Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 23, 1910, Image 2

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    Coquille Henrik
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23. 1910.
First Degree Murder.
The jury in the case of the elate
against Frank
Qarrison for
the murder of Roy Perkina which
occupied the circuit court here all
laat week, brought in a verdict Sat­
urday night ef murder in the first
degree. The jury was composed of
the following-named persona:
J. H. Barklow, Walter Sabin,
F. W. Rehfeld, L. E. Brown, C. H
Geo. Folsom, T. T.
Land, L F- It. Heller. A. O. Hoot-
on, J. L- Crosby, John Peart, Ole
The Attorneys were: For the
state, Prosecuting attorney Brown
and Deputy L. A. Liljequist, and
for the defense, Judge C. A. Sehl-
brede, R. O, Graves and J.T. Hall,
The principal witnesses were:
Capt. W. C. Harris, Archie Phillipt
and wife, A. E. Graham, Paul
Crooks, A. W. Kruger E. J. Mas­
ters, Mr. Carlson, and Dr. Tamie-
sie, a specialist from the insane
The entire week was consumed
in securing the jury and conduct­
ing the trial, which was carried on
in a fair and impartial manner
Upon receiving the verdict the at­
torneys for the defense moved for a
new trial which has been denied.
Sentence was passed by Judge (
yesterday morning shortly after the
arrival of the train from Marshfield
Upon hearing the sentence pro­
nounced the attorneys for the con­
demned moa asked for 30 days in-
which to appeal, which was granted.
Sheriff Gage started yesterday
evening for Salem with Garrison,
also William White who had been
sentenced to 15 years in the state
penitentiary by Judge Coke a few
minutes before he pronouned Gar­
rison’s fate.
County Court Proceedings.
November, 1910, Term.
In re vacation expenses Septem-
ber and October, 1910.
Officers salaries................. $1673 34
Indigents......................... 279 00
80 00
Janitor .............................
140 00
Slate scalp bounty.........
Circuit court................... 248 00
Indigent soldiers ........... 272 00
County bounty................. 224 00
In justice court expense, Dist. No.
State vs Anderson.
7 85
0 L Pennook, J P fees,. . .
1 70
Brant Matison, witness,..
15 66
W B Cox, constable.........
State vs Morgan
6 20
C L Pennock, J P fees,..
3 60
Cal Wright, dep warden..
State vs Marsden
6 16
C L Pennock, J P fees,..
1 70
W B Cox, constable.........
State vs Riggins
5 35
C L Pennock, J P fees,..
1 70
W B Cox, constable.......
State vs Cordes
2 85
C L Pennock. J P fees,..
W B Cox, serving papers
6 00
as constable............
Dist. No. 6.
State vs Crowley
7 70
Geo P Topping, J P . . . .
3 10
Stephen Walker, witness.
Richard McBee, witness..
3 10
3 10
R B Derby, witness.......
11 70
S 8 Shields, constable,..
3 10
Wm Bates, witness...........
3 10
Wm Tennison, witness,..
3 10
Ed Haines, witness,..........
TA Walker,taking into cus-
8 00
tody, etc, Jake Sydnam,
E C Bushnell, witness &
1 70
milesge.J P D No.3,. . . .
In Re Coroner’s court expense.
A Turkey,
tell him where Perkins body could
Following is the statement cf be found. I told him I did not
Written by • 4th Grade pupil in
Frank Uarrison upon being con­ know as the last time I saw Perkins the Coquille Public School.
victed of the murder of Roy Pet- be was on the handcar goiog from
A turkey is a pretty good sized |
kins last February:
tbejlanding toward Sumner Tnat fowl. When lull grown it is about I
I wish to state that I have no ill was Monday night. After inv ar­ a foot and a hall high. Their col J
will concerning the Judge and jury, rest Tuesday morning they took ors are black, gray, white and
none whatever. I do not blame the me across the bay, trying to break bronze. Their tail and wings are *
prosecuting attorney for doing his me down they showed me what they very large, but their head is quite
duty, that is his business to prose­ called blood. It looked like it but small. They are a very strong
cute those who violate the law. 1 still told them I did not know any bird, and also they are great to
But I believe he exceeded the vir­ thing about it That night about ramble about and find food for
tues of bis office to secure my con­ 10 or 11 o’elock Jack Carter cams themselves, Their eggs sre white,
viction. But if he believes every into the cell where I was pulled out- speckled over with brown, but
means were fair, then I forgive him. a sixahooter and says, “ now you much larger than a hen’s egg.
