I The Coquille Herald LARGE TAXPAYERS PUMLtHHED EVKKV THÜltMDA». Kntered ail second class matter May 8 , 1905. at tlie poet oftiee at Coquille, Oregon, under «et ol Congresa of Mardi 3, 1879. in the Qrcnit Court of the State of Oregon. In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Coos. in and for the County of Coos. in and for the County of Coos. OF COOS COUNTY R. S. Tyrrell and Eliza J. Tyr­ IN THE MATTLR OF THE) Janet Denholm, Plaintiff, ESTATE OK J Citation. vs. SARAH J. FERRY,Deceased) vs. Ellen Lewis, Sr., widow, John , To Josephine Darnell, Pauline Byers, Lewis, Jr., unmarried, Arthur The sheriff’s force of clerks in the Robert S. Tyrrell, Herbert A. | Rosa Ferry, Mary J. Ferry, now Mary. Lewis and his wife Mary Edith A. Woodward, tax collecting department has been Tyrrell, Lee, Joseph Ferry, Bessie Andrews, Lewis, Agnes Lewis, unmar­ L. R. Woodward, L e n n a h WALTER Ci. ACKERMAN, Publisher reduced by the discharge of three. Woodward, Helen Woodward, ! Dallas Andrews, Earl Andrews, Fay ried, Ellen Lewis, unmarried, | Elizabeth Muier, William Floyd, Bertie SomsomanAlberson sometimes William Tyrrell Woodward, Devoted to the material and social Deputy Oddy informs us that the Lucile Woodward, Lawrence | Floyd, Edna Augusta Floyd, Francis known as "oloman Alberson, upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ payment of taxes has been more Ridley Woodward, W a y n e | Clayton Floyd, William Arden Floyd, and sometimes known as S. ticularly and of Coos County generally. Ena May Floyu, Julia Geneva Floyd, Alberson, and his wife Sarah Morrison Woodward, Rachel Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance prompt this year than upon any Woodward, Ruth Woodward, Raymond Claire Floyd, and to all per­ Ann Alberson, Fanny E. Dyer, sons or parties unknown claiming any widow, Florence E. Radley preceding one in the history of the Evelyn Woodward and Edith right, title, interest or estate in and to and her husband S. J. Radley, Phone, Main 354. Defendants. J county, many not taking advantage Woodward, real property hereinafter described, Etta Buckingham and her hus­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF the of the half-payment privileges offer­ OREGON: You and each of you are Greeting: band, A H. Buckingham, The Appeal to Reason is, appar­ IN THE NAME OF T H E STATE ed but liquidating in full. C. A. hereby notified that you are required to OF O R E G O N : You are hereby cited Alice Biggs and her husband ently, still appealing. D. E. Biggs, Elbert Dyer and appear and answer the complaint filed Smith Lumber and Manufacturing against you in the above entitled suit in and required to appear in the County his wife, Euphemiu Dyer, Court of the State of Oregon for the John P. Tupper sometimes you, Robert S. Tyrrell, Herbert Thirty-four “honor men” have Company, the largest taxpayers which A. Tyrrell, Edith A Woodward, L. R. County of Coos at the Court Room known as J. P. Tupper, taken advantage of Governor W est’s in the county, contributed over Woodward, Lennah Woodward, Helen thereof, at 10 o’clock A. M. on Monday, widower, S. B. Gardiner some­ 6 th day of May, A. D. 1912, then times known as S. B Gardner -William Tyrrell Woodward, the there policy and sought freedom without $40.000 to the county coffers recent­ Woodward, to show cause, if any exist, and his wife Mary Gardiner, Lucile Woodward, Lawrence Ridley and the prison walls since the governor ly, paying the taxes assessed against Woodward, Wayne MorrisonWoodward, why an order of sale should not be Frank Goff, widower, Chris­ made for the sale of the real property B. Caldwell, George Cald­ Woodward, Ruth Woodward, took the reins of government Six the firm in full without a murmur Rachel said estate of Sarah J. Ferry, de­ tina well, Clyde Caldwell, Hazel Evelyn Woodward and Edith Wood- of ceased, as prayed for in the petition of and with apparent satisfaction. of his pets took leave of absence in warti are defendants and K. S. Tyrrell William Floyd, executor of said estate Caldwell, Metda Bender, Sarah Wright, widow, Margaret one week recently and still “ there This company is the largest tax­ and Eliza J. Tyrrell, are plaintiffs, filed in said court on the ISth day of Allen and her husband, Albert within six weeks from date 01 the first March, A. D. 1913, and which said payer in Coos county. The Oregon publication of this summons to-wit, the j Allen, the unknown heirs of are more to follow.” property is described as follows: The t£ California