the right to reject any and all bids of the or to accept a bid not the lowest if it deem It for the best Interest of bid to be deposited with the County Continued from Page One the county. ----------------------------------------------------------------| Clerk, with bid, either by bond or cer­ Dated this 16th day o f May, A. tified check, the same to be forfeited D. 1911. W H Boyle, carpenter work at court house......................... 42 00 to Coos County, Oregon, in case con­ H. E. W ILC O X, Coquille Steam Laundry, laundry tract is awarded to bidder and he fail Special Road Master R. D. No. 11. for court house.....................14.10 to enter into contract within Five (5) H C Train, wood for court house........................................ 86.25 days after award is made, with bond N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S . and sureties In an amount equal to i of J T labor In yard at court house...............................4.00 bid. In the County Court o f the State W W Gage, stamps, pnctls, All bids to be filed with the County of Oregon, for the County of e tc .............................................18.38 Clerk on or before 11 o’clock A. M. A N Gould, transcribing field Coot. June 13, 1911. I notes, e tc .................................26.15 In the matter of the estate of C. The County Court reserves the right 1 | Coquille Furniture ('o, repairing M. Skeels, deceased. ch air........................................... 1.00 to reject any and all bids or to accept H N Lorenz, duck and curtain Notice Is hereby given by the un a bid not the lowest if it deem it for c loth ........................................... 2.55 dersigned, administratrix of the es­ the best interest of the County. W illia m B a y a r d H a la T h r o w » S o m a Remington Typew riter Co, Dated May 20, 1911. tate of C. M. Skeels, deceased, to T yp ew riter............................ 110.00 In t e ra c t in g S id e L ig h t s on G o v e rn o r Coquille Electric Supply Co, T. S. EVERNDEN, the creditors of, and all persons o f N e w Je rse y, W h o F o rc e d the E n ­ wiring, electrical fixtures ..45.40 Special Road Master, R. D, No. 18. having claims against, the said de­ a c tm e n t of the P e o p le 's W ill In to Fred Arfman, extra labor plas­ ceased, to exhibit such claims, with te rin g ......................................... 1-35 L a w , D e s p ite P o litic a l D ic ta to rs. Notice to Contractors. E A Howie, extra labor plas­ the necessary vouchers, within six te rin g ....................................... 15.00 “ Woodrow Wilson, Possible l'resi Notice Is hereby given that months after the first publication dent," is the title of an Interesting artl E G Perham, balance due on contract, remodeling cir­ sealed bids will be received for spe­ of this notice, to the said adminis­ vie lu the May World’s Work by Wil­ cuit court r o o m ............... 422t00 cial Improvements i:i Road Dis­ tratrix at the office o f C. R . Bar- liam Bayard Hale concerning the per­ W W Gage board of pris­ trict No. 30, Coos County, Oregon, sonality and record of the militant oners.......................................173.42 grading and planking on the Coos row, in Coquille, Coos county, Ore­ governor o f New Jersey, whose sue­ Dennis McCarthy, cruising 14,- Bay Wagon Road, and grading alon gon, which said office the under­ leas 111 obtaining popular reforms from 492 acres timbr la n d .. ..869.52 i n tho Lee-Norway-Coos Bay Mid­ signed has selected as the place foi an unwilling legislature has focused In Re O fficers and Deputies dle Creek Road, according to the Clerk’s Office upon him the eyes of progressives of plans and specifications 0:1 file I11 the transaction of the business ol all stripes and parties throughout the Ines F Bunch, lab or................129.00 the office of the County Clerk. said estate. Five per cent of the amount of country. Here are some of the things Nels Osumndson, la b o r.. ..182.00 N E L L IE J. SKEELS. Assessor's Offi-'O the bid to De deposited with the Mr. Hale has to say about the man Administratrix A B Collier, assessing . . ..117.00 County Clerk, with bid, either by who may be the leader of the tight Alice Mahn, list for Assessor.. 3.50 bond or certified check, the same of the estate of C. M. Skeels, de­ against President T aft in 1912: J S Lawrence, assessing . . . . 