Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 30, 1912, Image 2

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    The Coquille Herald COQUILLE GIRL IN
Entered as (fecund claw matter May
8, 1905. at the poet office at Coquille,
Oregon, under act o( Congress of March
3 , 1879 .
ACKKKMAN, l*uhli.-.hcr
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding O f the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and o f Coos County generally.
Subscription, *1.3»' per year
Phone, Main 354 .
S u b s c r ib e r s
p a y in g
su b­
s c r i p t i o n s d u e c a n b y a n a d d it i o n a l
5 0 c r e c e iv e th e
S e m i- W
e e k ly O r e ­
gon J o u r n a l — o n e h u n d r e d a n d fo u r
t im e s a y e a r .
th e
T h e r e g u la r p r i c e o f
S e m i-W e e k ly O re g o n
ra th er
d o lla r .
y e a r , th u s
g i v in g ,
Jou rn al
s a v in g ,
s u b s c r ib e r s
a d v a n ta g e
e x c e p tio n a l o ffe r a n d
th is
Many friends of Miss (Jretcben
Sherwood, daughter of Attorney A.
J. Sherwood, of this city, will be
plesaed to learn that the young lady
has been assign ed an important part
in the commencement exercises of
the University of OregOD at Eugene
Miss Sherwood is a member of Prof
Keddie's class in Shakespeare which
will present " A s You Like It ” A
telegram to the Oregon Journal
from Eugene states that open sir
performances have never been at­
tempted in Oregon though they
have proved successful at the Uni-
versitv of California and at a number
of eastern universities.
The production will be given
Monday afternoon of commence­
ment week at three o’clock on the
southwest portion of the campus
amid the natural setting of Oregon
Among those who will take an
important part are Kalpb Moores of
Salem, Homer Maris of Portland,
Gretchen Sherwood of Coquille,
CarUtou Spenber of Cottage Grove,
Ellen Shearer of Portland, Beulah
Stebno of 1 ’ortland and Maud Beals
of Eugene.
---- - «» * a -
squ are y o u r­
The declamation contest was held
in the Masonic hall Wednesday
night before a large aud apprecia­
According to the annual state­
tive audience. The program was
ment prepared by State Insnrance
opened by a piano solo by Mr. Ray
Commissioner, J. W. Ferguson, in­
Burns. During the declamations
surance companies doing business
Miss Alice Culin rendered a piano
in Oregon collected $4,972,811 more
in premiums during the year 1911
The contest was divided into three
than they paid out in losses. The
divisions; the first comprising the
fraternal societies collected $1,108,-
fifth and sixth grades was repre-
399 66 lor dues and assessments, and
seated by Ruby McDonald, Kate
paid o u t to members $693,333 28
Price, Elsa Peoples, Homer Oddy.
f o r death and disability benehits,
The gold medal in this division, was
leaving a balance of $325,066 38.
won by Elsa Peoples
There w e r e one hundred and five
The second division comprising
fire and marine insurance compa­
the seventh and eighth grades was
nies, forty-eight life insurance and
represented by Marie Moody, Ben
thirty-nine miscellaneous insurance
Hersey, Stella Oerding, Doris Peo­
companies doing business in the
ples, The medal in this division
state during the past year.
was won by Doris Peoples.
The third division, comprising
Coos county has 23,810 acres of
High School, was represented
land subject to homestead entry.
Beula Price. The other con­
With the passage of the three-year
homestead bill, which now appears testants had dropped out through
to be certain, activity in securing sickness, and other reasons. Miss
government lands is looked lor in Price was awarded the medal.
The program closed by a piano
the near future. There are 2,000
by Misses Geneva Robinson
claims of 160 acres each available
Harlocker. The con­
for entry in Western Oregon, and
14.900.000 acres of vacant lands in testants all did nobly, and there
Eastern Oregon lying in wait lor was no very great difference be­
entrymen who may there tween the speakers of the divisions.
take 320-acre homesteads. Under The grades were very close. The
the new law a claimant may be ab­ judges were, W. C Chase, L. A.
sent from bis land five months out Liljeavist and C. H. Cleaves.
s e lv e s w i t h t h e H e r a l d .
