Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 06, 1912, Image 2

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T h e C o q u ille H e r a ld
Now that school has closed, the
Enteral a* aecond class matter May
8 , 1906. at the poet office at Coquille, teachers h »ve scattered for the sum
Oregon, underact of Congress oí March
Mr. R o b e r t., >n of tbe high
3, 1879.
school ha. gone to S .0 F ia u c
WALTER *i. ACKERMAN, Publisher for a m o n t h
He mill return to Co-
Devoted to the material and social quill* and look after the interests of
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ the Coos Day T e a c h e rs ’ Agency fur
ticularly and of Coo. County generally.
Subscription, 11.50 per year in advance the remainder of tbe summer. Be­
fore leaving he signed a contract to
Phone, Main 354.
continue bis service, in tbe Coquil e
high school fo r a n o th e r year. Miss
H o p k n s Las gone t o her home in
She will not return n e it
year. Miss Benson is planning not
to teach next year but will spend
the year with her parents Dear P ort­
land. Miss G am ble has gone to
Her home in N o rth Bend and wid
return next year as teacher of the
eig hth grade. Miss A ndeison will
spend the sum m er teaching in Cur
rv county b u t will retu rn to her
work here .g a in next fall. Miss
Rae will s p e t d the summer iD
Seattle and Miss Buck has gone to
Myrtle P o in t for a few weeks.
Minard, Lorenz and
The largest crowd th a t ever as
| Chase will spend most of the sum
jui le on like occasion
sembled in Coqui
,iD(j mer in Coquille. Supt. Howard will
gathered at Masonic Hall
marched from there to the cemetery ! 8 Pend ,h e su,mn*r hfcre ’, n ', moat of
to pay trib u te to the noble dead.
bl8 “ me wil1 1,6 occoPied * orkiDP
Promptly at 1:30 p. m „ theG .A .R , ] o u t P 1»1-» f° r next year.
Notice lo Taxpayers
Visit from a Noted Educator
P. L. Campbell, president of the
University of O regon at Kugene,
was piloted to the Herald office
S aturday last by Superintendent
S Peci‘ l " • • “ "M of lhe cit>' co un-
H ow ard of our public s, bools. Mr
Cl1 F ri,U J •* * “ “ *• M , -v 31
Mayor Quick iu tbe chair.
— ----
! Campbell was on his way home by
. CouDcilmen O.-rding, Pierce, Man- Internimi; Happening' and Doings of Nearby stage front Myrtle Point to Ifose
sell, Laird und Skeels answered to
burg, co ncluding a visit of three
roll cal).
days in Coos county, du rin g which
Attorney L ilj.q vist and R e co ,d er
time he delivered lour addresses—
Lawrence present.
before the g rad u atin g classes
A petition signed by tw o-thirds ]
at Bandon, Marshfield and N orth
K. C. Capíes, a m ining man from
or more of the ow n er, of real prop-
B end arid the memorial oration
ertv fronting or a b u ttin g upon F ir s t ^'l|lUI 11 0ia Cit\ .u s been visiting T hu rsd ay afternoon at the Masonic
the blacksand beaches below here, opera house, Marshfied.
street in the T. B. W illard plat
President Campbell is a conscien­
thereof, praying for tbe reestablish­ was in Port Orford W ednesday
ment of the grade of said street night on his return home. H e -to o k tious and hard w orker on e d u c a ­
a lot of samples back with him for tional lines, a pleasant "conversa­
was, on motion, adopted by a u n an ­
testing anil may soon return. tionalist, and his call, coupled with
imous vote.
u .
.! th at of our owu loyal educator, was
Ordinance No. 53 was passed u n ­ He is a pratica. placer miner, and , wost pieasant one.
- .
der an emergency clause and e m ­ we believe that he will make a sue-
cess if h e starts work in C u rry
Veleraas of Ripe Old Age
bodies the object so u g h t in tbe
county. —Port Orford T rib u n e.
T h o u g h 97 years old Michael
foregoing petition.