30.00 to be forfeited to Coos County, Ore- I "There may have been fiercer po­ A W Cope, labor in County gon, In case contract is awarded to j ceased. litical battles than that which was Treasurer's o f f i c e ................ 13.50 bidder and he fail to enter into C. R. B ARRO W , now Joined between the Democratic Sheriffs 'Office contract within five (5 ) days after Attorney fo r Adm inistratrix old guard of New Jersey and #!s new Ada McConnll, l a b o r ..............106.00 award is made, with bond and sur­ Dated and first publication at Co­ governor, but few have been In their Claude L Kidder, labor. . . . 84.00 eties in an amount equal to one- quille, on the 27th day of April, Issue of greater possible significance L W Oddy, la b or..................... 171.00 Dalf of amount of bid. A ll bids to be filed with the 1911. to the political future o f the United Claude L Kidder, labor . . . .39.00 t6 Geo O Leach, l a b o r ............... 165.00 County Clerk on or before 11 States. W W Gage, arrest and return o’clock a. m., June 13th 1911. “ The quiet gentleman who had Just VOTR E OE S H E R IF F 'S SALE of Stage, Duffy, Foster . . 71.20 The County Court reserves the emerged from the delectable groves of W H Bunch, salary and ex- right to reject any and all bids or By virtue of an execution and or­ P: inceton academy, Ills garments pensnses as County School to accept a bid not the lowest if Issued by the Supt, 2 m o ....................... 238.50 it deem it for the best interest of der of sale duly odorous with the vapors of Parnassus, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the the county. his lips wet with the waters of Helicon P M Hall-Lewis, County Fruit County of Coos, State o f Oregon, Inspector and expense . . . .135.40 Dated May 16, 1911. -th is long haired bookworm of a pro­ dated the 16th day of May, 1911, H. E. W ILCO X, fessor wind had Just laid his spectacles W alter Culin, health officer, in­ vestigating death, etc ....6 6 .7 8 Special Road Master R. D. No. 30 In a certain action in the Circuit on Ids dictionary- came down to the Court for said County and State County Court Trenton stateliouse nnd 'licked the John F Hall, 2 mo salary as wherein George W itte as plaintiff, Notice to Contractors. recovered judgment against Henry gang to a frazzle.’ County Judge, expense in re Hoeck and H. D. J. Hoeck, defend­ "It appeared that he did know the roads and bridges.................172.67 Notice is hereby given that ants, for the sum for T w elve Hun­ difference between a seminar and a W T Dement, Commissioner, sealed bids will be received for dred Forty-One and 65-100 Dollars attendance on court, mile­ caucus, a syllabus and a New Jersey Special Improvements in Road Dis­ age, etc ................................63.80 trict No. 12. Coos County, Oregon, and costs and disbursements taxed corporation; that he did know Hobo­ at Twenty-four and 20-100 Dollars, G J Armstrong, d o ...................61.20 ken and Camden politics pretty nearly grading according to the plans and on the 17th day o f April, 1911, as well ns he did his Burke and his In Re Bills Continued or Not A l­ specifications on file In the office Notice is hereby given that I will lowed of the County Clerk. Bagehot and that, able to write a book Wm J Smith, expense and care on Saturday, the 24th day of June, F ive per cent o f the amount of on constitutional government, be was of Wm Cox, claim $35.CO, re­ 1911, at the front door of the Coun­ the bid to be deposited with the Just ns able to handle a governor's duced and allowed at . . . .19.75 County Clerk, with bid, either by ty Court House In the City of Co quille In said County, at ten o'clock Job, constitutionally or otherwise. Mercy Hospital, care of bond or certified check, the same in the forenoon o f said day, sill Isaacson, amt $4 4.50, or­ "This is the fact that makes Gov­ to be forfeited to Coos County, Or­ at public auction to the highest hi.’, dered returned for itemized ernor Woodrow Wilson a looming lig egon, in ease contract is awarded to der for cash, the follow ing described statement o f account. ure In the world today. This is tho bidder and he fail to enter into property, to-w it' H N Lorenz, mdse for county coutract within five (5 ) days after reason it was worth while to go to Twelve, Thirteen and Fourteen patients, amt $9.25, not al­ award is made, with bond and sur­ and a strip Ten feet in width oft Trenton to observe the advent of a lowed; the same comes un­ eties in an amount equal to one- and along the North side of lot new type of man Into