B«*8t (Jen. Fx. Cut Flowers, rash $3 00 \ A Class- 1 m prize, 2 ska Hour 3 30 In the Circuit Couit of the matite of I'lT.I ISHED EVERY I HUK8DA\ the services of Joseph Fels, the Boap 2d prize, cash 2 00 COOS COUNTY, OREGON Oregon for Coos County :kl prize, local paper 1 60 Entered at smiml claes matter May tuauufacturer of Philadelphia, had \ B Claes— Nt prize, 2 eke Hour 3 30 8, 1005, at the poet office at ('oqtiillc, beeu secured for the campaign to Premium List First County School Fair to be 2J prize, cash 2 00 Frank Burkholder, Plaintiff SUIT I Oregon, under act of Congress of March In a letter from Branch- 3d prize, hat 1 50 Held al Myrtle Point, Friday, 3, 1870. lie waged by the People's Power vs. IN C akk —1 Cake land, W. Va.. Mrs. Eliza­ '1 * Frank Sherer, Defendant, Sept. 27, 1912 t.l E(, QUITY j League iu bohulf of the graduated A Claes, 1st prize, 1 doz photo 4 00 To Frank Sherer the above named Ì beth Chapman says: “I WA 1 : ACKERMAN, Publisher 2d prize, fount’n pen 2 IK) single tax measure which will be suffered from womanly 3d prize, local paper 1 50 defendant: Devoted to the material and social INFORMATION AND SUGGESTIONS In the name of the State of Oregon:! troubles nearly five years. upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ voted on at the coming general C ooki * —12— B Class aie hereby required to appearand All the doctors in the coun­ ticularly and of Coos County generally. election. He says that Fels will 1— Every child may enter as many 1st prize, patent leather shoes 2 00 you answer the complaint filed against you1 ty did me no good. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance deliver at least tweuty speeches in competitions as he or she desires. 2d prize, cash I took i ,2 in the above entitled suit within six 3d prize, cash Cardui. and now 1 am en­ 1 00 | weeks from the date of the first publi­ No pupil shall make more than Pm—1 Pie Phone, Main 354 . the state in behalf of the measure, one 2— of this summons, to wit: within tirely well. 1 feel like a entry for each prize A Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 00 cation six weeks from the 8th day of August, but the itinerary has not yet been 3 —Every boy and girl under 21 years new woman. Cardui saved 2d prize, local paper 1 50 1912, the same being the date of the of age in Coos county is eligible to en­ my life! All who suffer perfected. 3d prize, mdse. 1 00 first publication of this summons; and ter these contests. from womanly t r o u b l e B Claes—1st prize,“confections 2 00 if you fail so to appear or answer on or All sewing, baking, canning and 2 1 prize, mdse 1 00 before the 19th day of September, 1912, should give Cardui a trial.” preparing fruit for exhibition must be Iu these days a politician is to tie done 3d prize, cash 50 the same being the date of the last by the pupil entering the contest Glass publication of this summons, for want judged by the company he keeps 5—All other entries must be selected J elly A —1 Claes—1st prize, mdse. 2 00 the plaintiff will take judgment £ Cl and arranged by the pupil making the rather than by the party label he exhibit. 2d prize, local paper 1 50 thereof against and will apply to the court 3d prize, cash 50 for the you wears, remarks the Stockton Rec- (1—There must be a statement ac- j B Class—1st relief demanded in his said pr ze, confections 2 00 a succinct statement of each exhibit signed by the j I ord. And what kind of company companying 2d prize, confections 1 00 complaint, which is as follows: That you be re­ parent or guardian of each child to the j 3d prize, cash 50 quired is a bull morse anyway? His hide effect that the exhibit entered has been ; to set up and allege whatever Best General Kxhibit of Baking—open right, title or interest is claimed by by the exhibitor. Is it hard for you to get