LOCAL N E W S . There is no grade or lull il at can John Neilson. ol Prosper, re Savory stu.mlees roasters at Laird's Th« Herald Changea Hände diacuraoge ihe Hupmobile Touring tum id Thursday Irom a visit with Light wagon for sale cheap st With thi* ¡«sue of I lie H e *ALD Car. A Happy New Veai, relatives aud frle ide at Coos Bay Anderson’s. the undersigned sever their connec­ 'The Golden Rule.-’—C. H Cleaves. The Coquille Soda Works has tion with this paper. J E Updike, Mrs. U. J Rice, of Marshfield, L. J. Roberts, of the Myrtle C L. Johnson was up from Lim- resh sweetjrider ou band. a late arrival from Portland, having CJme over Monday and visi'cd rel- Point Enterpiise, was in town pa on Monday. Monday on his way to Bandon White Spray and Webb Foot taken over the plant, will be ite a,ives in this city, George Colvin was dowu from Flour < 1.60 per sack st Lyons’ A publisher in the future. Having Mr. A R Knowlton and M ihs business. Jones’. Aasen’s camp Monday. been in the work of publishing U a Hbuter, of Bandon, were mar. I, iii~ Shorn * s was down from Dr H orison, the Myrtle Point this psper almost constantly for ried ¡0 this city on Friday of last (tiuml Ford lust Thurt*dny. v« torai.sry, was at ihe Bay one more than twenty-eight years, it is wpek deem* d advisable to make a change Mr. and Mrs. Tlios Hull, of Riv­ Dr. W* furore »18 down to Co- day Iasi week quill from Myrtle Point Monday. John B. L'""l>, the nba'rseter, for ourselves, while other mem a n erton, were in Coquille Thursday of the family are desirous of resid­ doing Christmas shopping and Tile steamer Newport went out made a trip to Portland l>y last ing elsewhere fora time at least greeting friends. of the Coqnille for Ceos Bav Mon­ week’s Breakwater. He saw Col. Portluuil Siuiili on hi* trip, whom he reports at pre-ent. being the objective point Grant Bunch is home from attend­ day. Mrs. D. S House, of Itiverton, about 'he same ns he »as when he We desire here to express our ance at a Portland d>jntal college to did hlioppii g in Coquille W ednes­ Lit here. gratitude to onr friends and pat -1 eDJ°y the holidays with his p 11 Big M onry — We want an agent runs day. A safe and certain for past favors, and trust that ents and friends. Nettie Belloui is borne from the in every town; salary and Conuuie- Mr. Updike will be accorded even Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nosier, of relief from winter University at Eugene for the holi sion; references required; for full greater consideration. He is a Bridge, took Christmas with the colds. They relieve particulars, address subscription thorough newspaper man, a practi­ latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. days. pains in the head, back Dept., National Sportsman, Inc, 76 cal printer and publisher of exper­ ¡Skeels, of this city. of Mrs. E. E Hayes, ofNorth Bend, ederal and limbs. Have a Ftii, Boston, Mass. GUARANTEED FOR LIFE came to Coquille Monday to see ience whom we feel perfectly .afe M. G. Pohl, the Bandon garden­ good stimulating ef­ For Sale.—Three timber-claim in giving the highest recommenda­ friends. er, had business in Coquille on fect and are the best Dr. J. L Masson, veteruary sur­ relinquishments. E. E- M organ , tions to our frien Is Thursday of last week, and met B axter H otel present day cold rem­ D. F. D ean . geon, was at the county seat on many old friends while in town. A REMARKABLE PRICE— $ 9 0 0 — REINFORCED D. E. Jinks and aged mother, C. O. D ryden . edy. Sold at Thursday. BY A REMARKABLE GUARANTEE Workmen are prepsiing to place Harvey Atkison passed through Chriatmas has come and passed, John Dimmitt, engineer at C. C. and a concrete foundation under the from Washington to Curry county The size of the Hupmobile Touring Car; the power Johnson’s mill, was up to Coquille Thursday, having come down from leaving memories of thatmemor arge eugine in the mill at this place, 00 Monday. it developes; the ease with which it rides; the gen- able day deeply impressed upon Ihe by the Breakwater. They minds of the little folks of all aud are preparing the mill to run Dr. M. V. Forest, of Myrtle Portland erousity of the equipment, including the Bosch mag­ independently of the boiler and en- Point, had business in Coquille on were formerly from Oklahoma. civilized countries Christmas trees giue which were injured in the ex­ neto and the shock absorbers on the front springs; Reservations for berths on the were enjoyed in nearly all the plosion which occurred last July. Thursday of last week. all these things tell you unmistakable that at 1900 L. H. Pearce, the Myrtle Point S. S. Elizabeth for San Francisco, churches in