Coquille Herald. SUM M ON S D Urquhart was up from the lower river on Saturday .and shook In Die Circuit Court of the M ale of Or­ bands with many friends. I>U,IL18HKD K V K K Y T H U M P S T. W. Steiuhoff, of San Jose. Cali­ K ni «red t t se»-ond cl»** m atter U iy fornia, arrived here from Humboldt >, 1'* », »I th» l'oit ortie« »t Coquill«, county latelr and ia looking after Oregon, il!>• 1er »et ol Congre»» of March property interests io this vallev. 3, 187«. John Boniwitz of Weston, Oregon who is iu C’ ojs county visiting old l>. «oled to m a m aterial *«d *oei»l »P friends, was down from tbe Myrtle biM iu cottk » Ooqailla Vallar p artialartr Point section Saturday. ind «Í Oooa Oooulr «aaarall». li. K. DEAN P U B L ISH E R egon, In and for the County of Cooe. Barbara E.Beyere.Ophir II.Iteyer* tnd Cora M. Beyers hi* site , Lau­ ra I.. Houtell and it. F. Uoutell. tier husband. Alice M. Blink and Frank Black, her husband. Jesse P. Bever* and M v e l Beyer*, hi* wife. l.taephineK. B rin e and Har­ ry B rnee, her husband, Millie I. Sanford and Herman Sanford, her husband, Nettie V. Selander and Arthur A.Selander, her hu -bind , Plaintiffs TS. Jacob Higley a n d ----- Higley, hia wife and all the unknow n heirs of Jacob Higley a n d ----- Higley. his wife, Charley P uller a n d ----- P u l­ ley, hia wife. Will Pulley and Z it- tie Pulley, his wife, MintieCam p­ bell and Frank Campbell, her h as­ tian»!. Albert Pulley and Heseie Pulley.hia wife,Ned Pulley, Frank Pulley. Chester Pulley, Nettie Whetstone andCharlie W hetstone, her husband, Mary P u ller and Teddy Pulley, " Defendants. Sale of Indian Lands The public ia hereby informed that the following list ol inherited and non- couipatent Indian lands located on the public damain in W estern Oregon and Northern California are off» red for sale under exisliug law ; Bids 0|«ned August 17, 1711. Suit a a Advertised by in Eqll iiy II 106 Ellen B arrett to Qui l ï 138 Nancy Palmer et title 13 843 Sissy W inkler Description A cre* Appesi* m en t i OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE G iorn o THE INDUSTRIES" T a it U U » UU» »T a baautthil *«->»«» M ek. wklafe will skew say key at «tri h®w 4» » 0 0 0 1 » . Ora* a M Stal la tka mall TODAY sad It will k* saat y * X I Tka alai «f U « Call*«* la M dl«»lfy sad yeyalarlaa tka laduatrtaa, sad U aarva ALL tka »««*1*. It »Rara «aura«« ta AfTtaullar*. Civil lB « la « *rta a . ElaeUUal l a «taaarta«. ■aakaalaal la fln a a rla « . M íala« Z afia aarlag. faraatry. Damatila, «cianca aa« Art. C ea ■are», f i l a r a aty aa« Muale. Tka 0 * 1 !* « * * » * a i ■ ayu ak at IM . CataJo« fr*«. A««r*aa: kZOUTlAk, OklOOH AOklCOLTUBAL 00LL X 0I. C aratiti*. Ora«oa. N W '* 8 W J* Sec 2 and N E t* 8 E 1* and 8 1, 160 6000 00 N E1* 8ec 3 T 18 S R 10 W W M in Oregon L N’ t* XW >, Sec 11 and WS» SWk* Pec 8, T 160 1000 00 18 S R 11 W W M in Oregon. Lot 1 Sec 7 T 29 S R 14 W and N E I* N E ', 75.44 750 00 Sec 12, T 89 S R 15 W W M in Oregon. 14 241 Polly Edwards E S ' SW 1* bee 17 and E S WW1» Sec 80, T 160 3000 0 0 1 27 8 R 14 W W M in Oregon. l i 238 Coquille Mary N W i, Sec 32 T 29 8 R 14 W W M in Ore­ For a job of fir*t-claH.s men ling, dying or cleaning, or 160 1400.00; gon. a new suit tailored, call at the rear of the Pharmacy 16 227 F ran k C hintelleW S S E 1* and 8 W J* N E * and S E 1* N W t* building 160 1006.00 Sec 32 T 25 8 R 3 W W M in Oregon. I am agent for two tailoring bouaa.