Damphoffer, Sr., of Vancouver,
h ir l in g buoy
buoy has
has been
been Washington, marched with the old
A new-
new- w
A res dution fixing the salary of
the City Recorder at $75 per month P'aced in posi-ion near f o x Rock soldiers from the G . A. R. hall in
beginning J u n e 3, 1012. and con­ on the P ort Orford reef says the that city to the cemetery, where
tinuing for a period of one year was Tribuue. The new buoy is a com- graves of comrades were decorated.
binatiou flashlight and whistling Beside him in the march was his
unanimously adopted.
son, Michael Damphoffer, Jr., 68
effect, and is an alternating affair. years old.
Council adjourned.
The buoy weighs 11 tous and it re­
Each age of our lives has its joys.
quires the finest weather for plac­
Regular meeting of the city coun
Old people should he happy and they
ing it. T his buoy Mashes for five will be if Chamberlain's Tablets arc-
cil Monday evening, J u n e 3.
seconds and then rem ains dead for taken to strengthen the digestion and
keep the bowels regular. These tablets
All mem bers of tbe council pres­
th a t time, while tbe w histling is are mild and gentle in their action and
ent, also Attorney Liljeqvist, Re
kept up continuously. T h e light is especially suitable for people of middle
corder Lawrence and Marshal Ev-
age and older. For sale by all druggists.
supplied by a new gas arran g em en t
em d en .
an d is so arranged th a t ir loses
Mayor Quick in tbe chair.
little of its power in the day time,
M inutes of last meeting read and
as the light is subdued d u rin g tbe
hou rs of light The new style buoy
Officers reports for May, also the
is supplied with acetylene gas for
annual reports of the recorder and
In a l e t t e r f ro m B r a n c h -
li ghting and the charge consists of
treasurer r-ad and referred to the
la n d , W . V a ., M r s . E liz a ­
4,000 pounds of carbide. T h e m a ­
b e th
C hapm an say s: “ I
tTnauce committee. After due ex­
chinery of the buoy m ust be very
su ffe re d
f ro m
w o m a n ly
am ination, the finance committee
exact, since the charge is planned
t r o u b l e s n e a r l y f iv e y e a r s .
reported they found the sama cor-
A ll t h e d o c t o r s in t h e c o u n ­
to light the buoy for a period of
ty d id m e n o g o o d . I to o k
one year, without replenishing.
City E n g in eer G ould presented
C a rd u i, a n d n o w I a m e n ­
Port Orford is m ak in g prep ara­
t i r e ly w e ll.
I fe e l li k e a
reporta concerning the im provem ent
n e w w o m a n . C a rd u i sa v e d
of Spurgeon street and also relative tions for an agate carnival, tbe date
m y life ! A ll w h o s u f f e r
to tbe s u i v e y a n d establishment of of which has not yet been a n n o u n c ­
f ro m
w o m a n ly t r o u b l e
the street lines in E . li o tt’s addition ed.
from Exchanges
W. R. C , school children and citi- <
y * , „ fe
zens formed to line and marched to
. ,
L ast Tuesdav evening the local
the hall where a splendid program . .
lodge K nights of P ythias was paid
was rendered. Prof. Howard e a d - ___ _
an official visit by Grand Chancellor
dress was one of the most able and
F. R. VVrightman and Grand K eeper
interesting ta lk , the people have
of Records and Seal Louis Stinson.
had ihe pleasure of listening to, in
It is th e endeavor of these grand
fact every part of the program was
officers to visit the lodges of thp
carried out to perfection as was
s ‘ate annual v, and having been
plainly seen by the deep interest of
here before they are not without
the audience. After the singing of
acquaintances a* well as fraternal
"A m erica,” the line of march was
Members and
formed as follows: Band, G. A. R ,
were o u t in full force at the K. P
-—in autos— W, R C-, flower girls,
hall to pay respect to the g rand
school children,— about 75 in dum ­
officers. T h e Scenic Theatre band
b e r—followed by citizens, on foot,
discoursed music, the la lies p r e p a r ­
in automobiles and in carriages
ed a rep ast in the banquet hall, so ­
s h o u l d g i v e C a r d u i a t r i a l .”
