Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 18, 1912, Image 1

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    <JThe Herald, the old estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Coquille Valley in which
an “ad” always brings results.
VOL. 29.
T he C oquille H erald
C O Q U I L L E , C O O S C O U N T Y . O R E G O N , THURSDAY, JAN UARY 18, 1912
N O . 19
Paraphernalia and furnishings
belonging to the Masonic lodge at
Hood Hiver were damaged to the
extent of several hundred dollars
recently by snow' melting upon the
roof of the building and Hooding the
lodge rooms.
E W. Taylor of Lebinou, Oregon
sold to O. W. Bogart 12$ acres of
strawberry land for $500 per acre-
Salem, Oregon, is to have tbe fin­
est Masonio temple in the state. It
is to be seven stories aud of concrete
construction and will cost $11,000.
Mrs. Herman Carlson, Cheyenne,
Wyoming, gave birth to one baby
each day for three successive days.
The babies were one girl and two
According to a report by the
County Assessor of Hood River
county there are 13,000 acres of
land set to apples in Hood River,
The appropriation of state taxes
to be paid by the several counties
has just been completed by the Ore­
gon State Tax Commission, Coos
County’s share of the state tax
being $68,663 25.
William Armstrong of Forest
Grove, while grubbing a large tree
at his home, uncovered the store­
room of a gopher about two feet
under ground. It had stored over
a half bushel of potatoes, and its
storeroom was of sufficient size to
hold much more.
Two hundred men with dog teams
and prospecting outfits are on the
trail making a six-day race to the
new gold field at the head of Sixty-
Mile River, t3o miles from Dawson.
The stampede is the greatest seen
in the district since the first Klon­
dike rush fourteen years ago.
Bert Tovey, a lad ol 14 living at
Amity, Oregon, is suffering from an
operation resulting from blood pois­
oning caused by his shoe rubbing
a raw place on one foot aud the
sore became poisoned from his
Edward Jurgens and Frank
Coziah, alias Foster, who held up
the Drain stage on November 25,
have been sentenced to the state
penitentiary for the statutory period
of from 10 years to life, the judge
informing them that the length of
their servitude would be determin­
ed by their conduct.
Public benefactions of 1911 have
a mounted in this country to more
than $150,000,000, according to
figures compiled for the forthcom­
ing 1912 issue of the World Alman­
ac. This total was never exeeded
A new kind of clover, said by
except in 1909, when the aggregate those who have experimented with
approximated $175,000,000.
it to produce manv tons of feed to
The twenty-first annual conven­ the acre, has been discovered. The
tion of the Christian Kudeavor plant is a native of Tillamook coun­
societies of Oregon will meet at ty, Oregon, and is called a peren­
Salem, Oregon, on February 9-11. nial clover. It is a species of the
Governor West has l>een invited to alsike with the alsike food values.
deliver the opening address As It perpetuated itself from node
the Oregon Endeavorers are wide buds and bulbs and has no bloom,
awake a big convention is antici­ flower, seed or sex. It grows in
winter as well as summer and frost
not interfere with or stop its
The state oratorical contest Ire-
tween the different colleges ol Ore­ growth. A sample of the clover
gon will be held this year at Forest was sent to the Department of Agri­
Grove, the local tryout to be held culture at Washington, D. C , and
January 26. This contest is one of J. M. Westgate, agronomist, writes
the biggest intercollegiate events that it is one of the most interesting
held in the state, and each college specimens that has come to the at­
is the host for the contest once in tention of the department.— Pacific
Farmers’ Union.
eight years.
Four Door Touring Car
Fore Door Roadster
Three Passenger Roadster
Delivery Car
Our aggressive State Superin­
tendent of Public Instruction has
launched forth a new and laudable
line of endeavor for Oregon pupils
to pursue that should receive hearty
encouragement from all. The fol­
lowing letter received by the Herald
elucidates the work proposed and
the prizes that are offered to en­
courage its promotion:
Crews of men have been working
in the Hood River orchards to
clear the ice off the trees in order
to save them A number of roofs
have collapsed owing to the weight
of the rain-soaked snow and great
damage has been done in the sur­
rounding country.
Hundreds of millions of dollars
worth of securities are ice-bound in
the vaults of the ruined Equitable
Life building in New York City as
a result of the recent big fire. It is
estimated that seven persons are
dead, probably more, as several em­
ployees of the building are missing.
Tenants of neighboring buildings
have been ordered cut as it is fear­
ed the walls of the Equitable will
collapse and cause much damage.
P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0
Mrs. Frederick Park Smith, 62
years old, was married at Alameda,
California, last week to George L.
Becker, who is 22 The groom's
16-year-old brother was best man,
and the bride’s 16-year-old grand­
daughter was in attendance as
An alligator farm is the latest. A
man near Los Angeles has 2000 in­
teresting natives of the Southern
swamps, and it pays a big profit.
Ckeechobee, who is said to be 50
years old, was captured three
months ago in the everglades of
Florida. He is kept as a valuable
curiosity, although bis skin is use­
less as a commodity, siDce at the
age of seventy the bumps on the
back, used as ornamental leather,
turn to bone. Although many alli­
gators are bred on the farm, because
ol the slow growth the supply does
not equal the demand. Each year
several hundred are caught in Lou­
isiana and Florida and shipped to
large farms, one in Los Angeles and
one in Hot Springs, Ark. They
are captured like wild horses, a
lasso being thrown around the Deck
by which they are pulled to land
and bound to a plank.
In tbe warm and congenial cli­
mate ol Southern California tbe con­
ditions are highly favorable to the
raising o( tbe saurian. Tbe farm is
laid out on the banks of a small
mountain stream, which in its
course has formed a number of lakes
and ponds. These are surrounded
by strong netting to enclose the
groups separately, according to age.
The older ones are fed at long
intervals, about thirty-five pounds
of fresh meat at a meal, from May
until October, when they all stop
eating and hibernate for tbe winter.
Some have already gone into their
winter homes, long tunnels running
under ground, and the visitor may
see a row of beads like logs along
tbe banks of the stream.
About June the alligators become
more sensitive to disturbance, as
tbe females then begin nesting.
They bellow if approached and
make much noise generally.
The female fashions her nest by
scraping together with her hind feet
a pile of rubbish, comprising sticks,
rushes and mud. Here she depos­
its from thirty to sixty long, narrow
eggs, completely concealing them,
and if not interfered with stands on
guard until they ate hatched by the
heat of the sun. On the farm Ilia
nests are emptied as soon as the
animal has completed laying, and
the eggs are taken to the incubators
to be hatched. Great care is given
to this part of the industry.
Everything from tanning to man­
ufacturing articles made from the
skins are done in Los Angeles.
Beautiful bags in every description,
purses and card cases are shown,
while in one case the teeth are dis­
played made into watch charms,
cuff buttons, stick pins and brace­
In the stump of a huge yellow
fir treo at Black Rock, in the central
part of Polk County, Oregon, is lo­
cated perhaps the most unique post-
office in the United States. F. J.
Holman is the postmaster of this
hole in the log. In addition to sup­
plying his community with stamps
and letters, Mr. Holman likewise
operates the central exchange of tbe
telephone company. The stump of
tbe tree is some tweDty-five feet in
diameter and the goverumeDt ap­
propriates each year a sufficient
amount for its maintenance. When
arranging his quarters in tbe old
trunk, Postmaster Holman encoun­
tered an obstructing tentacle, which
by a little planing and sawing be
converted into a serviceable desk.
In place of the greenery that for­
merly drooped from the bmnehes of
the forest monarch may now be
seen an empty mail sack or perhaps
a full one that is to be taken by an
outgoing train. The telephone
wires connecting the homes and
business places of the citizens of
Black Rock and vicinity likewise
lead to the tree, and Postmaster
Holman ia perhaps one of the
busiest officials in the service of
Uncle Sam.
Mr. Holman has held his job for
some time, although there have
been others who are jealous of the
reputation which he has enjoyed in
being the only man in the country
who has found it profitable to in­
crease tbe revenues of tbe govern­
ment from the trunk of a tree and
at the same time work tbe "hello”
wires without any interruption to
There has recently been a decline
tbe metallic output of Oregon,
and so far as present data show,
this decline was more marked in
1011 than 1910, according to
Charles G. Yale, of the U. S. Geo­
logical Survey. Tbe total number
of nctivo mines shows little chaDge
but some of the larger ODes have
become less productive.
gold dredgeH are in operation, but
the most productive was not worked
for several months in 1911. The
hydraulic mines are the most pro­
ductive placers, and their number
is greatest. Tbe deep mines of the
state are yielding larger quantities
of milling ore than formerly, but
the grade of ore worked has de­
clined nearly one-half. This ac­
counts for the falling off in total
gold production. Some silceous
ore is shipped to smelters, but most
of it is milled, and comparatively
little copper ore is row being
smelted. The output of silver in
the state is small. Baker county is
still the largest producer of gold.
It includes tbe districts of Baker,
Cornucopia, Cracker Creek, and
Mormon Basin, and between 50 and
GO producing mines, about half of
which aru placers, though much the
larger proportion of the gold is ob­
tained from deep mines. In gold
output from placer mining Jose­
phine county leads. There are 12
counties in the state now producing
gold. In southwestern Oregon tbe
placer mines are producing larger
quantities than the deep mines; in
northeastern Oregon the lode mines
are much the most productive.
According to preliminary figures
prepared by the Director of I he
Mint,•Oregon produced, in 1911,
$599,235 in gold and 69,116 fine
ounces of silver, valued at $38.014,
agaiost $681,400 in gold and 43,800
ounces of silver, valued at $23,600
in 1910.
Dr. Herman", eve-sight special­
ist, will be at the Baxter Hotel
January 19 and 20. A thorough
examination will be made of nerve
and muscular troubles as well as
the refractive conditions of the eyes.
fljo b Printing— New presses,
new material and experienced
workmen. A guarantee that
Herald printing will please.
