: The Coquille Herald FUHliIBHBP BVKKY THUUBDAT. Kmi-r«l as second class m atter May H, 190ft. at the post office s t Coquille, Oregon, underact ol Congress ol March 3, 1879. W ALTER O. ACKERMAN, Publisher the material and social the Coquille Valley par­ ticularly and of Coos County generally. ■Subscription, $ 1.60 per year in advance Devoted to upbuilding o f Phone, Main 364 . The census of 1910 shows that there ard 106 malea to too females in the United States. The proportion to organise the Port of Myrtle Point at a special election held ¿M ember 20, carriad by a vote of 427 to 63 . The official dinner given at tha White House last wank to member» of the cabinet ushered in a series of gay events which a ill be even more elaborate than on former 00- casion. Within one week's time tha out­ put of lumber from Coon Bay amounted to 7 q 000,000 feet, 660,000 feet being taken from the Coquille mill and 520,000 feet from the Simpson mill. Owing to heavy rains during the state fair, held in Salem September last, the state fair board, of which Frank Meredith is secretary, reports deficit of about $3.300 for the year. V system of better roads, walks and larger buildings to accommodate the crowds even though rains should come during fair week has been recommended. 1 rout street has been busily en­ gaged in the preparation ol a tew new frills, presumably in anticipa­ tion of the visit of Kriss Kringle, who is expected in Coquille next Monday, December 25. The old rail trimming has been discarded and bauds of narrow fine planking substituted in place thereof, which makes quite a festive attire and which r.o steam wheels would dare profane. The postal authorities here have been advised that the mail contract­ ors carrying mail between Rose- burg and Myrtle Point have been permitted by the department to re­ main over night at Camas Valley. This makes the mail received here 24 hours later than heretofore and the people of Coos county, who have suffered enough through in adequate mail service, should rise in protest against this delay. The Portland papers will be three days old now instead of two as formerly. There are too graduates Of the university teaching through­ out the state of Oregon, a record that is unequalled by any insti tution in the state. In the state of Washington several member* ol the supreme court are graduates of the ( iregou university, and according to the population of the state, Ore­ gon university has more graduates who are men and woman of prom' inence and hold positions of honor and responsibility than any other university in the west. state crease of 80,000 tons over that of has the right kind THEY DO SAY of 1910. soil for Oregon producing tbe sugar beet, measure, of standing timber, the estimated value oi which is $20.500. The heavy and general rains of the first week of September fortunately That a stitch at nine may save came before more serious loss oc­ two at ten. curred- Six hundred and five citi­ That will power and won’t power zens held commissions as state fire, are much alike. wardens and one hundred and That too many ‘ ‘eye openers" will seventy-seven voluntary wardens close a man’s eye. were appointed to look after and That it is easy to economize when check the destructive elemeut. you don’t have to. That there’s a Christmassy feel­ One oi the most successful fea­ ing astir in the air. tures of the Western Governors’ That woman alwaya look on the Special was the tremendous amount ol newspaper publicity which it re­ bright side o f mirrors. ceived. A map of the United States, It’s a bad sign to write your showing the pictures of the Govern­ name on a friend’s note. ors and the officers of the train, with That some of us expect opportuni­ the States interested shaded in a ty to bust in with a jimmy. dark color was carried in over 500 That a hungry tramp does not eastern newspapers, and the stories want chops served with an ax. of the west, its products and its That family ties should always be magnificent train, which have been love knots instead of love-nots. printed, probably filled ten thousand That a little that is certain is bet­ newspaper columns. It has been said by the leading ter than much that is doubtful. That misery may love company, men of every city visited that the Western Governors’ Special was but happiness can herd by itself. one c f be greatest things ever That it takes a girl with a college done by the west and will do more education to misspell her front to give it publicity than any similar name. work which it could possibly have That the easiest way to acquire a undertaken. The presence of the fortune is to inherit from one’s nine actual Governors on a train father. visiting another section of the coun­ That the cackle of a hen is much try in the interest^ their own home more melodious now than in the states, is something absolutely un­ spring. precedented in the history of the That when you are too old to United States or any other country, and the cities which are visited seem learn you have outlived your use­ to appreciate that they have been fulness. That we might believe