*1 WHITE HOUSE SHOES FOR MEN — FOU WOMEN The acme of style, comfort and durability, the White House Shoes have been known for years to discriminating people as tin' standard, and that is the sort of shoes we are selling at $2.50 TO $4.00 THE PAIR We have an extra tine assort­ ment of Spring Ties in the handsomest styles and newest lasts, all of which are just in style for coming spring. Splen­ did grades of patent, gun metal and vici kid to suit the most exacting. You are cordially invited to come in and inspect our stock, whether you buy or not. GEO. A. P B IN S Q N ROAD TO ALLEUANY IS WELL PHOTECTION TO Sunday Services in PLANNED BY NORTH BEND T y p ||(|||| p[:y[|j Coquille Churches A committee of members of the i Commercial Club has plans well under way to attempt a project that will if successful prove of value to all concerned. It is planned to build a road connecting Keutuck inlet with the North Fork of the I West Fork of Coos River, where a terminal from Drain is already de­ cided upon. A new road across the Loon lake country will be ready for travel so oo and a company has been formed to operate an automo­ bile h u e that far. The committee is convinced that by building about five miles of new road across a comparatively easily surmountable p«ss the auto line could be D rought right up to Coos Gay. It is also planned to connect up the inlets mentioned above and bring all traffic across the bav by ferry. It th ey must combine for their own good The American farmer, until lately, has thought himself abso­ lutely self-sufficient; he has stood upon the theory of every “ Ameri­ can being a king,” overlooked the way in which big aud little business and city men organize to enforce their ‘ ‘kingship,” aud continued to let wealth drift from the farm to the city, when the drift should, in the nature ol things, be in the other direction. I have been frank about these things, because we must face them in order to perfect our organiza­ tion, and to bring into it every farmer in the country with the in­ telligence to know that organiza­ tion is the keynote to his own sal­ vation — California Homestead. M Y R T L E PO IN T. You Can Take This Tonic You say you can't, but you can — “ I know Cod Liver Oil is the thing I need, but I can’t take it on account of its horrible taste ” Ever say that? If you did you bad in mind the old blue bottle of cod liver oil and its taste and smell were something to be dreaded. Nval’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is a modern scientific remedy— palatable and pleasant. You can take Nyal’s Emulsion And everybody should who feels the need of a body­ builder and strength-giver, particularly those who have lung trouble or are in a run down and weak condition. Nyal’s Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil, combined with hypopliospbites of lime and soda to strengthen the ner­ vous system. If you want to nourish the body and fortify the nervous sys­ tem, take Nyal’s Emulsion— large bottle $ 1 . 00 . W hen we had a chance to got th e exclusive selling agency for Nynl Family Rem edies we jumped at it. T hey are known among all druggists as the highest quality line on th e m arket, and are prepared by a great firm of m anufacturing chem ists, fa m o u s for fifty years. F uhrm an’s P h a r m a c y IN BUYING A De Laval Separator you are taking uo chances, as they have stood the test and are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Then why buy some other make which some one tries to make you believe is as good as a De Laval? S. M . Nosier, Agent, Coquille, Ore. rxsnsT- rtsiT t tailoring, Cleaning and Repairing For a job of first-class mending dying or denning, or a new suit tailored, call at the rear of the Pharmacy building 1 am apt at for two tailoring houses in Chicago. Com. ami see my styles and samples. I will save you money aud guarantee a good fit. K. H a l v e r s o n Coquille, Ore. Allie Miller and Bird Nosier start gon, within six m onths from the date today with the remains of the gen­ o( this notice. Dated this 8tli day of February, 1011. tleman who was killed in McGee’s Ct VTHAliINK KKONENBEKO, mine in