T he C oquille H erald VOL. 28; COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1911 NO. 31 PER YEAR $1.50 JURY LIST COQUILLE, OREGON, PROGRAM OF 2 AND NEAR-BY COUNTRY MINISTERIAL CLUB AFTER FOR CIRCUIT R E SIG N E D Facts and Figures Compiled by th e Coquille NEW MEMBERS MONDAY NIGHT Commercial Club—To Be Issued in Pamphlets Soon. Following is the jury list, drawn 'oqullle Commercial club met for the regular term of the circuit II. ’ ar session Monday evening, court, which convenes April 24: and one of the most import­ Phil W. Pearson. Bandon. ant i) . >K8 held to date. G. A. Henry, Bandon. COOH COUNTY, OREGON R. H. Mast being absent, J. C. W. W. Lawhorn, McKinley. Savage was electee a chairman pro Population (1910), 17,969. T. M. Hermann Myrtle Point. Area, 1,578 square miles; 1,189,- R. I no sorvas brought home last W. P. Murphy, of MarBhfleld, pur-, chased the bankrupt stock of the Pc.iples Co-operative company this week and Immediately sold it to Fred Powers, of the Smith-Powers Logging company. Saturday, Lame Shoulder 'is nearly always duo to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free ap­ plication of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. Kime & Von Pegert have pur­ chased two lots of Edwin Ellingson and expect to Immediately begin the construction of a building 50x100 feet, to be used for a blacksmith and general machine shop. Mr. El­ lingson will build the structure and deliver the property ready for oc­ cupancy about the middle of May. The site purchased Is immediately In the rear of Pointer's livery barn, and the building will face on First street. As soon as they get locat­ ed In the new building Measrs. Kime and Von Pegert intend to install a lot of new tools and machinery, and make their equipment complete for handling all kinds of automobile re­ pairing and general machine work j bushels; corn, 25 to 50 bushels; concrete works, two newspapers peas, 40 to 75 bushels; potatoes, one butcher shop, two jewelry 300 to 60< k ah« 20 to stores, one electrical supply store, 30 tons; hi , at a two automobile garages, one boot single cutti I- ti r. ps In and shoe repair shop, one harness shop, two millinery stores, four sa the valley is unknown. loons, two blacksmith shops, two RESOURCES The principal resources of the wholesale commission houses, two county are Lumbering, Dairying, merchant tailors, one livery barn, Farming, Fruit Growing, Coal Min­ three real estate companies, one ing, Market Gardening, Cattle and creamery, three abstract offices, six Poultry Raising and Salmon Fish­ lawyers, four doctors, two dentists. ing. The city also has an electric light The soil and climate are partic­ ularly favorable to fruit growing, especially apples, as all kinds of pests that infect the apples in other localities are unknown in this coun­ ty. The climate is also especially adapted to dairying— grass grows the year round and dairy herds have the advantage of green pas­ ture every month in the year. PRICE OF LANDS Prices of land In this section vary according to location, condition of development and cultivation and amount of improvements. Valley bottom lands, (unimproved), from $70 to $100 per acre. Valley bot­ tom lands (improved), from $100 to $200 per acre. Bench or low hill lands (unimproved), from $8 up. Bench or low hill lands (improved), from $20 up. There la some government land in Coos County subject to the home­ stead laws, but it is mostly very rough and mountainous, and a large portion is practically worthless. We plant which furnishes night light and power. The city gravity water system is owned by the city. There are two saw mills at this city, one in operation and the other will be completed and in operation before June 1, 1911. The two mills will employ about 75 men. A coal mine is located one mile from the city and another company is making arrangements to open up a mine three miles from the city, the development work alone to cost ; $100,000. This mine expects to ! Bhlp 500 tons of coal dally. SPORTS Coos County affords everything desired by sportsmen or pleasure seekers. Ocean beaches, lakes, rivers,' mountains for summer out­ ings. Bear, cougar, deer, and smaller animals, in the way of big game. Ducks, quail, grouse, pheas­ ants and other birds abound here. Trout fishing in the lakes and rivers and sea fishing in the ocean. OPPORTUNITIES would not advise anyone to take the trouble and expense of finding land On account of the central loca­ tion of Coquille and its excellent to homestead in this county. shipping facilities, either by rail or CLIMATE The climate of Coos County and water, good opportunities are of­ the Coquille Valley is exceedingly fered for the following industries: Saw mills. equable. Grass is green the year Veneer plants. round and flowers will bloom out Woolen mills. of doors nearly every month in the Furniture factories. year. The thermometer seldom reg­ Shingle mills. isters below freezing and the maxi­ Milk condensaries. mum summer heat is generally be­ Cheese factories. low 80 degrees. The mean tempera­ Canning factories. ture for the year is about 58 de­ Broom handle factories grees. The annual rainfall is about Pulp mills. 