Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 09, 1912, Image 2

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    The Coquille Herald
Killer«'.! as second class matter May
8, 1905. at tlie poet office at Coquille,
Oregon, under ai t of Congress of March
3, 1879.
W ALTER Cl. ACKERM AN, Publisher
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and o f Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
P h on e, Mam 351.
Good roads’ day Saturday, May
were up to the usual high standaid
of her splendid ability, and wiere
The last meeting of the season given in her own pleasing way, and
was held at tho school building last much enjoyed by her many friends
Friday afternoon at 3:30 with Mrs. The large audience went away feel-
Chase in the chair.
ing that their time had been well
All present Joined in sieging the spent.
national anthem alter which Miss
............ ...
Eva Sugg delivered a recitation,
and vocal solos were rendered by
Mrs. Clyde Gage and Marvel Skeels.
Tho address of the day, “ It is not
what knowledge we have but what
writes Mrs. L. R. Barker,
we applv that makes us useful,” by
of Bud, Ky., “ and can do
Mr. \V. H. Bunch was well received.
all my housework. For
An election was then held which
years I suffered with such
resulted in the selection of the fol­
pains, I could scarcely
lowing officers for the ensuing year:
stand on my feet. After
President, Miss Rena Anderson;
three different doctors had
first vice-president, Mrs H. O An­
failed to help me, I gave
derson; second vice-president, Mrs.
Cardui a trial. N ow, I feel
Ed Lorenz; secretary, Mrs. Elena
like a new woman.”
Minard; treasurer, Mr. K. S. Knowl-
E 58
ton; members at large of executive j
board, Mr. C. A Howard and M r.' _ .
F. H. Adams
| 3 K 8
The league stands adjourned | ■. ——
until next September.
In the Circuit Couit o! the Slate of Oregon,
in and for the County of Coos.
R. 8. Tyrrell and Lliza J. Tyr­
Robert S. Tyrrell, Herbert A.
Tyrrell, Edith A. Woodward,
L. R. Woodward, b e n n a t i
Woodward, Helen Woodward,
William Tyrrell Woodward,
Lucile Woodward, Lawrence
Ridley Woodward, W a y n e
Morrison Woodward, Rachel
Woodward, Ruth Woodward.
Evelyn Woodward and Edith
Defendants, j
OREGON: You and each of you are
hereby notified that you are required to
appear and answer the complaint filed
! against you in the above entitled suit in
which you, Robert S. Tyrrell, Herbert
A. Tyrrell, Edith A Woodward, L. R.
Woodward, I.ennah Woodward, Helen
i Woodward, William Tyrrell Woodward,
l.ucile Woodward. Lawrence Ridley
Woodward, Wayne Morrison Woodward,
Rachel Woodward, Ruth Woodward,
Evelyn Woodward and Edith Wood­
ward are defendants and B. S. Tyrrell
and Eliza J. Tyrrell, are plaintiffs,
within six weeks from date o f the first
publication o f this summons to-wit, the
28th day o f March, 1912, that being the
date o f thefir8t publication o f this sum­
mons, and if you fail to appear and
answer on or before the 9th dav o f May,
1912, the same being the last day o f
the time prescribed in the order o f pub­
lication, judgment for want thereof
will be taken against you and each o f
A wom an’s health de­
you and plaintiffs will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded therein,
pends so much upon her
a succinct statement o f which is as fol­
delicate organs, that the
lows, to-wit:
First: That a certain deed made, e x­
least trouble there affects
ecuted and deliver« ! by plaintiffs on the
her w hole system. It is
20th day o f August. 1903, between R.
S. Tyrrell and Eliza J. Tyrrell parties
the little things that count,
o f the first part therein to Robert S.
in a wom an’s life and
Tyrrell and Herbert A. Tyrrell in trust
for Edith A. Woodward and her children
health. If you suffer from
and which said deed was duly recorded
any of the aches and
in the office o f the County Clerk o f Coos
County, Oregon, at page 509, volume
pains, due to wom anly
51, records o f deeds oi said county ,be
w eakness, take Cardui at
reformed so as to conform to the in­
tention o f the parties at the time o f the
once, and avoid more seri­
execution and delivery thereof, and to
ous troubles.
W e urge
permit or authorize the defendants Rob­
ert S. Tyrrell and Herbert A. Tyrrell,
you to try i t Begin today.
at any time by consent o f the
plaintiffs or in case of the death o f them
or either o f them then the consent o f
the survivor and 'defendant Edith A .