« in Chicago. 160 1000.00 17 28 FrankChintclleSW t* Sec 32 T 25 8 R 3 W W M in Ore. Come and see my atylea and samples. I will auve you 160 1000.00 j 18 32 FrankChintelleNW >*' Sec 22 T 27 S R S W W M in Ore. money and guarantee a good fit. 160 90 0 .0 0 1 19 31 FrankChintelleN E •* Sec 22 T 27 S R 3 W W M in Ore. 20 121 Howard Gargi- E 1- 8 E 1* Sec 2 and lot 1 and N F t* N E 1* 159.85 500 0 0 ¡ ner et al bec 11 T 18 S R 11 W W M in Oregon. 21 9 Alice Johnson Lots 3, 4, 5, bec 3, T 22 S R U W W M in 45.55 600.001 Oregon 22 10 Alice Johnson NW 1« NEV* and E t , N WJ»' Sec 4 T 22 S K 120 3000.00 11 AV W M in Oregon S3 7 Alice Johuson Lot 5 Sec 8, and lot» 1-2 bec 7 T 22 S R 10 73.90 300.00 W W M in Oregon 24 220 Lottie Scott Lot» 1-2 and E 4 NW 1» bec 26 T 22 S R 10 149.35 2000.00 et al W W M in Oregon 25 219 Lottie bcott S W , ree 22 T 22 S R 10 W W M in Ore- 160 1200.00 et al gon MAN UFACTURER AND D E A LE R IN S W 1» SWV* See 1 and W S N W J* and N W >* 26 76 Lncy Smith 160 600.00 of S W 1* Sac 12, T 37 S R 14 W W M in Ore. 27 624 Catrie Mole Lot 4 and S W J* S W 1* ami W 1^ SW Sec 160.05 800 00 2 T 32 S R 7 W M D M in California. 28 172 Levi G . An S W 1* Sec 20 T 36 N R 5 W M D M in Cali- 160 1000.00 forna. drws 29 27 Je rry Muody S 1, NW>* Sec 8 T 36 S R 1 E M D M in 80 640.00 California et al 30 28« Tola Crouch NV, S E 1»' Sec 32. T 35 X R 4 W M P M in California 80 800 00 31 544 FrsnkW ilkeiL ot 5 and 8 E ‘* of NW 1* Sec 6 T 31 S B 1 W ^ V X Y AVA>X V a V a V a V a V a V a V> 80.56 500.00 M P M in California 32 547 FrankW ilkeeI,ot 3 and 4 of N E 1* Sec 6 T 31 N R 1 W M D M in California 82.25 5 0 0 .0 0 1 J3 588 Billv Reid SE>* NW 1* and S W 1* X E 1* and N J* S E ', Sec 10 T 30 R 7 W M P M in California 160 960.00 »4 625 Dick Me’e S S N E 1* and 8 4 N W 1* Sec 12 T 32 N R 7 1 ing described read property situate») in et al W M D M in California 160 800.00 next grand jury Seemed te Give Him k New Stomach • Goo« County, State of Oregon, vix: Lot* 35 100 Frank J.Fre-L ota 1 and 2 and S 1* N E 1, Sec 4 T 31 N R 7 125.12 750.00 itas W M P M in California •*I suffered intensely after eating three and four and th e south half of the Big Railroad M ortgage Filad northwest quarter ol section four, town­ 36 99 Frank J . F r e - S E 1* Sec 32, T 31 N R 7 W M D M in Cal­ and no medicine ot treatment I 160 800 00 ship twenty-seven south, range twelve ima ¡forni» F ra n c is H. Clarke, President of tried seemed to do any g o o d ," »set of the W illam ette M eridian; th at 37 30 L ocin d aD ix-S1. N E 1* and N E 1* N E 1* Sec 34, T 31 N R on et al 7 W M D M in California 120 6003» th e C oos B ey and Oregon Central write* H M- Yonugpaters. Editor 1 the defen»iants and each of them t*e re quire») to set up and alledge their claim . 38 161 BillyBn tton SW 1, Sec 4 T 33 N R 4 W M D M in Calti. 