T h e procession was formed and con­
The first cement walk built in
cial converse «as indulged in and which were, upon motion, tiled.
ducted by W. W. Gage and B. 3.
£ 61
the g ra n d officers delivered a d ­
The following bills were allowed G old Beach now adorns the front
Rogers, as marsblas of the d*y.
dresses teuding to make men b e t­ and w arrants ord ered draw n on
The G A R. aud W. U. C. wish
ter and consequently happier. The treasurer in payment of the same:
After living 011 his fine stock
to thank parties who so gallantly
g ran d officeis vie it* d the lodge at L. A. Liljeqvist, city attorney $ 41 67 ranch in the Chetco C ounty for
tendered their automobiles to carry
8 34 tw enty-one years, H . C. R an som
M y rtle P o in t Wednesday, will go R. H. Mast, city treasurer
J. S. Lawrence, recorder
them to the cemetery anil back, as
The Woman’s Tonic
j from there to B'Ujflon where they C. A. Evernden, marshal .......... 70 00 made final homestead proof before
many of them were too feeble to
60 00 the co u n ty clerk on May 26
will stay for a few days listening to John Hurley, night marshal
50 y e a rs o f p ro o f h a v e
S. M. Nosier, fire chief
5 00
walk th at distance. They also ex ­
what the “ wild waves are saying. Coquille Electric Co., lights
c o n v in c e d th o s e w h o te s te d
102 00 Ransom and his beautiful aud valu­
tend their sincere thanks to one
Coquide M. & M. Co., lumber
10 15 able ranch stocked w ith th o r o u g h ­
it, t h a t C a r d u i q u i c k l y r e ­
Coos County, recording deeds
2 80
and all who reudered assistance in
His Name is Jane!
lie v e s a c h e s a n d p a in s d u e
Fred Salisbury, work on street
3 75 bred cotswold sheep of which he
so many ways to make the d iy a
Mrs. L If. Hazard and r b i l d r m Coquille Hardware Co. hdwre
4 15 has been a breeder for m any years,
to w o m a n ly w e a k n e s s , a n d
success. We feel that speiial men­ are visiting with the parents of Coos Bay Home Tel., message
h e lp s n a tu re to b u ild u p
Walter Culin, health officer
12 50 are living m onum ents attesting one
tion should be made of Mrs. Elton Mrs. Ilazard n e a r
Los Angeles J. A. Brockman, hauling lmbr
75 of the im portant industries of C urry
w e a k w o m e n to h e a l t h a n d
2 00
Tyrrell as she kindly took full where they will remain d u rin g J. S. Lawrence, postal cards
S tr e n g th .
T h o u san d s of
Ida Eisner, typewriting
11 42 county.
charge and conducted the sinking school vacation. A d rie n n e Hazaid Irwin Hudson Co., index
12 50
w o m e n h a v e fo u n d C a rd u i
27 05
for the Memorial sermon an d Mem­ and Delia Sherwood, d a u g h te r of Sentinel, election notices
t o b e a r e a l life s a v e r .
29 25 erty was redeemed by S am V an Pelt
A. N. Gould, city engineer
orial Day.
Attorney Sherwood of this city, are A. F. Bergon, water supt.
60 00 last week and by him transferred to
W h y n o t te s t it fo r y o u r
W R C. Press Cor.
good friends. T hey are each six W. H. Mansell, draying
T a k e C a r d u i to d a y !
30 50 Charles Smith who, it is said, p u r­
J. A. Lamb A Co., water pipe
years of age and are schoolmates. Wm. Smith, labor
1 50 chased it for a large realty company
5 50
Interesting correspondence between J . F. Ferguson, labor
5 00 of P ortland, who will develop the
C. f . Ford, labor
the two little girls is now taking A. S. Newman, labor
75 property and promote a town at
14 25
The exercises of commencement place, the following being the in- R. B. Rogers, hauling pipe
Coquille Hardware Co., hdw
4 25 that place. One of the first im ­
week closed last Friday evening j itial epistle:
No fu rth e r business appearing, provements of a perm anet nature,
with an address by President P I,.