this city besides nmnv it represents Unprecedented value. call at Fuhrnian’s Pharmacy. homes. The one at the South harness rann, returned from the Never before such a Car at such a Price: With such Mr. and Mrs. Foster Phillips, of Methodist church has elecited a B iy on Wednesday. a Guarantee great amuuut of comment, the tree, Cottage Grove, passed throngb Mrs. W M Kay, of Riyerton,- TU was among Coquilte s many Cbrist- town Wednesday en route to Ban­ or trees, being arranged in a very Collegi Bullón Un­ don. Mrs Phillips, formerly Mag beautiful manner. There were nms shoppeis on Wednesday. S.iunn, of Bandon will spend about a dozen of the trees, arranged R. W. Squire, of Bandon, came gie Hupmobile Distributors for Coos County. the holidays among former friends along the curved edges of two up the middle of last week and con­ and relatives. platforms, and mistakably tinued his trip to the Buy, having Orvil Dodge was down from cresent-shsped slightly leaning to a common cen­ business. Myrtle Point yesterday to see bis ter, aud these platforms were mov. Baled hsy for sale. J. C Wat­ new for the young chap who in­ great-grundson, the baby boy able and were set with the open­ son. sists on something different. ing between them pointing toivuid Mr. aud Mrs. Bud Mansell. Mr. S. B Cathcart. the surveyor and of Dodge will start for California to the audience. Ttiis gave the tress The low-cut College Button pattern is an exclusive eivil engtueet, had business over see his daughter, Mre. Ross Deyoe the appearence of one large tree. Florsheim, and fits perfectly. from Marshfield on Wednesday who wss recently injured in a run­ The decorations were all placed on of last week. High arch and heel , raised toe — away accident, getting an ankle the inside of the circle, end when the audience appeared in the Big dauce New Year’s eve at the broken. Everything that a nobby shoe should have and u He .zlet- For fruit, ornamental trees, ber­ church, the tree gave the appear- little more. Mrs Art Johnson and Mrs. Dun- ries, rose bushes aud shrubbery ence of being perfectly bare, which give Geo. T. Moulton your order. caused tunny disappoi* ted looks, kloy, of Bandon, vi-ited Mrs. M. Nosier, of this city, last week The basket ball teams of (hi- b'rt ns the time arrived for the di** A complete showing at $5 while in town for a few days. city and that of Bandon took part in trilmtion of presents, a great num­ Some fe ti styles : : : $6 New and fresh groceries always a livelv contest at Bandon Saturday ber of electric lights among the f S l ’lS o F n hands at Dranes Store. evening The young men of Co- trees were turned on, aud two per­ Married —At the Judge’s study quille wou out over those of Ban­ sona who were out of sight opera in the city, Dec. 2 otb. 1910 , Mr. don, while the girls of Bandoo ted the platforms, which were Samuel Whetstone, and Mrs. Jen­ wrested the laurels from the Co­ drawn apart at a point toward the SECOND STREET, COQUILLE, OREGON audience, opening the trees up like C O M P L E T E H O U S E F U R N IS H E R . nie F. Haga; E. G. D. Holden of­ quille girls. a huge book as it were, leaving ficiating. Reduce U Corsets at Lyons’ A Claus standing in the center, Dance the old year out, at the Jones’, the finest on the market. Santa aud exposing the sides of the treee masquerade, Heazlet, Mrs, W. W Sanders, of this city, bearing the decoration and pres­ J. E. Doyle was down from the returned last week from Portland ents. It was in deed a beantiful Gravel Ford section on Thursday accompanied by her daughter, Mias sight. and extended his trip to the Bay, Verlie, who wed to the city to con­ Died. where he spent the holidays with sult physicians concerning an oc- friends. cular trouble from which she has Near Riverton, December, 20, Seed oats for sale. Apply to W. been suffering. She ia much im­ 1910, Miss Hilda Donaldson, aged S. Eachus, Belieu place near Arago. proved. fifteen years, one month and twelve Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cox, of You can get anything you wan days. The funeral services were the grocery line at Lyons’ A conducted at the South Methodist Bandon, spent Christmas with the in J ones. ’ latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 on the 2 1 st, conducted by Messrs. Beaver A Chadwick, the churoh Flanders, and other relatives and Rev. W. T. Goulder, and the inter­ new painting firm, now looated in ment took friends in town. place in the Masonic Wanted,—All kinds of Furs by what is known as the Pharmacy cemetery at this place. The cause Geo. T. Moultion, Coquille, Oregon. building, are doing some very nioe of death wm a complication of work