»9- ... .. Northern grown garden seeds, Miss Eva Sugg, Walter Oerdiug 8be the new Hupmobile Touring thoroughly tested and reliable; 3 and Matt Kerrigan, the Coquille car. Wlth it„ beautiful low.huug body 'The Golden Rule."—C. H. Cleaves. papers tor 10c at Knowlton’s Drug debating team that debated at Ban-¡and long wheel-base of 110 inches Store. don Friday night, returned home j _ the precise «ice of the finest four Light wagon for sale cheap at Sunday afternoon, having stayed passenger French and Italian cars II you are cold these nights, go And< on's. down for the dance Saturday night. whose general lines it follows down to Lyons A Jones’ and order For a quick lunch get hoiled hum How to cure a cold is a question j ------------— __ a comfort. They have some bar at Drane's. in which many sre interested just i * ° ° TRAP NESTED BARRED gains. Choice onion sets at Knowlton’e now. C ham berlain's Cough Rem-' PLYflOUTH ROCKS. Mrs. A. P. Miller, who has been Drug store. tf. , , .. . , ! Our matings have prcduced stand- reputation , , , r 1 . . confined at home for the past edy J hag won its great . 1 aril-bred specimens of exhibition qual- Wanted—Oregon grape root. and immense sale by its remarkable ity with records of 242, 227, 222 egg« in month, is again able to be down Geo. T. Moulton. cure foi colds It cau always be 3t(5 days. town. Get yo,.r onion eels at Knowl- depended upon. For gale by all Baby Chicks and Eggs for Hatching For S ale — Nearly new buggy and ton’s Drug store. tf. harness, ana good bay mare, weight dealers. Book your orders now for spring de- . j livery. A few cockerels Irom heavy lay. Don't forget the Herald's bargain 950 pounds; very g»ntle; $150, one Wm. Caudlin has the agency for ill(< 8tot.k (or $5 qo . subscription offer. half down. the finest and must complete line Ply mouth Place, Poultry Yards G. C. Welch of Lain pa. was a Co­ Give us your orders and they of calenders ever shown in Coos FRED BACHM AN, Prop. quille visitor Tuesday. will be filled and delivered as quick county. Anyone who has not yet Marshfield, Box 585 Phone 283 W anted— All kinds of furs by Geo. as possible by Lyons A Jones’ free placed an order for 1912 N O T IC E TO T A X P A Y E R S . delivery. T. Moulton, Coquille, Ore. should write 01 see Mr. Caudlin at Mrs. Beulah Jenkins was a visit­ Miss Cora Belloni, of this city once. Taxes for the yiar of 1910 are due or at Marshfield Monday. went to Marshfield Saturday where You are probably aware that and payable on or after February 1st, Three per cent rebate up to New and fresh groceries always she has accepted a position in the pneumonia always results from a 1911. March 15th. From March 15th to April on hand at Drane's store. Times office. cold, but you never beard i f a cold 3rd pay taxes at face. Ii. K. Jones, of the Bay was in pbeumonia when You cau always get fresh vege resulting in There will be no further notice of the town on business Tuesday. tables ou Fridays and Saturdays at Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was amount of taxes due sent out by mail, Ed Lasswell, of McKinley, was in Lyons & Jones’. used. Why take the risk when except where the taxpayers request it and furnish a list of the property on our city on business Tuesday. A. F. Racouillap, general mana this remedy may be had for a trifle? which they desire to pay. For sale by all dealers. Reduce U corsets at Lyons ger of the Coos Bay Manufacturing W . W . GAGE, LO CAL N E W S . DR. RICHMOND PH YSICIAN AND SUIUJKON. Office in UiohimmU-Uurkur Building. CoQUILLK, O r KOON. Offio.» Pbone Main 211. Dr. C. W. Endicott D k s t is t Office over First National Bank Pilone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon E. D, SPERRY Attorney und Connoellor at Law. Office in Kobinuon building i W. C. CHASE, ATTOKN KY-AT-LA W Office in Richmond-Barker building. I C. R. BARROW Jones', the finest on the market. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Jim Mast, mayor of Bandou, who company, ot North Bern) was in came up from Bandon Wednesday town Tuesday. For sale— One good Buck range evening to attend the teachers’ Seed oats for sale. Apply to W nearly good as new; address Mrs banquet, went out to Lee Thurs­ S. Eachus, Belleu place, near Arago H. L. Stephens, Fishtrap, or phone day for a visit of a few days. He will return to Bandou Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henninger, Farmer 5-1. When her child is in danger a of Fishlrap were in town Tuesday We can please the most particu woman will risk her life to protect lar housewife with ou r flour. W Wm. Rohm, of Riverton, was $ 1.60 per Back at it. No great act of heroism or Coquille business visitor Monday F. and W. S. risk of life is necessary to protect For Rent— New cottage In east Lyons & Jones’ . Give Cham­ ern part of town. Inqvlre at