Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 28, 1912, Image 3

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Purified petroliuni, emul­
sified with hypophos-
phites of lime and soda.
Tonic, stimulant, nutri
tive, intestinal, a n t i ­
se p tic , anti-tubercular.
every description at T h e W hite
The Rexall Store
Office io Richmond-Barker Baildini
C o q u il l s , O regon .
Office Phone Main 211.
Dr. C. IV. Endlcott
D e n t is t
Office over First National Bank
Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon
Attorney and Connoellor at Law.
Office in Robinson Building
Office in llichmond-Barker Building.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
C o q u il l b C
it y ,
O r *
Martin Building
Front Strie
C o q u i l l s . OaaooN
A. J. Sherwood,
A t t o b h s t - a t - L a w ,
N otabt
W alter Sinclair,
A t t o b u s i - a t - L a w .
N o t a b t P u b l io ,
E. G. D. Holden
J u st ic e
j .
avtbb ,
or t u b P baob
8. Commissioner, General Insaranoe
Agent, and Notary Poblio. Office
in Robinson Building.
Coquille Oregon.
First National Bank Building
R. B. HOAG, M. D.
Richmond-Barker Building.
Both Phones.
Phone 494
O regon .
Office Hours
9:30 to 12, 2 to 5
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Room 2, Laird Bldg. Coquille, Ore.
Children are much more likely to con­
tract the contagious diseases when they
have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria,
scarlet fever and consumption are dis­
eases that are often contracted when
the child has a cold. That ia why all
medical authorities say beware of colds.
For the quick cure of colds you will find
nothing better than Chamberlain’a
Cough Remedy. It can always be de­
pended upon and is pleasant and safe to
take. For sale by all druggists.
Hare you
paid the printer ?
Have you registered?
April-fool-day next Monday.
“ Vanity Fair" at the »Scenic was
a great success.
Plain and fancy sewing— Mrs. M.
Easter goods suitable for the
occasion and reasonable in price at
Myrtle Point elects three council
men, treasurer and recorder Mon­
day, April i.
Wanted to buy— a second-hand
typewriter. Herald office for in­
New laces and embroideries of
$1. the Bottle
Office Phone 335 Main
Residence Phone 346 Main
Mrs. Maggie Ogren contemplates
going to California soon for a so­
journ of two or three months
The Tillamook left Portland at
5 o'clock Tuesday evening and is
expected to arrive in Coquille not
later than Friday morning.
“ Heaven,” from a capitalistic
and labor standpoint, will be the
subject of a lecture at the Little
Church tonight.
W. Smyths Hall, the minerologist
and interesting conversationalist up­
on topics galore, returned from San
Francisco yesterday.
William Candlin left the first ol
the week for a business trip to Lan-
glois, Port Orford, Wedderburn and
Gold Beach and will probably be
absent about ten days
Members of the Farmers’ Union
were out in full force last Saturday
and among other things a substanti­
al, sumptuous feast prepared by the
farmers’ wives was enjoyed in the
W. O. W. hall.
Herealter the steamer Breakwater
will leave Portland on Wednesday
mornings instead of Tuesdays and
those ordering shipments Irom that
port should govern themselves ac­
A Masonic lodge will be institut­
ed at Langlois Saturday, March 30.
This will be the first lodge of the
mystic tie in Curry county, and
will have members as far south as
the Bogue river.
A meeting of the Educational
League will be held at the High
School at 3:30 Friday afternoon,
April 5 Miss Hopkins will deliv­
er an address on, “ Personality—
How to Develop it.”
Saturday sales will begin at T h e
W hite House this week. Big silk
sale next Saturday.
Perry Brewer, who lives near
Arago, was married March 24 at
Oceanside, California, to a young
woman at that place. After the
ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Brewer
left lor their Oregon home.
W. W. Faust, who has been ill
for some time, is now able to be
about although is yet quite weak.
He now weighs but t45 pounds,
nearly one-seventh ol his weight
vanishing to unknown realms.
