•¡The Herald, the old estab­ lished reliable newspaper of the Coquille V alley in which an “ ad" always brings results. V O L . 30, T he C oquille H erald C O Q U I L L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 4, N O . 43 m y pays ' MANY BILLS STREET WORK TAKES CASH Mayor Morrisoa Makes Municipal Matten More — Recorder Lawrence Lively and Loyal at His Labor The regular meeting of the city council was held Monday evening, July t, 19 12 , all councilmen and officers being present with the ex ­ ception of Councilman Leach and Attorney Liljeqvist. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The bond of W. J. Longston, covering B street sewer, in the sum of $500 with J. A. Lamb as surety, was approved. An ordinance authorising the arection oi a warehouse upon the new high water wharf constructed by S. S. Sherwood, was passed under an emergency clause. Propositions were received from the following parties offering prop­ erty upon which to erect a city hall: Charles C. Evland and wife the property occupied by the Tuttle hotel $ 5,500 George F. Peoples, the Charles Watkins’ property, corner Second and Hall streets, $ 2 , 500 . Mrs. Barbara Dean, the lot upon which is located the old Herald buildeng, $ 1 , 800 . J. P. Messer, lots on B and Sec­ ond streets, 100 feet deep, $ 3 , 000 . W. C. Hose, a tract 65 feet on Hall and 95 feet on Second in Elliott’ s addition $ 2 , 950 ; a tract 70 feet by 95 feet as aforesaid $ 2 , 950 ; a parcel 130 feet upon Hall street and 95 feet on Second, $ 4 . 500 - The following bills were allowed. GENERAL FUND P. M. Hall-Lewis, city engineer 4125 00 John Hurley, night marshal 70 00 8 . M. Nosier, tire chief .......... 5 00 Perry E. Lawrence, chainman 8 50 Pacific Stationery and Ptg. Co. 90 00 Coquille Herald, letter heads 3 75 Coquille River Elec. Co., lights 103.50 J. B. Pointer, hauling lumber.... 6 35 J. A. Lamb A Co., nails, etc.... 8.50 Coquille M. A M. Co., Lumber 21 90 C. L. Samson, labor................. 14 60 W. J. Longston, work on wharf 6 75 C. A. Evernde-, hand saw____ 85 Sentinel, notices, etc............... 34 90 A. F. Bergon, water supt......... 12 00 Perry F,. Lawrence, chainman . 11 50 W. J. Longston, laying pipe 353 30 Ted Tozier, labor on piledriver 9 00 Bert Wilson, labor piledriver .... 9 00 J. 8 . Lawrence.money advanced 3 50 W. H. Mansell, draying.......... 7 70 J. A. Lamb, water pipe............ 222 50 W. F. Keller, team work ....... 21 0C D. V. Epperson, labor.............. 7 50 C. L. Sampson, labor................ 2 60 Phil Keeline, labor................... 8 25 M. P. Trans. Co., freight......... 5 45 Pioneer Hardware Co., supplies 25 00 A. F. Bergon, labor piledriver 12 00 SPECIAL FUND J. A. Collier, supt. street work 169 00 Coq. M. A M.Co., lumber wharf 45 72 W. F. Keller, labor on wharf.... 65 20 Elmer Drane, piling................. 199 85 P. E. Lawrence, paving .......... 24 00 W. J. Longston, paving.......... 4 20 Coquille M. A M. Co., lumber 2 85 W. F. Keller, paving .............. 34 25 Sentinel, sewer notice.............. 2 60 The meeting adjourned. MARSHFIELD MEN SQUAT ON DISPUTED TIMBER Several Marshfield men have squatted on valuable land which they claim is open to entry. This land is north ol Coos Bay and in­ cludes some valuable timber. Ore­ gon and California railroad scrip has been placed on the land but the squatters say they have learned that the homesteaders will be given preference and they are taking up the places and building their houses and otherwise improving. Some of these same men recently won in a contest with one of the railroad companies in homestead suits and compromised by selliug their relin quishments for several thousand dollars each. They still bold their homestead rights ------------ r ■ . » » » For soreness of the muscles, whether induced by violent exercise orinjury, there is nothing lietter than Chamber­ lain's Liniment. This liniment also re­ lieves rheumatic pains. For sale by all drugfists. W. H. NOSLER BUILT THE FIRST ROUSE IN COQUILLE W . H. Nosier visited the Herald office the oilier day and informed ns that he built the first bouse in Coquille in 1872 , a small residence on B street which still stands not tar from where it was originally constructed. It was built as a place of abode while putting up a hotel the same year on the ground now occupied by the