Railroad Company, 38th day of March, 1913, that being the north one-half of the northwest quar­ George Westland Neal, de­ ceased, and all other persons date of the first publication of this sum­ The next annual meeting of the while owning more land than the mons, and if you fail to appear and ter, the southwest quarter of the north­ or parties, unknown claiming west quarter and the northwest quarter any right, title, estate, lien or answer on or before tl. 9th day of May, state grange will be conducted in Smith company, are second on the 1913, the same being the fast tlay of of the southwest .'quarter of section interest in the real estate des­ Roseburg on May 16 , 17 and 18 . list of heavy taxpayers. No better the time prescribed in the order of pub­ twenty-five in township twenty-nine cribed in complaint herein, south, range twelve west of the Wil­ Preparations are being made to hold evidence can be given of the pros­ lication, judgment for want thereof lamette Meridian, in Coos County, Ore­ Wm. H. Averill, hiswife Mary G. Averill, Beil Copley and will be taken against you and each of gon. a rose carnival and a strawberry perity of any section than in the you and plaintiffs will apply to the her husband Wm. Copley. Witness the Hon. John F. Hall, Judge Defendants. festival on the same dates, as an es­ payment of taxes, and particularly Court for the relief demanded therein, of the County Court of the State of Ore­ a succinct statement of which is as fol­ gon for the County of Coos with the To Ellen Lewis Sr., John Lewis Jr., pecially welcome feature to the vis­ is this true of Coos county where lows, to-wit: affixed, this 20 th day Arthur Lewis, Mary Lewis, Agnes Lew­ First: That a certain deed made, ex­ seal of said A. Court iting “ patrons” at that time. large numbers are not availing D. 1913. is, Ellen Lewis, Somsoman Alberson, ecuted and delivered by plaintiffs on the of March, A tte st: JAMES WATSON, Soloman Alberson, S. Alberson, Sarah themselves of the half-payment 26th day of August, 1903, between R. Clerk. Ann Alberson, Fanny E. Dyer, Florence M. A Miller has withdrawn his plan. Fortunate indeed are those S. Tyrrell and Eliza J. Tyrrell parties (County Court) By N. OSMUNDSON, E. Radley, S. J. Radley, Etta of the first part therein to Robert S. candidacy as United States Senator who cast their lot in this most fav­ Seal f Deputy. Buckingham, A. H. Buckingham, Al­ Tyrrell and Herbert A. Tyrrell in trust ( ice Biggs, D. E. Biggs, Elbert on the Democratic ticket, County ored section of Oregon. for Edith A. Woodward and her children Dyer, Euphemia Dyer, John P. and which said deed was duly recorded In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Tupper, Clerk Watson being so in fo rm ^ J. P. Tupper, S. B. Gardiner, — » «4»»--— in and for the County of Coos. in the office of the County Clerk of Coos S. 1!. Gardner, Mary Gardiner, Frank Tuesday last. 'Tis ju st as well. Ko-Keel Klub Elects Officers County, Oregon, at page 509, volume Goff, Christina It.’ Caldwell, George 51, records of deeds of said county ,be R. E. Shine and Lucy Cook, Mr. Miller is a resident of Lebanon Caldwell, Clyde Caldwell, Hazel Cald­ reformed so as to conform to the in­ Plaintiffs, At the regular annual meeting of well, Melda Bender, Sarah Wright, and is at present state senator from tention of the parties at the time of the Margaret Allen, Albert Allen, the un­ Linn county, his term expiring the Ko-Keel Klub ot Coquille, held execution and delivery thereof, and to The unknown heirs of Pat Suit in known heirs of George Westland Neal, permit or authorize the defendants Rob­ Kecy, deceased, and also all Equity to deceased, at its rooms March 6, 1912, the fol­ and also all other persons or November 9 , 1914 . ert S. Tyrrell and Herbert A. Tyrrell, persons, or parties, Quiet parties unknown claiming any right, lowing named officers were elected at 'any time by consent of the other unknown claiming any Tide. title, estate, lien or interest in the real plaintiffs or in ease of the death of them right, title, estate, lien, or Mrs. Robert M. La Follette, who for the ensuing year: described in the complaint herein, or either of them then the consent of interest in the real estate I Summons > estate Wm. H. Averill, Mary G. Averill, Bell A. J. Sherwood, president. will accompany her husband upon the survivor and 'defendant Edith A. described in the complaint Copley and Wm Copley the above en­ J. 8 . Barton, vice-president. Woodward, to sell and dispose of the herein, Defendants. ) his western campaigning tour, is a titled defendants: F. 8 . Slagle, secretary-treasurer. property mentioned in said deed and To the unknown heirs of Pat Kecy, C. J. Fuhrman, director. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE brilliant woman of high intellectual herein before in this summons and con­ deceased, and also all other persons, or L, H. Hazard, director. vert the same into cash or other prop­ parties, unknown claiming any right, OF OREGON: You are hereby notified attainments, and an enthusiastic that you are required to appear and an­ T h e tw o d ir e c to r s , to g e th e r w ith erty as they shall deem for the best title, estate, lien or interest in the real woman’s suffragist. She will be en­ of Edith A. Woodward, L. R. estate described in the complaint here­ swer the complaint filed against you in th e o th e r o ffic e rs o f th e K lu b , c o n ­ interest the above entitled suit within six weeks Woodward, Lennah Woodward, Helen in, Defendants. tertained extensively by club wo­ from the date of the first publication of Woodward, William Tyrrell Woodward, s t i t u t e its B o a r d o f G o v e r n o r s . IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF this summons, to-wit: men while in Portland and will Lucile Woodward, Lawrence Ridley OREGON : You are hereby notified • « Within six weeks from the 7th day of Wayne Morrison Woodward, that you are required to appear and speak upon equal suffrage at a num­ T h e F a i r S to r e is th e p la c e to b u y Woodward, Rachel Woodward, Ruth Woodward, answer the compfaint filed against you March, 1912, and if you fail to appear ber of luncheons and receptions L a c e C u r t a i n s . Evelyn Woodward and Edith Woodward, in the above entitled suit within six and answer on or before the 18th day It and that they have power to make, ex­ weeks from the date of the first publi­ of April, 1912, that date being the last being arranged for her. date of the time prescribed in the order I ecute and deliver all necessary convey­ cation of this summons, towit : Why He Was Late. publication, judgment will be taken ances, conveying an absolute title, free Within six weeks from the 7th day of of "What made you so late 7” from any incumbrances to said premises March, 1912, and if you fail to appear against you for want thereof for the $ Local Coquille at a receut meet­ “ I met Smithson.” relief demanded in complaint, a succinct or any part thereof, to any purchaser answer on or before the 18th day of statement ing elected J. E. Quick as delegate “ Well, that is no reason why you thereof without any claim of the plain­ and of which is as follows: April, 1912, that date being the last should be an hour late getting home to tiffs or the defendants or either of the defendants and each of them to the State Socialist Convention supper.” date prescribed in the order of publica­ be That required to appear and set up and them, or any other person or persons tion, judgment will he taken against which convenes at Portland on the “ I know, but I asked him how he was whomsoever. allege their right, title, claim, estate you for want thereof for the relief de­ or feeling, and he insisted on telling me interest in and to Lots numbered That the Court grant such other and manded in complaint, a succinct state­ 18th inst., for a two-day session. about his stomach trouble.” three and fourteen, Block numbered one further relief and make such other de­ ment of which is as follows: Mr. Quick will leave Saturday "Did you tell him to take Chamber­ cree as shall seem meet and equitable oF Bandon, now the City of That defendants and each of them be in the town Tablets ?” (and at one time the town of the premises. going by stage to Roseburg. He lain’s required to appear and set up and allege Bandon “Sure, that is what he needs.” Sold in That Averill) in Coos County, Oregon; and in case of the death of either their right, title, estate, claim, lien or will return by steamer Breakwater by all druggists. the same be adjudged and decreed Robert S. Tyrrell or Herbert A. Tyrrell, interest in and tg the following des­ n that a n d v o id a n d o f no f o r c e a n d e f f e c t that the survivor be authorized and cribed premises towit: The south half u ll law leaving" Portland April 24, and or equity; that the title of the empowered to carry out all the condi­ of the southeast quarter, and the south­ in hopes to keep down all the good plaintiff the foregoing described real tions of said decree. east