Petitions to prohibit prize-fighting
in Marshfield are being widely cir­
culated and scores of names are se­
cured thereto which, doubtless, will
have the salutory effect of putting
an end to these brutal seances upon
the Bay.
E. D. Fred, an all-round printer,
is among the late arrivals in Co­
quille. His wife is a nurse. Mr.
Fred likes our city very much and
we trust opportunities will justify
his making a permanent residence
among us.
J. S. Lawrence wrote insurance
to the amount of $215,310 in the
Oregon Fire Relief Association, in
Coos County, for the year ending
December 3t, 1911. The amount
wrjtteti by all agents lor the entire
county for the same period was
P. M. Hall-LewiB, chairman of
the Republican county committee,
fruit inspector, etc., was in the city
this week looking to the proper
pruning and rare of business en­
trusted to him. The woolly aphis
on some of the politicians might
need attention.
Sheriff Gage met with a mishap
one day this week. While splitting
wood a stick returned boomerang
fashion and struck him on the cheek
and over the eye inflicting a pain-
tul wound That no more serious
resultsatciued through the accident
than perhaps a small scar is a mir­
acle Though slightly disfigured—
unlike Teddy’s hat— he is "still in
the ring,” and the dimmeJ vision
of one optic does not deter him from
viewing all matters aright.
ENACTED AT BANDON Bargaioa— Fair Store.
Visit the Fair Store for bargains.
At an early hour this (Thursday)
Choice onion sets at Knowlton’s
morning we learn that Bert Mc-
Duffee of Bandon shot his wife and. ®ruK Store ii'/*c lb.
then turned the weapon upon him- Wanted— Woman to work in con-
self with fatal results. The wife feotionery store. Inquire Herald,
jit this writing is alive, although
Cow for Sale— Fresh, first-dans
seriously wounded.
dairy cow. Inquire of K. Halvorson. j
The couple had trouble extend-
Large supply of garden grass and
ing over a considerable period of field seed8 at K uow i,o n ’s Drug
time, Mrs. McDuffee attempting to Store.
get a divorce from her husband
Plaiu sewing— satisfactory in price
some two years ago, but finally an and work.
Mas. W.H. B oylk .
agreement was entered into and the
For Sale— One mare coming three
divorce proceedings dropped.
— one gelding coming four. Apply
A farm belonging to Mrs. Me -1
1 to W. A. Custer, Coquille.
2t j
Duffee is located near Bandon, the
Northern grown garden seeds, J
husband having considerable stock
thoroughly tested, 3 papers for ioe,
thereon and it is thought business
at Knowlton's Drug Store.
differences were not mutual which
All kinds of bargains »1 the Fair
is largely responsible for the com­
mission of the crime. Several chil­
School Teacher Wanted- -Dist. 67.
dren resulted from the union.
Ethan McDuffee. a brother lives Apply to Frank Miller, Arago.
Buy your garden seeds in bulk—
in Coquille. Mrs. Arthur Coach
and Mrs. A. R. Clinton of this peas, beans, corn, onions, radishes,
etc. All fresh, choice seeds at
citv are sisters of Mrs. McDuffee.
Knowlton’s Drug Store.
The steamer Favorite which has
Nice H dr of uecKwear and em­
been subject to many “ sinking broideries for ladies at the Fair
spells” in the past, is now, with the Store.
aid of many devices and consider­
Folsom has a flue line of Easter
able labor, recovering from a recent
goods on display which can he ob­
like affliction. The name of the
tained nt reasonable figures —call
boat does not seem appropriate in
and see them.
view of former antics.
Buy your garden seeds at
C. E. Kopf, editor of the Bandon
Knowlton’s Drug Store. Full stock
Recorder, was in the city yesterday
of northern grown seeds, both bulk
for the first time in two years. He
and papers.
notices vast improvments in Co­
The 5 c. 10 c and 25 c coonters at
quille since that time, and he speaks
with favor regarding the future the Fair Store are well worth pat­
prospects of the county seat. Busi­ ronizing.
