g p jn 11 I i p f r i l i Q l iRH P P M r i i i W im i i ' Il |I i T j j f i t f l j f l i W l T r f l U l n □ I HAVE YOU A COUGH? I Coquille Herald. GOOD ROADS MOVEMENT ’ ANNUAL FARMERS’ WEEK — i i NOW BECOMING GENERAL FEBRUARY 13 TO 18 P U B L IS H E D EVERY T H U K H D A f. A p p licatio n m ad e J a n . 12, 1911, for e n tr y a t C oquille poetottice as second class m a tte r , u n d e r a c t of M arch 3,1879. Knowltcn's White Pine Cough Syrup will at J . E . U P D IK E once relieve it Work Done in any finish Kodak Finishing a Specialty DEAN’S STUDIO Three doors North of Drane’s Store Coquille, Oregon All Work Guaranteed (I X >oooooooo<>ooooooooooooooc A Bake Shop Test I 'JvUfand ylfluuntj » t o IL vumi r,f-. Is m ade ol every m illin g t h a t O lym pic F lour is m ade of. O ne of th e b est b ake sh o p s a n y ­ w h ere is ru n in co n n ectio n w ith th e m ill th a t m ak es O lym pic F lo u r. E v e ry b u n ch of flour th a t goes th ro u g h th e m ill is te s te d . I t h as to be up to th e h ig h est sta n d a rd - h a s to m ake th e b est b read possible, else i t d o e s n 't go into th e O lym pic sacks. T h a t is th e reaso n y o u r bakings of bread, b ise n it an d p a s try are alw ays u n ifo rm ly good w hen you use O lym pic. Y o u r b ak in g s c a n ’t be expected to be th e sam e alw ay s u n le s s th e flour is. T h e re in lies t h e b e au ty of using O lym pic. THE PORTLAND FLOUR M ILLS CO. : >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOO< K Three Vita! Reasons “1 want to give every persbn not using electric light th r e e vital reasons why the General Electric Mazda Lamp should make them have their house, store, office or factory wired. First— The G-E Mazda Lamp gives nearly t h r e e tim e s the lig h t of the ordinary carbon incandes­ cent.- GOOD ROADS. A great interest is being aroused in favor of the good roads move­ ment throughout the state. Peo­ ple are beginning to realize that we are away behind tbs times in this respect and that good, per- 11 » uetit roads will aid more in the developement ol the rural districts than perhaps any other factor. It has even been declared that good wagon roads are now more important than railroads; that rail­ roads are of little avail unless wa­ gon roads are built to serve as a connection between the farms and the railroad. F ISH T R A P . There will be serv:ces at 11 o’clock a. m. at the M. E . Church South, also evening services at the usual hour. The literal y program given at the school house Saturday evening was a grand success, Notwith­ standing the highwater, the house contained all that could be seated. Some thought to avoid the mud bv going in boats, which was all right goiug over but before they returned, a heavy fog had settled over the water. The consequence was, on returning, not being able to see more than ten feet ahead of them, they lost their bearing, and must have gone in circles as they were out more than an hour before they finally found their way out by following the edge of the marsh, and by the aid of tops of fences, “boating must have been fine on the lake last night, for after we had got home and had our icy feet wrapped in blankets, and were sleeping the sleep of the just, several of our neighbois were out on the marsh boat riding till the first small hours of the Sabbath day.’’ Moral: It is better to trust vour feet on old terra firma. Liquid hydrogen is by far the coldest liquid known at the present time. At ordinary atmospheric pressure it boils at -—422 degrees F., and reduction of the pressure by an air pump brings the temperature down to —432 degrees, at which the- liquid becomes a solid, resembling frozen foam. According to Profess or Dewar, to whom the credit if due of having liquefied hydrogen ir 1808, the liquid is a colorless, trans parent body and is the lightest liq­ uid known to exist, its density being only one-fourteenth that of water. The lightest liquid previously known wns liquid marsh gas, which is six times heavier. The only solid which has so small density as to float upon its surface is a piece of pith wood.— Cassier’s Magazine. It costs n o m o r e to burn. Third— The q u a lity of light 1 vastly superior—a clear white light like sun rays." "The General Electric M azda Lamp represents the high-mark in the evolution of incandescent electric lighting. It blends inventive triumph and manufacturing skill— and y o u reap the benefit in the form cf dollars and cents, and freedom from ey e r.* 'ain w hen using artificial light.” "I want the chance to p r o v e to y o u r entire satisfaction that this wonderful lamp is even b e t t e r than represented. Com e in today ind see for y o u r s e l f . Your call places you under no obligation, and is apt to be decidedly to y o u r profit." Be careful to see that every electric lamp you buy bears the G . E . monogram. Cofjiiille liiviT Electric Co. J. H. OERDINGf M A N U FA C T U R E IS AND D E A L E R IN LUMPER, LATHS. SHINGLES MOULDING,CEMENT BRICKS AND BLOCKS, SAND AND GRAVEL ..................................... - P U B L IS H E R T h e C o ld e s t K n o w n L iq u id . Second— ^ C Q O U IL.L.E, - Phone, Main 354. | ______________________ u ------- THE OUTLOOK. With the prospect of again bav- ! ing two mills running in the near future the business prospects for Coquille are already much brighter. However, we should not be satis­ fied with securing these business enterprises alone. Other business concerns may be secured which will be as great a benefit to the growth and development of the city as those