Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 16, 1911, Image 2

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Coquille Jerald.
Hince reading the communication
“ A Subscriber” pertaining to the
above question and published in Yiews of A Subscriber on Important Subject
t atered as second class matter May
this i'Sue, the Herald has given
8, ' 1 O 6 . at the post ottice at CoquiUe,
Oí ron, under act of Congress ot March some time and thought to the sub­
There seems to be much misun-
ject ai d to the investigation of ' h ' j derstandin(? as t0 the effect of the
». S 79 .
Port Commission statute, portions proposed Port of CoquiUe River>
V\ l.TER <«. A C K ER M AN , Publisher
of which are quoted in the article shol,id the same become tncorporat-
I) voted to the material and social referred to-
a majority vote at the election
adding of the CoquiUe Valley par-
After such investigation the Her- tQ be held 0„ December 19th. 1911.
■ darly and of Coos County generally. ald ls satjsfied of the correctness of N- ,
newspaper published
ascription, $ 1.50 per year in advance
. ,
, ,htlt if .he Port be- I ^
tlu *wtement tu 1 11 luc 1 ort ^ in Coos county has commented on
j comes incorporated it will be or can ,his pro„ osition> g iv io g Uleir in-
Phone, Main 3 5 - 1 .
m pel led to maintain the river dividual
.• • .
....... ....
.. .
be e en
in relation
I to its mouth in a condition lor the
The CoquiUe Valley Sentinel of
To Herald Readers
best interests of maritime shipping November 3rd, among other things
and commerce, and that this will has this to say upon the subject.
- W. G. Ackerman, of Salem, hav­
have to be doue at the expense of j "In the event of their being al­
ing purchased the Herald and its!
the taxpayers within the boundaries' lowed to form this commission they
I isiness, all advertising accounts
of the proposed Port district.
could improve the few miles of river
fi om November 1, 191 r, will be pay-
The Port statute was evidently embraced within the commission’s
ble to him, while all advertising |
designed for the purpose of keeping boundry and leave the rest of the
accounts prior to that date are pay-
navigable livers in good condition watershed to be taxed for the re­
t ble to the undersigned and all bills
fot navigation, and any attempt, maining twenty-niue or thirty
contracted prior to November 1,
should one be made, to organize a miles. More than three quarters
1911. will be paid by me. All.
. t .
----- ----- . --------
delinquent subscription accounts arc ° rl ur e P“ rP0S® 0 a lnK care of the watershed of the CoquiUe
of a small portion of a river, discon River is embraced within the com­
due and payable to W. G. Acker-
nected with the sea, which would mission boundaries. This would
m an. Ned C. Kelly, of the Coos
result in preventing the improve­ leave but a comparatively small
Collection Company will receipt for
ment of the lower part of the stream, portion of the district to be taxed
all accounts due me.
is not within the terms of the stat. for the remaining portion of the
YV. C. Cox n e k .
ute. This is made evident by the river.
fact that the statute would give
The move is considered a master­
to this proposed port entire control ly one to avoid paying taxes tor
. ,,
, , lot the river between its boundary the improvement of the river. A
Not being able to give the Herald
. .
and the sea. and if the port, if or- half mill levy upon the property
my entire personal supervision on
, • , ,
, gamzed, accepts the benefits given proposed within the port commis-
account of interests which demand
r „
, ; to it by the act, then it assumes sion would be ample to keep the
my attention over in Fane county
, . , cannot . , be disposed
i r of . to 'he duties imposed
it, and must six miles of river controlled by the
and , which
1 perform them; otherwise, designing port commission while the levy on
advantage at this time, I have de­
persons could organize a port on the remaining portion, which is
cided to relinquish mv management
the upper end of a river composed considerably less than one quarter
of the Herald and turn the plant
ol one voting precinct on either side of the watershed, would be prohibi­
and business over to \V. G. Acker­
of it, escape taxation beyond what tive,”
man, of Salem, one of the best and
would be necessary to take care of
YVhen the Sentinel published the
squarest newspaper men of the state,
who with a good newspaper and a the river through those two pre­ above it had not had time to ex ­
cincts, and have the control of the amine the Statute governing the
good field will be a welcome and
valuable addition to the ranks of rest of the river to its mouth, there­ proposed Port, its powers and lia­
Coos county journalism, l ’or the by preventing the organization of bilities, if incorporated. Under the
past two years Mr. Ackerman held any other port aud preventing any Statute referred to the proposed
the position of job printer in the improvement or care of the river Port will have the entire control of
state priutiug office in the state cap- between its lower limits and the sea. the entire river from its upper
boundary to its mouth in Bandon,
itol at Salem, a position which is
The present management of the
and will be required, among other
only held by first-class mechanical
fferald will be glad to become ac­
things, to keep all of the River to
men and prior to this time he was
quainted with its old and loyal
its mouth free from obstructions
engaged in newspaper work in
triends, so do not deter visiting the
the middle west. The Herald office
by snagging and dredging so
office fearing a call would subtract
as to keep it in such condi­
has been greatly improved in every
more from our convenience than
tion as is requisite and neces­
department in the past two months
add to our profits. A cordial wel­
and is now one of the best equipped
sary for the best interests of mari­
come will be extended to both old
printing plants in the county, which
time shipping and the commercial
friends aud new.
