Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 26, 1911, Image 1

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    JO ,
T he C oquille H erald
isolated districts to add high school
work, the county pa> ing a teacher’s
The school at Bridge is
now contemplating such a course.
W. 0. W. INSTALLATION A meeting of the dairymen of
County Superintendent W. H.
Sixty Thousand Dollars W orth
of Butter and Cheese Manu­
factured—Should be Made One
of Largest Industries of Coast-
Manager (leo. F Peop>*. of the!
O. K. Co-operative Creamery, has
just compiled a report of the total
business transacted by that com­
pany during the year i 9 to, nnd an
itenriz d statement of the business
r ince March i, 1910 and ending
December 3 1 , 1910 .
PER YEAR $15.0
NO. 20
The totaj, amount pi id for butter
was $42,127.04, averaging
34 97 cents per pound.
Following is the statement of
cheese manufactured during the
same time.
Cheese manufactured, lhs.. .72,342$
Value.............................. Jill ,12(1.04
As this is only one out ot several Total cost of manufacturing 1,676.70
creameries engaged in butter and Net value............................$9,450.34
cheese making itr the Coquille val­ Amount paid for whey........ 192.74
ley, renders can readily see that the
Total ...............................$9,043,08
total da iry business of the valley
amounts to several hundred thou­
Net average price per pound for
sand dollars a year.
butter fat was 30 cents.
According to the books of the were only made during the last
company there was a total ol eight days of March and the
154,037 pounds of butter manu­ months of April, May, June, July
factured during tire year, with a j and August,
value of $4S,I92. i o .
The cheese!
Regarding the proposed law
made amount« d to 72,342 pounds governing testing of dairy herds
and was worth $ 1 1 , 126 . 04 , a total for tuberculosis, Mr. Peoples said:
value of $ 59 . 3 17 ,14 for butter and
“ I see there has been a bill
drafted in Portland by a general
Following is the statement given committee making it compulsory
out bv the manager and board of to have all cows tested for tulier-
directors covering the period from culosis, and allowing $25 for each
common cow killed.
Now, I be­
March 1 to December 1 . 1910 :
Pounds lieve this to be a vicious bill and
Rutter manufactured. . . . 151,1462 ouo that will ruin the dairy busi­
It might be all
Butter taken out by patrons 1,523 ness of Oregon.
Butter sold and shipped... 148,6232 right if we could always get honest,
capable men in office, but that has
Blitter, 148,6232 lbs . . . $ 15,997.72 never yet been done in all cases It
153 93 is that fear the dairymen have ol
this state wide testing and compul-
$46,158 65 I sôry killing of their stock that
'¡'d ia l.
I will drive them out ol business
Manufacturing butter. .$ 5,771.13 ; I believe there are ways o f growing
j up to this problem and at the same
Insurance, postage, tele­
252.88 ! time build up the dairy business
phone, etc....................
--------------- : of the state to one of the largest
$ 4,024 01 ' industries on the coast.”
1 at
this part of the valley was held at
Bunch came in from his ranch at
the W. O. W hall Wednesday fore-
McKinley, Monday, and was busy
Iustallution of officers was held . noon for the purpose of incorporat-
a couple o f days disposing of the
... ,
accumulated correspondence and j Saturday evening by the Woodmen j j „ g a company to operate the ,0. K.
of the World. Tho following offi creamery plant. It was decided to
business of the office.
cers were iustalled:
incorporate for $ 5.000 and sell
Monday waa also the regular
Consul Commander, J.E . Quick shares o f stock to raise the requir­
meeting of the eighth grade board
Advisor Lieutenant. S. L. Curry. ed amount of cash to perfect the
to examine the papers of the
Clerk, Geo. Hartley.
organization of the company. It is
eighth grade pupils, who took the
Banker, Mark Morrns.
thought there will be no difficulty
examination for promotion this
Escort,-Curl White.
iu disposing of the stock, several
Manager, L P. Maury.
shares lieing subscribed before the
In addition fo Superintendent
Sentry, K A. McDufToe.
meeting adjourned. Shares are to
Bunch the regular board is com­
Watchman, J. F. Pointer.
be sold at $25 each and most o f
posed of Mrs. J. A. Yoakam, Miss
those purchasing so far have bought
Gamble of Notth Bend, and Mrs. MRS. SPALDING DIED
at least two.
Minnie Herman.
Articles ot incorporation have
None o f the members
been drawn up and J. D. Graham,
present at this meeting except Mrs.
