Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 18, 1912, Image 2

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    T h e Coquille Herald
¡TOM'IIMD b t k b t
thubm pat .
Entered u second clean matter May
8 1906. at the poet office at Coquille,
Orecon, underact of Congress of March
That an open mouth, an empty
Hugh Steven Jory, a pioneer of head.
8, 1879 .
__________ 1847, died in Salem. Oregon.
That promise is a step towards
Joel Albert Stuart, an Oregon
Devoted to the material and aocial
That mauy golden opportunities
upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley p a r ­ pioneer of 1869, died at Seaside,
are in disguise.
ticularly and of Cooa County generally. Oregon, at the age of 71 years.
Subscription, »1.60 per year in advance
That the sharp business man |s
George W. Borman, a Baker, Ore­ always prepared for dull times.
Phone, Main 354 .
gon, pioneer died recently.JHe was
That even an upright piano may
A Ma that has been very much a native of Missouri, coming to issue a false note occasionally.
Baker in 1873, where he resided
talked about of late— Pana-ma.
That there is another remedy for
continuously, during which time be
insomnia— turn over a new leat.
Oregon City is to have its first was County Assessor from 1886 to
That if a man is too slow to catch
poultry show February 2 and 3. 1890 and in that year he was elect­
it can at least overtake him.
ed as the first County Recorder.
It is useless to advise an aviator
That many people think you are
not to “ go up in the air’’ for that
John Quincy Wilson, a Willam­ foolish just as you think they are.
ette valley pioneer of 1852 died at
is his business._______
That old standards are good until
Salem, Oregon, in his 84th year. the new ones have been proved out.
Plans have been completed by He was one of the few surviving
That many a man has more gold
Bishop Scadding for the erection charter members of the local Order
of a fifteen-thousand dollar home of Odd Fellows, organized in 1852 in his teeth than he has in his bank.
That a poultryman named a hen
for the women students of the Uni­ It is claimed that the lodge never
in order that she might lay
versity of Oregon, at Eugene.
met but “Old J. L- was there.’’ He
was born during the latter part of
Progreeeiveness of a commenda­
That the proof of the fisherman
John Quincy Adams’ administra
ble charadter has been demonstrated tion, was named lor him, admired may be a string of fish or a string of
in Cottage Grove by putting up him and died at practically the same lies.
street signs and numbering the age as the noted ex-president.
That business is often a legal ex­
houses. Why should Coquille allow
cuse for leaving the wife alone all
a city that exceeds her only by a
Mrs. Alice J. Cole, who was buri day.
few inhabitants to outstrip her in ed at Turner, Oregon, last week
That every man who calls upon
public advancement ?
was the wife of Oliver G. Cole, who his girl in a thunder storm is a rain­
came to Oregon in 1862. She was bow.
Thè Coos Bay Times is authority born near Salem in 1856. Her par
That nearly every business prop­
for the statement that Judge Coke ents were among the pioneers of
expressed himself from the bench the early fifties. Her father was osition looks like a sure winner— on
as being willing to have a special the late John C. Peebles of Salem paper.
That some people are so conceited
term of court to dispose of the who served long as judge of the
Bestcott-Murray and the Foote- circuit court of Marion county and that they are actually jealous of
Wilcox murder cases, if the oppos­ was prominent in political councils themselves.
ing attorneys could agree on the in his day.
That in this topsy-turvy world it
date for same.
Mrs. Mary J. Shaw, who died at seems that all the heaviest wrongs
get uppermost.
A petition has been circulated in Portland Saturday, at the age of 8r
That it is better to learu a little
Los Angeles, California calling for years, and who was buried at Tur­
at great expense than to be a
the repeal of the capital punishment
your life.
law and an appeal made to Govern­
That one should stand up for a
or Johnson to reprieve all prisoners gon in 1876 settling upon a large
in the state penitentiaries now con­ tract ot farm lands in the Waldo friend in public even if he sits down
demned to death until the voters Hills east of Salem where for many on him in private.
shall have an opportunity to declare vears they carried on farming opera
That the hand that rocks the
tions on a large and lucrative scale. cradle is too busy washing dishes
After a career of uncommon activity to bother about ruling the world.
