Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 20, 1911, Image 2

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    Coquille Iferald.
Ilntered as second class matter May
8, 1905. at the post office at Coqnille,
Oregon, under act of Congress of March
3, 187».
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller were in
town from FUhtrap Monday.
F. M. Sanderson from near Ban-
don, wa* a county seat visitor on
W. T. Miller of Bandon, return­
ed home Monday after a visit at
Myrtle Point for a few days.
Cafeteria supper served by tbe
ladies of tbe M. E. Cburcb July 21
j t o 8 p. m, at H. O. Anderson’s
place of business. Get your sup­
per there.
Dairy and Stock farm for sale
$180 acres, about 8 o acres in creek
bottom, l cleared; Goodjout range.
♦ 5000 . Easy terms. SeeE. S. Smith,
L- F, Pierce, of Marshfield, one
of the managers of the steamer lines
from that city to Sumner, bad busi­
ness in Coquille on Saturday. He
visited our townsman B. H. Haskin.
Mrs. George Brosi, of Winston,
Douglas, county, and her neice,
Mrs. M. C. Buechler, of Butte,Mon­
tana, arrived Saturday and are en­
joying a visit with their sister and
aunt, Mrs. M. Nosier ol this city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Sumerlin of
Gravel Ford, accompanied by their
daugoter, Mrs. Ed I.ewallen, went
to Bandon yesterday. Mr, Sum­
merlin has been in foor health for
several months'
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Collier, of
this city, who has been at the W. P.
Burk Sanitarium, Sonoma couDty.
California, for seviral weeks in the
inte est of Mr. Collier’s health, re-
tvrncd home last Friday. Mr. Collier
is very much improved m health,
and his many feiends are in great
bop< s that his complete recovery
is assured.
R. D. Halpin, a late arrival at
Bandon, who, in company with E-
F. Peters have arranged to open a
business school at that place, is
here and will open a writing school
in the High Sohool building. Mr.
Halpin is an accomplished penman
having studied under the guidance
of some of the lending penmen of
the century. During the years 1909
and 1910 he was an instructor in
the penmanship department of the
Valparaiso University, Valpariso,
Indiana. Tbe work will commence
Monday, July 31, at 8:45 a. m., and
will continue for five weeks, two
40-minute periods with an inter­
mission of 10 minutes. Tbe rates
will be $5 for tbe entire course,
$1.60 per week.
H U M M 01V 8
In the Circuit Court of (he State of Or­
egon, In and for the County of Ceos.
Barbara E. Bevere,Opli i r 11. Beyers 1
and Cora M. Beyers, hi* wife, Lau-
ra L. Houtell and O. F. Routed,
her husband, Alice M. Black and
Frank Black, her husband, Jesee
P. Bevere and Mabel Beyers, his
wife, Josephine R. Hrizeeand Har­
ry Brizee, her hnsband, Millie I.
Sanford and Herman Sanford, her j Suit
husband, Nettie V, Selander and in
Arthur A.Selander, her husband, Equ
Plaintiff*, ity
Jacob Higley a n d ---- Higley, his Qui
wile and all the unknown heirs of et
Jacob Higlsy an d-----Higley, his title
wife, Charley Dulley an d -----Dul-
ley, his wife, Will Dulley and Zit-
tie Dulley, hie wife, Mintie Camp­
bell and Frank Campbell, her hut-
liand, Albert Dulley and Bessie j
Dulley,hie wife,Ned Dulley, Frank j
Dulley, Chester Dulley, Nettie
Whetstone sndCharlie w hetstone,
her ihuaband, Mary Dulley and
Teddy Dulley,
Defendants, f
To Jacob Higley a n d -----Higley, his
wife, and all the unknow n heirs of Ja­
cob Higley and ---- Higiev, his wife
Charley Dulley and ---- Dulley, hie
wife, Will Dulley and Zittie Dulley, his
wife, Mintie Campbell and Frank Camp­
bell, her husband. Albert Dulley and
Bessie Dulley, his wife, Ned Dulley,
Frank Dulley, Chester Dull« y, Nettie
Whetstone and Charley Whetstone, her
husband, Mary Dulley, and Teddy Dai­
ley, the above named defendants:
You and each of you are hereby noti­
fied that you are required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yon
in the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the date of the first publica­
tion of this summons, to-wit: within
six weeks from the 20th day ofJJuly, A.
