— ALLBGANY 1TKMM. HUPMOBILE G U A R A N T E E D F O R L IF E We consider ihe Hupmobile life-ion», “square-deal guaran­ tee to 1)0 the strongest element of protection ever incorporated in the manufacture of motor cars. A demonstration »ill be given you at your convenience. Auto Garage and storage room no» open. Second street 1. R. Nosier Coquille, Ore. New Line of Fur= niture Just Arrived We have just received a complete stock of the newest things in lace curtains from the east. Fifty room-size Brussels, Axminster and Wilton Velvet Rugs. Come in and see our new line of Iron Beds in dull Oak Finish. We also carry the Ostermoor Mattress. Coquille Furniture Company THE SPEED MANIA. Mr. and Mrs. Gould were In Svntation« That Com« With a Rid« In a Racing Motor. Marshfield April 4. Imagine yourself In a big racing ma­ Jess Ott. captain of the MUlIco- chine plunging over a course at eighty ma has put a telephone la hW miles an hour. For the average man house. the sensation is awful, but tbe speed A number of the children of this j kings revel to It Down the road vicinity have been absent from streaks tbe car. Lashed Into a school on account of colds and sore typhoon by the appalling speed, tbe still air roar« In your ears. Toil think throats. I you will never regain your hearing Gusste Cowan and Paul Hastings The resistance of the atmosphere ia started to school Monday, April 3. | fearful. The slightest forward move Clarence Gould has opened his ment is an effort. Distant object a loom up suddenly before you and Jump logging camp on West Coos River. by. The landscape Is a streaky line Miss Merle Radabaugh was vlslt- of green, blotched here and there as a | Ing Miss Viria Moody, of Coquille, house Is passed. The gale seems to cat your face, and you feel yourself . at North Bend, April 1 and 2. Mrs. Joe Shafer, of Glen Junc­ being gradually flattened out against the back of tbe seat. It seems that tion, was visiting with friends in the glass in your auto goggles is on Alleghany a few days last week. the point of breaking. Particles of Ethel Anderson was visiting her dust are driven back in your eyes. You parents down towards Marshfield may become blinded. The vibration of the engine is terrific. Mysterious ! last Sunday. She returned to A)le- indicators fluctuate alarmingly. It ! gany on the boat the same day. may mean that the engine is on the Mabel and Mason Noah have re­ point of exploding. What makes the turned home. They have been stay­ floor tremble so? Surely something ing lu North Bend during the win­ will happen :.cw! And then you hear explosions boom­ ter, attending school. ing from the exhausts as the drivers Mrs. Alice Stemmermau spent the “■hut off.“ A sharp turn la ahead day with Mrs. Ethel Robison last The noise Is deafening. The terrific speed does not seem to have been Wednesday. checked. The outline of the turn There was prayer mee:ing at the grows more distinct. It is sheer folly school house last Thursday even­ —maybe death—to rush at it at such ing. Also Sunday school and church a pace. You dare not breathe as the every Sunday mornlug, and church car tears into the bend. It skids and a wall of dirt Is thrown up alongside In the evening. you ns the driver, with a sharp twist Agnes Wilkinson, of Glen Junc­ of the wheel, sends the car once more tion, came down to Mr. Price's back in tbe middle of tbe road. You home Friday afternoon and went to are safe—until another turn Is encoun­ town Saturday, returning on the tered.—Hampton's Magazine. same day. A Painful lnf«r«nca. A teacher was instructing a class of Report of Allegany school No. boys and had speut half an hour try­ 45, for the month ending April 7: ing to drive into their heads the dif­ ference between man and the lower Number enrolled, boys, 14. animals, but apparently with little suc­ Number enrolled, girls, », cess. Average daily attendance 16.1. “Tommy.’* he said coaxingly to a lit­ Those neither absent nor tardy tle chap, “do you know tbe difference were Myrl Lonzo and Rtnaldo Stem- between, say. me and a pig or any merman, Elva and Lemuel Gray, other brute?” “No.” replied Tommy inuocently, but Pearl and Hazen Price, Hazel and another teacher standing by laughed.-- Gusste Cowan, Ethel Anderson, Noel London Answers. Noah and Paul Hastings. Merle Radabaugh, Teacher. T HE FORERUNNER. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the Com­ mon Council of the City of Coquille will receive sealed bids for the improve­ ment of Fpurgeon Street and the exten­ sion of Spurgeon Street in sai 1 City of Coquille in accordance with the plans, details and specifications of the City Engineer on file with theCitv Recorder. Said bids will be opened ou the 10th day of April, 1911, at a special meeting of the Common Council. The Council reserves the power to reject any and all bids, and said bids may he for the w hole or gny part of mid improvement. Im provement to be complete I within six weeks from the time contract is aw ak­ ed; five per cent of the total contract price of the entire improvement or such portion thereof as the hid shall cover, shall he deposited with the bid, the same to be forfeited in the event the bidder upon the awarding of the con­ tract fails to enter into such contract and give bond satisfactory to the Com­ mon Council in the sum of one Imlf of bid conditioned to insure the faithful completion of the work in strict accord­ ance with said specifications. Dated this 8th day of March, A. D. 1911. A. W KELLEY” 3-9t5 City Recorder. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed has been duly appointed execu­ trix of the last will and testament of, ’V S ta lk e d aw h ile w ith th e engineer. T h e c h a p w ho 's doin' m y e ld tim e and of the «state of John Kronenberg, MYRTLE POINT ITEMS. trick s. deceased, by the County Court for Coos E x c e p t t h a t h e ru n s on a tra c k that*« County, Oregon, ami that all persons L. M. Suplee has been seriously clear. ill the past week, and is under Dr. W hile I d ro v e th e O verland coach a n d having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same duly nix— Johnson's care. We hope to hear A coach a n d s ix —a c ro s s th a t plain verified and with the prope r vouchers There is absolutely no necessity of your suffering the he Is Improving soon. * T h a t now flies p a s t in th e w indow pane. to the undersigned at the office of A. J. pain and discomforts accompanying blood disorders. The banquet and entertainment This c h ap h a s a th ro ttle In hla h and. Sherwood, Coquille, Coos County, Ore­ Such annoying ailments as bolls, pimples, salt rheum, given by the high school scholars A nd th e re ’s n ev er a ticklish tu r n te gon, within six months from the date steer. eczema and all skin diseases are the result of impure blood. last Saturday evening was a decid­ I h e ld th e ribbons, understand. of this notice. nd a s h o tg u n a lw ay s re sted near. ed success. In the afternoon one N A Dated this 8th day of February, 1911. Hy cleansing the Wood you free o h e ad lig h t gleam ed on the fa in t rough hundred and eighty tickets had been CATHARINE KRONENBERG, tra il yourself from any of these troubles W hen I w as th e one who c a rrie d mall. Executrix of the Estate and of the Last sold. The supper was donated by la­ The en g in e er «its a s w arm aa to a s t We have, in Nyal'B Hot Springs Blood Remedy, a Will and Testament of John Kronen- As he p e rc h es high on his iron hoes. dies around town. The proceeds treatment that we personally recommend to thoroughly B u t m a n y ’s th e tim e I'v e looked th e ghost lerg, deceased. are to go toward paying for the W hen th e n e rth e r sw ept th e plains cleanse the blood and make it right In every way, enrich c ro ss— SUMMONS. piano which the school purchased. T h a t a endless, pitiless, frozen plain it and strengthen it. In the Circuit Court of the State Russel Dement, who has just re­ T h a t w hizzes p a st th ro u g h th e w indew You will I k * on the safe side by taking pane. Oregon, in and for the County of Coo § turned from a business trip to —A rth u r C hapm aa. Hattie Bledsoe, plaintiff, vs. O. F. Nyal’s Hot Spring* Blood Remedy Roseburg, reports the roads as al­ Rohrer and Mary A. Rohrer, defend­ THE GOS8IPERS. if the system is weakened most impassable. ants. Suit in Equity. N his h o n r of pain a n d sham e. Miss Dora Williams, who has — Strengthen it by enriching the blood and protect your­ In h is prison house of flame. ToO. F. Rohrer anil to Mary A. Rohr­ been teaching near Bandon, spent W hen rev en g e the devil so u g h t self against the invasion of disease. You are not taking er, the above named defendants: L ittle to n g u e s of fire he w ro u g h t; a couple of days in town on her In the name ot ihe 8tat# of Oregon : a “patent"— but a prescription medicine—a remedy we T ongues to lie and tw is t a n d tu rn . T ongues to scorch an d se a r and burn. way to her parents’ home at Rock Y'ou and each of you are hereby noti­ can vouch for because w know the formula, know the results T ongues to slay th e h ig h an d holy. fied that you are required to appearand Creek, where she will teach school obtained, and know that it will do as