DR. RICHMOND 1 PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON. OÛlod in Kiutinnsl-BtrkK liiilditij I T~ Dr. C. W. Endicott D entist Office over First National Hank Phone Main 4.31. Coquille, Oregon E. D, SPERRY Attorney and Gonnoellor at Lae Office in Robinson Building W. C. CHASE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW Office in Uich moud -Barker Building. C. R. BARROW Attoruey itnd Oounsellor at L a « Office Phone 335 Main Residence Phone 346 Main O o q uille C i t y , O he ____ J______________I J. J. STANLEY LAW YER Martin Building * Front Stree C oquillk , O beoon A. J, Sherwood, A t t o b mb t - à t - L à w , N otary P u bli c , C oquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A ttobney -* t -L* w . N otìbt P obuo , Coquille, : : Oregon. I Hall & Hall, A ttoesetb - bt L» w , Dealer in R e a l E stât , of all kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. E. G. D. Holden L awtkb , J ustice or thk P eace U. 8. Commissioner, General Insurance Agent, aad Notary Pablio. Office in Robinson Building. Coquille Oregon. DR. K. A. LEEP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON First National Dank Building I R. B. HOAG, M. D. PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON Richmond-Barker Building. CoquiLLE, - - R eport o f i ig (o r d e r s ' m eetin g next w ick. Mrs. Chas. Willcox came over from Coaledo Saturday. C oquille , O regon . Offioa Phone Main 211. . O regon . The steamer Bandon sailed from the Coquille last Monday. D. C. Gibson, of Bandon, was a Coquille visitor ou Thursday. For Sale— Two fine bottom gar­ den lots. Enquire of N . Plyler. G, O. Welch of Lamps, was a Coquille business visitor ou Satur­ day. W. H. BOYLE Builder and Contractor.... Estimates gladly furnished. Call on or address at Coquille O CO Q U ILLE STMR. P LY IN G ' d RIVER LINE FIFIELD BETW EEN BANDON AND SAN FRANCISCO SAILING E V E R Y EIGHT DAYS Equipped with wireless appara­ tus Twin Screw, new. clean and Safe. Passenger rates, First Class $10 and 7.50 Up Freight $3.00 per ton. Bandon Warehouse Co. Agents. Norton and Nosier Agts COQUILLE. OREG. Phone Home 111 . Farmer's 483 Albert Garfield of Bandon, had business in Coquille Thursday. Big band concert and dance at Heazlet Theatre Saturday night, D. P. Btraug, Jr., of Baudon, was a county seat visitor cn Monday. J. L. Crosby made our office a pleasant call while in town on Fri­ day Mrs. L. Randleman, of Parkers­ burg, visited in town Sunday and Monday. For Sale. 2 horses 1400 each; 2 good farm wagons. H. H. Hansen, Norway. W. S. Chandler, of the Myrtle Point section, went to Bandon Tuesday John Root, of Myrtle Point, was a passenger to Bandon by Tuesday’s Dispatch. George Beale was over from North slough to the county seat on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Mitchel and Mrs. Alfred Monas of Bandon, Mrs. B. Figg went to Bandon today visited Mrs. T. A. Walker several for an outing. days last week. E. F. Swearengin of Bandon, The steamer Bandon arrived at shook hands with friends in Co­ Bandon Thu sd y anj took on a o d quille on Monday. of lumber at the Moire mill. William Hammerburg of Bandon, Come out Saturday evening and retnrned from the Bay by Tuesday’s hear Mr. Sayer’s talk at the meet­ atternoou train. ing of the Chamberof Commerce. Will Hull returned Friday from The schooner Queen arrived in his trip to San Fraucisco, having the Coquille Monday and is taking come up on the Fifield. For Sale— Four fine heifers com­ ou a cargo of lumber at the Pros­ ing fresh soon. Good Dairy stock per mill. The Misses Chapman, Della and on Sweet place. Lampa. Ada, of Marshfield, came over Sat­ urday and spent Sunday with Mrs. P. L . Sterling. E. N. Smith, the Bandon real es­ tate dealer, came up Monday in his big automobile, and proceeded to Myrtle Point on business. Mrs. David Fulton of this city, wentto the Bay