The onion sets at Knowlton’s
ness is brisk at Bandon and renewed
Drug Store are the finest that can
activity is manifested iii all lines.
Ilev. C. H. Cleaves, pastor of the be grown— 12'Ac lb.
See the 5 c, 10 c and 25 c counters
M. E. Church South, has in prepara­
the Fair Store.
tion a neatly printed program of the
Easter services at his church. This
is said to be the first of its kind in­
augurated in Coquille and it reflects
credit upon the able pastor, and will
be heartily appreciated by the large
congregation he represents.
Ned C. Kelley of the Coos Col­
lection Company has decided to be
more neighborly with the Herald
hereafter. He is fixing up a cozy
office in the Letieve building in the
room formerly occupied by the
Farmers and Merchants bank, ad­
joining this office on the west. We
greet him with the glad hand ol fel­
The Scenic Theatre has been ex­
ceptionally well patronized for some
time past proving that the people
appreciate the scenes presented at
this popular photoplay house. The
proprietors are in a position to se­
cure the best subjects, and that they
avail themselves of the privilege is
attested nightly, as a visit will
amply demonstrate to the most ex­
acting critic.
J. S. McEwen, for ten years edit­
or of the Herald, who has been vis­
iting relatives and friends in Co­
quille for some time past, returned
to San Francisco by Steamer Fifield
last Tuesday. Mr. McEwen will be
missed by many, even to the little
tots for whom he always extended
a hearty greeting. His kind visage
ever radiant through a luxuriant
beard, which he has worn since 1861
when he shouldered a musket in the
civil war, will likewise be a memo­
ry during his absence. Mr.McEwen
will be temporarily located at 865
Eddy street His plans (or the fu­
ture are not fully matured but he
may return to Coquille.
Senator W. C. Chase took ye
editorial force out to his orchard
the other day, just outside the city
limits, and it is certainly a magnifi­
cent tract of land admirably situat­
ed both as regards the well-being
of the trees and the view obtained
therefrom. The Senator is contem­
plating building thereon and engage
extensively in the chicken busi­
ness. The feathered tribe would be
of value in the destruction of insects
as well as proving lucrative from
the products made known by their
cackle, a double reward resulting
from their keeping.
Mr. Chase
could have a fine home upon this
tract sufficiently near the city not
to interfere with his profession, and
we congratulate him, without a
particle of envy, upon the fortunate
conditions with which be is blessed.
F or R en t — A large ranch lo­
cated on Fishtrap suitable for farm­
ing or dairying
Apbly to E. A.
Wimer, Arago, Oregon
Farmers sxx.
Have you paid your subscription
to The Herald ?
Garden seeds, 3 papeis for roc,
at Knowlton's Drug Store
L a d i e s bags— latest out— Fair
Finest onion sets it is possible to
grow— 12 } 4 c lb., at Knowlton’s
Drug Store ]
L A D I E S — If you wish a new
My Ideal of a Car
Built to Justify Men’s Faith in Me
Reo the Fifth—My Farewell Car — in Every Detail Marks the Best I Know. And
I Have Spent 25 Years in this Business. If any Man can Build a Better
Car, He’s a Better Man Than I.
least, I have complete charge of the contracts with dealers all provide for
Many aide designers say the best So you may he sure that Reo the We announce this to avoid future
in a car can’t be given for 41,055. Fifth won’t be skimped to meet a misunderstanding.
And I almost agree with them.
Reo the Fiftli was not designed to
We have built up here what men
sell at this altruistic price. I fear
regard as a model automobile plant.
that this price in the long run, is
Engineers from every where come
impossible. It will doubtless be ad­ Tiie last car I designed -a car small­ here
inspect it.
er than this—Bold for 41,250. And The to labor-saving
machinery is
Hut this much I assure you:
largely of our invention. It was
So long as I direct the making,
built in our shops.
this car will embody the best I know, The cost of materials lias fallen It gives us utter exactness. It
regardless of price or profit.
since then. New machinery lias cut makes like parts interchangeable.
our factory cost.