Riveit n. They go by way E xecutrix of lire E state and of the Lust of the Middle Fork loute Will and T estam ent of Jo h n Kronen­ M ETH O D IST E P IS C O P A L . berg, deceased. The tneuance of typhoid fever in We were glad to see some of the For fashionable dressmaking, also country districts a menace a;isitig Veterans out to the Lincoln Me­ plain and fancy sewing, coll on Mis NOTICE TO CREDITORS. from polluted drinking water— is morial service. Mav blessings M Nosier, next door to Herald of­ In the County C ourt of the S ta te of thoroughly consideted iti a report many lie theirs. Oregon, in and for Coos County. The mayor gave fice In the M atter of the e sta te of Annie by Myron L. Fuller, of the United an excell«ut address. Judge E. G Mr. I R Nosier, local agent f r L. Moody, Deceased. States Geological Survey, in which D. Holden read his tine poem on the Hupmobiln Touring car, invites Notice is hereby given by the un­ the sources of pollution are indica­ Liucoln at the evening service. nil those in te r sled in automobiles dersigned, executors of the e sta te of ted aud suggestions are given for j Next Sunday evening will be the to call at his Garage on second st., Annie L. Moody deceased, to the means of protection. Frances Willard memorial service. examine car and have a fr< 0 demon creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to Typhoid-fever ra'es are usually . May I suggest that each one at­ stiition. exhibit them w ith the necessary greater in the country than in tending wear a bow of white ribbon vouchers, w ithin six m onths a lt e r the cities, despite the prevailing belief in honor of the day aud temper­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. first publication of this notice to the that farms, isolated as they are ance The subject will be Amer­ Notice is hereby given th a t the u n d e r­ undersigned executors a t th e ir resi­ signed lias been duly appointed execu­ dence, to-w it: to H enry A. Moody, at from areas of congested population,! ica’s uncrowned queen. are ideally situated for obtaining The morning subject will be trix of the las! will and testam ent of, Coquille Oregon, or to Geo. H azer, a t and of th e 1 state of J dm Kronenberg, N orth Bend Oregon. pure and wholesome water. “ Man Remade, or the Second deceased, by 11 10 County Cour* for Co s H enry H . M o o d y , Failure to protect adequately the Chance.” County, Oregon, and th a t all persons G eo . H azer , wells in farming districts is given having claim s asainst said < Btate are E xecutors of th e lust will and te s ta ­ hereby notified to present same duly in the Survey's report as the most m ent of Annie L. Moody, deceased. S E V E N T H R A Y A D V E N T IS TS . v-erified and w ith ilie proper vouchers A . C. M c L e o d , common reason for their pollution, Services Saturday. Feb. 18, as t ■ the undersigned a t the offlcoof A. J . A ttorney for E state , N orth Bend, and iguorance of the manner in Sherwood, Coquille, Coos County, Ore- 20t5 Oregon. which ground water circulates is usual, Sabbath school 10 a. m. and Bible school n a, m. The regular the cause of the faulty protection. Chemical analysis is not rated high regular service Sunday, Feb ’ 9, by Mr. Fuller as a means of de­ at 2:30 p. m. tecting polluted water, for he as­ serts that a careful common-sense inspection ol the district 1^ usually much more to the point. Sources of pollution in the vicin­ ity of a well or spring should be noted wherever possible, and drink­ ing water should uot be drawn ex­ cept at a safe distance bom them. The distance required fur absolute safety varies greatly with tbe char acter of the rock. For vvel's sunk in sandstone, slate, and shale, ioo feet may be sufficient; where the surface stratum is composed of fine sand 200 feet should be al­ lowed; and where it is limestone or granite much greater distances will be necessary. Water may run pol luted in limestone lor miles, so that wells in regions where limestone makes up the greater part of the surface rock should be catefu.ly ex­ amined after rains for mud and .loafing matter, for these are pretty sure indications of