by Saturday's train. She will visit her friends, Mrs. Capt. C. E. Edwards and Mrs. Gray of Allegany. Mrs. Harry Guerin of Myitle Point, was a Coquille visitor on Monday. She was on her way home from Bandon. The ball game at Baudon Sunday betweeu Coquille and Bandon re­ sulted in a victory for Coquille in score of 3 to 10 . S. F . Appleton of Myrtle Point, was in Coquille Monday on business, Mr. Appleton is thinking of moving down the river with his fatnliy in a short time. Mark Pressey, a young business man of Bandon, had business of an unusual character at the county seat on Tuesday, but we will not give it away this time. William Kahn the pioneer Port­ land hide and fur buyer, was in town the last of the week. He is visiting ail the towns of the county in the i ntereet of his business. For Sale— 90 year-old bens. Brown Leghorns, Buff Rocks and Brown Leghorns crossed. En­ quire of H. M. Branham. For Exchange— Good 6-room house and 2 lots in Medical Lake, Washinton, for something here See Deyoe A Smith, Bandon. Mrs. E. W. Lewis of Marshheld, passed through town Satuiday eu route to Bancroft where she goes to visit her sister, Mrs. C. D. Price, for a few days. Capt. and Mrs. O. P- EllingsoD came up from Parkersburg Saturday and proceeded up to Norway by train. They are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Carl aDd Capt. S. E. A«sen for a few day. Mr and Mrs. C P. Presinger of Corvallis, arrived in town Monday- They came for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. L- Tozier and Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Taylor whom they have known for many years. Ed Lasswell of the Lee settlement, was in town last Saturday. Mr. Lasswell suffered a light stroke of paralysis about four weeks ago, but is recovering rapidly, for which his many friends will be pleased, A new fall line of samples has To E xchange — One good young horse for slashing land by the acre. been received by K. Holversoc, the Tailor, better than which has Phone 3 x. * 34 - 2 t never been offered in Coquille. Mrs. Jeff Wilson started Monday Before orderiug your winter suit be for Eckley wheie her husband and sure and see these samples. little children are campiug. She Dr. Lesley, of Marshfield, came will enjoy a few days’ vacation with them. Miss Florence is taking over this way Saturday and went care of the hospital during the ab­ to Bandan to take the steamer F i­ field for San Francisco. He is on sence of her parents. his way to bis old home in Mis­ For Sale. A number of full- blood Poland China pigs. Z. C. souri, where be goes to see his mother. Strang, Gravel Ford. E. B. Thrift of the coast below Bandon, last Monday reeieved two fine thoroughbred Ootswooled sheep Irom the valley to add to his .Incorporated. already fine flock. They are beau­ Manufacturers o f tiful and large specimens with long The Celebrated Berqmann Shoe and beautiful wooly coats. The Strongest and Jiearest Water W. V. Ashburn who has returned . oof shoe made for loggers, miners to Coos county with his family for prospectors and mill men. residence after a sojourn of several 621 Thurman Street years in Washington and northern P o r t l a n d , O regon . Oregon, was in town Tuesday on business. Mr. Ashburn has pur­ E*&e'=SM a>S; chased ter. acres on Bandon Heights and will reside there for the present. > « Mrs. Wm. Mehl was down from the farm shopping on Friday. LOCAL N EW S. A house and two lots near the Christian Church to rent for $3.50 per month. Inquire at the Herald office or phone 3x. W. E. Pierce of the Middle fork, who recently returned from a so­ journ in California, was in town Saturday. As he came up he brought a fine large touring car which ho expects to run on the Myrtle Point-Roseburg stage route, carrying passengers, e tc , during the summer. Dr. Kirshman wishes *o announce to his patrons and friends that af. ter July 