And it has cut lalio- cost to the
We figure this new car will double minnimum.
In this model factory we build the
output—and it will. We also whole
I have Bi#ent 25 years in winning our
car, so no profits go to parts
save a great deal now by building makers.
my place as a designer of automo­ only
biles. I have designed 24 model«», plant.
Our output is enormous, w-hicli
and built tens of 'thousand j of cars. Bv thus paring our costs, then onr means small overhead expense.
is perfect. Efficiency
It has been a long, hard road. profits, we got the price down to here system
has been worked out to the
And I, like other men take pride 41,055.
in what I have accomplisheu.
amazing price as evidence of our finish.
Then we are not overcapitalized—
Reo the Fifth marks the climax. efficiency.
no bonded debt. So that factor
I have spent 18 months to make this But this price is based on ideal have
is eliminated.
car the cap sheaf of my career.
conditions, and on cost for materials We ought
to give more than others
All 1 have gained in a lifetime of
give for the money. We expect to,
effort is at stake on this car’s per­ 80 this price is not fixed. Any and will. But this initial price, in
formance. And for this season, at added cost must he added to it. Our my estimation is too low to iaBt.
NOT FOR $ 1 ,055
30-35 Horsepower, Wheel Base 112 Inches, Wheels 34 Inches, Demountable Rims, Speed
45 Miles per Hour, Made with 2, 4 and 5 Passenger Bodies.
Top and Windshield not Included in Price. We Equip this Car with Mohair Top, Side Curtains and
Slip Cover, Windshield, Gas Tank and Speedometer—all for $100 Extra.
Self-starter, if Wanted, $20 Extra.
dress of silk, crepe de chine, fou­
lard, satin or messaline, attend the
silk sale at T h e W h ite
For Sale— Team of work horses,
weight about 3 , 000 , ages G and 7 .
An iuside price on this team if tak­
en at once. Also one mare, weight
1 , 300 ; one ytarling Bruce-Wilkes 1
colt. For further particulars call
at Lyons’ garage, or phone Farmers
203 .
J. C. W allino
K. Halverson has moved his tail­
oring establishment in the building
on First street formerly occupied
by Schroeder, the jeweler. He has
on hand a very choice line of sam­
ples for gentlemen's spring and
summer wear, and be invites all who !
desire to be clothed first-class at
reasonable price to give him a call
and satisfy themselves that he mer­
its their patronage. He will be in
a position to do dry cleaning and
pressing next week iD his usual sat­
isfactory manner. Mr. Halverson
invites a call from all his old friends
in his new quarters.
Many sufferers from rheumatism have
been surprised and delighted with the
prompt relief afforded by applying
Chamberlain’s Liniment. Not one case
of rheumatism in ten requires any in-;
ternal treatment whatever. This lini- j
ment is for sale by all druggists.
Hereafter my patrons will
find me in the store formerly
occupied by E . C. Barker &
C o .— having purchased
stock and good will of the
1 am now possessed with
every facility found in a mod­
em jew elry store for watch
repairing, engraving, etc., and
with a stock of goods replete
with everything in the jew el­
er’s art, your every want in
my line can be gratified.
Prices right, workmanship
the best.
A call and inspection in­
W . H. S C H R O E D E R .
If a Car Can be Built any Better
hearings. There are only three ball with hair. Tiie covering is genuine
bearings in this whole car, and two leather.
There are cars larger and smaller are in tiie fan.
The lamps are enameled, as per
tiie ^ latest vogue. Even the engine
than Reo the Fifth. I have built all
is nickel trimmed.
types myself, up to six-cylinder
To make utterly certain that parts Tiie wheel base is long, the ton­
But Reo the Fifth, in my estima­ are right I use very unusual tests. neau is roomy, tiie wheels are large,
tion, tvplfies the car of the future. Each lot of steel is analyzed to the car is overtired. There are ven­
More and more experienced motor­ make sure it accords with my for­ tilators in front which open and
ists are coining to this standard type. mulae. The slightest variation causes close. There are demountable rims.
