LOCAL N E W S. DR. RICHMOND P ilY » IG lA N AN I» SUKUEUN. O ¡Ho e in Itichiuou d-lLirktir Building. O04CILL«, O r k o o n . Oiho IM*ont» Mitiu 211. ______ ! _____ ^ _________ I D in t is t »Kfice over First Nations! Bank Ooquibe, Oregon t I. hw O ffior in ltobiuHoii B u i l d i n g You should call at eur store and lot us show you our new stock of ladies’ summer shoes. Utz & Dunn headquarters at Lyons & Jones. W. C. CHASE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Richmond-Barker Building. I C. R. BARRO N Attorney und Uonusellor ut Law Office Phone 335 Main Residence Phone 346 Main O oqitillb C it y , O k * J. J. STANLEY LAW YE R Vlartin Building • Front Btree COQUILLK. OUKOON A t t o b n k t - a t - L a w . N o t a b t P u b l i c . : : Walter Sinclair, \ T fo B N B T -A T -L A W . N o t a r y P u b l i c , Coquille, : : J. I. Watson, of Riverton, was in town Monday morning. Oregon 1 Be sure and drop ln at Rob­ Harry Hampton left for Myrtle Point Monday morning, to be gone inson’s when down town. for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Goodman Fresh vegetables at our store after an absence of a year, return ed on the lacl Breakwater and will every week. Lyons & Jones. again make Coqullle their home. Beginning May 1 the Breakwater Mrs. Ray Dean left Saturday for will go on a five-day schedule be­ few days’ visit with her parents tween Coos bay and Portland. at Arago. I am in the market for chitham Reservations for berths on the S. bark, hides and wool. George T. S. Elizabeth for San Francisco, call Moulton. at Fuhrman’s Pharmacy. George Moulton purchased a new Archdeacon William Horsfall will model I, five-passenger touring condhct services at the St. James car this week. It is a Maxwell and Episcopal church on Easter Sunday was purchased o f J. S. Lyons, the both morning and evening. local agent. Our new stock o f Utz & Dunn Quick & Curry make the galvan­ ized screen door; standard sizes on hand; special sizes made in short order. Also handy, adjustable win­ dow screens, ironing boards, sleeve boards, bread boards, drain boards and meat safes. Oregon Steve Gallier, of Hotel Galller, Bandon, was In town the last of the week on business. I Hall & Hall, grippe for the past two weeks, but Is improving at the present writing For sale — One good Buck range nearly good as new; address Mrs H. L. Stephens, Flshtrap, or phone Farmer 5-1. New foullards, silks, poplins, lin­ ens, pongees, etc., just in at the White House. Mr. and Mrs. Captain Butler, af­ ter spending the winter in Callfor nia, returned home Friday. John Henniger was down from A t t o b n *Y8- a t L a w , Utz & Dunn shoes, at Lyons & Flshtrap Monday morning, return­ () «a !e i in K k a l E b t a t * of a l l kinds. Jones; perfect fit and perfect wear­ ing ln the afternoon. Marshfield, Oregon. ing qualities. B. R. Keller, of Marshfield, pas­ Mrs. J. W. Leneve and son, Lar- I sed through this city Monday morn­ Bon, returned from California Frl ing, en route to Bandon. E. G. D. Holden day, where they went early ln the K. Holverson returned Monday winter for the benefit of Mrs. Le L awtub . morning from a business trip to J U H T IC B OF T H K P f .ACK nove’s health. She returns much Lampa, where he went In the inter­ 11. 8. Commissioner. General insurance Improved. ests of his tailoring establishment. Agent, and Notary Public. Office Many new Easter hats on display Mr. and Mrs. E. Arneson, of Myr­ in Robinson Building. at the W hite House. tle Point, were In this city on busi­ Coquille Oregon. 01iy?r W ilson spent the first of ness Monday morning. the week at Bandon, being down on L. H. Roberts, the Myrtle Point a business visit. attorney, was ln Coqullle Monday DR. K. A. LEEP I f you have well-located land or on business. a good business proposition for sale P H Y S IC IA N AND SORG EON F. J. Hayes, optometrist, will be at reasonable price, write me at Dr. Richmond's office ln this at once, enclosing self addressed First National Bank Building city on April IsL stamped envelope for reply (own Win. Franzenbach, who has been ers on ly). Address J. C. Ross, 816 I looking after business in this city Second Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. for some time past, left Tuesday af­ 4-6t4 R. B. HOAG, M. D. ternoon for his home In Bandon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peoples and Eggs— W e will be ablo to supply llttie son went, over to Marshfield P H Y S IC IA N AND SURGEON your wants for Easter. Lyons & Saturday for a short visit. Richmond-Barker Building. Jones. Special In groceries at Robinson's Rev. Hartranft, of Bandon, Rev. for Saturday. C o q u il l e , - - O regon . Geo. W. Taylor, o f Myrtle Point, Miss Della Clinton was down from Dr. Knox, of Marshfield, and Rev. Norway Saturday. Frank H. Adams, of this city, will Mrs. Charlie Ashton and children start Monday morning for Woodvlll*. were up from Parkersburg Satur­ Ore., where they go to attend the day for a short visit. presbytery meeting of the Presby­ Incorporated. Fay Jones, of Lyons & Jones, is terian church for Southern Oregon Manufacturers of the proud possessor o f a new 16- For Rent— Six n o n house, good horse-power Maxwell runabout. The Celebrated Berg man n Shoe garden lot with fru it and berries The Strongest and Nearest Water Don’t forget the Easter luncheon Proof ahoe made for loggers, miners Inquire at Herald office or at J. served by the ladles of the M. E. G. Firths furniture factory. 1614 prospectors and mill men. church at Mrs. Richmond's on Sat­ Joe Nye, of Oakland, Cal., is In 621 Thurman Street urday,, April 15th, from 4 to 8 p. P o r t l a n d , O rf . oon , town this week on business and vis­ m. Price 20c. Ice cream, 10c. iting relatives and friends. Tlieo. BerpanShoe Mf(r.Co. r W. H. BOYLE 1 • 1 • •* Builder and Oontractor.... (Estimates gladly furnished. 0 fi Call on or address et Coquille 'J C O Q U ILLE R IV E R 5TMR. P LY IN O L IN E FIFIELD BETWEEN BANDON AND S A N FRANCISCO S A ILIN G E V E R Y EIGHT DAYS Passenger , Freight Ia»w Kate« and Excellent Accom­ modations. Our Interests sre your Interests. Ilunil