Sulk and Package Seed JBMH ED EVKKY T ill KSDAY. Ai‘i>licatiòii mailt* Jan. Ili, 1911, íor entry at Coquille pôs to ilice as second da -s master, under act of March J , 1879. A FRESH SEED S su pply of G A R D E N and O N IO N J. S E T S at Work Done in any finish DEAN’S STUDIO Three doors North of Drane’s Store Coquille, Oregon All Work Guaranteed It takes more than good FI To make first class bread, biscuit and past' time. The flour has to be the best, oi cowr­ it has to be uniform in every sack too. TE:. •' Snow Drift is so popular. You will find the f one sack identically the same in every s.i.L. is tested at the mill’s bake shop to mu!; Every batch of wheat that goes through tin- washed clean. It isn’t touched by human i from that time till it reaches you. Only the selected Northwestern grown, Blue Stem who into Snow- Drift Flour. Try just one sack and 1 how good your bread, biscuit and pastry can H. W . PAINTER M A R S H F IE L D , ‘ ; -;.'v : . '* *d , p\\ -o’ ■ - OREG ' r O T K i a a B B H B H S í ... ¿Sr. 1} Tkree Vital T?*, E Leisisoiis ‘ i want to give every person not using electric light th r e e vital reasons \.hy th General Electric fv'lazd namp should make them h a/e their house, store, office or factory wired. First— 1 he G -E Mazda Lamp gives nearly th re e tim e3 the lig h t of the ordinary carbon incandes­ cent. It costs n o m o re to burn. Third— vastly superior—a clear "TFie General Electric Mazda Lamp represents the high-mark in the evolution of incandescent electric lighting. It blends inventive triumph and manufacturing skill— and y o u reap the benefit in the form of dollars and cents, and freedom from eye ?■ ain when using artificial light." "1 want the chance to p r o v e to y o u r entire satisfaction that this wonderful lamp is es’en b e t t e r than represented. Come in today and see for y o u r s e lf . Your call places you under no obligation, anti »3 apt to be decidedly to y o u r profit.” Be careful to see that every electric lamp you buy bears the G . E . monogram. iiii|iiilli‘ River Electric I’o. xm . | J . H . O E R D IN G MANUFACTURER AND PKAhKR IN LUMBKK, LATHS. SIIINULLS MorLDING.CEMKNT I1UI0 KS AND BLOCKS, SAND AND £ GRAYEL ..................................... >; C O Q U I L L E , - r LOT n run Call iii and See Our New Shiprt)ei)t of Iron Beds Direct fron) the Factory Corvallis, Ore., Felt. Iti Prof, C. I. Lewis, bead of the department of In rtn ulturn at the Oregon Coon. Uounty ¡¿ererally. ' ; on . p m a i m aiUm Flip ‘ ‘(’on-iitution,” when, ex riment station work If the !-0 acres in pasture. Good or- W e h ivo prove 1 it in so many county road. Price per acre, $8.0(1. This man wa at the helm. legislature now iu «• sian gran*s fbar.l. Good house and two barns. states, l i â t I c-mm * undertake to 80-acre farm; 40 acres bottom It . afe outrode flic storm of war t>i" appropriations requested to 15 or 20 tons gram bay. Price enumera them. land mostly all iD cultivation; house, V. i.h many splintered spars; the e ,ta!)liehm»nt- of lew branch $•1500.00. Polit it j. i . t Y ' i Ily i rhi m. st-head bore, Í at P p. barn and other outbuildings; fine -i •' • the college will ice d nine House and lot, a good buv for o rchard; seme strek with the p la c t ; 1 :th al. its stars. I f or, . ‘. ¡on i lice tu >il in j nit ic non for this t ne branch of 8 100 00 . that fi. ¡i it is m ss ef fe ctu al in I localed t n county road. Price, , , --xt r.sioii .work alone, n> xt luno. cresting i diii".- 320 acre dairy farm, mostly uli $3,500.00. bat will lessen __ 1 ___j it feebly know, tifili t mudivi- we to thee, a k e 1 i- liv:ii I pe pi,-and a g r e il area of coun­ Thv gì ve t ■■ world new elicer; CUM :, art. isai t, giv lii III try would thus I o servo h at.'.hi ms of the free. goo IO .ds, |dUt iiiru into in ore W. L E N E V E , The committee has the assurance FRANK B U R K H O L D E R , firm in darkest hour; frie ily reial one; \\iib b i ii'ig h b o is Secretan-. Manage r that the ranchers along and ¡litlnu I. feuth and Right; an-!, finally, solve w h \ t the ivi e the piopoaed territory are willing to • 1 .