It is not too large nor too small,
You will find no shortcomings
too light nor too heavy. It has me It to is discard
"hen the car is compared with the
usual to test gears with a costliest
ample power for any requirement.
cars on the market.
It is large enough to tie a roomy car hammer. I have built a crushing
for five.
machine of 50 tons’ capacity, to
Cars overpowered and over-sized prove to exactness what each gear
cost too much for up-keep. Under­ will stand.
I regard Keo the Fifth as pretty
sized cars grow to seem insufficient.
close to finality. In every detail it
I put magnetos to a radical test marks the best I know. And I do
The popular type is the 30 to 35 which
only two makes tested here not tielieve that this plant or others
horse power, four-cylinder car.
will ever build a much lietter car.
Cars of this type are soldlall the way will stand.
up to 42.500. ' Ho I adopted this type Inspection here is carried to ex­ Better materials are certainly im­
for My Farewell Car. And this fac­ tremes. Engines are tested again possible. Tests and inspections
cannot lie carried further. Tiie tea-
tory now turns out no other model. and again against unusual loads.
t ures and devices are tiie best yet
I don’t claim, of course, that over­ We use the tame clutch as $5,000 discovered,
and there appears little
size oars need not he more costly. cars—the same grade of springs— chance for improvement.
But I know of no way, in a car of the same efficient type of brakes.
this type to add one iota of value.
Fashions may change m some
details, hut no designer, in
I ran one of these cars for ten minor
my estimation, will everget more of
The best I have learned in 25 years top speed, on rough roads. I did real wortli in a car.
is tiie need for big margins of safety. this to learn if any part of the car
I have learned this by watching would fail to meet any requirement.
tens of thousands of cars, witli all Then we took the car to pieces and
sorts of drivers under all road con­ examined every part. We could Our book shows the three styles of
hardly discover in any important tiody—touring car, deini-tonneau and
It ia not sufficient to have parts part the slightest evidence of wear. roadster. The roadster sells for
strong enough. They must have All this is done to make sure of 41,000.
several times tiie needed strength. perfection in this, My Farewell Car. It pictures all of the details, so you
So my axles and driving shaft,
may compare them with higher-
wheels and springs are all much
priced cars.
larger than necessary. So is every
part where weakness ever develops. Anotiier tiling I have learned is You should know these facts, for
I use Nickel Steel for axles and that men —and women—want a classy Reo tiie Fifth is the most interesting
driving stiaft—Vanadium Steel for and beautiful car.
connections. My differential was 80 tiie design of this car shows tiie car of the season.
designed for a 45-horse power car. last touch of up-to-dateness. Tiie Write today for tiie book, and we
I use roller bearings— Timken and body finish consists of 17 coats. will tell you where to see the car.
Hyatt—instead of the usual ball The’upholstering is deep. It is filled Address
J. C. W A L L I N G
Agent, Coquille, Oregon
New Center Control- Exclusive Feature—No Side Leavers—No Reaching
Keo tiie Filtli brings out, for tiie first time, onr new
i center, cane handle control.
All the gear shifting is done by thin convenient lever
iietween the two front seats, ft is »lone by moving
this lever less than three inches in each of four direc­
No noise, no grinding, no reaching. Just a slight,
easy motion.
Both brakes are operated by foot pedals, end one of
the pedals also operates the clutch.
8 o there are no side levers to gut in the way. Tiie
entrance in front, through either door, is a» clear a,
the tonneau entrance.
This arrangement permits of the left side drive,
heretofore iiossililc in electric earsonly. The driver
sits as lie should sit, close to the cars which he passes
ami on the up side of the road. He sits where he can
look hack in making a turn.
Tiie operation of this car is simplicity itself—as
simple as an electric. Your wives and daughters can
drive it. This center control is the iiest new feature
brought out in any car this year.
Yet this is but one of the details wtiich reveal this
car’»» up-to-dateness. When you Bee them all you will
say with me that Reo tiie Fifth comes pretty close to