Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 03, 1911, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 28;
NO. 47
G W , ETC.
SOUTHERN r u n ; TO build to coos bay
Portland, Oregon, July 31, 1911,— (Special Associated Press Bulletin to the Coos
Portland, July 28— Six prompt *
arrest* and convictions in Washing Bay Times.)—Southern Pacific announces they will build line Eugene to Marshfield via.
ton, several more in the other north­ Siuslaw.
Contracts to be let at once.
Road to be completed in two years.
western states, aud such decisive 1 r- $ 8 , 000 , 000 .
ganized work on all fires by the
W F. Miller, superintendent of be done in a reasonable, economical now to take definite action on tbe
severU public and private agencies
that little loss has been sustained, the local Southern Pacific proper­ manner.
Coos Bay line project. Nothing has
mark the opening of the 1911 forest ties and bead of them during the
Meesrs. O ’ Brien, Calvin aud Mil­ been given out official but accord
fire season. Advances received to-1
absence of General Manager G. J. lie bave been laboring constantly in ing to apperently authentic report,
day by the Western Forestry &
Mills, today made the following the interest of Cooa Bay, and from definite official announcement is to
Conservation Association from near­
which was iaeued on tele­ tbe indications their efforts bave be made soon, probably within two
ly all state, government and private
from General not been in vain.”
protective agencies report that the
weeks at tta outside.
recent hot weather has brought Manager O ’ Brien:
Vice-president O'Brien of Port­
Tbe tact that tbe new road will
■ To the absence of Mr. C. J- Mil­
dangerous conditions almost every­
land has gone to San Francisco
where, and that small fires are al­
to confer with Vice-president Cal­
ready numerous, but nearly all have J. P. O'Brien, vice-president and timber in to the Siuslaw basin and
vin and other officials of the South­
been extinguished or confined to general manager of the Harriman that tbe heavy grades in and out of
ern Pacifie relative to it C. J.
slashings aud old burns. Thare lines, Portland, to announce to you Drain will be circumvented are said
Millie, who hag supervision of the
has beeu considerable loss of settlers’ that the Willamette River Pacifie to have lend to tbe choice of tbe Eu­ local Southern Pacific properties, is
improvements and logging equip­ Railroad company, which is a South­
said to have been detained at San
ment carlessly left surrounded by ern Pacific corporation, and anch route. Coupled with this was the Francisco for it.
inflammable material, but compar­ company will commence tbe build­ plan for tbe building of a coast line
It is further stated that Borne of
atively little injury to standing tim­ ing of a line from Eugene, Oregon, by tbe Southern Pacfic in which the
Southern Pacific officials at least
link better than would tbe Drain- are more or less worried over tbe
Reversing last year’s experience,
prospects of early work on some of
Coos Bay line.
fires serious enough to be alarming tbe several engineering parties now
tba other Coos Bay railroad projects
began first in Oregon, where in
laboring under the belief that the
Linn and Clackamas counties about
Hill system is behind one of them.
$70,000 worth of logging equip­ for construction. Building of line tion on Coos Bay today, a confer­
Bay Times.
ence is in progress in San Francisco
ment and the property of several
This community aud every other
community in the State of Oregon
should do all in its power to sup­
port Oregon manufactures. The
home consumption ol “ Made in
Oregon’ ’ goods not only means the
upbuildiding of the manufacturing
industries which already are opera­
ting in this State, but also that if
the people ol the State show an in­
clination to buy “ Made in Oregon’’
goods that manufacturers from other
States will come to Oregon with
factories. The incoming of more
factory and the increasing employ­
ment of men and women by the
factories already established in Ore­
gon will help build up the farming
communities and small towns.
Money kept within the State by the
purchase ot “ Made in Oregon’ ’
goods means money saved to every
individual, aud “ money saved is
money earned.”