Now as I realize the fact that I will Dama------------- if you don't
te|| Turkeys are also good to eat. The
soon go before a higher judge than me you killed Roy Perkins, I will turkey when fattened makes good
our judges here on earth.
I kill you snd throw you into tbe meat and is much larger than a 1
desire to make an absolute de­ bay. He pointed the gun at me chicken
chicken. The wild turkeys are
nial of some statements made be­ and what I told him was told to V« Y shy, and also very pretty,
fore the court by Mr. J. E- Graham save my life. What I told him was 1“ olde“ ‘ ¡mes their quill were used
First, that he did not know what a lie forced at the point of a gun. as peps. Many ot the good books
gave roe the impression of mob vio­ Not a confession obtained as ne has were written with quills, and also
Mr. Graham called me stated on the witness stand in the the feathers of turkeys are used in
aside at the time I was arrested and court.
making dusters, which are very
told that 'bore was greatest excite­
Hoping you will publish the usetul. The turkey is a very
ment and that if I did not tell what above, I remain, yours truly,
queer bird iu some ways, and will
not go to its nest when laying if
I knew I was liable to suffer ven-
F rank S. G arrison .
any one is watching it. When they
gence of the people.
Card of Thank*.
have layed they will cover up their
Then after I was placed into the
We wish to thank the people of (eggs
city jail of Marshfield, he got him­
self locked up in the cell with me Coquille, also those of Fairview
For Sale.
saying he, himself was under sus­ for their sympatny and assistance !
° ne 8™? mare- sound and Rentle-
picion, and that if I would tell what during the sickness, death and
I knew about the disappearance of burial of our Beloved mother and weighs eleven hundred pounds,
9 years old. Also a good varmit
Roy Perkins it would get him re­ nephew.
Herbert Johnson dog well trained. Guaranteed or
leased, to which I said, Mr. Gra. C L. Johnson
money refunded. A bargain if sold
Guy Johnson
ham, I know nothing, I do not 8. W. Johnson
Wm. Johnson
Fred Jóhnson
know if you do or not.
Address N- J. Magill,
Mrs. Geo. Halter
After that he made several trips Mrs. C. Morgan
Coquille, OregOD.
to see me always tried to get me to
Church oi Christ
make a confession.
Auction Sale
Preaching both morning and
But I always told him the same
Dec. 1,1910, at near Arago, Oregon,
thing, that I knew nothing at all.
44 head good dairy cow«, one DeLavtl
8pecial Cradle Roll service at
That the last time I had seen Roy
seperator (1000 pounds capacity), one
10:30 a. in., followed by a sermon ■team lioilerof 6 or 8 horsepower. Free
Perkins was on the evening of
for the Bible school pupils, subject: lunch at noon. Positively no stock sold
August 31, 1910, when he left the
“ Little Foxes.”
At 7:30 p. m. at private sale. Terms of sale. One
boat landing going toward Sumner
will be years time will he given at 10 per cent
on the handcar and that I had never
interest buyers must make a Bankable
“ Life.”
seen him since.
After I was
, note. 5 per cent discount on all sums
\ on are heartily invited to these jor cgei1- Sale commences at 10 a. m.
brought over here to Coquille, Mr.
S il v a D o m k n iu h in i .
Graham has made two trips here to services.
T . B. M c D o n a l d , Minister.
E. E. Hampton, Auctioneer.
get a confession from me, but he
Your potrait ou a p >st «aid.
has never been able to do so, and
Fine pillow tubing nt the White
Deans Studio.
that be told a dirty lie; that be House stamped tree of charge.
purgured himself. And about the
statement which he said I made the
morning of September 1st., he
said, "what is the matter with you,
you look like you had been drawn
through a knot hole."
I said,
Statement oi Frank S. Garrison ammunition and grub if I would
Inquest of J A Drake
R E GoldeD, ooroner, re-
19 65
moving body toMorgne,
1 00
Arthur McKeowo, juror,.
1 00
Aug Frizeen, juror.........
Herman LarsoD, juror,.
1 00
1 00
David Jones, juror.........
Tom McGinnis, juror,..
1 00
----------------------a « » > a------------------------
1 00
S A Conro, juror...........
The motion of William White for George Jensen, witness,.
1 50
a new tiial which Judge Coke has A H Holmes, witness,..
