Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 16, 1911, Image 4

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    Allegany Items.
o o
George & Madison, Props.
General photographie
work. Portraiture and
viewing. Developing
and printing for ama­
teurs. Call and see us
and get our prices.
Branch at Myrtle Point.
Real Estate (Signed
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gibbony of Al-
legan' left for California last week.
They are goiog to the home ot Mr.
Gibbony’s mother.
Ivy Noah was visiting over Satur­ 1 80 acre farm, all in cultivation.
day ai.d Sunday with bis parents in Two dwellings houses.
barns. Good orchard. 20 dairy
Mrs Eva Piper and children were cows. 8 bead of nice young heifers.
Several head of hogs. Lots chickens.
in Allegany Tuesday night.
Mrs. George Terry is moving to All necessary farming tools. House­
Daniels creek for the winter.
hold goods if desired. Price per
Miss Florence Rook was visiting acre, $187.50.
at the Noah home last week.
60 acres of land about ^ bottom
Miss Merle Radabaugh returned and balance bench nnd bill land,
to her home at Arago Inst Saturday close to Coquille for $75.00 per acre.
after completing an 8 months term No improvements.
80 acres of land located near Co­
of school at this place,
Hazen Price should be congratu­ quille all bottom land except about
lated upon being the only scholar 15 acres cleared. Price per acre
who was neither absent nor tardy $100.00. Easy terms on part.
during the whole of the 8 months
160 acre farm. About 150 acres
term of school. Continue in this bottom land. 30 acres cleared for
way Hazen, and you will ha n schol­ the plow. 3 acres good orchard.
ar some day.
100 acres of pasture partly cleared.
The Allegany achool closed Fri­ Good house, two barns and other
day Nov. 10, after au 8 months out buildings. Plenty good run­
term. An entertainment was given ning water. Price p< r acre $37.50
by the teacher and school children Terms on part at 6 per rent interest.
Notice is hereby given that the
on Friday evening. The achool
52 acre ranch, one mi e from Co­ undersigned Elizabeth D. Tawse, duly
house was very prettily decorated quille. 40 acres bottom land. 30 appointed, qualified and acting guar-
i dian o f the estate o f Herbert Leslie
with bunting, cedar and flowers. acres in cultivation.
cheap ! Tawse, a minor, in compliance with an
Considering the stormy weather a houses and two cheap barns. Good ! order o f the Judge o f the County Court
yery large crowd was present, and spring water. Price per acre $130. 1 o f the State o f Oregon for Coos county,
everyone went home feeling well re­
80 acre farm. Good house and made the 30th day o f November 1911,
paid for attending the entertain­ fine dairy barn. Located J mile will sell at private sale, lots 5, 8, 9 and
j II, in block 11, in Woodland addition
ment even if it was so stormy. The from Coquille river. 25 dairy cows
to the town o f Bandon, in the County
program was as follows:
and all farming tools. Price rea­ o f Coos, State o f Oregon at any time
Song by the school, Sweet Ore­ sonable with good terms ou port of on or after the 2nd day o f December,
gon mv Home.
1 1911. Sealed bids for all or either o f
purchase price.
i said lots will be received and opened on
Johnnie Kudrna.
85 acre farm, about 50 acres cleai ■ said day. The right to reject any and
________ Jack Collins.
ed and mostly in cultivation. About all bids reserved.
A Childs Question____ Pearl Price.
25 dairy cows. All farming tools.
Coquille, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1911.
The Grumbler
.A Dialogue.
Good orchard. Good house and
I’salm of Life
Elva Gray. Good dairy barn. Located close to
Guardian o f the Estate o f Herbert
Leslie Tawse, a minor.
Mamma's Help ____ Grade Shaver.
Coquille on the Coquille river. Price
Recitation ___ Margaret Hanson.
reasonable with good terms on part
Paddle Your Own C anoe_____
of purchase price.
Notice For Publication
____ Emmett Collins.
60 acre ranch, with about 20
Star Spangled Banner
acres cleared. Fair house and barn
Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land
Elva Gray and Myrl Stemmerman.
Orchard. Price per acre $50.00
Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
The Best Flag
_____A Tableau.
Good terms at 6 per cent on half.