Millions ol dollars are sent from
Oregon every year to Eastern mail settlers have been dest toved by
order houses for goods which could slashing fires which were, however,
be purchased at home, not only to soon brought under control by a
the purchaser of the goods but to lorce employed by the Forest Ser­
the benefit of his neighbor aud man, vice end by private companies.
woman and child in the State. Is Many otbei fires throughout the
it reasonable that mail order house state which caused exaggerated re­
in Chicago, Philadelphia or St. ports also proved to be chiefly on
Louis, or any other place, can sell open lands. Organization of the
to you any cheaper than your home state's patrol system under the new
merchant? You
must pay the law is practically complete, there
freight, and you buy goods aud yet being state fire wardens in 22 coun­
Timber owners connected
you never have the oppurtunity of ties.
sending back the goods if they are with the Forest Fire Association
have about 250 patrolmen.
In re­
not satisfactory.
There is not amerchaut in this
towu who will not sell to you as owners, some of the counties are
cheaply as the mail order houses. also hiring patrolmen. The state
You have an opportunity to ex ­ has applied to the Secretary ol A g ­
amine the goods and of exchanging riculture for $10,000 under the
the goods after you get them if they Weeks law, which authorizes the
expenditure of this sum by the
do not Huit you.
The local merchants are bayiug Government in co-operation with
more and more of “ Made on Ore­ any state which will add a like
gon” goods, and they will buy amount.
In Washington green timber is
more as time goes on if the consum­
er will ask to be shown home man­ hardly dry enough to carry fire
ufactured products. If the home rapidly without strong wind, there­
manufactured product is as good as fore the state and Association au­
the Eastern product, then the con­ thorities are devotining most of
sumer should buv the home goods. their effort to reduing the number
It is not asked by the manufac­ of small fires and slashing fires may
turers of Oregon” that the Oregon otherwise break out soon to an ex­
people buy “ Made in Oregon goods tent overtaxing their facilities for
unless the price and quality of the fighting them. Swift examples are
home goods are equal to Eastern being made of violators. In four
made goods. Nothing fairer could be cases builders of county roads leav­
ing inflammable debris have been
fined; several convictions have
Eugene, Or., July 29.— Tde Booth been had for burning slashings
Kelly Lumber Company’s big saw­ without permits; and one or two
mill at Springfield was burned to logging companies have been shut
the ground last evening, the fire down for carelessness in operation.
starting at 6:30 o’clock and 30 min- The only really serious fire in green
utea later the whole 10 acres of timber so far is ot> Grean River
mill and yards were ablaze.
The near Hot Springs, although slash­
loss is estimated at $250,000, with ing fires near Pe Ell and Doty have
$105,090 insurance. Ooe hundred run into the woods a short distauce,
and fifty men, most ot them married and slow burning fires on the Tou-
and with families, are thrown out tle and Louis rivers are requiring
of employment.
The big steam close attention.
electrio power plant, recently built
There has been little trouble so
by the Oregon Power Company, far in Idaho or Montana. The tim­
and adjoining the mill, is temporar- ber owners’ associations are heavily
arily out of commission by the de­ manned and with the Forest Ser­
struction of wires, but the officials vice heve made energetic, prepara­
believd that service can be resumed tion by cleaning up hazardous
some time this evening. The cities places, building trail and telephone
of Springfield, Eugeue, Albany, lines and storing, suplies so that al­
Corvallis, Junction City, Halsey, though lightning fires have been
Brownsville and Harrisburg, which jrequent they have been promptly
are supplied with electricity from controlled. The railroads have
this plant, were in darkness last been especially ac.ive in coopeat­
night and are without electric pow­ ing against risks the Great North­
er today. Newspaper plants oper­ ern and Millwaukee lines having
ated by electricity have rigged up spent large sums in clearing fire
gasolioe engines and getting out lanes along their rights of way.
smaller editions than usual, but ex­
Summerized, the reports show
pect to resume under usual condi­ that the recent hot weather has
tions iu a day or so.
brought hazardous conditions more
suddenly than is generally realized
Must be relieved quickly and
and that from now on no fire is too
Foley’s Hooey and Tar Compound
insignificant to be dangerous. Set­
will do it. E M. Stewart, 1034 Wol­
tlers, campers and loggers are urged
fram St, Chicago, writes: “ I have by the Association to take every
been greatly troubled during the possible precaution and to lose no
hot summer months with Hay Fever time in notifying the proper authori­
and find that by using Foley’s Hon­ s e s of any fires they are unable to
ey and Tar Compound I get great extinguish quickly without aid.
