year we enjuy fairly good roads. In my humble opiuion the state of Oregon in losing over $10,000,000 annually front these investors on ac­ PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY. count of the bad condition that our Entered uh second class matter May highways are in at the present time. 8, 1905. at the post office at Coquille, I The transcontinental rudroads > Oregon, underact of Congress o( March j S, 1879. are active iu building up all parts of tltis state. Every community and A FRESH supply of G A R D E N PUBLISHER ! J. E. UPDIKE • every interest west of the Rooky m e r i t e d t o t b e m a t e r i a l a n d sooial np SEEDS and ONTON S E T S at bildiUK o f t he C o q u i l l e Vall ey particularly mountains are trimming their sales and of Cooa Co u n t y generally . for the coming flood of emigration, - u o b s o r i p t i o n , p e r y e a r . i u ad vanoe, l.ftO Representative J. A. Westerlund, , nd y, t the Oregoo Bssen)b|yi choB.' Phone, Main 354. of Jackson county, has made pub- pn by lh# peop,e ,Q paBfc # few 1#WB lie the following letter relative to has adjourned without passing the BANDON the failure of the Oregon legislature most important act that came before ■ * i to enact adequate road legislation: it— practical good roads laws. V Baudon, Ore., March 13, 1911.— As a member of the last legisla­ Now, speaking as an individual You are informed that last Tuesday, tive assembly, I did my best for the member o f the bouse, I am frank to March 6, we had a good roads passage of such road laws as would say that if that body cannot get meeting in Baudon, an opportun­ enable Oregon to improve her high-1 to„ e,ber ¡n 8pecia, a^Mioo> called ity which each and every good citi­ ways. But too many confiding j by the governor, and pass without zen should have found an hour or opinions defeat« i what I am sure quibble the proper road lawe, which two to heat in order to be informed was the wish and desire of the will be satisfactory to the governor, The latest and newest in one-motion carts. Work Done in of necessary steps which the county Kodak Finishing people at large. And as for my the G 'od Roads association, the court has sooner or later to decide any finish Furnished with or without back draft curtain a Specialty single self I (eel a responsibility. farmer and other taxpayers, en­ one way or the other. Only a lew and front storm shield. I feel, as a body, the legislature of abling all parts of the state to go over fifty persons were present, and 1911 has not faithfully fulfilled its ahead and construct scientific and These chrts are Light— Springy— Strong, and after our Honorable Judge Hall duty. At last November’s election passable highways, then, I sav, any i has done something for something have a clean, natty appearance the people of the state called for members or set of members who must be done, then those who have adequate road laws by a majority of undertake to slay politics and block Call and inspect our line. missed the wise words of our coun­ 18,000. The next four years, lead­ the work for which the session ty judge will be ready to cry, ing up to and including the great would be called, would deserve not “ graft.” Three doors North of Drane’ s Store Panama exposition, will be by far only the contempt of the districts As Judge Hall said, to have the most important period in the whioh sent them, but of the state at good roads we must build them. entire history of Oregon. large. Let us be honest and loyal, The advice how to build them, Washington, to the north of us, not only to ourselves, but to our by Commissioner Dement, is the correct plan to build roads. Thou­ and California, our neighbor on the several communities and the grand Coquille, Oregon All Work Guaranteed sands ol miles of good and perma­ south, fully appreciate the import­ old state of Oregon, and get to­ nent roads built as Mr. Dement ad­ ance of the great western move­ gether in special session and pass vised prove their value to the ment, and are spending millions on such good roads laws as will ena­ their highways. California voted a ble Oregon to keep pace with her greatest extent. l60-acre laneh. About 25 acres 12 cows and one bull. All farming Those were my views, others road appropriation at her last elec­ sister states. I am sure the gov­ bottom land, mostly in cultivation. tools. Two colts, 1 aud 2 years tion of $17,000,000. Washington is ernor will be in full sympathy with have other views, and