160 1000.00 ot The SouL.ak» View, Ohio. ‘-The R alw ay , »aa in this city last Thurs­ first few »loses of Chamberlain's n* ht- *it!e- i“ 1*"*» °r ^tate if any they 39 162 BillyBltton-1» NW * and Lot 4 Sec 4 T 33 N R 4 W M D day and filed fo r record a 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,- l have in and to the above ileacribe»t real M in California 119.75 1000 00 000 mortgage. The mortgage i» Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me property and subm it the game to the 40 163 B illyBnttonN E * Sec 8 T S3 N R 4 W M D M in Calif 160 1000.00 surprising relief and the second judicial determination of the court and 41 191 Mary HayesS1.. S E 1* S?»- 26 an»l N 4 N E 1* Sec 35 T 30 N from Cooe Bay and Oregon Central R 10 W M P M in Califordia 160 1000.00 Railway Co» to tbe Commonwealth bottle seamed to give me a new that the « m e be adjudged and decreed null and void; that the title of the plain-1 42 28 Henry W aî- Efo SW 1* and NW 1* S E 1* Sec 34 T 31 S R Tuttle Insurance and Trust Co. of stomach and perfectly good health.-’ tiffs to said real property be quieted a a 1 120 1200.00 lace 7 W M D M in California rhiladelpba to aecure bond* to be For sale bv all dealers. against the said defenante and each j 43 511 Mary H ub-N W 1* Sec 28 T 33 N R 1 W M D M in Cali- issu e d by tbe railway company to and all of them , their heirs and assig n *; NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R S . 160 960 00 bard e t al fonti» Ncdice ia hereby given that the nn- that sai»l defendants and each and all 44 104 Lucind aPix-SW 1* Sec 32 T 31 X R 7 W M D M in Cali- tb e amount of #10,000,000. The 160 1000.00 ou et al forni» m o rta g s g e is secured by all the deraigned. Mary J . Shuck, was by or-| of them be forever enjoined and rea­ der of the County, Court of the State trained from setting up any claim of 45 179 Em m aM illerNW 1* Sec 10 T 37 N R 4 W M D M in Calif 160 1000.00 th e property of tbe company be­ of Oregon in, and for the County of Coot, right, title or interest in or to the above 46 170 Lui-yAndrews-E1* Sec 20 T 36 N R 5 W M P M in Calif 160 1000.00 tw ee n Cooe Bay and a point duly made and entered on th e 19th »lay mentioned and de*»-rtbed real property 47 173 Jen n ie A Andrew sNW 1* Sec2 0 T 36 N R 3 W M P M inCalif 160 1000.00 m iles from Roaeburg. thia wee • of Ju ly A. D. 1911, appointed Adminis­ or any portion th ereof; that plan tiffs 48 285 Msudie Joh ns m X J* S W 1* Sec 32 T 35 S R 4 W M P M vluminous document requireiog tratrix of the E state of Samuel Shuck, have and recover th eir coat* and dis- 80 800 00 in California deceased. bursem ents; and such other relief »»to 49 512 U n i e Hubbard W . N E 1* and S E 1* N E 1* Sec 28 T 33 N a fee o f #42 for recording. Alt persons baring claim * again*! the court may seem meet and equitable. R 1 W M P M in California 120 1000.00 B esid e Ibis mortagage a long list Service of this summons is made by 50 510 Mary Hubbard S E 1* Sec 28 T 33 N R 1 W M P M in Calif 160 said estate are required to present the 800.00 c f d eed s acd contract* for rights of same, with proper vouchers, to the un­ pablication in pursuance of an order 51 137 Lucinda Dixon W S N W 1* See 8 T 29 N R 6 W M D M in way alo n g the Clarks survey up the dersigned. at the law office of R . H . made by Honorble J . S. Coke, Circuit California 80 1000.00 M iddle F »'rke were filed for record bmith in the city of Coquille, t'ooa Judge, dated the 17th »lav of Ju lv , 52 105 W illie Dixon Lot 1 and 2 of NW 1, See 30 T 30 N K 7 W A. P . 