Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 06, 1911, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 28;
NO. 43
three hervy blows and then a right
cross which put Delaney on his
knees. He got up but not to stay.
Chisholm made a leint with his
right and shot a left to his jaw,
Delaney went down on his face,
turned on his side and as he tried
to raise on his hands fell over
backward unconcious.
From a scientific standpoint the
fight was Chisholm’s all the way
through, as he landed straight lefts
in Delaney’s face at will, but De^
laney is a good, game lad and show-
ed endurance without limit, taking
punishment enough to kill an.ordi­
nary man.
He was uuconscious
for some time, but is able to be
around now. Chisholm is back at
work in Coquille.
A large crowd was present at tbe
races yesterday
afternoon and
witnessed a good card The time
in all races was exceptionally good,
tbe three quarters’ dash being fa
surprise when announced at 1:17.
The following were the results:
Race No. 1.— July 3, running 3-8
mile. Purse $50.
1. Teddy; owner, O. J. Seeley
2. Tessie S; owner, E. G. Allen
3. Verona; owner, J. F. Knight,
Time 37 seconds.
Race No. 2, July 3. trotting and
pacing 2 30 class, best two out of
three Ji-mile heat. Purse $75.
1. Marin,
2. Bill Murray; owner, J. L.
Ob yes, all tbe other teams in tbe
A Urge crowd of enthusiastics
county are afraid of us. We’ve
followed the Coquille band to the
wou seven straight and nothing can
Oriental building last Tuesday
night to see the contest between
stop us.
If you missed the game on the
Earl Chisholm of Coquille ?nd Kid
4th you may still think the above
Delaney of Eandon.
and allot more beastly stuff that has
The Preliminary fight was not
been handed out by the local ball
called on time the crowd being a
team is true.
little late. Alter Chas. Courad and
Prosperity Moving
However theie are a good many
Bobby Perks were introduced to
ball this vacinity who are Nay.
the audience as the contestants,
There are more symptoms of a
Time 1:21 and 1:22.
undeceived for it was the stupidest,
Art Fish was introduced as the
boom than residents of the Bay
Race No. 4, running j mile with»
most rotten exhibition ever put
man who challenged the winner.
cities had ever hoped to see again
rider. Purse $25.
At the sound of the gong, both
and property is changing hands
Headlight; owner, F. P
People don’t care to put up their
men came to the center of the ring
Within the past twenty-
good money to see a lot of fat head­ Norton.
and seemed to size each other
four hours a number of sales have
Macbeth; owner,
ed would be athletes make farce
up with a great deal of care,
been reported and others
a of tbe game.
neither one attempting to land
known to be on the tapis.
Race No. 5, running 3-4 mile
Oerding started in to show tbe
blow for about a half a minute.
the properties sold are the follow­
Purse $100.
Mvrtle Pointers a few of his choice
Perks landed a straight left to
ing: Mrs. J. A. Durrand's proper­
1. Charlie Foster; owner, M. H.
slants but be was still thinking of
Conrad’s lace. • Conrad landed two
ty at Flagstaff, 8 acres sold for
tbe ten cart wheels won in a race Nay.
or three on Perks crowding him
$ 10 0 0 ; $2000 down, the balance in
Greenlaw; owner,
and received tbe slamming of bis
back to the ropes where he gave
one year, M tb . Durrand to retain
life. Capt. Collier took the halter Yoakam.
him a knock out over the kidneys
possession for 18 months;
Mr. off him and turned him loose and
3. Tessie S. owner, E. G. Allen,
There was about fifteen miuutes
Jewell’s ranch of 16 acres at Flag
proceeded to show his class but the
intermission during which time the
staff, for $3000; the Potter 40 acres
Race No. 6 . J mile dash catch
visitors failed to see it and it was
band played. There was very lit­
south of Millington, with a quarter
plainly evident that the Captain weights for horses not trained this
tle betting as the Delaney money
of mile of water front, for $ 12 , 000 ;
was over trained or bas retired too season. Purse $15.
was scarce. Delaney appeared in
these properties are being pur­
1. Evelyn; owner, John Yoa­
early each night the last week.
his corner first and was cheeied by
chased by individuals, who are
Manager Howell fell all over him­ kam.
a greater portion of the crowd. He
suspected of purchasing for the C.
Dixie; owner. J. L. Knight.
self trying to stop a few measly
seemed sober but wore a very de­
A. Smith people, who may be ac­
3 Bird.
grounders and acted about as mueh
termined look.