this Flour, now there is where you a child from croup. berlain’s Cough Remedy and all office. hit us. Web Foot and White James Watson, county clerk, re Spray, every sack guarauaeed. At danger is avoided. For sale by all lealers. turned from a visit to the Bay Lyons and Jones'. Residence Phone 340 Main C oquille C ity , O re J. J. STANLEY L A W YE R • Front Stie C o q u il l b , O regon A. J. Sherwood. Monday. Some say, tell your troubles to Lyons & Jones' are offering the policeman. We say, tell then, great Bargains in comforts this to Lyons At Jones’ , they are always week. ready to listeu— sounds like an or­ der. M. T. Clinton, of Arago, was Coquille business visitor Wednes W. C. Laird has secured the sole day. agency for the Hamilton pianos, aud For Sale— Wheat, oats and bar has two very fine instruments on ley. E. A. Yiimtr, Arago. Phone display in his window. 5XX. j.W hy send away for garden seeds A t t o b n k t - a t - L a w , N o t a r y P u b l ic , Coquille, : î Oregon Walter Sinclair, A tto rn ey - a t - L a w . N otary P u b l ic , Coquille, s : Oregon. Bert Gould, county surveyo went to the Bay on business Mon­ day. Hall & Hall. A t t o r n e y s - at L a w , Buy your bacon and hams at Lyons & Jones’ , they handle Sin­ clair’s. Dealei in R e a l E st a t k of all k in d s . Marshfield, Oregon. I I For Sale— Three timber claim re­ linquishments. _ E. E. Morgan, Bax­ ter Hotel. E. G. D. Holden L aw yer , J u s t ic e o f t h e P e ace U. 8. Commissioner, General Big line of kid gloves at the White House. First National Batik building. Insurance Agent, and Notary Public. Office in Robinson Building. Coquille Mrs. Ed Lewellen was a passen­ ger from Myrtle Point Tuesday morning. Oregon. 1 Lyons A Jones' will slice bacon and hams. Nothing better for breakfast. DR. K. A. LEEP PH YSICIA N AND SURGEON I R. B. HOAG. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Riclimond-Barker Building. - - Mrs. J. L. Barker, of Faitview, came in lust week and visited a few lays with her son, E- C. Barker, and then went to Myrtle Point to see her sister, Mrs It. C. Dement. She will return to her home at Fuirview Saturday. C. H. Cleaves has added a fine oak settee, upholstered iu leather, to his shoe department this week. He has also had a platform built, when you can buy thoroughly enclosed with a railing, for his tested seeds for less money at boodkeeping department aud has Knowlton’s Drug Store. added a handsome roll-top desk to Wm. Wade left Saturday morn­ his office equipment. ing tor Portland, where he expects C- S. Winsor, cashier of the Bank to buy a new automobile for the of Oregon, at North Bend, pur­ Roseburg stage line.— Times. chased a new four passenger tour­ Miss Ella Walstrom, teacher at ing car of the Hupmobile make, the Coaleda school, came over Sat­ through the local agent, I. R. urday and went on down to her Nosier. Mr. Winsor expects his dome at Parkersburg to visit till new car on this trip of the Break- Monday. wutir. Geo. Shelley, of Marshfield, Alfred Johnson, Sr., was a pass salesman for Wm. Peck Grocery euger to San Francisco on the Co. also has ordered a new Hupmo- Nann Smith Saturday. Mr. John bile touring car to be delivered the son went on business and will re middle of next month. turn soon. S. C. Braden was down from S. M. Nosier Is again agent for the Myrtle Point Mondav and made R. Biasca of Norway was a busi­ old reliable De Laval Separators. the Herald ofiioe a business visit. ness visitor in Coquill j Mot day Sample machine and extra parts Mr. Braden is very enthusiastic always on hand. Call In and see morning. over the cannery project at Myr­ the new improvements on them. Say! did you notice those bar­ tle Point aud lelieves it will be a Mr. and Mrs B. H. Burns are gains in comforts in Lyons A money-maker for the farmers aud reported as recovering from a fe Jones’ window. an incentive to intensive (arming vere attack of lagrippe, but their Garden seeds in bulk, also in He believes $500 worth of string son Ray is now suffering from the papers; 3 foi 10c at Kiiowlton's beans can be raised on one acre. same malady. Drug Stoie. A piece of flannel dampened with First National Bank Building C oquille , 19tll Big Money— W e want an agent In O regon . With this year IYof. W . A. Henry proposes to give up i «• teaching of motto m t profession and m s parting gift will present o one of It is music pupils in either Myrtle Point or Coquille a magniflci ::*< 5 Lester piano, an instrument practically new, of fine touch and to \ a beautiful case and of superior workmanship throughout, and that \ It he en ornament to any home. THE P L A N Prof. Henry is to | l « t l aeries of six concertH, three in Myrll I', and three in Coquille. Cniipon tickets are to he issued for each of tin -. concerts, each coupon to oount ten votes