□ ooa Coquille Je rald. Bulk and Package Seeds PUBLISHED EVERY Entered as second class matter Maj 8, 1905. at the post office at Coquille, tSi Oregon, underact of Congress of March 3, 1879. A FRESH supply oi G ARD EN ,v SEEDS and >' J. K. UPDIKE ONION SETS at Devoted to ib « luateriHiHUd eooiHl ap oildiiigof the Ooqaille Valley purviontarly end of O o o b Comity generally. •* y 'iinbHoriptioD , peryear.m hüvki .«*, l.fiO Editor Herald—-Under the above P h o n e , M a in 3 5 4 . heading, President M. C. Wilson, of tho Alabama State Normal School, ■j j T E N G O O D IlEASON’ S F O R HOM E In the Educational Review, says: ‘> PATRONAGE. V. ! I Work Done in any finish Kodak Finishing a Specialty DEAN'S STUDIO T h r e e d oors N orth o f D rän e’s Store All Work Guaranteed Coquille, Oregon yÇ > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < >0 0 00 0 00 0 < \ A Bake Shop Test ; r-*« *, jr- • a k‘ur, 1 y ljk.*e ft . Irmi ) Is made of every milling that Olympic Flour is made of. One of the E>est hake shops any­ where is run iu connection with the mill that makes Olympic Flour. Every hunch of flour that goes through tha mill is tested. It lias to be up to tiie highest standard —has to make the best bread possible, else it doesn't go into the Olympic sacks. That is the reason your bakings of bread, bisenit ami pastry are always uniformly good when you use Olympic. Your bakings can’ t be expected to be the same always unless the flour is. Therein lies the beauty of using Olympic. THE PORTLAND FLOUR MILLS CO. T-T-.gLBSS n S H D O B V- P U B L IS H E R V X Knowlton's Drug Store I 1 HUU S DA Y . i-s w WHERE OUR PUB- LIE SCHOOLS FAIL 1 Your home merchants can du- plicate the prices made by any re­ sponsible concern anywhere on goods of equal quality, in the same quantities and on the same basis of delivery and payment. 2. You can examine your pur­ chases in the home stores and be assured of satisfaction before invest ing your money. 3. Your home merchants are al­ ways ready and willing to make right any error or any deL -tive ar­ ticle purchased. 4. Your home merchants help support, through direct and indi rect taxation, your schools, churches libraries and other public instttu tlons 5. Your home merchants help make a good local market for everything you have to sell, and the market— more than any other fac tor gives your land its present value. 6. Your home merchants are your good friends, ever r îady to ex­ tend a helping hand In time of need. 7. If this community Is good enough for you to live in and make your money in, it's good enough to spend in. 8. The best citizens In this com­ munity are those who believe and practice home patronage. Be one of the best. 9. The merchants in the distant ctiy give you nothing valuable that the home merchants cannot give, will not do for you many things the latter do gladly. 10. Every dollar kept in circula­ tion in this community helps In­ crease property values. Every dol lar sent out of this community that could as well be spent here hinders the wheels of progress and helps to build up some other community at our expense. "The public certainly has the right to expect from our public school system approximately some such results us these: a preparation for earning a livelihood, the devel­ opment of moral fiber, a fair degree of scholarship, or at least a de­ sire to learn more after leaving school, an appreciation of the beau­ tiful In art and nature, and a deep respect for the laws of our land. That these results have been at­ tained in thousands of cases, there can be little doubt. At the same time it Is an open questlcyi whether the school helps a reasonably large percentage of children in these par ticulars. That boys and girls come from the schools with little prepa­ ration for work is the complaint heard from the business houses, the farms, and every class of industry.’ NOTICE In Coos County H a v in g c lo s e d o u t o u r D ry Parents too 111 to Attend Funeral, r Mary Clnona, 4-year-old daugh- y ter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Clnona of Ten Milo died yesterday at Mercy hospital of tubercolosl3. The fuller ul was held this afternoon at 4 o ’clock from the Dungan Undertak­ ing parlors, Rev. R. E. Browning of­ ficiating. The death was a very pathetic one, the father being 111 of pneumo­ nia and the mother ill of blood pot- sou at their home at Ten Mile, so that neither was able to attend the funeral.