60 inches. No destructive storms of Box factories and basket splint any kind visit tho county. There is no malaria, fever and ague, or dan­ factories. A fruit and vegetable cannery is gerous epidemics. The schools of Coquille and the being constructed in the Coquille county rank among the very best Valley, which will insure a market In the state. Tlie Coquille school for all the fruits, vegetables and is composed of all the grades and berries. high school. HOW TO REACH COQUILLE Coquille has all the leading fra­ ternal orders. The city has six churches, two banks, two drugstores, three hotels, two bakeries, three restaurants, four confectionery stores, two billiard halls, four bar­ ber shops, one bowling alley, six Coquille and Coos County are not yet connected with the interior country by rail. They are reached general merchandise stores, two gro­ cery stores, two hardware stores, one racket store, three furniture stores, one machine shop, two pho­ tograph galleries, two motion pic­ ture shows, one steam laundry and ice plant, one furniture factory, one this section months. HIRED ANOTHER TEACHER. The school board held a meeting Wednesday evening and hired one more teacher for the coming year, Miss Bessie Brown, of North Da­ kota, being employed to teach the third grade. The board has 25 30 applications on file for the, re­ maining positions, hut nothing was done with them further than to In­ struct the clerk to write some of the applicants for further refer­ ences. TO ATTEND GRAND LODGE. The following delegates have been appointed to attend the grand I edge, I. O. O. F., which convenes in Portland May 17: John Law­ rence, George Moulton, L. H. Haz­ ard and T. T. Land. by steamer either from Portland or San Francisco, and overland from Roseburg by stage. Automobile stages run between Roseburg and during the summer The sub-district Ministerial asso­ ciation of the Methodist Episcopal church, comprising all of Coos coun- worth League convention of the same district, will be held in this city April 20 to 23. The program of the Ministerial Association begins at 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, April 20, and continues a part Of Friday. The Epworth League program begins on Friday evening and continues over Sunday. The lecture Friday evening on “ The Passion Play,” by Rev. H. S. Wilkinson, D. D., is said to be very fine. Following i3 the program in full: Thursday, April 20, 2 p. m. Reports from pastors. Paper, “ Sin and Its Cure,” Rev. F. E. Scofield. Address, “ The Child’s Relation to tlie Kingdom of Christ,” Rev. A S. Hisey. Paper. “ How Much Creed is Nec­ essary in Order to be a Christian,’ Rev. H. I. Rutledge. Thursday Evening. Sermon and Evangelistic Service. Rev. A. S. Hisey. Friday Morning. Devotional service, 8:30, led by H. . Rutledge. Paper, “ The Preacher in- the Study," Ktv. k. Sutton Mace. Paper, “ The Preacher in the Pulpit," Rev. H. L. Grafious. Paper, "W hat Arc the Essential Elements of a Revival of Religion," Rev. Isa Sparks. Address, “ The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian Life," Rev. J. S. Green. Closing Thoughts by the district superintendent. Friday Evening, April 21. 7:30, Lecture, “ The Passion Play,” Rev. H. S. Wilkinson. Saturday Morning. 8:30, Devotions, Marshfield. Business session. Meaning of Church Membership, Marshfield. The Epworth League Pledge, Port Orford. How to Make Devotional Meetings More Spiritual, North Bend. Question Box In charge of Rev. J. T. Abbott. Saturday Afternoon Session. 