1 st deposits will be requir­ ed on work done in his office. E. H. Fish of the Prosper mill came up Saturday with his boys who recently arrived here from Oakland, Californina, for a visit, and went with them to the Bay for a lookaround. They were very much pleased with what they had seen, and, taking it all together, will have had a very enjoyable trip when they return home coo Him BERRY DAY JULY 2910 Coos county berry eatiug day, July 29th. On this day every one is supposed to eat berries at least once during the day, and at each meal if you can get the berries. Every larmer who has berries are requested to have them in the mark­ et uo later than the morning ot the 29th. and every merchant is request­ ed to have plenty of berries on sale to supply the demand. The Bay towns will want many boxes of all kinds of berries for the big day. Order your beiries in plenty of time, if you don’t you will not be ODe o f tbe m a n y hundreds who will boost tbe county by eating the worlds best berries. If every larmer who has berries will bring all the berries he has to market and all the merchants will engage all the berries he can, and then several hundred people are un­ able to buy berries it will show to the many on the outside there is plenty of room for the man with small means who is not afraid of work to start in the berry business right here in the Coquille Yralley. Now don’t forget the date, July 29th. and be shure and order your berries in plenty of time. ------------ >.gn - ---- Mrs. Chas Schroedei was in town yestrday. Born. — Friday, July 7 th, to Mr. and Mrs. Elton Robbins, a son. Born.- Sunday, July 0 th, to Mr. end Mrs. J. L. Laird, a son. For Sale— Farm wagon and hor­ ses. Pacific Real Estate Co. or Mr. Clincock on the Morgan ranch. Rev. and Mrs. Barnett of Bandon returned home Monday after attend­ ance at the special meetings of the Brethern church at that place. Glenn Barker of Fairview, was in town Tuesday learning to drive his new Auto he had just received. He is getting along nicely and will soon be able to drive any where that the road is cut out. John T. Jewett died at the home of his son, Jasen Jewett, on Myrtle creek, on Sunday moningJuly 9th, 1911, at the age 7! years. Deceas­ ed was born in Ohio, and was a vet­ eran of the War of ’65. SUNDAY SERVICES IN“ COQUILLE CHURCHES ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL. Services first and third Sundays o f each month. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Archdeacon Wm. H orsfall, rector. Str. Elizabeü C apt. Olaan, Masts Will make regular trip* Diiseen (REO PEN ED ) C o q u ille R iv e r an J 1 i C. A. HARRINGTON, Prop. F ran cisco . Ifo Stop-over at W a y Port* CHURCH OP CHRIST. Preaching each Sunday, morning and evening, except the third Sun day in each month. Bible school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor each Sunday evening. You are heartily welcome. T. B. McDonald, Minister SameJOId Place Come and’See) Rev. W. T. Goulder, paster. Mrs. E. A. Tyrrell, chorister. Regular Services. Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Junior League 3 p. m Senior League 7 p. m. Preachrg 8 p. m. Everybody is welcome to all hese services. Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves and be at home with us If you have no church home we cordially invite you to come and make your church home with us. $1.00 REWARD To anyone giving information that will lead to the recovery of the Lyous & Jones delivery Jteatn, de­ scribed as [follows: Black mare weight about 900 lbs., with rope burn on left hind leg just above fetlock joint. Daik bay horse weight about 850 lbs, both horses rough shod. 1 i Reservation* at maev. Fuhrman's PI :i Having closed ont our Dry Goods and gone into the Grocery business exclusively, we have decided to discontinue tbe handling of the Graphophone. As we have pqt out something like