1 50
had under advisement since the last John Hillstrom, witness,
1 50
regular term of circuit court,
Gus Dimmick, witness,..
1 50
denied yesterday and his attorneys John Hongell, witness,..
1 60
will proceed to appeal the case. In JW Ingram, autopsy,...
25 00
their opinion the boy was not in a
Investigation body of Perkins.
responsible state of mind wheu he R E Golden, coroners fees. remov-
“ I have a bad attack of indiges­
killed his stepfather L. R. Jones, at
ing body to morgue etc,
35 75 tion." He then asked when 1 came
Bandon, six months ago. The sen­ J L Re) nolds, witness,..
1 50 from Sumner. I told him the even­
tence pronounced upon him by R D Giles, witness.......
1 50 ing before. He asked me how I
judge Coke was that he serve
R J Young, witness.......
1 50 got across, I told him I borrowed a
years in the Oregon penitentiary.
1 50 boat and tied it up at the stave mill.
Wm Hower, witness.......
I ) M Charleson, witness,
1 50 I will state here why I decided to
Unions Meet.
J E Graham, witness.......
1 50 take the wagon road to Marshfield.
In re election expenses.
The Coquille Valley Dairy As­
I had given my dogs some raw corn-
Lakeside No. 1.
sociation will hold its annual meet
meal in milk that morning and it
3 00 made one of them sick, and I did
ing in Coquille in Woodmen o Peter Menegat, judge,...
Chas Norris, judge..........
3 00 not want to dirty up the boat. Not
the World Hall on Nov. 30th.
Dairy Commissioner W. E. Cat A F Johnson, judge........
3 00 the fact that I knew anything of
3 00 Perkin’s threat of having me ar­
erlin promises to be at the meet­ Chas St Dennis, clerk, ..
3 00 rested. Now the things the prose
ing and the Farmers Union wil Geo T Schroeder, clerk,.
also meet with the dairvmen anc Geo E Develbliss, clerk,
3 00 cuting attorney accused me of steal­
the ad v^ptage of the Farmer:
Templeton No. 2.
ing were my own. They were
Union and Grange will be dis­ Nels Monson, ju d g e ,....
3 00 turned over to Roy Perkins and
John Steinlechner, judge,
3 00 Wm. Hower to sell and give
3 00 credit for on our accounts but they
We will also see what has been Dan Walker, judge...........
gained in better prices for buttet E C Raymond, cle rk ,,...
3 00 never done so, so I took charge of
fat in proportion to the quotations Martin Hakanson, clerk,..
3 00 the property after it stood out in
of 1909 and lg io to present time. Benjamin Roberts, clerk,.
3 00 in the weather two months. Now,
Lake No. 3.
The Ladies Aid will give a swell
it is a fact that a person going by
dinner in the banquet room, ad J F Hope, judge.............
3 00 on the wagon road from Sumner to
joining the lodge room, and there Oscar Obman, judge.......
3 00 Eastside on account of the thick
will be after ditiner speeches and Axel Ruth, judge...............
3 00 brush between the landing and wa­
B F Savage, clerk...........
3 00 gon road about 100 yards through.
A comfortable and speedy boat R R Pinkerton, clerk.......
3 00 But I did ask Mrs. Sneburg if she
has been chartered to leave Ran­ D D Brainard, clerk,........
3 00 had seen some one go down the
Allegany No. 4.
dolph as 7. t5 a. m. and will ar­
road but I did not ask her to de­
rive in Coquille on or before 10 a. John Porter, judge...........
3 00
scribe the party as she stated, but
m. and will leave afternoon at such Geo A Gould, judge........
3 00 she did tell me a little old man with
a time as the meeting chooses.
Chas Rodine, judge.......
3 00 a beard had gone down the road.
Early and late boat will be se Geo L Gould, clerk...........
3 00 That would never give to me the
cured for the up river.
W A Gage, clerk,.............
3 00 idea that Perkins was the man as
The committee represented by the Alfred Rodine, clerk.......
3 00 he and I wear the same size clothes,
chairman of board of creamery di­
Coos ton No. 5.
and I am not small at all as I weigh
rectors will be expected to report E W Schrock, judge,........
3 00
185 pounds. Now what made me
the performance of the differ­ W F Ray, judge, ..........
3 00 ask her the question I saw the
ent creameries and cheese factories Sherman Gamble, judge,..
3 00 tracks of some one going down the
Press and Program Com.