Oct. 26, 1911.
His Speech
Jack Collins.
230 acre ranch. About 15 acres
Notice is hereby given that John W.
A Backward Glance
A Dialogue.
bottom land partly cleared. Bal­ Culbertson, o f Arago, Oregon, who, on
One Thing he Forgot_
Elva Gray. ance of ranch low bench and hill March 19, 1906, made Homestead entry
Serial, No. 03939 for NE'^ SW Ji,
John Jinkin's Sermon HazelCowan.
land. House and barn. 30 acres
Sec. 22, Township 28 S* Range 13.
Pumpkin Frost
Lemuel Gray.
in orchard, mostly apples. About W est Willamette Meridian, has filed
A Six Year Old ___ Eddie Larson.
1,500,000 feet of good saw timber. notice o f intention to make final five
What They Will Do .A Dialogue. Price per acre $18.00. Cash down year proof, to establish claim to the
Contentmeut .
Annie Kudrna.
$1000.00, balance 5 years at 7 per land above described, before Edgar A.
Dodge, United States Commissioner, at
A Song
. Elva Gray and
cent interest.
Myrtle Point, Oregon, on the 8th day
Myrl Stemmerman,
A good corner property on the o f December, 1911.
There Was an Old Woman
main business street in Coquille.
Claimant names as witnesses: George
Reading Scenic. Price $1600.00.
W. Cornwell, o f Corvallis, Oregon,
Make Your Mark ___ Hazen Price.
A nice little home with good George Robinson, Arago, Oregon,
George Heninger, Coquille, Oregon,
How to Cure a Cold Thelma Dodge.
house for $900.00.
John Dugger, Coquille, Oregon.
Brown’s Mistake
Beryl Noah
Nice little place just outside the
Recitation_________ Lemuel Gray. city limits of Coquille, 5J acres with
A Bachelor’s Dream________
house aud other improvements for
Scenic Reading. $ 1200 . 00 .
Feed And Pasture
Pa’s Boy
______Emmett Collins.
We have a good list of timber
A Six Monti
or white cedar
shingles delivered at
Coquille City.
per thousand.
or write........................
Parkers Shingle Mill
Some Old Place
Come and See
Builder and
Estimates gladly furnished.
Call on or address at Coquille
Str. Elizabeth
The Golden Rule
I Don’ t Know When to Stop__
lands, City property, both business
___________ Margaret Hanson. and residence. Write us what you
Will make regular trip* between
A Cat’s Tea Party___ Pearl Price. want.
A Flag Medley_______________
Pacific Real Estate Co.
C o q u ille River an J San
Tableau and Flag Drill.
J. W. L eneve . Secty.
Fra n cisco .
Recitation ______ Jimmy Kudrna.
Coquille, Oregon.
No Stop-over at W ay Porta.
A Swinging Chair___ Jack Collins.
Electric Lights. Everything iz First Parliamentary Law __ Dialogue.
Neighbors _____
Elva Gray.
Claes Style.
Reservations at Fuhrman's Fhar- The Senses _________ Vella Terry.
Beautiful Little Hands______
Song by Pearl Price.
The Rusty Sword
__ Lonzo Stemmerman
New Church Choir.
___ Merle Rndnbaugh.
Brave Little Mary_____ Dialogue.
First Snow Fall
Thelma Dodge.
Landing of the Pilgrims Elva Gray.
A Modern Maud Muller______
Scenic Readings.
Equipped with wireless appara­
\ Little Fisherman Lemuel Gray.
tus Twin Screw, new, clean and
Song, Just Before the Battle
Mother; Elva Gray and Myrl Stera-
Capt. Olaen, Maate.
-The N oted-
Passenger rates, First
Class $10 and 7.50
Norton and Nosier Agts
Feed, Flour, Hay Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
for De Laval Separators.
Notice is hereby given to the
legal voters of School District No. 8
of Coos county, state of Oregon,
that a special school meeting of said
district will be held at the achool
house on the 24th day of November,
1911, at 7>30 o’clock in the after­
noon for the following object: For
Manufacturers of
the purpose of voting a special
The Celebrated tieramann Shoe
tax for general school-purposes.