Timber owners are advised to per­
relief. Many others who suffer sim­ fect their systems of patrol and le-
ilarly #111 be glad to benefit by Mr, port »0 as to permit getting label
•MsWsft's *»r*rl#nce. c J Frihrman and s«ppl*»y to
witVont **»44
Body Found.
The finding of the body of Eddie
Hayden, the ntne-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Chrs. Hayden of
North Bend, under the wharf near
the old mill, in old North Bend
this morning by Carl Hayes, was
the sad sequil of a two day, saerch.
Eddie Hayden mysterously dis­
appeared last Thesday afternoon.
He was engaged in hauling kindl­
ing from the mill to his home. He
had made one or two trips, the last
one about four o’clock when he was
seen by Robert McCann foreman
who with the lad’s mother was the
last person to see hem alive. When
he did not return, search was made
for him, the sled with its little load
of wood was found but no trace of
the missing boy. At first, it was
thought be might|have gone to camp
No. 2 where his sister, Mrs. Andrew
Collon lives and where he knew
some small boys of the Hunter fam­
ily. Word was sent to them yester­
day and Mr. Collon arrived in North
Bend last Digbt to say he had not
been seen there. This morning the
search was renewed with redoubled
vigor and a large number of search­
ers turned out for the little fellow
was a general favorite. The dis­
covery of the body in the bay ended
the|searcb. How he fell into the
bay can only be surmrised.
HU sorrowing parents have the
sincere and heartfelt sympathy of
their many friends.— Times.
Center of Population.
State Fair Exhibit
The center of the population of
the united States, as enumertted in
tbe census of 1910, is four and one-
half miles Booth of Unionville,
Monroe county, Indiana. In the
last decade it moved westward thir­
ty-one miles from a point six miles
southeast of Columbus, Ind,
The announcement was made by
the census bursau on the bases of
the official computation of tbe cen­
ter of the population made by
Charles S. Sloane, the geographer
of tbe bureau.
The figures of the geographer
show not only that tbe march of
population is still westward, but
that there has been acceleration of
that movemnt over tbe record of the
decade between I860 and 1900.
The center of population during the
the decade moved westward only
fourteen railea. The cause of the
acceleration of the westward trend
iu the last decade ta the remarkable
increase of population in the Pacifie
and southwestern states,
The following excerpt
a letter received by F. B. Tichenor,
from Frank Meredith Secretary of
tbe Oregon State Board of Agricul­
ture is self explanatory:
I am in receipt of an article, an­
nouncing the intmion ol Coos Coun­
ty to make an exhibit at the forth­
coming Fair, for which please ac­
cept my thanks. We highly ap­
preciate the good work you have
done for yourself iu behalf of an ex­
hibit. I note in tbe article in ques­
tion a request for anyone having a
product of the county worthy of ex­
hibiting to leave same with the
Chamber of Commerce. In this
way they may be able to get togeth­
er a lairly good exhibit, but “ What
is everybody’s business is no body’s
business.” For that reason I think
that it would be money well invest­
ed if the anthorites would hire some
competent person to go out among
the farmers and procure the very
best exhibits possible. I refer more
particularly to grains aud grasses.
* know, form what I have heard
that CoosCunty can make the other
counties sit up and take notice if
she will only collect some ot the
best of her products.”
