Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, February 15, 1912, Image 2

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The Coquille Herald
Entered u second class matter May
8, 1906. at the poet office at Coquille,
Orecon, under act of Congress of March
S, 1879._____________ _____________
Devoted to the material and social
As E. A Harry was crossing
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and o f Coos County generally. the Coast Range mountains one
Subscription, $1.60 per year in advance
Phone, Main 364,
Be «ire you are right— then ask
your wife._______________
Are the friends you buy worth
the price?
When does a public speaker steal
lumber?— When he takes the floor.
Nominating petitions are being
circulated to place the name of O.
O. Lund o f Marshfield in the race
for sheriff on the Republican ticket.
dav last week he met three cougars
in the road at the head of the seven
mile grade. Ou returning he told
the bnys and the next morning
Coll Marry, Fred Baker, Henry
Charlton and Archie liushnell went
to the place where the animals
were seen, and killed the mother
and one kitten. The dogs treed
the other old one three times, but
he succeeded in escaping. The
next day Hailey Laird and Coll
Harry again went to the spot where
the other panthers were killed and
killed two more kittens.
Mrs. E. N. Harry has returned
from Portland and Vancouver
where she has been visiting friends
and relatives. On her way home
she stopped at McCoy and visited
Mr. Harry’s brother, G- W. Harry.
Two bills preparing the way for
theTormation of a new State o f Man­
hattan, to embrace Greater New
York and neighboring counties, are
before the New York State Legis­
John Shook killed a large wild­
lature. The Democratic side is cat one day last week.
said to be giving them strong sup­
S. E. Harry has begun clearing
his land.
F. A. Baker and H. S. Charlton
Dean & Dryden have sold the
Cottage Grove Leader to D. H. Tal have put a number of logs in the
mage of Salem, Oregon. In a pri­ river lately.
Archie Bushnell is now driving
vate letter from W . C. Connor to
V . B. Pierce of this city, it is stated team for Fred Baker.
that Mr. Dryden purposes to go to
Eunice Smith has returned to her
Portland to work at his trade while home at Gravel Ford.
Mr. Dean will make Newberg his
O. E. Harry has been to Gravel
future home.
Ford after business.
A postal from Frank Meredith
secretary, states that the fifty-first
Oregon State Fair will be held at
Salem Septemder 2 ro 7, 1912. This
is an earlier date than formerly and
is chosen with a view of avoiding
rains which prevented many from
attending last year and moistened
the ardor of those who did.
F r id a y and Saturday Bargains I
On Sunday afternoon while Mar­
shal Hickam was taking his usual
walk about the city he met a
sleight-of hand performer who had
a box to be used in bis tricks of
legerdemain. When about to give (
ou< worthy marshal a few tips re- j
garding the mysteries surrounding
the box, Jasper Yokum, son of J.
$200, Battery $175
A. Yokum, appeared upon horse­
back leading a bull by a rope. On V-Belt Without Free Engine, 195, Battery, 170
200, Battery, 175
arriving at the box the animal Flat Bell and Idler
scented peculiar conditious, and
immediately began a saule accom­
panied by unwelcome movements
$185, Battery, $165
that caused both the marshal and
the man-of-myslery to surrender V-Beit Without Free Engxie, 180, Battery, 160
the field. The young man on Hat Bell and Idler
185, Battery. 165
horseback bad a most difficult task
confronting him in the manage­
ment ol bis charge for several
The only Motorcycle on the market
blocks, and when arriving on today with twin forkwml diamond loop
Second street, opposite Eveland’s frame, giving it a three-piece head.
horse power.
workshop, the climax was reached. All models
A card will bring you a catalogue.
At that point the enraged animal
made a desperate attack throwing
the horse and rider to the ground.
Fortunately the young man was
not hurt and with assistance at Agent for Coos Co.