— Times. G ood s and g o n e tiie G r o c e r y b u sin e ss e x c lu s iv e ly , o f th e Grnphophone. s o m e t h in g lik e t w o h u n ­ to d is c o n tin u e the h a n d lin g A s we have p ut o u t in t o w e h a v e d e c id e d d r e d m a ch in e s , w e w ill c o n tin u e to h a u d le the R e c ­ o r d s , b u t h a v - d e c id e d to th e g iv in g h ave our out of m a k e som e c h a n g e s M ach in es, V iz : c h a s e s a m o u n t to $ 6 0 0 we g le R e c o r d fr e e , o r in R e c o r d s to o u r C u s t o m e r s w h o one W h en v o u r G ash p u r ­ w ill g iv e D o u b le y ou on e S in ­ R ecord in g 3 5 c in a d d itio n to the $5 0 0 w o r th of by pay­ T ic k e t s , an d w illc o n t in u o to k e e p a g o o d s e le c tio n o f p ie c e s on b a n d at all t im e s .. R e s p e c t fu lly , P. E. DRANE Oil Prospects Good. , ’ The prospects for oil at the Mio- ¿Çi D e a le r in S t a p le an d F a u a y G r o c e r ie s , F lo u r an d F e e d . cene Oil and Gas Co’s well on Bear K Creek are getting better all the time, and in fact oil In small quantities has already been found, and the well which is down nearly 1200 feet is in regular oil sand and rock, so that the prospects are that oil will 160 acre ranch. About 25 acres proposition for ofehard,. Plenty of be found in the very near future. bottom land, mostly in cultivation. good water. Good 7-room house and There Is considerable excitement at House and barn and good orchard, good barn. Orchard. Located about present over the prospects out lu the Price $2,500.00. Terms on part, one-half mile from steamboat land­ oil region and the promoters of the ] 80 acre farm. Nice house and ing on the Coquille river. Price, company are more hopeful than ever [ good barn. Located on county road, $4,500; $2,500 cash, balance In 3 over the outcome, and they think j Price $5,750.00. Good terms, years time. that they are on the verge of at 160 acres. 40 or more acres hot 30 acre farm located on Coquille good strike, and the indications tom land. 20 acres in cultivation. river. 20 acres In cultivation. would seem to back up the belief. 80 acres in pasture. Good orchard. House, barn and other outbuildings. — Recorder. Good house and two barns. 15 or Good orchard. Price $3,400. 20 tons grain hay. Price $3,500. 800 acre stock ranch. 600 acres l-'uiicral of Mrs. Murphy. 159 acre farm. 132 acres rich open land in grass. Two barns. A Mrs. Ada Murphy, wife of Wm. river bottom land. 100 acres of It good 7 room housa. Good orchard. Murphy, who died In Portland Mon­ cleared. Good 1 1-2 story 7-rooom Plenty of water. Located one half Large dairy barn. Other mile from county road. Price, per day was held Friday afternoon in house. Good orchard. acre, $8.00. the Catholic church of Marshfield, good outbuildings. Father Moran officiating. The be­ Two running springs with an abun­ 250 acre ranch, with house and reaved husband arrived with the dance of good water. 20 head of barn and orchard, located only two remains on the Breakwater Thurs­ dairy cows. One thoroughbred Jer­ miles from Coquille. A bargain. Several head of young $30 per acre. Cash $2,500; day morning and was met at the sey bull. bal­ wharf by many friends of North stock. 40 head of hogs. Lots of ance long terms at 6 1-2 per cent. Bend. Mrs. Murphy was a resi­ chickens, ducks and turkeys. One 160 acres logged off land, all in dent of North Bend until about a hack and one buggy. Full and com­ pasture. A fine tract for orchard year ago when she removed to Port­ plete outfit of farming tools. One and berries. Level enough to plow 100 bushels of land with Mr. Murphy and their cream separator. almost the entire tract. Located family, where she has taken treat­ wheat and 50 bushels of oats, for within 2 miles of Coquille. Price ment for tuberculosis, without re feed or good for seed. Price If sold $2,500. suits, and she passed quietly and soon, $110 per acre. 120 acre farm located on tho Co­ 35 acres bottom peacefully away as stated.— Har­ 130 acre farm. land cleared and mostly under the quille river close to Coquille. Fine bor. plow. Hill land most all in pas­ house and good barn. Several head of stock and farming tools. Price When a medicine must be given ture. 6 room house and good barn. Half cash Is re­ to young children it should be 12 cows and one bull. All farming per acre, $85. quired. This is a good buy. pleasant to take. Chamberlain’s tools. Two colts, one and 2 years Nice city lots at from $225 up, Household goods. Located Cough Remedy is made from loaf old. sugar, and the roots used in its close to market and creamery. Price on easy payments. $50 cash, bal­ ance $50 every six months with in­ preparation give It a flavor similar per acre $62. Terms on $3,000. 80 acre farm. 25 acres bottom terest. to maple syrup, making It pleasant to take. It has no superior for all land all in cltlvation. Hill land Is I 40 acres bench land, no improve­ colds, croup and whooping cough. used for pasture, but an excellent ments, for $500. For sale by all druggists. F O R s X L E As regards moral training, Pros! dent Wilson shows that the schools do not give any better results. He says: "W e hear it said, not In defense but in the way of boasting, that our great public school system pro­ motes morality by demanding pune tuallty In attendance, accuracy of work, honesty, respect for the rights of others, and subordination of ln- Jividaul good to community inter est. Teachers know that the public school does none of these things di