Woodw ard, to sell and dispose o f the
property mentioned in said deed and
herein before in this summons and con­
The play— “ Ye olde-time School” vert the same into cash or other prop­
erty as they shall deem for the best
given by the high school students interest o f Edith A. Woodward, L. R.
at Benson’s Hall, was a decided Woodward, Lennah Woodward, Helen
Woodward, William Tyrrell Woodward,
success. The Opera House was Lucile Woodward. Lawrence Ridley
packed until standing room was at Woodward, Wayne Morrison Woodward,
Rachel Woodward. Ruth Woodward,
a premium The acting was excel­ Evelyn Woodward and Edith Woodward,
that they have power to make, e x­
lent, and kept the audience laugh­
ecute and deliver all necessary convey­
ing most of the time. After the ances, conveying an absolute title, free
play baskets and boxes containing from any incumbrances to said premises
or any part thereof, to any purchaser
luncheon for two, were sold and a thereof without any claim o f the plain­
jolly social time enjoyed. Over one tiffs or the defendants or either o f
them, or any other person or persons
hundred dollars were realized which whomsoever.
That the Court grant such other and
goes for the benefit of the school.
further relief and make such other de­
The recent high water did con­ cree as shall seem meet and equitable
the premises.
siderable damage to those crops in That
in case o f the death of either
planted on the bottoms, especially Robert S. Tyrrell or Herbert A. Tyrrell,
that the surviyor be authorized and
corn. The Stringtown dairymen empowered
to carry out all the condi­
were unable to get their milk to the tions o f said decree.
Service o f this summons is made by
creamery for a day or so, and some publication in pursuance o f an order
of the North Forkers were in the made by the Hon. John S. Coke, Judge
o f the Circuit Court o f the State o f
same fix.
Oregon, in and for the County o f Coos,
Mr. G. G. Swan ol the East Fork and dated thé 22ml day ot March, 1912,
directing that service be made by pub­
collects cream all along the route, lication thereof in the Coquille Herald,
and delivers it at the Norway cream­ a weekly newspaper published at the
City o f Coquille. 1 ' 00 s County, Oregon,
ery—a distance of 17 miles—twice once a week for a period o f six weeks.
R. H. S mith ,
a week.
“ I Am Wnll”
The Woman's Tonic
Material lor the socialist paper
arrived here Tuesday, but the press
being broken in transit publication
is delayed.
The track team is rounding out
n good shape lor the uack meet at
Marshfield tomorrow. There is no
Roseburg’s fourth annual straw­ doubt that the boys will make a
berry festival will take place May good showing. The Marshfield peo­
16, 17 aud 18. Indications are that ple were anxious to secure a large
abundance o f the luscious fruit will enough crowd from Bandon and
be on exhibition and many interest- Coquille to justify running an ex ­
ng features are promised to gratify cursion train back from the Bay
after the meet tomorrow evening.
It seems probable now, however,
The beautiful custom of observ­
that such a train will not be put on.
ing Mothers' Day, which was start
| The meet comes on a school day
ed but a few years ago by a young
so the teachers in the local high
lady residing in an eastern state,
school have not urged the students
has spread all over the country, and
to attend the meet. Without the
Sunday, May t2, cou'dless thou­
attendance of practically the whole
sands will wear a whitt flower in
high school, a sufficient crowd to
memory ot mother, should she have
justify a special train could hardly
passed to the spirit world, or a col­
be secured.
ored flower in her honor should
Rev. McDonald of the Christian
they still he blessed with her living
church addressed the high school
students last Friday morning. His
Changes of a most sweeping char­ talk was a most enjoyable one and
acter in the adminstration of the was the subject of many favorable
penitentiary affairs were announced comments among the students.
from Governor West’s office May 1,
Rev. G- LeRoy Hall, who gave
when Superintendent C. W. James, the Riley program yesterday even­
one parole officer, a matron and a ing, came up to the high school and
chaplain were suspended until Jan­ spoke before the students yesterday
uary 1 next, and the head farmer morning. He urged the students
dismissed. The changes, it is stat­ to take every opportunity tor prac­
ed, were made for the purpose of tice in public speaking. He also
retrenchment and on the grounds rendered, in a very enjoyable man­
of economy, and were necessary at ner, two short selections.
this time, particularly in order to
Work on the school play.
prevent a deficiency in the peniten­ “ Esmeralda,” is being vigorously
tiary appropriation.