Chisholm soon
quiring them for homes for platting
at home around the difficult corner
Time 25J seconds.—Coos Bay
came in smiling and talking to his
or for manufacturing sites. Henry
as a she bear would.
seconds and friends. He seemed to
Sengstacken yesterday bargained
Tad Collier played in great lorm
have confideuce trcm the statt to
for the building and lot formerly
M yrtle P oin t Enterprise
behind tbe bat and displayed a
owned by Bob Herron.
For this
world cf pepper in fact he was too
Earl Nosier, one of Chisholm’s
property the Herron Brothers ob­
Born— Wednesday, J udo 28th,
fast for that slow position— over
seconds, introduced Southaw who
tained $1900- TLe building is two
to Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Robbinson,
was to challenge the winner of the
story, occupied on the first floor by
Liljeqvist was conspicuous by his twins— boy and girl.
Burns-Lee fighter at Marshfield.
tombstone concern and the upper
W . T. Lehnherr, formerly of this
as usual. When tbe team
Then Dunkley. of Bandon, intro­
story being arranged in fiats. The
bas a hard game be bas to pick city but now living on a ranch on
duced Chisholm and Delaney and
lot is 20x140.— Daily Free Press.
blackberries or feed the ducks or Floras creek in Curry county was a
in a few miuutes the fight was on.
------------------- — ■ - -
other equally important duty caller at this office last Saturday.
At the tap of the gong both men
l'he calf crop means much to the
hurried to the center of the ring general meat interests of the coun- to perform and deprives the team of He says that L. W. Peare has
killed four panther in that country
and a shower of blows followed. try. Upon the calf crop just now his service.
the past spring.
Both seemed to strike fast and depends the increase or decrease ot
Wm. Barnett and wife, formerly
very careless, both landing some the cattle population Tbe grow­ movable scenery that adorn the out
ing demand for veal does not argue field thrilled the crowd by their of this place but now residing in
hard punches.
’ The next two rounds were very very strongly that the maturing of wonderful juggling. The manage­ Chicago arrived o d the stage Tues­
much like the first but Chisholm tbe calf crop would be an easy mat­ ment should famish them with um­ day evening and will spend several
bad probably a little the best of it ter to influence among tbe cow brellas to keep the high flies (rom weeks visiting here and at River­
having knocked bis man down owners that have a ?customed them­ bouncing off their heads.
The farm residence of Ora Mar-
In the fourth round both men old at from $10 to $ 15 per head. as much team wark as one would sters on Catching Creek with all
contents burned to the ground
seemed to get their heads and take A 150-pound calf at 8 cents is a expect from as many tame ape».
Such exhibitions hurts the game. last Monday forenoon, while Mr.
more scientific methods. They pretty quick and profitable way of
kept covered up more and clinched picking up $ 12 from tbe standpoint The people of this town support and Mrs. Uarslers were in town.
occasionally but fought hard all of the farmer who wants to milk their team in liberal style so why The origin of the fire is not know D .
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lundy, Or-
not cut out the kid play and get
tbe cow.
the time.
In the eighth round Chisholm
The dairy districts are not going some good bard practic and install vil Dodge. T. M. Hermann and
landed a right cross to Delaney to make many reserves in their a little team work into their play Wm. King were in attendance at
jaw which made him groggy and crop of calves unless heifer calves and give tbe patrons of the game the G. A. R. encampment which
this might have shortened the fight from extra good producing cows. the kind of ball they are entitled to. was held at Ashland, on the 27, 28
Dud Johnson, well he won the and 29 of June. This meeting
had the lights not been turned out. This very large population of cows,
They were out several seconds, but listed as milk cows, are not contri­ relay race and was not in the game will be of special interest to Mr.
when they came on no one seemed buting strongly to increased cattle on account of an iujured bunion on Dodge as he enlisted from the
to know who did it or why it was population, but nre the main his left heel. This was a blessing country near Ashland fifty years
for the score keeper would have run ago.
source of real supply.
Milton Hermann, son of Mr. and
Delaney came
It is quite easy to understand out of paper bad be been in the
freshened up and seemed to fight that tbe good beef-bred calves will game with his many errors and Mrs. Schiller B. Hermann, former­
ly of Ibis place, now making his
better than in the sixth and not be crowding the market this wild throws.