IL L Church Sesth
P a le -fa c e d , w e a k , a n d
B h a k y women— who s u f f e r
e v e r y d a y with w o m a n l y
e e d t h e h e lp
w e a k n e s s — - n need
g e n tle to n ic , w ith
b u i i l d i n g action
o n th e
w o m a a n n l iy
y system.
s y s t e m . I f you
y ou a re
w e a k — y o u n e e d C a r d u i,
t h e w o m a n 's I o n i c , b e c a u s e
C a r d u i w ill a ct d ir e c t ly o n
th e c a u s e o f y o u r t r o u b le .
C ard u i h as a record
m ore
th a n 5 0
years o f
Services Sunday, June 2 At the
morning service Rev. S R Steele
of the M . E. Church South of Ban-
of a
don will preach. Mr. Steele is just j
from the east and is a man of wide
experience, and the pastor would
suggest that you bear him. He was
announced to preach at night, but
has found it necessary to change to
the morning se.vice.
Epworth j
su ccess.
League service at 7:15, followed by \
preaching service at 8 o'clock. The E 60
pastor will preach at nigbt.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
You are invited to be present.
C. H. C l e a v e s , Pastor.
Services at 11 a. m .next Sunday
at the “ Little Church.’’ Subject of
lesson sermon, "Ancient and Mod­
ern Necromancy alias Mesmerism
and Hypnotism Denounced ”
Preaching each Sunday, morning
and evening, except the third Sun­
day in each month.
Bible school at 10 a. m.
Christian Endeavor each Sunday
You are heartily welcom e.
T. B. M cDonald, Minister
from a slice of our bread cre­
ates a desire for another.
There never was such delicious
bread. Try a loaf and note
how the youngsters and your­
self too will finish it. You
cannot possibly bake better
bread, nor as big a loaf for
the same cost as you can buy
it for here.
Paul Stephan, Prop.
It m u s t b e g o o d .
Big Ben
helps run the farm
on time
Is it hard for you to get the
farm hands out on time?
\ Is it hard ior you to get them
up in the morning?
M r s . E ffie G r a h a m , o f
W illa r d ,
tiy., s a y s : “ I
w as
w eak
c o u ld
h a r d ly
s u ffe re d ,
n e a r ly e v e r y m o n th , fo r 3
W h e n I b e g a n to
ta k e C a r d u i, m y b a c k h u rt
a w fu lly .
1 o n ly w e ig h e d
.The Woman’s Tonic.
Preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m.
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Frank H. Adams, Pastor.
• City Bakery
If so, why not let Big Ben do it
for you?
Big Ben is a truth telling and
reliable alarm clock.
It’ s his business to get people
up in the world.
And he’ ll do It every day at any
time you say.
Next time you drive to town,
walk over to the store and take
a look at him.
I keep him in the window wherw
everyone can see him.
99 pounds.
N o tlo n g a fte r ,
I w e ig h e d
N ow , I
d o a ll m y work, a n d a m
h e a lt h .”
B e g in
t a k in g
tod a y .
in soda water is found without
our immaculately clean fountain.
W hat's your prime favorite in
flavors? Have it? Syrups, sweet,
w ater clean, pure and scientifl
tally carbonated, why shouldn’ t
our sodas suit everybody!
Millers Confectionery
C re sce n t Ranges
The Jeweler
C. A. HA R iti NOTON, Prop.
Same Old Place
Come and See
It would surprise you to know o f the
reat good that is being done by Cham-
erlain’ s Tablets. Darius Downey, of
Newberg Junction, N. B., writes, “ My
wife has been using Cnamberlain’ sTab-
lets and finds them very effectual and
doing her lots o f good.’’ I f you have
any trouble with your stomach or bow ­ In the Circuit Court of the Slate o f Oregoo
els give them a trial. For sale by all
for the Couoty of Coox.
Mildred Laird is visiting her
brother in Roseburg.