rectly. On the contrary, It encour­ ages lying and cheating by its me­ chanical method of promotion, It stifles self respect by a kind of es­ pionage, while its arbitrary rulings are not calculated to produce mor­ ality of any shape. As to respect for the rights of others, one needB only to compare the conduct of the American boy away from home for his holiday with that of boys of al most any other nationality, to real­ ize how far short he falls in con­ sideration for the feelings of others and even in matters of ordinary good breeding. Smartness and knowingness are his desiderata, not PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL quiet dignity and self-control.” TO BE HELD JUNE 5 TO IO— President Wilson draws an equal­ ASTORIA SHOW IN AUGUST ly unfavorable conclusion in the matter of scholarship. Ho says: J. W L E N E V E , "Whereas many Germans who OUTDOOR FIRES UNLAWFUL FRANK BU RKH OLDER, Portland, Ore.,. April 12.— A bril Secretary. M a n a g er. English In their liant historical street pageantry de­ have learned FROM .JUNE I TO OCTOBER 1 schools speak It fairly well, read it veloping the growth and progress of Northwestern civilization since the with ease, and consume a surpris­ empire was first discovered, is the ing amount of good English litera­ The following letter was received unique and novel feature which the ture, comparatively few of our high from the state forester, and will be thousands of school children of the school graduates can speak German of interest to most of the Herald city will add to the programme of intelligibly, or read it outside their readers : (REOPENED) the Portland Rose Festival to be text books. The schools have giv­ Forest fires, one of the greatest held here the week of June 5-10. en the children an education which sources of destruction to the most This public street procession will does not fit them to earn a living, valuable resources of the state, will C. A. HARRINGTON, Prop. supplement another strikingly elab­ and which in some cases even unfits soon be restricted and their terrors them for this desired end. The orate spectacle, also of historical largely reduced If the people will A good display of nobby styles purport, which will take place on boys and girls starting their careers co-cperate with the state forester in in fancy Batistes, Tissues, and a3 bread winners may have come the new Multnomah Club field. the administration of the new for­ all the late Spring Fabrics—an sort of education that will help endless variety of Ginghams, These two events will be novel­ estry law enacted by the last leg­ them in learning a business or Percales and Linens. Exclusive islature, which will be ready for dis- ties which will be a part of the trade, hut they must first serve an Features in White Goods. irihution in pamphlet form in the continuous programme for the six appre .ticeship on low wages or near future. days in which there will be parades, nono, before they arrive at the decorative for the daytime and illu­ One of the most important pro­ point to which the school is expect­ visions of the law it that making a minated for the night. All told six ed to bring them.” D Remember that we do a cash such street pageants will be given losed tcet-'ii for burning from June President Wilson further shows business, and can give you better In what is by all means solidest t > October 1, during which period that In tho making of good citizens values than can be given under a and heaviest week of pastime, outdoor tires of all kinds are pro­ credit system. and in creating a reverence for the amusement, entertuinment and edu­ hibited except under most stringent law the schools fail again. He cation ever held in the Pacific regulations and the probability of says, "W e do not respect our laws, G ’ ommet Kin, s, hand sewed Northwest, If not in the West. heavy penalties unless we approve of them; we for guy ro;ei, guaranteed No like celebration has been fa­ In this connection the state for- openly claim our right to violate not to pull out. Full weight vored by the railroads with such ster urges upon every one the ne­ those we disapprove. In all of the guaranteed. generous rates and combination of cessity of Going all possible burning schools the children are taught Orders for special sDes selling dates. This applies both to before the closed season begins and civics with the purpose of making given prompt attention. through transcontinental fares and thus save the trouble and risk of good citizens of them, but apparent­ rates from points in the Northwest. doing it by permission during that ly with results as fruitless as those The Rose Festival visitor will season of greatest danger when fire of efforts in other directions. The have the opportunity to any num­ spreads so easily and rapidly. moral side, the civic righteousness ber of side trips, and in fact many The state forester desires the as­ THF H ERALD , $ i.5 0 PER YEAR of the question is lost sight of too inquiries