He has a fierce right year. It pays to raise calves when
Bandon is to play at this place home at Portland arrived on Mon­
punch but it was slow and he every other man you meet wants next Sunday and it is to be hoped day evening’s stage and will speud
could not land it, Chisholm either calves.
The dairy calf of good that tbe locals ginger up and show some time visiting at tbe home of
blocking it or ducking and landing parentage, if a heifer is out of their true form and not such a dis­ E VV. Hermann and other relatives
his left in Delaney’ s face. Once sight. From $5 to $8 is not an play of ignorance of tbe game as in Coos County.
The district conference of the dis­
Delaney landed a right on top of unusual price for grade Jersey- and was seen last Tuesday.
trict of Oregon, Washington and
Chisholm’s head. This put Chis­ Guernsey heifer calves at two or
Indianapolis, July
4 — Before Idaho, of the Brelhern church will
holm down as he tripped on the three days old. Better quality of
canvas at the same time.
dairy cows are believed to be tbe President Taft took his seat in the be held at Myrtle Point, on July 13,
From the eight to the 15th most easily had by getting into the reviewing stand in front of the 14 and 15, at which time ministers
round nearly all the fighting was . breed, therefore the heifer calf is soldiers’ monument here today, and delegates Irom the churches in
done in the clinches and it was 1 being used by many of the new what is believed by the polios to be these states will be present.
greatly in Chisholm’s favor, he dairymen. Good calves are going
constantly landing uppercuts to his to command good prices, both dairy- Tulewiler, the wife of a prominent ing these days to which all mem­
, men and beef cattle feeders are oitizen, who was sitting near the bers and tbe public are invited.
opponents chin and stomach.
The church communion services
Delaney seemed tired after the I5 drawing tbe Hues a little tighter in President’s box, in the thigh.
The bullet came from a 38- will be held on tbe last day of the
and his blows had little power but the direction of their several inter­
he showed no signs of quitting. ests.—T. C. Farmer in
Pacific caliber revolver, and penetrated conference, July 15th.
about three-eightbs o f an inch, but
Chisholm tried to get him to quit Homestead,
Lidney D senses are Curable
the wound was inaiguificant.
in the r6th but Delaney’s seconds
Mrs. Tutewiler left her seat for a
kept encouraging him and he stayed
A country store with postofflee In half-hour, had tbe wound dressed under certain conditions.
with the music. At the end of the connection.
right medicine must be taken lie
A good, new building
19th round one of Chisholm's sec­ 24x30 feet, good business and acre and returned in time to witness the tore tlie disease has progressed too
onds said "knock him out or yon traet of land. Inquire at the Herald parade. Neither the President cor far. Mr. Perry A. Pitman, Dale.
any member of bis party was told
will get a draw ’’
Earl said, "I
»<» *«
T e x , says: " I was down in bed
hate to do it, but if I have to I’ll do
The Coquille
Bakery and Con­ about the affair, but the police this for four months with kidney and
my best "
fectionery carries a complete line of afternoon start» d on a hunt for the bladder trouble and gall stones.
At the tap of the bell they met in choice fruitB, cigars, candies and person who fired the shot.
One bottle of Foley’s Kidney Rem­
-------- --
-— « # » » - -
the middle of the ring.
Chisholm nuta.
edy cured me well and sound.”
The uniform success that has at­
said, "We'll put a stop to tois right
tended the use of Chamberlains Col- Ask for it.
— —
When your watch is in need of lo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
made it a favorite everywhere.
W ood!
W ood!
Delaney seemed slower than he attention, remembei Willie Schroe- has
It ean always be defended npon Fo
ered at yotte h*iiee for $1 3S a toad
sale hv *tt dealers
bad, and Chisholm landed two or d«r dos» first-class repairing
PER YEAR $1.50
Portland, July 1.— Throughout
the Pacific northwest July has be­
gun with almost no loss by lorest
fires so far and with conditions un
usually favorable for prevention,
according to the monthly bulletin
of the Western Forestry A Con
servation Association issued today
Andrew Hall, a Coos county pio­ after the receipt of
San Francisco. Cal, July 1.—
neer and brother ol Judge J. F., from practically all private, state
One mao died of fright, this city
Attorney J. T. and Alex Hall of and federal protective agencies.