such take us House and barn and good orchard. old. Household goods Located away from the point of: “ How to not only using her prison labor, any honest move looking to the close to market and creamery. Price Price $2,500,00. Terras on part. but at the present session of the betterment of the state of which he do it.” Is made of every milling that Olympic Flour 80 acre farm. Nice house and per acre $62. Terms on $3,000. legislature appropriated over $1 ,- is chief executive. Now, I will not forward my ideas Sioufand SWunif is made of. One ot the best hake shops any­ good barn. Located on county 80 acre farm. 25 acres bottom to be listened to as wise saying: I 500,0(M) in cash for the buildiDg of where is run in connection with the mill that road. Price $5750.00. Good land all in cultivation. Hill laud her roads, and yet neither Wash makes Olympic-Flour. Every hunch of flour prefer to speak o f facts existing in If you have trouble in getting terms. used for pasture, but i n excellent ington nor California are in any that goes through the mill is tested. It has another state of this Union. rid ot your cold you may know Good 7- 160 seres. 40 or more acres bot- proposition for orcbaul where near the need of adequate to be up to the highest standard—has to make JThe state of New Jersey is one of that you are not treating it prop­ the beat bread possible, else it doesn't go into tom land. 20 acres iD cultivation. room bouse and good barn. Or­ roads that OregOD is. owing to the the smallest states in the Union. erly. There ie no reasoa why a the Olympic sacks. Plenty good water Lo- 80 acres in pasture. Good or­ chard. nature of our soil, together with New Jersey has the great est mile- cold should haug on for weeks and That is the reason your bakings of bread, chard. Good house and two barns. cated about one-hall mile from the fact that west of the Cascade age of gcod roads. How are they it will not if you take Chamber- biscnit and pastry are always uniformly good 15 or 20 tons grain bay Price, steamboat landing on Cmiuilie river. when you use Olympic. Your bakings can’ t built in that state? The state builds mountains we have no frozen lain’s Cough Remedy. For sale by Price $4,500; $2,500 cish, balance $3500.00. ground to help out during a part of be expected to be the same always unless the theroads under the supervision of all dealers. in 3 years time flour is.- Therein lies the beauty of using the year. As it now stands, unless 320 acre dairy farm, mostly all scientific road builders—engineers. Olympic. We hava all kind- • f property, bottom land, with house, dairy No court, no commissioner has somethin > is done in the way of a A S ou n d S le e p e r. speeial session, we must wait two barn and creamery for the farm. city, smalt acreage aim large farms THE PORTLAND FLOUR MILLS C0.f< j anything to do with such building An unknown man went to sleep Located near the Coquille River on Also limber lands. whole years before even a start can Correspon­ of roads, After such roads are with his head between the ties and county road. Price per acre $75.00 dence solicited finished, the state pays for one be made, and all this time every only a few inches from the rail Sat­ Terms. 30-acre farm located on Coquille third of the work, the county in other section west of the Rocky urday Dear Coaledo. He was seen mountains is getting ready for the river; 20 acres in cultivation; house 139 acre farm 132 acres rich which such road is built gets a cer­ by the train crew after the train river bottom land. . 100 acres baru and other outbuildings: good tain number of years to pay to the greatest rush of emigration that Be­ had passed over him, hut as the cleared; Good 1^ story 7-room orchard. Price $•’>,400.00. state the second thiid, and the this continent has ever seen, noise of the train had failed to dis­ house. Large dairy barn. Other tween now and the close of 1915 40 acres of bench and hill land, property owners in the district turb bis slumbor he was ucinjured. geod outbuildings. Good orchard. suitable for orchard, berries and where such road is built pays the there will be more people visit Ore­ Two running springs with an abun­ pasture; 10 acres cleared, small or­ remaining one-third; they also gon than the sum of her present Dr. Richmond has enlarged the entire population dance of good water. 