R. p. d . 13 ^ Rox i 45 _
planned by the new owners, is a 60
the council adjourned.
Campbell of Oregon University. !
L°s Angeles, Cal.,
room modern hotel.
T h is deal
May 29, 1912.
T h e address was a strong one deal- j Dear Delia :
means much to the developm ent of
N ew C o u n c il O r g a n i z e d
ing with the educational outlook.
We have a dog here. His name is
Southern C u rry , as it lies in the
President Campbell possesses a J ?ne‘ He is a gir| dog. We sold our
T h e officers elected at th e general center of one of the largest and
place. v\ e are going to stay here until
pleasing personality and, th o u g h he August. We nick all the oranges we city election to fill vacancies occa­ richest sections of the co u n ty .—
sioned by those whose terms had Gold Beach Globe.
attempts no flights of oratory, holds j want to eat- Write s o o r n ^ ^
-------- - « ----------
expired were duly and regularly
th e attention of tbe
au lieuce
A drienne .
Old Pioneer Passes Away
obligated by City Recorder Law­
th r o u g h o u t his address. T h e diplo-
* ••• ■
Mrs Mary S m i th , a highly re­
mas were presented to the class by
More Good Citizens for Coquille
rence in compliance with law and
pioneer of Coquille, died in
J . J. Stanley, President qf the
F rank Moreland of Klamath Falls, usage. The names and office of
Calfornia, the body being shipped
Board of Education. Mr. S ta n le y ’s ¡an acquaintance of C. A. H ow ard, each are as follows :
to Bandon w here the funeral took
remarks weie brief and well re su perin tend ent of o u r high schools,
A. T. Morrison, mayor; J. S. Law­
place W ednesday from D u n k a rd
ceived. The musical num bers on
ia hereby given that tbe ftate
the program were a commence­ time in quest of a place to locate. W. H. Loyons.W. C. Laird, eouncilmen. church. M any people trom this Land Board of the State of Oregon will
The council was declared o rg an ­ city attended the obsequies in re sell to the highest bidder at its office in
ment march by Mrs. 0. A Howard He has been in Coquille the past
tlie Capital Building at Salem, Oregon,
All members responded to spect to the m em ory of one they on June 10, 1912. at 10:00 o’clock A. M.,
a piano solo by Miss Ijiu-ia Sperry
of said day, all the State’s interest in
an d a vocal solo by Mis. E ton 1 pressed with conditions existing roll rail.
the title and overflow lands hereinafter
describ ’d, giving, however, to the own­
Tyrrell. Each of them was well 1 here th it he has decided to abide
or owners of any lands abutting or
with us perm anently Mr. Moreland following officers, t h i same beiug who presented beautiful floral offer­ fronting on such tide and overflow lands,
rendered and heartily enjoyed
the preference right to purchase said
After the commencement program, ‘ has gono to Klam uth Falls for bis confirmed by tbe council :
tide and overflow’ lands at the highest
L. A. Liljeqvist, city attorney.
Mr and Mrs H< ward gave au in- family and will re tu rn to Coquille
A City Mail Carrier
price off. red, provided such offer i 9
K. H. Mast, city treasurer.
formal reception at their home fur in the near future.
Postmaster Linegar was o u t T ues­ made in good faith, and also providing
that the iand will not be sold for, nor
P. M. Hall-Lewis, city enginesr.
P resid ent Campbell, The teachers,
day m easuring the distance from any offer therefor accepted of less than
Charles Evernden, city marshal.
the members of the b sird and their
W. H Putter an 1 family of Union
the postoffice to the dep ot and $7 50 per acre, the Board reserving the
A resolution fixing the salaries of
right to reject any and all bids. Said
wives, and those who hud taken county, Pennsylvania, ate am on g
it to he a littl© over 1,600 ^ lands are situated in Coos County, Ore-
officers was adopted:
p a r t on the program were the in- the recent at rivals looking for a
feet. Postal laws require carriers
«nd described as follows:
City attorney $600 per year, city
Beginning at a point on low water
vitod guests. A very plea, iut h ou r home iu the golden west. T ney
the left hank of Coal Bank Slough
treasurer $100 per year, city engineer
was spent
have taken up th e i r residence in $125 per month, water superintendent in one-fourtb mile of tbe postoffice !
