KINNEY IS FORCED New Line of Fur= inibire Just Arrived We have just received a complete stock of the newest things in lace curtains from the east. Fifty room-size Brussels, Axminster and Wilton Velvet Rugs. Come in and see our new line of Iron Beds in dull Oak Finish. We also carry the Ostermoor Mattress. Coquille Furniture Company Th is Nyal’s Liniment is “ ALL RIGHT” Kvery home should contain a bottle of good liniment— you never know just when you will have urgent need of it—sprains, bruises and wounds of every description can be promptly treated. To secure prompt relief use Nyal’s Liniment—it is the good liniment to keep in the home Rub it in thoroughly and cover with flannels—it relieves the pain and reduces swelling of wounds and bruises. Being rapidly absorbed by the skin and tissues It Is prompt and effective in neu­ ralgia and stiffening of joints in rheumatism. We know that it will do as represented—that’s why our per­ sonal recommendation is behind every sale. Two sizes—25 and 50 cents Fuhrman’s Pharmacy IN B U Y I N G A De Laval Separator you are taking no chances, as INTO BANKRUPTCY MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS 25 Per Cent Discount 25 are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Then why buy some other make which some one tries to make you believe is as good as a De Laval? S. M. Nosier, Agent, Coquille, Ore. C O Q U IL L E R IV E R STMR. P L Y IN G L IN E FIFIELD BETW EEN BANDON AN1) SAN FRANCISCO SAILING E V E R Y E IG H T DAYS Passengers, Freight Low Rates and Excellent Accom­ modations. Our Interests sre your Interests. A. F. Estabrooh Co., Agts. Nosier A Moulton, Agts,Coquille. Phone Main 111, Farmers 483, Res. 383. San Francisco and Bandon to Congress showing that the o.un- marcial importance here warrui's a larger appropriation for harbor bar improvement. According to these figures, the value of the sliip- ] menta from Coos Bay last year was $3,1)77 400 while the value of the I goods shipped into C o o b IU v 1 a -1 year was$3.052,550 These figures reveal that there were 8 ,lf >0 pas­ sengers arriving on Coos Bay dur­ ing the year just closed and 7,035 departing. An estimate o f the freight stid passenger earnings for the port place the total for iumbir at $540,000, on coal, 30,000; on all other freight, 100 , 000 , and on pic- sengers, $800,850.— Times. Why wear a hand me down when you can get a suit made to measure for the same money? Jeff lb Wilson. and that he wants his property to inure to the benefit of his just cred­ itors. He also testifid under oath that he was framing up a deal with the H ill interests for his Coes Bay property and if given an oppor­ tunity without interlerence would close the deal April 25th. This he said would mean a great deal to Coos Bay. However the continua­ tion of the trial will, >ve presume, queer the dial.— Harbor. L a fo lle tte S c o re s Ballinger. Madison. Wis., March 11 . — - manding that an investigation o' 1 !. ■ a minstro’ ion ol Richard A Ballinger as secretary o f the inter-1 ior be prosed led immediately end! vigorously, L - f-> ielte’s Weekly, in ii editorial declares that Bellinger! retired when 'confronted with tin possibility o! impeachment proceed­ ings at the approaching extra ses­ sion ot congress.” The editorial says: The resignation is the last desperate attempt o f the adminis­ tration to close the pages of history o u tlie official action o f Ba linger. The appointment o f Walter L Fisher was prompted by a desire to win back it possible the confi­ dence o f the the people in the ad­ ministration. But no resignation and no presiderrtal assurance will remove the public necessity for a searching investigation. Coquille, Ore,, March 15, 1911, T o all who may wish to insure from loss by fire we can heartily recommend 'The Oregon Fire Re lief Ass, dation of McMinville' as being a safe and reliable Co. toin- ■ nre in. As soon as tbe Co. was notified of tbe burning of our house at Remote aud the pro­ per steps had been taken to insure tbe Co ,• the Insurance was prompt­ ly paid. And can also lecommend Mr. John Lawrence as a qualified and prompt agent ta transact busi­ ness for the people. Yours respectfull -, J. D. A C. M. Alters. R ep ort o f the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK A t Coquille, in the S tate o f Oregon, nt the clo se o f business M arch 7, 1911. RESOURCES. Loans ami discounts........................ $75,449 O verdrafts, secured and unsecured 22 U . S. bonds to secure circu la tio n ... 