C. E. McCurdy, W. H. Hull, W. S.
Herman and Mrs. O. C. Sanford
Mrs. E. L. Spalding died at Mer­ Jess and W. G. Mehl were appoint­
and K. H. Emerson served in their cy hospital at Ngrth Bend Tuesday, ed to circulate the subscription
after many months of suffering. blanks
Superintendent Bunch is very Funeral services were held at
The dairymen propose to buy Mr.
enthusiastic over the new high Marshfield Thursday afternoon and People’s interest in the supplies,
school law- which permits the coun interment was at the Catholic cc-ni- etc., in the O. K. and lease the
ty court to levy a oue-fourth mill | otery at the same place,
plant for one year.
At the end of
on all taxable prOpetty to provide
Something over a year ago the that time if they are satisfied with
a county high school fund.
family moved to Coquille from a the co operative plan, they will prob-
farm in order ihat she might receive auly purchase the plant or build a
The law provides that the county
j better medical attention.
During new one.
shall furnish about $4o each per
J the summer she was taken to the
year for tlie first 20 high school
hospital at North Bend but later
pupils in a district, which will
was brought homo. She had been
about pay the salary of one high
iu the hospital about two weeks at
school teacher. For over 20 pupils
the time of her death.
there is a slight decrease in the j
Deceased leaves a husband and
The river rose rapidly Thursday
rate, but enough, it is thought, to j
four children
and Friday of last week and spread
relieve the school districts ol the
out over the lowlands for two or
expense of hiring the high school
A riew 4o foot steel bed tower
three days
The trsin was unable
teachers and placing it on the coun­
has been erected, ami the hr It was
to get further than here for a cou­
moved to its lofty homo Tuesday.
Last year petitions were circu­ Marshal Hickuni and Ned Kelley ple of days and the mail was
brought down on the Dura from
late I to have the matter voted on were the architects in charge.
Myrtle Point.
at the election, but jhey were not
E C. Paddock, of Hamilton,
About 3,000 logs came down
pushed vigorgusly and failed to
Baker & Co , is back in the county from the North Fork, and some
secure the required number.
after spending the holidays in came from as far us the Eden val­
year the matter will be started
San Francisco.
ley country, on the South Fork
earlier and it is believed there will
C. I). Meredith and
vife of Most of those coming were logged
he no trouble in securing all the
means necessary, as the people are Laramie, Wyo., were registered at by Hardy Mast and were for the
undoubtedly in favor of the change. the Baxter, Wednesday, en route Raudolph
to Port Orford, where they may
Should the abov; system be
A E Hadsall, of Bandon, was a
adopted by the voters Superintend­
A. G Treadgold, an attorney ol county seat visitor Friday of last
ent Bunch believes it will enable
many to attend high school to Bandon, was a business visitor in week.
J. W. Beale, of Marshfield, was a
whom the present tuition exacted this city Tuesday.
Longshoremen Break Lock on Door
of Alliance’s Warehouse and
Load Cases on the Breakwater
in Spite of Marshal.
What threatened to develop into
a small sized riot at North Bend
Saturday afternoon passed over for
the time being as a result of a force
of longshoremen
Marshal Barnes who was trying to
prevent the taking of salmon from
the Alliance warehouse for ship­
ment on the Breakwater. T hedoor
of the warehouse was forced after
Agent Painter had locked it and
the salmon taken aboard the Break­
The clash resulted from rivalry
between the steamship lines for
business and of course each side
has a different version of it.
matter will probably be thrashed
out in the courts.
It seems that Agent C. F. Me-
George of the Alliance arranged to
handle the salmon pack of the C o­
operative Cannery at Gardiner.
Being unable to get nny boat in or
out, Manager Carl Bergman of the
Cooperative contracted with him
for the shipment from Gardiner to
Astoria. Mr. McGeorge chartered
the schooner Wilhtlmina to carry
the salmon from Gardiner to Coos
Bay and from here tt was to be tak­
en to Astoria on the Alliance.
mon to Astoria so he arranged for
the Breakwater to take it out.
The Breakwater and Alliance
agents clashed about it, Agent Mc­
George refusing to turn it over to
the Breakwater on the ground
that fie had bandied it part way,
that it was routed over his line and
thst Mr. Bergman had no right to
change the routing except on notice
from \V. E. Tallant of Astoria, the
Supt. Miller o f the Breakwater
rays he was not going to attempt
to take the salmon until Saturday
noon when Mr. Bergman arrived
from Gardiner and insisted that it
go on the Breakwater.
Agent Painter at North Bend re­
fused to turn it oter and locked
the doois to prevent the longshore­
man taking it. Acting, it is claimed,
on Mr. Bergman’s orders, tho long­
shoremen forced the lock on the
door and proceeded to carry I he
salmon aboard the Breakwater.