Two opinions recently emanating and usefulness, Mrs. Shaw became
That in Adam’s day woman was
from the attorney general’s office a great sufferer from rheumatism,
merely a side issue, but during leap
at Salem, Oregon, are, that an auto­ which eventually proved fatal.
year she poses as the whole show.
mobile owner, having his machine
An extraordinary coincident is to
That epicures indulging in wild
but the fractional part of a year, be noted in that the same funeral
must pay license for the full year, rites were for Mrs. Shaw and for duck after 12 p. m January 15,
and that a school teacher who has Mrs. Alice J. Cole, the bodies of found it bad for the digestion.
taken the examinations but has not both arriving on the same train,
That our County Assessor is as
heard the results may go to work destined for the same cemetery at thrifty in the handling of the garden
until he is notified whether or not the same hour. Both died in Port­ rake as he is in the performance of
he has passed.
land on the same day and both his official duties.
William J. Bryan is reported to
have said, “ I have been a candidate
for the presidency three times, and
some people believe I am indispen­
sable to a Democratic campaign, but
I won't let anyone believe that has
been the object of my life. I will
do more effective work for him who
is selected as standard bearer for the
democracy in the campaign than I
could possibly do for myself.”
were members of the Presbyterian
church. The Shaw and Cole fami­
lies were intimately associated soci­
ally and in business ways 20 years
ago, but neither family kuew of the
bereavement of the other until the
twojluneral parties were proceeding
to the church from the railway
That there may be nothing new-
under the sun but almost any mod"
ern druggist can g i”e you ‘‘some­
thing just as good.”
That this is the era of now and
the resolution, made at the time it
is needed, fits the need at the time
and eventually makes us what we
That the camera was severely
strained when the masculine youths
of the city lined up on the steps of
The Foote petitions, circulated
Farmers and Merchants bank
The school children of San Fran­
here and at Coquille, did not reach
morning to have their
cisco and ot California will not be
Judge Coke, who expressed a de­
called upon to contribute their nick pictures taken.
sire that they be not presented. The
els and dimes toward a transporta
law respecting the release ot prison­
tion fund to bring the famous Lib­
ers accused of murder does not al­
erty Bell to San Francisco for the
low leniency on the part of the
Panama Pacific International E x ­
judges and Judge Coke told the
sponsors they would have to be re­
John Moes of Minneapolis, Min­
The Southern Pacific Company,
sponsible for the prisoner it he
through its officials in this city, has nesota, was run over by a street car
were given any latitude on account
made an offer to the exposition di­ and injured so severely that the
of illness. The prisoner, who is
rectors to transport the Liberty Bell amputation of his right leg was
reported better, is held in the
from Philadelphia to San Francisco found necessary. Moes objected to
jailer’s apartments in the county
free of charge. The railroad offers the various forms of disposal sug­
jail — Marshfield Record
to bring the bell out and to give it gested by the authorities who fin­
The action of .Sheriff Gage in as much attention throughout the ally decided that as he had plenty
placing W. R Foote under special trip as is now given it in its present of money and the leg belonged to
him, he had a right to do with it
guard and providing a nurse that resting place in Philadelphia.
The state of Pennsylvania values as he pleased. The limb was put
the unfortunate man might recover
a silk lined coffin with silver
from the nervous shock sustained, the Liberty Bell as much as it does
and placed in a vault at a
is one that meets with approval from
all who are endowed with charitable the Southern Pacific officials are local cemetery, with full burial rites,
attributes. Surrendering himself to prepared to see that provisions are the preliminaries of which were
the peace officers is sufficient evi­ made for a company of Pennsylva­ conducted at the injured man’s
dence that he is willing to entrust nia militia to guard the bell on its bedside.
himself with the verdict ot the jury long trip across the continent.
Charles Durham, Lovington, III.,
The trip ot the honored old bell
in justification of the sad act com­
succeeded in finding a positive
that in 1776 announced the signing
mitted by him last week.
for bed wetlirig. “ My little
The great majority of the people of the Declaration of Independence,
boy wet the bed every night clear
of this community have no fear that
thro’ on the floor. I tried several
the humanitarian act of our worthy every station in the country where
kinds of kidney medicine and I was
sheriff will in any way interfere with trie train stops— and it will have to
in the drug store looking for some­
or influence the proper execution of
our laws.
ands of school children and their thing different to help him when I
The unwritten law will doubtless parents will gather to see the bcll|b*,rd ° l FoIey'* Ki,,nP' P ilk
be resorted to as it is a potent factor that tolled the greatest story that ter lie had taken them two davs we
in the scales of justice, and whether has ever been published in the could see >i change and when he
it will outweigh those upon our l nited States. It j, planned to ( had taken two-thirds of a bottle he
statutes bearing upon the crime is a erect a small belfry on a car and to I was cured. That is about six weeks
matter to be determined by twelve hang the l>cll in that for the trip | ago and lie has not wet in bed
since,” For sale l>v C J. Fuhrman.
men good and true.
across tire continent. United States'
Mr. Foote was seen upon our history began with the tolling of
Fot B a le C h e a p . - F o u r - y e a r - o l d
streets under guard and apparently the Liberty Bell and there is not a
s a d d le h o r s e , b la c k lin e o n b a c k .
he is regaining his vigor that will native of this great country who!
does not w a n , i
c o u n t r y w » *oj
c o lla r .