the arena of der contract o f Mrs J e ff D half of amount of bid. Eleven all in Block Fifteen, in politics.” W ilson for care of county All bids to be filed with the North Bend, Coos County, Oregon, Here is the pen picture of Governor patients County Clerk on or before 11 together with the tenements, hered Beall & Co, freight bill, amt Wilson as painted by Mr. Hale: o'clock a. m., June 13th, 1911. itaments and appurtenances there­ $1 20, not allowed. “ Dr. Wilson's face is familiar—a The County Court reserves unto belonging or appertaining or the right to reject any and all bids so much thereof aa may be noci s high forehead, gray eyes, a long Jaw. George Thrush, 3 trips with "B u ifa lo B ill” In place of or to accept a bid not the lowest if sary to satisfy t i e said Judgment a very long Jaw. lie instantly recalls Ferry Transit, amt $6.00, it deem it for the best interest of in favor of George W itte againa. Joseph Chamberlain as that British continued. the county. statesman was in other days. The W illey A Schroeder, steel plate said Henry Hoeck and H. D. J. Dated May 16, 1911. Hoeck with inteie3t thereon, to­ profiles of the two might be ex­ for holler, amt $2.75, not H. E. W ILC O X, gether with all costs and disburse­ changed almost without detection. allowed. Special Road Master R. D. No. 12 ments that have or may accrue. Dr. Wilson is of good height, sturdily State of Oregon I g8 W. W. GAGE, built, with square shoulders. He County o f Coos \ Sheriff. Notice to Contractors. stands erect and on his feet. I f you I, James Watson, County Clerk for Dated at Coquille, Oregon, May want mannerisms you noto that his Coos County, State o f Oregon, ex 17th, 1911. Notice is hereby given that hands seek bis trousers pockets; that offiicio Clerk o f the County Court for sealed bids will bo received for the he changes his glasses with much care said County and State, custodian o f the Special Improvements in Road Dis­ NOTICE OF F IN A L SE TTLE M EN T. when ho looks down at a document Notice is hereby given that the records, archives and files o f said Coun­ trict No. 11, Coos County, Oregon, or up from It; that every time he has by grading and planking or gravel­ used his pen he wipes it carefully ty, do hereby certify that the fore­ ing, according to plans and speci­ undersigned has filed her final ac­ with a cloth taken from a drawer. going is a true and correct Statement fications on file with tho County count in the matter of the adminis­ Into which he painstakingly replaces of the amount o f bills o f expense, in Clerk, a copy o f the same also in tration o f the estate of Charles A It, closing the drawer. There Is a cer­ whose favor drawn or allowed, con­ the hands of the Special Road Mas­ Peterson, Sr., deceased, and that tain trained precision o f habit in mat­ tinued or not allowed, on the various ter. lilds w ill be received for any part the County Court has named the ters of routine and a free spontaneity funds of the County as audited by the In others. There would be a gray County Court o f said County and State of improvements, or for the whole, County Court Room, in the Court five per cent of t i e amount o f the grimness about him except for the at the Regular May 1911 Term thereof, bid t > accompany bid. either by cer­ House, in Coquille, Coos County pocketed hnnds, a frequent sunburst tified c lic k or bend to be forfeit­ Oregon, as the place, and Monday, as the same appear in the Journals of of a smile nnd n voice like music. ed in case bid thnll be accepted and You learn in the course o f a few hours said Court now in my office and cus­ bidder fail 'o entri into contract the 5tb day o f June, 1911, as the that a man with a stiff Jaw nnd a sen­ tody. within five (5 ) days after awaid time for hearing objections to the Witness my hand and the seal of the with sitive mouth Is pretty sure to be mas­ bond and sureties in ,ir. final account and the settlement of ter In any situation. Governor W il­ County Court affixed this 11th day o f amount equal to one-half ( % ) of said estate. , ne amount of the bid. son Is n mnn of positive opinion, re­ May, A. D. 1911. Dated this the 18th day o f April, A ll bids to to tiled with toe lieved by an eager sense of humor. James Watson, County Clerk on 01 betore eleven 1911. M A R Y L. PETERSON, He moves and spenks with unfailing County Clerk. o'clock a. 111. June 13, 1911 poise, with good nntured certainty of Executrix. The County Court reserves the