1911. M D M in California 160.21 1000.00 w ith C oun ty Clerk Wateon. and County. Oregon, w ithin six m onths A. J . SH E R IVOOP. 53 11 Mary Haves EVf NW 1* See 8 T 29 X R 6 W M D M in w hile c » th in g »lifinite ia given out front date of this noth'«. L .A .L 1 L JK Q V IS T . Dated th i* 27th dav of Ju lv A. P California 80 1000.00 A ttornevi for P laintiff*. it w ould appear that something will 1911. 54 409 Sykes Mitchell Lots 3 and 4 NF'-* S W ;* and M V , S E 1* K> d one about this line in the near SUM M ON S Sec IS T 33 X R 4 W M P M in Calif 163 69 lOuO.OO M A R Y J . SH U C K . 55 195 Mary Barber S E 1* Sec 30 T 35 N R 3 W M D M in Calif 160 2000.00 fu tu re . Adm inistratrix of the estate of Sam - In theCirvuit Court of the State of Ore­ 5 * 623 Ellen Mele S E 1* Sec 12 T 32 S R 7 W M D M in Oalif 160 960 00 The residence of tbe late Judge aet Shuck, deceased. gon. in an»’ for the County of C00«. 57 622 P ick Me’.e SW 1, See 1 2 T 32 N R O W M D M in Calif. 160 800.00 1 H en ry Sohroeder burned to the NOTICE TO CON TRACTORS Mary C. J . W ittm ann 1 58 111 Lillie Anderson S E * Sec 3 1 T 30 X R 8 W M D M in Calif. 160 640.00 g ro u n d Mcnilay at about t> p. ns., in Notice i* hereby given th at sealed Plaintiff. 59 110 Eugene AnderaouSW; * Sec 3 4 T 3 0 N R S W M P M i n Calif. 160 640.00 Suit in Equi­ which ab o u t all tbs furniture in ihe bid* will be received fo r Special Im ­ 60 109 Lillie Anderson N E 1* Sec 34 T 30 N R 9 W M P M in Calif. 160 6 4 0 .« A le x a n d e rs. W ittm ann ty for Divorce up per story was deetructed. The provement* in Road D istrict No. 30, 61 108 Litiie Anderson S W 1* S e c34 T 30 N R 8 W M P M in C alif 160 646.00 Defendant. Coos County. Oregon, by grw»ting. ac­ To Alexauiier N. W ittm ann the al-ove 2 47 Nellie Palottse EA, S E 1, and E 1, N E 1* Sec 14 T 27 S R :.r» started in io an upper chamber cording to the plans and specifications entitled defendant: 3 W W M in Opegon 160 1000.00 in an unaccounted for manner. on file with the County C ierk. a copy ,.f In the name of the State of Oregon, 6 467 Elij21.T mroor.aNE>* Sec 24 T 33 X R 5 W M P M in "Ibis h ouse was, we think, probably the same also in the bands d the Spe­ et al California 160 800.00 you are berebv notified that you ate ‘ : he o ld est structure o f sawed lumber cial Road Master. I re»,aired to appear and answer the »-out- j 7 501 E lijah Tinim onsSW 1* Sec 12 T 33 N R 5 W M D M io ceilin g « |. B iJ t w i U h a m e i v M for any part of t U int fiied ^ n e t vou in the above eu- on t b e river. The ruetio et al California 160 800.00 » ..* v .. improvmenta. or forth « whole. Five per ! titled —»____. and d oors were plained by hand by suit within six week* from the 8 464 ElijahTim m onset al N W 1* Sec 14 T 33 N R 5 W M D M Cal. 160 1280.00 cent of the amount of tb e bid to ac- date of the first puhlkatk>n of »hi« n o - 10 46 Nellie Fa'ouse Lots 3-4-5-6 Sec 10 T 27 S R 3 W W M in Mr. fv*hroe»ter, and was a well built , company bid either by certified check or ; mon*. to w it; Oregon 160.64 2000.