T h e S tro n g e st and Nearest W ater
Dated this 8th day of November,
» -oof ahoe m ade for loggers, miners
p rosp ectors and m ill men.
621 Thurman Street
P ortland , O bioon .
O. C. SX nford ,
J. J. S tanley ,
District Clerk
Theo. BerpaDShoe Mfg.Co.
A Laughing Gam#.
A percentage of all cash sales at
The Golden Rule store on Saturday
N ot ., 18 will go to the Woman’s
Home Mission Society of the M. E.
Church South. Window Sale and
Apron Bazaar in first door north.
Remember the time and place.
Let Dr. Hermann take care of ,i
your eyes that they may guide your
footsteps in old age. Baxter Hotel !
Nov. 27 and 28.
Freight and Ticket Agents
It Is often convenient to have an ex­
tra shelf ut the side o f the kitchen or
In the laundry room. One may be
made as shown In the accompanying
diagram. A stout cleat or strip of
wood Is fastened to the wall where
the scantlings ruu or "h e re there Is
a firm place for nnlllug or, better, for
screwing. Te this Is lilugcd n board
of the required length, so that It "III
drop down when not in use. Ou the
under stile of this bourd Is hinged u
triangular piece o f wood to act as a
support. I f hinged as Indicated In the
drawing there will be no dauger of the
shelf fulling while anything is on It,
because the triangle will have to be
pushed up wheu the shelf Is not In
use. If the shelf Is a long one there
should be two o f these supports placed,
say, about one-third the distance from
end to end.
M u sta rd
Fifield, Bandon, and Alliance.
Coal Oil, Gasoline and Distillate always on hand
Phone Home 111.
P ic kle .
One quart o f green tomatoes, one
quart o f cucumber pickles sliced, one
quart o f onions, n pint of green pep­
pers and one small cabbage. Chop to­
matoes, onions, peppers and cabbage
together. Cook In a kettle with a cup­
ful o f salt and water to cover until
tender. Drain off the water. Cook
one small cauliflower broken Into small
pieces In salt and water until tender.
Tw o quarts o f vinegar, one heaping
teaspoonful o f turmeric, one-half box
o f mustard, one-half cupful of flour
aud one-half cupful o f sugar
flour, sugar, mustard aud turmeric to­
gether with cold vinegar aud add to
the vinegar. Bring to n boll, then
add all the other things after they have
been well drained aud just let It lu-at
Farmers 483
Lump $4.oo Per Ton
C O Q U IL L E , O R E .
E g g s B a k e d In T o m a to e s.
Select round medium sized toma­
toes, cut a thin slice from the top of
each and scoop out enough o f the
pulp to leave a space large enough for
an egg. Season the cavities with salt
and pepper nnd drop an egg Into each.
Cover the bottom of the baking pan
with hot water or butter, put the to­
mato In and bake about twelve min­
utes. Season with butter and serve
on toast garnished with parsley.
Automobile Owners
Beginning with the season of
1912 I will open and operate
a garage in Myrtle Point carry­
ing a full line of Standard lubri­
cants, gasoline, automobile sun­
dries, etc. Expert workman­
ship and courteous treatment to
all. A liberal share of your pa­
tronage is earnestly solicited.
O ld F a s h io n e d In d ia n P u d d in g .
One cupful o f Indian meal, a largo
tablespoonful of flour, one cupful of
molasses and n little salt. Mix these
together. Take three pints o f milk
and bring to a boll or scald In a double
boiler, pour over the above mixture
¿ind stir all together until it thickens.
Add a teaspoonful o f cinnamon, a ta-
blespoonful of butter and a pint of cold
milk. Bake slowly two or three hours
In a buttered pudding illsh.
Take one cup o f sugar, two heaping
tablespoons o f flour, piece o f butter
size o f an egg (melted), pinch o f salt,
yolks o f two eggs. Beat all to a cream,
then add juice and grated rind o f two
medium sized lemons, cup o f milk and
the whites o f the eggs beaten stiff.
Bake thirty mlnutea in a moderntely
hot oven. When cut you will see a
delicate cake has formed on top.
