Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 11, 1912, Image 2

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    The Coquille Herald
Entered as second class matter May
8 , 1905. at the post office at Coquille,
Oregon , underact ol Congress of March
8, 1 8 7 9 . _________ __________
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and of Coos County generally.
Subscription, 81.50 per year in advance
Phone, Main 354 .
Mrs Jane Gilman, her son George
and daughter Florence, have re­
turned frotn Tulavista, California,
having been absent for more than
a year. They came back with their
automobile as far as Olalla, the
roads over the mouutains being so
bad they were compelled to take
the stage from that place. Mrs. Gil-
man is much improved in health
which will be gratifying news to
her many friends in Coquille—her
cherished home and birthplace.
Mrs. Gilman is sister-in-law of Mrs.
A P. Miller whom she is visiting.
* -
Twins Celebrate Natal Day
Ruth and Phillip, the six-year-
old twins of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Morse, were at home Saturday af­
ternoon, Ju ly 6, to thirteen of their
young friends the occasion being
the sixth anniversary of the day of
| their birth.
Refreshments both
! dainty and generous were provided
; for the youthful guests and later in
The season for salmon fishing the evening the Morse auto was
opens uext Monday, July 15.
\ loaded with happy children enroute
Taft tactics in securing the nom­ to the Scenic Theatre as a proper
ination at Chicago should be inves­ 1 culmination to the day’s enjoyment.
tigated according to the opinion of After a pleasant hour spent in view­
Senator Cummins of Iowa. Leave ing the moving pictures the auto
it to the voters; they will give it was again loaded aod each child
the proper attention in November «afely conveyed to his own home
with the memory of a happy obser-
■ —____• — r:
vanes of the twinnies’ sixth birth-
Congressman Hawley has recom- day and the kindness and fore-
mended the establishment of a thought of their fond and justly
postoffice at Reedsport, Douglas 1 proud parents,
county, with Joseph Lyons as post-
master. Reedsport is a new town-
Outing at Whiskey R111
site about three miles south of [ An even dozen of sociable people
ou pleasure bent spent a week carnp-
ing at Whiskey Run, said to be a
Reports from Myrtle Point are to ! most ¡deal spot for out-door recrea-
the effect that the liquor question {¡on, pure water being supplied by
will be voted upon at that place mother earth from crystal springs
The railroad work in prospect has antj jj0t t^e ¡¡quid tanglefoot the
made the saloon mau eager to give name ol the place indicates. Abun­
the laborer an opportunity to part dant rock oysters and crabs filled a
with his hard earnings by the "loug felt want” under the belt ol
drunken route-
those who relish the shell fish and
bivalves of the sea. Beautiful moss
Woodrow Wilson will—he has ^
agates and other precious stones
already—cut the ground under the j
were found to serve as valuable to-
feet of Roosevelt’s third party. His |
| kens for the festive occasion. The
nomination will not onlv appeal to
following constituted the party :
the Democratic voters, but to the
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mansell, Flossie
tens of thousands of independent
Mansell, Wm. E. Foote, Kennett P.
Republicans, who are up in arms
Lawrence, Earl Steele, Rolla New­
against the powers which have
ton and Mrs. Baxter all of Coquille;
Morganized the party of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Ran-
Nettie Miller, Myrtle Point;
Twenty foreigners have made
application for citizenship at the Ethel Miller, Salem.
The sun put an aboriginal hue
September term of the circuit court
as appear on a notice posted in the upon the faces of the campers and a
office of the county clerk. Finland, vigorous, sturdy appearance was
Sweden aud Denmark contribute made manifest even by the brief
the greater number desiring to come period of a week’s living “ next to
under the protection of our flag. nature.”
We acknowledge a ja r—not a se­
This is an unusually large number
of applications and is most likely vere one—of rock oysters given by
due to political influences, for votes Mr. Foote which were much appre­
are required in November to secure ciated.
plethoric political plums.
Curry County Pioneer Dead
During the celebration at Indian
Announcement has been made
William Nordberg, of Port
of the approaching marriage of Mrs.
was seized with heart fail­
Nellie Grant Sartoris, only daugh­
ter of President Grant, to Frank H. ure and died before be could be re­
moved from the grounds.