one side complimented in an unusual way. of a story, if we didn’t hear the other side. That if a man never changes bis mind it is because he has no mind to change. Only a man who is very rich can Mr. C. H. Cleaves of the Golden Rule has today made an assignment afford to say all the things be would to Mr. W. H. Martin, who is now like to say. in the city and will assume the That the average woman’s idea management of that place of busi­ of a friend is some one upon whom ness. While Mr. Cleaves might she can impose. have availed himself of the bank­ That nothing quite so flatters the ruptcy law and thereby freed him­ indolent man as to be told be is self from indebtedness, he chose the “overworked,” more honorable course of making a That one should think twice general assignment in order that before be speaks in wrath and then all, instead ol a lew, of bis creditors say it fo himself. might stand a chance of reimburse­ That n profit we gather by experi­ ment. The news of this assign­ ence may be only paper profit, but ment comes as a surprise to the it’s the solid asset. many business and personal friends That “ Maybe” can be argued of Mr. Cleaves, who with one accord with, but “ I can’t” is a motor that will join the Herald in commending has permanently expired. the action taken by him Mr. W. Tkat a spinister can tru th fu lly H. Martin is not a stranger in Co­ quille having been here for several say that such a thiDg as marriage weeks. He is one of the best and has Dever occurred to her. up-to-date business men in the That a man is a failure when he country and while regretting the lets a day go by without making passing oi the old management, we some one happier and more com­ extend to the new our most hearty fortable. wishes for a successful and prosper­ That if the average woman ous business career in Coquille. thought her husband didn’t love C. H. CLEAVES ASSIGNS THE GOLDEN RULE a fact fully demonstrated in eastern Oregon and tested out with success in western Oregon, and there is no valid reason why this state cannot have big sugar factories and pro­ duce all Its own sugar. Santa Claus secures his best gilts at Mrs. J. L. Thompson’s. The apple crop for 1911 is placed at 30,000,000 bushels, or 20 per cent above 1910. Over 11,000 women are engaged in lace-making st home in tbe city of Nottingham. Ten per cent of the deaths of adult poultry from Datura! causes are due to tuberculosis. A clever man can explain to the right women, or at least a clever woman accepts any explanation from th* right man. The marriage of Capt. Harvey Russell and Miss Mable Noah, both of North Bend, was solemnized December 20. Forty-seven men have already been killed this year by hunters. The mortality among the deer is also considerable. Stenography and typewriting for business and professioual men expe­ ditiously transacted at the Herald office. All work entrusted to us treated confidentially. Tbe lack of fixity of purpose is responsible for many failures. Tbe drifting about and dabbling in a multitude of things and not doing one thing thoroughly simply spells disaster. The steamship Northwestern which arrived in Seattle December i6tb, from Alaska, brought a cargo of gold bullion and copper ore valu­ ed at over $1,000,000. An order for a carload of Yellow Newton apples has been received by the Northwestern Fruit ex­ change of Portland for one box of extra selected stock for the emperor of Germany. M. H. Hersey has the largest dis­ play of dolls ever brought to Co­ quille and when it comes to price, considering quality, no such bar­ gains can be given elsewhere. Any­ one wanting dolls call and be con­ vinced. Miss Ethel Kern ot North Bend, formerly deputy postmistress at that city was recently married to Allen D. Pixton of Alva, Florida. Mr. and Mrs Pixton will reside on the groom’s ranch near Ioua, Florida. Folsom makes candies pure and delicious. Add to your Christmas joys by purchasing sweetmeats from him and likewise be pleased with the knowledge that by so doing you are patronizing a home institu­ tion. That the hillsides overlooking the valleys aloDg tbe different rivers in Oregon will produce grapes equal in wine making qualities to that of the German Rhine, MoBelle and Pfalz, is the opinion of a California expert who makes a strong appeal that grape growing be taken up íd Oregon on a large scale. He further states that he believes settlers from the wine districts of Germany would be attracted if this industry were introduced in Oregon. A man in one of the Western States saw a cyolone coming, and crawled inside a hollow tree for pro­ tection. The tree was blown down and the entrance closed, leaving only a tiny hole, barely large enough for a squirrel. Realizing that he must die, all the mean things the man had done in his life passed before his eyes— and sudden­ ly be remembered that he bad voted against woman’» suffrage. Then he felt so small that he was able to crawl through the hole!