pollution. For protecting wells, springs, and cisterns Mr. Fuller advocates, first ol all, a water-tight lining to keep out surface water. Wells and springs should always be covered and protected from animals, dust, and falling leaves. Watering troughs should always be located a safe distance a w y , though the custom prevails in country districts of having well an 1 trough side by side. Mr. Fuller’s report is printed ns Water-Supply Paper 255 , which may be obtained free by applying to tbe Director, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Lloyd, the eldest son of Mr. Ed Llewellyn, had his arm badly fractured at the elbow one day last week, the result of a fall. Dra. Johnson, Forest (of Beaver Hill,) and Stemmier were in attendance. It was a very serious break, some of tbe bones having to be wired together. A man came in from Roseburg last night, a stranger from British Columbia When asked how he liked it through here he replied ibat it was paradise to what he had left. We ought to be thankful here in Coos county when we can pick roses and other flowers tbe year arouud. Watt Guerin came up from San Francisco on the last steamer to visit with his family. Jas. Whittaker has purchased the Walker house on the hill, and FISH TR A F. Geo. Rackliff has bought a lot, This seems to be a very back­ also on the hill east of town, on which he will erect a dwelling ward spring. The farmers of this locality have nothing done, so far, house in the near future. Max Doment will move his toward preparing the ground for family out to his ranch in a few planting. I 3 en Knife has moved his family days. He reports cattle as doing down on ‘ he Johnson place. fairly well in the hills. We are pleased to report that It looks as if farmers will he short of hay, if these storms con­ Mrs. Ten Robison, who had a severe attack of rheumatism last tinue. All the shares for the new cannery week, is feeling quite well again. A11 old gentleman named Nor- have been sold. A site for the buildings has not been chosen yet, thrup, was taktn sick Sunday, though several are under consider­ and died Monday night. The body ation. The cannery will be a fine was taken to Myrtle Point by the thing for the vegetable and fruit steamer Dora for burial. producers as it will enable a good ! Geo. Henninger made a business many to dispose of articles which ■ tiip to Batidon, Momtav. Mr and Mrs. Bell, of Norway, and have no market at present. We nro haviag regular eastern I j some fiiends from Texas took weather here— hail, rain, and now dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John ! Hale Sunday. as I write, a fine snow storm. The Lyceum, at the school house, w-as well attended Saturday tight, Hammond at Marshfield standing room being at a premium. A S Hammond, of this city, at A Lincoln memorial program was tented the first annual Lineolu j given. They also had seme very banquet of the Marsfiheld Republi­ lively times during the debate and. can club, and responded to the the judges decided it was best to toast, “ Buncombe.” Concerning j bond th e county for road improve­ tbe same the Times said: “He ments. Mr. Price Robison, of roundly criticised Senators Cham­ Norway, gave a very interesting berlain and Bourne and U’ren. He talk, on the good of the order, also denounced the Initiative and Referendum because it made law­ A G ood Sh o w making too easy and criticised the The theatre-goers of this city amendments to the constitution were treated to another pleasant undir it. He suggeste I as a means ¡evening’s entertainment Tuesday ¡¡^-. 1 of providing "jokers” slipping night, when the Bernell .Stock com through under the initiative that pany appeared in ” B’ som Friend merely the questions as to whether of Bowser.” Mi Hollingsworth new measures he adopted be sub­ and Miss Stewart, with their sup­ mitted to the voteis and that it be port. gave a very srtisfactory in­ left to the legislature to enact the terpretation of the play, and that law.” the company is taking well with the public is attested by the fact R R. Pounder, of Portlaud, ar­ that the attendance was con­ rived iu Coquille Wednesday, com­ siderably increased over last week. ing in by the Drain route. Mr. Pounder is hete on a business visit I). McNair was dowo from Myr­ 1 and will not remain long. tle Point Wednesday on business. Evangelist Coming. A series of evangelistic rmetiogs will be held in the Seventh D ly Adventist Church, beginning next Wednesday evening, Feb. 22. E - der . 