Jones, First Assistant Postmaster-
General during President Cleve­
land's second administration. The Curry county, having settled at
first marriage of Mrs. Sartoris was Port Orford when it was a mining
one of the brilliant social events at town and a barracks for govern­
the White House while her father j ment soldiers. He came to Port
was President. Captain Algernon Orford in 18 G 0 aud since then has
Frederick Sartoris, of the British resiiled in different parts of the
Army, was then regarded as a 1 county, though the greater part of
yrung man of brilliant prospects that time was spent in Port Orford.
but the marriage proved unhappy He was 82 years of age at the time
and the couple were separated of bis death Mr. Nordberg fought
with othors n the Indian war.—
There were three children
Horn.* For Sale.
A. M. Nason, farming near Canaan,
One of the best located and mos Me., was badly crippled with a sciatic
1 heumatism due lie savs to uric acid in
sightly homes in Coos county, con­ bis
blood. “Foley’s Kidney Pills entire -
sisting _ of ten acres ol _ good land, . ly cured me and also removed numer-
oood »
8 room
room house
ham chicken
chicken ou‘
l ''lack
were Kidney
nouse, barn,
my specks
eye8.- that
house, etc. One hundred 7 year are a uric acid solvent and are effective
old choice fruit trees and an excel- £ [ df t Fuhr:n:nfi'rhr,m u .yrheUmat'am'
lent assortment of berries. Cow,
For Sale
horse, chickens, cultivators aud
household goods go with place.
I Span of geldings, age 7 and 8,
Place is just outside city limits, weight about 29 hundred, color bay.
inside city school district. See me Fur particulars write undersigned
W a l l in g .
at Arago, or phone Farmers 7XX2
at o;ue
Both phones,
q . H. Aaseu.
Until they are gone we are giving a Durham
Duplex Razor, ready for shaving, for
Notice lo Contractors
1 Am Well”
The request of the Southern Pa-
cifie to bridge Coos bay has been
before the department and congress
since last week, and it is said on
good autnority, the matter will be
put through before congress ad­
journs. The permit has been recotn-
mended by Major Morrow of the
Portland office, and those in the
east who arb following the matter
say there has been no remonstrance
entered to this date and none is
Engineer F. E. Leefe, in charge
of the dredge O'egon, does not ex­
pect anything to be sent here, un­
less it is the final action, since it is
customary to have matters finished
before reports are made.
However, it is taken from past
circumstances that the permit will
be granted, as there has been plen­
ty of time for objections and hear­
ings, Lad any of the Coos bay
people been disposed to enter ob­
jections. The plans, profiles and
instructions were sent here early in
May, and all were exhibited at the
Marshfield Chamber of Commerce
and also in North Bi nd for three
days; besides, the papers were held
in Engineer Leefe’ s office for an ad­
ditional week. Major J. Morrow
sent an invitation along with the
plans for people to make any sug­
gestions they thought best, and the
letter making this invitation w»s
printed in the Marshfield newspa­
pers, and given thorough publicity
It may therefore be taken that the
Portland office considers the time
for suggestions is past, and final
action will likely be taken at Wash­
ington before any further dealings
are had with Coos bay. It is likely
the permit will go through very
shortly, and this is oDe of the mat­
ters that is holding things back in
this territory, as there has always
been an idea the Southern Pacific
might possibly change its plans at
the last moment and come into
Marshfield from the other side of
the bay, instead of crossing at
North Bend. This uncertainty has
delayed real estate activity in
North Bend, at least, according to
parties who were here from that
city Ju ly 9 .— Record.
General Manager C. C. Tinkler
of the railway contracting firm that
is soon to start construction on the
Southern Pacific, is expected to ar­
rive on the Redondo. The G. W.
Shelley home in North Bend has
been rented and will be occupied by
Mr. Tinkler and family.—Times.
---- ■«• .---------
Suggestion for the Hen House
Put the windows in the poultry
house low dowu to the floor, so that
the hens will get the benefit of the
light and sunshine when scratching
for their f jed. Tne trouble with
windows set high up, is that they
let the sunshine in on the perches
when the hens are on the floor
scratching, and when they are on
the rooat the sun doesn’t shine; so
there is no equi ibiium in such
plans.—Farm Journal.