1:45, Devotional meeting, Ban­ don. Mercy and Help Work, Gardiner. The Epworthion s Duty to the Ju­ niors, Myrtle oPint. The Social Department, Coquille. Question Box or Round Table con ducted by Dr. J. T. Abbott. Saturday Eevning. Devotional service. Myrtle Point. Model business meeting conduct­ ed, Marshfield. Why the League Should Be a Li vs Wire In the Church, Bandon. Sunday Morning. Love feast at 9 o’clock. Biblo school at 10. Sermon and sacrament at 11. Sunday Afternoon. Platform meeting, 2:30. Devotional hour, 6:30. Address to Young People, 7:30, Dr. H. S. Willnson. Consecration service. At a special meeting of the city council Monday evening, called for the purpose of opening bids for the Spurgeon slreet improvements, Coun- cilmen L. H. Hazard and E. E. Johnson resigned. Both gave as their reasons for so doing that th y were too busy with their own ; f- fairs to give the neoessary time r - quired by the city. As these two council men were the only ones whose terms of office did not expire this spring, it ne­ cessitates the election of an entir- new council next month. The terms of Anderson. I ..an l, Kistner and Morrison expire at the next regular meeting. It is not now known whether any of these gentle­ men will be candidates for election or hot. A. W. Kelley announces his candidacy for the office of city recorder again. At the meeting Monday night suf­ ficient opposition to the p* ins of improvements for Spurgeon street developed to cause the council to adopt an ordinance repealing the one recently passed. The principal objection of the residents of that section was on the grades estab­ lished and the fill ia the gulch that crosses the street. Instead of hav­ ing a 16-foct roadway acioss thu latter and board walks on the side, they want the road bulklieaded and filled the entire width, so that ce­ ment walks can be laid the same as along the balance of the street. Following is the election board appointed for the city election, on May 8th. Judges— J. J. Lamb, J. C. Noel and J. H. Oerdiag. Clerks— John Lawrence, Geo 1 Moulton and J. W. Lo ' ■ SAMUEL SHUCK M PASSED AY/AY APHiL 4 Wm. Oddy received a letter the first of tlie week stating that Sam­ uel Shuck, for many years a resi­ dent of this county, died in Los Angeles April 4. The letter con­ tained hut little information regard­ ing the death of Mr. Shuck, merely stating that lie was In Los Angeles lor trealment and that lie became seriously ill at 4 a. tu. and died at 11 a. m. the same day. Mr. Shuck was one of the pio­ neers of Coos county, having lived here in the neighborhood of forty years. Last fall Mr. and Mrs. Shuck, accompanied by a son and his wife, left for California in or­ der to receive chiropractic treat­ ment, and have since been living in a suburb of Los Angeles. Deceased is survived by a wife, one daughter and two sons in Cali­ fornia, and two daughters in tills county. NEW BOAT FOR 1L IK. A new gasoline launch, the May, lias appeared on the river and is now carrying passengers and cream between the creamery, above town, and Bandon. She arrives up about 9 30 in the morning and leaves for lower river points about 10:30. Tho boat Is a very neat appearing craft, about 50 feet in length and capable of attaining considerable speed. It was built by Herman Bros., at Pros­ per, and Albert Herman is captain. LIKES COOS. Any additional information will Mr. Henglesteln, superintendent be gladly furnished by the of the Minnesota state park, has COQUILLE COMMERCIAL CLUB, been visiting Charles Gage and fam­ Coquille, Coos County, Ore. ily for several days, and looking over Coos county with a view of lo­ cating here. He stated that he was 8MITH-GODKHKI. DELEGATES APPOINTED. On the 8th day of April, 1911, At a business meeting last week very favorably impressed, and in the following delegates were ap­ case he determines to locate here Mr. Tony Smith and Miss Nelllu pointed to attend the conference of that several other parties would Godeski, both of Marshfield, were married in this city, E. G. D. Hol­ the M. E. church South, at Tangent, probably come too. den officiating. It was a tidy, mod­ Ore.: J. J. Lamb, Geo. T. Moul­ J. A. Plyler, a brother of Newt est little wedding, and many friends ton, E. E. Johnson, A. T. Morrison, P. E. Drane, W. H. Henry, J. S. Plyler, arrived on the Redondo Fri­ were present to wish the happy Lawrence and W. E. Cleghorn. The day from San Francisco, and ex­ couple God speed In the lew rela- conference is to be held some time pects to remain In this section for •ton. in June, but as yet no definite date some time. Sheriff W. W. Gage returned has been set. George Halter came down from Fishtrap Tuesday morning for a Wednesday evening from Medford short business visit In town Tues­ with Sherman Stage, and took hint TO MEET IN EVENING. to North Bend Thursday for Ills pre­ A large attendance Is reported at day. S. M. Harper, of Marshfield, was liminary hearing. I the meeting of the Farmers’ Union ' Saturday afternoon. The next meet In town a short time Tuesday morn­ ¡Leave your orders at Lyons & | ing will he on the regular meeting ing, en route to Myrtle Point. ! Jones for good things for your Kas- date, but will be held at 8 p. m. H. L. Stephens, the nurseryman, I ter dinner— tho best the market af­ Subscribe for the Herald, $1.60 { was down from Fishtrap Tuesday fords. . ■