ORANO CLEARANCE SALE AT T H E GO LD EN RULE-Coquille Commencing Tuesday, January 3d and lasting 10 days In order to make room for our immense stock of Spring Goods we place on Special Sale our $ 9 0 0 0 stock of Dry Goods, Shoes and Furnishings at wholesale prices and less. Also, our Annual Inventory will be taken in January, and we desire to reduce the stock so as to lessen the work of invoicing. Nothing will be reserved. Everything in the store goes at a sacrifice. Our loss is your gain. We Must reduce the stock one half. C o rsets We carry the R. & G. There are none better. $1.50 values $1.15 and Flannels at a great Sacrifice U n d erw ea r S ilk a n d M essolines $1.25 values 85c .85 “ You get the benefit of splendid values reduced We will not bother you with details, but enough $6.00 Hair Switches at $3.95. Barettes, Combs is said, when we say you can save 40 per cent by buying at this sale. and Rolls all at cost. $1.00 values .80 t 60c L a ce s, E m b ro id eries an d R ib b o n s H a ir G ood s K im o n a G ood s y M en ’s D re ss S h i r t s - H osiery fo r All Ladies Wool $1.25 values................................. 85c G olf an d N eg lig ee Womens 50c values 40c “ Silk “ “ .................................90c Mens 50c values 40c $1.00 values 75c Mens Wool $1.50 “ ..............................$1.10 “ 25c “ 20c “ 25c “ 20c $1.50 values................................................. $1.10 “ “ 1.00 “ ..................................85 .50 “ 40c 1.25 “ .......................................................... 80 All 25c Hosiery for Children 20c Childrens Underwear at cost We Need The Money, You Need The Goods-Let's Get Together Overalls. $1.00 v a lu e s...................................90c Men’s Cotton Pants. A big stock of them. They MUST Ladies' Fine Handkerchiefs Blankets. Bed Spreads. $1.25 values.................... ....................85 *3.00 values................................... $2.15 go; we want to close them out at a 3.50 » .\ ... ..............$2 65 3.50 “ .................................. 2 65 Also a special value at $1.00, that 50 per cent reduction. 4.00 •• ......... .............. 2.95 2.00 “ 1.40 we will close out at 80c. one-balf their worth. 8.50 “ ......... .............. 6 35 1.50 “ 1.10 .85 “ ...................................75c Pay us just SHOES Ladies’ Hand Bags at a 40 per cent re­ duction. A big An immense stock that must be reduced. All excep­ tional values. hairs, Alpecas, Cashmeres, Albatross, Panamas, etc. Men’s $5.00 values ................................ $3.95 4.50 •* 3.65 4.00 " 3.05 3.50 " 2.95 Women's Stock and S P L E N D ID V A L U E S All kinds of Notions at a bargain. $1.25 values go fo r...................... 1.00 “ " “ ...................... .60 “ " “ ...................... .50 •• “ “ ....................... 85o 50c •• ** “ ............................45c 25c " “ “ ............................20c Ladies’ Waists Regular 25c yaluex a t . . . . . . . 20c 30c sheetiugs a t.................. ...2 5 c . go at cost aud below 12 yds 10c muglio............... ..$ 1 .0 0 $5.00 values............................ 8 yds 15c cam bric................ . 1.00 3.50 If . 100 400 <( 3.00 • 1 70c Ladies' Kimona 45c Dressing Sacques 2.50 40c ¿ . u u 1.25 broadcloths go f o r .. . . 90c $4.00 values......................., ____ $2.95 3.50 •• 2.95 250 1.75 Men's Hats at Cost and Less. $3.00 values.................................$2.00 a t............................55c $1.00 v a lu e s............................. 1.25 •• ............................. Ladies' Dress Skirts at Children's A few left. They are 75c values; all will go at 40c each. The line consists of sofa tops, lunch cloths and bureau scarfs, in Persian and floral designs. Our excellent line of Pillow Tubinq. DRESS GOODS. 65c values go Fancy Pieces. . . . 70c ................... • • • • • • • • • 1.00 .$3.50 . 2.35 . 2.95 . 2.10 . 1 oo . .70 Ladies' Sweaters at Less Than Cost. $7.00 values............................... 2 50 *• ......................... . 1 85 $2.50 values................................. $2 00 M . 4.95 6 50 2.25 •• 1.80 2 00 " .................................. 155 Rubbers and Umbrellas. 1.75 •• 1.40 This is a line of new and stylish • A uf nil wet weather goods cut 1.50 " 1.25 hats, and you cannot afford to let 2 60 “ ................................ ............................... . 3 50 to the limit this opportunity pass. (1 All Infant's Shoes 1 -4 Off. . 1 85 2.50 A few high top shoes for men. Percales Ladies' Fine Kid Gloves Calicoes. $6.00 and $6 50 values all go at $1.00 $1.50 regular value .................................... .$1.20 18 yds $4.50. 10 and 12Jc values.................... 8 Jc Blue Flannel Shirts at Prices that are a DREAM W e are not quitting business; we are simply reducing our immense stock to make room for spring goods. Our spring line will be as good as any. W e must prepare for it. W a it for this sale. It will save you money. Remember the Date—Tuesday, January 3rd, lasting ten days at The Golden Rule, Coquille- This Store will be Closed Monday Jaii. 2d for the marking of Goods P O S IT IV E L Y NC) G O O D S CHARGED A1 THE Opposite First National Bank. SALI: PRICES G O L D ET 4 R U L E C. H. C L E A V E S Coquille, O regon