The following extracts from
Bulletin No. t, just issued by State
Forestei Elliott, will prove of inter­
est to Herald readers:
Oregon contains one-fifth of the
standing limber in tbe United
States. Its estimated value at
present prices is $5,000,000.000.
One-third of the stumpage of the
c tate is in tbe national forests. The
utlauce is in private holdings.
It is the opinion of the 1» at emi­
nent authority on tbe subject in
tbe United States that forest insects
do as much damage to timber as
fire. Since about 1,750,000,000 feet,
board measure, of timber were des­
troyed by forest fires in this State
last year, the active little bug must
have been a very busy tellow to
have equalled that record.
The manufacturer of Oregon’s
forest resources will employ an in­
dustrial army, afford a market for
our other commodities and in every
way tend to tbe development of a
great and prosperous common­
wealth. Forest wealth is commu­
nity wealth. Protection of forest
industries is the best form of pros­
perity insurance a timbered state
can buy.
Within a short time Oregon will
surpass all other states in tbe output
of its forest products. How long •
tbe State will continue to rank first
depends on tbe management of tbe
existing forests. Protection from
the great enemy forest fire must
be assured belore conservative for­
est management is practicable.
The Federal Fotest Service bolds
over 16 million acres of forest land
in this State. This stumpage is lor
The policy of the Forest Service
in managing tbe forest land is to
insure the continued production of
tbe largest amount of the Eiest tim­
ber for the benefit of all the people.
The Forest Service pay 25 per
cent of the gross receipts from tbe
forests to tbe counties in which tbe
land is located, to be applied to the
school aud road funds.
Tbe streams of Oregon are capa­
ble of developing over four million
horse power in electric energy.
More than 4,500,000 acres of land
iu this State may be brought under
irrigation. Both for irrigation and
for the development tof hydro­
electric power, continuous stream
flow is essential. A forest cover at
the headwaters of tbe streams is
tbe most important factor in pro­
ducing this result.
To THE T e ACHEKS OK O b E oo N :
Knowing that you are willing to
co-operate in educational work v
ask you to co-opi
encouraging all y
- up
growing of crops, u,.
,. sconce
and poultry raisin / Ch. ben lik,
to do things and respond to your
encouragement. Your county will
hold a fair at which your pupils
will be asked to exhibit wbat they
raise or make. The best of these
exhibits will be brought to tbe
state fair where liberal prizes wiii
be awarded.
Ask your pupils bow many of
them would like to have a Shetland
pony, a thoroughbred Jersey calf
worth $100, a pure-bred pig that
would take the prize at any stock
show, a pure-bred sheep with wool
so thick that they would have to
feel around to find its eyes, or a
goat with flossy hair that reaches to
the ground; or secure a fine Scotch
Collie puppie that knows as much
as some people, or win a money
prize that will buy just what they
want. A ll these prizes and many
more are to be given at the state
fair next fall.
Ask if they know how to grow
potatoes, pumpkins, squashes, corn,
etc. Ask how many of them like
water melons or musk melons.
The reason so many boys and girls
in Oregon do not grow water
melons is because they are afraid
the other boys will steal them.
If they all grow water melons there
will be d o one steal.
Ask them if they know how to
feed chickens. If they buy three
settings of eggs from one neighbor,
and three hens from another, and
in March put the two together they
will probably raise some prize­
winners for the fair. Tbe children
of Oregon can double the egg pro­
duction in three years.
Ask them i f they know that the
size of tbe pumpkin does not de­
pend upon the size of the boy or
girl who plants the seed. I know a
girl six years old who raised corn
fourteen feet high. Let us show
people that we are the most alive
children in the world by 75,000 out
of our 125,000 children exhibiting
at the county fairs, and 35,000 at
the state fair. Last year 14,000
children in Iowa had exhibits at
January 19 and 20 are tbe days
fairs. Let us beat them two to
to have your eyes examined— these
Yours very truly,
are Dr. Hermann's dates at the
L. R. A ld er m an ,
8upt. Public Instruction. Baxter Hotel.
The voluntary pension distribu­
tions of the Southern Pacific Com­
pany will reach the million dollar
mark before the first day of April,
this year. SiDce tbe inauguration
of tbe pension department in Janu­
ary 1903, $948,538 has been volun­
tarily disbursed among tbe retired
employes of that corporation. The
total disbursements for December.
1911, were $17,073. This was di­
vided among 467 former employes
who have been retired for age, dis­
qualifying disability nnd total dis­
The total pension dis­
bursements for tbe year 1911 were
$184,704 05. The Southern Pacific
pension fyst> in does not require
any contributions from the en;-j
ploies dmir g the tune they are in
service, nor at any time. Length
of continuous service is tbe only re­
quirement. All payments are made
from the general funds of the rail­
St Norton
And Wholesale Merchants
Feed, Flour, Hay, Fresh Fruits and
Vegetables, Agents DeLaval Seperators.
Freight and Ticket Agents Steamers
Fifield, Bandon and Alliance. Coal Oii,
Gasoline and Distillate Always on Hand.
Phone Home 1 1 1
Farmers 483