already here if we offer a lit­ tle encouragement and assistance in getting a start. Now that the hall has started to roll let everybody get in and push. i Knowlton's Drug Store m - D e v o te d t o l b . m a t e r i a l s o d so cia l up M ld in c n f t h e O o q o ill. V alley p a rtic u la rly a n d o f Oooa C o u n ty g e n e r a lly . S u u b a o rip tio n . p . r y . a r . t n a d v a n c e . l . W - fig K 8 O P E G O N >efore re a c h ­ in g th e edge of th e c ra te r, w h ere a v iew of th e b o tto m can be o b tain ed , th e ru m b lin g sound produced by th e escap in g vapor, u n d e r th e Influence o f th e m y sterio u s su b te rra n e a n forces, ca n be b eard lik e th a t o f a n Im m ense boiling kettle. T h e g re a te s t e ru p tio n o f T a a l took place In 1754. T h e eru p tio n b eg an on M ay 13 an d d id n o t end till D ec. 1. D u rin g th is d re a d fu l tim e th e In ten sity an d asp e c t o f th e eru p tio n w ere con­ tin u ally ch an g in g , an d th e fo u r p rin c i­ pal to w n s o f th e lagunn o f Bnm bon d is­ a p p e a re d —viz, S ala, L lpa, T a n a u a n a n d T aal, w ith th e n u m ero u s villag es a ro u n d th em .—M anila T im es. P a* t* u r’* R*v*ag*. In V allery-K adot’s "L ife of P a s te u r" w e read th e sto ry o f his m isery. I t is n o th in g to say th a t th e w ar nearly b ro k e his h eart. Blit tt b ro k e n e ith e r h is f a ith n o r th e s tra ig h t line o f his w ork. O nly s s o rt o f ra g e possessed him to redeem a n d console F ra n c e by w o rk in g fo r her. " H e n c e fo rth .” he sa id , "every one of my books sh a ll h av e w ritte n on It th ese w ords, ‘R e­ venge, revenge, rev en g e.’ ” A nd th is w ns bis revenge, to se t th e n am e of F ra n c e In th e honors list o f science h ig h er th a n ever, to give th e r e s t o f | his life to h er serv ice and to w ear him ­ se lf o u t fo r h e r sake. First the railways, then the bi cycle and more recently the automo­ bile were each and every one charged with the duty of introducing the “horseless age.” When these or elaughts on the horse tiegan a good draft horse or a first class saddler could tie bought for $60 and a good pair of carriage horses for $160 to $180. Now the same horses are worth on the market nearly twice aa much. This does not look as II the age will soon become horseless —Farm and Ranch. % R e p o rter S enator, If I m ista k e not, y o u r n am e h as been m en tio n ed o n ce or tw ic e In connection w ith th e prexl dency. S e n a to r L o tsm u n —W hy, y es; a Lon don Jo u rn al, I believe, en ce re m a rk e d th a t If th e office o f p re sid e n t o f th e U n ited S ta te s w as fo r sa le 1 w ould p ro b ab ly buy It.—C hicago T rib u n e. W a ll G u a rd e d . “W u i yew g u ard ed In y o re co n d u ct w h ile yew w u i In teo w n , son 7 ' a sk ed *>e old m an. •‘S hore th in g , d ad .” rdplted th e boy. "I w u i g u ard ed by tw o p erlleem en m o st u v Eh’ ttm #.‘‘—C hicago News. W . C. L A IR D K( >Ii SA LE 10 acre tract all cleared, suitable $3500.00. for orchard and nice home located 40-acre ranch, all itiv. rnvep Nice about one mile from Coquille. house anil good bam. lu te <>*■ Price $1000.00. chard. Located on the Coquille 7 acres. About 4 acres of bot­ river. This is one ot the best bar­ tom land nil in cultivation. House, gains to be bad in Co -a countv. etc. Located about J mile from Price $ 4 , 000 . 00 . business part of Coquille. Price 160 acres tin ber land, estimated $1800.00. Terms. cruise 8 milli u feet of ti and ce­ l60-acre ranch. About 25 acres dar. Price $1500.00 bottom land, mostly iu cultivation. House nod lot, a good buy for House and barn and good orchard. $400.00. Price $2,500,00. Terms on part. 2 lots and a uice new bungalow, 80 acre farm. Nice house and just finished for $160000. good barn. Located on county 320 acre dairy farm, mostly all road. Price $6500.00. bottom land, with house, dairy 10 acres with new bouse and barn and creamery for the farm. about one hundred nice young fruit Located near the Coquille River on trees, two years old. Located county road. Price per acre $75.00 near Coquille. Price $1600.00 Terms. 160 acres. 40 or more acres hot- We have all kinds of property, tom land. 20 acres in cultivation. city, small acreage and large farms 80 acres in pasture. Good or­ chard. Good house and two barns. Also timber lands. Correspon- 15 or 20 tons gram hay. Price | donee solicited P A C I F I C R E A L E S T A T E GO., J. W LE SEVE, Secretary. FRANK BURKHOLDER, Manager. (OH® t t 0= 000 < STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Ainsworth Dock. Portland, at 8 P. M., every Tuesday. Sails from Coos Bay every Saturday at service of tide. Reservations will not be held later than Friday noon, unless tickets are purchased. PAUL L. STERLING. Agent Phone Main 181 p iO N E E R M EfIT M A IftE T We Carry Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. We are headquarters for everything'in the meat line. You wants always receives prompt attention. COQUILLE V A LLEY PACKING CO. A f t e r a F a s h io n . T h e H o r s e S till In D e m a n d . a fyPiony ^howi^n^ ofi new- djjfled in ea^jyetb a n d thib week. e t- eejytionat valued a n d odd styles th a t fiuffhten ujy the home. eome in a n d took — whe\e you ean Say now , a n d ft&y & tittle now a n d then. D O N ’T B T J I L D Until you see us. n We can save you money Ostrander & Gee CONTRACTORS AND BUIL0ERS Coquille, - Oregon Estimates furnished. Job work of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch.