Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 03, 1911, Image 4

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    To the first ten persons Building the first ten new Houses on this ract.
26 to 40 per cent below any other lots in the immediate neighborhood.
Terms very reasonable.
Bandon, Oregon,
good cream, as the price he has re­
ceived was the same for sour, stale,
or putrid cream, as for the farmer
to deliver good cream, as the price
he has received was the same for
sour, stale, or putrid cream as for
perfectly sweet cream delivered
The same agents adds,
however, that "in some loc&lties the
creameries have recognized the de­
moralizing effect that anch a practice
has upon their business, and many
of them have instituted a plan for
paying on the basis of quality, with
the result that much improvement
has taken place in the quality of
the raw material received” at such
creameiies. In other words a reme­
dy for existing evils is being de­
manded and must sooner or later
be generally applied.
lu Central Alberta there is no
laxity as to quality. All deliveries
are rigidly tested at oace, and if it is
below quality, or improperly separat
ed, it is rejected; but at the same
time the tarmer is informed of his
mistake and shown bow to avoid it
in future deliveries. A govern­
ment expert will if necessary go
home with him and give him special
advance and instruction. The re­
sult is an almost uniform delivery
of first-class cream, and a product
correspondingly superior. That is
all. When cream is delivered and
tested, a check for about two-thirds
of its butter value is paid the farm­
er. At the end ot thirty days he
receive» another check lor the bal­
ance, the amount of this latter[check
being determined by the market
price. But in order to make sure
of the best price the butter is put
into a government storage ware­
house if the price is low and held
uutil the highest for the month is
offered. This storage is without
charge to the farmer.
The authorities are chosen by the
the i>eoplc to carry on, protect and
promote the iuteicsts of all, and
have no latitude iu the matter, be­
ing puplic servants, paid out of the
public lunds, and exercising well-
defined fuuctious that produce ef­
fects in cash much greater than
Could otherwise ba had. Ifauyotte
farther prefers to do his own churn­
ing and sail his own butte! id the
warbet h» h
liberty to do so. He must manu­
facture up to the highest mark,
however, if he is to get the price
paid for creamery butter; because
the government creameries guaran­
tee the quality of every pound by
stamping it officially, and that
stamp is accepted as an absolute
standard. Another advantage the
the Hdmonton dairyman has is in
the ability of the authorities to dis­
regard the merely local high price,
and secure the advantage of the
high price offered at a distance.
There is a large and growing de­
mand from Rritish Columbia, the
Yukon, Alaksa, and (of late) Asia.
The authorities are in a position to
command the best shipping facili­
ties, and to send their goods to the
most active market at tho time|of
the highest price.
This comparison is made to show
the desirability ot the adoption of
some such system here at home,
The department of agriculture un­
der the pure food laws may go quite
a distance in that direction, but
even at that underlying differences
are so great that the same outcome
in full could scarce be looked for,
and there isjalways danger of the cry
of “paternalism,” when any broad
action for the benefit of the farmer
is proposed. That so vast a differ­
ence exists between that country
and this, to the benefit of the Cana­
dians and tne failure to realize cor­
responding benefits this side of the
line, is to be regretted— I. 11.—In
PaciBc Homestead.
Str. E liza b ei
Nosier and Norton r?
C a p t. Olaen, M aate.
Wit! m ake regula r tripB between
C oquille River an J San
General Commission and Wholesale
N o S to p -o v e r a t W a y P o rta .
Electric L ig hts. E v ery th in g ir. Tiret
Class Style.
Reservations at F u h r m a n 's P h a r­
Feed, Flour, Hay Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
P ills
What They Will Do for You
They w ill cure your backache,
strengthen your kidneys, cor­
rect urinary irregularities, build
up the worn out tissues, and
eliminate the excess uric acid
thatcaaat* rheum atism . P re­
vent B light’s Disease and Dia­
betes^ and restore health and
ltr»nfthi Refuse s u b s titu te ,
1 st: isic t? e.
j .
Farmers aqd Merchants
of Coquille
CAPITAL STOCK $ 2 5 ,0 0 0
A Reasonable Share of Your Business Solicited
First Class Safety Deposit Boxes lor Rent
for De Laval Separators.
Freight and Ticket Agents
W a 9 n e r U h . p>.
f T a n / t* s h o c k
fo rk ,
lou> s a d d le p o s i t i o n ,
b e a u t i f u l b a la n c e ,
hree Vital
Fifield, Bandon, and Alliance.
a b s o r b in g
V o is e *
Coal Oil, Gasoline and Distillate always on hand
' 1 want to give every
person not using electric
Phone Home 111.
light th r e e vital reasons
why the General Electric
Mazda Lamp should make
them have their house, store,
office or factory wired.
T he G -E
Lamp givo« nearly
tim e s the lig h t of
ordinary carbon incandes­
le s s a n d e c o n o m i c a l
27h e m a c h in e f o r r o u g h
c o u n try ro a d s .
’s k a h o u t it .
^ f i g e n t vf o r
^ { s k f o r it.
2os 2 o u n ty,
%PJ. 2 . ~ A t a g i
2 y a i ll e
Fanners 483
Ö re .
N Y A L ’S
Lump $4.oo Per Ton
P H O N E M A IN 03
C O Q U IL L E , O R E .
In tlii« town need« watching!
Pure BJood
Parf ect Health
Fuhrman’» Pharmaov
It costs n o m o re to burn.
(D E L IV E R E D . )
R. S. KNOWLTON, President
R. H. MAST, Cashier
Is In1* your huehatnl, your brother or vour eon?
We have noticed him gazing longingly a t the good watches
in our window ns he thought of the poor time-pie e in
hia pocket
H I S B I R T H D A Y would \*e made eo happy if it brought
him the good watch lie deserves—and “ love will find the
way,” for the coat will not break you. It should he a
They are the railroad timekeepers of
America. $14.50 to f ,00^.
T he q u a lity of light 1 vastly superior-
white iight like sun rays.”
It bloods inventive triumph and mannfactunng ikiU- sod
y o u reap the benefit in the form r f dollar« and cents, and
■aadotn from eye am when lining artificial light"
“1 want the chance to p r o v e to y o u r entire satisfaction
Ant this wonderful lamp is even b e t t e r than represented.
C a s e in today ind see for y o u rs e lf. Your call placet
V°e w det no obligation, and is apt to be decidedly In
f r n r profit"
B t cartful to tee that every electric lamp yse bug fiosB
4 o G . E. tomogram.