— Woman’s Journal. HOUSEWIVES ATTENTION P a u l S t e p ij a n , Prop. Phone 376. COQUILLE STUDIO named defendants: IN THE NAME OF TH E STATE OF OREGON: You and each o f you are hereby no­ FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN tified that you are required to appear Two corner lota with small barn, and answer the complaint o f the plain­ tiff filed against you in the above en­ located opposite corner from Chris titled action within six weeks from the tiau church, are offered at great sac­ date o f the first publication o f this rifice if taken soon. Inquire Herald summons, tow it: within six weeks from the 14th day o f December, 1911; and if office. you fail so to appear or answer on or before the 25th day o f January, 1912, the same being the date o f the last publication o f this summons, for want Nolice in hereby given by tbe under­ thereof the plaintiff will take judgment signed, administrator of tbe estate of against you for the sum o f Two Hun­ Samuel A. Smith, deceased, to tbe cred­ dred Dollars and interest thereon at itors of and all persons having claims the rate o f six per cent per annum against the said deceased, to exhibit from the 1st day o f January, 1905, less sucli claims with the necessary vouch­ the sum o f fifty dollars paid on the 2 nd ers, within six months after the first 1 day o f August, 1909, on his first cause publication of this notice, to tho sab 1 o f action in said complaint set forth; administrator, at the office of C. R. bar­ and for the further sum o f $9.90 and row, in Coquille, Oregon, which office ' interest thereon at the rate o f fi per the undersigned selects as Ins place of cent per annum from the 25th day of business in all matters connected with ; August, 1909, and for his costs and dis- said estate of Samuel A. Smith, de-j bursments in this action. ceased. Service o f this summons upon you is BENJAMIN F. SMITH, made by publication thereof in the Administrator of the estate of Samuel j Coquille Herald fo r a period o f six A. Smith, deceased. weeks by order o f the Honorable John C. R. BARROW , S. Coke, Judge o f the above entitled Attorney for said Administrator. Court, dated the 14th day o f December, 1911. Dated and first published at Coquille, j J. J. S ta n le y , Oregon, on this 3utli day of November, Attorney for Plaintiff, 1911. Coquille, Oregon. NOTICE George & Madison, Props. General photographic work. Portraiture and viewing. Developing and printing for ama­ teurs. Call and see us and get our prices. Branch at Myrtle Point. Skookum R estaurant (REOPENED) C. A. HARRINGTON, Prop. S a m e Old P la c e C om e and S e e Pacific Loggers Ask W. C. ROSE Our Agent fo Show Your our High-Grade Loggers And Cruisers Stillson-Kellogg Shoe Company FOR SALE. Span of horses, harness and wagon. Weight of horses, the two 1900 pounds. Price $100 for all. Also three good cows giving milk now. A. Me A d a m , Fislitrap. Notice for Publication her any more than she loved him, A 100 pound sturgeon was taken Department of the Interior, U. 8 . Land she’d be heartbroken. from the Columbia river recently Office at Roseburg, Oregon, That while the contents of the November 22,1911. by Edward Wright and marketed Notice is hereby given that William in Hood River. It is a rare thing beer bottle are taken by some to Kranke, ot Riverton, Oregon, who, on that a sturgeon is caught now, alleviate the blues, the revenue from January 6 th, 1910, made Homestead although formerly the Columbia the sale of the bottles is sometimes entry Serial No. 00340, for W'._. N W 4 , used to purchase raiment of the river had many of these fish. NEJ4 NWP*. NW Ji NE>4 , Section 21, —-------- a «»» « same hue. Township 28, S. Range 13, west, Willam­ The South Coos River Hatchery ette Meridian, has filed notice of That a bachelor's “ next morn­ intention to make final Commutation has seeured 3,000,000 salmon eggs ing” headache is always mitigated by Proof, to establish claim to land above for this year's batch. If tho river the thought that be doesn’t have to deacrilied, liefore Edgar A. Dodge,United rises sufficiently to bring in a good exert himself to remember what States Commissioner, at Myrtle Point, Oregon, on the 12th day of January, The beaver, the emblem of Ore­ run of salmon more may possibly particular story he told when he 1912. gon, is to be preserved from ester be obtained. While there are many came home the night before. Claimant names as witnesses : Ben­ monition in this state, and it to be in Smith’s Basin the logs and snags jamin F. Smith ol Riverton, Oregon, make it impossible to use the nets, Choice candies for Christmas in pet roitted to again resume hia won Walter R. Smith, of Riverton, Oregon, neat boxes at Folsom’s. 