Coquille, Ore.
hand the animal was put under
subjection and finally taken to his
Footprints on the sands of time
destination. The incident called
forth a large concourse ol people are all right, but be careful not to
who witnessed the occurrence with make them on mother’s clean kitch­
as much satisfaction, apparently, en floor.
as the exhibition given by the
You can tell a laying hen as far
matadors of Mexico.
as you can see her. Her comb is
always bright and healthy looking.
MODEL 4-12
That levity is the soul o f wit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laird left
That some doctor’s couldn’ t cure
Sunday for Gravel Ford to visit
Mrs. Laird's mother and sister, Mrs. a ham.
William Smith and Mrs. Mike
That all’s lair in love that isn’ t
Miss Mabel Shook visited Bonnie
That many “ blue bloods” have
and Bertha Laird Sunday.
red noses.
Mr. J. R. Oswald caught a large
That a man has uo use for a dog
wild-cat in his trap up Fall creek,
unless he owns it.
but it escaped. However with the
That a song in the heart is worth
aid ot Mr. Shook’s dogs, it was
two on the program.
captured again and he got the cat
That the self-made man is gener­
and his tiap also.
ally stuck on his job.
That a peach is a young lady en­
Walter Lawhorn is still logging, gaged to take dictation.
Thnt Adam was a leading citizen
h a v in g a crew of nine men
in the Garden of Edeu.
On the first page of this issue will
be found a circular letter urging
towns having a population of one
thousand or more to petition con­
gress for mail carrier service. Rural
districts bordering upon the lines of
incorporated towns have long en­
joyed the delivery and collections of
the mails while residents ol munici­
palities are compelled to go to the
postoffice— in many instances a con-
sidetable distance. This does not
seem just inasmuch as business,
professional men and others are by
fat the greater patrons of the postal
service. Will some of our enter­
prising citizens take steps in aid of
the consummation of this matter as
outlined in the article referred to ?
But in order that Coquille be made
available for the service the nam­
ing of the streets and the number­
ing of the buildings must be accom­
plished. Certainly Coquille has ar­
rived at that stage where conven­
iences of this character are essential,
not only to our own people, but to
strangers who are coming in great­
er numbers to our fair city day by
day. A leader is all that is requir­
ed and a concerted action is sure
to follow.
yards for
Towels, per pair
Gingham, per yd.
Meu’s shirts .
Percale, per yd.
Table linen, per yd.
_ ___
...1 8 c
Bostou garters
Sheets, each _____________
Ladies’ hand bags.
Ladies’ silk w aists_______
. .
Ladies’ white skirts
Post card album s.
Photograph albums
Toilet sets
N ight gowns ..
Manicure sets
. -
Corset covers
Collar and cuff box __ __
Ladies’ cotton underwear, per suit
Hand mirrors, 85c to
Children’s underwear
H oliday papeterie
Children’s hose
M en’s hose, per pair, 5c to
Perfumery, per bottle, 5c and.
Express wagons
Dandy cart__
Dolls any price you want.
R ocker horses
The Family Blackboard, Chart and Desk was sold all over this Country for
$8.50 by a Traveling Salesman, I will sell them
“ 1 refused fo be operated
on, the morning 1 heard
about Cardui,” writes Mrs.
Elmer Sickler, of Terre
Haute, Ind. "I tried Car­
dui, and it helped me
greatly. Now, I do my own
washing and ironing.”
China w are H alf Price
Our Motto:
One Price—Fair—No Credi^^
The Woman’s Tonic
Cardui is a mild, tonic
remedy, purely vegetable,
and acts in a natural man-
neron the delicate, woman­
ly constitution, building
up strength, and toning up
the nerves. In the past 50
years, Cardui has helped
more than a million women.
You are urged to try it,
because we are sure that
it will do you good.
At all drug storei.
N u ttin g T im e .
"The days are growing colder!*’
Cried Mother Earth one day.
** ’ Tis time that Jack Frost
Was hero on his way.
“ October is with us.