have been received at Fes­ sistance and co-operation of every­ frequently. tival headquarters from all parts of one In the protection of property As to the remedy for the existing j the country indicating that a goodly from forest, grass or brush fires, state of things educational— have number of Easterners expect to see and to this end invites suggestions we not imbibed In our schools the all they can of the matchless seo- and information calculated to assist American spirit of hurry and rush .' The gasoline boat Limit is now owned ule beauties of this territory, as well in any manner in the performance Cram, cram, cram. We hurry at as to look for desirable Investments. of his most important duties. Cop­ and operated by the undersigned, and our meals, our pleasures, our devo­ Even New Englanders and people ies of the law will be promptly fur­ will do a general towing and freighting tions, our business, and our schools, nished to all who desire them. Re­ from the South are tnuklng such ln- where we deny ourselves leisure business on the river. Can be chartered quests and communications address­ | quirtes. for reflection, comparison, digestion, for passengers Of especial Importance will he the ed to F. A. Elliott, state forester, assimilation and enjoyment. There cxpltol building, Salem, will receive Festival rates this year because with must be hurry on the part of both a 90-day return limit, the Easterne g prompt and appreciative attention. teacher and scholar to get the day s will be able to spend that time on . . . • a / i n i l i i r I k n I ? AO/X M n u t lV , , work through, and and no time f o r ; ------- ----------------------- I the li A /A /\ n o 4 Coast, seeing the Rose Fcst c \ l ! practical application of the day s and cannot understand. Is one of 1n Portland in June and the Astoria lessons. What might be done to the things I have been fighting all Centennial celebration In August. better matters is, Instead of drop- the time. They have too much Never before have the communi­ ping some of thte subjects from the crowded upon them. They can- ties of Oregon had such an oppor­ F o r a jo b o f fir st-c la ss m e n d in g , d y in g o r c le a n io g , o r curriculum, ns might be proposed, not understand It. and thty could tunity for getting the Eastern a n ew su it ta ilo r e d , ca ll at th e r e a r o f th e P h a rm a cy to forbear cramming this Intelectual not retain It if they did understand friends, business men and Investors b u ild in g . , food into each Individual so rapid It- In this the teachers are to interested In local enterprises, for I am a g e n t fo r t * o t a ilo r in g h o u se s in C h ic a g o . ly, and to give It in smaller amounts blame. I am not fighting men, I two such attractions as the Hoso; C o m e an d see niy sty les an d sa m p les. I w ill sa v e y o u \ so that some part of each subject ant fighting conditions, and If I hit m on ey an d g u a ra n te e a g o o d fit. Festival and the Astoria celebration might be asalmllatcd.’ • men, It is only because they cither are bound to induce thousands of Now this thing of cramming our openly or silently and tacitly sup- strangers to come here that would chtldren's minds full of undigested port these outrageous conditions, n ot o t h e r * )* * d o so. mattor, matter that they da not C, R- BARROW, PACIFIC REAL ESTATE GO. i Three Vital Reasons For the Spring Season “ I want to give every person not using electric light i 't r e o vital reasons why l!iu General Electric M azda Lam p should make tli'-in h- vetheir house, store, o ffice or factory wired. Fi-st— 1911 Same Old Place Come and See The G - E M azda I-amp gives nearly three tim e s the light o f the ordinary carbon incandes­ cent. Second— "Willamette T nts It costs no m ore to burn. Third— T h e q u a l it y o f light 1 vastly superior white light like sun rays.” , . , T h e General Electric M azda Lam p represents the high-mar Icin the evolution o f incandescent electric lighting. It blends inventive triumph and manufacturing skill— and YOUi fe*P *he benefit in the form of dollars and cents, and freedom from eye e*nam when using artificial lig h t" ROSE’S CASH STORE H.O. Anderson I want the chance to p r o v e to y o u r entire satisfaction that this wor.derful lamp is even b e tt e r than represented. C om e in today -ind see for y o u r s e lf. Y our call places you under no obligation, and is apt to be decidedly to y o u r profit." caret ul to see that every electric lamp you buy bea the G . E . monogram. River Towing & Freighting lopille Stiver Metric (!«. saassazszszszs^ H . O E R D IN G g MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN jCI LUMBER, LATHS, SHINGLES Û MOULDING,CEMENT BRICKS h AND BLOCKS, SAND AND Û GRAVEL ....................................... g COQUILLE, - . OREGON % S Z S ZS Skookum R e sta u ra n t 25ZSZSZS2iZSZSZSZS3£3S55 SZ&SZSWK Stevens & Root, Coquille, Ore. Tailoring, Ceaning and Reparing K. Halverson Coquille, Ore.