-Up was thine, men • -all Ihe ‘rn ra* tn ” <3^-: r -r- ; * v ¡ -• assist in b u d ’iug a r a i d of this ■rn fight. Oi giu.iz.ilii It is i.-e w*ap n of kind. They rea izo I Hat it will J fed thy honest ways, the ny put into the h 11.(1.4 of a prove a great onvenienco if it can humble name, en I ted ) c mad: p ¡.s-:b’e to go direct to t lic light, - And thy fame. Sai/s from Ainsworth Doch. Portland, North Betid and on to Marshfield T is -ly I am pleach in g its by constructing these roads anil A- o brighter still at 8 P. M.. euerg Tuesday. Sails from II tl • 111 1.0 Id Illume: operating the feiry. |!) Coos Bay euery Saturday at service o f Am .ravan shall make B ut organization’ can i-e most When the committee has t h e ! fl tide. Reservations w ill not be held . i hy tomb. effective, I you in. i.-t that your matter well iu hand the county I '■! later than Friday noon, unless tickets loaders lie ¡-h n t ¡¡ fitness and court wi 1 be informed t f the work 1 i‘| are purchased. for ability t not unmanly, that, (Tt r ■ ii F sa¡ rifice, don» aril -¡-k'd foi nssi-tance ! ¡j) is great trust, so kept, lather time fi j 1 ii g and hand- However ivi- understand that the i j|t PAUL L. STERLING. Agent Phone Main 181 -Ido his coffined dust, sfiuki g abil : i pen; 1 < belli 1 th • proj u-t nip not red: —Bowed:- and wept. Fo it will x c e b m t plan asking the county to stand the for yon tt mach of your g r e a t'i p r r t i - i i . f the < xpense but I" i‘ \ V, rid ivh > tried l>romo- tini his y < ar king for m.-n are willtDg aud anxious to do the tri" fiom Gi i / S n I mV w I" • m rsM er 11 ifiention, tl eu moct themselves. T uis disp isitiou r, is soliciting giving them ¡are ¡leal If o.i the patt f tin promoters ought ; tin ('m s Bay uud ; tiny fail, and tbl believe them to make : l »volatile ur.prtesion on lion company. It T h e g a so lin e boat L im it is now owned hot t st and t .i , give them the (-¡iftimissioneri. —Coos Bav lia r- • tlll- impani to i s - and operated by the u n d ersig n ed , and another trial, ¡i sn’t matter if b >r -i n ice b tween - w ill do a g en era l tow ing and fre ig h tin g iLet turn ou 1 n. st or g: afters. () ¡It! ititi B ih it 8 p-cinl in t and go at it b u sin ess ou th e river. C an be ch artered I ’or Salo. . , ¡I» with auoth ■r set. for p asse n g e rs o U Dors , weight b et w en 1200 ht nil of Ih o Antere m ¡.rmer is t';e an 1 1300 ; i 1 11 .¡r.s old; sound and j ii ! from . , . lì•ir . 1 c *« ! f e 11 • w hriatendom 10 Irne works - ngle, double or sad- v forty ’ orgai i/o, be«*au « I i i imlepend- die. One 4 year red mar», iveli ( nc \ He carps l , s “ right *.1 brok e single nr doub’e. L a d y can tfdCCI) Eve n when s u m i- u n g i ft w r.f riile of drivi her. Two double .¡ets II ; i • , i f. r awhile w i ild b« ttcr hia IM' k h trness, one- douD 1 »1 huge y ja n L i ” D • ¡ 1 n a tubborn bar o.--, two single seta buggy ii r r u f * !J Ution, lo* i* TM to be «d ». a >Ii-souri ' h «i Iii: i --n. two single breast harness, CAPT. PETERSON. Master R M i l Mo O r^ 'ni/ d in i lu,H goic * forward on fine breaking c . r : with c o m ­ iiihinatioii irtsTi r in Eur» pi u p. (onti Ir:t P, lif­ W ill m ak e re g u la r trip s betw een pì t breaking harness, two carts, •XT'* of like c a m » the Strinors t i- iRsivl t -1 » g i l l • inti one fine two seated family ; ^ r boat h rim. Tht vif h that tfcev f id less a chance < u : ri an 1 that . k i- Frank Burkholder, ; lili, n loi. »f> p • !. • i 1 h un 1 lu rrpti is show u that a ve ly l*rgt i nuu.htr Pacific B e i l Estate Co. : iTiriTTil W. C. L A IR D FO R © ALE PACIFIC REAL Second— T he q u a lity of light white light like sun rays.” P I 1 DUSKIER d . o t l . f c u : " . 1 ti n t i h c i i a l up •iqui. io vulitwy o a r t i o o l a r l y i Knowlton's Drug Store Kodak Finishing a Specialty M*IKK WILL IMPROVE - O FEGO N ESTATE CO., STEAMER BREAKWATER River Towing & Freighting S t e v e n s & Root, Coquille, Ore. ihe Washcalore Ikindon and San Francisco Carrying Freight, Etc.