The total carried on under the direction ol
amount which it is expected will be Mr. Robertsou. The cast of char­
saved to the state between now and acters is as follows:
the first of next year approximates Mr. Elbert Rogers, a North
Carolina farm er.......... Irvin Custer
$3,000. Democrats do not take
Mrs.Rogers, his wife, Naomi Knowlton
kindly to the removal o f Superin­
Miss Esmeralda Rogers, his
tendent James, and with it the loss
daughter ..................... Alice Stanley
of the only party political plum. Dave Hardy, a young North
Carolinian ................ Harold Hodge
The appointment of a republican as
Mr. Estabrook, a man o f
secretary of state (Olcott) is also a
................Clifford Kern
circumstance that does not produce Jack Desmond, American artist
in Paris
Perry Lawrence
pleasant recollections
“ Do you want your state to be
behind China?” This is a question
Oregon women are asking ol Ore­
gon men just now. Plainly the
Chinese parliament intends to cure
all the evils of democracy ill advance
by having the completest possible
equality and enfranchising the wo­
men on the same basis as the men.
Equal suffrage for women in China
is an established fact. It is limited
as vet, but evidently the people are
going to rule not merely the male
half. "W hen in history has there
been such a revolution as has come
over the Celestial Empire, at least
in so short a time and with such a
complete overturning of the old
forms ot government? Women vot­
ing in China before the franchise
is granted in the United States or
England. Anyone who would have
prophesied this two years ago would
have been thought insane.
things now stand, the Anglo-Saxons
who have always been so proud ot
their chivalry toward women must
look out lest they should he the last
to grant to women their right to
partake in all the privileges and re-
sponsioilities of government, ’’ —
New York Post.
That George Gage, manager of
the Coquille base ball team, will so
gauge matters (hat his team will be
the leaders at the end of the season.
That none should fail to patron­
ize the firemen’s hall Saturday,
May 18.
Dr. Leep’s youngest daughter,
Miss Freda, has been quite ill being
threatened with appendicitis, hut is
much better now’.
Notice is hereby given that the State
Land Board o f the State o f Oregon will
sell to the highest bidder at its office in
the Capital Building at Salem, Oregon,
on May 28, 1912, at 10:00 o ’ clock a. m.,
o f said day,
W, all the State’ s interest in
the tide and overflowed land hereinafter
described, giving however, to the own­
er or owners o f any lands abutting or
fronting on such tide and overflowed
lands preference right to buy said tide
land at the highest price offered, provid­
ed such offer is made in good faith, and i
also provided that the land will not be
sold for, nor any offer therefor accept­
ed, o f less than $7.50 per acre, the
Road reserving the right to reject any
and all bids. Said lands are situated
in Coos county, Oregon, and described
as follows
Beginning at a point on the U. S.
Meander Line o f Haynes Slough at the
northeast corner o f Lot 4, Sec. 24, T. 24
S. R. 13 W. o f W. M., this point bear­
ing S. 70“ 48' W. 1017.0 feet from the
M. C. on west boundary o f Ix>t 3, Sec.
19, T. 24 S. R. 12 W. o f W. M. Thence:
East 105 feet between lots 4 and 5,
to low water line.
S. 21° 53' W. 735 ft. along low water line.
S, 14“ 00' W. 3 1 0 .......................................
S. 34° 3 0 'W. 310 “
8. 06°
W. 430 ”
N. 89°30'W. 520 “
N.61° 1 1 'W. 511.6 feet along low water
North 265 feet to point on U. S. Mean­
der Line and between lots 3 and 4.
N. 37° E. 250 feet along U. 8. Meander
S. 72° E. 1,188 feet along U. S. Meander
N. 22° 30' E. 1,152 feet along U. 8.
Meander line to place o f beginning,
containing 19,102 acres, being tide
land fronting and abutting on Lot 4,
Sec. 24, T. 24 8. R. 13 W. o f W. M.
Applications and bids should be ad­
dressed to G . G. Brown, Clerk o f State
Land Hoard, Salem,Oregon, and marked
“ Application and bid to purchase tide
Clerk Mate Land Board.
Dated March 13, 1912.