D. 1911, »nd if you fail to appear and
answer on or before the 31st day of Au­
gust, A. D. 1911, that date being the
last day of the time prescribed in the
order of publication, the plaintiffs will
take judgment and decree against yon
as demanded in the complaint, a suc­
cinct statement of which is as follows:
That the plaintiffs be adjudged to lie
the owners in fee simple of the follow­
ing described real property situated in
Coos County, State of Oregon, viz: Lots
three and four and the south half of the
northwest quarter of section four, town­
ship twenty-seven south, range twelve
west of the Willamette Meridian; that
the defendants and each of them be re­
quired to set up and alledge their claim,
right, title, interest or estate if any they
have in and to the above described real
property and submit the same to the
judicial determination of the court and
that the same be adjudged and decreed
null and void; that the title of the plain­
tiffs to said real property be quieted as
against the said defenants and each
and all of them, tlieir heirs and assigns ;
that said defendants and each and all
of them be forever enjoined and res­
trained from setting up any claim of
right, title or interest in or to the above
mentioned and described real property
or any portion thereof; that plantiffs
have and recover their costB and dis­
bursements ; and such other relief as to
the court may seem meet and equitable.
Service of thia summons is made by
pnblication in pursuance of an order
made by Honorble J. 8 . Coke, Circuit
Judge, dated the 17th day of July,
A. D. 1911.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
F ok S alk
Your choice of two fine Jersey [
Bulls, one 4 years old and one 1 One work atut brood mair one
3 year old Bruce Wilke "geldiug”
year old, Burt Berri, Arago.
H. A. Todd-Arago.
The public is hereby informed that the following list of inherited and non-
S a le o f In d ia n L a n d s
competent Indian lands located on the public damain in Western Oregon and
».« .*— -------
W. H. Nosier, ofthis city, is agent i
Northern California are offered for sale under exiiting law :
| for the celebrated Dr. Fuller’s Heart |
Bids opened August 17, 1711.
< and Nerve Remedy. If you do not feel
Full-blood Jersey bull, yearling
; juat as you should, read his circulars
J. J- Stanley,
Appraii and try the treatm ent
-.¿Advertised by
I) voted to lbs tuatenaland soeial op
oii.l i.Hof the Coqoilla Valley partiealarly
unit of Coos Ootmty generally.
11 10 ft Ellen Barrett NWM 8 W*¿ 8 ec 2 and NEM 8 EM »nd 8 M
'o " i v o n p t i e n , p e r y e a r . i n e d v e r e f , l.ra)
160 6000 00
NEM 8 ec 3 T 18 8 R 10 W W M in Oregon
12 132 Nancy Palmer NM NWM 8 ec 11 and WM 8 WM 8 ec 2, T
Phone, Main 364.
160 1000 00
18.8 R 11 W W M in Oregon.
13 243 Sissy Winkler Lot 1 Sec 7 T 29 S R 14 W and NEM NEM
75.44 750 00
Sec 12, T 29 8 R lft W W M in Oregon.
14 241 Polly Edward« EM SWM Sec 17 and EM NWM Sec 20, T
160 3000 00
2 « S R 14 W W M in Oregon.
1 » 238 Coquille Mary NWM Sec 32 T 29 8 R 14 W W M in Ore­
160 1400.00
16 227 FrznkCbintelleWM 8 EM and SWM NEM and 8 E !4 NWM
160 1000.00
8 ec 32 T 25 8 R 3 W W M in Oregon.
160 1000.00
17 28 FrankChintclleSW '4 Sec 32 T 25 8 R 3 W W M in Ore.