Come, burrs, open wide
And let drop the chestnuts
You’ve hidden inside.”
The trees are a-sighlng
And wishing, I know,
That Jack Frost would hurry
And make the wind blow.
So I must get busy
And hasten him here,
Or else the dear children
Will worry, I fear.
Come, merry Jack Frost;
Como, bustle along
And blow a chill wind
With whistle and song.
That marriage would never be a
Council relative to securing the
failure if every woman, like the
hall at the expense of the city.
The following new members family cat, would take her petting
as a matter of course, never return
were admitted:
Lester Donaldson, William Donald­ it and never get on her husband’s
son, Albert Donaldson, George Oerd- nerve by whining for more.
ing, Claude Moore, Earl Chisholm,
Roy Dunham, Robert Slagle. Ben
Home-made things are often the
Work on the gymnasium is in desi. Especially is this true of the
progress and it is the desira to have home-made man.
So that the chestnuts
Both mellow and brown
Can drop from each burr
And cover the ground.
And fill full the basket
Of each girl and boy
And bring to each heart
A pleasure and Joy.
-Philadelphia Record.
Flowers In Ceremonies.
Men are like hens, the harder
When the swarthy Spaniards rap­
they have to scratch for a living the tured Mexico they found in the lake
which almost surrounded the capital
more usefnl they become.
Don’t “ flare up” like a badly
lamp. The man who
keeps cool always hr».« (he better of
the argument.
That the man who doesn’ t pu
his hand to the plow will get none
of the ptow shares.
When some fellow wauts to let
you in on the ground floor, look
out! The ground floor is where
the suckers are ground fine.
Everybody has to hustle; even
the egg is compelled to scramble,
February, it is true, is a little
short, but it is likely to pull through
without bankrupting March.
F e b r u a r y 1 6 a n d 1 7 , C o q u il le , O r e g o n
Hose, per pair 5c to
That the man who is satisfied with
himself never worries about his
At a meeting of the Volunteer neighbors’ estimate of him.
That Dante’s Inferno at the Scenic
Fire Department, held last evening
at Noslers hall, a committee con­ last week made the spectators so
sisting of W. C. Chase, H. O. Haw­ hot that a united rush was made
kins and George R. Peoples was for Miller’s ice cream to put them
appointed to confer with the City in normal condition.
it in readiness for the next meeting,
Wednesday evening, February 21.
I t is hoped fhs gymnasium and at­
tendant features will serve as an
incentive to our fire boys to take
greater interest in the organization
and become proficient in drill, and
th u s he better enabled to cope with
the destructive element. All honor to j
our firemen they are deserving of
------ ------
A shoe-horn is a great help when
putting on children’s rubbers.
Lincoln memorial services were
quite general in the various churches
last Sunday. Our ministers are
said to have delivered appropriate
services eulogistic of this great and
good man. Lincoln had a God-
given sincerity of thought and pur­
pose of action that serves as the best
model in moulding the character of
That it takes a genius to play the
Mrs. E. Shepherd, who is a great
American citizenship. Let us take
sufferer from neuralgia and is un­ fool and make it pay.
Lincoln as the standard of measure­
able to walk without assistance, is
That it is easier to look wise than
ment in our presidential candidates
not improving.
it is to deliver the goods.
and our nation will be glorified and
E. P. Mast has been grubbing
That some men make a big bluff
long endure.
stumps back o f his orchard prepara­ and then fall off the edge of it.
That the man who goes out to
Editor Baxter of the Creswell tory to building a new fence.
Mason and Grant W ilcox have meet trouble will have a short walk.
Chronicle, brother-in-law of the pro­
prietors o f the Skeels grocery store now sawed enough wood to last all
That the right kind of a new leaf
ot this city, has this to say in his summer.
is one that is turned over noiselessly
paper regarding an occurrence in
James Helms is working at the
That it is much easier to go from
Creswell: " A male heir to the logging camp o f Watler Lawhorn. bad to worse than Irom good to bet­
Baxter millions arrived Thursday
Gordon Shepherd has bought a ter.
morning, He weighed S y i pounds team ol horses.