¡« situated North 58" 22 ’ West |
2405 feet from the meander corner on
C oquille, are well pleated with the $60 per month, city marshal $70 per to deliver and call for the same at left hank of Isthmus Hlough on line be- i
Socialists Meet on Matters Political
climate thu s far experienced and month, night marshal $70 per month, the postofiice bonce the work. Ac­ tween Sections 35 and 36, T. 25 S., R. 13
A Socialist caucus - convention speak favi rahly of the courtesy chief of fire department $5 per month. cordingly the governm ent will be \V. of W. M. ami running thence along
long water line up the left bank of Coal
was held at Quick's Exchange, this and hospitality extended by ou r
Tbe mayor appointed tbe follow­
required to pay for carrying the
' s'' ’öö’** 2 ^ 'F°" "5 feet
city, Monday afternoon to choose poople
Mr. P o tter is a man e n ­ ing comraitteea ;
mail to and from the dep ot to the
43" 23' E. 96 feet
Finance—D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels,
candidates for political offices to be dowed with energy and confidence,
S. 6 ° 27’ E. 108 feet
postoffioe hereafter.
4" 3' F„ 88 feet
ratified by the various county lo­ assets which bespeak success, and
8 16° 51’ W. 79 feet
S treet—W. H. Lyons, Geo. O. Leach,
Elected Young Slock For Sale.
cals. VV. C. Weaver of Marshfield we d o u b t not be will soon be id en­
8 . 33" 38' W. 138 feet
W. C. Laird.
S. 40" 12' W. 385 feet
was chosen chairnmu of the county tified with a lucrative vocation. H e
I have io head of yearlin g s and
Water—W. C. Laird, C. T. Skeels,
8 . 37" 46' W. 607 feet
central committee aud II. I, S um ­ in tend s to rcm iiu here one year b e ­ D. I>. Pierce.
two 2 year old heilers for sale. T h is
N. 36 47’ W. 35 feet
N. 6 " 3’ E. 148 feet
Eire Department -C. T. Skeels, Geo. stock is grade Ilolstieo th at I raised
n er of N orth Bend, secretary Mat­ fore investing
less to east boundary of a tract
O. Leach. F. ( ’.True.
ters bearing upon subjects pci lam ­
from the best of the cows from my of land deeded by the State of Oregon to
Ordinance— F. C. True, D. D. Pierce,
A. A. Finch, S. F. Chadwick and Aaron
When your child has hooping cough
ing to the welfare of the .general
herd ol 50 . I raised th e m e x p e c t­ Rose
on July 8 , 1873, thence N. 20“ E,
be careful to keep the cough loose and W. H. Lyons.
public from the socialistic stan d ­ expectoratmr
by giving Chamber
Light Geo. O. Leach, W. H. Lyons, ing to use them mysell for dairy 873 feet along east boundary of aliove
Remedy as may be re­
point were discussed, after » liicli
purp. -es. If you w ant heavy pro-
N‘ ,4!) 1,1 E- -t»5 feet -nore or lees,
quired. This remedy will also liquefy W. C. Laird.
1 * 1
J r
to the place of beginning, containing
the meeting adjourned on call f the tough mu
.i d 1 lake it easier to
L Pon motion the City R ecorder during cows buy these heifers. See 7.59 acres of tide land, more or less.
expectorate, It ha* been used success- was instructed to ask for bids for me at once.
the chaiiman.
J . C . W A I 4 .ING. | fronting and f i l i n g upon Lot. 7 and 8
fully in many : .¡Ml. Old is safe and
] of Sec. 35, r. 2o S. R. 13 \ \ .
city prin ting and job work.
sure. For sa
Both phones.