160 1000.00
18 32 FrankChintelleNWM 8 ec 22 T 27 S R 3 W W M in Ore.
160 900.00
19 31 FrankChintelleNE '4 Sec 22 T 27 S R3 W W M in Ore.
20 121 Howard Gargi- EM SEM Sec 2 and lot 1 and NKM NEM
159.85 500 00
ner et al
Sec 11 T 18 8 R I I W W M in Oregon.
21 9 Alice Johnson Lots 3, 4, 5, Sec 3, T 22 S R 11 W W M in
45.55 600.00
Organizer Frank B. Tiohenor was
22 10 Alice Johnson NWM NEM and EM NWM 8 ec 4 T 22 8 K
a guest of the local Circle Women
120 3000.00
11 W W M in Oregon
of Woodcraft Monday night and
23 7 Alice Johuson Lot 5 Sec 8 , and lots 1-2 Sec 7 T 22 8 R 10
launched a campaign for new mem­
73.5*0 300.00
W W M in Oregon
bers and at the same time started a
24 220 Lottie Scott Lots 1-2 and EM NWM Sec 26 T 22 S R 10
149.35 2000.00
W W M in Oregon
et al
movement that will be worth much
25 219 Lottie Scott SW X Sec 22 T 22 S R 10 W W M in Ore­
to this county.
160 1200.00
et al
Coos County has never had an
26 76 Lacy Smith 8 W M 8 WJ4 Sec 1 and WM NWM anil NWM
exhibit at the Oregon State Fair,
ot SWM Sec 12, T 37 8 R 14 W W M in Ore. 160
and it can be truthfullv suid that
27 624 Ca;rie Mele Lot 4 and SWM NWM and W *4 SW M 8 ec
160.05 800 00
2 T 32 N R 7 W M D M in California.
this county has more to exhibit than
28 172 Levi G. An SWM Sec 20 T 36 N R 5 W M D M in Cali-
any county in the state.
The plan is to send a lady from
29 27 Jerry Moody 8 M NWM Sec 8 T 36 N R 1 E M D M in
the Circle in the county that se­
80 640.00
et al
30 286 Tola Crouch NM SEM Sec 32. T 35 N R 4 W M D M in
cures the greatest number of new
800 00
members by the first of September
31 544 FrankWilkesLot 5 and SEM of NWM Sec 6 T 31 N R 1 W
G R A V E L ..................................................
The lucky lady will have all her ex­
80.56 500.00
M D M in California
32 547 FrankWilkesLot 3 and 4 of NEM Sec 6 T 31 N R 1 W M
penses paid for a week while at the
82.25 500.00
D M in California
fair, the State Fair board will en­
33 588 Billy Reid SEM NWM and SWM NEM and NM SEM
tertain her while there and will pre­
160 960.00
Sec 10 T 30 R 7 W M D M in California
- S S Z S S 3K S S Z S 5
sent her with a handsome gold
34 625 Dick Mele 8*4 NEM and SM NWM Sec 12 T 32 N R 7
160 800.00
et al
W M D M in California
35 100 Frank J.Fre-Lots 1 and 2 and SM NEM Sec 4 T 31 N R 7
It will be by no means a small
125.12 750.00
W M D M in California
honor to escort and have charge of
36 99 Frank J. Fre-NEM Sec 32, T 31 N R 7 W M D M in Cal-
Coos County’s first exhibit at the
160 800 00
State fair, and the members of the
37 30 Lucinda Dix-8M NEM and NEM NEM Sec 34 , T 31 N R
120 000.00
on et al
7 W M D M In California
local Circle say they will win the
160 1000.00
38 161 BillyButtonSWJi Sec 4 T 33 N R 4 W M D M in Calif.
