SCHOOL NOTES A sermon of unusual merit will be delivered by Evan It Evans, pastor G. W. Clinton of Myrtle Point of the Methodist Episcopal church, The basket ball games away from ---------------- visited the Herald recently. Sunday morning, Fib. 24 . While Choice onion sets at Knowltou’s home were played by the local Basket ball, the last ot the season, “ Odd Fellowship’’ is the theme it ‘ teams at Marshfield and North Drug Store— 12 J$c lh. will, nevertheless, be interesting to at Masonic Hall next Friday. „ , , . .Bend last Friday evenings. The ; Garden seeds, 3 papeis for ioc( _ ... . c u True, at Dow’s Warehouse, for all, ’ for this order, ’ founded upon Coquille team won the Marshfield j at Knowlton' h Drug Store. beneficent principles, has done mer­ fertilizer. See adv. elsewhere. game bv a score of 26 to 13. The For sale— two good cows. Nile Rev. C. H. Cleaves reports sever­ itorious work toward the better­ North Bend game was a hard Purified petrolium, emul­ Miller. Phone 7x7 Farmers. ment of mankind. The local lodge al cases of scarlet fever at Myrtle fought battle and ended in a score will meet in their hall at 10 a. m. sified with hypophos- Large supply of garden grass and Point. of 15 to it in favor of North Bend. phites o f lim e and soda. George G age, the Riverton coal and go to the church in a body. The local team put up good team field seedB at Kuowlton’s Drug W. S. Hall returned from Ban work in both games, hut the exer­ Store. dealdr, is hustling in the interest of the famous fuel. He advertises Francisco the first of the week tions of the game at Marshfield put TH REE small ranches for rent whither he had been on business the boys out of form sufficiently to within one mile of Coquille. See T onic, stim ulaut, nutri in the Herald. Kime & Von Pegert are having a for about three months. He re­ make it impossible for them to hit Alva Warren, tive, intestinal, a n t i ­ rush of work at their mechanical mains here for a short time when the North Bend baskets. They had Finest onion sets it is possible to s e p t i c , anti-tubercular. shop and are turning out the same be again takes an absence for a ample opportunity to throw at the grow— I2j£c lb., at Knowlton’s brief period in answer to a call basket and had they been in usual with promptness. from the National Borax Company form, the score would have told an Drug Store. Frank Greenough, a dealer in log­ $ 1 . the Bottle of Ventuta county, California, with entirely different story- The onion sets at Knowlton’s gers’ supplies at Bandon, was in the whom he was associated for ten Drug Store are the finest that can Both the girls and boys ol Ban­ city Monday transacting business. years. After his work with the don are coming up Friday evening be grown— I2j4c 1!>. Hans Krapp of Bandon played borax people is concluded, Mr. Northern grown garden seeds, the game with a revolver that ter­ Hall will remain here permanently, to play the final game of the season with us. This will undoubtedly be thoroughly tested, 3 papers for 10c, minated in bis death Moudav. The much to the happiness of hia estim­ a good game- The Bandon people at Knowhon’s Drug Store. suicide was a bachelor. able family and the pleasure of his are planning an excursion and will PHARMACY Don’t be a Sampson— get a mo­ There will be a grand ball at the many friends. probably bring a large crowd. dish hair cut at J. L- Thompson’s —------» «» >----------------- Norway ball, Norway, Saturday The Rexall Store Superintendents Raab of North by the newly arrived tonsorial ar­ FELLER ROBINSON NUPTIALS evening next, February 17 . A Bend, Tiedgen of Marshheld, Dr. tist. good sociable time guaranteed all McCormac and Superintendent The residence of Mr. and Mr*. who attend. Admission 50 centa. Buy your garden seeds at Bunch are making a tour of the DR. RICHMOND Fred Belloni was the scene of one H. E. Folsom of the Bradley Knowlton’s Drug Store. Full stock country visiting the schools of the PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON. Candy Company, Marshfield, a of the prettiest weddings which various cities. They spent Tues­ of northern grown seeds, both bulk Offloe in Kiohtmnid-Barker Bidding relative of onr townsman, was in has ever taken place in Coquille. day morning in the Coquille and papers. C o q u il le , O bbqok . town recently talking sweetly to Monday, February 12, at 12:30, Mr. schools and visited every room in Buy your garden seeds in bulk— William Francis Feller of Portland Offloe Phon« Hain ni, our dealers. the main building, making appro­ peas, beans, corn, onions, radishes, Assessor Thrift is in Salem for and Miss Edna Constance Robinson priate addresses. etc. All fresh, choice seeds at a few days rendering service to the of this city— a niece of Mrs. Belloni Mrs. Chase and Miss Rae are out Knowlton’s Drug Store. Dr. C. W. Endicott state in promulgating a more — were united in marriage by the of school with la grippe. The? are, Wanted.