quarter of the southwest quarter, estate be of quieted against said de­ Service of this summons is made by of Section twenty-two, and the south­ fendants and each as things, both mental and material, of them and all of publication in pursuance of an order west quarter of the southwest quarter them and their heirs he will have received while in the and assigns; made by the Hon. John S. Coke, Judge of Section twenty-three, Township defendants each and all of them metropolis of Oregon. of the Circuit Court of the State of twenty-six south, of Range fourteen that their heirs and assigns ba forever Oregon, in and for the County of Coos, west of the Willamette Meridian in Coos enjoined restrained from setting up and dated the 22nd day ot March, 1912, County, Oregon, and that the same be any claim and Ben W. Olcott is a candidate for title, estate or in­ directing that service be made by pub­ adjudged and decreed null and void and terest in or of to right, real property or any secretary of state and announces lication thereof in the Coquille Herald, of no force or effect in law or equity; portion thereof, said that plaintiff have a weekly newspaper published at the that the title of the plaintiffs of the such other relief and himself as a republican. The fol­ as to the court shall More marriages are consummated City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, foregoing described real estate be quiet­ meet and equitable. in June than any other month in lowing statement sworn to by him once a week for a period of six weeks. ed as against said defendants and each seem Service of this summons is made by the year, and notwithstanding it is of them and all of them and their heirs publication R. H. S m ith , does not furnish evidence ol sincer­ in pursuance of an order and assigns; that defendants, each and J ohn F. H all , by the Hon. John F. Hall, Coun­ ity : all of them, their heirs and assigns be made J ames T. H all , ty Judge for Coos County, Oregon, “I, 1!. W. Olcott, being lirst duly Attorneys for Plaintiffs. forever enjoined and restrained from dated March 4th, 1912, directing that setting up any claim of right, title, service thereof be made by publication the young man should not lose sworn, depose and say that I have made estate, lien or interest in or to said real thereof in the Coquille Herald, a weekly sight of the fact that his the following contribution to promote NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT property or any portion theroof, and newspaper, published at the City of the interest of Oswald West, candidate that plaintiffs have such other relief Coquille, County of Coos, and State of for governor at the recent election, to- Notice is hereby given, by Margaret as to the court shall seem meet and Oregon, w it: once each week for a period of A. Hudson, administratrix of the estate equitable. To West Booster Club. $1500 six weeks. of Joseph I). Hudson, deceased, that will not be fully content without Service of this summons is made by To JameH It, Coleman, chairman 50 A. J. SHERWOOD and said administratrix did upon March publication in pursuance of an order a suitable gift, preferably a Subacrilted and sworn to before me at L. A. LILJEQVIST, 21st, 1912, file her final account in the made by the Hon. John F. Hall, County Salem, Oregon, this '.’3d day of Novem­ Attorneys for Plaintiffs. matter of said estate and that the Judge for Coos County, Oregon, dated ber, 1910. J. P. LINN, Honorable Judge of the County March 7th, 1912, directing that service Notary Public lor Oregon.” NOTICE OF S a LE OF TIDE LANDS Court of Coos County, Oregon, made thereof be made by publication thereof To those engaged, it is time to an order on March 27th, 1912, fixing in the Coquille Herald, a weekly news­ Why should Olcott contribute think of this matter. My experi­ Notice is hereby given that the State May 6 th, 1912, at 1 o’clock p. m. as the paper published at the City of Coquille, $1,550 to aid ill the election of a ence along this line is at your time and the Court House in the City Coos County, Oregon, once each week Land Board of the State of Oregon will sell to the highest bidder at its office in command, and with a choice stock of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, as the for a period of six weeks. democratic governor and then ap­ from which to select, can please the Capital Building at Salem, Oregon, place for the hearing objections to said A. J. SHERWOOD and peal to republicans to re-elect hint the most exacting. Call and see on May 28, 1912, at 10:00 o’clock a. m., final account and the settlemeat of said I.. A. LILJEQVIST, estate. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. of said day, ail the State’s interest in to the oflice the expenditure of the tide and overflowed land hereinafter Dated this 28th day of March, A. D. which secured his appointment ? described, giving however, to the own­ 1912. M argaret A. H udson , NOTICE OF SALE OF TIDE LANDS. er or owners of any lands abutting or Administratrix. Some people would call this “ nerve” Notice is hereby given that the State fronting on such tide and overflowed but we are inclined to designate it Notice to Creditors Land Board of the State of Oregon will lands preference right to buy said tide as “ gall” of the most bitter type. sell to the highest bidder at its office in land at the highest price offered, provid­ Notice is hereby given that the the Capital Building at Salem, Oregon, ed such offer is made in good faith, and The Jeweler It will not be swallowed by ttue and undersigned has been duly appointed on June 10, 1912, at 10:00 o’clock A. M., also provided that the land will not be administrator with the will annexed of said day, all the State’s interest in sold for, nor any offer therefor accept­ loyal republicans at the ballot box REPAIRING COQUILLE of the estate of H. W. McClellan the tide ami overflow lands hereinafter ed, of less than $7.50 per acre, the (whose full name is Hugh W. Mc­ described, giving, however, to the own­ Boad reserving the right to reject any At the closing of the registration Clellan, and who was sometimes known er or owners of any lands abutting or and all bids. Said lands are situated as and called H. W. McClellan and also fronting on such tide and overflow lands, in Coos county, Oregcn, and described books in the County Clerk’s office H. W. McClellen), deceased, and that the preference right to purchase said as follows: Beginning at a point on the U. S. Saturday last 1861 Republicans had all persons having claims against said tide and overflow lands at the highest estate are hereby required to present price offered, provided such offer is Meander Line of Haynes Slough at the regis'.ered The registration of the same with the proper vouchers and made in good faith, and also providing northeast corner of Lot 4. Sec. 24, T. 24 voters last year prior to the primary duly verified at the office of the under­ that the land will not be sold for, nor S. R. 13 W. of W. M., this point bear­ 76“ 48' \ \ . 1017.0 feet from the signed, in Coquille, Coos county, Ore­ any offer therefor accepted of less than ing was, Republicans 1991; Democrats, gon within six months from the date of $7 50 per ace, th* Board reserving the M. C. on west boundary of Lot 3, Sec. 665; Socialists, 313, a few scatter­ this notice. right to rcj'-ct any and all bids. Said 19, T. 24 S. R. 12 W. of W. M. Thence: East 165 feet between lots 4 and 5, Dated this 14th day of March, 1912. lands are situated in O003 County, Ore­ ing, making a total of 3,316. Clerk to tow water line. Is necessary in order gon, and described as follows: A. J . S herwood , S. 21' 53' W. 735 ft. along low water line. Watson will not have the number Beginning at a point on low' water to ao Administrator with will annexed of S. 14’ 06' W. 310........................... the estate of H. W. McClellan, deceased. line on t he left hank of Coal Bank Slough S. 34° 30' W. 310.................................... of registered voters for this year’s which is situated North 68 ° 22' West W . 430 ” “ “ “ “ primary election tooted up until to­ 2405 feet from the meander corner on S. 66° NOTICE TO CREDITORS “ “ left hank of Isthmus Slough on line Y N. S9’30'W. 520 “ “ night, but he predicts there will be N. 61* 11' W. 611.6 feet along low water tween Sections and 36 , T. 25 S., R. line. two hundred more Republicans on Notice is hereby given that the under­ W. of W. M. and running thence along signed, Anna Wilcox, was by order of long water line up the left bank of Coal worth 265 feet to point on I'. S. Mean­ the roll this year than last with a der Line and between lots 3 and 4. the County Court of Coos County, in the Bank Slough as follows: N. 37” E. 250 feet along U. S. Meander corresponding increase in other State of Oregon, duly made and entered 8. 59° 2 E. 75 feet line. no tbe2ndd*yof April, 1912, appointed 8 . 43 23' E. 96 feet political faiths unless it be the S. 72° E. 1,188 feet along U. S. Meander administratrix of the estate of H. E. j 54. 