(8) house I.est n th a fou n d ation boo»l to be forfeited in ca*e bid »hall tw 1 . . . . .... , . . . . . W ithin aix week* from tlieaH n dav of -eale.1 bids will l e receive«! for the above listed lauds up to 2 o 'd o ca P. M. on *c»1 ro o f were renew ed and b u ild in g accepted and Uddar fail to en ter into J a ;t 191I „ j i{ you tail to appear and , the 17th day of Ju ly and the 17th day of Augu.'t »ee list . All bid» should be n x - i c good shape and its d tat rue- contract within five C5 dav* after award. 1 answ e- on or before the the 31st »lay of I incl»-eed in a te i ed en vefoje. whi»-h mttet be conspicuoualy marked -Bid» for tion is a heave blow to M rs S c b ro - ' lUl Klc be nee it for the isting between plaintiff and defemiant a guarantee tor the faithful perform a ce * by the bidder of h it proposal medy ha* no superior. For an}« by beat interest »-4 the County. be diseolved and held for naught, and bid shall be sccepted and the s-.t»vee*fu'. bidder shall within thirty day after doe a’l dealers. Dated thi* 18th .Ia> of Ju ly . A. P . 19H . that plaintiff have judgm ent against de­ n otice fail ti> c-. -r.ply with »lie term *o f his bid the mooev represented by such i l . E W IL C O X . fen »lan t for her »-oats and disbursement* cherk shad l e forfeited foe Ore use of the owner »4 tbe ¡aa»!. The check« of all Special R ad Master K. P . No. V. in this suit. unsuccessful b.dders will be ret urned within ten day* after »be opening of tbe Geo. Ikjll, at present, operating P u r­ of this summons is made by bid*, any other inform alx'n governing sole* will be rent on application tbe South Marshfield Coal mine, N O T IC I TO CONTRACTO R S publication in pursuance of an order chaser* *h»!l pay tbe cost of conveyannng and from »1.50 to 82.50 for adver­ bat secured a lease of tbe Old Lit» Nooce ta bere by giren th at reaA 1 lèda made by the Hon. Jo h n 8. Coke. Cir­ tising. No b . : for an amount 'ear than the appraised raloe will be considered. bv m ne irvm tbe Remolds Detel- will be received foe special improve­ cuit Jo»tge for Coca (Vonoty. Oregon, T i e right to re -vt any and ail bi»i* » reeervei to the C-wnmisaiotter »>f Indian opetea; companv. and will begin ment« ia R»-ad Disc net No. 11. Coon dated the 17th »lay of Ju ly . 1911. dirvet- Affairs. F a »; .».«tent tas te t to purchaser will crmtain the following clause. Coantv. »Vegoa. by grading and plank- And there 1: -vseryed from the lands hereby granted a right-of-way for ditches »raitivt» at ooce for tbe opera in f or graveling, «co rd in g fo the r ^ t t , ^ bT Single Loads of Wood Must bo C m It in the Futur*. ting and marketing 0» oca! from and ia.1 ----------------------- t- _ with the Coau- V. . ,B '• •' «•oqu«..» H E R a LP and canals cc -*tm c te d by th e authority of tbe United State* »pectficat!»«n» oat a file Horace G . W i’aon, Superintendent. t'-a* »-Id time producer. Ha plant to ty Clerk » ropy of U.e sam e also u the a weekly aew q u p er pnbliahed at Co- ; quii!«. Cooe cp-tnty. Oreg.