Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 16, 1910, Image 1

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    Coquille Jleralö.
V ol .
28: No LO
Entered un second-class matter May
8, 1906, at the postoflice at Coquille,
0 rettoti, under act of Congress of Mardi
Office over Rose’ s Store, Front St.,
CoquiLLE, O keoon .
Oifio ' Phone Main 211.
Dr. C. W. EnJicott
D e n t is t
Office over First National Bank
Phone Main 431.
Coquille, Oregon
Attorney «oil Coonoellor Ht Lavi.
Offlot* in Robinson Building
a t t o r n e y - a t - l a w
Offlo in Bobinson Building, Upstairs
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Office Phone 335 Main
Residence Phone 346 Main
O 0 QOH.LK C i t y , O rk
Martin Building
Front Stree
CoquiLLB, O beoon
! ________
I __
A. J. Sherwood,
A ttobnky - at - L a w ,
N otary P odlio ,
Walter Sinclair,
A txorney - at - L a w .
N otaby P u b l ic ,
Hall & Hall,
A tto r s k y s - at L a w ,
Dealer in
R e a i . E st a t e o f
all kinds.
Marshfield, Oregon.
_______ !____________ _____ J ___ -
E. G. D. Holden
L a w yk b ,
J ustice or thk P eace
U. S. Commissioner, Genersl Insuranoe
Agent, and Notary Pnblio. Offloe
in Robinson Building.
W ickham
Phone Main 13X.
Board by Day, WecK or Month
Sanjple Roonjs
Nice Batljs
Special Attention Paid to
the Traveling Public.______
H. E. Shelley
C arpenterand Builder
CorUi“ -' L :v .
New York Democratic.
New York, Nov 9 . - -With 166
districts missing, Dix, Democrat,
for governor. 229,078, and Stimsnn,
Oregon s Newly Elected Governor Republican, 194,618, Dix’s plura­ Citizens Highly Gratified Over the
Makes Some Plain, lerse
Large Majority Given at Tues­
lity iu the eutire state will be about
day's Election
67,000. Dix carried tbe entire tick­
et with him.
Oswald West, Oregon’s Govern­
The decisive majority by which
Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 9.— John the Port of Coos Bay won out in
or-elect, upon receiving the news
K. Tener, republican, won for gov­ yesterday’s election is the caure of
of his election, said in part:
My election is not a personal vic­ ernor by 25,000.
much rejoicing today on the Bay.
tory for me, but a triumph ol the
Boston, Mass,, Nov. 9 .— Eugene While all the figures are not exact­
direct primary, Statement One snd Foss, democrat, won for governor ly obtainable, the indications are
rule by the people. Thousands of by 25,000.
that the Bennett amendment was
Republican votes were given to me
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 9.— B. W. defeated by about two to one while
on this issue and as a protest Hooper, republican and fusionist, the $300,000 bonding proposition
against assemblyism. Along with won for governor by 1 5,000.
carried by about five to one.
my public record, I made opposi­
While nearly everyone was cer­
Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 9.— The
tion to tbe assembly and to corpor­
democrats claims the election of tain that the port question would
ation domination in politics, tbe
the whole state ticket from Gov­ carry as it did, much interest cen­
chief issues in my campaign. The
tered in the size of the majority.
ernor Harmon down.
indorsement that tbe people bave
In consequence of it being large
given me is their seal of approval of Editor Marsters and the Arab. enough to be thoroughly decisive,
things I stood and stand for. I
everyone is satisfied.
What better evidence does any
thank them and all my friends for
Messrs. L J. Simpson and C. S.
it, and ussure them that so far as in one want to convince them that the Winsor of North Bond, the two
my power lies they will not have Master Game Vv arden and his trave­ new commissioners who fill the
standing places of W. P. Evans and J. C.
cause to regret the choice they have ling
in with the class of people as Gray, will take office the fiist of
Or gon is a spleudid common­ the Brownsville gang just convicted the year.
wealth. Its system of government and fined in Justice Miller’s court
As soon as the supreme court dis­
is an inspiration to the country, for violating the game law? This poses of the pending litigation,
and one of the state’s greatest pub- crowd has been in tbe hills all sum­ which tue Port Commission is con­
lie assets. To overthrow or muti­ mer as bave other just such crowds, fident will be to uphold the lower
late that system would, in my judg­ killing does and fawns and was ne­ court, arrangements for disposing
ment, be a crime, not only ngainst ver molested by either Morgan or of the amount of bonds to carry
Oregon and its people, but against the Arab. The latter while here out the present projects will be
the people of tbe whole country. last summer wag told of several made.
