Coquille Herald- PUBLISHED KVEBY WEDNESDAY. D. F . D E A N , P R O P R IE T O R Devoted to the material and social up uii lias: of the Ooqaille Valley particularly and of Coos County generally. Saubsortption, advanoc, 1.50 C o u n tv O fficial Paper. Phone, Main 354. Chas. B. Selby, one of the attot- njys for creditors in the Kinney Rapid Transit bankruptcy cases to­ day received notice that on their ap­ plication filed some time ago iu the Federal Court at Portland, the court has granted a temporary re­ straining order in the Rapid Tran­ sit bankruptcy proceeding restrain­ ing J. N. Shahan. F. B. Waite, L. D. Kinney, and Belt Line Railway Company from further proceeding in the circuit court of Coos county in the mortgage foreclosure suits therein pending in the case o f J. N. Shahan vs L. D. Kinney, et ale, for foreclosure of $20,000 mortgage; the case o f F. B. Wait vs L. D. Kin­ ney et als., for foreclosure of $ 16, 324 75 and the case of F. B. Waite vs L. D. Kinney for the foreclosure of a mortgage o f $3,755 91 and the case of F. B. Waite vs L- D. Kinney for foreclosure of mortgage of $75, 764.58 and the case o f F. B. Waite vs L. D. Kinney et als lor fore­ closure of mortgage in case of F. B. Waite vsL, D. Kinney, et als, in the amount of $29,560. These restraining orders will hold the foreclosure proceedings in abeyance pending the determina­ tion of the rights o f the various and innumerable creditors of the Rapid Transit Company and place those cases in such condition as that the interests that the Rapid Transit Company may have in the property will be protected to the many creditors as well as hold the cases open for any proper proceed­ ing therein by the trustee in bank­ ruptcy.— Coos Bay Times. For Sale. A country store with postoflice iu connection. A good new build­ ing 2- 4x30 feet, good business and Homer Endicott, aged 8 years, acre tract of land. Inquire at the died at Mercy Hospital at 2 o ’clock H erald office. this morning, December 12, o f the bullet wound inflected accidently W o o d -W o o d W o o d by bis brother, Herbert, at the Lay in your winters supply, while family home in North Roseburg last Friday noon The bullet, you can. Alder —the best on the from a 22-calibre pistol, entered j market. $2.00 a tier delivered. Phone 353. the boy's stomach and lodged near B o llo t W o u n d Ends the Life of H om er E n d icott. the spine, after piercing the intes­ New Hoaery— You will find thf tines iD several places. When the qrst bosery in town at Lyons A accident occured, tbe older boy Jones’ . was snapping match heads in tbe pistol, which be did not know was loaded, and bis brother was stand­ ing directly in front of the weapon. Rock Creek Hotel Tbe dead boy was a son of Jo­ seph Endicott, n cement worker. Besides his father, he leaves four brothers and two sisters, Fred and Chester Endicott, living at tbe former family home at Myrtle Point, and Herbert, Lester and Misses Mildred and Edna Endicott of this city. The funeral will be held from the chapel of the Roseburg Undertak­ ing Parlors tomorrow morning at 10 o ’clack, with services conducted by Rev. J. N. McConnell, of the Christian church. Interment will follow in the O ld Fellows ceme­ tery.— Review. R obinson’s Store is closing out som e shoes at bargains. Webfoot flour at Lyons A Jones $1.65 per sack. Try one sack and yr u will want another. Fresh Fish. New 12-room house, with bath, will soon be completed Travelers between Roseburg and Myrtle Point shown every courtesy. The best of Cruisine. W. W. W IL L IA M S , P r o p .,' STEVENS The S T E V E N S N o. 3 3 5 D o u b te D a rr el H a m m erless S h o tg u n — is strongest where other guns are weakest. The bar­ rels and lugs are drop-forged in one piece—of high pressure steel, choke bored for nitro powder— with matted rib. **»*+*-!+ Pick up this *run and feel the balance o f it — examine the w orking parts clo se ly and see the fine care and finish o f detail—you w ill say it ’s a w inner. It lists at on ly 9 2 0 . 0 0 and w ill be expressed prepaid direct from the factory in case you can n ot secure % it through a dealer._ Send for new Art Catalog a n d " Haw to Shoot ► W e ll" Fora nice fresh Salmon, right from the river, call at tbe Ferry. They are to be had each morning. c i . STEVENS ARMS TOOL COMPANY P.O.BozBOOS E d. MCADAMS. “ I had been troubled witli con­ stipation for two years and tried all of the best physicians in Bristol, L’enn , nnd they could do nothing forme,” writes Those. E. Williams, Middlebore. Ky. “ Two packages of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Trblets cured me.’’ For sale by all A convention of the Oregon dealers. Good ltoads Association was held Secretary Wilson of the Depart­ in Portland last Monday for the purpose of giving some considera­ ment of Agriculture says that the the only up-to-date tion to matters of legislation and unbounded prosperity of the agri­ PAPER HANGERS other movements connected with culture is not due to chance, but is the good roads promotion work in the result o f intelligent, scientific in Coquille. Give us a call the state. The Pacific Home­ business methods. A reader of The and we will make good. stead says; This movement must Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer be carried forward in a practical has placed before him each week way, and it will be necessary to the practical and approved methods have some sensible legislation to to which Secretary Wilson refers make the constitutional amend­ It is a good investment. Only m . FRANZENBACH. Sculptor ment effective and enable the peo- $ 2.25 for The Weekly Inter Ocean Contractor in Marble, Granite, of a county to take advantage of and Farmer and this paper one the privilege granted by the amend­ year. Stone, Concrete and Tile ment. The chairman of the execu­ Vaults, Monument«, Headstones, Tab­ SU M M ON S. tive committee says, in a letter sent out to certain persons whom he is lets, Iron Fences and all kinds of IN T H E CIRCU IT COURT OF TH E seeking to attend as deelgates, “ In STATE OF OREGON FOR COOS Cemetery and Building' Work. attention there should bo legisla­ COU NTY. F. 1). IfU LB U R T, ) 0 .irving an I Bettering a Sp-cialty tion providing f»r somo form of Plaintiff, | Beaver SChadwicH s*a'- nid aid si, «ill Just « h it form of such be adopted will be one vs. .1 >HN A. KINNKH, ^ Suit in Equity | Cine No. :iOI4. BANDON D O R AND 10 acre tract all cleared, suitable $3500 00. 600 acres stock ranch. 400 acres for orchard and nice home located about one mile from Coquille. in grass; bouse mi l barn; plenty of water; 250 bead of sheep to go with Price $1000.00. Located on county road 7 i cres. About 4 aerea of bot­ place. where tbe mail passes each day. tom land all iu cultivation. House, Price etc Located about J mile from Telephone to lbs place. Holiday Goods ___ C H E A P Price $ 60 0 0 00. 160 acres timber land, estimated cruise 8 million feet of fir and ce- 30 acres, with bouse and h ru. dur. Price $4500 00. 7 cows go with the place. Loca­ House and lot, a good buy for ted near county road and river $400 00. Price *3000.00 2 lots aud a nice new bungalow, 80 acre farm. Nice house and just finished for *1600 00. good barn. Located on county 320 acre dairy farm, mostly nil road. Price $(>500.00. bottom land, with house, dairy 10 acres with new bouse and barn anil creamery for tbe farm. about one hundred nice young fruit Located near the Coquille River on trees, two years old. Located county road. Price per acre $75.00 near Coquille. Price $1600.00 Terms. 160 acres. 40 or more acres bot. We bays all kinds of property, tom laud. 20 acres iu cultivation. city, small acreage and large farina. 80 acies in pasture. Good or­ Correspon­ chard. Good bouse nnd two bams. Also limber lands. 15 or 20 tons grain hay. Price dence solicited. businees part of Coquille. $1800 00. Terms. We are overstocked on toys, having purchased over thirty cases. To clean up we offer our full stock at almost wholesale cost. The prices will talk louder than our ads. Prentiss & Co. in building formerly occupied by Barker & Co. Branch Store* in Marshfield, Coquille, North Bend P A C IF IC NOTICE OF FINAL S ETTLE M E N T.) In the County Court of the State of O r -; egon, in and for Core County. COQUILLE In the matter of the Estate) of Alfred N. Ogle, Deceased.) Notice is hereby given that the under- ) signed Administrator of the Estate of Alfred N. Ogle, deceased, lias filed in the County Court of Coos County. Ore­ gon, his final account as such Adminis­ trator of 8;vid Estate, and tiiat Wednes­ day, the 11th day of January, A. I). 1911, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, has beeu fixed by the Judge of the above entitled Court, as the time for hearing objections of said final account, j and the settlement thereof. J ohn T. L ong , j Administrator of the Estate of Al- j fred N. Ogle, deceased. STMR. PLYIN G RIVER LINE W V arn ey B ro s. Does a penerai Housemoving repair business Str . E l i za be* i: C o q u ille R iv e r an-J '“ an F r a n c is c o . , I> Low Ratos ami Excellent Accom­ modations. Our Interests arc your Interests. A. F. FS1ABR00K CO. Agents San Francisco and €3 a 1 O - O O 1* Sails from Ainsworth Dock, Portland, at 8 P. M., euerg Tuesday. Sails from Coos Bag euery Saturday at service of tide. Reservations will not be held later than Friday noon, unless tickets are purchased. PAUL L. STERLING. Agent Phone Main 181 Passenger-, Freight Bandoti THE BAXTER HOTEL New management, new service and a new system. It is the hope of the present managers to make o f the B A X T E R a first class hotel in every sense of the word. Your patron­ age is solicited and, if given, your wants will be cared for in the most satisfactory manner possible. J. h . OERDIING M ANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN LUMBER, LATHS, SHINGLES MOULDING, CEMENT BRICKS AN D BLOCKS, SAND AND GRRVEL ........................................ C O Q U II a L F , - - OREGON H A R R IN G T O N & R O B E R T S , P r o p s . Formerly of the Skookum Restaurant D O N ’T Until you see us. B U IL D ; zszsssazszszsazszszssr ***** sszs&'zszssi We can save you money Ostrander & Gee CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Coquille, - Oregon Call and See Estimates furnished. Job work o f all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Us and Hear the Music. Aretino T**!ki*»p .Ylarfiir ** KitKK a til $25 00 !•».-»! • n ' a cash |»HVi»iff t nf *2 fll • n «1 h vt r\ >tf fii in i eh f « C o - <1 K \{ 10 K v\ t ¡i $10.00 iii OHi-h trade* On«- In y inch record FRKE wi«h $5 00 . n cash trade every SatupL.v €bucatton Estimates gladly furnished. ,B CO., » T T n c u o r STEAMER BREAKWATER SAN FRANCISCO SAILING E V E R Y EIGHT DAYS T l. m i * th .id I also Builder and Contractor.... n n i v e as-Srsefcg-ir-» BANDON AN1) OKEHON. W. H, BOYLE ~ ESTATE FIFIELD I left lU lllh t. J To John A. K nii«'', tin* above ti tm ii F o r th e A m b itio n s — be • lendant: IN I HE NAME OK Tl K ftlm b e ts ttp 1 legist .ti ll providing for th e n p - STATE l»F OREGON, you are hereby required to appear ami answer ilie com­ pniiitmr 1 t o! a s ale highway eom- plaint of plaintiff filed against you in miK-i 'ti, defining lire duties of such by mall for those who cannot attend in the above entitled Court and muse person. A ll instruction, including final com m ission, etc, aud this is a mat­ ait bin six weeks from the date examinations, is JTUEK. For teachers, students preparing for college or universi­ ter of much im portance. Thou of the fir-ji pub ication of this ty, women's olubs, granges, eng’ neers and homo makers. No preliminary examina­ summons, tow it: will, in six weeks thr re are tire convict labor bills tion is required. This mail course means from the 14th day of December, 1910, importunity for you. which are to be gone over and also Send for a dcsoriptira bulletin to tha that being the time prescribed in the other matters o f road legislation C o rre sp o n d e n ce S tu d y D e p a r tm e n t order for publication of this summons; U n iv e r s it y o f O r e g o n that may be suggested. On the and if you fail so to appear or answer E ugene - O regon whole this was a very important the said complaint on or before the 25th day of January. 1911, said day being nn e tin g .’’ tbe date of tbe last publicatien of thi* summons, for want thereof tbe plaintiff L ook at the New overcoata for will take judgment against you and will men at Robinson's. apply to tbe Court for the relief <:e- O o to Lyons’ A Jones’ for your tnunded in said complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: want« for Xmas dinner. I or a decree of this Court that the ti­ For Rent. New cottage in east­ tle of plaintiff in and to lots Iff, 17 and ern part of town. Inquire at this 18 in b'oek 27 in Portland addition to office. the town of Baudot), in the County of 0 = 6 Every family has need of a good Coos anti State of Oregon, according t<> Call on or address at Coquille (9 the plat of said addition on file and of reliable liniment. For sprains, record in the office ot County Clerk of soreness of the muscles rind rheu­ matic pains there is none better said Coos County, be quieted as against H. L. Vatney than Chamberlain’s. Sold by all the above named defendant; that said A, W . Varney defendant be required to set up the na­ dealers. ture and character of his adverse claim For Sale.— Three extra good of interest or estate to said real estate; work horses, 6 heiler calves, 1 disk that said claim of interest or estate of GENERAL harrow 6 ft, 10 tons stock beets, 2 said defendant therein he declared null tons beardless seed barley. All and void and that the defendant he for­ MOU5EnOVING ever enjoined and restrained from set- must be sold soon. Inquire of tion up any claim of right, title, inter­ COQUILLE, OREGON Sweet Bros , l.ampa, Oreg. est or estate in or to the above described real estate or any portion thereof; that Tjost — A varmit tlog from the plaintiff have judgment against the de­ K d en Valley section. G ood sized fendant for his costs and disbursements F o u n d f l t ¡011 anim al, white and blu e, right fore­ in this suit ; that plaintiff have such j leg mid end o f tail white, and of oilier and further relief in the ¡»remises Stan ley strain. $ 50 reward. Ad- as to the Court shall seem meet and equitable. dr