the is tough, his meat ditto, his habits prepared you in and to the real estate described 7- —Ship all exhibits to the Coos to all ages, dishes $5.00 farm hands out on time? vicious and be is about as bad an County Fair Association, Myrtle Point, K tkawbkkkiks —Quart Basket in said complaint, to wit: the northeast Is h hard for you to get them of the southwest quarter of t 50 years of proof have so as to reach the Fair (¡rounds not A Class—1st prize, cash 1 50 quarter animal as ever came out of the ark. later up in the morning? section thirty-six, iu township twenty- I convinced those who tested than.thc 2nth nor earlier than the 2d prize, cash 1 IX) south of range ten west of the 21th of September. 3d prize, cash 50 nine If so, why not let Big Ben do It PATRIOTISM OUR MOTIVE Willamette meridian; and the southeast | it, that Cardui quickly re- 8— The Association will ge arrange the B Class—same prizes for you? To Strip but not Disrobe quarter of the northeast quarter of sec­ exhibits without the pupils. as- 3 lbs., open to all ages Big Ben is a truth telling and thirty-six in township twenty-nine : lieves aches and pains due addition cost to the to prizes in cash; T omato Special attenliou is called to the Not far from Thief River in Pen­ and 9—In 1st prize, local paper sub. * 1 50 tion reliable alarm clock. south of range fourteen west of the j to womanly weakness, and commodities, offered in the accom 2d prize, cash nington county there is a town call­ 1 00 article in this issue ou the discovery, Willamette meridian in Coos county, J helps nature to build up panying list, Mr. Maris writes that It's his business to get people 3d prize, cash 50 Oregon; and that the title of the plain­ three year subscription to a valuable up iu the world. made some four years ago at Roch­ ed Strip. It ought to be mighty journal Open to "J weak women to health and will be given to every boy and C anned I an it quart or pint, tiff in and to the said real estate and And he’ll do it every day at any ester, N. Y ., that the American popular on warm days Bcmidji girl winning either a 1st, 2nd and 3rd all 1st ages prize, cash part and parcel thereof be quiet­ Thousands of 2 00 every time you say. ed against you and that you and any 3 Strength. prize in this contest. public school house belongs to the Sentiual. 2d prize, local paper sub. 1 50 women have found Cardui and all persons claiming by, through 10—Send your exhibits if you can’t Next time you drive to town, 3d prize, cash 50 or under yon, be forever enjoined anil American people. The wonder is Yes, aud our local man banded in come yourself, hut attend in person if to be a real life saver. walk over to the store and take restrained fiom setting up any claim of D rums made bv and for the exhibitor the following personal, which we possible and bring your parents with a look at him. that the discovery was not made Why not test it for your A Class—1st prize, kodak 6 00 right, title or interest in or to the said you. 1 keep him in the window wner* years before, aud that the idea is had to kill for fear the jam at the Class “A," ages 13 to 20 inclusive; 2d prize, cash 3 Ot) real estate and every part and parcel case? Take Cardui today! ne can, see mm. 3d prize, local paper 1 50 thereof; that plaintiff nave judgment not making its way even taster, now depot might wreek the building: class “B" under 13. against you for his costs and disburse­ A pron —Fancy hand made These must “ Miss----------, who has been visiting SPECIAL PRIZES that it has been brought to pubiic ments in this suit, and for such other he made by and for the exhibitor clash A further relief as to the court may A Claes—1st prize, local paper 1 50 and attention. It there is any good rea­ here for the past week, is going to Best Gen. Exhibit, FOR S A L K hoy, pig »10 00 seem meet and equitable. 2d prize, cash 00 Service girl, cash 10 00 son why a public building like the Strip on the Soo trail) this after­ of this summons upon you is Three acres close in. Suitable for 3d prize, cash 50 made by publication thereof in the Co- CLASS B Plain hand made ranch. New six room cot­ school house, erected at public ex ­ noon.’’— Ex. • - •» - quille Herald for a period of six weeks chicken boy, suit 6 00 B Class—Hi priz-, mdse 1 50 The Jeweler pense, should be used only about One of the most common ailments Best Gen. Exhibit, girl, an order of the Honorable John F. tage, all modern improvements. photos 5 00 2d prize, cash 1 00 by Hall, County Judge of Coos county, For sale cheap by owner. Address R E P A I R I N G 3d pi ize, cash -it) Oregon, six or seven hours a day, and de­ that hard working people are afflicted Needlework—Open to girls of all C OQUILLE dated the 5th day of August, Box 147, Coquille, Oregon. 6 00 E mbriodery is lame back. Apply Chamber­ ages, photos nied to the use of the public for any with A Clan—1st prize, cash 3 00 1912. lain's Liniment twice a day and massage — GENERAL PRIZES J. J. S tanley , 2d prize, photo sup. 2 00 other than school purposes, the rea­ the parts thoroughly at each applica­ F ield C orn ti stalks with ears for Plaintiff, 3d prize, local paper 1 50 Residing at Attorney tion, and you will get quick relief. For A Class—1st prize, pr. shoes 3 00 son has not been given. The school sale Coquille, Coos county, by all druggists. D ressed D oll 2d prize, foun. pen 2 00 Fishing Tackle Guns and Ammunition f f t t house exists in every hamlet of the *-•»- ------- B Class—1st prize, cash 3 00 Oregon. 3d prize, local paper 1 50 2nd prize, mdse 2 50 the C ircuit C ourt of the S tate of f t i Heart and Lungs Withered 1’. Class—1st prize, pr. shoes 3 00 land, standing ready as a meeting 3d prize, cash 1 (XI & ft, 2d prize, confect’y 2 00 O regon, in and fo r Coos County place for all public purposes. That An autopsy on the body of Wit, 1 oo Best Specimen Mending 3d prize, cash 0 ft. A Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 00 it is not more often used is simply Eckle who recently died of heal S weet C orn —(i Stalks with Ears ] S uit 2d pi iz i, local paper 1 50 Mary Pearl McDonald ft ft. A Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 50 Plaintiff because the people have not fully proslratiou at Rochester N. Y , re- 33 prize, cash 1 00 2d prize, mdse. 1 50 vs. for ft f t B Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 00 Laura V. McDonald CLAUDE C. MOON realized that it belongs to them. vealeil a remarkable condition. Sur­ 1 00 3d prize, mdse. D ivorce 23 prize, cash 1 50 ft ! ft B Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 50 Defendant , Now that the idea of making the geons say that the man literally 3d prize, mdse. 1 (X) 1 50 2d prize, groceries f f t To Laura V. McDonald the above Opposite f t t school house also a center for the burned to death inteinully. The Darning 3d prize, confect’y 1 00 Best A Specimen named defendant: ft Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 50 clean social life of the community heart, brain, liver and lu 'gs were P opcorn — 6 Stalks with Ears Hotel Baxter f t the name of the State of Oregon, f t Automobile Supplies 23 prize, local paper 1 50 you In are A Class—1st prize, confect. 2 00 hereby notified that you are re­ has been broached, it should spread all withered and dried. H:s temper­ 3d prize, mdse. 50 1 50 2d prize, local paper to appear and answer the com­ B Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 50 quired like wildfire. Especially in its in­ ature remained at 108 1 5 degree). 3d prize, confect. 