two hun­ dred machines, we will continue to handle the Rec­ ords, but have decided to make some changes in the giving out of Records to our Customers who have our Machines, Viz: When your Cash pur­ chases amount to $ 5.00 we will give you one Sin­ gle Record Ire«, or one Double Record by pay­ ing 35 c in addition to tne $ 5.00 worth of Tickets, and will continue to keep a good selection of pieces on hand at all times. Respectfully, METHODIST EPISCOPAL. SI. E. CHURCH. SOUTH. Everything Claae Style. NOTICE Services next Sunday as usual. Bible School at 10 a. m. Preach­ ing service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Frank H. Adams, Pastor. Christ's Third Message to the Seven Churches of Asia and Ore­ gon will be reviewed next Sunday morniDg at eleveD o’clock. Class Meeting at noon, S. H. Warren leader. Evening services at 8 o’clock. Views of the Second Life, second sermon. Midweek services Thurday even­ ing S o’clock. E. S. M a c e , Pastor. Electric Light*. ^SZSZSSZSSZSZSZffiSffiZ S 2 SS 2 SSZSZSSS PRESBYTERIAN' CHURCH. P. E. DRANE . Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour ^sszszszszszszszssa KOMB*» Tailoring, Cleaning and Reparing For a job of first-class mending, dying or cleaning, or a new suit tailored, call at the rear of the Pharmacy building. I am agent for two tailoring houses in Chicago. Come and see my styles and samples. I will save you money and guarantee a good fit. K Holverson Coquille, Ore. ' OLD RELIABLE— EQUIPPED W ITH WIRELESS STEAMER BREAKWATER [ A L W A Y S ON TIME # From Portland at 9 a. m., July 5, 10. 15, 20, 25, 30: from Coos Bay at 1 p. m., July 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 V/ <*/ V w/ PAUL L. STERLING, Agent < ( Phone Main 181 =$» 4 & S- 1 . F or Rent— Six room house, good garden lot with fruit and berries. Inquire at Herald o ffice or at J. C. M. Starr was injured by the G. Fish’s furniture factory. 16t4 ---------► .«» »-- —--- breaking of a cable in Conlouge’s camp near Lampa Tuesday, and Happiest Girl in Lincoln. was taken to Bandon where it was A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, ‘T found necessary to amputate one bad been ailing for some time leg. An arm was also broeen. E. M. Gallier and son Edmond with chronic constipation and I began taking of Baudon, were up this way Tttes stomach trouble. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver day and went to Myrtle Point to at­ tend the stock show. They teport Tablets and in three days I was able to be up and got better right that it was fine; that they saw stock along. 1 am the proudest girl in like which they had no idea were Lincoln to find such a good medi­ cine. For sale by all dealers. in the county. One experienced lady cook and James J, Sayet, filed secretary of the Oregon Development League, I helper wishes a position in logging will tie here Saturday and will meet: camp. Address 523 North Main St. with the Chamber of Commerce Roseburg, Oregon. which will give a public meeting that evening. All are invited in Married: — At tbe Skookum Res­ fact urged to come out and hear taurant Parlors, in this city, July Mr. Sayers talk. 16, 1911, Mr. Kwald H. Rahlmann, Skookum Res taurant R 8. KNOWLTON, President GEO. A. ROBINSON, V. I’ res. R. H. MAST, Cashier farnjers ai)d Merchants Bar)If of Coquille CAPITAL STOCK $25 ,0 0 0 A Reasonable Share of Your Business Solicited First Class Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent * J . IHERW 00 0 Pr«i. R^E.SHINE, VI*« Pres 0 . C. SANFORD, A«*t. Caahier L. H. HAZARD, Csshlsr FIRST NATIONAL BANK op C O Ç U I ü ü l , O R B O O f l. T r a n s a c t s a General B a n k in g B uninesa Board of Dlrootors. Cerraapondenti A. J. Sherwood, R. O. Dement, L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, Hocker. R. E. Shine. National Bank o Commerce, Nt-w York Ci Crocker Woolworth N ’lB.vik, f l u