Applications and bids should be ad-
all druggists,
There is no real need of anyone being
dres-fl.'d to O. O. Brown, Clerk State
troubled with constipation, Chamber-
A | -ained ankle may as a rule be Land Board, Salem.Oregon, and marked
For Sal* s VS buy-, a good 3 inch
night, J u n e 6 .
lain'a Tablets will cause an agreeable S lud eb aker
cured m from three to four days by ap- [ ‘‘Application ami bid to purchase tide
$15 b u y s a
movement of the bowel-' without any
plying Chamberlain’s Liniment and 00 - lands.’’
Filone F ar-
unpleasant effect Give them a trial. good 2 seated h a d
sen mg the directions with each bottle.
Clerk State Land Board.
mers 28 , Coquille.
For sale by all druggists.
H ave you paid the p rin te r ?
For sale by all druggists.
1 Dated March IS. 1912.
Notice of Foul Settieaeat
I am now sending out copies of the
Notice la hereby given that the under
1912 agues*men' to all taxpayer* in ginned ha* filed in the County Court for
Coos county This copy is for the infor- Coo# county, Oregon, hi* final account
mation of the taxpayer and as Buoh ¡n the matter of the administration of
should be retained for future reference, the estate of Charles Gage deceased
Should any errors exist they will he an(] t h#t said Court has set Saturday'
cheerfully rectified by making same the 6 th «lay of July, 1912, a* the day
known to me
I an(j the County Court room at the court
T. J. T hrift , Assessor.
houoe in Coquille City, Coos county
Oregon, as the place for hearing objec’-
tions to said final account and the set­
N otite of Final Settlement
of said estate.
Notice i* hereby given that the un­ tlement
Dated this 5th day of June, 1912.
dersigned has filed in the County Court
W ard C. G age ,
for Coos County, Oregon, her final ac-
Administrator of the Estate of
count in the matter of the administra­
Gage, deceased.
tion of the estate of Henry G. Hatha­
way, deceased, and that said court has
set Saturday the 6 th day of July, 1912,
as the day, and the County Court room
at the court house in Coquille City,
Coos County, Oregon, us the place for
hearing objections to said final account
and the settlement of said estate.
M ary E. H athaway ,
Administratrix of the Estate of
Day-old, Barred Rock
Henry G. Hathaway, deceased.
B a b y C h icks
C h i c k s from trap
nested hens, #15.00
per hundred.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has been duly appointed ad­
ministratrix of the estate of Ida
Adalade Lafferty, deceased, and that
all persons having claims against said
estate are required to present the
same, duly verified and witn the proper
vouchers therefor, to the undersigned
at the office of A. J. Sherwood, in Co­
quille, Coos County, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 15th day of May, 1912,
Plymouth Place Poultry
------------- Yards--------------
E lmira J . L a f f e r t y .
Administratrix of the Estate of Ida
Adalade Lafferty, deceased-
Life Saver
Box 434
Marshfield, Ore.
with our bread service. Make
sure of a dependable bread or
roll supply by ordering from
us during the warm wether.
Don’t fear you will not like
the bread. We have yet to
meet the person who did not
declare it simply delicious.
City Bakery
Paul Stephan, Prop.
of wholesome, refreshing, nutri­
tious sweetness for your money
is what you get when you order
Miller’s Ice Cream. In fact you
get the better of the bargain by
a great deal. Order some today
and y o u s i m p l y cannot help
agreeing with us.
Millers Confectionery
C r e s c e n t R an g es
T e n ts
$6 to $20
Same Old Place
Com e and See
Camp Chair
Camp Stoves
New and Second-Hand Goods
O N L Y 35c
R em em ber we are still giving a good double
grapbo pboue
record when your cash
purchase amounts to $5.00, by the payment
of 35 cents ex tra.
good assortment to
line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed,
select from.
Lard, Etc.
F r u i t Ja r s .
full and complete
See us before buying Economy
Drane's Store