6° 27 K. 108 feet line. Socialists and a few who still adhere Wilcox, deceased. S. 48 3 E. 88 feet N. 22” 30' E. 1,152 feet along U. S. All persons having claims against the j S. 16s 51 W. 79 feet to the :6 to 1 proposition. The Meander line to place of iieginning, i estate of the said II. E. Wilcox, deceased, S. 33° - W. 13« feet containing 19,102 acres, being tide total registration of voters in Coos We have the best I are hereby required to present the same, S. 40' 12 W. 385 feet land fronting and abutting on Lot 4, | with proper vouchers, to the under­ S. 37J h, W. 507 feet county for 1910 was 4,031, of which , soap possible to Sec. 24, T. 24 S. R. 13 W. of W. M. signed, at the office of W. C. Chase, N. 36° 47 W. 35 feet Applications and bids should be ad- j number 2,320 were Republicans, get. We make it attorney for the administratrix, at his N. 6 “ E. 148 feet dressed to G. G. Rrr>wn, Clerk of State | office in the City of Coquille, Oregon, more oi les* to , ast boundary 753 Democrats. 382 Socialists, 335 ourselves f r o m l.and Board, Salem,Oregon, and marked within six months from the date of this of land deeded i.j the State oi Independents, 36 Prohibition, 3 pure Coos County notice. A. A. Finch, S. F. Chadwick and Aaron “ Application and bid to purchase tide lands.” O .o BROWN, Dated this 4th day of April, 1912. Rose on July \ 1873, thence N. 20° E. Populists. 2 Non-partisan, and 200 tallow. Clerk ' tate l.and Board. A nna W ilcox , 873 feet along . ant boundary of above Dated March 13, 1912. refusing to state political designa­ Administratrix of the estate of tract, N. 49' 31 E. 295 feet more or less, H. E. Wilcox, Deceased. to the place of beginning, containing tion. Taking the years 1908 and 7.59 acres of tide land, more or less, G a rd e n F e rtiliz e r—Super Phos­ 1910 as a criterion there should be Stenography ana typewriting for fronting and abutting upon Lots 7 and 8 phate—the best, cheapest and most in the neighborhood of 5,000 reg­ business and professional men expe- of Sec. 35, T. 25 <. R. 13 W. Applications and bids should be ad­ cleanly fertilizer known. For sale istered voters in Coos county at i ditiously transacted at the Herald dressed to U. <;. Brown, Clerk State. in any quantity from ten pounds the close of the registration books office. All work entrusted to us Land Board, Salem,Oregon, and marked | •‘Application and bid to purchase tide up. J. E. QriCK treated confidentially. prior to the general election this lands.” G. O. BROWN, -------- ■■ . - rd. Clerk State Land B ------- ----------- fall Disposition is a poor excuse. Dated March 13, 1912. Have you paid the printer? rell, H urry Up! Plaintiffs, Hurry Up! O nly a Few Days More A ND OUR big clearing sale of Shoes will be over. We have decided that in order to push things, we will give our customers the advantage of a greater reduction than ever; every shoe that we have on sale will he sold for about one-third its regular value. We wish to announce that we have just received a beautiful assortment of dress silks, bor­ dered foulards, pongee, fancy messalines, taffetas, and the big varieties that go fo'm akeup’a splendid silk department. Come in and look them over while you can get the style and color that you want. Also a new assort­ ment of men and childrens hats. Geo. A. Robinson The CL_K. Creamery Wants jour Liuteria* Mr Dairyman and we w.sh to give you value received in r< turn.............................. m . p. The O. K . Creamery l o n g Manager COQUILLE, OREGON $ COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHO/NES On Easy Payments We Rent Records June Weddings TWELVE DOUBLE RECORDS (24 Selections) LEAP YEAR 25 Cents Per Week WIFE-TO-BE ANDERSON April Records Just Received. Call and Hear Them New and Second-Hand Goods FINE RING I T h e V ery Best W h e a t Only is used to make the flour which goes into our bread. And the very best methods only are employed to produce both the flour and the bread. You’ll like its taste still better when you try it. SCHROEDER I G ood S oap /' f ' * , m , — -, y i- , ¿ a # * * * 1 - ' X jy l ’wi t'.v j City Bakery Paul Step han , Prop. When You W rite A Check GOOD Laundry Work Coquille Laundry & Ice Co. [ For the amount of a bill, that forever ends any dispute as to its payment. For the cheek is a receipt that cannot lie repudiated. Checks are easier and cheaper to send than cash too. These are only two of the many benefits of having an account here. Farmers & M erchants Bank