Wm E Homme, cle rk ,....
3 00
road and I thought I might have
A G Raab, clerk.............
3 00 company a part of the way down.
The two candidates for governor
E M Alexander, clerk,.. . .
3 00
Now I will go back to the state­
of Nebraska seem to have caught
Coos River No 6.
ment I am alledged to have made to
the Kooseveltian fever and are en­
J J Cliokenbeard, judge,..
3 00 JaA Carter of Marshfield. After
gaged fn calling each other liars.
John Bihsca, judge,.........
3 00
And they seem to be proving it.
I was put into he city jail Jack 1
E J Coffelt, judge, ........
3 00 Carter tried every means be could
The Chicago Tribune says, “ Per­ W H Smith, clerk.............
3 00
to get me to confess but I will say ,
haps now is as good a time as any L D Smith, clerk...............
3 00
for a religious awakening in this North Bend N No. 7, 1st Board first he tried by telling me it would
he the heat thing for me, then h e-
city." Always is a good time for R J Coke, judge...............
8 00 pleaded that if I would tell him nil
that in Chicago.
Lewis Sell, judge.............
3 00
about Perkins and where Perkins
The scientists who declare that C E Maybe«-, j'nlge,........
3 00 could he found, it would put a
the grasshopper serves no useful E R Peterson, clerk.......
3 00
feather into his cap. I told him 11
purpose probably never paid a A H Derbyshire, clerk,..
3 00
did not know where Perkins was.
small Indian boy 23 cents a dozen •I F Grubbs, clerk,.........
3 00
North Bend N No. 7 2nd Board Then he told me next that there
to capture them for bass bait.
F W Wood, judge,.........
3 00 was talk of lynching and if I would
Gertrude Atherton is quite sure J G Horn, judge,.............
3 00 tell him what I knew he would put >
a woman can smoke cigarettes and Geo W Artis, ju d g e ,....
3 00- his long overcoat on me and lake
be a lady. Not if she blows J G Mullen, clerk...........
3 00
me out the back way and up to
.) F Grubbs, clerk...........
3 00
smoke out through her nostrils.
F; R Peterson, clerk.......
3 00 his home, but I said I knew noth­
ing. Then next be came into my
A fine line of Patterns for burnt
North Bend S No. 8 1 at Board
work at M. H. Hersey's Racket Peter Loggia, judge,
3 00 cell, offered to give me a key to the
Continued next week.
lock, give me my gun with a M of
The Washcalore
T h at’s your p a r t ¿“ ¡¿¿j
The Golden Rule
Fall and Winter line is more complete than ever.
We are constantly adding new goods to our
stock. Our merchandise is as good as the best.
Seeing is believing. Come in and see for your­
We desire to call your attention, especially, this
week to our line of
C h ild ren ’s S h o e s
Last Saturday we received a large shipment,
and we now have the best stock of Children’s
Shoes in town. We have them in all leathers.
Come to us when the boy or the girl needs
We still have a few of those pictures left. They
are going fast; come and get your choice be­
fore they are gone. Trade $2 worth and pay
95c for a picture, or trade $15 and get a picture
Test Dr. Hess
On Trial
Did you know that you could feed Dr. Hess
Poultry Pan-a-ce-a the balance of the Winter, all
Spring in fact until the first day of August, then if
you are not satisfied that it has paid aud paid big.
W e will refund every cent you have paid us.
It is to make your hens lay, to make your chicks
grow fast, healthy and strong, to cure papes, cholera
and roup.
Of course you are expected to keep your poultry
free from lice and for that purpose we know of noth­
ing better than Instant Louse Killer.
Let us have your order now.
Will make regular trips between
Bandon and San Francisco
That's our p a r t
We show the Goods
You[buy the iGoods‘£i:-,
C arry in g Preight, Etc.
Yes, we want you to bring us your watches that won’t keep time.
Watches the average Watchmaker cannot fix.
for us to do.
No work to difficult
If you’re looking for a place to have your special or­
der work, Jewelry repairing or engraving done in a first class and
prompt manner, bear in mind the following address.
We cheerfully
guarantee every job.
We carry in stock Howard, Hamilton, Waltham, Elgin and Ingersoll
Watches, Edison Phonographs, Community Silver, Hand Painted
China and all kinds of Jewelry.
Every article guaranteed.
E. C. Barker 8c Co
Richmond-Barker Building.
C Street
----- J