That the reason a tramp is never
and is a "hum dinger.” He is a
Mrs Inez Mast has been some hungry is that his life is one big
welcome addition to the Chronicle
what indisposed of late.
family. We feel confident that he
W. W. Helms has been pruning
That the wise leap-year maid will
will make a good printer because
his orchard.
keep both eyes on the young wid­
he is such a mild tempered little
Mr. and Mrs. Ftank Snow have ows.
fellow.” Mr. Baxter was formerly
enjoying the beauties of the
That it is not so much the high
in the employ of the Herald under
cost of living as it is the cost of high
the management of Mr. Dean and country this winter.
Jack Mast went to Heller’s mill living.
is well known in this community as
is also his wife. We trust the for a load of lumber the other day
That if you pin your faith upon
youngster’ s “ m a k e - u p ” in the
Sam Stout, who was in McKin­ some people they’ ll use the pin to
"forms” of life will be so "justified” ley a tew days ago, said that his prick you.
that when he goes to “ press” no wife’s health is not very good
That the reasou some men do not
"slur” or "offset” will mar his
Ed Lasswell has never complete marry is because the girl’s father
earthly career.
ly overcome the severe illness that cannot afford it.
be had last fall.
rlty many floating garden*. the fra­
grant products o f which were used
only for the temples.
In (Greece and Rome flowers were
made Into hug«» triumphal arches and
a special feast of flowers, known ns
the Flora, was established in their
The tomato can but will it?
Notice For Publication
Feed the Baby Candy
Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land
Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
February 5th, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that Frank
R. Byers, o f Lee, Oregon, who, on
March 5th, 1907, made Homestead
entry Serial No. 04134, for W S W ' i ,
Section 10, Township 28 S, Range 12,
west 'Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice o f intention to make final five
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Edgar A.
Dodge, United States Commissioner,
St Myrtle Point, Oregon, on the 29th
day o f March 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Alvin
C. Summerlin, Lee, Oregon, Michael P.
Sumerlinc, Lee, Oregon, William H.
Harman, Lee, Oregon, Isaac Chandler,
Lee, Oregon.
B en jam in F. J ones ,
With confidence, if it, the candy
not the baby, was bought here.
Our candy is as wholesome as it
is delicious. We could say more
than that. You can give it to
the baby safely. He’ ll thrive on
it as much as he enjoys it. Have
a box in the house. It beats all
the soothing syrups and “ sich”
ever invented.
Millers Confectionery
Beauty on the Outside
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed, Maggie Ogren, was by order o f
the Connty Court o f the State o f Ore­
gon, in and for the County o f Coos, duly
made and entered on the 5th day of
February, A. D. 1912, appointed Admin­
istratrix o f the Estate o f Emil Ogren,
All persons having claims against said
estate are required to present the same,
with proper vouchers, to the under­
signed, at the Baxter Hotel, D. H. John­
son, in the City o f Coquille, Coos Coun­
ty, Oregon, within six months from date
o f this notice.
Dated this 8th day o f February, A. D.
Administratrix o f the Estate o f Emil
Ogren, Deceased.
E. C. Barker & Co.
O N L Y 35c
Reqjcmber we are still giving a good double
O f jew elry cannot make up .for
lack o f merit on the inside. We
don’ t want you to bo content
with a view o f the jewelry as
seen through our window. Come
inside and put it to the teat o f
quality as well as beauty. The
keener you examine it, the surer
you will be o f its reliability and
the safety with which we can
guarantee it.
record when your cash
purchase amounts to $5.00, by the payment
of 35 cents extra.
A good assortment to
select from. A full and complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed,
Lard, Etc.
Fruit Jars.
See us before buying Economy
Same Old Place
Come and See
Drane's Store