six
weeks from the date of the first publi­
cation of this summons, to-w it: W ithin
six w eeks from the 2oth day of July,
1912, the same being the date of the
first publication of this summons; and
if you fail to appear and answ er on or
fore the 5tl
5th day of Septem ber, 1912,
the sam e being the last day of the tim e
prescribed in the order for publication
a judgm ent will be taken against you
for the w ant thereof, and the plaintiff
will apply to the C ourt for the relief
demanded in her complaint, a succinct
sta te m e n t of which is as follows: T hat
the m arriage contract now existing be­
tw een you and the plaintiff be dissolved.
Service of this summons is made by
publication in pursuance of an order
made by John F. Hall, County Judge of
Coos County, Oregon, dated the 24th
day of July, 1912, and directing publi­
cation of tn e sam e in the Coquille H er­
ald, a new spaper published a t Coquille
in said Coos County, Oregon, once each
week fo r a period of six weeks.
W. C. C h a se ,
A ttorney for Plaintiff.
Guns and Ammunition
Fishing Tackle
$ 18,000
Races, Dog Show, Shooting Tournament, Band
Concerts, Fireworks and Free Attractions
Send for prem ium list and e n try blanks. Reduced ra te s on all
Railroads. For particu lars address
FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary, Salem, Oregon