Baxter. The old pioneers have a just ptide in refer­ ring to the improvements made by them, and particularly is it true of thosi who first carved out the for­ est and built habitations therein. Mr. Nosier told of several pioneers who followed him in settling Co­ quille, some of whom are credited with being the first, but it is a mis­ take. We are pleased to be placed right upon this important matter regardiug the history of our city, and in none have we more faith and confidence in knowledge gain­ ed upon this matter than in our fYiend and first pioneer, W . H. Nosier. -------- » ««>■ ------------ Ptomaiuc Poisioned George Leach, manager of the Coquille Band, received a telegram Monday last from the P»xley & Lauder Comedy show people that, ow'ug to two principal performers being down with ptomaine poison, the date for their play here of “ A Wife Wanted” would be deferred for one week. Tuesday evening, July 9 , is the date named and the Heazlet Theatre the place where the king ol laughter will reign. Ad­ mission 75 and 50 cents; children 25 cents. Reserved seats may be obtained at Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Monday evening, July 1 . Bays the Best Stock L A. Roberts of Myrtle Point recently purchased a bull and heif­ er from Wm. Bishop, proprietor of Puget Sound herd, Cbimacum, Washington. The bull is sixteen months old and his dam is an A. R. O. heifer and his sire is a sou ol the noted bull Milk and Butter K ing The heifer is a granddaughter of the old time bull, Hengerveld De Kol, that has 116 A. R- O. daugh­ ters, many of them with records of over thirty pounds of butter in sev­ en days. ---------- m « » > - «---------------------— A First-class Printer P. C. Levar, an old-time Bay printer, has accepted a position with the Herald. We are pleased to secure the services of Mr. Levar as he is not only practical in all lines pertaining to printerdom, but is steady and can be relied upon. The Herald is steadily improving and is now better prepared than ever to execute commercial and general printing. Try us. Eugene-Coos Bay Railroad Active construction work will commence on the Coos Bay end of the long looked for railroad to Eu­ gene within the next ten days Mc­ Arthur, Perks & Co. have arranged to have railroad supplies brought to Coos Bay and Gardner and work on the railroad will be rushed. No joke this time—a fact vouchsafed from reliable sources. Laugh Loud and Long Pixley ic Lander's Comedy Song Show will be at the Heazlet Theatre Tuesday evening, July 9 , In the laugh producing comedy ” A Wife Wanted ” Written and played for laughing purposes only. Admission 75 and 50 cents; children 25 cents. Rtserved seats at Fuhrman’s 1 1912 P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0 GOVERNOR WEST A PROMOTER OF JUSTICE T h e S c h o o l B o y s a n d th e O ld T o w n P u m p > a ------- Western Ore*o«’i Forest Fires Less Frequent Western Oregon shows great ad­ vance in timber owners’ patrol asso­ Educators Meet “ There is no tangle brain in me, ciation, five new ones added this Oh, honest pump, it is divine. . County Superintendent W , H. Nor yet a tangle-toe ; year making a chain from the Col­ Thou stand’st in human ways, Bunch was in attendance at the an­ And he who steps to drink with me, umbia to the California line. The To teach a lesson every hour, nual meeting of the county super­ T o bed will sober go. State Forester cooperates with these Through all thy upright days! intendents o f schools of the State H e’ ll have no fevered blood by day, And it were better all men should and five counties also contribute, of Oregon held at Salem last week. Nor aching bones at night, Be "knuckled down” at taw, making a semi-official force ot 250 Much business relative to educa­ For I am built upon the plan patrolmen already in the field out­ Than not to know the blessings of tional work was transacted. Twen­ That keeps the whole man right. Thy lectures and thy law. side the national forests. The state ty-two superintendents were present receives $t 0,000 from the govern­ ment under the Weeks' law in ad­ In these days of high cost of living a medicine that gets a man up out of j dition to its own appropriations of l>ed snd able to work in a few dayB is a During the summer months mothers [ fig, I p]*, I p|Ki | FOR S A L E $ 30 , 000 , and private owners