12,500 Lunds, securities, e t c ......................... 05,537 98 90 00 07 Banking house, furniture and fix ­ tures ............................................... 39,780 02 Due from National Banks (not re­ serve » g c n U ).................................... 1.231 04 Due from S ta te a n d P r iv a te Banks and Bankers, Trust Com panies and S tviu^s B u n k s.................... 1.815 89 ! >,it* frui, i approved reserve agents. 38,341 23 Chcc’ .s and other cash item s........... 3,287 79 s o f other N ational B a n k s .. . 500 00 i raitioual paper currency, nickels ami cents...................... 2R7 14 Law fu l money reserve in bank, viz.: S pecie . . . . , .............. $31,159 25 Legal-tender n o te s .. . . 765 00 31,924 25 Redemption fund with U . S. T rea s­ urer (5 percen t o f circulation) T o t a l.................................. 025 00 $271.252 91 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in ........................ $50,000 00 Surplus Fund .................................. 0,500 00 U ndivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid...................................... 1,215 National Bank notes outstanding.. 12,500 Due to S tate and P r iv a te Banks and Bankers. . 917 In dividual deposits subject to check 107,597 Demand certificates o f d ep osit....... 32,523 T o ta l ................. 58 00 14 05 14 $271,252 91 S ta te o f O rego n , \ g8 C ou nty o f C oos, s I, L . H . Hazard. Cashier o f the a bove nam ed bank, d o s o le m n ly sw ear th a t the a bove statem en t is tru e to th e best o f iny k n ow led ge and b e lie f. L . H . Hazard, Cashier. C o r r e c t —-Attest: A . J. S herw ood U. c . D e m e n t L . H ablockkb i < I ) «... S,UI \ I i >■ D irectors ) S ub scrib ed and $ w orn to be- fo r e m e th is 9th d s v o f March, 1911. J. J. SHKMIT, N o ta ry Pu b lic. NOTICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . Department of the Inter'or U. 8. Land OlFice at Roseburg, Oregon, M a r c h 9 ,1 0 1 1 . That plaintiff have judgment and de­ cree againBt defendant for sunt of $350 with interest thereon at rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 30th day of October, 1907 and for attorney fee in sum of $00.00 and for costs and dishurs- ments. That defendants and each of them and all persons claiming or to claim under them or either of them tie barred and foreclosed of all rights, claims and equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises and every pari thereof ami appurtenances thereto. That plaintiff’s mortgage be declared h first mortgage. That plaintiff have d. cree for an deficiency that may r,main rfter ap- plying proceeds lor the satisfaction ol the judgment and decree. That sheriff execute a deed to the purchaser within the time, manner and provisions ol law ami that purcha-er he put into possession hv sheriff. For such other relief as may he equi­ table. Service of this summons is made by publication in pursuance of an order made by the Honorable John F. Hail, judge of the county court of Coos Coun­ ty, Oregon, dated March 1st, 1911. A. J. Sherwood L. A. Liljeqvist 2-2t7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. Ladies’ read y to wear under muslins— one of the finest assortments ever shown in Coquille. Skirts, Gowns, Drawers and Corset Covers. Come iii and look these over. Ask to see our new waist and dress patterns. New spring and summer gxtds coming iu on every boat. For Hule-—Two Spanish blood­ hounds, about 14 mouths old; pood varmint dogs Inquire Herald o f­ fice. tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court o f the State of Oregon, in and for Coos County. In the Matter o f the estkte o f Annie L. Moody, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un­ dersigned, executors of the estate of Annie L. Moody deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the first publication o f this notice to the undersigned executors at their resi­ dence, to-wit: to Henry A. Moody, at Coquille Oregon, or to Geo. Hazer, at North Bend Oregon. City Recorder. dersigned has filed his final account in tnc matter of tlie administration of the Estate of Stephen Bean, de­ ceased, and that the County Court has named the Comity Court Boom, in ihe Court House, in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon as the place and Saturday llm 25th day of March, 1911, as the time for hearing objections to said final ac­ count and the settlement ol said eatate. Dated this 20th dav of Feb., 1911. 