'lerful work. A beaver dam near Edward A. Smith, of Riverton, Oregon, Twohy Brothers moved 125 cubic Eugene is seeking a site for a Ilrightwood contain» 100 beavers, Madison Scott, or Riverton, Oregon. yards of dirt at the S. P. tunnel, uew city hall building. BENJAMIN F. JONES, that have done a vast amount of getting the thing started in proper n30j4 Register. Over one huudred thousand dol­ work, nud have flooded quite an form. They are forwarding cars, arm. It in estimated that millions rails, ties, powder and blacksmiths lars are invested in automobiles in CO QU ILLE R IV E R LINE of acres of the richest and most pro­ tools to the front and are stocking Coos County. ductive lauds in Oregon were made About three-eighths ot the coal their warehouse with duplicate by tho beavers to enrich the state parts — Eugene Guard. produced in this country is mined P LY IN G BE TW E E N forever. They were the first land — ----------- • — by machinery, uearly 12,000 The thirteenth annual meeting machines being in uie. builder», the first irrigators, the first to stop dangerous floods, and by the of the Oregon Historical Society Tbe Marshfield High school SAN FRANCISCO erecting of water dams, they pre­ met at Portland December 16. an basketball team defeated the Ban- SAILING E V E R Y EIGHT DAYS For sale, cheap— Four year old vented the finest soil washing into address being delivered by Dr. don High school team at Marsbfiled Equipped with wireless appara­ the sea. There is a general feeling Joseph Schafer, professor of history Decemder 15, by a score of 13 to 9. saddle horse, black line on back, tus Twin Screw, new, clean and buckskin collar. Inquire Herald Safe. that this industrious end bard work in the University of Oregon, on Grouch eradicators suitable for all office. mg little rodent is a pattern tor one of the most eminent pioneers ages at Mrs. J. L. Thompson’s. Passenger rates, First In a shipment of $10,000 worth humankind with their greatest brain of this state, Jesse Applegate. Class $10 and 7.50 >S. P. Bartlett is rapidly recuperat­ -------- **•»♦ ol wild animals from India to Eng­ power but sometimes lees laborious Up Freight $3.00 per ton. Thirteen were killed and many ing from tbe operation which be existence. land, an Indian badger was loose Bandon Warehouse Co. Agents. more injured in a collision between underwent at Mercy hospital in for two weeks and a specimen of the Norton and Nosier Agts K A. Elliott, State Forester at the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul j North Bend and will probably be sacred monkey of northern India; COQUILLE. OREG. Salem, Oregon, reports the occur­ and the Columbian Limited at able to leave the hospital ahortly. for nearly the entire voyage. The Phone Home 111. Farm er’ s 483 Odessa, Minnesota, December 18.1 Wanted— Girl about sixteen or badger concealed himself during ence of 567 forest fires in Oregon 1 lie past year, from the following The injured are being cared for by 1 seventeen as apprentice in abstract the day. but the meat and boiled causes; Escaped from slash burn­ townspeople. A wrecking train is office Inquire Herald office. rice put out for him at night always Capt. Olsen, M ato. in g. 59 ; campers, 40; lightning, 24; at the scene and the wrecking crew The many friends ol “ Aleck” disappe »red before morning. The incendiary, 22; hunters, 20; old are already at work Will make regular trij p between Alexander are greatly worried over monkey lived up in tbe riggiDg com­ slashings not extinguished, 18; The amount of coal mined in th« his disappearance from Canyon fortably enough, notwithstanding O o q u ille R iv e r an 1 S a n ra ilroa d locomotives, 15; smokers, United States in 1910, according to City. Mr. Alexander is 80 years of five feet of chain hanging to its F ra n c is c o . .14; logging engines, 13; escaped figures of the Uoited States (leo age and the first white man to set neck. Food waa put out for i t ' N o Stop-over at W ay Porta. front saw mills, 4; sheep herders, a; logical Survey, wan greater by 10,-1 foot in Cariyon City. •very Dight, and by day it sa'iaOed Electric Lights. Everything ir. T'irst u n k n o w n , 136. A total of 60,000 000,000 tons than the total tonnage The output of beet sugar in the its hunger bv catching and eating Class Ktyle. acres was burned over, represent­ which had been mined up to tho I United States iflr this year will ag­ potatoes that the sailors amused Kepeivations at Fnhimnn’s Phar­ ing a loss o f 21,351,000 feet, board dote of tha year 1871 gregate 600,000 tons, or an in-^ themselves by throwing to it. macy. STMR. FIFIELD BANDON AND Str. E l i z a b e t h y SU M M O N S at hom e when the City Bakerv lurnishes highest I n the C ircuit C ourt of the S tate OF OREtlON FOR COOS COUNTY. quality fresh every day and at lo w ­ Plaintiff, j est cost— 3 loaves for roc also i W. H. Schroeder, cookies and d ou g h n u ts at 10 c per j John Lindebeck and Cora Linde- !• *'.on dozen. Cakes, pies uind fancy beck, husband and wife, I f Defendants, j u pastry are con stantly on hand. Special orders ou request. To John Lindebeck and Cora Linde­ The C ity Bakery, beck, husband and wife, the above W ily bake bread DOUBLE DISC RECORD ONLY 35c Remember we are still giving a good double disc grapbopbone record when your cash purchase amounts to $5.0(1 , by the payment of 35 cents extra. A good assortment to select from. A full and complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flou»-, Feed, Lard, Etc. Fruit Jars. See us before buying Economy . . . . . . Drane's Store --------------------------------------------------------------- ^zs^