Same c a n b e s e e n
the better enable him to undergo d o e s n o t w a n t t o s e e t h e b e g i n n i n g .
.. .
( ,
. . .
**» u n d e r t h e n .c w m d l a v e r y a i t e r n o o n
the trying ordeal that awaits him. o t t n e h i s t o r y o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s .
I between j and 4-
The Itoaeburg mail failed to ge
through on January 12 .
Another child for the district
school— Mr. anti Mrs.
Shepherd are the happy parents of
an 11 -pound son, born January 8.
Thu wejght includf9 robe8 and
adornments and rumor says bis
name is John. This is the fourth
child born iu district No .27 in the
You and each o f you are hereby no­
tified that you are required to appear
past eight months.
Robert Sturdivant is working in and answer the complaint o f the plain­
tiff filed against you in the above en-
Mr. Aasen'e camp.
j titled action within six weeks from the
Rufus Howe, one of the stage j date o f the first publication o f this
drivers, got one of his horses down summons, tow it: within six weeks from
on the night of tho 13 th on account the 14th day o f December, 1911; and if
of a slide in the road on Cherry you fail so to appear or answer on or
before the 25th day o f January, 1912,
Creek hill.
the same being the date o f the last
Elder and Mrs. T. G.' Bunch at publication o f this summons, for want
Ashland, Oregon, were blessed by thereof the plaintiff will take judgment
against you fo r the sum o f Two Hun­
the birth of a son.
dred Dollars and interest thereon at
Mrs. Watson of Dora visited her the rate o f six per cent per annum
brothel’s family, Mr. Frank Snow, from the 1st day o f January, 1905, less
the sum o f fifty dollars paid on the 2nd
on the 14 th.
Mabel Wilcox has been ill, but is
better at present.
Harold l ’orter has returned from
Sun Fruncisco.
County Supr. W. H. Bunch
stopped a few hours to visit his wife
and family while passing thru this
place last Tuesday.
Lloyd Leatherman who took the
East Fork cream to Norway in his
launch a week ago Wednesday was
not permitted to return home until
Saturday on account of running
The “ Academy Boys” have just
completed their big swiDg on which
they have been working, off and on,
for the past six weeks. It will add
greatly to the amusements of the
playground, especially for the
A family reunion was held at tho
homo of M tb . T. H. Overton one
day last week. Lowell Bunch, Ray
and Arthur Bennett were among
those who were there other than
the immediate mombers of the fami­
The Bunch Bro». will soon have
their new boat ready to launch.
Two Thousand Ninety-one and
«»■»-100 Dollars and costs and dis­
bursements taxed at One Hundred Eigh­
ty-two and 25-100 Dollars, on the 28th
Notice is hereby given that the under­ day of April, 1909.
signed, Minnie Black Davenport, was | Notice is hereby given that I will, on
by order of the County Court of Coos I Saturday, the 17th day of February,
County, in the State of Oregon, duly 1912, at the front door of the County
made ami entered *»n the 8th day of ' Court House in Coquille, in said County,
January, 1912, appointed administra­ ¡at 10 o'clock in t tie forenoon of said «lay,
trix of the chtate o f E. \V. Black, de­ sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described
All persons having claims against the propertv, to-w it:
estate of the said E. W . Black, deceased,
Tho South-west «]uart‘‘r of tho North­
are hereby required to present the same, east quarter of Section Thirty-six in
with proper vouchers, to the under­ , Township Thirty,South of Range Twelve
signed, at the office of W. C. Chase, West of the Willamette Meridian in
attorney for the administratrix, at his Coos County, Oregon, or so mnch thereof
office in the City o f Coquille, Oregon, as may be necessary to satisfy the said
within six months from the date of this judgment in favor of plaintiff against
said defendants with interest thereon,
Dated this 11th day of January, 1912. I together with all costs and disburse­
M innie B lack D avenport ,
ments that have or may accrue.