was thrown into a panic, people
Marshfield, was fonnd dead by the Slashing fires were numerous in
breame hysterical, buildings were
roadside on the Marshfield road in June but wer» prevented from
evaented by their tenaots snd some
near the Masonic cemetery this entering green timber. Widespread
structures were slightly damaged
forenoon. He has been making bis rains at the close of the month ex
by two earthquake shocks here this
home with his son-in-law and tlngnished smouldering fires and
daughter Mr. and Mrs. McCliniock permit preparation to meet the in­
Herbert Hsdley, a lodging-house
who live on the Kerr place. On evitable dry spell to follow.
inmate, died from shock, and many
Idaho is reported in particularly
Sunday he was in town and on his
oases of hysteria were treatej at
way home laid down to rest by good condition. There has been no
emergency hospitals.
loss except of a few cut logs. The
tbe roadside where he expired.
San Francisco, Cal., July 1.—
An over indulgence in stimuants timber owners' fire associations and
Two short but heavy earthquake
is presumed as the probable cause the forest service have pushed
shocks were experienced here this
of death.
work on trail and telephone build­
afternoon, the first one coming at
Mr. Hall followed the avocation ing t3 assist their patrols.
2.01 o’clock.
The two shocks
of engineer, having lately t>een on roads and loggers have taken ex­
lasted about 10 seconds.
the piledriver operating at the new traordinary precautions. The cbie
Office buildings were rocked, but
mill near town, and was on the complaint is that settlers are not
so far as known no damage w h s
steamer Newport plying between complying with the law requiring
the Coquille and Coos a short time permits to burn slashings and that
In the Mechanics Bnnk building
in road building too much mater­
heavy stones in the cornice were
Tbe last time Mr. Hall was seen ial is fallen into the adjoining
moved slightly out of alignment.
alive was on Svndav when in com­ woods to become a menace when
Slight cracks were made in the
pany with Frank Dulley he went dry.
Pacific building and in the Com­
Washington bas had many sharp
that far on his way home and stop­
mercial building.
ped to rest, Dulley returning to skirmishes with slashing fires, and
The first tremor was accompanied
When Hall was missed a few bridges and cut logs have
by tbe deep booming reverbera­
Dulley mentioned leaving him and been lost, but fire has been kept
tion which usuaPy marks distur­
described the place, and parties at cut of green ttmber and much
bances of a widespread ebarn, 1er.
good was accomplished by the re­
once went directly to the spot.
In downtown cafes the luncheon
Beside the three brothers men­ moval of about 40,000 acres of dan­
crowds quickly left the buildings
tioned the deceased leaves three sis­ gerous logging debris. The state
and shoppers the stores. For snino
bas had 23 regular warden in tbe
ters to mourn his passing away.
time it was impossible to secure tel­
--------- ----- ---
field, besides day labor employed
ephone service, as tbe operators in
by them. The Washington Forest
tbe exchanges left their boards and
Fite Association had 80 wardens in
Died, at her home at Denmark, June and is adding more, besides ran from tbe builning. No damage
Ore., on Sunday, June 18, 1911, purchasing several new track bicy­ of any consequence bas been re­
Lucy N. Hedges, aged 64 years.
cles (or railroad patrol. On the
Tbe tremor turned S»n Francis­
Lucy N. Flagg was born in Plain- whole, all classes are more careful
usually dreamy Chinstown in­
field, 111., Jan 1847,— tbe youngest with fire than in previoue years.
vortex of terrified and gesticu­
of a family of eleven children.
Tbe chief exceptions to this are re­
lating Orientals.
In lookiug over an old scrap book ported to lie in improperly cleared
GraDt Avenue, the main thor­
of family history, I find many in­ rights-of-way and in tbe negligence
oughfare, was jammed in an in­
cidents in her life’s history worthy of a few logging operators to extin­
stant with shopkeepers, their fami­
of mention. Her father and moth­ guish slashing fires completely.
and idlers.
er, Reuben E. and Betsy Flagg,
Oregon has also had slashing
of doors,
emigrated from New Hampshire to fires which caused some alarm, but
Will county, HI., in 1830, which at they were handled promptly by the mingled with spruce youngsters in
that time was a comparatively un­ wardens. Over 100 patrolmen have Occidental garb, all pouring into a
known and unsettled region.
At been put io the field already by dense throng at Olay street, where
that time there were but four fami­ private owners and state forester tbe main disturbance was felt.