_th a t Jaek
London, July
JohnsoD, the black champion pugi­
list, is planning to “ lay down" in
bis coming matches with eiter Lom­
bardy or Wells and permit an En­
glishman to win the heavyweight
title is openly charged here today.
It is declared that Johnson is sore
on American sports and, realizing
that he is getting older, wants to
clean up big money and is willing
to drop thetitleto “ get thedough.”
Many a Suffering Woman
The fights are to be held in the
Drags herself painfully through her
Stadium and the receipts are expect­
daily tasks, suffering from back­
ed to be nearly $1,000,000. The
ache, headache, nervousness, loss of
place seats 2oo,ooo persons.
appetite and poor eleep, not know­
-------------------» «• » «
■■■• -- — —
ing her ills are due to kidney end
Constantinople, July 24.— The
bladder troubles.
Foley Kidney
greatest fire since 1870 raged in
Pills give quick relief from pain and
this city from early yesterday until
misery and a promt return to health
three o’clock this morning when
and strength. No woman who so
five thousand houses in Stamboul
suffers can afford to overlook Fol­
district were distroyed. The fire is
ey Kidney Pills. C. J. Fuhrman.
believed to be tbe work of political
------ m «»» ---------
People were cele­
Two big services were held by incendiaries.
Evanglist Williams at Bridge last brating the anniversary of the new
Sunday, at which Coquills was well constitution when the flames broke
represented. There are a number out ¡ d several places simultaneous.
of Coquille people camping, there iy-
and they were joined by N. C. K el­
More people, men and women,
ley ami family who went up that
are suffering from kidney and blad­
day by auto. Following are names:
der trouble than ever before, and
— John Rhodes, Alva Custur, Irvin
each year more of them turn for
Custer, Gene Nosier, Vine Moody,
quick relict and permanent benefit
Hazel Moody, Ned C. Kelley and
to Foley’« Kidney Remedy, which
family, Claud Gillbam, Vena Frye,
has proven itself to be one of tbe
Herbert Frye, William Barrow,
moet effective remedies for kidney
Jeseie Moody, Lola Moody.
snd bladder ailments, that medical
The corpse of tbe infant of Mr. science has devised. C. J. Fuhr­
and Mrs. A. 8. Hollenbeck which man.
died at Bandon Thursday was
Quick * Curry make tbe galvan­
brought through town tbe day fol­ ized screen door; standard sizes on
lowing by L. B. Hollenbeck and Ed hand; special sizes made in short
Lamb snroute to the family bury­ order. Also handy, adjustable win­
ing ground on tbs Lewi* Strong dow screens, Ironing boards, sleeve
place near Myrtle Point, wbers boards, bread boards, drain boards
and meat safes.
burial took place.
-- ------ *<•» ■ ■
— - -
-• -•>».........
Loss ot Time Means Loss of Pay
Kidney trouble and the ills it
breeds means lost time and lost pay
to many a working man. at Balent,
1214 Little Penna St., Streator, III.,
was so bad from kidney and bladder
trouble that he could not work, but
be says: “ I took Folsv’s Kidney
Pills for only a short time and got
entirely well and wag soon able to
go back to work, and am feeling
well and healthier than before.’'
Foley’s Kidney Pills are tonic in ac­
tion, quick in results— a good friend
to tbe working man or woman who
suffera from kidney ills. C. J. Fuhr­
— -
After an illness of tuberculosis
extending over a period of a year,
Miss Myrtle Boggees died this af­
ternoon, July 28, at her borne on
South Deer Creek, nine miles east
of Roseburg. She was 21 years old.
Miss Boggess was the youngest
daughter of Mrs. Martha A. Bogg­
ess-Reagan, a well-known pioneer
lady of South Deer Creek. She had
spent tbe greater part of her life in
Roseburg, part ot the time doing
clerical work, and was one of the
most popular girls who ever resided
iu this city.
Hundreds of friends
and acquaintances will be pained to
learn of her untimely demise.--Rose-
burg Review.