for the music pupil under 1 o professor’s regular instruction who secures the coupon either thro' .:n solicitation from ticket purchasers or the sale of a ticket. The co n e-i w ill close at midnight of August first, next, and the piano will I-' giv u to tiie music pupil having (tie most coupon votes to his or her credit ;.i that hour. Myrtle Point pupilB may solicit coupons on the Coquille co i certs and vice versa. The only condition attached is that the can ididate for the gfft must be a regular Henry’s, recei r> _ music " r pupil ‘ t " of Prof. »»wilt y o, receiving at least one less per week from now until the first of August. The piano ¡son exhibition at the professor’s studio at Coquille. The date of the first concert will be announced soon. DON’T BUILD Until you see us. We can save you money Ostrander & Gee C O N T R A C T O R S AND B U IL D E R S My wife, Mrs. A . M. Magill, having U)ft my bed and board, notice Is hereby given that the undersigned will not pay any debts contracted by her. A. M. Magill. Eden Valley. FOR BALE. A oountry store with postofflee In connection. A good, new building 24x30 feet, good business and acre tract of land. Inquire at the Herald office. Coquille, E-t'mates furnished. - Oregon Job work of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch R S KNOWLTON, President GEO. A. ROBINSON, V. Pri B. H. MAST, Cashier Farmers ai)d Merchants of Coquille Bank FOR SALE. CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 Ono fifteen horse-power Fair- banks-Morse stationary gasoline en­ gine, new. At a bargain If sold at once. Address R. W . Squire, Pros­ per, Ore. A Reasonable Share of Your Business Solicited First Class Safety Deposit Boxes ior Rent A J. SHERWOOD Prat. SIM PLEX S EP A R AT O R S. W OOD. W OOD. WOOD. R. E.SHINE, Vita f i n l. H. HAZARD, Cashlar When you want a separator that will not get out of balance, get a Simplex, which has the self-adjusting neck bear­ ing. They are displaciug all other makes. For sale by GEO. E. PEOPLES. 0. C. SANFORD, Aaat. Cashier FIR ST N A T IO N A L B A N K op C O Q U IL liB , OREGON. T r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g BusinetAfe Lay fn your winter’s supply while you can. Alder— the best on the Board of Direetora. | Corroapondenta. market, $2 a tier delivered. Phone 353. R. Ü. Dement, A . J. Sherwood, National Bank o Commerce, New York C L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, ! Crocker Wool worth N ’lBank, San F cant F R E 8H FISH. Isaiah Hacker, R . E. Shine. ! First Nat’l Bank ofkPortland, Portland For a nice, fresh salmon, right from the river, call at the ferry. They are to be had each morning. Ed McAdams. LLlVliU £ Why Bake Bread J. L. LA IR D , Proprietor. Leaves Myrtle Point daily at 8 o’cle i k p. m ., carrying mail and passenger**. Arrives at Roseburg following evening. Stage leaves Roseburg dally at at 6 ?*• ni. Special rigs for parties at any tin.e. OFFICE -T Laird’s Livery Barn, Myrtle Point Home Telephone 461. at borne when it is just ns cheap to buy it at the City Bakery? Save yourself the work and worry. Fresh bread every day. We also have fresh cakes, pies and fancy pastry con­ stantly on baud, or will bake anything to order on request. Lodges and aocinl gather­ ings supplied with all kinds of good things. Phone 370. The City Bakery , 1 H. BOYLE ,!f In Retiring as a Music Teacher Prof. Henry W ill Qive Some Pupil a Handsome Piaro NOTICE. Sheriff W. W. Gage was a busi­ every town; Balary and commission; Chambtrlain’s Liniment aud bound ness visitor to Marshheld the first references required; for full partic­ on to the affected parts is superior ulars address subscription depart­ to any plaster. When troubled of the week. ment, National Sportsman, Inc., 75 with lame back or pains in the side No fuctor.v made waists at the Federal St., Boston, Mass. or chest give it atrial and you are White House All made in our Incorporated. Ray Dement, of Myrtle Point, ertaiu to be more than pleasrd owu work room Manufacturers of came down Saturday morning and with ;hu prompt relief which it af­ Claud Moon went to Myrtle The Celebrated Berg man n Shoe Point Saturday and came back went on to Baudot! in the afternoon fords. Sold by all dealers. to attend the dance given by the The Strongest and Nearest Water E. J. Slocum, former proprietor Proof shoe made for loggers, miners Monday morning. Pythian Sisters at that place. of what is now Fuhrtnau’s phar­ prospectors and mill men. Knowlton's Drug store has just P. N. Reberg, formerly of the macy but at present residing at G21 Thurman Street received a large stock of very North Bend Hardware rompany, Prosser, Wash., writes an old P o r t l a n d , O regon . choice onion sets. tf. but now representing Dunham, friend, in part, as follows: *’ I am Mrs. Chas. Fox, o f Bandon. Carringar