It is a system that is progress, that parties iu the hills who were vio­
Tbe dredge Oregon is today ar­
is government by conscience in pub­ lating the law, but not a step did be ranging to stait work in tbe Lone
lic affairs, and that should stand take to apprehend them, but has Tree shoal between the mouths of
put in his time between Gold Beach Pony Inlet and North Inlet.
unharmed and unchanged.
As governor, I shall not be the and Grants Pass via Crescent City,
E. Mingus—The election results
representative to any class, faction inquiring of the settlers along the on the Port election measures is a
or clique, but shall he the public road if aDy of their neighbors had splendid pronouncement made on
servant an I active agent of all tbe killed a deer without license. Cur­ behalf of tbe principles of progres­
people, and shall, in co-operation ry’s portion of the state tax has in­ sive develepment and a fitting re­
with all our citizens, work for a de­ creased almost if not one half more buke to personal spite and freeze-
veloped, a greater, and a united than it w*as before the enactment of ing policies.— Coos Bay Times.
-----------> — » ----------- -
the game law
Where does it go?
“ I am pleased to recommend
Why to pay the Master Game War-
C o a ste r has N a rro w Escape. deli incompetent deputies, to bar­ Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as
rage the settlers and protect such tlie best thing I know of and safest
In crossing the Hogue Eiver bai men as the crowd, as they lazily remedy for coughs, cold and bron­
last Friday, with a number of pas­ lay around camp and smoke the chial trouble,” writes Mrs. L. B
sengers on board, the Coaster bad bams of little fawns.— Globe.
Arnold of Denver, Colo. “ We have
a narrow
used it repeatedly and it has never
wrecked. A heavy swell was run­
to give relief.” For sale by
The Pacific Monthly’ s Special
ning and she grounded on the
all dealers.
Introducto Offer
roughest part of the bar, where she
* »• » •
was swept by five heavy seas before
she finally floated off.
A logger
from Coos Bay named Tom W il­
liams, who had been fishing on
Rogue River this fall, had his leg
broken and badly smashed by a
tierce of salmon falling on it. He
was not suffering greatly when, the
boat reached this port and was tak­
en on to Coos Bay for medical
James Crew,
Strahn and
a gentleman whose
name ne did not learn, landed at
this place which was the former’s
destination but the latter had a suf­
ficiency of tbe briny deep for one
time and preferred to take the
stage north.— Tribune.
An apple grower in the Hood
River district hauled 135 boxes of
fancy Spitzenburg apples from his
orchard into that town recently,
the total weight being 6750 pounds.
Two horses only were required to
transport tbe load seven miles from
the farm to warehouse, which is an
indication that the highways in
that famous valley are as good as
anywhere and in keeping with the
wonderful excellence fo the fruit
there produced.—Homestead.
Missouri claims that her hens lay
The Pacific Monthly, of Portland.
eggs than those of any other
Oregon, is a beautifully illustrated,
state and tries to prove it by show­
monthly magazine which gives very
full information about the resources ing that 114 counties of the state
produced and sold $ 45 , 002,655 worth
and opportunities of the country ly­
ot poultry, eggs, and feathers dur­
ing West of the Rockies. It tells
ing 1909 . This causes editorial
all about the Government Reclama­
comment by one ot the largest city
tion Projocts, free Government land
dailies as follows; “ The good prices
and tells about the district adapted
paid for poultry products at the time
¡ d fruit raising, daiiying. poultry
of the world’s fair caused the far
raising, etc. It has splendid stories
rners to realize the profits in this
by Jack Londos and other noted
line of farming, and since then the
value o! chickens, poultry, eggs,
The price is $1.50 a year, but to"
and feathers has more than tripped.
ntroduce it we will send six months
More attention has been paid to the
for fifty cents. This offer must be
raising of poultry all over the coun­
accepted on or before the February
try and statistics on this feature of
1, 1911. Send your name aud ad­
farming would probably show that
dress accompanied by fifty cents in
in nearly any of the states farmers
stamps and learn all about OregOD,
have devoted more lime to it.—
Washington, Idaho, and California.