— Woman or girl for equitable and uniform law regard­ Rev. Frank Adams. however, improving and will proba­ D in n e housework one or two days each Through rooms beautifully deco­ ing assessment and taxation. bly be in their rooms again next week. Notley addition. Address rated with violets, Oregon grape Office over F in t National Bank E. O. Howe is fitting up Allen Herald office. and huckleberry the wedding party Monday. A flag has been purchased for Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon Collier’s building for a restaurant advanced to strains of the wedding G a r d e n F e r tiliz e r — Super Pnos- to be occupied by Mr. Harrington, each building and is hung each march as rendered by Mrs. Morris, who will move from his present week in the room having the high­ phate— the best, cheapest and m ost the bride being accompanied by quarters as soon as completed. est percentage of attendance for the clean ly fertilizer kn ow n . F o r sale Miss Emily Harlocker, gowned in E. D, SPERRY W. A. Goodman and wife return­ white and carrying pink carna­ preceding week. In the North in any quantity from ten p o u n d s J. E. Q u i c k . Attorney and Ooanoellor at Law. ed on the Fifield from Southern tions, Mr. Alex. Cope acting as building the third grade had the up. honors last week while the Becond California whither they have been best man for the groom. Help Wanted. — Man and wife Offloe in Robinson Building grade is the holder of the flag for wanted to work on dairy ranch. visiting several weeks. He pro­ The bride was handsomely gown­ nounces Oregon as good enough ed in while crepe d’chien and car­ the present. In the maiu building Man must be a good milker. Wages T the fourth grade has been victori­ $50 per month. Job open February for him. ried white carnations. W. C. CHASE. ous two weeks in succession. 20, 1912. J. C. Msgill lias the agencv for Following the ceremony a feast The debates of the State League B e r t B k k k i , Arago, Ore. ATTOKNEY-ÀT-LAW the Wagner Motorcycle for Coos was served consisting of all the county. See his adv., elsewhere delicacies of the season, the abund­ will be held next Friday evening. Offloe la Richmoml-Barker Building. Stenography ana typewriting for for prices, which are reasonable ance and quality of which could The North Bend High School will debate here, the local school being business and professional men expe­ and the machine the beet. not be excelled. ditiously transacted at the Herald Frank Burkholder and wife have Mr. Feller is a real estate man of represented by Naomi Knowlton, office. All work entrusted to us C. R. BARROW Perry Lawrence and Alice Stanley. returned from San Francisco. They Portland and bears a high reputa­ treated confidentially. Attorney and Ooonaellor at Law Our negative team, consisting of made the trip by auto four and one- tion among those who know him, Irvm Custer, Mae Lund and Will Office Phone 335 Main half months ago, but the hoiae- while the bride is well known and Residence Phone 346 Main comiog was made by Steamer F i­ well liked in this city and commu­ Barrow, were to have gone to field. Friendly greetings were nity having lived here for many Marshfield but that school failed to C o q u ille C i t y , O b i raise a team. Some chauges will theirs on every hand years. T T Mr. and Mrs. Feller left on the have to be made in the schedule, Workmen are engaged construct­ M. E. Church South but what they will be has not been ing the frame-work of Charles I. afternoon train for Marshfield there J. J. STANLEY determined. to take the boat for Portland. The Kime’s modern bungalow. When Services Sunday February 18 , as LAW YER this portion of the work is com­ good wishes of their many friends usual, preaching by the pastor. The pupils of the sixth grade go with them to their new home. Martin Building • Front Stree pleted it will be left for a month or rendered the following program in Morning subject, “ Regeneration.” so in order that it may settle firmly C o q u i l l i , OnaaoH Married:— William John Mannix their schoolroom last Friday after­ Evening service at 7 : 30 . You are upon the foundation before plaster­ invited. and Mary Downing were marrid at noon: ing. Contractor EUingsen is doing C. H. C leaves , P astor . 