Mr. Ackerman will continue to im­
interests of said Port and the waters
prove, as well as the paper.
over which it has control, and all
The public schools of Toledo have
the expense of doing this must be
The retiring editor feels very
been closed on account of small
paid by a tax on the real and per­
grateful for the liberal patronage
pox. The Oregon state board of
sonal property situated within the
and support extended to the Herald
haalth appears to have good reasons
during his management aud for the
smaller proposed Port District as
for giving the recent warning, and
bounded and described in the peti­
many kind favors received at the
no community should fail to take
tion for such Port. So, the Sentinel
hauds of old friends aud citizens of
precautionary measures against this
the city and valley.
is in error when it says “ The move
dreaded malady.
is a masterly one to avoid paying
Mr. Ackerman will he joined by
bis wife and daughter the latter
The policy of the Herald is not taxes lor the improvement of the
part of this week, when they will to invest money for gew-gaws to river.’’ I f the move were intended
establish a permanent home in Co- entice subscribers, but to furnish its for that purpose the movers made a
quille. Trusting that Herald pat­ patrons with reliable information serious mistake, for instead of avoid­
rons and readers will extend to Mr. and interesting happenings of local ing the payment of taxes, they have,
Ackerman even a more liberal pat­ and neighboring events, and there­ if this port is incorporated, placed
the taxable property within its de­
ronage than I received, I remain, as by increase its circulation.
scribed boundaries, and the owners
ever, a booster for CoquiUe and
w. C. C onner
Darkness and gloom were dispel thereof, in a position that it and
led from our midst by the resump­ they will have to pay a tax suffici­
tion of the electric lights Tuesday ent to improve the whole river and
evening, and scowls and growls maintain it in a condition for the
With this issue The Herald bears
were succeeded by cheerful couu- best interests of maritime shipping
a new name as its publisher. In
and commercial interests.
keeping with established custom—
The paragraph of the section of
to appease the expectancy of the
New type aud paper for commer­ the Port Statute pertaining to the
Herald’s patrons aud the public cial and general job printing has powers and duties of the proposed
generally a brief outline of our been ordered by the Herald, with a Port, if established, is as follows:
policy in conducting the same is view of securing our share of this
‘ *4. And to the full extent which
work through the medium of satis­ the State ot Oregon might> itself exer­
cise and control or to which it can
Politically, we concur In the "Or­ faction to our patrons.
grant to corporations organized under
egon system’’ of government— the
initiative, referendum and recall
Gypsy Smith is holding one of the provisions of this act the right to
exercise the same, corporations organ­
in short, ‘a government of the peo- j the largest religious revivals ever ized under the provisions of this act
pie, by the people and for the j held ou the Pacific coast at the shall be and are hereby granted full
in other words, we are 1 tabernacle erected for him in Port- control of all bays, rivers, and harbors
within their limits, and between their
; land.
limits and the sea, with full power and
Primarily, our best efforts will
Reporter Traylor has furnished authority to, from time to time, make,
ever be foremost in the honorable
Herald with several items of establish, change or alsilish wharf lines
endeavor to conduct a cloau, pro­
in such harbors or rivers, and to make,
gressive newspaper, that will re­ local and personal interest for this establish, change, modify or abolish |
such rules and regulations for the use
dound to the credit of Coquille and issue, lor which we are thankful.
or navigation in such harbors an d .
this favored section. To this end
The Herald has been wearing old rivers, or the placing of obstructions!
we ask the co-operation of all good
therein or the romovsl of obstructions |
citizens— and, as yet, we have met clothes for some lime past but we therefrom, as it may deem convenient,
none other in Coquille.
requisite or necessary or in the best in­
terests of tbe maritime shipping and
YVe are not a stranger in newspa- °f'
* nt w dress
commercial interests of the said Port,
per work, but acquaintance with
Hln rill \Y\ \\\ Gage and , 1 . T. and the said rules and regulations »0
individuals and conditions in this
Nosier left I 111 sday for Salem to made by it to be enforced by such tines,
section is limited— hence we desire
firing bark Frank Garrison to be penalties and punishments as it ill tbe
friends to counsel and properly har­
tried again for murder.