Address, The Pacific Monthly,
. «• » .
Portland Oregon.
Nate Moore, on 6 of upper Chet-
co’s piomineht stockmen, brought
When in Bandon recently Dick
to town last week, ten panther
Buell got some samples o f brick
skins and secured tbo bounty on
made there by B. L. Tracy, a bro­
them. Aside from these ten pan­
ther of W. A. Tracy of this city.
thers Mr. Moore killed twenty-four
The samples show a firm, hard
bears since August. This is a fair
quality of brick and those who bave
sample of what stockmen in the
examined them declare that they are
mountains have to contend with, in
very much better for any purpose
order to protect their flock.— Gold
than tbe brick that bave been
Bench Globe.
shipped up, from San Francisco.
If this is true tbe people here
With the present prices of beef,
should assuredly patronize tbe Ban- which all authorities agree can not
dnn yards, serving two purposes by- be lowered, the production ol fat
getting good brick and supporting cattle on farms where the work has
a local industry.— Myrtle Point En­ 1 mg been forgotteu will be found
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Li­
ver Tablets do not sicken or gripe,
and may be taken with perfect safe­
ty by the most delicate woman or
the youngest child. The old and
feeble will also find them a most
suitable remedy for aiding and
M anufacturers o f
strengthening their weakened di­
The CelebratedBerqmann Shoe gestion and for regulating the " I do not believe there is a D y
The Strongest and Nearest Water bowels. For sale by all dealers.
other medicine so good as Cham­
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners
berlain's Cough Remedy,” writes
prospectors and mill men.
It takes a smart man to wait pa­ Mrs. Francis Turpin, Junction
621 Thurman Street
tiently for dinner when the hour City, Ore. This remedy is also un­
P o r t l a n d , O regon .
¡comes. His wife can wait for him surpassed for colds snd croup. For
a month ot Sundays; but if she is sale by all dealers.
m i s M t l .l v .
not right on the tick when he comes
Be thankful every day; don’ t pie 1
Ten head dairy cows in good con
io, tbeie will be trouble right along. your gratitude all on to one day.
dilion and giving milk. Am sell­
! Most things have two sides tothem ! The man who is thankful only
ing them for want of feed, and diffi
j Isn’t this one of them?
when the Governor says he must
culty in getting suitable help to care
Gentlemen, do you waot a new never is very thankfnl any day.
for the cows. Inquire of.
tie? Robinson's Store is the place to
For a job of first-class Mending,
W . D. R o b e r t s . Riverton Ore :iod the stock to select from.
[ Dying or Cleaning, or a new suit
School supplies at Knowlton’s tailored, call at the rear of the
New and fresh groceries alway*
1 Pharmacy building. K. Holveraoo,
on hands at Prane* Store,
First Class W oik Guaranteed.
Theo. BerpanShoe Mfe.Co.
For pains in tbe side or chest
dampen a piece of flannel with
Cnatnberlain’s Liniment and bind it
on over the seat cf pain. There is
nothing better.
For sale by all
W bat
JC, 1910
P er Y ear SI.f 0
the W orld Gets from
the Farm.
When the world wants gooi cowsl
horses, sheep, hens and bogs it
sends out to the farm and gets
When it wants good things to
eat it writes a letter to the farmers
and is never disappointed in get­
ting just what it orders.
When it wants the choicest fruits
our farms bave it. If fruit is not
pleantiful in the East; there is the
great West to draw from.
WheD it iB looking for homes for
tbe thousands in other lands who
never knew what borne really is, it
sends to this great oountry of ours.
When the world feels tbe need of
men to do great things, it reaches
out its haDd to the farm, and says:
"Y o u ba v ejust tbe one* we want.
Send them to us! It is a time of
sore stress; do not faft U 6 P’
And from the farms a steady
stream of men goes to answer tbe
call. You find them in the offices,
in the factories, in the stores of the
great cities. They are doing much
of the world’s work today, and they
will alway* be doing it; or the
farm grows just that kind of men.