Fran i First Nat’l Bank of.Portlaml, J ■ rtlanc rY agn er P- Mrs. G. C. Moore came over Mon­ of Roseburg Douglas county, Ore­ day from the Bay side on her way gon, and Miss Donna Ruth Scott, ¿Tw in s/iocb a b s o r b in g to Myrtle Poiut loi a visit with re­ of Bandon, Coos county, Oregon, fo rk , low s a J P le p o s i t i o n , latives and friends. She informs Judge E. G. D. Holden officiating. us that Smith Powers Camp No. 2, /o is e • Reservations lor berths on the S. b e a u t i f u l b a la n c e , is doing a big busness. That there S. Elizabeth for San Francisco, call le s s a n J e c o n o m ic a l, are over a hundred families in camp at Fuhrm an's Pharmacy. ,J b e m a c b in e f o r ro u g h which forms quite a village. ' The new gasoline boat Hilda, re- SpraiDS require careful treat- een tly built at the Nielsou ship­ c o u n tr y ro a J s. ment. Keep quiet and apply yard has [been launched and was ^ { s b a b o u t it. */{s b fo r it. Chamberlain’s Liniment freely. It spinning around on the lower river l y e n t f o r (Boos C o u n ty , will remove the soreness and q u i c k - 1 the first of the w eek . We under- C . ^ A t a g i lt ly restore the parts to n healthy stand she will soon t>e off for the condition. For sale by all dealers Columbia river soon, that being C o y u ilfe , G re. Right in your busiest season her future home. House and two lots in Coquille when you have the least time to spare you are most likely to lake for sale on installments or part diarrhoea and lose several days’ slashing, $ 385 . I’hone 3 x. * 34 - 2 t The steamer Fiâeld sailed from time, unless you have Chamber­ lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bandon Monday with her usual Remedy at hand and take a dose cargo and list o f passengers beside on the first appearance of tbe she had a large barge in tow which disease. For sale by alt dealers. she takes to San Francisco. The What They Will Do for You Mr and Mrs. Charles Marshall barge was built at the Nielson Ship- yard and will be used for transport­ They will cure your backache, of Cherokee, Kansas, arrived here Tuesday and are greatly enjoying ing freight on the Sacramento river. strengthen your kidneys, cor­ re c t urinary irregularities, build a visit with Mr. Marshall’s brother, Foley s Honey and l a r Compaund up the worn out tissues, and J. B. Marshall of Bandon, and sis­ Is effective for c o u g h s and cold s eliminate the excess uric acid ter, Mrs. C. R Barrow, of Coquille. Forty years have elapsed since in either ch ildren or g ro w n per that causes rheumatism. Pre. No opiates, n o harm ful j ven* Bright’s Disease and Dia- these brothers had met, and that sons. In the ya llow pjejea ge 'bates, and restore health and this meeting was a very pleasapt one drugs, itrength. Refuse substitutes. goes without saving. Refus« u b s titm n fo r i,als by f 3 - I- Fn^rmiti. Foley K idney P ills ROSEBURG- M YRTLE POINT STAGE LI YE J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor. Leaves Myrtle[Point daily at 8 o ’clock p. m., carrying mail anil passongi i-. Arrives at Roseburg following evenit •. Stage leaves Roseburg dally ai at i m. Special rigs for parties at any time. — * Laird’s Livery Bam, Myrtle Home Telephone 461. P o in t Farmers Telephone 156 A Bake Shop Test Is made of every milling that Olympic Flour ia made of. One of the best bake «hops any­ where is run in connection with the mill that make* Olympic Flour. Every bunch of flour that goes through the mill is tested. It lias to be up to the highest standard—has tomak the best bread poeeihle. else it doesn't go into the Olympic sack*. That is the reason your baking* of bread, hiacnit ami paltry are always uniformly good w hen yon nee Olympic. Your Inking* ran't he expected to lie the same always unless the flour i*. Therein lies the lienuty of using Olympic. THE PORTLAND FLOUR MILLS CO.