the honor and ask the support of
39 162 BlllyBlttonSM NWM and L o t 4 8 e c 4 T 3 3 N R 4 W M D
every man in Coquille to help them
119.75 1000 00
M in California
win. A splendid committee was ap-
160 1000.00
40 163 Billy ButtonNEM Sec 8 T 33 N R 4 W M D M in Calif
pointed at the last meeting to take
41 191 Mary HayesSM SEM Sec 26 and NM NE ‘4 Sec 35 T 30 N
160 1000.00
R 10 W M D M in Califordia
charge of this work. They are:
42 28 Henry Wal- EM SWM and NWM SEM Sec 34 T 31 N R
President, Annie Morrison,
120 1200.00
7 W M D M in California
Vice President, Eva Barrow,
43 511 Mary Hub-NWM Sec 28 T 33 N R 1 W M D M in Cali-
Second Vice President, Mamie Man­
160 960.00
bard et al fornia
44 104 LucindaDix-SWM Sec 32 T 31 N R 7 W M D M in Cali-
160 1000.00
Secretary, Mary Pierce,
on et al
160 1000.00
45 179 EmmaMillerNW.M 8 ec 10 T 37 N R 4 W M D M in Calif
Treasurer, Ida Levene.
160 1000.00
46 170 LucyAndrews'E.M Sec 2 0 T 3 6 N R 5 W M D M i n Calif
A committee was also appointed
47 173 Jennie A Andrc.vsNWM8cc20T36N R 5 WMD M inCalif 160 1000.00
to have charge of a business men’s
48 285 Maudie Johnson NM SWM Sec 32 T 35 N R 4 W M D M
------- — .
,— -------
class, as follows:
80 800 00
in California
It. S. Knowlton, L. P. Maury, M.
49 512 Lizzie Hubbard WM NEM and SEM NEM Sec 28 T 33 N
Registered Berkshire ptgs of both
R 1 W M D M in California
Morras, A. J. Sherwood, Ora Maury,
50 510 Mary Hubbard SEM Sec 28T33N R 1 W M D M in Calif 160
F. A. Nosier, Nana Alexson, Myr­ sexes. J. C. Watson, Coquille. At
51 137 Lucinda Dixon WM NWM Sec 8 T 29 N R 6 W M D M in
tle Beckett, Margaret Hudson and
80 1000.00
House for rent Cell at the
Anna Burkholder.
52 105 Willie Dixon Lot 1 and 2 of NWM Sec 30 T 30 N R 7 W
Herald office.
The committee will endeavor to
160.21 1000.00
M D M in California
Automobile service any time, any
53 11 Mary Haves EM NWM Sec 8 T 29 N R 0 W M D M in
secure a class of twenty-five busi­
80 inoo.oo
ness men who will be initiated in a any place.
54 409 Sikes Mitchell Lots 3 and 4 NEM SWM and NWM 8 EM
T. A. Walker.
class on one night in the near fu­
163.69 10(10.00
Sec 18 T 33 N R 4 W M D M in Calif.
Both Phone's.
160 2000.00
55 19.5 Mary Barber 8 EM Sec 30T 35 N R 3 W MD M in Calif
The committee has secured a spe­
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore 56 623 Ellen Mele 8 EM Sec 12 T 32 N R 7 W M D M in Calif
160 960 00
gon, in and for the County of Coos.
160 800.00
57 622 Dick Male 8 WM Sec 12 T 32 N R 6 W M D M in Calif.
cial dispensation and all new mem­ Notice
is hereby given that sealod
160 640.00
58 111 Lillie Anderson SEM Sec 34 T 30 N R 8 W M D M in Calif.
bers initiated during this campaign bids will lie received for Special Im­ Mary C. J. Wittmann
160 640.00
59 110 EugeneAndersonSWM Sec 34 T30 N R 8 W M D M in Calif.
will be taken in for the total cost of provements in Road District No. 30,
iSuit in Equi­
160 640.00
60 109 Lillie Anderson NEM Sec 34T30 N U 8 W M DM in Calif,
one dollar, this covering all cost of Coo, County. Oregon, by grading, ac­
61 108 Lillie Anderson NWM -Sec 34 T 30 N R 8 W M D M in Calif. 160 646.00
cording to the plana and specifications
2 47 Nellie Palouse EM «EM and EM NEM Sec 14 T 27 S R
on file with the County Clerk, a copy ot To Alexander N. Wittmann, the above
3 W W M in Opegon
160 10OO.OO
entitled defendant:
F.very member of the Circle who the same also in the hands of the Spe
In the name of the State of Oregon, 6 467 Elij21i Timmons NEM ®ec 24 T 3 3 N R 5 W M D M i n
secures one benefit member will cial Road Master.