of late, among which is Clyde troubles from which she had been Mrs. L. Cochran, of this city, Gage’s automobile and a number of e sufferer all her life. The re­ who has been to P ortland for the nice buggies and other rigs. These mains were followed to their last purpose of consulting physicians, men are thorough painters and any­ resting place by a large number of returned home Thursday, some­ thing in their line entrusted to Her parents have the what improved in health. their care will be properly looked friends. sympathy of all. Laird’s Furniture Store will be after. -------------« . . . ---------- kept open evenings till after the For a job of first-class Mending, M ethodist Episcopal Church holidays. Dying or Cleaning, or a new suit Miss Ruth Harris, of Sumner, tailored, call at the rear of the A farewell servioe to an old friend We wish to thank our many visited with her friend, Miss Birdie Pharmacy buildiog. K. Holverson. will be held this Thursday evening Barker, of this city from Saturday John Benham started Monday 7.30 at the church. for Camas Valley, having Mr. Arthur Knowlton and Miss till Monday when she went to Myr­ evening Customers for their kind appre- word his uncle, Pete Mar- tle Point to see Mrs. J. L. Masson. received tindale bad passed awsv on the Ida M. Huntley were united in With the Hupmobile Touring moring previous. Mr. Martindale marriage at the Parsonage, Friday, ciation shown us in the past. Car at $900 there is no chance for had been a sufferer from lung and December 23d. They are residents troubles for several years. of North Bend. a mistake hecauees the lifelong stomach was about 28 years The children and young people guarantee eliminates that chance of Mr. age Martindale And wish you all a Happy New and has many friends in this acquitted themselves beautifully et A. E. Kruse, the shipbuilder,, oounty as well as about his home the Christmas entertainment. came over from the Ray Thursday in Douglas. Year, of them have considerable and proceeded to the lower river. Try a pair of those Newpor Some They will wear longer than elocutionary gifts. He informed ua that his shingle hose. any other hoee on the marxet. A A sermon to the members of my mill near the Moore lumber mill, is Lyons A Jones. next Sunday morning. going up in good shape and that Mrs. Chas. Peterson, of River­ church In the Things lost and he expected it to be running in ton, passed through this citv Wed­ found by evening, people in Coquille during a short time. nesday on her return from Monta- 1910 Watch for the big posters an­ que, California, where she bad been League service 6.30. nouncing the New Year's ball at to see her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E- Class meeting after morning ser­ J. Price, her sister, Mrs. John he Hazlet Theatre. Fonlkes and brother, Ed Price, vice. J. B. Sweet class leader. The steamer Areata went to sea former residents of the Coqnille, ' The Pastor wishes a happy new Monday with her second cargo and who sends by her regards yMr to all the people of Coquille. 1 of coal from the Gage mioe at Riv and well wishes to their many E S. M ace I erton. She was again bothered j fjoo* county triends. some by the shallow bars on the j For Sale.—Nearly new buggy j The W . C. T. U. lower river, but has no trouble on j and harness, and good bay mire, the bar. It is hoped that the j weight 950 lbs., very gentle. $150, Will hold their mother’s meet­ dredger will soon be brought from ing Fridey, December 30th at 2.30 down. the Bay and deepen two or three j The Hupmobile is the only 4 cyl­ o'clock at the M. E Church. Other short shoals and she will have no j inder Tourimg Car under $1000, business will also be disruseed. All further trouble, and even carry| sliding gear transmission, are requested to be present. several hundred tons more coal. with Bosch magneto and shock absor­ A four passenger Touring Car For Sale —Full blooded white bers. Its wheel-base of 11Q inches will arrive about the 20th of Jinn- Leghorn roosters. Egg 8 direct from poultry farmsjit Ha ward, Cal. is longer than any car offered at the ary, for I. R. Nosier A Co. Hop- . mobile agents for Coos County, Price $2 each- T. " P- i I aslxï . paice. Fuhrman’s Cold Tablets 1 A H appy and P r o sp e r o u s N ew Y ear UNOWLTON’S Drug Store j HUPMOBILE Runabout and Touring Car Fuhrman’s Pharmacy I. R. Nosier & Co ¡szszszszsæ^;^ We wish to express a word of appreciation of the splen­ did business given us in 1910. It was the highest compli­ ment you could have paid us. We are not unmindful, we assure you. L Y O N S & JO N E S E W . C. LAIRD, C. BARKER & CO. Richmond-Barker Building. G 3 Street