Tbe world gets its best from the
farm; and there is a-plenty left.
Let’s he thankful for that!—From
November Farm Journal.
Kodak Finishing
a Specialty
Work Done in %
anv finish
Three doors North o f Drane’ s Store
All Work Guaranteed
Coquille, Oregon
Developm ent
Makes Kodaking Easy
No Dark
So far, a news item states, 48
places bave been selected at which
postal savings banks will be opened
one in each state aDd territory.
The town selected in Oregon is
Klamath Falls; in Washington,
Olympia; in Idaho, Coeur d’ Alene A. J. J H E R W 0 0 0 P r a t .
R. E.SHINE, V i t e P r i t
and in California, Oroville. It is to
l . H. HAZARD, C a i h l e r
0 C. SANFORD, A « » . Cashier
be expected that the system will be
put ioto operation in these places
next January. It is supposed that
these are only the beginning, and
that later postal saving banks will
O p C O Q U I l i U B , O R H G O r i.
be provided in every county and
perhaps in most towns.
That is
T r a n sa c ts a General B an kin g B u sin e ss
what the people desire and expect.
Not all the bankers are opposed to
them. The National City bank of
B o a rd o f D i r e e t o r i .
C o r re s p o n d e n t* .
New York, in its November circular R. G. Dement,
A. J. Sherwood,
National Bank o Commerce, New York Ci
L. Harlocker,
L. H. Hazard, Crocker Wool worth N’ lBank, San Franc!
says: “ It is within the probabili­
Isaiah Hacker.
R. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland,
ties that a large accumulation of
postal deposits may obviate the
necessity for an issue of Pana­
Z a V a V a Y
ma bonds. If this should prove to
be the case, one of the most serious
complications of recent times, so
far as the government bond situa­
tion is concerned, will have been
M . D. S H E R R A R D , P R O P R IE T O R
solved.” — Portland Journal.
Rose Building, Second Street,
Washiogtoo, Nov. 8 .—N o more
re enumerations of populations will
be made in connection with the
thirteenth census unless on account
of fraud. This announcement was
made today by Director Durand, of
the Census Bureau. He was speak­
ing of the demand of Baltimore for
a recount, but the statement was
made as of general as well as of
special application.
g Coquille
chinery— large
* »•* —
Are prepared to do all kinds of repairing iu ma­
small— in a scientific
workman-like manner,
attention given
to Donkey and Gasoline Engines, Automobiles, etc
Charleston, Nov, 10.— President
Taft sailed today for tbe Isthmus
of Panama to get in personal touch
with conditions on the big canal.
He sailed on the cruiser Tennessee
with the cruiser Moatana as a con­
voy. He expects to be back in
Charleston Nov. 22.
~r.r>- c y
Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag- ^
ing a Specialty.
A G ood P osition
Can be had by ambitious young
men and ladies in the field o f “ Wire­ sp
less” or railway telegraphy. Since
the 8 -hour law became effective,
and since the Wireless companies
are establishing stations through­
out the count! y there is a great
shortage of telegraphers. Positions
pay beginners from $70 to $90 per
month, with good chance of ad­
The Natijual Tele­
graph Institute of Portland, Ore.,
operates six official institutes in
America, under supervision of R. R.
and Wireless Officials and places all
gradua tes into positions.
It wil
pay you to write them for full de
One o f the
Most Up-to-Date Shops in the City
C o q u ille ,
O re g o n |
----- ------*
Quick A Curry make the galvan­ A cre
T racts for Sale
ized screen door; standard sizes on
Near Prosper.
band; spetial sizes made in short
order. Also handy, adjustabte win­
walk from Mill,
dow screens, ironing boards, sleeVa Htore and Schoolhouse.
boards, bread boards, drain boards acres are to be had at a very low
and meat safes.
figure, if sold soon.
--- —----*+*%&*-------
W. H. S mith
Foa S a l e — B l a c k breasted r e d
game», inquire at tb»^ office.
Prosper, Oregon.
T 'V
We Carry
Fresh and Salt Meats.
We are headquarters for euerything in the meat line.
wants always receives prompt attention.