2o head of chard; h ojse and small barn and have a reasonable number o f years One thoroughbred chicken pens; located about 1 ^ I came to Oregon the first time interior of his residence by extend­ dairy cows. to raise such money. ing the south wall to include a Jersey bull. Several head o f young miles from Coquille river. Price in March, 1903. We were 12 home- This plan strikes me as by far We stopped part of the porch, leaving it across stock. 40 head o f hogs Lots of $ 1 , 000 . more p racticable than to Issue seekers in the party. the front and a small corner porch chickeDS, ducks and turkeys One 800 acre stock ranch; 600 acres bonds for one million dollars and first at Baker City, and then at in the rear. The doctor now has a hack and one buggy. Full and open land in grass; two barns; good then have more or less unqualified every town or city of importance very commodious as well as hand­ complete outfit o f farming tools. 7-room house; good orchard ; plenty until we reached Portland. From | mento do the work. Such, however, “ 1 want to give every some home. Cream separator. 100 bu«bels of of water; located J mile from j is the right and privilege of the Portland we visited the principal person not using electric wheat and 5O bushels of oats, for county road. Price per acre, $8.00. ! voters to say as they think best in towns through the Willamette val­ light t h r e e vital reasons Just after taking the wheel on feed or good for seed. Price if 80-acre farm; 40 acres bottom ley and all the way down to Ash­ their minds. I beg not to take why the General Electric the Advent Friday night, off Coos sold soon, $110 per acre. land mostly all in cultivation; bouse, land, Ore. We were 40 days mak­ the expressions of what I have M azda Lamp should make 130 acre farm. 35 acres bottom barn and other outbuildings; fine ing the trip. We were pietty well Biy, Isaac Hay dropped dead, pre­ seen 0 desire to influence others. them have their house, store, sumably from heart failure. He land cleared aud mostly under the orchard; tome stork with the place; discouraged when we struck the office or factory wired. plow. Hill land most all in pas­ located on county road. Price, Two miles and a half from Ban- Willamette vallev, where we stuck was about 48 years of age. First— ture. 6 room house and good baru. $3,500.00. don there is a tremenduous deposit in the mud, looking over the coun­ The G -E M azda POLK’S DIRECTORY of the best of clay for bricks. try at nearly every point where Lam p gives nearly th r e e Underneath the upper soil is a we stopped. The entire parly was Just issued for 1911 12 is the tim e s the lig h t of the gravel deposit containing much very favorably impressed with Ore­ most complete work of the kind J. W. LE NEVE, FRANK BURK H O LD ER, ordinary carbon incandes­ Secretary. Manager. gcod paying black sand, with gold gon uud its possibilities and agreed published. It contains an accurate cent. mixed; then begins the clay, and as that it was a state with a great business directory of every city, Second— prospected is over forty feet deep, future, but said “ Who wauts to town and village in Oregon and live in a country like this, where Washington, and the names and ■ and no end found yet. It costs n o m o r e to burni The opportunities in Coos coun­ the people don’ t appreciate the addresses of county merchants and Third— valuo of good roads?” professional men, lumberman, etc, ty are manifold. Sails from Ainsworth Dock, Portland, at 8 p. m. every Tuesday P ohl. The result of this homeseekers’ j who are located adjacent to villa- T h e q u a lity of light 3 vastly superior—a clear Coos Bay Sailinq Dates: party was that I am the only one ges; also lists of government and white light like sun rays.” March n ................................. 9.00 a. m. J. O. Stemmier, of Myrtle Point, | out of the 12 who decided to lo- county officers, commissioners ot T h e General Electric M azda Lam p represents the “ 18................................. 1:00 p.m . was a county seat visitor Saturday. cate in the state and make it my deeds, state boards, statutory pro- high-mark in the evolution of incandescent electric lighting. j future home. The rest returned j visions, terms of courts, names of “ 25................ ................. 