After waiting for further tremors,
lies in Plainfield, and Chicago, 36 has appointed 17 district wardens
did not come, the crowd be­
miles distant, was only a settlement The Oregon Forest Fire Association
of a few log huts' The limber for has organized three new coopera­ came hilarious and Uugbed at their
the first frame house in Chicago tive patrols in Jackson, Columbia own fears. No damage of moment
was reported.
was sawed at Plainfield and hauled and Clatsop counties.
to Chicago by her father, which
Lightning and brush burning
Honest Medicine Versue Fakes.
fact is mentioned in tbe early his­ caused a few fires in Montana but,
tory of Illinois; also that the first as elsewhere, improved patrol ser­
President Taft’s recent message
dressed hogs offered in the Chicago vice effeoted their prompt extin­
suggesting an amendment to the
market were brought there by her guishment. The Northern Monta­
Pure Food and Drugs law in its
father in 1833, who had come into na Forestry Association has organ­
relation to Prepared Medicines,
town to attend a conference ot the ized a new patrol coverning Flat-
does not refer to such standard
Methodist church.
head and Lincoln counties with
medicines as Foley’s Honey and
In 1832 was the memorable Black headquarters at Kalispcll.
Tar Compound and Foley Kidney
Hawk war. The little settlement
The Association points out, how­
Pills, both of which are true medt-
at Plainfield hastily erected a ever, that although conditions
cines carefully compounded of in­
stockade, called Fort Bigg, tor have been tortnnate so far, and ex ­
gredients whose medicinal quali­
their protection and defense.
It traordinary effort is beiog made by
ties are recognized by the the med­
was there her mother showed the all official and private protective or­
ical profession itself as the best
true courage aud good judgment ganizations, dry hot weather is soon
known remedial agents for the di­
the women of that day often ex­ due. Success in advoiding dis­
seases they are intended to count» r-
hibited, which saved the lives of tress like that of 1910 depends
act. For over three decades Fo­
tlie little band.
mainly upon the care taken by
ley’s Honey and Tar Compound
Hamantha E. Flagg, her oldest campers, settlers and loggers, and
has been a standard remedy for
sister, was the first white child born particularly upon incipient fires so
coughs, colds and affections of tbe
in Will county, 111.
they will not smoulder and break
throat, chest and lungs for child­
Mrs Hedges being the last of out later when they cannot be con-
ren and for grown persons and it
this noted family, leaves no near rtolled.
retains today its pre-eminence
relatives to mourn her loss.
J. R. McGee, of Riverton, was in above all other preparations of its
Mr. and Mrs. Hedges came here
Foley Kidnev Pills are
from Vancouver, Wash , last No­ town Monday and informed us
equally effective and meritorious.
vember, thinking perhaps a change
of climate would benefit her health- ceived the news of the death of bis For their kidney and bladder ail­
His ments, aud for annoying uninary
She felt much better tor some time aged mother in Missouri.
and was greatly encouraged.
Mr. father died less than four months irregularities are alway grateful
Hedges engaged in the mercantile previously. They were old, being tioth for the quick and permanent
business at Denmark, but the de­ in their eighties, but it is hard for relief they afford, and tor their ton­
cline of her health, soon forced Mr, McGee nevertheless. He was ic and strengthening effect as weP.
Kidney Pills.
them to retire to their ranch near back to see them recently, but his Try Foley
------- - <§► *------ —
here where Mr. Hedges was in con­
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Johnson,
stant attendance at her bedside to ration and be was not warned in late of Cashmere, Washington,
time to reach her before death.
the last.
who have been visiting with their
Mrs. Hedges bore her illness
old friend and former iesident9 of
with marked fortitude, cheerful and
Washington, Frank and Alva War
hopeful to the last. Her only sorrow without a bottle of Chamberlain's ren and their families as well as
was in leaving her dear husband Colic, Cholera and
their father, made a trip to Bandon
alone. Retaining her faculties to Remedy. It is almost certain to last week with Mr. and Mr Alva
the last, her last blessings were for be needed and cannot be obtained Warren and greatly enjoyed an
him. She died as she had lived, a when on board tbe ear* or ste un­ outing on the beach. These peo­
devoted member of the Universa- ship». For sale by ail deatars.
ple are highly pleased with our
list church and In the full belief ol
section and will become permmen*
a glorious ressMrection.— A Friend
V. JT *»MsoP. Nor way 1 Of.
In p<ttf Orlord THHanti