LOCAL N E W S . New goods on the Breakwater Rose’s Cash Store. Columbia Uraphophouts ords at Auderson’ s. Big Silk sale, at the White House next Saturday. A big line Your potrait ou a post raid E A. Hoag, of Oakland. Ca'., of silks for fancy work. Mrs. Sinn Clinton w h s up from Deans Studio. A M«rry Christmas. brother of Dr. Hoag who recently Quick k Curry make the galvan­ Light wagon lor sale cheap at Purkt mburg Monday. The Golden R ule.’— C. H . Cleaves. located here, arrived Monday and ized screen door; standard sizes on Attend the big mask ball, at the ; Anderson’s. Baled hay for sale J. C Wat- may conclude to locate with us. hand; spetial sizes made in short J. B. Sweet had business at North Heuzlet, New Year’ s eve. Our fall line of underwear was order. Also handy, adjustable win­ Bend Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs C. C. Johnson came 1 Big dance New Year’ s eve at the never so complete as now. Robin­ dow screens, ironing boards, sleeve up trom Prosper Saturday. O T. Nelson, of this city, went He zlet son’s store. boards, bread boards, drain beard:: Dress Silks, and silks for fancy to the Bay Monday. and meat safes. Some More Christmas goods at O. E. Murray, formerly of Johu- Myrtle Novelties, fine for Christ­ work at the White Honse. Robinson’s Store You can get anything you want son’s mill, returned the last of the Vane Maury speDt Monday and mas, at Fish’s factory. iu tbe grocery line at Lyons’ & P ince the old year out, at the week from California where he bad Jones.’ The Coquille Soda Works has Tuesday of this week at Bandon. masquerade, Hvszlet. gone to atteud the funeral of his * . Reduce U Corsets at Lyons’ & aged mother. fresh sweet eider ou hand. For men’s up-to-date clothing Death o f Mrs Burgess. Jones’ , the finest ou the market. try Robinson’s Store. Any thing you want in the gro­ Dancers should reratmber the A good thing for you to remem­ Christmas ball at the Heazlet Thea­ Mrs. J. F. Burgess, of near Nor­ Don’ t lorget the place. Rose’s cery line at Robinson’s Store. ber until Xmas. —Rose’s Cash 8 tore. tre Christmas eve. way, passed away at the farm home Mrs Gus Borgsrd anil daughter Cash Store. on Tuesday, December I.'), 1910, af­ Judge Hammond returned from were up from Lampa Monday. Word was received here yister- L. M. Strong, of Aiugo, was in business trip to Portland Sun­ day that Miss Hilda Duuielsou ter a long tedious illness, aod tl*e Go to the big masquerade, Coquid« Monday. • day. aged 14 years, had died at the fam­ body was laid to rest in tbe Mason­ New line ot sweaters at Robin­ New Year’s eve, at the Heszlet. Did you see those new laces at ily home near Parkersburg. There ic cemetery at this place on Wed- Robinson’s store have got their son’s Store. desdav, tbe funeral being conduct­ Lyons’