2-23t-r> A. J. Sherwoo I, Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that tlie under­ signed has been dniy appointed execu­ trix of the last will and testament of, an I of the estate ol Joint Kronenberg, deceased, by the County Court forCoi-s County, Oregon, and that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same duly H enry H. M oody , verified and with the proper vouchers G eo . H azer , to the undersigned at the office of A. J. Executors o f the last will and testa­ Sherwood, Coquille, Coos County, Ore­ ment o f Annie L. Moody, deceased. gon, within six months from the dute of this notice. A. C. M c L eod , Attorney for Estate, North Bend, Dated Ibis 8th day of Fell nary, 1911. 20t5 Oregon. C A T H A R IN E KRONENBERG, Executrix of the Estate and ol the Last NOTICE OF F IN A L SETTLEMENT. Will and Testament of John Kronen­ Notice is hereby given that the un­ berg, deceased. L A D IE S We have the best line of Flouncings and Embroideries ever shown in Co­ quille. Everything from 5c up to $2.00. Silks, Foulards, etc. Beautiful patterns in Dress Lengths. Call in and see for yourself. Yours Very Truly, The Golden Rule C. H. C L E A V E S NOTICE T O CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the Com­ mon Council of the City of Coquille w ill receive sealed bi Is for the improve­ ment of f purgeon Street and the exten­ sion of Spurgeon Street in said City of Coquille in accordance with the plans, details and specifications of the City Engineer on file with the City Recorder. Said bids will be opened on the 10th day of April, 1911, at a special meeting of the Common Council. The Council reserves the power to reject any and at bids, and said bids may be forth« whol or any part of said improvement. Ini provement to be completed within six weeks from the time contract ia award­ ed; five per cent of the total contract price of the entire improvement or such portion thereof ns the bid shall cover, shall he deposited with the bid, the same to be forfeited in the event the bidder upon the awarding of the con­ tract fails to enter into such contract and give bond saEslact-'r, to the Com­ mon Council in the mm of one half ol bill conditioned to insure the faithful completion of the work in strict accor,.- ance with said specifications. Dated tins 8th day of March, A. D. 1911. A. W K E L L E Y Notice la li.-re'iv given that Edaard Eggs for hatching, all from L. Webb, of Coquille, Oregon, who, on Tbe volume of business in and prize winners. S. C. Brown L> / February 14, 19011, made Homestead out over tbe Coos Ray bar has had horn and White Plymouth Rooks entry 13,92b Serial,'No. 03904, for the * » a remarkable growth in the last ten $1.00 per setting. White L e g . S. M. No-ler is spending a few west half of the northeast quarter, sec­ tion 28. to*ii,hip 28 H., range 13 weat, years according to statistics com­ horn, $1.50 per setting. Indiau days this week on the lower river Willamette Meridian, ha, filed notice of piled by the Port Commission and Runner Duck, $ 2.00 per setting. in tbe interests of the DeLavsl intention to make final five-year proof, Chamber of Commerça to present Separator company, J. C. Watson. to eatahliah claim to tbe land above de- 3-9l4 $7.000,000 Business WAISTS! WAISTS! WAISTS! Just Received; Also Note=See Our Specials for Saturday they have stood the test and R O B IN SO N ’S The taking of evidence in the matter of L. D. Kinney and the licit Line Railway Company alleged bankrupts was begun Saturday be­ fore C. F. M cKnight, special r e f- , eree, aud lasted all day and con- i tinued until Monday with Kinuoy still on the staud. While our stock of suits is still large, we invite The ruling was made by the ref­ you to come iu. We are selling them fast, of course, eree that before evidence could be introduced by either side that a but don’t let this great opportunity go by without at deposit of $100 must be made to least looking over our stock. Come in tomorrow if you defray expenses o f bolding the can. Styles for men and young men; sizes for all. hearing. The representative of the creditors put up the amount, but Kinney said that he nor the Belt Liue company were unable to pay a cent, as they were broke. Under oath Kinney acknowledged an indebtedness of $278,000 but the attorneys for the creditors have acribed, before Edgar A. Dodge, United MKTHODIST EPISCOPAL. claims tiled against him amounting State, Commissioner, at Myrtle Point, to $350,000 in round numbers. The questions