8:00 a. m. It blends inventive triumph and manufacturing skill— and John W. Sickelsmiih, Greens­ east disgusted, an t they are still the postmasters, postoffices, express, Reservations will not be held later than Friday noon, unless y o u reap the benefit in the form of dollars and cents, and tickets are purchased. boro, Pa., has ihree children, and writing me, saving: “ Oregon is telephone and telegraph offices, freedom from eye »“ ain when using artificial light.” like most children they frequently | all right an I will be tha best state justices ol the peace, hotels, daily PAUL L. STERLING, Agent Phone Main 181 "I want the chance to p r o v e to y o u r entire satisfaction take cold "W e have tried several in the Union whenever the tax- and weekly newspapers; besides that this wonderful lamp is even b e tt e r than represented. kinds of cough medicine,” he says, payers realize what good roads such other information useful to all Come in today ind see for y o u rs e lf. Y our call places you under no obligation, and is apt to be decidedly to “ but have never found any yet meiiD to them. When y o u people classes ol business and professional y o u r profit." that did them as much good as I wake up to this fact *e are coming ( men. A descriptiye sketch of each Be careful to see that every electric lamp you buy bears Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy.” 1 back and will bring dozens of our j place is given, embracing various the G . E . monogram. For sale by all dealers \ friends and relatives with us.” items of interest, such as the loca- The gasoline boat Limit is now owned It is a fact that fully 75 per cent tion, population, distances to dif For Sale— Cedar posts 10c a and operated by the undersigned, and j of the homeseekers from eastern j ferent points, the most convenient piece and alder wood delivered at st ites who are looking for homes shipping stations, the products will do a general towing and freighting $2 25 per load- I’ hone, Farmers j on the coast come west between the j that are marketed, stage commttni- business on the river. Can be chartered r:~_ . ; •» >^>| 343.- - Home 393. tf. months of October and April, or cation, trade statistics, the nearest for passengers during the winter months, because bank location, mineral interests, F o r Sale. One horse, weight between 1200 at that time they are at leisure and churches, schools, libraries and so­ An important feature is and 1300; 10 years old; sound and want to get away from the cold cieties. giving true; works single, double or sad­ winters which are so severe in the the classified directory, dle. One 4-year old mars, well eastern and middle western states. every business arranged under its broke single or double. Lady ran During this time Oiegon has her special heading, thus enabling sub­ ride or drive her. Two double sets rainy season and when our eastern scribers to obtain at a glance a list MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN >5? hack harness, one double set buggy visitors discover the (rightful con- of all the houses manufacturing or For a job of first-class mending, dying or cleaning, or a new suit tailored, call at the rear of the Pharmacy harness, two single sets buggy dition of our public highways, they dealing iu any particular line of building. You »ill goods, The work generally is com- harness, two single breast harness, return home disgusted. I am agent for two tailoring houaes in Chicago. one fine breaking cart with com­ find that anyone who visits Oregon plied to meet the wants of the blisi- Come and see my styles and samples. I will aavs you plete breaking harness, two carts, between the months of April and ness community aud is so thorough ] money and guarantee a good fit. October decides to stay or come as to deserve their liberal patron- and one fine two seated family back, as be gets a favorable uu- age, Price $9.00. carriage. Frank Burkholder, pression of the state, because o f the H. L. Polk A Co., Pacific Real Karate Co. fact that during this part o f the Seattle. Wash, F 'w V v S . .V a V a V a V a V av ^ Coquille Herald. : Bulk and Package Seeds ? X ARE CHECK TO HOMESEEKERS 1911 MODELS \ li now I ton 's Drug Store '.i GO CA R TS DEAN’S STUDIO m W .C. LAIRD Complete House Furnisher F Y ) K S A L E X>OOOOOO0 O<>OO< > o o o o o o o o < >oo< Ä Bake Shop T e s t r mc& Three Vital Reasons P A C IF IC R E A L E S T A T E GO., STEAMER BREAKWATER u River Towing & Freighting Coquille lliver Electric Co. S tev e n s & Root, Coquille, Ore. aZSSSZSSZffiSZSZ^^ H. OERDING! LUMBER, LATHS, SHINGLES MOULDING,CEMENT BRICKS AND BLOCKS, SAND AND Tailoring, Cleaning and Repairing % G R A V E L .................................... C O Q U IL L E , - - OREGON W K. Halverson Coquille, Ore.