-u. oore e*eh extend »peratioo* a* tiptdly as be hand» of the Special Road M aster Besides a full and complete line of Bakery Goods, we carry a nice week f»«r a peri«»! ot mx weeks. Btda will be received tee any jmrt of C. I. K2MF FRED VON PEVr.RT c m e x te n d the market u n til »be A. J. SHKRWOOP. me ot confectionery consisting of improvement», or for the whole. Five m ae * Ibe txtxhed to its fr.l! capa»-- A tto n e y ter piaiatiff. per cent of the amouet nf the bid to ac- ity . opmpnny bid. either by certified » heck NOTICE TO CREPITPR«. X - lhill exited« to be ready for or bond to be fortattni in cnee !wd shall NiUice iahereb«- given that (he an.ler- 1 be accepted and beider tail to enter info X ra;: o*s about September 1.— stgued ha» been dnlv appoicted by oedet cow tract within 5 day- after award with -ax Tt of th è Couaty Court l e C h e C .u a tv . Nwtd and raretiae in aa amount equal ('rewoe Admimetratoe af thè E -tste *0 on»-h»;f S 1 of the a ifr .u it of ih r of Thomae Aadrreen k rate : *nd ih a l S G Mackitn of P o rtia * ! mnn had. all per«»«* hav.ttg »la.m * aga a-t -aid ag» r of the Cw^aky l acking On at All teds Io be sled a uh the County t tt aecx taf i i l h y bát wife. Cierk en or before ten o clock a. m »eaate ar# hereby ttoufied lo iweawnt thè And rverthmg usually kepf in a fir,t-cU„ R,kery .rd O n fcc- asme do'.y ver.ied and With thè pr»— Aug-uas S. 1911. ’ ' • >• C wta cotante tha* week, per '.-sx-here lo tbe u rta r*ig n e i at ih« The Cetaaty Court n a t i v a the n g s t Law Office af A. J . - b e r * - » ! a (',— ng Je t « by tke Amil Jkny lionery. \XV also cry«r Icc Cold Dri nks of nil kind». to re v e t any a » ! all bide e r *0 a m ; t a qntlle. Cooe Coanty • Areg. a witittn mx is 4 |u.lh f oewiay it c e n p u y had net thè lo wem if it dewm .t for th# th* tram ¡h e ta te of Un* ik 'I n « . I.un»h I c ,t t m P„|„„ j . Connection with H W Pstrkev of Marwkfield. beet lateruet of the Ceuatv. Dated thi» ItaF. JaV of J e a e . 1911. lu tati I h * l a u day of J e té . A P 1911 ANDREW A N D E««O N . Adm rtrtra- who l->'k after the tnterswta of the M RS. M. N O Sl F.R . nd M ISS W IL S O N . H. £ W lk o i. r of th» E state 0/ Thomas ArAereoe C e n e ra i t i a r k - t t t t L i t g . Wapcn Maktrg. Machine Work. Pattern Maktn * í » i n k y tk S k a ecu aty Spettatom i Marter R. P. So» 11 a t ! C«atirg A «»«nobile Work a|Spuciaity Ph»ta Man m Props. Co,|uilla n»kerr n d Ca'ofe»U.ey c o n p tiea. pai r» a » .*» »«»»»a». ■•1 A1 Hite came in from Rosebnrg one day last week on record-break­ Phone. Main 364. ing time. He ent of 2o minutes U n d « $1000 trom his previous record, making the trip in four hours aud iorty l>r. A \V. l’ortar of Portland, minutes. j who posed aa a corn doctor in thia I Foley Kidney Pilla will check ihe city and who took special pain* to progress of your kidney and blad. form the acquaintance of aa many der trouble aud heal by removiug 1 \o ug girls and women a* poeeible, tbe cauee. Try them. C. J . Fubr- To Jacob Higley a n d ------Higley, hia a a who enticed a Coquill» rallay ■ a. wife, and all the unknown heir* of J a ­ girl to the Bay laat Friday, w|s ar­ Gene Norton, the commission and cob Higley and ------ Higley, hia wife rested by Sheriff Gage and Marshall warehouse firm of Noaler & Norton, Charley P u lle r and ----- P u lley, hia Carter that night at the