published a week Oregon, on the 22d day of April, 1911. By i { • '"¡im t the attorneys Claimant name, as witnesses: Ste­ or two ago in this paper has asked the court for an adj .urnment phen A. Culbertson, of Coquille, Ore­ brought in a number of replies. gon; George W. Cornwell, of Coquille, until the 20 th of this mouth at These will be embodied in the ad. Oregon: John W. Culbertson, of Co­ which time further taking of testi dress, or sermoD, nextSunday even­ quille, Oregon ; Lafayette Cornwell, of mony will be taken up. These ing at 7:30, to which you are cor­ Coquille, Oregon. cases were set down for bearing in B e n j a m in F. -J o n e s , Register. dially iuvited. We will be glad to Portland on the 14th where Referee receive any questions bearing on SUMMONS. McKnight must go and take the the subject that evening and wid In the Circuit Court of the State of testimony of all concerned in Port­ candidly try to answer them. We Oregon, in and for the County of Coos. land. Hattie Bledsoe, plaintiff, vs. O. F. are seeking light and truth and The creditors are being repre­ Robrer and Mary A. Rolircr, defend­ your views. sented by Fred Hollister and N. C. ants. Suit in Equity. The morniDg Bubject will be, “ A ToO. F. Rohrerand to Mary A. Rolir- McLeod of North Bend, Judge handful ot Meal Aud a Little Oil.” er, the above named defendant,: Hummoud of Coquille, and Cbas I. League service at G:30, led by In the name ot the State of Oregon: Reigard o f Marshfield. Mr. H o l­ You and each of you are hereby noti­ Clarke Mace. lister has spent a great deal of time fied that you are required to appear and for the benefit of bis clients and is answer the complaint filed against you PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. in the above entitled suit anil cause feeling jubilant in having succeed­ within six weeks from the date of the ed as well as be has. He says that Services next Sunday as usual. first publication of tin’s summons, to- be intends to see that the title to all Sermon next Wednesday even­ wit: these properties that Kinney has ing by Rev. Dr. Knox, of Marsh­ Within six weeks from the 2nd day of had under control is straightened field. March, A. D. 19X1, and if you fail to appear and answer on or before the out, once aud forever. 13th day of April, A. D. 1911, that date Mr. Kinney and the Belt Line SEVENTH D A Y ADVENTISTS. being the last day of the time prescribed Company are represented by Simon Elder J. Mark Comer will speak in the order of publication, the plain­ Beach aud Nelson of Portland, but on the following subjects: tiff will take judgment and decree locally by Farriu A Farriu of Friday night, March 17 . “ Satan, against you and each of you for the relief demanded in the complaint, a Marshfield. Where Did He Come From?" The petitioning creditors are Saturday night: " W ill the succinct statement of which is as fol­ lows : John G. Horn, Geo. W itte and J. Catholic Church Rule the United That mortgage held by plaintiff T. McGuire of North Bend and are States as She Did Rome?” against property mentioned in com­ Sunday night: “ The Result of plaint. to-w it: Block numbered eight represented by Chas. B. Selby of in Sunset City, Coos County, Oregon, Marshfield. Church Federation ” according to plat thereof on file and of Those who heard Mr. Kinney record in the office of the county clerk M. F.. C HURCH. SOUTH. testify state that he seems anxious of said county,—be foreclosed in tbe Regular evening Sunday^ both to have his property sold for the manner provided by law and usual benefit of his creditors, but say morning and evening. decree entered that said property lie Rev. L . P. L aw , of Kansas City, sold according to law and practice of that the claim of F. D. Waite is not a just one, being profiraod that he Mo., will hold evangelistic meet­ court, and proceeds applied to expenses ot sale and costa of suit arising upon had paid Waite all he had ever ings at the M. E. Church, South, the mortgage and note mentioned in owed him. He admits that he is beginning about the middle of complaint, and next to payment to down and out, that is, he is broke April or first of May. plaintiff of any amount due. re R eady whenever you have a moment, to show you just what you o u g h t to w ear in make a selection that will give the most in service, style and comfort— I t’s to be had in the Florsheim ‘‘Natural Shape” shoe. A complete thowii at $5.i I« Some few sfy/ej $ 6.00 LYONS & JONES Second Street Coquille, Ore.