1 . Mark Comer, now closing a successful series ol meetings at Cottage Grove, will conduct • these services and will be assisted by E. H. Kmmerscn. T. G. Bunch and A. R. Bennett. Mr. Einmerson will have charge of the music. Ho expects to have a good chorus ot voices, which will make the music a special feature of the meetings. You are invited to attend and bring your friends, bihles and questions. Come early to tbe song service which begins 7 115; preaching 7:30 RIGHT from th e start this “Azby” has proven a w inner. A n e w “ dapper” The Azby Florsheim “Natural Shape” last—we have your size. n'kJE.s A Complete Showing at Notice By order of the board of di­ rectors the stock books of the Co­ quille Valley Telephone company will be open for a short time for subscriptions on au installment basis, viz; $5.00 down and $5 per month until $30 is paid in. After $15 is paid one share of stock will be issned and the second when the contract is completed. All pur­ chasers of sfock on this plan will receive stockholders’ rate of 50c per month switching fee after fir.-t payment of $5. 2-1714 Manager Montgomery, of the Standard Oil Company at Marsh­ field, and the San Francisco re­ presentative of the same company were in Coquilte yesterday looking over this section. R. G. Perhatn, of Marshfield, came over from Marshfield Tues­ day and went on down to Bandou. NOW IS THE TIME! V‘you this one there like are o t h e r s ” that you o u g h t to see be- $5; Some Few Styles $6 fore you buy.. L Y O N S & JO N E S Second S treet C o q u ille , O re. We are in the shoe business to make a suc­ cess of it. Consequently, we offer you the best shoe at the most reasonable price. FOR MEN. we have everything from $3.00 to $6.50. This includes Dress Shoes, aud shoes for hard outdoor wear. FO R W O M EN , prices range from $2.00 to $4.50. A full line of dress shoes, aud shoes for house wear. FOR C H IL D R E N — A ll kinds and Not tom orrow , nor next week, to be first to get your spring dress goods. We can show you a nice line of Hindoo silks, Sim silk, Eddy silks and others—sucli silks anti such prices too. Also w hite good8 suitings, ba­ tistes, F lo rin , Lawn, dress linen, Flaxon. Cashm ere Pongee and Our shots stand the rough wear of the youngster. Let us prove our assertious. Sit down ; th ere ’s no hurry. Look around anti ask questions. We sell beauty makers. We are especially interested in brides to-be. Need anv collar buttons today? Buy tbe boy a cap; they don’t cost m uch. Our hats don’t blow off your head. W e will lit voor head or bust. The Royal Chinook Shoes f t your feet. You can fit your form with Mc­ C all’s patterns. The Golden Rule Voile. prices. Yours for Business, C. H. CLEAVES .-¿. n m t i M i “ tf.Twnww i i.e T g a . i »., i l R O S E ’S CASH STO R E COQUILLE STMR. RIVER LINE FIFIELD PLYING BETWEEN BANDON A M ) SAN FRANCISCO SA ILISU EVERY EIGHT PAYS Passenger\ Freight Low’ Ratos and Excellent Accom­ modations. Our Interests are your Interests. A. F. Estabrooh Co., Agts. Nosier A Moulton, A pts,Coqui'le. Phone Main 111, Farm ers 483, Res. 383. 8an Francisco and Bandon NOTICE Having close ! ont our Dry Goods and gone into the Grocery business exclusively, we have decided to discontinue the handling of the Graphophone. As we have put out something like two hun­ dred machines, we will continue to handle the Rec­ ords, but have decided to innke some changes in the giving out of Records to our Customers who have our Machines, Viz: When vour C tab pur­ chases amount to $ 5.00 we will give you one Sin­ gle Record free, or one Double Record by pay­ ing 35 c in addition to tne $ 5.00 worth of Tickets, and w ill continue to keep a good selection of pieces on hand at ail times. Respectfully, P . E. DRANE Dealer iu Staple and Fancy Groceries, Floar and Feed.