Chandler wife. Will Pulley and Zittie P u lle y , his left Saturday for San Francisco cn wile, Mintie Campbell and Frank Camp­ M otel. wae brought to Coquille and bustenea. He will see Mrs Norton bell. her husband. Albert P u ller and 1'ueeday had a preliminary hearing who reeide* at present at Sacramen- lWaste Pulley, hie wile. Ned Pulley, before Judge Holden. to during hia trip. Mr*. Norton Frank Pulley, Chester Pull, y, Nettie Upon hearing ihe circumetaroee will come here for residence a little Whetstone anil Charley W hetstone, her as related by the officer» and wil- husband, Mary Pulley, and Te»lJy P ul­ later ley, the above named defendants! i.i seas Porter waa bound oc*r to J. D. Stead, trading missionary of IN T H E S A M E O F T H E ST A T E OF »Pl'ear before the grand jury in the O R EG O N : the Reorganized Church of Jesus S ini of *1000. indefault of which he You and each of you are hereby noti- Christ of Latter Day Saitus (not i . now in the county jail in tbie ri'.l that you are required to appear and Mormons 1 will hold services in the answer tne complaint filed against you city. Re leemen Church of Israel, begin- in the above entitle»! suit within six O w in g his knowledge of the ex­ iog, Sunday eveniug, August 6. 1 9 1 1 weeks from the date of the first publica­ iste n ce of the “white alave" buai- tion of this summons, t»>wit: within Everybody is dordiallv invted. noss along the coast Mr. Gage has i six weeks from the 20th day o f!Ju ly , A. Mr and Mr». J . R . McGee were been somewhat on tbe alert of late P. 1911, and if yon fail to appear and and has been watching the incre­ op from Riverton Tuesilay. bating answer on or before the Slat day of Au­ m ents o f the profeaeional“maahers,• come to see Dr. Richmond regard­ gust, A. P . 1911, that date being the who h a re come under his obeerra- ing Mr McGee's hand which he had last day of the tim e prescribed in the order ot publication, the plaintiffs will tion. hence bis calling to a bait the badly bruised at tbe Mine last Sat­ take judgment and decree against you urday. Tbe Dr has about co n clu d ­ ttscapade of tbe ‘Dr." and hit vie- as denian»ied in tbe com plaint, a suc­ ed that amputation of a finger will cinct statem ent of which ia as follows : lim . That tbe plaintiffs be adjudged to be A full explanation will be forth­ not be necessary, as be at first the owners in fee simple of the follow- coming at tbe aseembhn» ol the thought it might be. Tailoring, Cleaning and Reparing K. Holverson Coquille, Ore. VXSZS2852&S2S2&, O ER D IN G LUMBER, LATHS, SHINGLES MOULDING, CEMENT BRICKS AND BLOCKS, SAND AN D GRAVEL .......................................... OREGON C O Q U IL L E , rwï VACATION DAYS ARE ON Add to the Pleas­ ures of your trip by taking a KODAK Ask for catalogue R. S. Knowlton 0 . Sumner Piano and Organ Tuning and Voicing Action Regulating and Repairing. Leave Orders With W* C, Laird MILL W O O D K. T. BESTUL 8 Kime & Von Pegert Mechanical Coquille. Oregon Having succeeding I. R. Nosier, is now prepaired to deliver mill wood anywhere in town on short notice. Plac your order early in order that the wood may have a chance to dry Fruits, Candy of all Kinds, Nuts,Tobacco and Cigars,