1 00 plaint filed against you in the above 2d prize, cash X 00 entitled B Class—1st prize, cash 1 50 In which Mary Pearl Mc­ fluence on the young people can a 3d prize, mdse. 50 Donald is suit 1 00 Crocheting, open 2d prize, cash plaintiff, and you, Laura V. game of Marriage— the o ily to all ages properly conducted social center ot 50 3d prize’ cash McDonald, are defendant, within six 1st prize, casli 3 (X) in by the from the date of the first publi­ W atermelon —1 Melon this kind be made a power for good, j ehunce publicly indulged 2d prize, mdse. 2 50 weeks 2 50 cation of this summons, to-wit: Within A Class—1st prize, mdse. prize, local paper subscrip. 1 5(1 six Young people desire recreation and jc'ergy. weeks from the 25th day of July, 2d prize, local paper 1 50 Beet 3d Exhibition Needle Work, all ages I!I12, the same being the date of the 1 (X) 3d prize, cash amusement. They will have them, P. C. Byliee, teaming contractor liv­ Prize, kodak 5 00 first publication of this summons; and —1 Melon BRING YOUR and it is up to the older people to ing at tili9 Keeling Court, Canton, 111., M uskmelon if you fail to appear and answer on or under 12 months old B Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 50 Best A Pig Class—1st is now well rid of a severe and annoying before the 5th day of September, 1912, prize, mdse. 5 00 see that those recreations and amuse­ case of kidney trouble. 1 60 2d prize, mdse. His back 2d prize, cash 3 (XI the same being the last clay of the time 1 00 3d prize, mdse. ments are uuder wholesome influ pained him and he was bothered with 3d prize, local p qier 1 50 prescribed in the order for publication, P otatoes —1 Peck Headaches and dizzy spells. “I took B Clas —1st prize, cash 3 00 a judgment will be taken against you ences. With the school house al­ Foley Kidney Pills just as directed and A Class—1st prize, gar. tools 5 00 2 1 prize, scarf pin 2 00 for the want thereof, and the plaintiff 2d prize, cash 2 50 ready in existence and available in a few days I felt much better. My 3d prize, cash 1 00 will apply to the Court for the relief 3d prize, local paper 1 50 life and strength seemed to come hack, demanded in her complaint, a succinct everywhere, the plant is ready to and dairy breed B Class—1st prize, gar. tools 4 00 Best A Calf, I slept well. I am now all over my of which is as follows: That Class—1st prize, hardware 5 00 statement 2 50 2d prize, mdse hand, and it only remains to take trouble and glad to recommend Foley’s AND marriage contract now existing be­ 2d prize, cash 3 00 the 1 00 3d prize, cash Kidney Pills. ” Try them. Fuhrman’s tween you and the plaintiff be dissolved. advantage of it That the progress­ 3d prize, local paper 1 50 C abbage —1 Head Pharmacy, Service of this summons is made by B Class—1st prize, hardware 5 00 publication ive people ol this city are pi-tilling A Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 50 of an order 2d prize, cash 3 00 made by John in F. pursuance 2d prize, mdse. 1 50 Hall, County Judge of to make a start in this direction is Notice to Creditors 3d prize, cash 1.00 Coos County, Oregon, 1 (K > 3d prize, mdse, dated the 24th Notice is hereby given that the un­ beef breed very gratifying. Every one who B Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 50 Best A Calf, day of July, 1912, and directing publi­ dersigned has peen appointed adminis­ Clas-—1st prize, furniture 5 00 1 50 2d prize, mdse. of the same in the Coquille Her­ has the best interests of this commu­ tratrix of theestateof Burton McDuffee 3 00 cation 2d prize, casli 3d prize, mdse. 1 00 ald, a newspaper published at Coquille 3d prize, local paper 1 50 in nity and its young people at heart and that all persons having claims S quash —Open to All Ages said Coos County, Oregon, once each against said estate are hereby required B Clase- 5 00 1st priz:, mdse. week for a period of six weeks. 