For Exchange— Good 6-room
house and 2 lots in Medical Lake,
Wastainton, for something here
See Deyoe At Smith, JSandon.
PER YEAR $1.50
If the methods ot dairying that
govern in the Edmonton district of
Alberta had obtained here, the
farmers of the United States last
year would have received over $30-
000,000 more than they did for but-
terfat alone. To put this in point,
there are official figures, recently .Two of the best games of bn»» -
issued, that show 40 cents as the ball which have been played in tlii*
price of sweet cream at the cream city ao farThis season were pulled
eries in tbe Edmonton district, at off Sunday between the local nine
against 294 cents in the United and a bunch from Oakland, Oregon.
States, in tbe eigfit months begin­ One took place in the forenoon and
ning with last October and ending tbe other in the afternoon, each re­
with May.
That difference on mitting in a victory for Coquille.
300,000,000 pounds of butter fig Following is the schedule:
Morning Game.
ures up really to about $31,000,000
lost to the American producers on
that one item alone. In ratio with
$ 0 2 2 0 3
their numbers, the farmers around JohnsoD, si
8 0 H 6 0 0
Edmonton were beneficiaries, and Lorenz, 1 b
individually banked tbe larger Liljeqvist, 2 b 4 0 0 3 8 1
3 1 2 2 3 0
Collier J, 3 0,
3 *1 1) 0 0 0
The disparity is serious, and its Howell, r f
correction uncertain, for a single Oerding, p
4 2 3 0 5 0
3 0 I 13 1 0
and simple reason: While in the Collier C, 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
United States the producers are left Wickman, If
4 1 2 1 0 0
practically to their own devices, Collier A, of
and the government has not been
— — — —
33 5 10 27 12 4
able to do more than advise them,
the producers around Edmonton are
carefully iostructed by experts em-
mployed by the provincal govern­ Wakefield 1 r
1 3 1 0 II
ment and their product is subjected Hiney, c f
0 0 2 0 (>
to careful tests at the creameries. Spike, 1 b
1 1 3 0 0
These creameries are conducted un­ Gray, c
5 0 1 15 1 0
der direct governmental supervis­ Page, 2 b
5 0 0 1 l ]
ion, for the sole benefit of the pro­ Meili, r f
4 1 1 0 0 0
ducers themselves, at a mere nomi­ Ranklin, p
1 0 1 0 0
nal charge per pound.
The result Medley, 3 b
0 0 I 0 0
is that tbe American farmer takes Mahoney, ss
4 0 0 0 0 0
_ _ _ . .. . ____ ____
the best price that offers, high or
low, while the Edmonton farmer
38 4 6 24 2 1
gets the very highest price every
Hits and runt by innings
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totaln
At the base of the difference lies a Coquille
0 0 0 11 1 1 0 2 X 5
radical contrast of principle in gov­ Base Hita 2 1 0 S 2 i o 1 X 10
ernmental policy. Leaving out 0! Oakland
1 1 0 1 OC 1 0 0 4
the case ail question of what tbe Base Hite 1 1 0 ( 1 1 1 0 6
United states government does or
Suramauy— Two base hits—Meili
omits doing, the other government, and Oerding. Base on balls, off
up north, directs its main efforts to­ Oerding 1; off Ranklin 0. Left on
ward helping every individual farm­ bases— Coquille 4. Oakland
er to get the very best results his Earned runs— Coquille 3. Struck
laud is capable ot while keeping out by Oerding 11, Ranklin 15.
the soil ttself irom running down. Hit by pitoher -Lorenz, Howell,
It is a farm countJy, in the broad­ Hiney 2, Spike. Sacrifice hits J.
est sense, and is governed in the Collier, C. Collier. Stolen bases—
farming interests, by men who Oerding 3, J. Collier, C Collier,
themselves are farmers, and who do Spike 2, Gray, Page, Modi Wild
Dot hesitate to employ the highest pitch —Ranklin. Time of game—.
price skill to that end.