The exercise of sound diseretion may deem
ness us to the car of progress that
necessary; and tbe lines or penalties so
Supreme Court handed down the imposed or levied shall !>e recovered in
we may do our share in pulling for
order si ine time ago ri versing the tbe name of raid corporation in any
a greater Coquille and Coos county.
t* ■
d e c is io n . H e ’» ill be tr ie d in the court of this State having jurisdiction
Realizing that our journalistic n
ol actions for tbe recovery of fines and
pathway will be a "rough and rug-
T V° " "
penalties imposed by Slate laws, and
ged road to travel” at times, it wdl , ° a/ ° Un* ° f a cr° wded d« * * ‘ shall inure and tielong to said corpora­
be materially mitigated with the • ‘ « ° ^ u , g . D,strict Attorney G. M tion, and all punishments to imposed
knowledge that we labor eonscien- Br° Wn h”S
L ’ A Li,J«qvi*t ¡shad lie enforced in the name of said
tionsly and fearlessly in the work ‘ ° “ **,St ,n hand,,nK
A letter corporation in any ol the courts of this
we have espoused and ask to be ■ fr° '" h,m received here' says that ^ate having jurisdiction ot crime, and
rewarded only as our merits justify ‘ ^ r e are six inches 0« snow in the «n.^meanor. under said law.
y canon the other side of Remote and
the Section of
a heavy covering on Camas moun- ,he Porl Suture pertaining to the
W. ü. A ckerman , j tain.
powers of taxation of the Port Com-
are as fo l­ at the same time and to the same
officers as regular county taxes are pay­
able ami shall be by tbe county officers,
“ 8 . For the purpose of carrying into collecting the same, paid to tbe treas­
effect all or any of the powers heieby urer of the said corporation for its use.
granted such corporation shall have the All taxes levied by corporations incor­
power to borrow money and to sell and porated under the authority of this act
dispose of bonds, which bonds shall, granted shall be levied on tbe basis of
however, never exceed in the aggregate the assessment made bv the county in
10 per cent of the assesjed valuation for which such corporation is situated for
state and oounty purposes of all prop­ the purpose of the levy of taxes for
erty within the limits of said corpjra- county or state purposes, with the ex­
tion, which is by law assessable for ception that the levy of such corpora­
state and county purposes. Such bonds tion shall be on the property situât*d
shall be issued from time to time as within its boundaries only; and for the
the hoard of commissioners of said cor* purpose of the levy of taxes by said
poration may determine and shall be of corporation the assessment inaile l»y
such denominations and shall run for such county on the property situate
such term of years anti bear such rate within tbe boundaries of the said cor­
of interest as such board ol commis­ poration shall be taken to be and shall
sioners shall determine; provided, how­ be the assessment of the said corpora­
ever, that such bonds shall not bear in­ tion. All regular, annual and special
terest exceeding in any event the rate of taxes levied by such corporations in the
6 per cent per annum, and they shall manner hereinbefore provided shall by
be executed on behalf of the said corpo­ the proper county officers be extended
ration, by its president and secretary, upon the county tax rolls of such coun­
and shall be so conditioned as that said ty with the itate and county tax for the
corporation shall therein and thereby annual collection of taxes in the spring
undertake, promise and agree in con­ next following, and shall be entered on
sideration of the premises, and he held the tax rolls and collected as one tax
to pay at a place therein named to the of and for the said corporation ot a per
hearer thereof, the sum named therein cent or rate in the aggregate equaling
in gold coin of the United States with the aggregate of the general and special
interest thereon in like gold coin as the tax so levied by said corporation during
rate per annum named therein payable such year under the authority herein
half yearly on the first day of January granted.