1st prize, merchandise 2 50 should take an interest in this mat­ to present the same duly verified, to- 2d prize, cash 3 00 W. C. C hase , 1 50 2d prize, local paper sub. 3d prize, stationery 1 Ot) ter aud help it along every way- f gether with the proper vouchers there­ Attorney for Plaintiff. 3d prize, cash 1 00 Best Lsmli for, to the undersigned at the office of F. H . M E L V E N possible. “ The Discovery ot the A. J. Sherwood and L. A. Liljeqvist at P umpkin —Open to All Ages A Class—1st prize, mdse. 5 00 Administrator’s Notice 1st prize, merchandise 2 50 Coquille, Coos county, Oregon, within 2d prize, cash 3 00 Schoolhouse,” ou the first page of 2d prize, local paper sub. 1 50 six months from the date of this no­ 3d prize, local paper 1 50 Notice is hereby given, that under this issue, will prove interesting and tice. 3d prize, cash 3 00 and in pursuance of an order of the B (Mass—1st prize, mdse. Dated this 8th day of August, A D. S tock B eets —2 Beets 2d prize, mdse. 2 IK) County Court o! the State of Oregon, profitable reading to all who would 1912. A Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 00 3d prize, mdse. 1 0o for the County of Coos, duly made in acquaint themselves with modern the matter of the estate of B. M. A nnik L. M c D uffef , 2d prize, mdse. 1 00 Best Angora Kid, open to all ages */ y Greene, deceased, on the 9th day ot Administratrix. 3d prize, mdse. 50 educational methods. 3 00 1st prize, merchandise May, 1912, at the regular term of said B Class—1st prize, hardware 2 (XI 2 On 2d prize, merchandise and entered in book 7, of Pro­ 2d prize, hardware 1 (K) prize, local paper suhscrip. 1 50 Court, bate Journal of said Court, at page 569 3d prize, hardware 50 Best 3d Colt of 1012, open to all ages A. L. Volk mar, administrator TAbLE B eets —2 Beets 1st prize, harness supplies 5 01) thereof, of said Estate, will, from and after the 2 (X) A Class—1st prize, hardware 2d prize, casli 3 0(1 16th day ot August, 1912, proceed to 2d prize, local paper 1 50 prize, local paper euhsciip. 1 50 sell for cash, at the South aoor of the 3d prize, mdse. 1 00 Best 3d Trio of Chickens Court at Coquille, Coos County, B Class—1st prize, cash 2 A Cla s—1st IK) prize, jewelry 3 00 Oregon, House the following described real 2d prize, mdse. 1 50 2 I prize, jewelry 2 00 property, to-wit: Lot Nine of Block 3d prize, cash 1 00 3d prize, local paper 1 50 Two in Smith’s Addition to the Town S tock C arrots —0 Carrots Best Pair Ducks of Myrtle Point, Oregon, the same be­ A Class—1st prize, mdse. 2 A Class—1st 50 prize, mdse. 3 00 ing land of said estate. 2d prize, local paper 1 50 2d prize, mdse. 2 00 First Publicition July 18th, 1911. 3d prize, mdse. 1 00 3d A. L. V olkmar , B Class 1st prize, mdse. Best 2 Pair Turkeys 50 prize, local paper 1 50 Administrator of the Estate of B. M. I ■ 2d prize, cash 1 00 F I F T Y - F I R S T A Class—1st prize, mdse. 3 (K) Greene, deceased. 3d prize, cash 75 2d prize, cash 2 Ot) T able C arrots —n Carrots 3d prize, local paper 1 50 Notice of Pinal Account A Class 2d 1st prize, prize, local mdse. paper 2 1 Ot) j Best Pair < leese, open to all ages 50 Notice 3V given that the un 1st prize, cash 2 O0 3d prize, elec^ sup. 1 00 j 2d prize, local paper subscrip. 1 50 dersigned is has hereb; file< d her final account in | B Class —1st prize, groceries o O 3d H prize, cash 50 the county court of the State of Ore- j 2d prize, noiions 1 50 Best 2-lb. Square ol Butter, open to all gon for Poos county as administratrix I 3d prize, notions 1 00 o f the estate of Cnas. L. Wilcox, de­ avtes, made by exhibitor ceased, and the said court has appoint-1 T urnips — h Turnips 1st prize, cash 2 00 A Class—1st prize, boy’sslioes 2d 2 prize, local 50 j paper subscrip. 1 50 ed Friday, the (ith day of September, 1912, as the time for hearing objections | 2d prize, local paper 1 50 | 3d prize, cash the said final account and the settle­ 3d prize, hardware 1 00 Honey, 1 Square in Comb, open to 1 00 all to ment thereof. B Class—1st prize, cash 2 ages 00 1912. 