represented. T ongues to slay th e poor an d low ly; answer the complaint filed against you T hen to e a r th th e to n g u e s he sent, for the present term. llcmeinlH-r that we heartily endorse this preparation T h e re to w ork his fell Intent, in the above entitled suit and came Snow on Sugar Loaf mountain T o w hisper, h in t a n d sm irc h a n d snee« One dollar for a large bottle. within six weeks from ihe date of the A nd to nil th e w orld w ith fear, can be plainly seen, and a little Whatever a good drug store ought to have you'll find F o u l w ith gossip th a t c an kill first publication of this summon?, to- fell on the North Fork this ( Mon- E v e rm o re to w o rk his will. here. Come to us first and you'll get what you want. w it: day) morning. Within six weeks from the 2nd day of In cases of rheumatism relief March, A. D. 1911, and if you fail to WOMAN. from pain makes sleep and rest appear and answer on or before the (Read twice, first entirely possible. This may be obtained by 13th day of April, A. D. 1911, that date through, second time first and third applying Chamberlain’s Liniment. being the last day of the time prescribed in the order of publication, the plain­ lines; then second and fourth. Con­ For sale by all dealers. tiff will take judgment and decree tributed by Myrtle Point correspond­ ayainst von and each of yon for the ent.) POLK’S DIRECTORY rel ef denian led in tlie complaint, a That man must lead a happy life ,Tu*t issued (or 1911 12 is the succinct statement of which is as fol­ Who is directed by a wife; most c * 1 1 1 1 ■ I* t•• win k of the kind lows : Who’s freed from matrimonial That mortgage held by plaintiff pubh-heil It contnius sir aecutule claims business directory of every city, against property mentioned in. com­ Is sure to suffer for his pains plaint, to-wit: Block numbered eight town »ml village in Oregon r.d A De Laval in Sunset City, Coos County, Oregon, W ashington, and the mimes and according to plat thereof on lile and of Adam could find no solid peace Separator you addresses of roui.lv merchants *Dd record in the office of the eounty clerk Till he beheld a human face; professional men, iumiiei linn, etc, of rail conniy,—he foreclosed in the are taking When Eve was given for a mate, who are located adjacent to villa­ manner provided hy law and usual Adam was in a happy state. no chances, as decree entered that said property la* ges; also lists of government and soil according to law and practice of In all the female race appears. they have stood county ofli ers, coin nissionei' ot court, and proceeds applied to expenses Truth, darling of the heart sincere. deeds, st te boards statutory pr*» ot sale aril costs of suit arising upon the test and Hypocricy, deceit and pride visions, te.nis of c >urt«. turn ' rd the mortgage ano note mentioned in In woman never did reside. are guaranteed the postinss'e\s, u»si, fficc«, e x p rss. complaint, and next to payment t • plaintiff of any amount due. telephone and telegraph i (Vice*, Thai plaintiff have judgment and de­ to give perfect What tongue is able to unfold justices ot the pence. In.lei*, d i!> cree against defendant for sum of $350 The worth in woman we behold. satisfaction. and weekly new s;> tprr-; !>e»id-* with interest the-eon al rate of 10 The fallings that In women dwell such other infernrMion ■ setn1 m *U per erni per annum from the 30th day Are almost imperceptible. Then why buy olasses ol business e id pr. es*i- nai of Oefober, 1007 ami for attorney fee in sum of ?H0 0-1 and for io Is soil ili«b-.irs- some other make men. \ descriptive *ketc h m e.,. I, meu is. Confusion take the men, I say, place is given, embracing various Who no regard to woman pay; Toil defendants an 1 each of them which some one Who make the women their delight items of interest, such i* .he 1 *cn and all persons claiming or to claim tries to make Keep always reason in their sight. tion, population, dis in -is : . I n under them or either of them Ire barred Anon. ferent points, the m >*• conve ietr. ami foreclosed of all rights, cl ims and you believe is as good as a De Laval? equity of rerfemption in and to said shipping s iti ns. tin p. i Hio is mortgaged premises anil every part FOR SALE. that are marketed. cree for an churches, schools, libraries slid so­ defleieney that may rimain viler ap­ Telephone Farmers line 101. cieties. An important feature is plying proceeds for the satisfaction of ■ » < a arc-»* i » i K t o o m i t K i o . . o - > Remember, we are still selling the classified directory, giving the judgment and decree. the best bread