Administratrix of the Estate of
W. W. CAGE, Sheriff.
E. W. Black, Deceased.
day o f August, 1909, on his first cause
o f action in said complaint set forth;
and for the further sum o f 49.90 and
interest thereon at the rate o f 6 per
cent per annum from the 25th day o f
August, 1909, and for his costs and dis-
bursments in this action.
Service o f this summons upon you is
made by publication thereof in the
Coquille Herald for a period o f six
weeks by order o f the Honorable John
S. Coke, Judge o f the above entitled
Court, dated the 14th day o f December,
J. J. S ta n le y ,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Coquille, Oregon.
Something to
Present to Her
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed, Genie 6. McAdams, was by order
of the County Court of the State of Ore­
gon, in and for the County of Coos, duly
made and entered on 5tli. day of Janu­
ary, A. D. 1912, appointed Administra­
trix of the Estate of Edward J. Mc­
Adams deceased.
All persons having claims against said
estate are required to present the same,
with proper vouchers, to the under­
signed at the law office of R. H. Smith,
in the City of Coquille, Coos County,
Oregon, within six months from date of
this notice.
Dated this 18th day of January, A. I).
G k . nie S. M c A dams ,
Administratrix of the Estate of Edward
J. McAdams, deceased.
- ■
Housekeeping is a
doesn’t pay well. I f
smoothly the man takes
ter of course, but
wrong— Ha!
gift— but it
things go
it as a mat­
if they go
Mrs. J. H. Easier, of
Spartanburg, S. C., s a y s :
“ 1 had sick headache, for
years. I felt bad most of
rhe time, I tried Thed-
ford’t Black-Drangi t. and
now I fed belter than
when I was 16 years old."
Your dru; ist sells it, in
25 cent packages.
!nsisi on Yhedford’s
M illers C o n fectio n e ry
Pacific Loggers
Ask W. C. ROSE
Our Agent to Show Your our
High-Grade Loggers
Stillson-Kellogg Shoe Company
7 r
The Coquille Herald
\c -
Black-Draught: C"-
the old, reliable, purely
vegetable, liver medicine.
And Cruisers
headache, biliousness, in­
d igestion , rheum atism ,
pimples, blotches, yellow
complexion, etc., are all
signs of poisons in your
Titcse poisons
should be driven out, or
serious illness may result
T o get rid of them, use
That will be appreciated is a box
o f choice caramels, chocolates,
Diana Candy, marshmallows, al­
monds or nuts o f all kinds. Our
fine confections are a revelation
o f the confectioners’ art in rich
and delicious flavors and luscious
concoctions. We sell you more
pleasure at the least cost than
you can find in anything else in
Get your butter wrappers printed j
The G. F. A. Literary Society at the Herald office.
meets again next Saturday night.
There will be but little business
to transact at the meeting and
the entire time will be given to tho
program which the officers tell us
will be one of the best given this
year. Those in this neighborhood
cannot afford to miss it.
Scarcely has a day classed in (his
place during (he past two weeks,
except when the water was out over
the fields, when the river was not
“ boomiDg” with logs. Mr. Aasen
has run several thousand feet hero
during this time,
Do not allow your kidney and
bladder trouble to develop beyond
the reach of medicine. Take Foley’s
Kidney Pills. They give quick re­
sults and stop irregularities with
surprising promptness. For sale by
C. J. Fuhrman.
I n the C ircuit C ourt of the S tate alwaj’8 give uatiafatiou because they
of O regon for C oos C ounty .
alw«}8 do the work, J. T. Sheiuut
By virtue of an execution and order of
W. II. Schroeder.
Bremen, Ga,,
have used Fol­ sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Cir­
ey Kidney Pills with satisfaction cuit Court of the County of Coos, State
John Lindebeck and Cora Linde-
beck, husband and wife,
and found more relief from their 1 of Oregon, dated the 9th day of January,
| 1912, in a certain suit in the Circuit
use than any other kiduey medicine
j Court for said County and State where-
To John Lindebeck and Cora Linde­
and I’ ve tried utmost all kiuds. I j in Emily C. Converse, aa plaintiff, re­
beck, husband and wife, the above
can chteifully recommend them to covered judgment against Mae Mac-
named defendants:
Clary, formerly Mae Craves, and Lucius
IN TH E NAME OF THE STATE OF all suiters for kiduey and bladder
trouble.” For sale by C. J. Fuhrman. i D. MacClary, her husband, for the sum
The Coquile Herald
— 0 /