2d prize, mdse. 1 50 I 1st prize, cash 1 00 Dated this 8th day of E August, rvy W ilcox , 3d prizD, cash 1 00 2d prize, cash 50 Administratrix of the estate of Uhas. | C lover and G rasses —1 Bundle Each, Onions. ') lbs., open to tjl ages L. Wilcox, deceased. i Open to All Ages 2 00 1st prize, cash 1st prize, local paper sub. 1 go 2d prize, local paper subscrip. 1 50 2d prize, cash 1 00 j 50 3d prize, cash 3d prize, cash 75 Vegetables, Quart, open to all Motor Trucks A lfalfa —1 Bundle Open to All Ages j I Canned 1st prize, local paper sub* I 50 ages 1st prize, cash 2 00 on OFFERED IN 2d prize, cash l 00 2d ; rize, local paper subscrip. 1 50 3d prize, cash 75 j 3*1 j rize, cash 50 PREM IUM S F urniture —1 Piece Made by Exhibitor Cucumb rs, 6, open to all ages Easy Paynents of Local Wood 1st j»rize, local paper subscrip 1 50 A Class—1st prize, kodak 5 00 2d prize, cash $1.00, third prize 50 Our sales plan enables your truck to ON 2d prize, foot ball 3 00 Rhubarb, 6 Stalks, open to all ages 3d prize, mdse. 1 50 pay for itself. 1st 1 rize, local paper suhscrip. 1 50 B Class—1st prize, cash 4 00 50 Remember you buy direct from the 2d prize, cash 2 50 2*1 prize, cash $1 00, 3d prize 3d prize, cash 1 00 Buttonholes, 6 They enjoy taking pictures the simple, all by A C ase—let prize, cash 2 00 manufacturer. No commissions or bo­ S weet P eas —Best Exhibit. 2d prize, local paper 1 50 nuses to pay. A Class—1st prize, hat 2 50 3d prize, cash 50 There are no jokers in this proposition, daylight way you will cherish these vivid 2*1 prize, merch. 1 50 B Class—1st prize, cash 2 00 just practical, good business perception 3d prize, local paper 1 60 glimpses of their care free days. 2d prize, $1.00, 3d p. 50 B Class—1st prize, hat 3 00 our part, which accommodates a 2d prize, confections 2 50 Drawn Work—Frizes in merchandise on long-felt need among many present and 3d prize, confections 1 00 let ¡ rize, $3.00; 2d, $1 50; 3d 50 would-be Races, Dog Show, Shooting Tournament, Band truck users. H —Not less than 6 roses Hemstitching—Prizes in cash W e have K odaks A Class—1st prize, cash 2 00 Concerts, Fireworks and Free Attractions 1st | rise, $3.00; 2d. $1.00; 3d 60 A simple note of inquiry, which will be 2d prize, local paper 1 50 In ic king out the foregoing list, very treated as strictly confidential, will re­ :id prize, cash 1 00 assistance was rendered by N. fro m $ 5 .0 0 up B Class—1st prize, pictu e 1 50 material Maris of the Oregon Agricultural ceive our prompt response. Send for premium list and entry blanks. Reduced rates on all 2«1 prize, cash 1 (X) C. [>r. M. O. Stemmier and L. A. Railroads, For particulars address 3*1 prize, cash 60 ColUg Rober of the Cooe County Fair Com­ E. E. GERLINGER F inest S election of F iowere , (omit­ mission, Supt. A. G. Raab of the North Address SALES MANAGER ting Roses ami Pear) all ages Bend Public Schools, Supt C. A. How­ FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary, Salem, Oregon 1st prize, rocker 5 00 ard, Mi-. Chase and Miss Shaw of the 688 Washington St. 2d prize, cash 2 60 Coquille N hools ami R. S. Knowlton. 3d prize, local paper suhscrip 1 50 Portland, Oregon W. H. BUNCH, Co. Supt.| has been madeby The Coquille Herald \V. Announcement ¡3. I Bren of Oregon City that SCHOOL FAIR B kkad —1 Lout SUMMONS Life Saver CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Big Ben helps run the farm on time StCHROEDER THE SPORTSMAN P A IN T IN G Paperhanging troubles to 1 He will cure them to sta cured (H ) Coquille Oregon w> O R EG O N S T A T E FAIR Let the Children i Salem, Sept. 2-7, 1912 1 118,000 I $ 18,000 LIVESTOCK, POULTRY AGRICULTURAL AND OTHER PRODUCTS oses KNOWLTON'S DRUG STORE I I