C. A. Il V im iN O TO N , Drop.
Samt Old Place
Come and See
That the vote for city recorder
le J e rse y y e a r lin g
For Sale
next Monday will indicate in a
substantial way the esteem our ceptionallv well rendered.
n J
bull. Bert 1 r ri, A rapo Phone
By Robt. R. Watson, Deputy,
citizens have for J. N. Lawrence
vocal solos hy Mrs. KUon T y rre ll Brown & Eddy, Applicant's Attorneys. Farmers 53
C r e s c e n t R an g es
¡■ ■ B X n m n i-« -a n
Notice is hereby given that the State
Land board of the State of Oregon will
sell to the highest bidder at its otlice in
the Capital Building at Salem, Oregon,
on June 10, 1912, at 10:00 o'clock A. M.,
of said day, all the State’ s interest in
the tide and overflow lands hereinafter
described, giving, however, to the own­
er or owners of any lands abutting or
fronting on such tide and overflow lands,
the preference right to purchase said
tide and overflow lands at the highest
price offered, provided such offer is
made in good faith, and also providing
that the land will not be sold for, nor
any offer therefor accepted of less than
$7.50 per acre, the Board reserving the
right to reject any and all bids. Said
lands are situated in Coos County, Ore­
gon, and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on low7 water
line on the left bank of Coal Bank Slough
which is situated North 58° 22' West
2405 feet from the meander corner on
left hank of Isthmus Slougii on line be­
tween Sections 35 and 30, T. 25 S., R. 13
W. of W. M. and running thence along
long water line up the left bank of Coal
Bank Slough as follows:
S. 59’ 2' E. 75 feet
8. 43° 23' E. 90 feet
S. 0° 27' E. 108 feet
S. 4° 3' E. 88 feet
S. 16° 51' \V. 79 feet
S. 33° 38' W. 138 feet
S. 40° 12' W. 385 feet
S. 37° 40' W. 507 feet
N. 30° 47' W. 35 feet
N. 0° 3' E. 148 feet
more or less to east boundary of a tract
of land deeded hy the State of Oregon to
A. A. Finch, S. F. Chadwick and Aaron
Rose on July 8, 1873, thence N. 20° E.
873 feet along east boundary of above
tract, N. 49° 31' E. 295 feet more or less,
to the place of beginning, containing
7.59 acres of tide land, more or less,
fronting and abutting upon Lots 7 and 3
of Sec. 35, T. 25 «. R. 13 W.
J ohn F. H all ,
Applications and bids should be ad­
J ames T. H all ,
dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State
Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Land Board, Salem,Oregon, and marked
“ Application and hid to purchase tide
Clerk State Land Board.
Dated March 13. 1912.
Mrs. J. S. Lyons of Coquille came In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon
for the County of Coos.
the last of the week to visit with
Mies Nora Desmond, his sister
...........................Alta Stanley her parents Mr. and Mrs. Eiulicott,
In the matter of the appli- ]
Miss Kate Desmond, his sister
and sister, Mrs J. K. Leep.
cation o f A. E. Seaman and
.....................................Myrtle Del.or.g
J. Seaman, his wife
The Myrtle Point base ball term
Marquis DeMontessin, a French
Perry Lawrence beat the Coquille team on Sunday, to register the title to lot
one (1) in block three (3) j
George Drew, an American
in the town o f South Marsh­
Will Barrow the 5th, the score being seven to field, Coos county. Oregon, ,
being also known as block ]
The play will be given on Friday
forty-four (44) in E. B.
Mrs. Minnie Noble and son Dean & Co’ s addition to I
evening, May 24.
Clarence of Marshfield were week the town o f Marshfield,
Coos county, Oregon, as
|i|o. 7
end visitors with her sister, Mrs. surveyed
and platted by
William Hall for E. B.
James Arrington.
Dean & Co., and recorded
The Evening with Riley held at
Mrs. F. W. Stevens of North in the office o f the County
the Masonic ball last (Wednesday) Bend is up here doctoring with Dr Clerk o f Coos county, Ore­
night was a success.
Over two Conover.
hundred of Coquille’s best people
Henry Fletcher and Minnie
all whom it I
were present, nnd the Urge crowd
paired digestion. A few doses o f Cham­ may concern, Defendants. ]
listened with wrapt attention.
berlain’s.Stomach and LiverTahlets will TO ALL WHOM IT M AY CONCERN:
Mr. O. LeRoy Hall of Marshfield strengthen your digestion and improve
Take notice, that on the 12th day o f
your appetite. Thousands have been
read the poems of the great Ameri­ benefited by taking these Tablets. Sold April. A. D. 1912, an application was
filed hy said A. E. Seaman, in the
can poet—James Whitcomb Riley by all druggists.
