Coquille Herald. WEDNESDAY, DEC 21. 1910. While at Riverton the last of the week, the attention of a represen­ tative o f the H e r a l d was called to ■i plum tree of William Rohn, o f that place which seems to be doing in extraordinary stunt iu the way of growing many crops this year. Beside the regular crop in the ear­ ly summer, it had on its limbs on the above memtioned day, December 17 , plums which were just ripening, others about half grown besides blooms fully open aud to all appearances fully developed and ready to start the fourth distinct crop of plums lor this season. There are a number Of pear ttees in Coquille which make quite un effort iu the way ol starting a second crop nearly every season, but this plum tree goes them a couple better. As a mat ter of course, these last efforts do not amount to anything, but they do go to prove that we have good soil and that the conditions for the productng of fruit cannot be beaten as well as the mildness of the weather we have here com pared with other sections in this latitude. On the night following the day above mentioned the hard est frost so far this winter fell, and another the next night, and while they appeared quite heavy, we still notice tomato plants still green, fresh potatoes growing right along and strawberry plants blooming California poppies aud nasturtiums in yards about town look like mid- summer. However, these two last frosts are making some im­ pression on them, and if it keeps up, the tenderest will be killed. P a stin g o f M iss E va M cN air Miss Eva McNair, of this city, passed over the dark river at the j home of hei step-father and mother in this citv early Sunday morning. Nhe had been ill for about two w.eks, being a sufferer from in. flammatory rheumatism. It waa not thought at the time that she waa seriously or dangerously ill, but at that time the disease seemed to go to her heart and the end eame sud­ denly and with litt'e warning. The deceased was born in C olo­ rado, aud was 17 years, 9 months 17 days old at death. The family has lived in Coquille about a year and a half, and Kva bad made many friends, she being a bright and lovable girl, who has held the position as head marker in the Co quille Steam Laundry for some time. She leaves a stepfather and mother, four brothers and two sis­ ters to mourn her ead departure. The funeral was to have taken place yesterday afternoon but ow­ ing to the non-arrival of three bro­ thers from Union, Oregon, it was postponed till today. The services being conducted by Rev. C. II. Cleaves and the pnulbearers were six of her young lady friends. ----------- — *• ♦ • » - » ----- »- N otice. All members of the Coquille Farmer’s Union No. 09 are respect­ fully requested and urged tobe pres­ ent at our meeting, Dec. 24th at 1:30 p. m. sharp, at Woodman Hall. Election of officers for the en­ suing year and other business of Importance. W. L. K istnkr . Pres. M ethodist E piscopal Church A delightful Christmas Program has been prepared by tbe children for next Saturday evening. Tbe program is both new and unique. You are invited with the children. The subject for Sunday morning, Three Kings Seeking a King. A special program at night. More handkerchiefs are given at Xmas time than any other single article. Our showing o f handker­ chiefs is the greatest in our history j from the Hiuall 5c handkerchief to 1 the dainty lace and fine embroid -1 ered from 25c to $1.00. Also ini­ tial handkerchiefs and fancy Xma boxes. Rose’s Cash Store. The quicker a cold is gotten rid ! of the less the danger from pneu -1 mnnia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. \V. L. H all,of Waverly, Va., says “ I firmly believe Chamberlain's j Cough Remedy to lie absolutely th e 1 best perparatioa on the market for colds. I havo recommended it to j my friends and they all agree with' me,” For salo by all dealers, ,• The low-cut College Button pattern is an exclusive Florsheim and fits perfectly. , — High arch and heel, raised toe Everything that a nobby shoe should have and a little more. f SECOND STREET. COQUILLE, OREGON. ■ Md r * W aterm an’s Ideal Fountain Pens, an Ideal Gift It takes more than good Flour ilOIIR MILLS CO/ flour To make first class bread, biBcuit and pastry all the time. The Hour has to be the best, oi course, but it has to be uniform in every sack too. That’s why Snow Drift is so popular. You will find the flour in one sack identically the same in every sack. It is tested at the mill’s bake shop to make sure. Every batch of wheat that goes through the mill is washed clean. It isn’t touched by human bands from that time till it reaches you. Only the finest selected Northwestern grown, Blue Stem wheat goes into Snow Drift Hour. Try just one sack and learn how good your bread, biscuit and pastry can be. - OREGON ROSEMliG-MYRTLE POINT STAGE LINE J . L. LA IR D , Proprietor. Leaves Myrtle Point every Monday, Wednesday and Fri­ day, arriving at Roseburg the following day. Leaves Roseburg every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday arriving at Myrtle Point the following day. off « at Sets, Comb and Brush Sets. Hand Mirrors, Bonnet Mirrors, Shaving Mirrors and tripple Mirrors. H. W . PAINTER MARSHFIELD, O U IF T . Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Shaving Lajrcj>s Livery Barn, Myrtle Point Home Telephone 461. Farmers Telephone 156 before buying a Xmas present I S. M. Nosier is again agent (or for your father, brother husband or I the old reliable De Laval Separa- sweetheart, come in and look over I tors. Sample machine and extra mir line of fancy neckwear, fancy [ parts always on hand. Call in and improvements on ties in fancy boxes. Also fancy see the new suspenders iu fancy boxes. Rose’s I them. Gash Store. An Eastman Kodak, A Variety of Post Card Albums from 25c up. Fine Stationery 25c and up. a Classy Present. Pyrography Goods, Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Tie Racks, Etc., Etc. A full Line of Christmas Cards and Booklets. Fine Perfumery and Stationery. KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE Card o f Thanks The undersigned wish to use this means to express their sincere and heart-felt thanks for tbe many acts of sympathy extended duiing the late illness, death and burial of one so near and dear to us. John F. Burgess, Frank \V. Bur­ gess, Dan VV Burgess, James C. Bur^ss, Wm. F. Burgess. John F. Burgess, Jr., Elton C. Burgess. 9 b E A U T I F U L CHRIST GIFTS FOR ALL The ^ T uttle Hotel REOPENED REMODELED Generally Renovated Beds as good as the best. Good Table Service H a te » R e a s o n a b le A . L . B I S S E L L , P ro p . M O O O O O O O O hO O O O O O O O O O M «« Come in and look over our Christmas Goods You will like them. SUGGESTION: Fountain Pens, Hand Painted China, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Safety Razors, Stationery, Mirrors, Hand Bags, Etc. -o- -o- -o- FUHRMANS PHARMACY COQUILLE, OREQON 3 AS WE OFFER THE MOST DESIRABLE LINE TO CHOOSE PRESENTS FROM Our carefully selected display of Holiday attractions will impress you with its worth. Desirable and Useful Presents. i Books for Children, for Boys, for Girls, Gift Books and the Latest Fiction. LYONSJONES W OW SUMMONS. Fine Leather Goods, Handbags, Purses, Bill Books, Card Cases, etc. A complete showing at $5 Some few styles : : : $6 When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as lo an adult. Sold by all dealers. May Dunklee, defendant.) To May Dunklee, defendant above named; •IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; You are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint filed against yoq in the above entitled suit within Should Woodrow Wilson be six weeks from the date of the first elected nextpesident of the United publication of this summons, to-wit; within six weeks from the 21st day of States, and the political horoscope December, 1910, the same being tbe has somewhat of a cast in that di­ date of the first publication of this sum­ rection, the ‘ ‘mother of presidents.” mons, and if you fail to appear and an­ Va., will have added one more to swer in tlie above entitled suit on or be­ fore the 1st day of February, 1911, the her list. same being the last day of the time A Shakespeare-Baoon controver­ prescribed in the order for publication, sy is going it hot foot and hot judgment will be taken against you for headed in England. But it has no want thereof, and the plaintiff will ap­ relation, nor comparison to the Ba­ ply fo the Court for the refief demanded in his complaint, which is substantially con-Eggs controversy that’ s heat­ as follows; 1. For the dissolution of ing up things in this country. the marriage contract between said It may occur to Gov. Harmon plaintiff and said defendant. 2. For that it would have been a desirable such other and further relief as to the and prudent arrangement if be Court may seem just and reasonable, Service of this Summons is made by could have saved over some of that publication pursuant to an Order made enormous plurality for next time. by the Hon. John S. Coke, Circuit It seems that the Colonel be­ Judge of tlie 2nd Judicial District for came so enamoured of slaying Oregon bearing date of December 17th, 1910, directing publication tobe made elephants while in ‘‘Darkest Afri­ in the Coquille Herald for six successive weeks (seven issues) commencing with ca” that he couldn’t let up on the thejissue of Deeembe r 21st, 1910. and diversion when he got home. ending with the issue of January 25th, 1911. It does seem a little suspicious W , A . W ood , that these successful aviators get Attorney for the plaintiff. The perplexing question what to buy for Christmas is easily answered by looking over our nifty line ot Christmas goods for the young chap who in­ sists on something different. ------------------ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS; F. E. Dunklee, plaintiff, | KNOWLTON’S Drug Store Tho Calltf* Button mistakably Football without the aid of an ambulance is one of the hopes on which modern society has set its heart. Mistah Jack Jobnsing, the bruiser who is a Democrat,appears to have celebrated' the political victory with becoming modesty He didn’t rush out with his gaso­ line wagon and get arrested for speeding. so many offers of marriage. Can it be that women like a man who is warianted not to live long. Un­ Most Novel and Beautiful A Special Feature of our Stock is the Opportunity for Selection. In All Grades we are Showing the Newest and Best of the Season. Our Attractions Insure the Greatest Pleasure in Buying, the most Joy in receiving. For Gifts that are decidedly Popular and Pleasing, see our line of Howard, Hamilton, Waltham, Elgin and Ingersoll Watches. Community Silver Coos County hand painted China, Libby Cut Glass- Edison Phonographs and Records. All kinds of Jewelry, Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Lockets, Fobs, charms, brooches, etc. Engraving done free on any article sold. Every Article Guaranteed. We Offer you the Happy Combination of a Superior Stock, a Large Assortment and the Fairest Prices. Every Article Shown is the best of its Class—Every Class Represented is varied and Complete. YOU W ILL APPROVE OF OUR VERY REASONABLE PRICES Come, Even if it is Necessary to Come Without Knowing Why. You will find Good Reasons when you see the many Splendid Opportunities we Offer. E. C. BARKER & CO. ^Richmond-Barker Building. C Street!