1:40. Umpire— Frank Neas.
Such a departure was eaeily pos-
Afternoon Game.
isble in a new country, unencum­
bered with tradition or imbedded
habits, where it was quite as easy Johnson, ss
1 2 3 3 0
to do the commonsense thing as to Lorenz, 1 b
1 2 11 0 0
repeat the slip shod methods of old Liljeqvist, 2 b
3 2 I 4 0
er days. While no other occupation Collier J., p.
3 3 0 2 0
and the laws are fair to all, the laws Howell, rf
0 1 0 0 0
and their application go directly to Oerding, 3 b 5
1 2 0 0 1
the prosperity of those who till the Collier C., c
1 0 12 4 1
land, rightly recognizing that their Wickman, lf
1 1 0 0 0
prosperity is basied in the prosperity Collier A., cf
1 0 (1 0 1
of all the rest.
The disparity in tbe profits of
39 12 U 27 1.7 3
dairying is not the only one by
which the American farmer loses
AB R H l'O A K
and the Edmonton farmer gains,
1 0 1 3 1
Wakefield, p
but it is in point of many other dif­
Hiney, lf
1 0 0 0 2
ferences. For instance: Compari­
1 0 8 0 1
Meili, lb
son ot prices for sweet cream and
Gray, c
8 0 0 9 l 0
“churning cream” have beeu made
Page, 2b
2 0 1 1 3 2
by agents of the United States De­
Ranklin, rf
0 0 0 II 0
partment of Agriculture, whih show
Medley, 3b
0 0 1 1 0
a startling disregard of tbe condi­
Miller, cf
0 0 4 1 n
tion of cream brought to the cream­
1 0 0 4 1 0
Mahouer, as
eries from tbe tarms. No distinc­
tion is made between cream that is
29 3 1 24 !) 6
sweet and fresh, and cream that has
Hita and runa hr inniugs
been tainted by the ordor of hams,
1 2 5 4 “) 6 7 8 9 Totals
kitchens or cream cans. Practical­
1 0 3 0 6 1 0 1 X 12
ly there has been no difference in
3 0 3 2 1 2 X 13
prices paid for sweet or sour creams,
3 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 3
the average fiom September 1,1910, Oakland
to June 1, 1911, being only between Base Hits 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
26.80 cents for sour cream and 292
cents for sweet.
Careless use of hand separators
on tjle f , rms ¡s ,0 be held chiefly
acc0uutable for this stste of things,
One of the government agents in
his rep0rt says that “ competition
»msng the creameries for the pur-
chase of cream has resulted in cream
Summary— Two base hits— John­
son 2. Base on balls off Collier 3;
off Wakefield, 2.
Ijeft on bases -
Coquillefl, Oakland 6. Struck out
bv— Collier 12, bv Wakefield 7.
Hit by pitcher- Hiney 2 , Veili,
Gray, Page, Miller, Mahoney, Lor-
enz, Wickman. Framed run« Co­
quille— 7. Stolen bases— Gray 2,
Ranklin, Miller, Mahoney 2, Lor­
ens. Howell, Wickman, A, Collier.
Sacrifice hit C. Collier.
Tin e of
game 1:52. Umpire -Cbas. Bax­
***"* accePted which i#
,n verT bad condition, and as a re
suit much creamery butter of anlin-
erior quality is placed on the mar
k e t ” Another report says tbit “ io
When your watch is in need bf
I atti In
maftffct for chttham many creameries there hss been no
The season's very newest styles In
Full-blood Jersay Bull fbf i t lei
harki tildrfï an«» witAl
Genf«» T. Incentive for the farmer to deliver
ladles’ tprlag sad summer suits at attention, remember Willte
t W e c P Mc f et t v- Cl i
fn f«f« fear"
W e h t e * * 4 ’e
da'doe* $»s**«»sss M rs trine