Property shall be subject to
and July in each year in accordance sale for the non-payment of taxes lev­
with the tenor and terms of interest ied by the said corporation in like man­
coupons thereto attached/’
ner and with like effect as in the case
9. “ Such corporation shall have pow­ of countv and state taxes.
er and there is hereby granted to it the
A . S u b s c r ib e r .
power to assess, levy and collect taxes
upon all property, real and personal,
situated within its boundaries, and
which is by law' taxable for state and
county purposes, and each year not to
exceed one per cent, the proceeds of
which shall be by it applied in carrying
Astoria, Oregon, Nov. 1 4 .— One
out t ie objects and purposes hereinbe­
fore provided; and such corporation of the most daring rescues ever
shall also have the power each year to effected on the Pacific coast was
assess, levy and collect a special tax that of the Tatoosh in snatching the
upon all such property, real and person­ steam schooner YY’ashington— men­
al, in an amount sufficient to pay the
tion of which is made on previous
yearly interest on bonds theretofore is­
sued by such corporation and then out­ page — from destruction at 3:30
standing, together with any portion of o’clock yesterday afternoon. Hun­
the principal of such bonds maturing dreds of spectators were gathered
within such year. Such regular annual on the bench momentarily expect­
and special tax provided for hereby
ing the schooner to go to pieces,
shall be levied in each year in time so
as to be extended upon the county tax when the Tatoosb, at great risk,
rolls with the state and county tax for pulled her into the Columbia river
the annual collection of taxes in the and into tho Cullender dock in this
spring next follow ing, but in no event city.
Passengers were provided
later than the 31st day of December in
with rooms and meals and transpor­
each year. The special tax hereby
authorized shall be applied only in pay­ tation to Portland, but all baggage
ment of interest and principal of bonds was lost, suitcases and their con­
issued by such corporation, but such tents ruined, so that all the passen­
corporation shall have power to apply gers have left is what is on their
any funds derived from the regular an­
nual tax towards the payment of such
or interest
Sain Ness expects to ship 6,000
All taxes levied by such cases of CoquiUe river salmon on
corporation shall
become payable the next Breakwater.
mission, if incorporated,
T h e y A t t r a c t A tt e nt io n
The new stock of
porcelain w a r e
including t o i l e t
The price
being the most at­
tractive feature.
A beautiful but inexpensive line of
handsomely decorated chinaware.
They are an art study in shapes
and coloring. Admiration strikes
all who see them.
N ew And Second Hand Goods
2ÜM l
This is tho title of a beautiful 64-p*ge boo*, which
w ill show any boy or girl I ioyv to SUCCEED. Drop a
postal In the mail TODAY and It will be sent TREE
The aim of the College la to dignify and popularise
tho Industries, and to serve ALL the people. It offers
courses in Agriculture. Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining EnffS-
coring, Forestry. Domestlcv..Scleuco and Art, Com
rnerce, Pharmacy and Music. The College open»
September 22d. Catalog free.
COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oregon.
The W ise Ones W i l l
Consult Us
Before buying a watch. I f there
is any difference o f degree, sure­
ly none can excel tl e timepieces
we so confidently offer you that
we guarantee their precision and
accuracy for one year. In plain
and fancy cases we have an in­
finite variety.
E. C. Barker & Co.
Just Look A t Them ! CITY BAKERY !
PAUL STEPHAN, Proprietor
Best Bread 5 cents a loaf, three loaves for 10 cents. Thirty
loaves for $1.00. Baked at home by a resident baker. Patronize
home, especially when the home product is the best. The only
bakery in CoquiUe. Bread cheaper than you can bake it yourself.
Bread Shipped Anywhere In The County
When they come back from this laundry.
A ll the buttons on* the shirts aud all
done up immaculately clean and with
iust the right finish. You ought to be
among our long list of satisfied customers.
CoquiUe Laundry & Ice Co.
GRAVEL ...................................
C O Q U IL L E ,
A S w ell T u rke y
C o q u iU e B a k e r y &
C o n fe c tio n e ry
Phone 236 Main
First Street, CoquiUe, Oregon
Is giving away a $15.00 doll to her customers. With every 25 c pur­
chase you get a coupon entitling you to a chance. Contest to close
at 10:30 Xmas eve. We carry all kinds of candy, Xmas boxes, nuts
fruits, tobacco and cigars, chewing gum, bread, cakes, doughuuts,
cookies, cream puffs.
the doll.
All counts in the contest.
Get busy an I get
Bread. 3 Loaves 10c, Cookies, Doughnuts I <»c Doz.
F R E D VON PE i.l R *
Dinner on Thanksgiving doesn’t begin to equal the
savings made by the man who pays by check instead
ot in cash. He hasn’t frittered his money away like
the one who carries currency instead of a check book.
Open an account with the Farmers & Merchants Bank
aud you’ll find that a cheek book doesn’t burn a hole in
your pocket as ready money does.
Farmers & Merchants Bank
& Von Pegert
T >
Coquille. Oregon
Cenerai Klarksiuitbiug. Wagon Making, Machine YYork, Pattern Ma kin
and Casting. Automobile YY'ork a Specialty.