1—Song, "L ittle Busy liee” —School. Santa Ana, California, Friday, Feb­ the work. A. J. Sherwood, 2.—“ The Twelve Little Merchant«,” ruary 2, 1912. Miss Downing will PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Agnes McCue. The last basket ball game of the Arrossir - a t -I j XW, be remembered by many Coquille 3— “ The V o ic e B of theWinda” —Hazel season will be played in the Mas­ Sunday school at 10 a. m. N o t a it P u b l ic , citizens as a former teacher of music Price, Mildred Norton, Clara onic Hall this city Friday evening, Preaching next Sunday at 11 a m. Coquille, : : Oregon Lund, Ruth Stanley. in this city. While here she made Februaiy |6, between the Bandon No evening services. "T hree Little Kittens” —Merrill her home with the family of J. J. 4— and Coquiile teams— both the boys Frank H. Adams, Paster. Pointer. Stanley who speaks in most estima­ 5— Song, “ Just Before the Battle, and girls. A good crowd is looked W alter Sinclair, ble terms of the prize won by our Mother” —School. for from Bandon and certainly Co­ THE BAPTIST CHURCH ArroanET-ÂT-Law. neighbor to the southward. 6— "T he Strange Boy” —Fred Lorenz. Holds service in the Little Church quille will be largely represented NoTaar P u b lic , 7— “ Under the Snow” —Flossie Lund. every first and third Sunday in as the games will be hotly contest­ 6—“ Teacher” —Lois Varney. Married :— Harry H. Smith and Coquille, : ¡ Oregon. each month at n a m. and 7:30 ed and intensely interesting. Mary Ethel Watson were married at 9—“ Self Control” —Paul Kirstman, p. m Everybody cordially invited Jamie Mast, Foster Bitiier, Ralph to meet with us to worship God University of Oregon, Feb. 2.— the residence of Charles I. Kime, Cox, George Alexson. through Jesus Christ. Miss Gretchen Sherwood of Co­ this city, Saturday, February 10, E. 0. D. Holden 10— “ The Village Rubbersmith” —Doris quille has been appointed on a 1912, at 7 p. m., Reverend Evans Tyrrell. Lawinn, CHURCH O F CHRIST. committee to organize a Ireshman officiating. Following the ceremony 11— J ustice or tee P esce “ Little Jamie Monday Morning” Preaching each Sunday, morning Homer Oddy. 0 . 8. Oommissiooer, General Insnranae glee club at the University of a delicious repast was served and and evening, except the third Sun­ Song, “ Lightly Row” —School. Oregon. This glee club will par­ congratulations extended the newly 12— Agent, and Notary Poblie. Offloe day ln each month. ln Robinson Building. ticipate in all the freshman social wedded pair. The contracting par­ 13— Debate—“ Resolved, That Life in Bible school at 10 a. m. the Country is More Favorable to Hu­ functions of the year. Miss Sher­ ties were recently from Portland Coquille Oregon. Christian Endeavor each Sunday man Development than Life in the wood is also on the committee that where Harry P. Kime became ac­ City.” Affirmative— Elsa Peoples, Lu- evening. You are heartily welcome. is to give the freshman dance on quainted with the groom, hence the ella Phillipeon, Charlotte McDonald. T. B. M cDonald, Minister Negative— Leslie Schroeder, Alexander the 17th of February. DR. K. A. LEEP courtesy of having the wedding Lowe, Howard Pointer. William Langston, nephew of bells jingle at the home ot Mr. Kime. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mrs. C. R. Barrow, is here with his Apartments at the Bledsoe will be The Evangelical Lutheran church Services first and third Sundays family with a view of locating a temporary abode tor the happy at Norway is having services every o f each month. First National Bank Building Sunday school should business justify. Mr. Langs­ couple. Mr. Smith is engineer on second snd fourth Sundsy in each every Sunday at 10 a. m. ton is a general contractor, among the steamer Favorite and we trust month at 3 p m. at the little church. Archdeacon Wm. H orsfall, rector. his more recent work being that of his chesen partner will assist in We cannof boast upon our music, putting in a water-power plant at governing bis craft aright. R. B. HOAG. M. D. but we can truthfully say that Wichita Falls, Kansas, a state from every sermon delivered is taken PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON HOUSEWIVES* ATTENTION from Holy Scripture, and shows whence he hails. He has also sinners the wsy unto salvation. All Richmond-Barker Building. spent two years in Washington, Why bake bread at borne when are invited. C oquille , - - O regon . D. C„ making improvements at the City Bakery furnishes highest F a t h e r Z k h r , Pastor, Both Phones. the capitol city. We trust be may --- -—•••-« quality fresh every day and at low­ deem it advisable to locate in Co­ NOTICE est cost — 3 loaves for 10 c, also quille. cookies and dougbnute at 10c per The installation of officers of the Phone 494 Office Hours W. W. Endicott. a well known dozen. Cakes, pie», and fancy County Lodge of the Farmer’s 9:30 to 12, 2 to 5 mechanioof Coquille, has just re­ pastry are constantly on hand. Educational and C 0-0p e r a t i v e The City Bakery, DR. A. P. INGRAM ceived a United Statee patent for a Union of North America will take P aul S t k p h a n , P rop. CH IROPRACTOR George & Madison, Props. unique, simple and durable device Phone 376 . place Saturday, Feb. 24 , 1912 , at Chronic Diseases a Specialty whereby farmers, and others hav­ 10 a. m. at W. O. W. Hall in this Room 2, Laird Bldg. Coquille, Ore. DAIRY STOCK FOR SALE ing wagODs, can keep the tires firm­ city. ly in place at all times. ‘ Wagon Tbirtj -eight cows and heifers— General photographic CAM OF TIMOS Rim Adjuster” ia the title choaen one of the heaviest producing herds FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN work, portraiture and I and from tba viewpoint of the Her- in the valley. Don’t take my word, Two corner lots, with small barn, We wsnt to thank the people of viewing, developing 1 aid man, to whom the device waa get creamery records. Most of the |ocated opposite corner from Chris- and printing for ama­ Ooos county in general and Coquille shown, it appears appropriate. It cows freshen in March. This is an jjao chm ch, are offered at great sac- teurs. Call and see us and vicinity in particular for their will be sold at a price that will pay opportunity seldom offered, to get rifice ¡, taken soon. Price, $425. kindness to ns and also for their and get price. Branch for itself in a single season and will good stock at the right time. See Address C. A. Pendleton, Coquille, help in getting us back to our home at Myrtle P o i n t . laet for years It will soon be plac­ me at once if you want them. Oregon. in Texas. We will never forget the ed npon the market, due announce­ Phone— Farmers 55 , .I C. Walling, **?*' . kindness shown. . „ . . . . __ For Sale— Stock Hogs. Inquire ment of which will be given. Arsgo, tregon. of G. A. Mintonye. Tel 264 Farmers | R. A. J on h s a n d W ifk . LO CAL N EW S. REXALL Buyers1 Guide ¡ ^ EMULSION FUHRMANS i / CRESCENT RANGES r S R ENOWNED-REU ABLE Columbia Graphophone and ten Records *975 Trunks, upwards from ._________ ------- 4-95 Mrs. Pott s Sad Irons, set_____ ------- 1.25 Q uilts-------------------------------------- I#5Q Cotton Blankets__________________ IOO Five Platters, regular $1.40, now______ qc C G a v a n ize d Tubs _______________ Padlocks____________ Looking Glasses _____ Granite Pie Pans__________________ Tin Pie Pans ____________________ Chair Seats______________________ “ Sure Catch” Rat T ra p s ____________ Mouse Traps ____________________ 7 cC 25c 2^c IOc loc 5c Our Prices are Right C A L L A N D SEE ANDERSON New A nd Second Hand Goods j . Nosier Sc Norton G E N E R A L COMMISSION And Wholesale Merchants Feed, Flour, Hay, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Agents De Laval Seperators. Freight and Ticket Agents Steamers Fifield, Bandon and Alliance. Coal Oil, Gasoline and Distillate Always on Hand. SUNDAY SERVICES IN COQUILLE CHURCHES COQUILLE, : : OREGON E very Factor of Typew riter S u p re m a c y B elongs to thw* Remington The superior strength and durability of the Remington and its greater reliability under every condition of service have always been recog­ nized. In addition, every contribution to recent typewriter improvement has been a Remington contribution. The FIRST COLUMN SELECTOR, the FIRST BUILT-IN DECIMAL TABULATOR, and the FIR 8T ADDING AND SUBTRACTING TY P E W R IT E R are four recent Remington improvements, every one of which constitutes a mite stohe in typewriter progress. n* ñ f Í «fl mH* w m COQUILLE STUDIO Visible Models 10 and 11 Remington Typewriter Company (Incorporated) 245 Stark Street Portland, Oregon Try The Herald for Job Printing