Then Agent Painter oalled Mar­
shal Barnes an.l the officer ordered
them to deeist but they would not
heed him and all the salmon there
was put aboard the Breakwater.
Owing to the rough weather, the
shipment has been delayed still
more. Part of the shipment was
brought down by the Wilbelmina
laRt weak, an 1 p i» 3*4 in t be Al­
liance warehouse at North Bend to
await the arrival of the Alliance to­
day for shipment.
Agent McGeorge has taken the
matter up with C- F. Doe who is
operating the Alliance and the mut­
ter will be taken up in tho courts.
Mr. Doe has fur.ocr ¿Atifi a Agent
McGeorge to secure sufficient men
to oyerwhelm any further attempts
of the kind and the matter may de­
Meanwhile Manager Bergman velop iuto a serious freight war.—
was getting anxious to get the sal­ Times.
the floor to pass the by the town schools is prohibitive.
C A. McKellips, of North Bend, Coquille visitor Sunday, being en
was no quarreling.
It would also enable a number of was in town Tuesday.
route to Bandon.
ing > o very long but it is the opin
Snow began falling in what ap­
ion of the cnlookers that there is
peared tu be large chunks in Co­
S. M. Nosier has opened his
On 1'biirsday -veniuy, Jan 2o, g°<>d material in the team and the
quille Wednesday morning, and wholesale and retail warehouse for
at Myrtle Point, occurred tho wed- end of the season may find them
thereby uncorked a lot of trouble business, receiving on this week’s
ding of Miss Cordia Summerlin and making up for lost time.
for the telephone and electric light Breakwater two carloads of flour,
Mr. Ed Lewellen.
I Several new ^pupils started in the
feed, grain, etc., from Portland.
On Thursday evening the choir \ ist grade this week
Also three or
The snow was veiy wet and He also received a shipment of
met at the homo of Mr. E‘l Lewel- four entered the High School,
len for practice. After practice
heavy and clung to the wires until fine De Laval cream separators
was over Mi“n Cordia Summerlin, Coquille. The return game for
sufficient amount collected to from Sail Francisco the first of the
one of the members of the choir Coquille has been postponed from
break them. By afternoon enough week.
stepped put into the kitchen as was tonight 'until Feb. 21 , by the re­
telephone wires were down to bad­
His warehouse is 5(5x60 feet,
supposed to help cut cakes for re­ quest of Marshfield.
ly cripple the telephone companies
a full basement the same size.
freshments, but in a few momenta, to
Patrons ot the school and others
and early in the evening light
A meeting of the property owners through a like number ol years and to the probable cost of either sys­
the surprise of all present, Mr. Lew- are invited to visit the Literary
with a tramway lead­
wires began breaking, leaving
make it an easy matter for all to tem o f hard surfacing.
d im and Miss Summerlin, led bv Program given in the High School of the Notley and Elliott additions
in ing to a floating dock in the rear,
meet them.
It is proposed to grade and sur-
Rev. Taylor of the E’resbyterian on Friday afternoons at 3 : 15 . For was held at the city hall Monday
About 9 o’clock the while the railroad wi'l switch cars
church, entered the parlor, and next week the Seniors are to give
It was also thought best to im­ I face a strip in
Myrtle Point had broke, leaving on the siding in front of the ware­
street improvement in the district
standing under the portiere, these a “ ltiley” program.
prove the entire district at one time I of the streets from 24 to 30 that town without lights.
It was
bounded by the south line o f El­
young people were made husband j
rather than a street, or part of a feet wide and to park either side thought a tree had fallen across the house, allowing them to be un­
and wife.
street. It would be easier to bond with trees and flowers, thus mak­ line. It will probably be a week loaded into the warehouse without
Street on the west, Fourth street on
Mr. Lewellou is a well to do fur­
the whole district than a part of it, ing it one of the most beautiful before the system is completely re­ further handling.
the north and including the Notley
The streets
niture dealer of Myrtle Point and
and the contract lor the work could towns on the coist.
paired, although temptrrary ar­
addition on the east.
About 20
ample room
the bride is the leading milliner.
be made at a lowet figure.
rangements will be made for light­
T w o N e w R a ce Horses.
were present.
to work out a beautiful system of
They both have scores,of friends
Two systems of hard surfacing I parking.