Clyde Norton is visiting his sis­
ter, Mrs. O. C. Harry.
Orvil Knight left here today to
visit his parents at Bridge for a
short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Hailey Laird left
yesterday for a short visit in
Baker & Charlton have complet­
ed their contract of slashing for J.
H Laird aud are now slashing for
Thomas Coke.
R E N O W N E D — R E L IA B L E
Services first and third Sundays
Sunday school
every Sunday at 10 a. m.
Archdeacon Wm. H orsfall, rector.
effort in every glass drawn from
Mrs. E. N. Harry spent Sunday
night and Monday with her daugh­
ter, Sirs. F. A. Baker in lower
of each year. This new law will be
Brewster Valley.
of much benefit to the poor man
and should serve to populate Ore­
O. M. Durrell who has bought
the Minard place, known as the
gon very rapidly.
Sam Goheen place, is making much
While we ere talking about mon­ progress in his new home.
uments and memorials, what’s the ■ Joe Harry of McCoy, Oregon, is
This day was duly observed by matter with a monument to Eve?
visiting friends and relatives here.
the comrades of the G. A. R. and
By all accounts Eve was a great He will soon go to Bandon and Co­
the ladies of the Women's Relief woman. She was our universal
quille to visit his sisters there.
Corps, services being held at the ancestor. None ot the genealogists
John Shook and daughter Mabel
Christian Church May 26. The ever get any farther back than Eve.
have moved a .va> from here. They
church was beautiful in its decora­ And Eve was a suffragist. She was
are camping al the old picnic
tion of flags and flowers. The G. an equal partner with the "head of
grounds between Miller’s and S. C.
A. R. and W. R. C formed in line ; the house” (let us call him so by
2at 130 p m., in front of the W. O courtesy anyway) in tbe fruit orch­
A great thuuder storm occurred
W . hall and with draped flags ard known as Eden
If Adam
marched to the church. On arriv­ | didn't feel like trying the qualities in this section Friday night. It
ing at the crossing in front of the I of tbe apple,— or lemon, as some rained so hard that the water could
church, the comrades opened ranks [ believe it to have been (while the not soak into the earth for some
and the W. It C. passed through [ Californians declare it w a s an time after the shower was over.
saluting the flag as they passed; j orange), Eve invented the initiative
Lame back is usually caused by rheu­
then the W. it C opened ranks . to meet the occasion, and so became matism o f the muscles o f the back, for
you will find nothing better than
and the G. A. R. passed through the first Progressive. What though
Chamberlain’ s Liniment. For sale by
into the church.
both Adam and Eve suffered the ail druggists.
- *•- --
The singing was ably conducted “ recall’ in consequence? Eve still
For Sale— Team of work horses,
by Mrs. Elton Tyrrell with Mrs. deserves a monument at the bands
Hawkins at the organ. After sing­ of her deccudants, for the habit of weight about 3 , 000 , ages G and 7 .
ing “Onward Christian Soldiers,” eating fruit has survived to this An inside price on this team if tak-
prayer by Rev. Evans, solo by Mrs. day* and who would be willing now en at once. Also one mare, w eight
Tyrrell, an address was delivered to torego the benefits ot the great 1 , 300 ; one yearling Uruct-Wnkes
by Rev. Adams followed by a few discovery of Eve's that fruit,— colt. For further particulars call
remarks from Rev. Cleaves. These whether apples, lemons, oranges, at Lyons’ garage, nr phone Farmers
J( C. W allino
two pastors are to be congratulated figs or what not,— are good for the 263 .
on their remarks for the noble dead system and beneficial to the com­
A joke: "W ith all my worldly
and their words of encouragement plexion, besides adding to the fam­ goods I thee endow."
for the living.
ily expense account unless grown
After singing “ America” Rev. in your own back yard?
Three acres close in. Suitable for
McDonald dismissed the congrega­
Perhaps we have not shown Eve
tion, when all dispersed some won­ so much honor as she deserves be­ chicken ranch. New fix ro-m cot­
dering how many of those who cause the earlier chroniclers did not tage, all modern improvements.
For sale cheap by owner Address
were there will have passed over dress up their facts with as much Box 147, Coquille, Oregon.
the silent river ere another year wealth of descriptive laudation as
rolls around.
marks the effusions on the society
Nobody can tell the matt any­
W. R C. Press Cor.
page of the journals of today. It thing who has a bad liver
-—- »
is not too late to honor Eve. Why
There never was a time when people
G a r d e n F e r t iliz e r
Super Phos­
appreciated the real merits of Cham­ not have C ingress erect a monu­ phate— the best, cheapest and most
berlain'a Cough Remedy more than now. ment to her fame?
cleanly fertilizer known. For sale
This ia shown by the increase in salea
in any quantity from ten pounds
and voluntary testimonials from persons
For Sale $35 buys a good 3 Inch
who have been cured by it. If you or
J. E. Q uick .
$15 buys a
your children are troubled with a cough Studebaker wagon.
or cold give it a trial and become ac­ good 2-seated hack. Phone Far­
Snakes killed 22,000 persons in
quainted with its good qualities. For
mers 28, Coquille.
ale by all druggists.
India in a single year.
Pale Faces
In the matter o f the appli- ")
cation o f A. E. Seaman and |
Emma J. Seaman, his wife
to register the title to lot
one (1) in block three (3)
in the town o f South Marsh­
field, Coos county, Oregon,
being also known as block
forty-four (44) in E. B.
Dean & Co’ s addition to
the town o f Marshfield,
Coos county, Oregon, as
fio. 7
surveyed and platted by
William Hall for E. B.
Dean & Co., and recorded
in the office o f the County
Clerk o f Coos county, Ore­
Henry Fletcher and Minnie
Fletcner and all whom it
may concern, Defendants.
Notice ia hereby given that the State
Land Board of tbe State oi Oregon will
sell to the highest bidder at its office in
the Capital Building at Salem, Oregon,
on June 10, 1912, at 10:00 o ’ clock A. M.,
of said day, all the State’ s interest in
the tide and overflow lands hereinafter
described, giving, however, to the own­
er or owners of auy lands abutting or
fronting on such tide and overflow lands,
the preference right to purchase said
tide and overflow lands at the highest
price offered, provided such offer is
made in good faith, and also providing
that the land will not be sold for, nor
any offer therefor accepted of less than
$7.50 per acre, the Board reserving the
right to reject any anti all bids. Said
lands are situated in Coos County, Ore­
gon, and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on low water
line on the left bank of Coal Bank Slough
which is situated North 58° 22' West
2405 feet from the meander corner on
left bank of Isthmus Slough on line be­
tween Sections 35 and 36, T. 25 S., R. 13
W. of W . M. anti running thence along
long water line up the left bank of Coal
Bank Slough as follow s:
S. 59° 2' E. 75 feet
S. 43° 23' E. 96 feet
S. 6° 27' E. 108 feet
S. 4° 3' E. 88 feet
S. 16° 51' W. 79 feet
S. 33° 38' W. 138 feet
S. 40° 12' W . 385 feet
S. 37° 46' W. 507 feet
N. 36° 47' W. 35 feet
N. 6° 3' E. 148 feet
more oi Ies9 to east boundary of a tract
of land deeded by the State of Oregon to
A. A. Finch, S. F. Chadwick and Aaron
Rose on July 8, 1873, thence N. 20° E.
873 feet along east boundary of above
tract, N. 49° 31' E. 295 feet more or lees,
to the place of beginning, containing
7.59 acres of tide land, more or lees,
fronting and abutting upon Lots 7 and 8
of Sec. 35, T. 25 S. R. 13 W.
Applications and bids should be ad­
dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State
Land Board, Salem,Oregon, and marked
“ Application and bid to purchase title
Clerk State Land Board.
Dated March 13, 1912.
Take notice, that on the 12th day o f
April, A. D. 1912, an application was
filed by said A. E. Seaman, in the
Circuit Court o f Coos county for initial
registration o f the title to the land
above described. Now unless you ap­
pear on or before the 14th day or June,
A. D. 1912, and show cause why such
application shall not be granted, the
same will be taken as confessed and a
decree will he entered according to the
prayer o f the application and you will
be forever barred from disputing the
same. J amrs W atson , Clerk,
By Robt. R. Watson, Deputy.
John F. Hall and James T. Hall, ap­
plicant’ s attorney.
I d the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregoo,
$6 to $20
W agon
Camp Chair
Camp Stoves
New and Second-Hand Goods
No Matter How Many
Books You Keep
for Coos Couoty
In the matter o f the appli­
o f G. F. Sanborn
Company to register the
for Coos County
title to the East Half ( E1 )
o f Section Eighteen (18) in
Township Twenty-eight
In the matter o f the appli­
South, Range
Nine (9)
cation o f G. F. Sanborn
West o f Willamette Merid­
Company to register the
ian, in Coos County, Ore­
title to the Southeast Quar­
ter (S E ‘ 4) o f Section Four­
teen ( 14) , in Township
Irene M, Stringer Hunt and
Twenty-eight (28) South, o f
Application John Herman Hunt, her
No. 10
Range Nine (9) W est o f
husband: F.rma G. Stringer
No. 11.
Willamette Meridian,
Starret and William A. Star-
Coos County, Oregon,
ret, her husband; Frank N.
Stringer, Josephine Eliza­
John K. Lyon, Union Trust
beth Stringer, Helen Marga­
Company, Calvin Fentress,
ret Stringer, Jennie Nicholl
and all whom it may con­
W right, Union Trust Com­
Take notice, that on the 29th day o f ' Fentress, and all whom it
April, A. D. 1912 , an application was may concern. Defendants.
filed by said G. K. Sanborn Company in TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
the Circuit Court o f Coos County for j Take notice, that on the 29th day o f
initial registration o f the title to the April. A. D. 1912, an application was
land above described. Now unless you filed by said ti. F. Sanborn Company in
appear on or before the 10th day of the Circuit Court o f Coos County for
June, A. D. 1912 , and show cause why [ initial registration o f the title to the
such application shall not be granted, land above described. Now unless you
the same will be taken as confessed and appear on or before the 10th day o f
a decree will be entered according to June, A. D. 1912, and show cause why
the prayer o f the application and you such application shall not be granted,
will be forever barred from disputing the same will be taken as confessed and
the same.
a decree will be entered according to
J ames W atson , Clerk.
the prayer of the application and you
By Robt. R. Watson, Deputy.
will be forever barred from disputing
Brown A F.ddy, Applicant’ s Attorneys. the same.
J ames W atson , Clerk.
By Robt. R. Watson, Deputy.
Brown & Eddy, Applicant's Attorneys.
In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, cation
Baby Chicks
Day-old, Barred Rock
C h i c k s from trap
nested hens, $15.00
per hundred.
Plymouth Place Poultry
-------------Y a rd s ---------------
Box 434
Marshfield, Ore.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
| dersigned has been duly appointed ad­
ministratrix o f the estate o f
1 Adalade Lafferty, deceased, and that
all persons having claims against said
estate are required to present the
same, duly verified and with the proper
I vouchers therefor, to the undersigned
at the office o f A. J. Sherwood, in C o - '
quille, Coos County, Oregon, within six
| months from the date o f this notice.
Dated this 13th day o f May, 1912.
E lmira J. L a f f e r t y . j
Administratrix o f the Estate o f Ida
Adalade Lafferty, deceased.
a bank book outclasses them all in importance and
value. When it is balanced the cancelled checks are
better than any entry in your ledger as evidence of
mouey paid. When you deposit your cash here the
natural ambition to keep a good balance prevents
much needless spending. Think it over.
Farmers & Merchants Bank
ONLY 35c
Remember we are still giving a good double
disc graphopboue record when your cash
purchase amounts to 15 00 , by tbe payment
of 35 cents extra. A good assortment to
select from. A full and complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flou»-, Feed,
Lard, Etc. See us before buying Economy
Fruit Jars.
Drane's Store