himself.” C. R. Barrow, Attorney. right to reject any and all bids NOTICE The story of Governor Wilson's fight O f improvement o f a portion of with the bosses and the special inter­ ests is Interestingly told by Mr. Hale, Spurgeon street and the extension of nere Is one o f tho governor's quoted Spurgeon street in the city of Coquille. statements, which gives a clear idea of Notice is hereby given that the Com­ his attitude on popular government; mon Council o f the City o f Coquille T he gasoline boat L im it is now owned "Back of all reform lies the means has deemed it necessary and expedient of getting It. Back o f the question and operated by the undersigned, and what you want Is the question, How and by resoluiion has duly declared its will do a general towing and freighting are you going to get it? We nre all intention to improve that portion of pretty well agreed, I take It, that cer­ Spurgeon Street in said city from a business on the river. Can be chartered tain reforms nre needed. But we find point 95 feet westerly from the east for passengers that the first necessary reform Is oue end of said Street thence westerly and that will render us able to get reform. continuously as a whole to the west “ W e have been calling our govern­ end o f the Extension of Spurgeon ment a republic, and we have been Street in said city in the manner speci­ living under the delusion that It is a fied in said resolution and to assess the representative government. That is cost thereof upon the property bene the theory. But the fact is that we are not living under a representative fitted thereby; said Resolution was government W e arc living under a filed in the office o f the city Recorder government o f party bosses, who In se­ on the 10th day o f May, 1911 and is cret conference nnd for their private kept on record therein and reference is ends determine whnt we shall and made to such Resolutions as a part shall not have. The first, the imme­ of this notice. diate thing that we have got to do Is That the probable cost o f such im­ to restore representa live government. provement is the sum o f $2268.78. 'There has got to be a popular rebel­ Any and all objections and remon­ lón for the reconquest and reassmnp strances to said improvements must tlon by the people of tho rights of the be filed with the said Recorder on or people too long surrendered." before June 12, 1911. Notices o f said proposed improve­ ment were posted on the 11th day of I would a great deal rather lie ♦ May, A. D. 1911 put In Jail for something I was $ A. W. K E L L E Y Innocent of or for something City Recorder. that 1 had not done than to HOMES IN ATHENS NEW LEADER IN POLITICS. As a Rule They Are Clean, but Bare and Comfortless. PEOPLE LIVE IN THE CAFES. W h e n T h . y D o G ot In to T h o ir H o u m s T h o ir P r in c ip a l O c c u p a t io n la L o o k ­ in g O u t of tha W in d o w » — T h a M a r ­ ria g e C u s t o m s of Graeco. Home life In Greece, particularly lu Athens, Is peculiar. It might almost be said that there Is no such thing. In Mr. Duckett Ferrlmau's book on "Greece and the Greeks" the manners ami customs of tho picturesque Hel­ lenes, which are little known to the average English reader, are described ai length. Mr. Ferrlman states that the Greeks do not know anything about the art of making a home. "One may meet with exquisite clean llness,” he writes, "with beautifully embroidered bed linen scented with r-cemary, but never with what we mean by cozlness. The Greeks are for less In tliclr houses than we are, and when they are at home they appear to spend most of their time In looking out of tho window. They nre not given (• Inviting their friends to their houses. It Is not that they are nig­ gardly, for they will gladly entertain you at a restaurant at far greater cost to themselves. But it does not enter Into their Ideas to ask you home to dinner, even after an acquaintance of many years. “ They do not ask each other, so It can hnrdly be expected that they should make an exception in the case of foreigners. The cafe is a second home to them. There they meet friends and gossip. That Is one reason perhaps why they dislike country life. “ It offers no alternative to the home: there the hearth Is the social center, while In town It Is the cafe. In Atheus those who do not own the house they dwell In seldom remain long In the same abode. Two or three years Is quite n long tenure. Many people make n point of moving