Apply salt nnd lemon Juice to the
stain nnd expose It to the rays o f the
sun. Repeat application several times
if necessary. Wheu Ink has been split
on a carpet dump a whole lot of salt
on the place Immediately and work the
salt around. It will absorb the Ink.
Keep rubbing the place with fresh salt
until stain Is removed.
P e p p e r R e lish .
------ Will Be A t The------
Phone Home 111.
Farmer's 483
The players divide into two sides
and choose a lender, who stands In
the middle of the room between the
lines and tosses a rag doll lit the air.
If the doll falls on Its face the people
on one side laugh as loudly as they
can. Any one on the other aide who
laughs, however, must go over and J o I d
the laughing side.
When the doll falls face upward It
Is the turn of the other side to laugh
nnd win players over. The game nev
er falls to end hilariously when all
the playars are won to one side or the
General Commission and Wholesale
Agency “Reo” Cars
T o R e m o v e In k S ta in s .
Up Freight $3.00 per ton.
Bandon Warehouse Co. Agents.
In the Kitchen .
L e m o n C a k e Pie.
Anyone wishing their team win­
tered through fat on good grass,
grain hay, grass hay and earrotts
had better see C. A. Pendleton of
Fat Elk Creek, (Address Coquille.)
Dr. H. E. Hermann
H a n d y Folding Shelf F o r
Ci Nosier and Norton
lio le p ra o ftfo sie ry
Remove the seeds, then chop fine
twelve red peppers and twelve green
peppers and six large onions. Cover
with boiling water, stand five minutes,
then drain. Bring to the boiling point
four cupfuls vinegar, two cupfuls
brown sugar, three tablespoonfuls salt,
add the chopped pickle and boll five
C a r # of the B ro o m .
Do not discard a broom that shows
signs o f wear. Rather take measures
to preserve it. I f the broom Is soaked
regularly In hot suds and put out into
the sun to dry It will get new life anil
have as much elasticity when half
worn down os when new.
D e lm o n ic o
-Coquille, On-
M onday And T u esday
Nov. 27th = 28th
P o ta toes.
Dispose o f a pint o f cooked sliced
potatoes and ft pint o f hot white sauce,
made with milk ns the liquid. In alter
note layers, in n buttered baking dish.
Cover the top with buttered cracker
crumbs nnd set Into the oven to brown
the crumbs.
imperfect vision entails by securing the
services of Dr. Herman.
A ll
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
“ I want to give every
ton not using electric
t t h r e e vital reasons
w h y the General Electric
M azda Lam p should make
them have their house, store,
office or factory wired.
The G -E
M azda
Lam p gives nearly th r e e
tim e s the lig h t of the
ordinary carbon incandes­
cen t
It costs n o m o r e to burn.
Third— -
T h e q u a l it y of light *S vastly superior -a clear
white light like sun rays.’*
One-half cupful granulated Indian I
meal, one and a half cupfuls flour, one j
cupful sweet milk, one egg, scant qunr- |
ter cupful sugar, ono teaspoonful
cream o f tartar, one half teaspoorful
! soda, salt.
----------------- —
Many a Suffering Woman
Prevent the discomforts and agony an
Three Vital
Drags herself painfully through her
Jaily tasks, suffering from back-
i ache, headache, ner-oiiaLess, loss of
appetite and poor sleep, not know­
ing her ills are due to kidney and
| bladder troubles.
Foley Kidney-
Pills give quick relief from paiu aud
misery and a promt return to health
and strength. No woman who so
suffers can afford to overlook Fol-1
' e y Kidney Pills. C. J. FuhrmanJ
General Electric M azda Lam p represents the
cv . ^
*ncandescent electric lighting.
It blends inventive triumph and manufacturing skill— and
y o u reap the benefit in the form of dollars and cents, and
freedom from eye s^ain when usim, artificial light’*
A ^ I went the chance to p r o v e to y o u r entire satisfaction
this wonderful lamp is even b e t t e r than represented.
ie m today md see for y o u r s e l f .
Y our call places
under no obligation, rnd u art to be decidedly to
IT prow.**
carefti to see that every electric lamp you buy b a i n
f r C . fc. icr*no8r»m.
Coquille lliver Electric Co.