et si
160 ¿00.00
have a seat at the elaborate ban­ Bids will be received for any part of you are hereby notified that you are
required to appear and answer the com­ 7 501 Elijah TimmonsSWM Sec 12 T 33 N R 5 W M D M in
quet which will be served at the
plaint filed against you in the alioveen­
et al
160 800.00
Chandler Hotel in Marshfield the cent of the amount of the bid to ac titled suit within six weeks from the 8 464 ElijahTimmonsetal NWM Sec 14 T 33 N R 5 5V M D M Cal. 1®® 1280.00
company bid either by certified check or
M .n
evening of September 28tb. Every bond to be forfeited in case bid shall be date of the first publication of this sum­ 10 46 Nellie Palouse Lots 3-4-5-6 Sec 10 T 27 S R 3 W W
160.64 2000.00
Circle iu Coos and Curry counties accepted and bidder fail to enter into
Within six weeks from the 20th day of
Sealed bids will be received for the above listed lands up to 2 o’clocn P. M. on
will be represnted at this banquet contract within five ( 6 ) days after award
July, 1911. and if you fail to appear and the 17 th day of July and the 17th day of Auguit (see listl. All bids should be
and reception to the Grand Guardian with bond and sureties in an amount answer on or before the the 31st day of inclosed in a sealed envelope, which must be conspicuously marked "Bids for
who will make her first visit to this
August, 1911, that date being the last Indian Land." The date of the proposed sale must also be written thereon, but
All bids to be filed with the County day of the time prescribed in the or­ nothing else. No bidder will be permitted to include more than one allotment in
Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall, Grand Clerk on or before ten o’clock a. m, der of publication, judgment will lie ta­ anyhid. If a prospective buyer desires to bid on more than one allotment he most
ken against you for want thereof for the make a separate bid for each allotment which he desires to purchase and if he
(•unrdiau of the Women of Wood­ August 8 th, 1911.
relief demanded in plaintiffs' complaint, wishes to purchase less than an entire allotment he may submit a bid for one or
craft is the leading lady fraternal- The County Court reserves the right a succinct statement ot which is as fol­ more legal subdivisions or any part thereof. Each bid must be accompanied by
ist in this country, and has built up to reject any and all bids or to accept lows:
a duly certified check on some solvent bank payable to Horace G. Wilaon, 8 npt.,
a hid not the lowest if itdeem it for the
in a short time in the western coun­ best interest of the County.
That the marriage contract now ex­ Rosehurg, Oregon for use of the grantor, tor ten per cent of the amount offered, as
try one of the strongest order« do­ Dated this 18th day of duly, A. D. 1911 isting between plaintiff and defendant a guarantee tor the faithful performance by the bidder of his proposal. If the
he dissolved and held for nanght, and bid shall 1 >* accepted and the successful bidder shall within thirty day after due
ing busiuess today.
that plaintiff hare judgment against de­ notice fail *0 comply with the termsof hi* bid the money represented by snch
Monday evening, July 24th the
fendant for her costs and disbursements ch eck shall lie forfeited for the use of the owner of the land. The check, of all
» st e » '■ ------- -
members of Evening Tide Circle
in this suit.
unsuccessful bidders will be returned within ten days after the opening of the
will meet in the W. O. W. ball and
8 ervice of this summons is made by bids; any other information governing sales will lie sent on application. Pur­
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids pnblication in pursuance of an order chasers shall pay the cost of conveyancing and from $1.50 to $2.50 for adver­
plan ways and means to secure from will
lie received for special improve­
this section as many exhibits as can ments in Road District No. 11, Cooe made by the Hon. Jehn 8 . Coke, Cir­ tising. No hid for an amount less than the appraised value will be considered.
cuit Judge for Coo* County, Oregon The right to reject any and all bids is reserved to the Commissioner of Indian
bo secured, all those having any­ Conntv, Oregon, by grading and plank­ dated
the 17th day of July, 1911, direct­ Affair*. Each patent issued to purchaser will contain the following clause.