Notice is hereby given thHt the Nor­
way Drainage District will receive
sealed bids for the construction of a
! drainage system in said district, in
Coos county, Oregon, which will include
the following:
beginning at Station No. 0 in the bot­
tom of a small stream; which said sta­
tion is situated 625 feet north and 13«)
feet west of the center of Section SO
in Township 28 south of Ranee No. Ik’ J
west of the W. M. Oregon.
writes Mrs. L R. Barker,
of Bud, Ky., "and can do
all my housework. For
years I suffered with such
pains, 1 could scarcely
stand on my feet After
three different doctors had
failed to help me, I gave
Cardui a trial. Now, 1 feel
like a new woman.”
e 58
A woman’s health de­
pends so much upon her
delicate organs, that the
least trouble there affects
her whole system. It is
the little things that count,
in a woman’s life and
health. If you suffer from
any of the aches and
pains, due to womanly
weakness, take Cardui at
once, and avoid more seri­
ous troubles. We urge
you to try it. Begin today.
Station No. 0 is situated 1.99. ft above
low tide as has previously been deter­
mined by the county surveyor, and the
said ditch is to be excavated to tlds
level for its entire length.
troubles to
The approxim ate num ber of cubic
yards of e arth to be moved is 4220.2.
All work subject to th e inspection ami
abproval of th e County Surveyor, who
will sta k e out th e ex act location of th e
proposed ditch, vicing all necessary
cuts, fills, excavations, etc.
lie will cure them
to stav 4 / cured
The profile which is in the office of
the County Surveyor shows the cuts,
etc., from Station No. 0 to Station No.
i 3 plus 36 and is considered a part of
these specifications. The balance of
the ditch lor a distance of approxi-
j mately 1114 feet runs through tlx* marsh
and varies from a cut of 8.20 feet at
Station No. 3 plus 36 to 3 feet at Sta­
tion No. 14 plus 50.
Coquille- : - :
All ditches to he dug along the lines
and at the places indicated by the plans,
maps and survey of said drainage sys­
tem now on file in the office of the
County Clerk of Coos county, Oregon.
All dirt removed from the ditches
shall be placed nut less chan four feet
from the edge of the ditch.
Any and all successful bidders will be
required to enter into a written con­
tract, and give bond with good and
sufficient surieties for the faithlul per­
formance of their contracts.
All bids to he forwarded in sealed
envelopes to J. II. Barklow, secretary
of the Norway Drainage District, Nor­
way, by the 20th day of July, 1912.
Right reserved to reject any and all
J. H. B arklow ,
F red V on P e g e rt
G e n e r a l Llacksmithing,
Wagon Making, Machine ^
Work, Pattern Making and
Casting, Automobile Work.
B ig B e n
helps ru n the fa rm
T e n ts
$6 to $20
W. H.
Camp Chair
Camp Stoves
New and Second-Hand Goods
Sheriff of C^os Courny, Oregon.
T he only ready roofing m anu­
factured that ia absolutely fire­
Made of a com bination of As­
bestos (stone) fibre and genuine
T rinidad Lake Asphalt. This
roofing is proof against every
destructive elem ent.
It is sim ple to lay and never
requires painting, graveling or
repairs. U sed on all kinds of
Write or call for Samples
and Booklet.
In th e C ircuit C o u rt of th e S tate of O re ­
gon, fo r th e C ounty of Coos
Celinia J. Schmidt
J. H. Oerding
¿C oquille, O reg o n
Monday. July 15
, | E quity
Attorney for Plaintiff.
A Company of Competent Players Presenting
Players that Please
I he Razor with the Right Principle
Entire Change of Program Each Evening
I 1
George \\ illiam Schmidt | a D ivorce
Defendant J
To George William Schmidt, defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon:
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit within ten
days from the date of the service of
this summons upon you, if served with­
in this county, or if served within any
other county of this state, then within
twenty days from the date of the serv­
ice of this summons upon you; and if
you fail so to answer for want thereof,
■j the plaintiff will apply to the court for
, the relief demanded in the complaint,
a succinct statement of the relief de­
manded, is as follows: That the bonds
of matrimony existing between the
plaintiff and defendant, be dissolved,
annulled and wholy held for naught,
that the plaintiff shall have the care, '
custody and control of the minor child
Benjamin ¡Schmidt mentioned in the
plaintiff's complaint, and for the costs (
and disbursements of this suit
The order for publication of this sum­
mons was made the 10th day of June,
1'.I12, by John F. Hall, county judge of
Coos county, Oregon, and that the said
summons shall be published in the
Herald, a new spaper published in Coos
j county, Oregon, tor a period of six
| weeks. The date of the first publica­
tion being the 13th day of June, 1012,
and of the last publication on the 25th
day of July, 1912, and defendant is re­
quired to answer on, or before said 25th
day of July, 1912.
W alter S inclair .