every year. “ The imposing facades of Athenian houses conceal, for the most part, a bare and comfortless interior, and a well kept garden Is rare. A garden Is not made In a year, and a person who changes his residence every twelve mouths does not want to be troubled with much furniture, nor Is he par­ ticular ns to Its arrangement, seeing that It will be carted away In a few months. “ Home life lias no resources tor the Greeks, as It has for us. It alTords them little o cupntlon and no amuse ment. They lllce to eat and drink In crowds, where there Is noise and move ment. Their Instincts nre too gregari­ ous to allow them to appreciate the domestic Intimacy which we prize. “ The day chosen for mnrrlage In Greece is usually Sunday, but the day o f all days In the year Is the Sunday preceding the Christmas feast. It is not fashionable now to be married In church. In Athens the ceremony takes place in the house of the bride's par­ ents. A temporary altar Is set up In the middle of the room. “ At the conclusion o f the ceremony tho priest and the couple Join hands and walk three times round the altar, tho guests pelting them with comfits. Tho most Important part of the cere­ mony Is the crowning of the bride and bridegroom with wreaths of orange blossom; hence n wedding Is popular­ ly called ‘the crowning.' “ Love marriages nre rare exceptions. Tho match Is made by the parents and relatives rather than by the parties principally concerned. There nre cer­ tain established usages which, though not legally binding, nre not to be con­ travened with Impunity. “Then It Is considered wrong for brothers to marry until their sisters have been wed. Again, girls must marry In order of seniority. It would not be right for a girl to be married while she had an elder sister who re­ mained single. The men of a family are thus naturally anxious to see their sisters set Heel, and ns a dowry Is In­ dispensable Its provision Is often a matter of serious anxiety and the fruit of great self denial on the part of the brothers If the parents nre dead. “ There nre eases In which brothers have remained unmarried for years and have devoted all their hard enrned snvlngs to the dowries of their sisters. Among the poorer classes emigration Is resorted to, not Infrequently solely with tills object, and many a dowry comes to a Greek maiden from across the Atlantic.” W h a t W a s L a c k in g . The Hobo—riease, mum. I'm n sick mnn. Do doctor gimme dls medicine, but I needs assistance In takln' It. The Lady—Poor fellow! Do you went a spoon and a glass of water? The Ho­ bo—No, mum: I wouldn't trouble yer. But dls medicine has to be took before meals. Ilavo yer got a meal handy?— Cleveland Leader. Fam e. Fame Is easily ncqulred. All you have to do Is to be In the right place at the right time and do the right thing In the right wav-and then ad­ vertise It properly.—ruck. Ennui. Tommy—Top. whnt Is ennui? Tom­ my's Top—Ennui, my son, la a disease that attacks the people who are so lazy that they get tired of resting.— Philadelphia Record. Death expeeteth thee everywhere; lie wise, therefore, and expect death everywhere—Qnarles o f the County Clerk. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS office Five per cent o f the amount Eat More and Digest All Woodrow Wilson Hailed as “Possible President,“ PROGRESSIVE AND A FiGriTEPL River Towing & Freighting Steve :s & Root, Coquille, Ore. NOW AT HOME know In my heart that I had done some dishonorable, dirty thing, where I could see the sug­ gestion o f It In the eye o f every 9 man I looked at.—Governor Wti- j son o f New Jersey In n Recent $ Speech. | Ladies' two-piece khaki suita- jlist tho thing for tho auto some W H A T M M HE 11 D ll) 4 01 GET? loathor trlmmod. Get them at Robinson's. Also ladies' ready-to- No. 9— 1 pair men's shoes. wear dresses in messaline, foulards No. 1224— 1 pair ladles shoes. and poplin. No. 60— 1 pair boya shoos. No. 1042— 1 pair girls shoes. Eggs W e will be able to supply Bring In the number. your wants for Easter. Lyons ê ROBINSON. Jones. Horses ior Sale S]>nn o f you u g tusres, coming 6 this spring; w e igh t between 1600 and 1701; double. well broke, single or One black horse, com ing 5 years old in spring: w eight about 1400. Inquire A, R m allev’ s ranch H a ll’ s creek. J 1614 Notice lo Contractor* Notice is hereby given that scaled : bids will be received for Special Im provements In Road District No. 18, Coos County, Oregon, according to the i plans and specifications on file in the In our new, up-to-date quarters in the First National Bank Building, and we will be pleased to have the public generally call and inspect the store. We are proud of our new home, and believe it will be a gen­ uine pleasure for our customers to trade here, We are headquarters for fresh Groceries, Vegetables, Utz & Dunne ^liocs. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fur­ nishings — everything in General Merchandise. LYONS & JONES You know that there is nothingquite so aggravating and distressing as DYSPEPSIA —you can’t eat half the time and then not what you are craving. i f you are so situated—afraid to eat—food don’ t agree with you | stomach trouble when you do, it’s a sure sign the digestive fluids are sluggish— the food is not properly assimilated. Stir them up, increase your appetite and eat your meals with en­ joyment and relish* There is nothing quite so sure as NYAL’S D Y S P E P S IA T A B L E T S —they will work wonders with your system, increase your vitality, and make your daily tasks a pleasure. We sell them FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY. Cl Nosier and Norton General Commission and Wholesale Merchants. Feed, Flour, Hay Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Agents for De Laval c ep- arators. Freight and Ticket Agents STEAMER *> Fifield, Bando n, a 1 1 Albane i | Farmers 43J Phone Home 111. Oregon. Coquille, - A Tailorin g, C leaning and Repairing For h j'.h o f fir t-elins i n t i ling, «lying r c!e*»nii,g, «»r a n* w suit lull cull at the r c »r of the plmriuJUM hui’d io g I am agent or t so 'ad orin g Is use.« iu Chicago. Cornu and my style« nnd samples. I w ill h iv you m ney and guarantee a good tit. K. Holverson FOR Coquille, Ore. SA l LÆ 160 acre ranch. About 25 acres proposition for orchard. Plenty of bottom land, mostly In cultivation. ! good water. Good 7-room house and House and barn and good orchard. I good barn. Orchard. Located about Price $2,500.00. Terms on part. I oae-half mile from steamboat land­ 80 acre farm. Nice house and ing on the Coquille river. Price, good barn. Located on county road. $4.500; $2,500 cash, balance In 3 Price $5,750.00. Good terms. years time. i 160 acres. 40 or more acres bot­ 30 acre farm located on Coquilli. tom land. 20 acres In cultivation. river. 20 acres In cultivation. 80 acres in pasture. Good orchard. House, barn and other outbuildings Good house and two barns. 15 or i Good orchard Price $3,400. 20 tons grain hay. Price $3,500. 800 acre stock ranch. 600 a c r e 159 acre farm. 132 acres rich open land In grass. Two barns. A river bottom land. 100 acres of it good 7 room house. Good orchard. cleared. Good 1 1-2 story 7;rooom Plenty of water. Located one h : f house. Large dairy barn. Other mile from county road. Price, per good outbuildings. Good orchard. acre, $8.00. Two running springs with an abun­ 250 acre ranch, with house and dance o f good water. 20 head of bar.i and orchard, located only two dairy cows. Oue tlioeoughbred Jer­ miles from Coquille. A bargain. sey bull. Several head o f young $30 per acre. Cash $2,500; bal­ stock. 4 0 head of hogs. Lots of ance long terms at 6 1-2 per c e :'. chickens, ducks and turkeys. One 16# acres logged o ff land, all In hack and one buggy. Full and com­ pasture. A fine tract for orcht r,l plete outfit of farming tools. One and berries. L evel enough to pi a v cream separator. 100 bushels of almost the entire tract. Locat'd wheat and 60 bushels of oata, for within 2 miles of Coquille. Price food or good for seed. Price if sold $2,500. soon, $110 per acre. 120 acre farm located on the Co- | 130 acre farm. 35 acres bottom qultlo river close to Coquille. Fine | land cleared and mostly under the house and good barn. Several head l dow. H ill land most all In pas- o f slock and farming tools. Price \ ure. 6 room house and good barn. per acre, $85. H alf cash Is re­ I I 2 cows and one bull. All farming quired. This Is a good buy. oolg. Tw o colts, one and 2 years Nice city lots at from $225 up, old. Household goods. Located $50 cash, bal­ close to market and creamery. Price on easy payments. ance $50 every six months with in ­ per acre $62. Term » on $3,000. 80 acre farm. 25 acres bottom terest. land all in cltivatlon. H ill land is 40 acres bench land, no Improve­ used for pasture, but an excellent ments, for $500. P A C IF IC R E A L .1. W LENEYE, Secretary. E S T A T S CO. FRANK BURKH O LD ER, M apagar.