A plan lor a young men’s com­
The meeting was characterized
who join in heartiest congratula­
Joseph Yoakam living on the
All of the long distance lines
mercial club has been formulated by much enthusiasm for the pro­ were advocated, asphalt and oil. j
After thoroughly discussing the
Marshfield road, returned Tuesday
were out of commission Thursday
by some of the boosters of the posed improvements, and the sen­ The latter was proposed as a cheap- 1
1 matter a permanent organization
morning trom Curry county, where
er method than the former, and was I
and 54 or 15 local lines
waa formed, D. D. Pierce being
he purchased two fine thorough,
of the Home company were out of
next Tuesday evening at the city of beginning as soon as practicable.
bred racehorses. One was bought
elected president and H O. Ander­
On last Thursday evening the hall for the purpose of organizing.
A temporary organization was tried out in other states to be en-
of the Hume estate and the
son secretary.
Coquille has had no commercial effected by electing Mayor J. E. tirely satisfactory and to give good
boys’ basket ball team of the local
The Farmers company reported other from the well known breeder
high school went to Marshfield to club for some time, and now that Quick, chairman, and Geo. T
two party lines down in town and of running horses, Joseph Nay, of
On motion are plowed up and graded.
Then ! was appointed to secure data on seven in the country, the country
play the first game of the series. there is a possibility of securing Moulton, secretary.
Port Orford. Mr. Yoakam intends
By mistake the game had been new business enterprises, the lack made by H O. Anderson the meet- hot crude oil is sprinkled on the (the different systems of street im- lines affecting about 125 phones.
to use the horse purchased of the
advertised, in Marshfield, for Fri­ of some organization authorized to ing wjs resolved into a committee loose dirt and disced in until the proving, and also one to interview
While several inches of snow fell, Hume estate as a saddle horse, but
ol the whole fot the purpose of so*l 's thoroughly saturated to a and interest all property
hold- some estimating as much as eight
day night and not until the Co- carry on this work is felt.
the Nay colt will tie put on the
the district
in the or ten inches, it melted rapidly and
A list of 40 or 50 o f the younger discussion, and Mayor Quick called depth of several inches. The street ers
quille boys arrived was the mistake
track this coming season.
discovered. Silpt K A Tiedgen business men, who are known to upon each property holder present is then rolled until the surface is proposition.
left only two or three inches on the Yoakam thinks that the Coquille
packed solid.
Advocates of this | Following are the members of level when it stopped snowing.
quickly adj isted the matter by be live wires and who will be for an expression of his opinions.
vallev should provide a track to
agreed that the system declared it would be en- the committees:
sending boys through the* streets willing to devote some time and
accommodate the well-bred horses
with meg iphones to announce the money f ir the interest of Coquille, ¡streets needed imoroving, the only '¡rely adequate to the traffic here I Ways and M e a n «-J . W. Leneve,
now owned here, without compell­
has Eieen di awn up. Cards will be difference of opinion being as to th e' *°r years to come.
Others ex- o . C. Sanford, R S. Knowlton,
E. M. Magill and O. 13. Ilollen- ing the owners to take their horses
The crowd was not so very large mailed out the first part of the | p,est kiml of hard surfacing practi- Pressed themselves in favor ol the Geo. E. Peoples and Dr. Richmond, |t>eck, the former of Dothan and the outside to try them out.
T o interview property holder»— latter of Fairview, were in Co­
but was the most courteous to the week notifying prospective mem - 1 cab|e. an(i one that would not be so raore durable asphalt.
E H. Kern estimated the maxi- j J. E. Quick, E. H. Kern, Bert Fol- quill« Thursday. They bad been
visitors of a.iyon the list this year bers of the meeting and it is hoped ¡expensive as to work a hardship on
A good urogram is promised
running logs during the high water
On account of the floor being wet, there will be a full attendance.
Everyone was of the | mum cost o f grading the streets | eom aod T. J. Thrift.
patrons of the Dime Saturday
While the movement so for only of the last week.
both teams were afraid of slipping
opinion that the proper procedure would not exceed $30 per lot, and
night, the ‘‘County Fair” lieing
O. J. 8 eeley and Non Anderson
aod this made the game compara­
and wife, of | would be to bond the district for j that grading and putting in a ^ includes the above-mentioned dis-
one of the prospective attractions
tively slow. Several of the boys Coalelo, were in Coquille Thurs-j ten. fifteen or twenty .years.
This sewer system would not exceed $40 j trict, any other section, or the were up from the lower river Sun­
that evening.
were at times so "impolite” as to day.
I would distribute the payments | per lot. No estimate was made as whole city, is inxited to join.
OF MYRTLE POINT WED ' ^ ^ - . « 1 » .
P ro p e rty O w n e r s O r g a n iz e
t o I m p r o v e A l l S t r e e t s in
E llio tt a n d N o t le y A d d it io n s
VOL. 28;