-*< ,«i . 4 .
rected "ti the 6th dev ot June, 1912,
on tim e
- | uplex !
^ lAZO R
C r e s c e n t Ranges
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of an execution duly issued ont of the
Circuit Court of the iState of Oregon.
f«>r the County of Coos, and to me di­
upon a judgment and decree duly ren­
dered, entered of record and docketed
in and by said court on the 3rd day of
May, 1912, in a certain suit then in said
court pending, wherein Julius Larson,
Herman Larson and Fred Larson, co­
partners, doing business under the firm
Is it hard for you to get the
name and style of Larson Dredging
farm hands out on time?
Company, were plaintiffs and K. G.
Is it hard for you to get them
Flanagan, Annie Flanagan and John F.
up in the morning?
Hall were defendants in favor of plain­
tiffs and against said defendants by
If so, why not let Big Ben do it
execution I am commanded to
for you?
sell the property in said execution and
Big Ben is a truth telling and
hereinafter described to pay the sum
reliable alarm clock.
due the plaintiffs of Twenty-one Hun­
dred Eighty and 50-100 dollars, with in­
It’s his business to get people
terest thereon at the rate of six per
up in the world.
cent, per annum from the 3rd day of
And he’ll do it every day at any
May, 1912, until paid together with the
time you say.
costs and disbursements of said suit
taxed at Thirteen and 60-100 dollars and
Next time you drive to town,
costs and expenses of said execution.
walk over to the store and take
I will on Saturday the 13th day of July.
a look at him.
1912, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. rn. of
I keep him in the window where
said day at the front door of the county
everyone can see him.
court house in Coquille, Coos county,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the
day of sale, all the right, title, interest
and estate which said defendants E. G.
Flanagan, Annie Flanagan and John F.
Hall and all persons claiming under
them subsequent to the lien of plain­
tiffs in, of and to said hereinafter de­
T h e J e w e le r
scribed real property.
Said premises hereinbefore mentioned
COQUILLE are described in said execution as fol­
lows, to-wit: Lot 24 in block 3, Lots
1 and 2 in block 5, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
6 in block 6», and Lots 1, 2 and 3 in block
11, in West Hunker Hill addition to the
Town of Marshfield, in Coos county,
Said sale being made subject to re­
demption in the manner provided by
Dated this 7th day of June, 1912.
The National Stock Co
urham V
C. I. Kin
E. L. D e t e l f s e n , Board of D irectors.
F O R S A L E — A nice little
home, with six lots, two in the
bottom, about twenty bearing trees.
Located close to school house.
Price SI 250
Good terms. See
B. Folsom. '
The rig h t of way of all ditches to be
cleared four tim es the w idth of the
’Ih e w idth of the ditches is tak en a t
the-bottom and are to he excavated to
w ithin two feet of the level of extrem e
low tide, and have side slopes of 45'.
Em m
Scenic Theater
All Shaving S upplies
W. W. G a g e ,
From this station a ditch 6 fe e t on
the bottom and having side s I o jh - s of!
45', is to he cut in a southeasterly diree-1
tion a distance approxim ately 1450 fe e t
to the q u a rte r section line running
north and soutli through the cen ter of
Section 30.
T h e Woman's Tonic
In these days of high cost of living
a medicine that gets a man up out of
bed and able to work in a few days is a
valuable and welcome remedy. John
Heath, Michigan liar, Cal., had kidney
and bladder trouble, was confined to his
bed unable to turn without help. “ I
commenced using Foley Kidney Pills
and can truly say I was relieved st
once.” His example is worth follow­
ing. For sale by Fuhrman's Pharmacy.
^ |
Stenography and typewriting for
business and professional men expe­
ditiously transacted at the Herald
office All work entrusted to 1 1
treated confidentially.
Have you paid the printer?
George & Gibier, Props.
Str. B r o o k l y n
Plying Between
San Francisco
and Bandon
First-class fare only
Up freight, i>er ton .............. 3.00
Sudden & C hristiansen
A g en ts, S an F ran cisco , C alifornia
General photographic
work, portraiture and
viewing, developing
and printing for ama­
teurs. Call and see us
and get our prices:
F o r R eserv atio n s
A gents, C oquille, O regon
Storage Room for Reni
Str. Elizabeth
Regular as the Clock
San Francisco
a n d Bandon
First-class fare only
Up freight, per ton
E. & E. T. K ruse
24 C alifornia S tre et, San F rancisco
For Reservation.
Sam e Old P lace
A gents, C oquille, O regon