Circuit Court of t 00 s county for initial
o f the title to the land
— in a manner pleasing and instruc­
I above descril <1. Now unless you ap­
tive to all. Mr. Hall makea a splen­
pear on or hefnve the 14th day o f June,
A. D. 1912, and how cause why such
did appearauco on the platform, and
application hall not be granted, the
his powers of imitation are superb. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, same will !■■■ taken as confessed and a
decree will I
tered according to the
for Coos County
He baa the ability to successfully
prayer o f th application and you will
carry bis audience with him from
tie forever 1
J from disputing the
In the matter o f the appli­
same. J ami W atson , Clerk,
the humorous to the pathetic. Last cation o f G. F. Sanborn
By Robt. R. Watson, Deputy.
night’s rendition of Riley by Mr. Company to register the
John F. Hall and James T. Hall, ap-
title to the Southeast Quar­
j plicant’ s attorney.
Hall was hie fourteenth evening ter (S E ^ J o f Section I our-
with Riley in Coos couDty, five of teen (141, in Township
Twenty-eight (28) South, of
them being return engagements It Range Nine (9) West of Application
No. II.
is to be hoped that Mr. Hall might Willamette Meridian, in
Coos County, Oregon,
return to Coquille sometime in the
John K. Lyon, Union Trust
Company. Calvin Fentress,
The inusie of the evening is de­ and all whom it may con­
serving of especial mention, The cern.
piano du et of Mrs M
M. . O
O Hawkins
Take notice, that on the 29th day o f
and Mr. Raym ond Burns was well | April, A. D. 1912, an application was
received by the audience. There ! !\!e d £y sai4d S' F-Sanborn Company in
! the Circuit Court o f C oos County for
are n one better than these tw o initial registration o f the title to the
musicians in o u r com m unity
T h e land above described. Now unless you
appear on or before tho 10th day of
quartettes hy Mt «dames Elton T y r- June, A. 1). 1912, and show cause why
r e lla n .l C b a ». Skeels and Messrs sLlch »PPKc* ti" n *ha11 not U1 granted.
the same will he taken as confessed and
C. E. M cC u rdy and I) J). Pierce, a decree will he entered according to
accompanied by Mrs. M. (). Hawk- ^ e p r a y e r o f the application and you
. . . .
will be forever barred from disputing
ins, w ere highly clasMcal and e x - the same.
$G to $20
H a m m ocks
Camp Chair
Camp Stoves
New and Second-Hand Goods
W hen You Write A Check
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed has filed his final account in the
matter of the administration of the es­
tate of Alfred N. Ogle, deceased, and
that the County Court has named the
County Court house, (or room), in the
County Court room, in Coquille, Ore­
gon, as a place for hearing any objec­
tions to said final account if any
there he, and the settlement of said
estate, ami which said objections to
said final account must he made on or
before the 13th day of May, 1912, at the
hour of 10 o ’clock, in the forenoon of
said day, being the time prescribed in
said order for the hearing of said final
J ohn T. L ong ,
Administrator of the Estate of Alfred
N. Ogle, deceased.
For the amount of a bill, that forever ends any dispute
as to its payment.
For the check is a receipt that
cannot be repudiated.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Coos County
In the matter o f the appli­
cation o f G. F. Sanborn
Company to register the
title to the East Half (EL.)
o f 8ection Eighteen (18) in
Township Twenty-eignt(28)
South, Range
Nine (9)
West o f Willamette Merid­
ian, in Coos County, Ore- j
. ,.
Irene M. 8tringer Hunt and J- Application
John Herman Hunt, her I No. 10
husband; Erma G. Stringer [
Starretand William A. Star- |
ret. her husband; Frank N.
Stringer, Josephine Eliza- |
bethStringer. Helen Marga­ i
ret Stringer, Jennie Nicholl
Wright, Union Trust Com­
pany, John K.Lyon, Calvin
Fentress, and all whom it
may concern, Defendants. J
Take notice, that on the 29th day of
April, A. D. 1912, an application was
filed by said (1. F. Sanborn Company in
the Circuit Court o f 1 i d s County for
initial registration o f the title to the
land above described. «' . w unless you
appear on or before the lUth day o f
June, A. D. 1912, and show cause why I
such application shall not be granted,
the same will be taken as confessed and
a decree will be entered according to
the prayer of the application and you
will be forever barred from disputing
the same.
J ames W atson . Clerk,
tty Robt. R. Watson, Deputy.
Brown & Eddy. Applicant's Attorneys. |
Checks are easier and cheaper
to send than cash too.
These are only two o f the
many benefits of having an account here.
Farmers & Merchants Bank
a ' la Y/ kVA
fV A
ONLY 35c
Remember we are still givirg a good double
record when tour
purchase amounts to $5 00 , l>v the payment
of 35 cents extra.
select from.
A good assortment to
A full and complete line
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Lard, Etc.
Fruit Jars.
See us before buying Economy
Drane's Store