in Coos county, two every business arranged under, its That sheriff execute a deed to the loaves for & cents. Coquille Bak­ special heading, thus enabling sub­ pnrrliajer w ithin the time, manner and provisions of law and that purchaser ery and Confectionery’. scribers to obtain at a glance a li*t lie | nt into possession hy theriff. Sails from Ainsworth Dock, Portland, at 9 a. m. every Whines lay. For such other relief as may ba equi­ A large shipment of iiewr wail pa­ of all the houses manufacturing or bails ft oat Coos B a j per has Just been received at W dealing iu any particular line of table. Service ofttr'e sum mo ,s ia made hy goods, The work generally is com ­ C. Laird's furniture store EVERY SATURDAY publication in pursuame of an order plied to treet the want» oftb* busi­ n The Coquille Bakery A Confec­ ness community and is so thorough ma le hy the Honorable John K. Hail, Reservations will not l>e held later than Friday noon, unless tionery has just received n nice, as to deserve their liberal patron judge o( the county court of Coos Coun­ tickets me purchased. ty. Dregon, dated March 1st. 1911. fresh line of fruits, candy and nuts. ■ age, Price $j,oo. A. J. Sherwood PAUL L. STERLING, A ent Phone Main 181 '» Also all kinds of chewing gunv Give H. L. Polk A Co , L. A. Lifjeqvitt ut a call . Seattle, Wash. 3-2t7 Atio-ney* for Plaintiff A Bad Skin Means Bad Blood I I Fuhrman’s Pharmacy BUYING M . Nosier, Agent, Coquille, Ore. j STEAMER BREAKWA.EH »•. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior U. 8. Land Otlice nt Roseburg, Oregon, March 9, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Edward L. Webb, of Coquilie, Oivgon, who, on February 14, 1906, made Homestead entry 13,920 Serial, No. 03904, for the west half of the northeast quarter, sec­ tion 28, township 28 8., range 13 west, Willamette .Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above do­ st riled, before Edgar A. Dodge, United States Commissioner, at Mjrtl* Point, Oregon, on the 22d day of April, 1911. Claimant names ?s witnesses: Ste­ phen A. Culbertson, of Coquille, Ore­ gon; George W. Cornwell, of Coquille, Oregon: John W. Culbertson, of Co- quille, O ngon; Lafavette Cornwell, of Coquille, Oregon. B e n ja m in F -T onics , Register. *■l~ ~ l 1 ..................... 1 1 1 11 I IS I — : Ladies’ Ready=to= Wear Garments Silk D resses W a ists Messalines, Taffetas, Foulards and Poplins— in the new shades of gray, brown, green and blue, also black. These are all neatly trimmed. Prices from $13.50 to $22.60. The nicest showing in town. Prices 75c to $500. E v ery d a y L aw n D resses A very nice assort­ ment. Prices range from $6.75 to $12.50. M uslin U n d erw ear Prices to suit every purse. L ad ies’ Suits Very stylish and a pretty range of colors in mixtures of brown, gray, tan, blue and black. We want you to see these while we H have all sizes. Prices B $15.00 to $25.00. | K haki o u its I Made plain but neat, | some leather trimmed. Just the .thing for the lady in the auto. Prices $5.50 to $6.50. R«ad Our Specials for Saturday Right Good« at Right Price« The Golden Rule As announced, the sale of Men’s Goods is now on, and we are preparing to make this a store exclusively for women and children. Most of our spring stock has arrived, and is selling rapidly. We invite your careful inspection of the line. Just a word concerning our change of plans, An ex­ clusive store should receive your patronage, for we cater to your wants, with our time and money all on a special line, and we can therefore serve you better than otherwise. Now let’s make “THE GOLDEN RULE,” Coquille’s newest and most up- to-date store, a GRAND SUCCESS. We have made the change for your benefit. HELP US MAKE IT GO. EVERYTHING IN DRY GOOES, SHOES AND NOTIONS. To the Ladies T n M i > n * The sale is now on, and » " I l l V r I i Vr l l * the goods are moving fast. Our Shoes, Shirts, Hosiery, Overalls and Hats are on sale at wonderfully low prices. Reduc­ tion to last until goods are gone, but buy now, while the selection is large. For every dollar’s worth pur­ chased on Tuesday, you get a ticket to the SCENIC. The Golden Rule O. H . C L E A V E S NOW AT HOME In our new. up-to-date quarters in the First National Hank Building, and we will he pleased to have the public generally call and inspect the store. We are proud of our new home, and believe it will be a gen­ uine pleasure fo our customers to trade here, We are headquarters for fresh Groceries, Vegetables, Utz & Dunne ^hoes, Ladies' and Gentlemen’s Fur­ nishings — everything in General Merchandise. LY O N S & JONES