will valuable and welcome remedy. John of young children should watch for any _ . . , , Heath, Michigan Bar, Cal., had kidney Three acres close in. Suitable for unnatural looseness of the bowel. Ge* r 0*" *ctecn door* and w*“ - spend at least $ 100 , 000 . No timber and bladder trouble, ” ' ' * Meat safes, bread has been lost since the May fires. bed, unable to t u r n ^ U h o u ? "^ "I : chicken raDch' New six room cot- When given prompt attention at this j dows made. commenced using Foley Kidney l*ills tage, all modern improvements. time aeriuoe trouale may lie avoided, boards, ironing boards and sleeve Chamberlain’» Colic, Chofera and Diar-1 j boards made to older at Quick A Vo, s-le cheap by owner. Get your telephone batteries at rhoea Kemedy can always tie depended ing. For sale by Fuhrman’s Pharmacy. [ Box 147 , Coquille, Oregon. upon. For sale by all druggists' I Curry s. the Farmers’ Telephone ortica. A FLUSTERED NORTH BEND MADE FAMOUS Coos County Crinherry Grower Proves Rival to Solomon in Number of Wives But is Content With One The Portland Telegram says Solomon with his thousand wives, which presumably meant the same number ot marriage licences, wed­ ding rings, and like accessories, looms up like the veriest tyro when compared with the situation which a certaiu young and highly flustered bridegroom elect faced up at the courthouse in Portland last Thurs­ day. * A delightful little romance is woven into the story. Ray R. Pinkerton, a prosperous cranberry grower of Coos county, was filling in the marriage license blank in the county clerk's office and when he had finished, the dep­ uty looked it over and with a gasp of amazement he exclaimed. “ Here, here, how many times have you been married ?” “ W-w-why, tli-this is m-m-my first offen— ” stammered Pinkerton. “ Don’t know about that; here, on the license, you are swearing you have been married 22,917 times and that looks like a pretty strong record even in these enterprising times.” Pinkerton blushed and Miss Ruth E. Stiles, the bride to-be, blushed. Then they blushed some more when it was discovered that Pinkerton in his nervousness had filled in the number of the license opposite the line asking for the number of times married. With the assistance ot O. C. Bortzmeyer, cashier of the Mer­ chants Savings & Trust Company and president o f the Ohio Society, things were straightened ont aud a few hours later tjie young couple were made man and wife in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bortzmeyer. The wedding was the culmination of a romance that started when the contracting parties were in short clothes back in Ohio, and every contributing detail to the nuptials was Ohioesque—a “ Buckeye” wed­ ding throughout. Pinkerton and Miss Stiles grew up as children back in Ashtabula County, Ohio, and, after be had come to Oregon 12 years ago, and his boyhood sweetheart bad en­ gaged in her profession of school teacher and later as stenographer, they kept up a frequent correspon­ dence until this month, and June being the month of romances, wed­ dings and honeymoons, it was ar­ ranged that the fiancee should come west and tie married here. So Pink­ erton came up lrom North Bend, and Miss Stiles came out from Pitts­ burg, the couple meeting in Port­ land. The “ Buckeye” stage setting for the wedding was easily arranged. The Bortzmevers are former Ohio­ ans and long-time friends of the groom. The officiating clergyman, Rev. A . H. Ehrgott, was formerly in Cleveland. The wedding guests and party at the subsequent wed­ ding dinner were also from the state which “ mothers presidents,” they being Williams Stearns, Mrs. E. A. Stearns and Mrs. E BidwelL in addition to others already named. Following the wedding function the bride and groom attended the meeting of the Ohio Society, where they were treated as all good hon- eymooners should be. Mr. and Mrs. Pinkerton will be at home at North Bend shortly after July t. Everything Is Milch Mrs. De Style— Marie, I shall take one of the children to church with me. The Maid— Yes’m. Mrs. De Style—Which one will go best with my new purple gown ? This fireless cooking aud paper- bag cooking and cookless cooking may be all right in their place, but they cannot come up to the kind of cooking that mother used to do. ------------- M ». -------------- * Have you paid the printer ?