Single Load* of Wood Must be Cash in tbe Future.
thing to exhibit at the Oregon ing or graveling, according to the plans ing that service thereof lie made hy "And there if reseryed from the lands hereby granted a right-of-way for ditches
State fair are requested to leave and specifications on file with the Coun­ publication in the Coquilie HERALD and canals constructed by the authority of the United States.
Clerk, a copy of the same also in the
weekly newspaper published et Co­
Horace G . Wilson. Superintendent.
same with the Commercial elub of ty
hands of the Special Road Master.
quille, Coo* county, Oregon, once each
Besides a full and complete line of Bakery Goods, we carry a nice
this city.
Bide will be received for any part of week for a period of six weeks.
Every Monday night from now improvements, or (or the whole, Five
C. I. K1MK i ne of confectionery consisiing of
until the last of September the lo­ per cent ol the amount of the bid to ac­
Attorney for plaintiff.
cal circle will meet at the W. O. W. company bid, either by certified check
lull and every member ahooldcome or bond to be forfeited in caae bid shall
be accepted and bidder fail to enter into
Notice is hereby given th a t the under­
out and help in thia splendid enter­ contract within«!Idays after award with signed has been duly appointed hy order
bond and euretiee in an amount equal of the County Court for Coos County,
Next Monday night the commit­ to one-half ()«) of the amount of the Oregon. Administrator of the Estate
of Thomas Anderson deceased, and that
tee will have something to enter­ bid.
All bid* to lie filed with the County all persona having claims against said
tain those who come, aa thia will be Clerk
on or liefore ton o'clock a. m. estate are hereby notified topieaent the
A nd everthing usually kept in a first-class Bakery and Confec­
n meeting of most importance.
August 8 , 1911.
same duly verified, and with the pro­
• -- —
The Connty Court reserve* the right per vouchers to the undersigned at the
tionery. W e also cryar Ice Cold Drinks o f all kinds.
For summer diarrhoea iu chil­ to reject any and all bids or to accept a Law Office of A. J . Sherwood in Co­
dren always give Chamberlain s bid not the lowest If it deem it for the quille, Coo* County. Oregon within lix
montha from the date of this notice.
I.uncb and Ice Cream Parlors in Connection.
~ —s
Colic, Cholera and OiarrboM’Rem- beet intereit of tbe Connty.
edy and castor oil, and a speedy Rated this 18th day of July, A. D. 1911, Dated this 15th day of Ju n e , 1911. Cenerai IJI scksmitbing. Wagon Making. Machine Work, Patterò Makin
M R S . M. N O S L E rt and M ISS W IL S O N ,
cure is certain,
Fpf sale by al
H, £. Wilcox,
tor of tbe Estate of Tlpugai Anderson
sod Çssting. Automobil, Work «.SptcieltT,
9 e a te n
Special Road Master R, D No, 11 deceased * ‘
Pbo, ^* n J63.
Prop«. Coquille Bakery end Confecfqey
Job Printing
&S 2 S 2 S 2 SS 28 S£Z§ 2 *
H e
C O Q U IL L E ,
to Your
Auto Picnic
Ask for free
0 D A Ç
Knowlton's Drug Store
0 .
Piano and Organ
Tuning and Voicing
Action Regulating and
Leave Orders With
YV. C. Laird
Having succeeding I. R. Nosier, is
now prepaired to deliver mill wood
anywhere in town on short notice.
Place your order early in order
that the wood may have a chance
to dry
Kime & Von Pegert
Fruits, Candy of all Kinds,
Nuts,Tobacco and Cigars,
Coquille, Oregon